r 0 The Dalles Daily Chrr.ihul. TUK 1IAM.KS, OltKllON ore kjoy Both tho method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant mid refreshing to the taste, and acta gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Uowcls, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeablo substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRAHCISCO. CAL LOUISVILLE, Kt. HEW YORK, N.Y. HI SDNAl. J1K.VTIHN C. A. Cooper of I'rinoville is in the city. W. C. Allnway went tD Portland this morning. W. Laidl of Gnldendale spent Sunday ,n tins citv. Frofessor Gavin returned irom Gold endale vesterdav. Mr. S. L. Brooks wae a passenger on the boat for Portland today. D. C. O'Riluy, of the Columbia South ern, is down from Wasco today. Attorney J. M. I.onp of Portland is in Cje city today on legal business. T5eoree Blakeley and wife went to ortland on the morning train today. M r. G. AllehofT, a former Dalles boy, is in the city renewing old acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. VauDuyn came in from their home at Tygb Valley Satur day. fRev. Jos. De Forest lett last night for "the East, in response to a telegram an nouncing the serious illness of his wife's father. V. M. Bennett of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, is in the city visiting his unclf, John Filloon, and" will, in all probability, spend the summer here. 'Jitd-re Mays returned from a trip to Tygh Valliy today. Ho reports the road in very good condition, being per fectly dry, but still a little rough, be tween here and that place. "3Yiss Mav Enright is spending a few days in the city. Rooms have been built over the station office at Wasco, nnd Wednesday Mrs. Enright will ac company Mif9 May to that n-lace, where they will make their home. f . 1 T T 1 . 1 , 1. T- o.l Ta ill Jl'iru, .uaruu nil, iu .m. ouu mici "W. O. Had ley, a daughter. Mrs. Hadley is a daughter of Mrs. Clarke of this city. I have been afllicted with rheumatism lor fourteen years and nothing seeaied to give any relief. I was able to be around all the time, but constantlv suf ierini:. I had tried everything I could liear of tmd at last was told to try Cham berlain's Pain Balm, which I did, and was immediately relieved and in a short time cured. I am hppy to say that it lias not since returned. Josh Edgar, Germantown, Cal. For sale by Blake ley & Houghton. HiioKmn'o Arnica milvo. The best salve in the world for cutt, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei eores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cuihh piles, or no pay required It is guars c teed to give perfect satisfac tion, or mcuoy refunderj. Price 'J5 cents per box. For eale by Blakeley and Hnmihton. druggists. Ask your Druggist CATARRH lor a generous 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cream Oalm coo Mini no cocaine, MMeary nor any other tntettouidrns. It la quickly Absorbed. Gives Belief at out. , 'It opens and elewMs -thaXaisl Puumit.' Allays ilflJUtnBUtlos. 7lal an4 Protect) itwe. Reitorei the venue or TMte ua uu wie wc ; THAI fjtteittc.i uui Ue !0c.s at J)raggiUekrMll. lit . colduTheai GATHERED ABROAD, Mr. P. Lnwloy, who is about to leave the lionclon Itailv Teloprnph lifter SO years' service, In writintr a life of ilndnh P. Itonjoinin. "Parsifal" on July 10 will ojon the I!aireut,h season this year, and will Ihj followed by the "XiholuiiRcn Cycle." In all there will liefiplit jx'rforinaiu'es of "Parsifal" nnd thrw of the "Nibelun fXcn" series. M. Manulieim, the expert, officially employed to appraise, tho Spitzer eol leetiou lefore it. was offered for Kiile, has jnit in a bill for iftiO.OOO for lusserv iw., wlileJt the heirs refiwe to pay, ns beinp excessive. IJiprht Hon. ftir William (Jeorpe Ven ablus Vernon llarcourt, M. P.. liberal leader in the house of commons, has K'en lined tun shillinp's n.ul eost.s in a Ixuuion police court for allowing? his ehininey to eateli lire through not. ha intf been elenncd. Lord Chief Justice Russell recently .