The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 07, 1898, Image 3

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3 Big trives--3.
Lot No. i.'
Twtnty-fivo pieces l.-inch, Fine Cambric; all now
patterns nnil fast edges ; per yard. . . .' 05c
Lot No. 2.
Twenty-five pieces 3.-inch Cambric Embroideries ;
all different patterns; per yard 10c
Lot No. 3.
Twenty-five pieces 5-incb Cambric Embroideries;
beautiful patterns ; kooi! strong edges ; per yard 12)c
Lonsdale Muslin, ,
For this week only, at 6 i -4c per yard.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
M AROII 7, 181)8
Monday nitrht.
At tlio opera house.
George's Colored Minstrels.
We liavo cigars to burn ut Fout.'.
Wonted a girl to do general house
work. Imjuire at this otlice.
The weather forecast for tonight nud
lomorrow is fair and cooler.
' Plain, mixed and dill pickles, olives
nJ pigs' feet in bulk, at The Dalies
Commission & Grocery Co.'s.
This morning the Columbia Packing
Co. shipped a large consignment of
iplemlid porkers to Portland on the Reg
ulator. A lady's gold locket was found yester
day. The owner can have the same by
Jeecribing property and paying for tins
Just received Now lot of oranges,
lemons, pineapples, bananas and cauli
flower, at The Dalles Commission and
Grocery Co.'s. l.'8-tf
It is not often that such an excellent
troop conies to our city as George's
Minitrels, and wo sincerely hope they
till receive the patronage due such a
I'a Plata Sheep Dip, proven by every
lt to bo the best non-poisonous fluid
dipm the world; guaranteed to cure
flii itch, sore throat, lice and hoof-rot.
Clarke hilk, agents, The Dalles.
Gordie Graham, the boy who wtrs ac
cidentally shot in the eye at Mosior Sat
urday, was taken to the hospital in
Portland for treatment. While his con
Mion id not considered dangerous, he
Jill, in nil probability, lose his eye.
William Knife, who was the main
'ctor in a shooting nllair which occurred
"Antelope several weeks ago, had his
Nlmiuury hearing before Recorder
''wne, and was placed under $750 bonds
to appear before the next grand jury.
T'io high dally scores at the Umatilla
lloute alloys for last week wore: Mon
dy. Maota fifi? Tiia.iu u'ii,i,.r r..i
I edneetlay, 0. Uell 58; Thursday,
-luetzOK; Friday, J. Unger 02; Satur-
aotz (it ; Sunday, 0. Schmidt 03.
filters are beginning to haul
ta"ier this season than UBrtal. Seven
p'y teams loaded ut the Vusco ware
wno today for Mitchell, rinovillo and
Antelope, and owing to tlflo early epring
"e wool teams will sodn becoming In
Mho doziiDH, us shearing will begin
,lut next week.
Bli ororlcnl contest which took
,1Tb'1 tho GoWendale Academy Friday
a Saturday evonlngg, the gold medal
th. by Mi8S Ethnl Masters, while
sIL eLniil0 flr8t prize WB won by lioy
oemiker, Quite a number of con-
Uiook part, and a iplendid show-
8 umde throughout.
rjl ,elerain received today by Mru.
J"P Irom her daughter, Kuth, who is
Praient teaching In Carson City,
Nevada, she states that she will be
transferred to Uintah, Utah, on a salary
of $750 per annum. Miss Cooper has
many Dulles friends, who will bo do
lighted to hear of her good luck In se-
I curing this promotion.
'I'liti annual school meeting was held
at the Co'urt street school this afternoon,
all tho members of the I board be
ing present. No business of importance
was transacted outside of the reading of
j the different reports, which will be pub
lished as soon as tiiey cun be got in
proper shape for publication.
The club bowlers made an unusually
'good showing for the week ending yes
terday. All the scores were above fifty,
while one reached the seventy mark.
They were as follows; Monday, Brad
shawtiO; Tuesdav, Hendley57; Wednes-
lay, Ogden 57 ; Thursday, Bradshaw 57 ;
Uriday, Houghton 02: Saturday, N. J.
(Sinnott 70; Sunday, Ballard GO.
Owners of fish wheels and canneries
are making extensive preparations for
tho fishing season which opens April
10th, and hb many of the fishermen from
tho lower river have gone to the Alaska
gold fields, it is expected that the fish
will have a better chance to get up the
river this year than last, as they will
not have to dodge so many traps and
nets in so doing.
Latest rumors concerning the trouble
between tho United States and Spain
state that Spain has withdrawn her de
mand concerning tho removal of Consul
General Lee, but state further that tho
situation is graver at present than it has
been since the commencement of the
trouble, and the Tribune's prediction
that hostilities will commence iuside of
a week, promises to bo verified.
