Tbt Dalles Daily Ghrr.ulit. TtTK IIAI.L.KS, 2 ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the , only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug- , gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL WUlSVJLiS. KT. MEW YORK, M.Y. I'EI.'SDNAL MENTION 'Mr. A. K. Dufur is in the city today. , H. L. Frazier, of Arlington, is in the 1 r.ity today. ; C. B. Dunb.tr was in the city from his hime at Goldendaltj yesterday. Frank Shahfou, brother of Mrs. Mark Long, is visiting tii sister in this city. S. P. Brigsis is in the city from Arling ton visiting his family and transacting , business. ; i D. 0. Herrin, sta.te lecturer for the A. O. U. W., is in the city from Portland. He is on his way to make a lecturing tour of Eastern Oregon, i j Mr. Homer McFarland, a former Dalles boy, is in the city from Los An- pele? visiting his sister, Mrs. Moody, i and meeting friends. He is on his way to Butte, Mont., where he expects to remain. j A Hot Time in the Old Town. t There's been a hot time in the old I 'town while the wool-growers have been"! with us; but, gentle people, the hot) time is nnt over yet, for there's going to Le a hot time in real estate and insur-; nnee in the old town wi the future. J When you hear old. Dad Butts go by, don't forget he's got business in his eye, a saiiinle of which might be briefly men- j tioned in this way : A corner lot ; good house; well improved; city water; streets all graded ; within ten minutes' walk Irom the posloffice for $300. And this isn't all lie has. See him and be convinced. tf STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. j .Notice is hereby given that there will be an annual meeting of the stockhold- ers of The Dalles, Portland & Astoria j Navigation Co. at their office Saturday, April 2, 1S98, at 2 p. rn., for the pnrpose j of electing seven directors, aua transact- ( ing such other business as inav properly j come before said meeting. By order ol the president. The Dalles March 1, 1698.! C. L. Phillips, Secy. One Minute Cough Cure, cures, Thit Is what It was made lor. NOTIUK. Members of Camp No. 32, G. A. It., ami all comrades are requested to meet ut Fraternity Hall this evening at 9 o'clock. " M.m:v Lkaukeu. President W. K. C. To Cure a Colli in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund tl e money if they fail to cure. 25c. DeWitt's Littie Early Risers, The fjmuU-, llillr pilll. Ask your Druggist CATARRH for a generous 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cream Balm contain no cocaine, mtreary twr any other injurious drug. .It U quickly Absorbed. Give Itellef at once. the Naul PaMK. 0010 lfc H C A D Allaya Inflammation. 1 .Ileal and Protect Mm Metabranr. Htntorea the irJcntM of Taite and SaaeU. Full Use Mc ", Trial SUelOc.: atDraratfUorbymall. J.YRW'BXI81S Wwm , !fwyort THE LANGUAGE OF EDEN. Said br IllshlnmUTn to llnvc llpen CSnrllc. The Scottish Highlanders have al ways been firmly convinced that Adam and Eve used "ta Gaelic:" and it is jrratifyinjr to ilnd that nhiioloiris's, as they grow wiser, are coming lom.tl to the same opinion, says the iv-ottish American. It is true that they have made no express admission to this ef fect as yet, but there is evidence that we are on the eve of an nektmwledg n.ent that Gaelic was the original lan guage of the human race. The latest deliverance on the subject, if it does not altogether silence these skeptics and scoffers who derided this article of Highland faith, ought to at least make them give pause. Dr. l.eit her. a distinguished German orientalist and .philologist, has declared Gaelic to be a "contemporary or derivative of the l'rakit, closely allied to th.