-iirpriyed the F.titrlish lawyers 1y go ing to London, on Hulling that he hat finished up his assize ea.-es a couple of days sooner than lie expected, taking a number of easc from the other judges' lh'ts. and winding uj five of them in one day. Germany is following the lead of Lou den in putting religiou.s plays upon the ct.'.ge. Adolf WilbrandC.s "Iluimu," un der which Christ is t presented, has jiiot been presented at Berlin and re ceived coldly, while Gcrhtirdt llaupt m.u.n 13 at worK on a drama whose sub ject is the Passion. In the 03 years since its establishment the British and Foreign Bible society has distributed 147..16.5.iiHI Bibles, testa ments, and books of extracts from the j Scriptures. It ha; been recently found J out that in Persia these publications are utilized lfy the natives in the nmnufac i ture of papier niaehe articles. I , Had a burcintle Tongue. Dr. Parr had the largest notion of his own skill at whist and i tho smallest tolerance for a poor I opponent. A lady once asked him j at a card party hoV he fared. ; "Pretty well, madanie," was the pleas- ! ing reply, which he made loud enough j for his partner to hear, "considering' that I have three adversaries." On an other occasion he was playing with Dr. Warner, the rector of Bath, who hazard ed a finesse which did not come off. In a moment Parr flashed upon him: "Dick," said he. "you have all the cun ning of a Bath sharper without his skill." The next hand which Warner held was a fine one, and Parr's features assumed their natural placidity. In a tone of condescension he drawled out, with his usual lisp: "I acquit you of trickery, Richard; would that I could of stupidity." NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL ELECTION. Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of school district Jo. 12, of Wasco countv, state of Oregon, that the annual school election for the said district will be held at the city recorder's office, to bejMii at the hour" of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, on the 21 Monday, being the 14th day of March., 1S9S, and closing at 6 o'clock p. in. 7 his meeting is cailed for the purpose of electing one director to serve for the term of three years, and one clerk to serve for the term of one year. Dated this 3d dav of March, 180S. O. D. Doane, Chair, board of directors. Geo. P. Mougax, Clerk. Sheep marking paint; ready for use. Two colors, black and red. Why you should use our sheep paint. First, be ciuse the colors are ground thoroughly in pure linseed oil by fim1 machinery ; second, because it is made of high grade color, with the proper amount of dryers added to give it binding and lasting (pjalities, which prevent it from washing or rubbing off; tiiird.it is much moie economical, because it is always ready for use. We guarantee our sheep mark ing paints to give satisfaction. Try it and be convinced. Clarke Sc Falk, agents, The Dalles, Or. HORSES AND MULES FOR SALE I have sixteen head of 3 and 4-year Iiorfes, mares and geldings for sale, . weighing from BOO to 1400 pounds. Any-1 one wanting work stock or. stock for Klondike, hero is the place to get them 1 cheap for cash. James ukown, 123-lm-j Victor, Or. ChaniWnrlulu'it Ornish