r ElviBOIDEIES. 3 Big Drives 3. 5 Lot No. i. Twenty. five pieces 1 jV-ineh, Fine Cambric; all new patterns and fast edges; per yard ... 05c Lot No. 2. Twenty-five pieces 3.-inc:h Cambric Embroideries; all different patterns; per yard 10c Lot No. 3. Twenty-five pieceR 5-inch Cambric Embroideries; beautiful pattern"; good strong edges ; per yard 12jc Lonsdale Muslin, For this week only, at 6 i -4c per yard, ALL GOODS MARKED N PLAIN FIGURES. Clarice BlCYCLtES. One '05 Ladies' Cleve land Wheel Sftf Vory Much to the Good.' Two '97 Eagle Wheels at One "00 Cleveland.... Cent's Wheel "... . One "95 Eagle Cent's Wheel One '97 Boy's Eagle Wheel.. .' One '97 Girl's Eagle &W Wheel PUU In order to make room for our new stock, we are mak ing the above Low Prices. pease & mays, j MAIER & BENTON The Dalles Daily Chronicle. ll'KSDAY MARCH 8, WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Weather Tonight, fair and froHt; Wednesday, fair. Wanted a jrlrl to do general bona work. Inquire at thin otlice. County court will convene tomorro The docket, for thin term piomlBee to 1 very short one. Plain, mixed and dill pickles, olives ml pisrs' feet in hulk, at The Dalles Conitr.ission A Grocery Co. 'a. Just received Now lot of orange lemons, pinonpplcs, Ihuiiwhih and eauli- iiwer, at The Dalles Commission an' Grocery Co.'b. iiStf T. A. Van Xordon is making propara lions fur Hummer weather by having a mir awning I""- "I' front of his place cl btnineeH on Second street. The ninth saloon will scon he opened in Colfax. The saloons pay C00 annual license, nnd Colfax has more than twice unany ealoons as any other town in Whitman county. iin ii . mine pronnrmi! vour Hardens, re- member Mrs. A. C. Stubiini! Jc Son hnv many roses, hardy plants and shrub terieu, which will add greatly to the aij pearance of your home. d 1 w-wl m Jesse and Perry Pitchford, whoso loq- IMUR I workmen i , warehouse ib being )iished bb rapidly aa possible, and as the weather is favora ble, there is nothing to prevent the from rapidly completing it. The foundation and first door is finished, and the bricklayers are working on the alls at present. The O. It. t N. ie graveling the road from Celilo to Umatilla and hub two en gines and a steam shovel working on the same. During the last year this com pany has made every ellbrt to put the road in first-class shape, and the present good condition of the roadbed Ehows how successful the company hus been. Farmers all over the county are busily engaged in planting crops, uud it is only u matter of the gravest importance that would induce them to come to town at this time of year. For that reason It is a rare thing to see one of the tillers of he soil in the city at present, conse quently the town seems somewhat dull. The regular monthly output of the Red Boy mine, about $10,000, was brought into linker City Friday, and de posited at the First National bank for shipment to the United States mint. A large increase in the milling capacity of the Red Boy is now under headway, and the advance carloads of machinery are !'lVriving. l no marked improvement in tne roads and the warm pleasant weathe makes everyone want to take u turn on their wheels, and those who do not al ready own one aie urrnntrinir to make a V purchase at the earliest possible date. in order to bo in the swim it Is necessary to have a wheel this summer. II. C. Stnithson, the Seattle horse buyer, left Fossil a few days ago, after purchasing a carload twenty-two head of work horses in these parts, lie paid from $00 so $175 for teams weighing from 1100 to 1000 pounds, the latter price being paid for a lino big team from Jos. Chapman of Wnldron. The horses will be shipped to Seattle from Arling ton in a few days. Miss Mamie Driver, daughter of fiber ill' Driver, of this city, has completed the commercial course in the Portland llusiness College and received a diploma. In her final examination she made a general average of 07 !i-7, which la much nearer to perfect than the majority of studentH ever get. Iler many friends, i i r n ...... us we 1 llH I K lillltUMl'l.b, uuer uoi iwgeaiiip is at the junction of Thomal n.ftfil. .1 r. . . I I Will UIIUCU HI IIIU IJHMICOL