- spoken lan guage and out of which Sanscrit be came a written language." He even goes so far as to assert that there seem to be in the. Gaelic "certain survival's of a prehistoric language." Clearly this point in the direction of the Highland contention, and the pres ent acknowledgment, therefore, al though tardy, and not, perhaps, quite so full as might be desired, will no doubt be welcome. Hut Gaelic has another distinction. It is, as even the Sassenach knows, the language to swear in. The distinction, however, is that one does not quite har monize with the theory of its Para disaical origin. TWO BROTHERS. A TouchltiK liixtnm-t- of True Ilrotli erly I.ove. Here is the story of two brothers who stuck to one another through life, and in death were not divided, says Les lie's Weekly. They were past til) years of age, and. being reported ill and des titute in the old house where they lived alone, were removed to liellevue hospital. Each, though helpless, was anxious to take care of the other. When asked if they had any friends, both gave the same reply: 'L'he best friend 1 have in the world is my brother here." On their cots side by side they lay dying, yet neither appeared to have any thought of his own suffering, but asked continually that something be done for his brother. The elder one died first, saying: "Gootl-by. John, dear. God bless you!" Less than four hours af twr this farewell John breathed his last. The next day it was the day after Christmas the two brother.- lay side by side in the morgue, where an aged woman, who had been their friend, came and identified the bodies, promis ing to notify relatives who would see that they were buried together. Such is a real incident from the great epic of daily life in the metropolis, and it points its moral better than some fiction. EXIT THE ARCTIC WHALE. I'nrsult liy Mrtn Hum Virtually Uxtin KUiHheit the Deeii-Seii .HonHtt-r. Whalers, and especially the mar. with the harpoon, have always been popular characters, and, indeed, the perils and exploits of their trade form not the least stirring chapter in tfie romance of commerce, says the London Graphic. It will, therefore, touch most of us with some slight sense of loss to learn as a correspondent of the Pall Mall Gazette assures us that, as far as the arctic seas are concerned, that chapter is closed. This is a prosaic age. and the results of that famous corporation of whalers, the Dundee Arctic Fisheries e.-.mpany, limited, for the last two years have, it is said, not only not satisfied the shareholders, but have resulted in a heavy loss. The right- whale, which provides the famous bone, has become ho scarce that a ship is nowadaj's lucky if it be rewarded by even one small one a.- the reward of a whole season's struggle with arctic fog and ice. A parallel might be drawn between the pursuit of the arctic leviathan and the African behemoth, the elephant. Mod ern improvements in weapons of de struction have so thinned both their tribes that, as objects of profit, they have almost ceased to be worth the seeking. Sol veil the .MyMtery. A man in Paris has been making a good deal of money exhibit ing a curious animal in the cafes ehantnnt and such places. It was a very queer little ani mal, and the alert Parisians were will ing enough to drop the petit sou for a sight of it. Still, look as they would, none could determine the creature's species. It was interesting, but it was baflling, and the exhibitor coineii money. One day, however, a dog chanced to follow a curious beholder into the cafe chantant. Immediately 'he wondrous animal humped it back like n diminutive camel, and