The Dalles Dally Chiva-v.!. TIIK IIAI.I.KS, iiKKnim OUff ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthyand agrecablo substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Fics is for sale in 50 cent bottles bv all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not nave it on band will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRAHCISCO, CAL IDUISVltlE. ST. HEW YORK, H.X. I. lKyTIII. James Wuitten cf Ante'ope left for home todav. D. V. Ilutler of Cascade Locks is in the city toilay. E. II. CroMer is in the city from his home at Mosier. Elva Gribble of Hood River is visiting menus m the city. Frank Montrier, a Chicago slieep- ouyer, letc tor home last night. Mr9. L. K. Steward went toVancouver this morning to visit relatives in that place. James Le Due and daughter, Margaret, are in the city fram their home near Dufur. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Harper left on the .miles uity this morning for a visit with irienua in ancoaver. Minor Lewis, who has been attendinc the convention in this city, returned to ins nome in rnnevuie toaay. 1 1 T ,,, . M. E. Miller, of the Antelope Herald, -r - : .1.. t. . i i i ja hi i ut; ci iv louay, naving reiurneu iroin a business trip tarortland. George Krauee left on the Regulator toilay for i'ortlancl, And from there he intends to go to Skaguay, where he has a position in a store. William Lauder and wife left for their home at Sherar's Bridge .today. Mr. Lauder is interested in the sheep busi- neee, and has been attending' the con- xvention. Mr. Wm. llakin, a prominent sheep raiser of Wallowa county, who has been attending the convention and visiting his daughter, Mrs. C. G. Stacey, left for his home in Enterprise last night. Advertised Letters. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the poetoffice at The Dalles un called for March 4, 1898. Persons calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised : Angell, O F -Bertram, C VV Bartlett, Lillian Bennett, Harry JBehtt, Mrs L Carlisle. W H Johnson, Mra F Jones, Mre C F Jehnson, Georgia Krmp, Fred Kelly, Jos D Kline, Savannah Clyde, C J Larsen, 31 rs Jen Darnielle, Mrs R H Lsmple, Ed Esq Evans, Clias Mantel), May Evans, M Ada (2) Edwards, Lillie Eva ns, I'earlo Fayle, W II Frazev, Mrs Geo Figard, James Fortin, Mrs Annie Funk, Fred 0 Greeiw, Etta Gilbert, Elizabeth Henry. lon Hansen, Henry Hall, Clus Ilickeon, H Hoag, E E Hockman, Mrs D Johnson, Chas A Johnson, Matnie Johnson, A Spring, H M Thompson, C W Wash, W A Wright. John T McDonald, Mra D McCormick, Mrs M McCoy, airs V E McCully, Mrs A D McWorten. II W Mathews, Mrs F 0 Miller, J II (2) Miller, Martin Moody, D L Moyes, Mama 1'addon, Mrs Quen Patterson, IJert Prevoist, Dr A S Sannbnrg, Fred Smith, Sanies Smith. J M (2; Spichenger, Mike Smith, Sherman Shipley, Osker Thomson, Mrs J P Thomas, J W Whi taker, Jake Winzler, Sidney, Woodcock, Jas. J. A. CbOSBK.V. Sheep marking paint; ready for use, Two colore, black and red. Why you ehould use our sheep paint. First, be cause the colors are ground thoroughly in pure linseed oil by- mm machinery; second, because it is made of high grade color, with the proper amount of dryers added to give t binding and lasting qualities,' which prevent it from washjng , . I- ry . or rubbing off; third, tt is much mote eronomical, because tt is always ready for use. We guarantee our fcheep mark ing paints to give satisfaction. Try it and be convinced. Clarke Falk, agents, The Dulle?, Or. THE CHURCHES. Calvary Uaptist church, K'der Wil burn pastor At 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. in, regular