Keiueily. This remedy is intended especially for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough and iiiflaenz.1. It has become famous fo- its cures of th?s diseases, over a large part of the civilized world. The most flattering testimonials have been received, giving accounts of Its good works; of the aggravating nnd persist ent oougli8 it has cured ; of severe co'ds that have yielded promptly to its sooth ing effects, and of the dangerous attacks of croup it has cured, often saving the life of the child. The extensive use of it for whooping coughs has shown that It robs that disease of all dangerous on sequences. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Wo are anxious to do a little good in this world and can think of no pleas anter or lettr way to do it than by rec ommending One Minute Cough Cure ns a preventive of pneumonia, consump tion and other serious lung (roubles ttiat follow neglected. cplds. Try Schilling' Ut it ami baKlns powUiir Ue Ire Doirg , rW rtistie ..prir;tir;2.. por Ffeasorable prices. Wo Print Anything in (ho Printing Lino. Cjiue us a trial. tyropicj pub. o. J")"'' KISKSIHHtl:'FKK & ItlJKIJY, Physiciiins uiifl Surreons, Siecl:il attention siren to surgery. Uooms '21 mnl i', Tel. 32S. Vogt lllock. ORDERED A TIN PETTICOAT. The rope Insisted That Nude Htntuc II r Draped. One. of the most curious instances of the struggle between art and pro priety is slinwn in St. Teter's. The writer, says the Troy Press, was ram bling through the great cathedral one day when lie suddenly came upon nn enormity. It was the superbly sculp tured form of a beautiful woman, the head, hands, neck, unkles and feet sep arate masteruorks of art.1 The woid separate is used adviredly, for the toro and le's were modestly hidden under a tin petticoat painted to represent mar ble, but so ill in color and drapery line that the entire statue secnied disjoint ed and at war in its component parts. "Si signor," t-aid the guide, apologet ically. "It is the impossible. Very true. But what, can be hulped? The sculptor he make beautiful model nude. It will uot dn. It is on the pope's mb. The pope, he comes to see his tomb two, three hundred years ago. He say no. We will not have such thing, lie tell the sculptor to put on the drapery. The artist, he say no it is impossible. Then the pope call a. workman and he say put on the clothes on the figure. The workmnn not an nrtist, only n workman. He put on the tin petticoat and paint it. The pope satisfied, lie die and is buried in the tomb. But everybody wonder two, three hundred years at the llgure." ONLY CURE FOR PIMPLES It is eo brrciusn it striken at (lie tame at tho Cogitil, frrlttiteil, Injliimtd , .Slug'jUft, or Octricorknt 1'OUK. Sold throuzhout the worH. IVtrrKK Dnuo aij Cfisu. IGtL CourijlMTI"f, Sole Vtprl tir. Hokum UiT" "Uuv to i'favent ruaplca,0l pjca.lUui., five. The best eeds mown are PFerrv'H. The best ' eeds gown are Kerry's. kThe beit seedH known are I Terry's. It pays to plant FERRY'S Famous Seeds Aik tho dealer for them. Send for FERRY' 8CC0 ANNUAL ana Retail that's good aodi new me mien, anu I the beau i rO.M. FERRY & C0.,1 Detroit, Mich. J. S. HOIIBHK, i'reIUent. II. M. IlKAJ. , C'aahler First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Bight Draft or Check. Collections rcade and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Bight and TePraphlc Exchange sold on New York, Man Francisco and fort Sand. UIRKOTOMB D. P. Thompson. Jno. 8. Sohswck. Ed. M. Wh.uai'b, Quo, A. I,ikhk. H.'M. BiaiX. fijticura TSOAP FREE. FREE. "e) (9 -We'Will Glve- 11. Subscribers and