liegan to hiss and spit.1 The mystery was solved! I was a shaved cat! Ai-rlnl Trolley. C'hllkat's aerial trolley road, eight miles long, is not an experiment, as the system has been tested in other parts of the world. The cars, holding two passengers and a grlpman, travel ijnder tier two ropes suspended in the air, with another cable underneath to con duct the power, the capacity of the line will be 120 tons dally, equivalent to 200 miners and their outfits. The con struction of the road is simple, and it will probably be running by April. Just as Good as Scott's and wc sell it much j cheaper," is a statement sometimes , made by the druggist when Scott's j Emulsion is called for. This shows that the druggists themselves regard ' Scott's Emulsion of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypophos- , phites of Lime and Soda as the , standard, and the purchaser who., desires to procure the u standard because he knows it has been of ! untold benefit, should not for one . instant think of taking the risk of using some untried prepa ration. The substitution of something said to be "just as gcxxT' for a stand ard preparation twenty five years bn the market, should not be permitted by the intelligent purchaser. He sure vou cei SCOTT'S Emulsion. See that the man and fiah are on the wrapper tec and Si.uo, all druggists. SCOTT & HOWNE, Chemfsts, Kew York. GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. Srn'iinnlite llHrg-ilii f.ir Oulcl. inn! I.ivi-f The following seasonable offering must ' be seen to be appreciated. The qi5.i!i ties and tlie prices make them genuine bargain-. If you are interested reply at once before they are sold out : ' Navy or black, all-wool Serge Dress Skirts; lull percaline lined, tiuishfd senilis, velvet bound, correct sweep, 2 ol). Skirts of fancy mixed nwis, navy storm serges, jila-n or tijured lirilnuti- , tines, lined and bound as above, f!) 00. Braided fine clot'i Skirts, fancy rich combination plaic's, plain cheviuts. j black bourettes, etc., $o.50. i -- f Fancy flowered Silk Waists with fund ; waist liniug, detachable linen collars', j silk turn-over cuffs, $2 30. ! Figured black Silk Grenadine Waists, j nude up over brii.'iit-ejlored iining, silk ruflU at neck, fJ.OO. Prices quoted on above represent but about one-halftheir value. ' ' A. M. Williams & Co. i THE PRIZE KANSAS BABY CITY or HO. tie CUTICURA ECZEMA REMEDIES Our tahy Trhn tiiri wceSn old was rxullyaf-fllct'-l with Eczema. Her heuUarmi. nk. Itmbi. and nearly fery Joint In her Uxiy vcas raw am! Mt"l!ni.' when w cooclutfcil ti trj" CnicuiiA ItEHEUlES. We l-ra!i with (-Tticuiia (oint ment) and CiniCiliiA SOAP, aad t'jttr Iftt flrit appl'caum we could it a clnnjre. After we had ut tliem one week eomeof tlio rnrc3 liad l.cikJ eatlrely. and ceasul to fprad. In lew tlian a month, the was Jrn- from ecales and blcmliho. and 1wlay ha.) xt iuYiy Mn and hair as any child, fine was fhnwn at I lie (iranrc Kalr. and took a Premium a llw prcltlt lnhy.ovcr i Ixtwn otlwn I K. 4 .Mii I'aiiK. 10M I!-ll!7lew Ave.. Kan. City. 8U eTtrjwhtrc. l"orriK lino ft Cmi.Cor..lktoa, Jerrys grow paying crops because they're reab aud alvry the bt. For sale everywhere. Itefuao substitutes. fjtlck tb Ferry's BcccU and prosper. 1S33 Beed Annual free. Write for It. D. M. FERRY & CO., Detroit, Mich. J)'!V iKlSKNlJOKr'FKJt KtBDV, Physicians and Surgeous, 6ial sttcntton tvcn to suwry. Hoonm 21 and 2.', Tel. 32. Vot lltock J. S. Hchkxk. Prenldent. II. M. llf.Al. , (.'ushier First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A Oeneral Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange aold or. New York, Ban FrancUco and port land. Dl KKOTOKB D. P. THOMfKON. JltO. 8. 