services: Sunday school at 10 a. m. ; young people's meeting at (:li0. Lutheran services in the basement of the new church tomorrow as follows: Morning services at 11:00, Sunday school at 12:10. Class meeting in the evening at 7:30. There will also be a German service at I! p. in. Regular services at the Christian church tomorrow, mo'rning and evening. Rev. Early will deliver the morning dis course, and in the evening Pastor W. V. Holtz wit preach on the subject of "The Great Commission." All are cordially Invited. M. E. church, corner Filth and Wash ington streets, J. II. Wood, pastor Ser vices as follows: Class meeting at 10 a.m.; morning service at 11 ; Sunday school, 12:20; Junior League, 4; Ep worth League at 0:30; evening service at 7:30. All are invited. At the Congregational church Sun day services as follows: Worship, and a sermon by Rev. Cephas Clapp at 11 a. in. and at 7:30 p. in. (Reception of members.) Special services for the Sunday school at 12:'J0. Meeting of Junior Endeavor at 4 p. m.; Young Peoples' Society at 0:30. Topic, What is a profitable Sabbath 7 Ex. xx:S-ll; Isliii:5-14. All persons not worship ping elsewhere are cordially invited. Clianilierlulu'8 Cough Itemed)-. This remedy is intended especially for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough and influenza. It has become famous for its cures of these diseases, over a large part of the civilized world. The mo3t flattering testimonials have been received, giving accounts of its good works; of the aggravating and persist ent coughs it lias cured ; of severe co!ds that have yielded promptly to its sooth Ing effects, and of the dangerous attack's of qroup it has cured, often saving the life of the child. The extensive use of it for whooping coughs has shown that it robs that disease of all dangerous c n sequences. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING. Notice is hereby given to the legal voteiH of school district No. 12 of Wasco county, state of Oregon, that the annual school meeting for the said district will be held at the brick school house, on Court street, to begin at the hour of 2 o'clock on the afternoon of the first Monday, being the 7th day of March, 1S98. This meeting is called for the purpose of considering the general re ports, financial and otiiers, of the clerk and other school officers, and the tran saction of business usual at such meet ing. Dated Feb. 24, 1S9S. O. D. Doa.vk, Chairman Board Directors. Attest: G. P. Morgan, Dist. Clerk. I have been afflicted with rheumatism for fourteen years and nothing seemed to give any relief. I was able to be around all the time, but constantlv suf fering. I had tried everything I could hear of and at last was told to try Cham berlain's Pain Balm, wlirch I did, and was immediately relieved and in a short time cured. I am happy to say that it has not since returned. Josh Edgar, Germantown, Cal. For sale bv Blake ley & Houghton. Cash lu Your Cheek. All countv warrants registered prior to ov. 22, 1893, will bo paid at my office. Interest ceases after Feb. 10th, 1898. V. L. t'mu.ii's, Couutv Treasurer. Wo are anxious to do a little good in this world and can think of no pleas- anter or better way to do Jitthan by rec ommending One Miuute Cough Cure as a preventive of pneumonia, consump tion and other serious lung troubles thtt follow neglected colds. WILD With Eczema I nu a sufferer for right years from Eczema, but cow in entirely cured. Tlio paltnx of my bands wero covered unci bully iinUmitl; little wblto blisters appeared tlun would peel off, lenvlnj: a red, smooth furfucf, which ouU