Persons subscribing unci paying up in ad vance for the Weekly ChFofliele A Copy of- he World line ivm Answer Any Question You may Ask It. Standard 6 American & Annual. Ready Jan. 1, On All News Stands. j: s je jt st & Larger, Better, More Complete Than Ever. JfThf tuost ixidtly sold Annual Refer' j tnce Book and Political Manual published, j THE WORLD, Pulitzer Building, New "York. TILLETT & GALLIGAN, WM. TILLETT. H. GALLIGAN. .Soli. rroiritnt at tlm OKl.KltK ATKIJ XAKI.MA AI'1'I.K. Hood River Nursery, TII.I.KTT & (iAI.l.Ki.VN, I'ropN. First-class Nursery Sjock n Specialty me columDia PacklnoGo., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF SIANUKACTOKKHB ok Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON RIKD IJKEF, ETC. Bicyctoped. pri28ms Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of au kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, ?Sd Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton Flour. This Flour use; every We aell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and, if you don't think bo call and get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prioes Paid for Wtoat, Barley and Oats. ..GHflS. FfiflflK" Butchers , and Farmers ..Exchange.. Kwiw on ilmimht tlm t'olcliriili'il COl.t'MtllA IIKIMt, iickmiwl ciIkimI the host ba'f 111 Tliu IIhIIpn, nt the te-uiil tulri?. ('nine In, try tt mnl lie nii.vliiroil. Aln the I'lnr.Ht hrniul-i nt Wltie.s, 1.1 iiturjs unit (.'iKtti. Sandrxiiches . i,l ..II l.-ln.lu nil. .iv. mi I., .ml Patronize the All klnit of work. Wlitto Hhtrls a Hpot'lulty. 1'nmllv work nt ri'ilnunl r.h'. Vali ciillouUil nnd ilcllvoicil free, Ti'IhiIihim) N. lit). H. D. Parkins, Agt, Harry Liebe, l'HACTIOAl. All work promptly iittciultfl to, anil w.irraiittil. 174 VOGT LOCK FRENCH & CO, BANKERS. riUNSACTA HESKIl.U.. HANKING" 11USINES Lcttura of Credit issued availnblo in the Eastern States. Sitfht ExciuuiKO and Tek'KrnpliiL Truus(rs sold on New York. Ghk.auo, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and varioue points in Oregon and WashinL'tou. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION. IK Iukii H Wuk. lTid I'upurH it Yunr It etands firet aiiiotic 'weokly" jmpors in size, frequency of ptttilicatioii fresliness, variet and reliability of cor. tents. It is practically a daily at tho low price o a weekly; and itHvast list of subscribers, cztendinu to every statu aud territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for tho accuracy and fairness of its neivs columns. It is splendidly illustrated, nnd among its special features are a flue humor natfe, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashions for women and a Ion series of stories by the greatest living American aud English authors, Ronnn Doylo, Itiromn K. .Iriuii, Htanluy Wiyinn, Mary K. Vllklim Aiitlmiiy llntiu, It rot llurto, Hrauilnr Aluttliw Klc. We ofTer this unequaled newspaper anil Tho Dalles Twico-a-Week Chrnnicle to gather one year for ifU.Ot), The regular price of the two papers is $3.00. Children and adults tortured by burns, scalds, injuries, exoma or skin diseases may secure instant relief by using Do Witt's Wituh Hazel Salvo. It is tho great pile remedy. is manufactured expressly for fainlU sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction Watchmakei Jeweler EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OK T1IK- Southern Pacific Comp'y, TrnltiN loitvontnl lire ilno to nrrlvu nt I'nrtlntui UIVK OVr.UI.ANI) KX.l tircsi, HhIdiii, How 1 lllltKi AMlliimt, .wll(!- ............. t. ....... o.... U,l 1 MM .