8UHIMCK. Ed. M. Williaits, Gbo, A. Likhb. H.M. Bbai.l. Cared ofX I ) By NX FHEE. FREE. - q) (9 WeJWill Give- 1 to am Subscribers! and Persons subscribing unci paying up in ad vance for the Weekly GhroDiele mn Answer Any Question You may Ask It. Standard American Annual. PRICE GENTS Ready Jan. I, 1898, On All News Stands. & w j: js jg js Larger, Better, More Complete Than Ever. "The mosl vid:ly sold liimtal Rtfet tuct Book and Poltttral Mamul pitbhsbtd. THE WORLD, Pulitzer Building, New York. TILLETT 8 GALLIGAN, WM. TILLETT. H. GALLIGAN. Sul I'roprlHtoti of tli CKI.KItKATKO X'AhlllA AI'I'I.K. Hood River Nursery, Til. LETT X' G AI.l.K; AN, I'rops. First'dasa Nursery Stock a Specialty I tug coMia Packing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFACTUttlihHUK Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON i)KIKI) BKKF. ETC. Tte World Illt'lK 0 Encyclopedia Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, TmFEED Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOll FlOUT 'f,lis Floar ,B nnfMStured exprensly for family wu' use; every nack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. We tell our goods lower than any house in tbe trade, and if you don't think so call and get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oate. Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Kivoi mi ilnuiclit the ci'lt'lirntecl COUWIU'A lli:i:it, m-Uimvl-rilaiMl i hp livst bror In The Hullo.-, ut the imml jirliv. I'lime In, try ! unit he i ni vltieeil. Al-o the Hiu it hmmli ol Wiure, l.t innrs mill ('iei. Sanduuiehes if nil tlitflk lifrt v k mi Itiltlit. u jt Patronize the All klml nt work. White Shirts n sHelnlty. Kiunllv work nt reilueeil r.te. Wash enllecleil mill ilcllvcitil tree. Tli-ilioiie No. I 111. H. D. Parkins, Agt, Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Watchmaker 4 Jeweler All work promptly nttendeil to, uml warruiitetl. 174 VOGT LOCK FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ntANSAlTA ( E N K It A L II A S K I N Ct IIUSlNEd Lettera of Credit issued available iu the Eastern States. Sight Exchango and TulernpliiL TranBferg Bold on New York, Chiciieo, St. Louis, Son Francisco, Portland Ore t?on, Seattle Wusli,, and various points in Oregon und Washinuton. Collections tnaJu at ull points on fav orable terms. THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION. 1H 1'ukh u Vok. 15 (i I'mierH u Year It etiuulB fir.st anions 'weokly" papure in size, frcqtiunuy of publication fresbness, vuriet and reliability of cor. tentH. It is practically a daily at the low price o a weekly ; and itH vaHt liet of Hubifcribers, extendiiiK to every Htate and territory of tbe Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fuiniBHfi of itfl newfl columne. It in splendidly illuatratt'd, and among Itfl Hpecial feattireu uro a fine humor puge, exhaiifltive market reports, all the latent fashions for women and a Inn fioriea of storleH by tbe greatest living American and English authors, rjnnnn Doyln, Joronin K. .lemma, Htunluy M'ymiitf Mary K. WIlkliiH Antliouy llu,, Unit llurte, llruiulr MaltliHtrs, Ktc. We ofTer this unequaled newspaperand The Dulles Twice-a-Week Chronicle to gether one year for J'-'.OO. The regular price of the two papers is 3.00. Children and adults tortured by burns, i scalds, injuries, ezuma or skin diseases may secure Instant relief by using Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is the great pile remedy. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or TIIK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Train leave unit mto. nun tii nrrlvc ut I'nrtlmw I.KAVK. V.tVK OVKUI.AND KX ires, Anient, Itiwe- ' jure. At-hlnml, Sue- I oioo r .. I rmnuiitii, OKileit.Suli ! 