turn llko iiro and Itch. On thu Intido of tho upper part of my limbs, great red blotches woulj appear, and a soon as I became wunu, tho burning and Itch, log would bcvlu. Klscht after Dlght I would Ho awake and acrateh, and nlmont vo wild. I got u box of Cuticuiu, and n bottle of Cuticuba Kg. aoLYENT, and after a few application1 T n'iticed theredneaa and Inllammallon diaaptwar; before I had uied one box there irai not a tiin oEetma lift. I can truthfully an-crt that, 30 worth of CirrieouA luxeun cured mo. JOHN II. 1'OKTK, PltUburg, Fa. SraiDT Ccn Taiatmiil. Warm balhi vtthCv. TlcoaA Soar. anila.appliclkii it Ci'Ticesi (oiat aaat), and roililuoMt cf CuTicvaA UaaoLraT,(riaUt efhuioor cwta. Sold throughout tht worll. PH, CVTiovai. Wei oar, e. AaMiiYCKT. sue. and 1. 1'oriau Oavu au Ciiau. Cr., Sola lri., Uontun af " Xiow la Vtnatutullf Cure cma," ualud fre. formal Worn Out? $ Do you come to the close of theday thoroughly exhausted? $ ft Does this continue day after u day, possibly week after week? $ 5 remaps you arc even too ex si haustcd to sleep. Then some fy thing- is wrong:. All these i things indicate that you arc ji suffering from nervo'ir. ex- u IlUUOltUU AUWl vs ww- feeding: and your blood en- g i jj nchmg. v I Scott's Emulsion $ I t of Cod-liver Oil, with Hypo- $ jjj phosphites of Lime and Soda, $ i contains just the remedies to w $ meet these wants The cod- w S liver oil gives the needed $ S strength, enriches the blood, $ feeds the nerves, and the hy- w j pophosphites give them tone and vigor. Be sure you get $ SCOTT'S Emulsion. Si J AH druggists ; 50c. and $1.00. W SCOTT & BOWNE, ChemUts, New York. U NOTICE OF ANNUAL ELECTION. SCHOOL Notice is lierebv given to the legal voters of school district No. 12, of Wasco countv, state of Oregon, that the annual school election lor the said district w be held at the city recorders ofhee, to benin at the hour of '2 11 clock in Ua afternoon, on the 2 I Monday, t'oing the HUt day of .March, 1 SOS . and .dosnu hi (5 o'clock p. 111. 'J his meeting is cailed for the purpose of electini: one director to serve for tho term of three years, and one clerk to i-erve for the -term of one year. Dated this 3J dnv of March, 1S98 O. 1). Do.vni:, Chair, board of directors. Gi:o. T. JfoiuiA.v, Clerk. Rev. E. Edwards, pastor of the English Baptist Church at Minersville, I'a., when siifl'-.-rin witti rh-uinatisin, win advised lo try Chamberlain's Pain Balui. Lie says: "A few applications of this liniment proved of great service lo nie. It subsued the inlLitnation mid relieved the pain. Should any fuff.'r profit by giving Pain Balm a trial it will please me." For sale by Blakeley & Hough ton. HORSES AND MULES FOR SALE I have sixteen head of and 4-year mules (broke) tor sale. I also have horees, mares and geldings for sale, weiuhini: from 900 to 1400 pounds. Anv- ono wantinir work stock or stock for Klondike, here is the place to net them cheat) for cash. Jamks Biiow.v, 23-lm-i Victor, Or. In bUYlosMcda "eeonomr la exmuraaanes," becauM the cost of cultivation wasted on lnferloreeeda always larxely (xceeds the original coat of the beet and dearest seeds to be bad. The beat la alwaya the cheapest, i'ay a true more ror FERRY'S SEEDS and alwayt get roar money's wortb. 1T6 cents per paper srerywnere. Always ine best, oeea Annual ir. D.M.FERRY A CO. , Detroit, Mich. J-ytS-(IKISKNIMMtKKKll X UlKl, Physicians and Surgeons, Sriccinl atteilon given to Mirsery. Hooms 21 and 52, Tel. HiS. Vost Illock, Ue Ire Doin Jeat ar;d rtistie ..priptir;.. For Ieasor;able Prices.