The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 07, 1898, Image 1

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    She Dftllc
4 1;
NO 359
Will Not Comply With the
Snalii's Pi'itlK' tl'l t'"' Wnrlili bo lie
lillirril liy AlfruliNlit VeU
Wiim Aim) 1hhII.
Madhid, Mar. B. Siinor Oiillon, Span
ish iniiiistur of foreign nfTuiro, recently
Intimated to United States Minister
Woodford tluvt tlio SpaniHli government
desired tint risoull of CoiiHtil-tseneriil Leo
anil that tint American wursbips wliicli
lmvu been designated to curry HupplUtH
to the suH'ercm in Onlm hIiouWI lie re
placed by uioroliant vuhhuIh. in order to
deprivn the iifsiatiincB aunt to tbe re
coiicentritdos of any ofllcial oharacter
Otliunvisi! pOtfHt'BHL'li.
Minister Wooilfonl cabled tlio request
to Washington, whidi rufuHed to recall
General Lee under tlio preHont ci renin
etaiicua or to countermand tliu orlur for
the dispatch of the war vuhhuIh, making
the representation that they are not
fighting shlpH.
Hold Spillll thn Mines.
London, Mar. fi. According to the
ttatenicnt of a man wIioho curds dujcribu
him as an oleetrieiil onginour, whose
name cannot bo disclosed, 1ml which IiUh
been fui warded to WitHhington, he sold
to Spanish officers in London u number
of years ago u large number of mines,
eight or ten of which were plucen in Ha
vana harbor. lie says they were made
iu a specially and peculiarly constructed
cable, which he contends, he can posi
tively identify, if the ninallest piece is
produced. .Some of the mines, the man
contimieB, were fixed ho they could lie
fired from a fort, and two of thorn hud
bulbs arranged so that they would ex
plode when a vessel came in contact
with them. Itut the nlleged electrical
engineer adds that he does not believe
that the bulb would bo used in water as
(hallow as that of Havana harbor. lie
exhibited the plans, of one of these mines
whicli, he pointed out, was the moot
likely to produce the effect described in
me wreeic oi the .Maine, it wus num
bered "li," and wus. constructed to con
tain 500 pounds of gun cotton.
This is the story told by the :nnii, who
gives one the impression that ho has
been sergeant of engineers or he bus held
, tome similar position. Hu was appar
ently thoroughly posted on electrical
matters and submarine mines. The man
ian Kiifcllshmnti, und ho says Mint lie
is willing to go to the United Stulea us u
l.uulunrt li Muktt Hiiuxngo.
Ciuamo, Mar. 5. l.uetgort has been
told his tusk during his imprisonment
for life. It is the intention of the Joliet
officials to manufacture sausages for use
'a the big prison, und I.uelgert will be
Siven charge of the work.
Tim information pleased him. When
tanas today taken to thu penitentiary,
feetnad at first glad of Ids release from
JH, and la.ighed und joked on his way
to the trniii. Ho was quiet, however,
Wen Joliet was reached, and broke
n when the prison gates closed upon
Mu. He Bat in the wurdon's olllce with
tef8 rolling down his cheeks, unable to
MJ word.
Hiuvitrd Oll'tirctl.
Wasuinoio.v, Mur. 5. Postmaster
pul Gary today issued n circular
ormally olloring rewnrda of sflfiOl) for
""arrest and conviction of each person
Royal makes the lood pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
who participated in the murder of Post
inaHter Haker, at. Like City, S. 0., Feb
ruary Ulst. This Ib in accordance with
the decision reached at yesterday's cabi
net meeting.
IMtiitlM'MK thimiot lit) Cured
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear,
There is only one way to euro deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an- inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the Eus
tachian Tube. When Mils tube is in
flamed you have u rumbling Bound or
imperfect hearing, and when it Ib en
tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and
uuleBS the inflammation can be taken
out und this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will ho destroyed for
ever; nine cue!B out of ten are caused
by catarrh, which is nothing but an in
flamed condition of the mucous sur
faccfl. We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot tie cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars ; free.
F. .1. Citnxnv & Co.. Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c. 0-10
KimaiiK I'mc-IIIc rnynient.
Washington, Mar. 5. In answer to
inquiries on tho subject, it ia officially
announced that the first pavment of $1.
000,000 on account of tho sale of the gov
ernment's Interest in tho Kansas Pacific
Hales will lie made some time during tho
present week.
Wnt-kly Kxcurslons In Through Car to
tli Rnnt.
Sheriff's Sale.
1 Oregon for W'nieo' county.
T. 1. Field, t.lalntlu'
The only nccldent policy
that is put up In jars
for CO cents. Good
business policy to keep
Btipply ,of Uftrliuul'B
Happy Thought Halve
i" the homo. Tho
kind that cures. CO
For Sale at DONNELL'S,
II lg Until Contract.