IV Zl t: plain from all this that w jMlt ,i( wuu,vrww ji'Ub ut imuu iidi or the pulp mill at Oregon City. I'a Plata Sheep Dip, proven by every kit to be the best non-poisonous fluid 'lip in tliu world; guaranteed to euro Mb, Itch, sore throat, lice and hoof-rot. ClatkoA I-alk, agents, The Dalles. People from the interior atiito that the VHs is exceptionally lino for this time f year. Stock are In splendid shape, ,n(l will bo ready to turn nil' the range market earlier tlmn usual this year. A telegram from Hurry Lonsdale to ''lemlfi in the city, IoIIh of tho death of wiVouiiKitr brother in Missouri, and of hJ! intention to leave I.os Angeles last "H'ltfor his homo in Columbia, Mo., to be Present at the funeral. The Seven Devils Transportation Com a's steamer Muulo will make her '"' hip today to lluntlmrton. Tho Wiapany !ma thlrty-nlx four-horse teams tiu,r congratulatioiiB ,0,k .8u,)"Uo8 ,,ml Hurvnyord uro at Th() reporl )f ,hu ,nt!otiugof tho stock -v...Kuui mrminut yuriis. holdera of tho Columbia Southern R. R tf Petition from school districts which was held yesterday afternoon, "oty.four and Twenty-fivo whs grant readied us too late (or publication, and was a follows : The board of directors consisted of E. li. Lytic, .1. M. Murohie, C. O'Riloy. Tho hereafter to he include! board elected us olllcers, E. E. Lytle, 0.21. I nrnatilxnf. mill auditor! MllV Elirlgllt, A. 8. i n t t Hiiturv! V. O. Brock, treasurer. . .iC. u. i.uwur iuwiim. lira ibh mmy cuught tiiirtoen covoiohV It was supposed by everyone that tho "a7e wild cats this winter, since he ftlot iimchineB' duys wen? numbered th i i' ,10UndB- '-TIjo posts were so thick! when tho council guve oruVra that they iiihi 'ftd t0 (:orr, ,,,B flnoeD every be removed. Such is not he ease, how iagthliflbli, "ow ,ie oa" "e,n l0088! evur' Bi"00 tho 0WllurH of luaehines that " nem without being disturbod. 1 Cftm0 undor the title of gambling devices "0,lt on the addition to the WaBcolhave begun using trudcheekB in plnce f.1 V.. . " us mo county superintendent yesteif. taking the sk; oJ&. flwJi ne'J, Si m " 800 M ! 1 r ia 0lU i' May Jinright and D. lin '"'realtor to be in mn ll'e houndarieB of No. 21. of nickles, and thus getaround the or I dinnnce. So the nyfehlnea still con tin tie to run in this way. In u private letter received by friends I frniii Mru .!.. ...I,,,.. .1 were in San Francisco last week, she spoke of their disappointment in not be ing permitted to go through the presi dio, which is a beautiful place and a fuvorite resort for sight-seers. At pres ent no visitors are admitted, and it looka iib if they might be preparing for war, und were afraid an enemy might creep in. Co. G, O. N. G., of The Dalles, has is sued orders for a meeting Saturday evening, the 12lh inst., when arrange ments will be made lor drilling, bo that the company will be in shape whenever called on. Co. C, of Pendleton, is also preparing, and now has fifty-three mem bers and three officers, only seven short of a full company. Fifteen new mem bers were initiated at the meetim? held Friday night, and it is expected that the remainder of the sixty will be admitted at the next meeting. Rain fell last Thursday and Friday throughout the l'alouso country, stop ping farm work in many places, and putting tiie roads in such condition that travel is almost suspended. In the country west of Colfax considerable farm work has been done, and near Diamond, Lee's siding and Kndicott some tarinera are done seeding, and the recent rains will be of vast benefit to the wheat just sown. On Willow creek hill grain is green and growing rapidly, and much of the spring seeding is done, and the crop prospects are unusually good for this season of the year. On Wednesday, the 10th, Miss Doro thea Kliot, who for the past two years has been giving lessoua in vocal culture in this city, and Miss Harriet Stevens, of Portland, who will holier successor, will give a musical in the K. of P. hall, un der tho supervision of tho ladies of tho M. F. church. They will be assisted by some of Miss Kliot'a pupils, and the oc casion will ho a great musical treat, ns both of these young ladleu are finished vocalists. Many will