- Wo Print Anything in tho Printing Line. Qiue u$ a trial. $l?ror;i;l$ pub. o. FREE. FREE. WeJWIll Give to ah Subscribers and Torsons subscribing and paying up in ad vance Tor tho Weekly Ghponiele Will Answer Any Question You may Ask It Standard American Annual. PRICE GENTS Ready Jan. 1, 1898, On Ail News Stands, K jst jt & jx & jit & Larger, Better, More Complete Than Ever. 'The most vidtly sold st initial Refer tnce Book and Political Manual fiublisbed. THE WORLD, Pulitzer Building, Now York. TILLETT & GALLIGAN, WM. TILLETT. H. GALLIGAN. Sol 1'roprletotH of tli UKI.HIUIATKI) XAKI.UA A1TI.K. Hood River Nursery, TI t.I. KTT & (iAM.Kl.t.V, I-ropu. First-class Nursery Stock a Specialty Coiuiia Packing co PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFAOTUitKltaoK Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON )KIKD HKKF, ETC. A Copy of fk World Almanac 0 Encyclopedia Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of all kinds, Headquarters for Rolled Grain, all kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, XKId Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton FlOUr. Th,s F,0,,r 18 manufactured xpresly for family ue; overly flack ie nuaranteed to give Ha'tiafaction. We iell our gooda lower than any honso in the trade, aud If you.don't think ao call and get our pricea and be convinced. . Highest Price? Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. ..GflAS. FMM" Butrhens and Faimets ..Exchange. Kcotit nn ilrnuitlit the ci'lrliriitnl COI.P.MlllA IIKKIt, iii'l:tiiivvl iIimI tlm licjt boor In The UmIIi'm, nttluMiMml iitii'i'. t'liine In, try It mid be roi vltirrcl, AImi the l'flifst biniiiN of Vliic., l.liunrs Mini C'lkriu:-. Ssndujichcs of nil Kinds iiltriiyh on bnml. Patronize the All kind of work. White, Shirts u stwliilty. Family work ut rcdtteeil r. te. Wash eollechil mid itcltvcmt free, Tliiliiuin No. 1111. H. D. Parkins, Agt, Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Watchmaker Jeweler All work promptly atteniletl to, ami wnrrmitcd. 174 VOGT LOCK FRENCH & CO.. BANKERS. rUANSAOTA OKXKIt.VIiHAN'KINO 1HJS1NKS Letters of Creilit ieatied nvailitblu in the Euaturn States. Kittlit Exchange nntl Telei;rnptiiL Transfers sold on Naw York, Cliicauo, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections male at all points on fnv orablo terms. THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION. IK 'iikh It Wmilii lTiO I'liporH n Yunr It stands first ninonc ''weoklv" papers I, o!.... t- t i.i; u oiiK, nt:iuuiiuy ill IHIIIIIUIIIUUI freehnees, varietv and reliability of cor. tents. It is practically a dailv at the low price ti a weekly ; and itH vast list of subscribers, extending to overy state and territory o tno Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for tho accuracy und fairness of itH news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and among Its special features nre u fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest lasnionis lor women and a Ion series of stories by the jjreateat living American and English authors, Connii Doylo, Joronie K. .loroioo, Htitnlity Wnyiiimi Mnry K. Wllkltis Anthony lloiiu, llrnt llurtu, Itrumlnr Mnttliuws, Ktc. We ofTer this unequaled newspaper ami Tho Dalles Twice-a- Week Ciironicle to pother one year for if'-'.OO. Tho regular price of tlio two papers ie $3.00. Children and adults tortured hy burns, scalds, injuries, e.enia or skin diseases may secure instant relief hy neine; Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is tho great pile remedy. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OK TIIK- Southern Pacific Comp'y, Trnlnn leavomid are due to nrrlvo ut 1'ortlntiii lltVK LAN I) KXO ureas. Kiilimi. Itosu- ' liltrR, Anliliinil, Hiuv riinu'llto, OKik'ii.Hun KranolM'o, Mojnve, '(5.