Tho parade of George's MinstrelB.
which was hold at noon today, im
pressed everyone very favorably and
caused Bouiuwhut of a rush at the box
olllce. Tho musicians who are traveling
with this show are artistt, and tho jug
gler is immense On tho whole we can
recommend this performance to the
general public from our own observa
tion, as well as from the favorable com
ment of tho papers from tho various
towns through whicli it lias passed, as
one of the first order.
Tho steamship Oregon loft Portland
for Alaska pointB at 7 o'clock last even
ing. There was probably more freight
taken this trip than the Elder carried
away on tho 2d Inst. Jt was ascertained
yesterday that 050 tons had been placed
on board. Tho whole ainouut did not
exceed this very much, but a considera
ble umount of belated outfits and goods
will doubtless bo added. A large Hat of
passengers also went, aud it appears
the sickness and hardships are not scar
ing people in the least.
To Cure a Cold In Out) Day.
Tuke Laxative Uroino Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money If
they fall to cure. 25c,
DeWitt's Little Eurly Risers,
The lmou II' tic pllU.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
Tout U what it wis mtide lor.
An KlitlitlNUHtic Meeting.
A moBt enjoyable evening was had at
JG. A. It. hall last Saturday evening
The prominent feature of the meeting
of the W. It. C. was the installation of
Mre, Mamie Bnggs as president of the
VV. It. C, connected with J. W. Nes-
i mith Pott, G. A. It.
After this and kindred ceremonies, the
hall was opened to the Veterans and the
Sons of Veterans. The interest of the
meeting was made greater by the pres
ence of Col. Skinner, asst. quartermaster-general,
Capt. Morse, asst. adjutant
general, Dept. of Oregon, G. A. It., and
Mrs. Gwilt, president V. R. C. of Ore
gon, wlio were here in the interests of
i (l,. T4 a u D......:ii., :.. .i, .,.,
...u ia . U. XV., UilU COpCUlUIIJ III LUC D U Ij
cess of the state encampment of the G.
A. It., W. It. C, and Sons of Veterans,
to be held here on the 17th, 18:h aud
10th of May next. ,
Speeches were made by Col. Skinner,
Capt. Morse and others, but the talk of
the evening was made by Mrs. Gwilt.
The prospects for the most successful
encampment of the G. A. It. ever yet
held in the stale are of the brightest,
and the executive committee feel that
with tho enthusiasm evinced on
this occasion, backed, as it is, by the
pride of The Dalles, our D. C. & A. C,
and by the citizens generally, their
labors must meot with triumphant suc
cess. We propose to have the largest,
most enthusiastic and successful en
campmout ever held in this state.
JuHtltutu CliiHud ut Hood Ulver.
Tho Farmers' Iuststute at Hood River
closed Saturday night. With it was
brought to an end the most successful
series of institutes ever held under the
auspices of the Oregon Agricultural Col
lege. The representatives of the college
were much pleased with the largo at
tendance at tho institute and the inter
est and enthusiasm sIioaii in the work.
Tho Hood River schoolhouso in which
tho institute was held was filled to over
flowing, and at some of the sessions in
larger towns audiences of over 800 peo
ple wore preseut. Every day patents
signified their intention to send tiieir
boys and girls to tho college, having
gained an appreciation of the scientific
aud practical methods to be learned
At the sessions Saturday there were
thorough discussions on forage plants,
poultry-raising, and every branch of the
horticultural business.
An excellent musical program was
rendered at tho evening session, and
Prof. A. B.JCordloy delivered a lecture
on "Fruit Pests," illustrating with the
etereopticon views showed in this city
the last night ot the convention.
11 cut of Alt.
To cleanse the system in a geutle and
truly beneficial manner, when the
springtime comes, use the true and per
fect remedy, Syrup of Figs. Buy the
genuine, Manufactured by the Califor
nia Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale by
all druggists, at 50 cents per bottle.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures,
That it what It waa made lor. I
Clear an c e Sale
One ?95 Ladies' Cleve
land Wheel
Two '97 Eaclo Wheels
One '90 Cleveland.. ,
' Gent's Wheel ...
One '95 Eagle Gent's
One '97 Boy's Eagle
Wheel.. .?.....
One '97 Girl's Eagle
In order to make room for
our new stock, we are mak
ing the above
Low Prices.
ConBul-Gerleral Lee will not be re
called and the United States will send
food to starving Cubans in war veEsels.
Late reports state that 10,000 Klon-
dikers are on Ihe war-path, on account
of the Canadian government stationing
custom house officials at the head of the
The Portland Tribune sayB that if the
government carries out the policy agreed
upon By the president and his cabinet,
in less than a week we will be involved
in war with Spain. The Spanish atroci
ties in Cuba and their failure to end the
war by pacific means, together with the
Maine disaster, will be the leading causes
for action.
Prof. P. G. Dout will open up an op
tician parlor on Second street, two door3
west ol Keller's bakery. The professor
has been employed by Harry Liebe, the
jeweler, for several months and leaves
him with the best of recommendations.