remember Miss Stevens, who so delighted Dalles people with her instrumental music when here with Miss Gladys Jones. P. O. McFarhuio, a prominent citizen ' of Vancouver, who is operating a big ' logging camp at Sara, near Lake River, ' in Clarke county, met with a notions ac cident Saturday evening while working ' on a log railway, loading on tho cars. A heavy stick of piling fell on him, in juring his spine and causing partial pa ralysis of the lower limbs. It was thought by those who witnessed tho uc cident that he was dead, but through the assistance of men in the camp re storutiver were administered, und after some time he revived. The physician who attended him pronounces bis inju ries serious, but thinks he will probably recover. I'mcy Negro Died lu Jutl. About ii o'clock Thursday afternoon the city marshal found near the depot a demented negro who was peeping into !the windows of the offices, says the Pendleton East Oregonian. He was a full-blood, black as the ace of spade?, and appeared to be suffering from de lirium tremens. The man was very crazy. His talk was wild and disconnected, and his eyes shone with maniacal frenzy. He resisted arrest, and tried to bite, but with the assistance of two colored men, waa conveyed to the county jail, where he paced the cement floor of his cell like a caged beast. He could not tell his name. And it was only gathered that he had been a bootblack. At about 10 o'clock, after several hours of suffering, the pdor negro died at the jail, aud his body has now been conveyed to the potter's field for inter ment. There was absolutely nothing on his person by which he could be identi fied. I, ant NlRlit' rerfoniiuncr. George's Minstrel, which waa put on at the Vogt last evening, waa an excep tionally catchv show. In fact an audi ence, over four hundred, were caught by a performance which school boys would feel ashamed of putting before the public. Their music was fairly good aud the gun drill and juggling was also worth seeing, hut outside of this the show did not have a redeeming feature. Their jokes were worn out and few in number, their dancing was done by per sons who could not dance, while their singing was without an exception little better. At one time this show was worth seeing, but the stars have quit the company aud the show they put on at present would not please a child. The managers of the Vogl should not he blamed in the least for engaging such a troupe, for when tho contract was made, the show was well worth seeing, and it was only a few days ago that the men who made George's Minstrels the popular performance that it was, quit and left it what it is at present. Wo sincerely hope that such a per formance as this will not keep the pub lic from patronizing a good show when it conies to our city, for it is Mr. Kiner sly's endeavor to hove tho best on the road stop over at this place and tho fact that that of lust night being what it was is no fault of his. 0l('lllii, Prof. P. G. Dout will opnu up an op tician parlor on Second street, two doors west ol Keller's bakery. Tho professor lias been employed by Harry Liebe, the jeweler, for Beveral months and leaves him with the best of recommendations, His work speaks for itself, und he lias many homo testimonials, which he will be glad to show to anyone desiring to see them. Ilia patients are his friends and ills friends are his patients, for lie is an expert Ui fitting the eye perfectly in all cases. Anyone wishing their eyes examined uud properly fitted will do well to give him a trial. He states that he will be rsady to open up by Tuesday, the 8th, and will, for a beginner, make a special ...reseept Bieyeles... t 1898 Models are now ready for inspection. Prices from $27.50 to $50.00. New Ideas at every point. The Wheel that sells at an honest price. Bicycles Cleaned and Repaired. MAYS & CROWE. We have strietly First-Class Fir, Oak and -Maple Wood. To "be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. T T T- j n Phone 25. J 1 meters 06 UO. reduction for ten daya only. He will also do all kinds of complicated watch work, jewelry repairing and diamond setting. lie cornea here with the best of rec ommendations