(10 I'. M. l.o Atiire'eM.l I'hmo, i New Urlciuis mill Hunt I u.".i i t llltwcbiirB mill wny htu S.S0 A. M.t(1I1K ' , 1 f Vln WoiMllmrii furl M.illv 1 I Mt.Aimcl, Hllvurton, i U"!ss,,,,!:,",.,c".,.?."."l I'. 1! Dally except Hlltiilnys. i-.",, u ICorviillls mn! Al JI'I jstiitloni wny :So I'. M ini)i:i'i:nii:n':i: i' Ilxprms train Knlly (except Htimlny) tj.MMi.iu. (l.v. ...rortlniul Ar. 8:2."ni.m p. in. i .le.Aiiiiiiviue . i.v. n, m 8:;;u p. tn. (Ar .linlepemleiu'ii..l liWii. in Dally. (Daily, except Mtinilay. Dt.N'tNC lUItti ON (HiDIIN ItOUTK. I'tJI.I.MAN IIUKKKT HI.KKl'KltS AND MKI.OND-OI.A9.S HI.KHl'INO (JAIlb Attachal to all Through Trains. Direct connection ntsnti hrmiclBco with Occl ilental mill Oriental mill I'iirIIIo nuill HleauiHliln lines for JAPAN mill CHINA. HiiIIIiik ilates on ii plleatloii. Kates anil tleketK to Knstcrn points mill Ku roiie. Also'JAI'AN, OIIIXA, HONOI.m.L .mil Al'STHAl.lA, can he obtained from J. 11. KtKKI.ANl), Ticket ARcnt. ThrotiRh Tlekot Olllcc, l.'U Third Mtrcet, where throiiah .tlckctH to nil points in the Knstvrn H t ii t i-s , I'miiula and Kuropu can be ohtnlui.i2 at rates from J. II. KlltlCLAND, Ticket ARcut. All nbovo traltiK arrive at anil depart Iroin (Irani! Central Htatlon, Klfth mid Irvmi; HtreeU YAMIIlTh 1UVIHION. l'acnKer Dcot, foot of Jeilersou street, Ix'itvu for OSWKfiO, dally, except Hiinilny, at 7W a. in.; Win), 1:.V, ft: lft, (l:2.",, j,. m. (and lit:) p. in. on Hatuiday only, mid u:(H)a. ni and :i;."n p. in. on Mondays on rmiiiiiiy oiuyi. Arrive at 1'ort and mi Iv at li:IU !'i:IUundH::;iln in.; ami 1:IM. l:lf, :V0 niiii 7:5.1 p. in., (und lu:0j n. in 3-15 ftilt) p. m. on Hiinilny!' only). Leave for Blierldmi, week dnyn, at l:S0 j. m Arrive at 1'ortlaiid, 'J:.'Xl a. in. I-enve for AIHUK on .Monday, Wednesday nnd Krloijj' at U: 10 a. in. Arilv ut I'ortlaud, Tuc dav, ThiirMtay and Haturilai il :t:0." p. in. Kxcept Hiinilny. "Kxccpt Baturday. II. KOKIfl.KU, .Manager. (i, 11. -MAKKliAJi, Asst. (i. K. & 1'itHa. Agt QRTHERN PACIFIC RY. tt H s Pullman Elegent Tourist .Hfr Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car NT. I'AIIl. MINN K A I'D 1,1 Ht;i.l'TlI Mltllll oicani) roit UKIIIIKSTII.V WINNII'KO HKI.K.VA un HIJTTK TO Through Tickets TO UIIICAOO WAHltlNdTON 1'IIII.AIIISI.I'IIJA NEW VOllK It OH ION AMI) AI.I. I'OINIH KAHT anil HOIITH Kor Information, time cards, niapnand tlckett, cal on or write to W. C. A! JjAWAY. ARent, The IMlliis.Orexon on A. D. OHAULTO.V. Asst. G. J'. A., iW. MorrUon Cor. Thlnt. I'ortliiinl OroKon Dalles, Moro and Antelope STAGEJJNE. ThroiiKli by ilayllh'lit vlft (Iniss Viili'iy, Kent mid i; llolloub, DtMJOI.AH A I1 UN, Tlio Dalh'H. ti. RI. WIIITKI.AW, Aiitnlopn. HtiiKvn Joave Tlio DiiUcn Irom ITimitlllii Iloitse at 7 ii. in,, hUo from AntvloiKi ut T.'M a. in. i very Mondiiy, Wtiliioediiy mid Krldav. CiiiiikmiIIhii iiiialo ut Antclopu for t'riiiuvlllu, Mltclioll ami iK)l:itn iKiyonil. CIoh) oi.iinectloiiH iiiadoatThc IiillcM with rulhviiyn, triilns and boat. HliiKcs from Antoloio reach Tho IMllw Tuw days, TJuirniays anil riatnrdays iu l:su p. . ., HATKH (ir KAIIK. M PllllCH til I)UM!lltlk!N . 95 ilo Won) . 1 "9 ilo drafts Valley , - ! Kent I" ilo CniHs Hollow i W Alitcloo to (,'rosi) Hollows 1 , ' Kent ilo drum. Valley 00 do Worn , . .. ilo luohlici' , , lo DllllCH fil ' ATTOitNKV AT I.AW, Till'; D.VI.I.Kd.OKHtlOM onico ovci.Klrtt Nut. limit. II IIUMT1N0T0H 11 H WIU0.- HUNTINOTON & WIWON, ATTOKNKYH AT f.AW. . THE DAl.LKB, OKKOON Offlco ovr Flnt Nt. Bink.