His work speaks for itself, and be has
many home testimonials, which he will
be glad to show to anyone desiring to see
them. His patients are his friends and
his friends are his patients, for he is an
expert !n fitting the eye perfectly in all
Anyone wishing their eyes examined
aud properly fitted will do well to give
him a trial. He states that he will be
ready to open up by Tuesday, the 8th,
and will, for a beginner, make a special
reduction for ten days only. He will
also do all kinds of complicated watch
work, jewelry repairing and diamond
He comes hero with tho best of rec
ommendations as an eye specialist, aud
can, undoubtedly, do as he agrees. We
are pleased that he hasdeclded to re
main in our city, and recommend him
to the patronage of our readere. tf
A Hot Time III tlio Old Town.
There's been a hot time in tho old
town while the wool-growers have been
with us; but, gentle people, tho hot
time is not over yet, for there's going to
be h hot time in real estate aud insur
ance in the old town in the future.
When you hear old Dad Butts go by,
don't forget he's got business in his eye,
a sample of which might be briefly men
tioned in this way : A corner lot ; good
house; well improved; city water;
streets all graded; within ten minutes'
walk from the poslollice-.for $300. And
this isn't all he Ikib. Sto him and be
convinced. tf
Notice is hereby given that there will
be an annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of The Dalles, Portland & Astoria
Navigation Co. at their ofiico Saturday,
April 2, 1898, at 2 p, m,, fjr the purpose
of electing seven directors; ana transact
ing such other business at. mav properly
come before said meeting. By order of
the president. '
The Dalles March 1, lt98.
O. L. J'lm.ui'H, Secy.
J HOT WATER in Ten Minutes.
Do You
Catch On?
No more eold ovens.
riomy 01 not water, $
and a great fuel saver.
Have one put in your
stove by
Wo have strictly First-Class
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
phone 25. J. T. Peters & Co.
.Seasonable Ilurpaln fur Quick and I.ive
The following seasonable offering must
be seen to be appreciated. The quali
ties and the prices make them genuine
bargains. If you are interested reply at
once before they are sold out :
Navy or black, all-wool Serge Dress
Skirts; full percaline lined, finished
seams, velvet bound, correct sweep,
Q lr ! ro rf f rt nstr tti i vorl rrnri)o no tt
mi iq atiwwj uvuij uui j
storm serges, plain or figured brillian
tines, lined and bound as above, $3.00.
Braided fine cloth Skirts, fancy rich
combination plaids, plain cheviots,
black bourettes, etc., $3.50.
Fancy flowered Silk Waists with fitted
waist lining, detachable linen collars,
silk turn-over cuffs, $2 50.
Figured black Silk Grenadine Waists,
made up over bright-colored lining, silk
ullle at neck, $3.00.
Prices quoted on above represent but
about one-half their value.
A. M. Williams & Co.
Rev. E. Edwards, pastorof the English
Baptist Church at Minersville, Pa.,
when suffering with rheumatism, was
advised to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm.
He says: "A few applications of this
liniment proved of great service to me.
It subsued the inflamation and relieved
the pain. Should any suffer profit by
uivinjr Pain Balm a trial it will please
me." For sale by Blakeley & Hough
ton. NOT1CK.
Members of Camp No. 32, G. A.R.,
and all comrades are requested to meet
at Fraternity Hall this evening at 1)
o'clock. ' M.miy Lkahnud.
President W. 11. C.
Opera House
Monday, March 7.
Consolidated With
Georgia University Muaies,
A Bright, Clover, Up-to-dato Com
pany or genuine (joioroci Artists.
Look out for the noonday parade.
Admission 50c, - Children 25c.
Reserved seats without extra charge.
No hiehe.r. Now on salu at Snipes-Kin-ersly
Di ug Co,
For Pooplo That Arof A
Siok or "Just Don't IJ II I V
FoolWoll." I IhLiW
Removes Plmplei, cure Headache, Dyspepsia and
CoitUems. 25 i ls. a U)x gtilrutrgUtaor lir mall
bauipltu 'rc. mldruM Or. Bosanko Co. i'lilia. 1'a,
An Interesting Story is attractive at
all times, No one can aflord to let the
evenings at home be spent without good
reading matter in these days when good
books cost so little, Our stock oilers
some very attractive, up-to-date and.
standard literature which will interest
all. '
I. C. Nickelsen
Book & musie Company,
A b)luudll assortment of Vi'ko-
Etnble, Garilun anil Guiks seoits in
Hulk, Seed, Heed Outu, JJg
Seed Hurley, Seed Heed Hyo.
Oil Menl Cuke aud Fertilizers,
C ... ... . .....
Eneu EiiiMUies, r.iiny nuu rum.
toes. Eleven kinds n( lirst class fiZ
Seed Corn. Poultry ami Eggs
bought ii nd Hold ut
J. H. CROSS' n
Cheap Cuth Grocery uud Feed
Store, Becond aud Union Sts.