as an eye specialist, and can, undoubtedly, do as be agrees. We are pleased that he lias decided to re main in our city, and recommend him to the patronage of our readers. tf BURGLARS GET $300. Strong Clew to tlio Koluerie Sulci lie FuruUheil tho 1'olice. to Industrious burglars made a profitable haul in Portland early Sunday morning. They broke into the Keith Bros, cafe, on Fifth and Alder streets, and opened a treasure-box containing $300 in cash. The robbery was committed in the early hours of the morning. When the place waa opened Sunday morning the discov ery was made that the closet where tho money-box waa kept had been entered and the cash taken. The owners ot the place refuse to say anything about the robbery. It is learnd that they have supplied the officers with i clew, and it is supposed that the rob bers are being hunted for. The character of the robbery indicates that the burglars were well informed aa where some of the money taken in was kept. It is understood that there waa about $300 in the cash-box, but one of the pro prietors deniea stating what amount wuh j taken. NEWS NOTES. Rich quartz mines have been discov ered near Dawson. They are said to be richer tlmn any placer claims. The president has secured an option on eight war vessels in Europe and four I Japanese vessels in this country. Hon. Theodore Davie, chief justice j and ex-premier of Ilritish Columbia, 1 died yesterday morning at Victoria, j The Tageblatt yesterday published a 1 dispatch from Pekin saying China baa I agreed to lease Port Arthur nnd Tallen I Wan to Russia for ninety-nine years. Sunday morning Havana was awak ened by the hisa of rockets and military music that announce!) the arrival of an- j other cruiser. It was the Alfonso lllth, j loaded with 1500 Spanish soldiers. i "Cyclone" Davie of Texas is lo he sent to Oregon by tho silver parties to I preach silver unity to tho Populists. The "Cyclone" goes ns a former middle-' of-the-road Populist, who has scon the ! error of tho pust and is now u convert to fusion. It ie probable that both tho bills for tho relief of the survivors and the vic tims, of the Muine disaster and tho sen ate bill creating two additional regi ments of artillery, with which to man the coast defenses, will pass the house this week, The senate wil', in all probability, be gin the week with the consideration of the bill making appropriation far tiie District of Columbia, aud when this is An Interesting Story ih attractive ut all times. No one can afl'iird to let the evenings at home be spent without good reading matter in these daya when good' books cost so little. Our stock cil'era some very attractive, up-to-date and standard literature which will interest all. I. C. Ickelsen Book St music Company, completed, will take up the conference report on tho legislative, executive and judicial appropriation bill. Rev. E. Edwards, pastorof tho English Baptist Church at Minersville, Pa., when suffering with rheumatism, was advised to try Chamberlain's Pain Halm. He says: "A few applications of this liniment proved of great service to me. It suhsiied the infiamiulou and relieved the pain. Should any suffer profit by g'ving Pain liulm a trial it will please me." For sale by BluUolcy it Hough ton. llt ht tit All. To cleanse the syetein in u gentle aud truly beneficial manner, when tho springtime comes, use the true and per fect remedy, Syrup of Figs, lluy tho genuine. Manufactured by tho Califor nia Fig Syrup Co., only, ami for Hale hy all druggists, at 50 cents per bottle. Dr.GUNNsS For Pcoplo That Aro n H I 1 A NLLd Siok or "Just Dou'tl Fool Woll." ONLY ONE FOR A DOSE. Remotes Pimples, cure Headache, Dyspepsia nd CostUeress. 25 els. u lioi at clniwhta or by mall baiuplea IVc a J Jrvba Dr. Uosanko Co. .PiilU. I'a. SEEDS A siilomllil nsboitinnit of Who Etuljle, (ianlt'ii anil linifs f-ccils lu Hulk. Kivd Wheat, Sent Outs, JCjg SitiI Hurley, Feci! Heiil It ye. Oil Men I dike am! IVrtlllA'rs, Elli'C billliiillcB, Kurly ItofO I'nta- mmmm toeti. Klcvim kluiU ut llrxt cliias Wi Kefit Corn. I'oultry unit Kgs bought anil tolil at n J.. H. CROSS' D Cheap (.'iitli Grocery anil Food Hture, b'evouil auil Union 8ts. SEEDS