-ralicl,l.) Mojuvu, I.IIM AtlKt'll'N.l'.l 1'IIHO, I .Noi- wriuiuiH anu i t....t . I I . I lf..u..l..t.n I ....... .... J tj,t,.i . . i ..."vIj.IIJ. i.iii. .ti riii ,1..1U ,. ,litmh i f Viu Woiiilhiirn fori 1'. M Dally I'XI'llpt HuiulayK. Dally except Knmlayj I I Mt.AtiKoI, Hllverton, l Vft Kclo, llrouii!.- S I vllk',riir(iiKlU'lil"iul 1 iNiitroii J I7:) A. St. (Corviilllft am! way I (stations j :N) l'.M. INDKI'KNDl'.NOK t'APSKNGMIt. KxprosH train Dally (except Hiimtay). IjnOp.m. (I.v... .rortlanil ...Ar.) 8:a.ia "loll p. in. (At . MiiMilill vlllf. . I.V.J Asm ii, in 8:3ti p. in. Ar . lmli.,pi'iuloiico..l.v,) l:M) a. in. Dully. tDmiy, fxi-cpt Hiiiutay, DINING OAIta'oN OGDKN UOUTE. I'tJI.I.MAN HUFI'KT Bi.KKI'KHH AND HKi;(lNl)-(JI.A8H BI.KKl'ING CAIth Atliii'liiil to all Tliioiigh Tnilim. Dlrwt roiincctlim at him Krutirilrco with Oral ik'iital anil tlrlt'iital ami I'iioIKu mall ntcnitish tp linen for JAPAN and CHINA. Hailing (Intra on a plication. Halts mnl tli'ltcth to Kimtcrn )ioliit.s mnl Ku roiK!. AImiJAI'AN. OIIINA, llONOl.tM.U unu Al'KTHAI.IA, can lit' olitallii'it f rum J. II. KIltKl.AND, Ticket AruiiI. TlirotiKhTliiket Olhue, lid Tlilrd utrwit, wliuru through tlcki'tN to all uilntH In tliu KiiHturn Ht4ti.. (Tiimtila mill Kiirnno fan ho olilnhiit .o I Imu'tit nitcs Irom I J. II. KIltk'l.AND, Ticket Attent. All ahovo traliiH nrrlvu at anil depart Irom J (Irnnil Central Htatlim, I'lftli ami IrvniK ntreets I VAMIIII.I. DIVIHION. I'is-ciikit Depot, foot of J(!ileriion street. U'iivo for OSSWKGO, tlally, except Hiitnliiy, at 7U0a. in.; runt, l;f'. r:l.", f.:'23, SiO.-i p.m. (anil ji. in. on hatiintay only, anil J:W a, m anil il::'.0 p. m. cm HuiiiIii.vh only), Arrive at I'ortlanil nally at Mill) ami 8:ii( a m.i anil VX, 1:15, lli'JO mid 7:5Ti p. m (anil 10:U." a. m, il lA u:iu p. m. mi rinmlayK only). Leave for Slicrlilan, week days, at l:S0 p. m Arrive at l'ortlaml, 'J:."AI a. m. U-itvc for AIKI.IK on .Monday, Vedne.dnv anil Hrl'tny at U: ID a. in. Arrive at I'ortlanil, Tlifv dav, Tliurxlay and Haturihu it .":U,'i p. in. Kxeept Hmiilay. Kxcept Kiiturday. It. KOKItl.KIt, Jlanauur. (!, II. MAUKIIAM, AhNt. (i. K. 1'iua. AEt N ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. u s Pullman Elegent Tou:ist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car ST. I'AIII. AIINNKATOI.! 1)111. IITII MIKIO O KAMI l'lt .UUtMIKSTON WINNITKO HKI.ESA uu HUTTK TO Through Tickets CIUCAOO T WAHII1NOTON I'I1II.AIKI.I'1I1A NKIV VOltK ItOHTON AMI A 1,1. 1'OINTi KAHT unil HOIIT1I Kor Information, time cariln, map ami ticket, cal on or wrltu to W. C. ALLA.WAY. Agent, The Dalk'H, Oregon on A. I). OHAULTON. Asst. G. P. A., UorrlBOit Cor. Third, t'ortland Oreu"" Dalles, Mora and Antclopo STAGELINE. ThrniiKli by dayllKht via Grass Valley, Kent mid Cross llulluws. IM1UOI.AH ALLEN, Tlm Ditlli'H. C. HI. WIIITKI.AH', Anlolopo. HtiiKea leave Tho Dalles Irom Umatilla llnii'.e at 7 a. in,, also from Autoloiio at 7::) it. m. ''I'O' Monday, Wwlnesday and Friday. Connection" inialo at Alitelopo for I'rlimvlllo, Mitchell uiul points Ijuyoni). (llotio cc niieotlons ininlo at Iliu DuIIcm with railways, trains and hoats, 8liies from Anlcloiio reach The Dalles Tues days, Thurtdays and Haturdays at 1:30 p. in. HATES ok pa ue. Dalles lo Dcuchiitcs 1 00 . ... 1 so do Aloro... (lo. Grass Valloy,., '$ ;' do Kent 3 i do Cross Hollows '" Antelope ti Cross Hollows ., A -v; do Kent do Grass Valley........ 1 do Moro , do DiixihuecH, . do Dulles 6 00 ITUIKD. W. WIUSOS. 1 AVXUANKY AT LAW, v THK D.VI.IjKd.OBEaON Otlico ovul First Nt. llnnk. B H HUNTINQTON H WIMOX HUNTINGTON Si WILSON, n.lfu. hil l uu nliKutiN OfflooovMFIwtNt.Briic.