1 KrHiielnn, MoJhvu, ( !! AllKelen, hi rw. I New urli'im mill ' , I Kimt . i j..)., i m lli)ebtK anil wny itn- ..) A. .M.,,,Ih i I Vln Woiulliiini fur 1 1'. M Dully except .Slllhlllj-H. Dully ' .except bunilitys I Mt.AUKel. Hlivuruin, , West Held, liriiwnx- ) vllle.HprlUKtielrt mid I, Natron . . I ITlM) A. M. ((rorvnllt.H mil! way fntiitlim 1 :.'t0 1' M INDKl'KNDKNt'K l'.SKN(ir.K. Kxprc.is trnl, Dully (except rlnmhiy). l;M)p. in, il.v. I'nttlnliil . Ar 7:;)p. in, Al MeMllinvllle .l.v, 8::l p. m. (Ar lni1epeiiileiice..I,v S Si n. in ''"iii H, ir l-.iOn. m Dully. (Dully, except hiiinliiy. MXI.N'C CAUS"()N OfiDK.N UOl'TK. I'L'I.UMAN UL'FKKT .SI.KKl'KHS A.S'D SKCOXD-CIASH SI.KKl'ING CAlls Attuclit'il to hII TlirmiRh Trains Direct connection ut vim rrniicleo with Orel ilentnl unit Oriental mill l'acltie mall sieuiii-,hlp lino for JATA.S uml CHINA. SutllliB dates ou ii I'lieuiiiNi. liutes Mini tickets to I'.nstern points ami Ku I nil. Ali-nJAl'AN. CHINA. IIONOI.l'lX uud ! Al'STHAl.lA. can hoohtnliiiHl Irom I J. II. KIHKKAND, Ticket ArciU, I ThroiiKh Ticket Oltice, i:il Third utrcet. where ; through tickets to all points In the Kiistem j rftates, Cniiadu mid Kuro;c! can tie ohlHliicd at I limivtt rates from , J. 11. KIltKLAND, Ticket Asent I All above trains arrive at and depart Irian Ciraiid Central Station. Fifth and Irvnig streets VAMHlI.I. DIVISION. , l'likiciiRor Deiit, foot of Jellerson slrcet. I U-iive for OSWEOO, dally, except bundiiy, nt , ;.2ua. in.; r.'.rj), i.r, r.v, c.'Si, "snw p. m and 11 :: p. in. on Saturday only, and 9:m a. m and :i::w p. in. on Sillidiiys only). Arrive ut l'ortland dally at 'fi:l0 and h;MJ a in. . anil 1 1, 1:1ft, 6:20 anil 7:.V p. in., (mid HP.l'i u. m , :i 15 5:IU p. m. on Sundays only). Leave for Shcrrdan, week days, ut l..'W p. m 1 Arrive at l'ottlmid, y;: u. in. I-eavc for AIUI.IE on Monday, Weiltioduv and i KrP'av at I': to a. in. Arrlv ut Portland, Tue' . dav, Thursday and Suturdiij it 11:05 p. m. Kxcept Sunday. "Kxcejit Saturday. It. KOEIII.EU, -Mummer. ti, It. MAHKIIAM, Asst. Ci. F. & 1'iiAs. Ailt ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. n S Pullman Elegent Torurist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car rT. I'AIM. MINNKArOI.I Diri.l'TII KAitGO JQ (lltAM) FOIt CHOOKSTON WINNH'KO HELENA till ItUTTK Through Tickets VMVAUtt VAMIUN(11M)N 1'IIII.A ItKI.rillA NEW VIIUK HUSTON AND AM. I'OINTH EAHT Hint HOIITH For lulormiitlmi, time curds, niMjMiHtiil tlckeu, ciil on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The lhillco, Ort-Kiin OK A. I). CHARLTON, Asst. G. I A., ii'S. Morrlxott Cor. Third. 1'orthiiid Oretjun Dalles, Mora and Antelope STAGELINE. Thriiuuh hy daylight Via Grain VnlU'i hetlX mid Cross Ilullinvs, DOIUU.AN AI.L.KN, Tim lllr. O. M. WIHTEI.AW. Aliti'liUMi. fitiiKC leuve The Dalles lroin l.'niiitlKn Home nt 7 ii. m hUii (rum AntulnH! lit T.'M a. in ever) Monday, Wednesday mid Krldny. :iiititiiiii inudu at Anteloiic lor I'rlnovlllf, MIKiholl iiiid imiIiiU beyond. Clout) cniivadoiiN iniidoiit Hie lialles with riithvuys, trains unit boats. filnues from Anli'lono realh The Dalles Tues day, Thurmlays and hutunlays ut p. m KATKH Of FA UK. Dalles to Deschutes do Morn do (Iniss Valley. . . do Kent. do Cross Hollows. . . , Alltelo! to Cross Hollows do Kent do Onus Valley do Mnro , do Deanhuees , do Dulles 1 W it ) 4 Hi 1 Hi U) s uo ITIKKD. W. WIMOS, : ATTOKNEV AT LAW, .... Otliee ovei Flrit Nat. IIhuk. B H HUNTINGTON H WIWON HUNTINOTOX 4 WIUION, ATTOKNKVH At LAW , TIIK DAI4.KH, OKK0O.N Office ovr Flrit Nat. Hunk.