PiTTHiiuno, Mar. G. The Post tomor
row will say :
The United States, by Secretary John
I), Long, the navy department, has just
closed a contract with Peal, Poacoc'.: &
Kerr, ceal operators in the new Pittsburg!
district, for the delivery at Key West
within forty days of 400,000 tons of coal.
This contract is not authoriced by con
gress, but is made in accordance with
the emergency clause.
Itiihltml thu Omni.
A startlini: incident of which Mr. John
Oliver of Philadelphia, waB the subject
is narrated by him as follows! I was in
a most dreadful condition. My skin
was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue
coated, pain continually in back and
sides, uo appotite gradually growing
weaker day by day. Three physicians
had given me up. Fortunately, u friend
advised trying 'Electric Hitters,' und to
my great joy and surprise, the first bot
tle made a decided improvement I con
tinued their use fur three weeks, and am
now a well man. I know they saved
my lile and robbed the grave of another
victim." No one should fail to try them.
Only CO cents per bottle at Blukelov &
Houghton's drug store.
Tim Toil Sliillllllrll,
Wahiiinciton, Mar. 5. The treasury
department has issued a circular to the
ellVct that all teas arriving in this coun
try after March 1, 1898, will m governed
by the new standard adopted fur the
season commencing March 1, 181)8, und
ending April ill), 1898, excepting such
teas as shall have been shipped prior to
.March 1, 1898, which will bo governed
by the old standard.
Nht'Hlli A tteiilloiil
Clarke & Falk have secuiod the
ngenuv for I ho La Plata Sheep Dip.
Mixes' instantly with cold water.
Another through tourists car to the
East has been arranged for to run out of
Portland, giving four each week. Here
after the car leaving Monday will run
through without change to Kansas City
and Chicago, over the O.'It. & N, Oregon
Short Line, It. G. W., D. & U. G., Mo.
Pacific and C. nc A. That car has just
previously been arrnnged for and the
one previously arranged for has been
changed to Thursday. It runs through to
St. Louis, via tho Mo. Pacific line. The
car leaving Portland Tuesday goes
through to Boston, and is promoted by
the C, It. I. & P. Wednesday's car runs
to St. Joseph, Kansas City and St. Louis
over tho I&urllngton. All these special
(through cars are receiving a gratifying
patronage. Consult the O. R. & N;
ngeutjjbfore buying a ticket to the East.
To IiiveHtljjiutf AlUHlcu l'ontolllcps.
Washington, Mar. 5. J. P. Clum,
superintendent of the mail division of
the poatoflice department, has been or
dered to Alaska to investigate the differ
ent offices there.
The ISlHimvury of the Day.
Aug. J. Bogel, the leading druggist of
Shreveport, La., says: "Dr. King's
New Discovery is the only thing that
cures my cough, and it is the best seller
I have." J. F. Campbell, merchant of
Safibrde, Ariz., writes: "Dr. King's
New Discovery is'ull that is claimed for
it ; it never falls, and iB a Bare cure for
Consumption, Colds and Coughs.
cannot say enough for its merits." Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds is no experiment. It
lias been tried for a quarter of a century,
and today struule ut the head. It never
disappoints. Freo trial bottles at Blake-
ley & Houghton'B drug store. G
MIcrnljt'H Ii!vnur Kuwmko.
A novel disposition of sewage is made
nt Exeter, Kugluwl. The method con
sists of four tanks, u fourth of the
sewage pasKiug into each. Light and
air nre excluded from the tanks; putre
faction and decomposition ore rapidly
set. up; the microbes multiply and the
solid portions of the sewnge are con
sumed, and the outflow from the tanks
ia nothing but. slightly colored water,
which, after passing through filters,
loses all color and taste. No chemical
is. u"pu mm no attention to the tanics
of nny sort is needed, , Each filter bed
automatically cleanses itself by being
out of use for a short time.
Cuth In Your Chucks.
All couutv warrants registered prior
to Nov. 'J2, 1893, will be paid at my
otlioe. Interest ceuBes after Feb. 16th,
1898. C. L. Pnn.ui-8,
Couutv Treasurer.
The Shakers of Mount Lebanon, a
community of simple, honest, God-fearing
men and women, have prepared the
Shaker Digestive Cordial for many years,
and it is always the same, simple, hon
est, curative medicine that has helped
to make the Shakers the healthy, long
lived people that they are. The Shak
ers never have indigestion. This is
partly owing to their simple mode of
life, partly to the wonderful properties
of Shaker Digestive Cordial. Indiges
tion is caueed by thu stomach glands not
supplying enough digestive juice.
Shaker Digestive Cordial eupplios what's
wanting. Shaker Digestive Cordial in
vigorates the stomach and nil its glands
so that after awhile they don't need
help. Ab evidence of tho honesty of
Shaker Digentive Cordial, the formula
is printed on every bottle. Sold by
druggists, price 10 cents to if 1.00 per bottle
Wm. illrgreld, Ijitirn K. Ttlrpfcld. Flint National
Hank of Thu Dulles, Thomas Kelly nnd A. i.'.
lleiiuctt, detenu ants.
By virtue of an execution, decree nnd order of
siilo, duly issued out of nun: under the seal of
the Circuit Court of the Sate of Oregon, for the
the County of Wasco, to me directed and dated
the Kth day of February, lS'.W, upon n decree for
xnu loiccKuuro oi a certain mortRupr, ana Jung
mcnt rendcied nnd entered in said Court on the
1th day of December, 1MI7, In the above entitled
caiiBe, in favor ol the pliiintlll' jnd ncnlnst the
defendants William ItirBfeld and Laura K. Blrjr
feld as judgment debto, In the sum ol fifteen
hundred and twelve'dollars nnd twenty-nine
cents, with Interest thereon from the 4th day 'of
December, 1S'.I7, nt the rate of ten per rent jcr
annum, ana the further sum of one hundred and
tifty dollars as cttorney's fees, nnd the further
sum of ill teen dollars, costs, nnd the (ostsof
and upon this wilt, nnd commanding me to
make sale of the real itronertv embraced in such
licreoof foreclosure and hereinafter decribed, I
will on the
If.Uli day of April, 1S!)8,
nt the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon of
said day. and at the front door of the Count v
Court house In Dalles City, Wasco Co'inty, Ore
gon, sell nt public auction to the highest bidder
for cash In hand, all the right, title and Interest
which the defendants William Blrgfeld and
Lauia E. lllrgfeld, Thorn s Kelly nnd A. S. Den
nett, or either ol them, had on the I'll day of
August, Ib'Ji. the date of tho mortgage foreclosed
herein, or which such defendants or any bf the
defendants herein have acquired, or now have in
and to the following de-cribed real property,
situated and being In Wasco County, Oregon,
to-vlt: An undivided one-fit th Interest of nil
of section No. 21, the nw U und the se 'A of sec
tion No. l!3j also nil of section No. the nw4
and the se ut section No. 27, nnd the nw i ol
section No. all in township Ni 7, south of
range No. 17. east of the W. Al ; also of section
No. V, township No. 8, south of range No. 17, east
of the W. M coutnlulng in all iSbl.'Ji acres uc
cording to the (Jovernment survey (page;!14,Vol,
O of deeds) also the s Mi of the sw 4 und the b i
of the so a of section No. 31. towushln No. 7.
south of range 17, east ol W. M., containing 100
acres, (paire jjii.voi. K. aceasj niso uu me nw
of section No. 2(1, township 7, south of range 17,
oust of W. M., (page 3."i0, Vol. N. of deeds.) enld
Interest In the above described real nrotusrtr be
lug the same descended to and Inherited by the
said Laura K. ltirgfeld unou the death of Alexan
der Dogers nnd .Mxtlldn lingers, ber father and
mother. Said property will be sold subject to
confirmation and redemption ns by law pro
vided. Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this Gd day of
.Miircn, ns'.ii). mcn.'j-ii.
T. J. DIUVElt,
Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon.
Nctxi Goods.
Daily Arriving.
Heux Today.
Dress Goods Department.
Biyidere Stripes,
Two-Toned Silk
and Wool Mixtures,
Spring Novelties
in Dress Goods
direct from the
New York Market
Now on display.
Silk Department.
Plain TafFetta
Newest Fancies
Swellest Plaids
and Checks,
Choice Pickings
from the
New York Markets
await your inspection.
Guardian Sale of Real Estate.
To Whom It May Concekn:
Noilce is hereby given that the underbigned,
as guardian of Jus. A. Drown, Jr., Kthel SI.
llrown, I'aulluu A. Brown, David E. Brown,
.Mary b. Brown ana Oeo. D. Jlrown, has lllea in
ihe County Court of the State of Oregon for
Vtnsco County, his iietltion praying for n 11
cense to sell the Interest of said minors in and
to the following described reul property to-wlt:
A tract of land iu Dalle- City, asco County,
Oregon, bounded nnd deser hed as follows:
Beginning at n point 20 rods south und 50 feet
west of what Is known as the northwest corner
of the .1. 0. Wilson lot, said corner being one
hundred and elevm rods east of the northwest
corner of the John A. Slmms Donation Land
Claim No. .7.1. In Ti 1, North Bnnge 13 East W
M., running thence south ten rods; thence west
six tods und tbiuu feet: thence north ten rods;
thence east six rods irul three feet to the plueu
of beginning, coutnlulng oue-hulf an acre,
more or less.
All persons Interested in real estate are hereby
notiuea to appear oeioie saia county court ut
tho county courtroom In Dalles City on Friday.
the 2."th day ol March, lh'JS. at the hour of 2
o'clock p. m,, then nud there to show cunse, If
any there be, w hy said license to bell said real
pioperty should not be grunted.
March 1, lblte.
mch2-l Guardian.
AdmiuistratrLx' Sale of Real Estate.
Notice is hereby given that under nnd by yir
tneof an order of the County Court of theSiaie
of Oregon lor Wasco County, made on the Mh
day of January, 1M1S, In the mutter ot the estute
of Dr. W. E, Ktuchurt, deceased, I will sell ut
public auction, at the courthi use door in Dalles
City. In suld county und state, on the 28th day
of February, 1SUS, at 1 o'clock p. in., to the high
est bidder, nil the real estute belonging to said
csttitcund described ns follows, to-nlt:
Lots a, h, c, i, e. r, u, a, i, J, k una i. in
Block C.", in the Fort Dalles Militnry lleservn
tion Addition to Dollos City, in said county and
Tho west half of the southeast quarter and tho
east half of tue southwest quarter of section 21
iu towus'iiip 2 norm, east, in nsco
County, Oregon.
Terms of sale One-half In cash at time ol
sal und one-half In six mouths, secured by
mortgage on the premises.
nuiies city, uregon, juu. .', jaw.
jmi'jy-il Administratrix.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Consisting of a little of everything in small
wares, to tell ut small prices.
An advanced shipment of 100 dozen, to sell
at a price that will astonish you. Never eo
Stetson's newest spring ideas. Also styles
in the famous Lion and Big Bear brands.
Suits to suit tho 3-year-old little man. Xew
styles, new cloths, new prices. Suits to fit
the hard-to-flt, to suit the nobby dressers
and suits to tit the purse of the man of
moderate means. More to come.
Manhattan Shirts spring creations, pret
tier than ever. Flannels, Madras and Per
cales. We nil know the advantages of buy
ing Manhattan shirts they have' qualities
decidedly their own. Prices are notigh.
By the way, next visit down lown stop in
and take a glimpse at some of our new
styles for sprint: wear. Be sure and see our
Ladies' fancy Vesting Top Street Shoe;
laced, McKay sewed, with i patent leather
tip. New Coin Toe. You will like it and
price is only .3 looks like it might be $5.
Still a few of those silk waist and dress
skirt we are selling at $2.50. Choicest ones
are leaving fast.
Notice Is heiebv given that tho undersigned
has tiled in tlio ollleo of the County Clerk, of
Wasco Couutv. her llnal account us udmluistrlx
of the estate of I. I, Butget, and Hint by order ot
the County Court, for snld County. Monday, tho
2d dny of May, 1('.W, has been llxed us tho time
and the court room of said Court as the place for
tho healing of said tlnul account. All poisons
luteiested In said estate nro uolllied to appear at
said time nud place and show cuiiso why said
Dual account should not bo approved and al
lowed. A. T. BLMUiK I',
mch5-il. AdmiuistiatilN",
is a fair exchange of advantages.
You give good money to your grocer;
he., gives you Schillings Best tea the
best he has.
Notice of Final Settlement
Notlco Is hereby given Hint the undersigned,
administrator of tho estate of Frank Ireland,
deceased, ha tiled Ids ll mil account as such iv
mini trntor In tho county court of tho State of
Oregon for Wasco County, nud tho judge there-,
of has appointed Monday, tlio 7th day of Mutch,
lbiw, ut tho hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at tho
county courtroom iu tho courthouse in Dalles
City, In said county and state, us tho time mid
pImco for tho heai lug of objections to sunt final
account nud thus, moment thereof. All heirs
and crtditois of tlio deceased, und all other per
sons Interested In said estate, are heiuby uotiilod
to 11 lo their objections to said llnal account, If
nny they have', on or before the duto llxed lor
tho lirurlng and settlement thereof,
Duties City, Oregon, Fob. H, 18W.
JebSlW'll Administrator.
Did It ever strike you that Foutz
Prize Medal and Guarantee cigars are
the beet cigars on earth. tf .
For more than fifty-six years it has never failed in
its weekly visits to the homes oi farmers and
villagers throughout the United States.
IT HAS faithfully labored for their prosperity ami happi
ness, for tho improvement of their business and homo
interests, for education, for tho elevation of American
manhood and true womanhood.
IT HAS told at tho firesido, interesting and instructive
stories of tho doings of tho world, tho nation and states.
IT HAS advised tho farmer as to the most approved meth
ods of cultivating and harvesting his crops', and tho
proper time to convert tlrtmi into tho largest possiblo
amount of money.
IT HAS led in all matters pertaining to tho welfare of
farmers and villagors, and for over half a century has
hold their confidence and esteem.
and wo furnish it with tho Semi-Weekly Chronicle one
year for $1.75, cash in advance.
; f n
v- .it
. i'lf!