r fleglige Our Mon's Furnishing Goods Department has on sale a lino of Handsome Neglige Shirts for the up-to These are the celebrated Gold and Silver Shirts; soft boso cud's, and to bo worn with white collars. Wo are showin the popular fabrics; Scotch Madras, Cheviots, See Our Show Window. DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. Shirt Waists. We have just opened the Daintiest Line of Shirt Waists ever shown on our counters, made up in Organdies, Zephyrs and Madras, with the blouse front effect, at prices ranging from $1.00 to $3.00. Wash Goods. I n Wash Goods we are offering tremendous bargains in Dimities, Or gandies and all printed fabrics, at 8Ac and 10c; worth 12 and 15c yd. ALL GOODS MARKED N PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. HATUKDAY M AltOH 5. 1898 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Monday night. At tho opera Iiouhr. George's Colored Minstrels. W't) Imvu cigars to burn nt Fout.'. Weather Tonight, fair; Sunday, fuir and warmer. Wanted iv. girl to do general house work. Inquire at tills ollicu. Only $12.50 bays n fl.CO silk waist tit A. M. WilliimiB A Co.'b, if you uro quick enough. Contractors have been offered 11 bonus toexpedito work on the Fugut Sound defense. Anticipation, $8; realization, $3.50, is the result nt A. M. Williums it Co.'s dresa skirt sale. Tickets for George's Minstrels on Halo at the SnipeH-Kinnoraly Drug Co.'h. Admiesicut ."0c. A bowling alley haH recuntly boon eon-i (tructed in Colfax, and everyone in tha; town lm9 Mm fovor. latest reports mate that in spite of tile fact that numerous wnr rumors are aflolt butineea seems undisturbed. Plain, mixed mid dill pickles, olive nd pigs' feut in bulk, nt The Dalies Commission & Grocery Co.'b. Second street is beginning to get dusty and is wu do not have a shower ere long vlhe8treet sprinkler will have to be pu In nee. Col. Skinner, assistant quartermaster jenernl of the G. A. K is In tho city on easiness connected with the departmen encampment. Mrs. biiean dwelt, department pres ident of the W. It, p., is in this city making arrangements for the depart ment encampment, which will bo hold in May. Just received Now lot of oranges, iemons, pineapples, bananas and canli fl,wer, at Tho Dalles Commission and Grocery Co.'e. L'8-tf Thecnbinot is getting nnxious nnd wants to know whnn tho report of the Mval court of inquiry will bo made, but "yet the dato of tlio same cannot bo fixed, . It has been decided that the consecro i ion of tliu now Catholic church will I w place on March 17th. Tho now ed lflce is about completed and it presents a "andeomo appearance. Pa Plata Sheep Dip, proven by ovory to bo tho best non-poisonous fluid P in the world j gnarunteod to cure Itch, eoro throat, lico and hoof-rot. 'ko & talk, Bgonts, Tho Dalles. A bevy of girls and ladies visited the ttr mine ono day recently Just as Mr. "er had finished panning out a par "clarly nice mess of the mixture, mnny ml handsome nuggets being ex t?1' ys tho Baker City Republican. toldM,,e(l tl,e pan t0 the crowdand hi i! t0 each ,eIeot specimen, w they did with Blaority. Alter FURNISHINGS DEPARTMENT. Shirts. PEASE & MAYS. that the pan wus cleaned up and found to contain $89 in gold. It is eHtimuted that tho nuggets given awav to the girls and ladies on that occasion from that one pan must have been worth $200 of any mun's money. Engineer Cooper and hie assistant are Htill investigating the proponed route of the D. D. & D. railway, and it expected Mint in a few days they will be able to dacide what route is best for this road. Wo understand that no serious obstacles have yat been met with, the worst being eome canyons across wliicn the road will run. J. A. Croesen arrived home from Los Angeles last night. Although not show ing much improvement from his trip, lie enjoyed It very much, and hopes yet to receive benefit from the change. He, spent u good part of the time with Hurry Lonsdale after his arrival there, and says lie left him improving rapidly and perfectly delighted with the sur roundings. It Bicycle riders of all ages are taking ad- vantage to me lull extent, ot tue pieiiB aut weathe and nice streets und roads. After being deprived of riding for sev eral months, it is indeed a pleasure to bo able to take a spin, and the only die agreable feature the scribe sees about the whole matter is that he has to remain indoors and watch the others enjoying themselves. "This morning Gordio Graham, the 12-year-old son of Mr. Graham, of Mosier, I . . i,. . , I . r . .I- . wus stunning in irom oi oiewuri s mure in that place, when a stray bullet, which in uii probability had been fired by some perHou in the woods outside the city, struck him i.3 the corner of the eye, in flicting a Boripus and what may prove u JDr. Holhster was imuio- utolv Bent for, but on account of his being unable to reach there ut an early hour, lie uimwered that tie could not go, and the boy was taken to Hood Kiver for treatment. Wo understand that the bullet lodged in tho boy's head, but tho extent of the injury cannot bo told until the doctors have examined the wound. SMARTI SWELL! STYLISH and all that sort of tiling, is hackneyed. They are good words, but they are mis used. Wo define swell as meaning something ri0if und refined, und never cheap nor common. You cannot find the kind of bwoII clothes that we sell un less you coino to us for them. Our spring line contains a collection of. ex clusive styles in representative fubrics, many of which uro confined. There is no fear of seeing tho good tilings copied In low grado and unreliable merchan dise. You're tasty enough to know the worth of right style, right fabric, lioneBt and correct oxcluslveness. You'll see it here in suits and top-couts. A. M. Williams A Co., Sellers of Fine Clothing. DeWitt's Little Early Risers, The lamuui ll'tlv plll. Try Schilling's Uvm tcu uuu uukiiiE powaor 3 iust received and place'd -to-dale dresser. bosoms, detached nr f 1 m in in nil &c, at $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 i tuwiii in uii I COUNCIL MEETING. Ordinance rufmml Stiiilnc ClumliluiE MucliluuM-Ollier HuhIiihhh. The regular uonthly meeting of the city council was held lust night, Mayor Nolan presiding. The councilmen pres ent were Kuck, Johns, Stephens, Wood, Thompson Sultuiur?he and Johnston. After the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved, the petition of Charles Frank for a deed to city lots was referred to tlie judiciary committee. Councilman Johns, of the committee on streets and public property, made a verbal report regarding the improve ment of streetB, and stated that work on the brewery hill had been completed. At present improvements were being made on Union street cut, and that the property owners along this streets would each bear their share of the expense. Also that the spring which originally ran on Union street had been turned so that the water runs into the sewer. Tho reports of city oflicera for the month were placed on file and the amounts recommended by the etreet commissioner were ordered puid. It was moved and carried that the city marshal be instructed to put a stop to the running of all nickel-in -the-slot machines that can be considered as gambling devices, and have the. same removed. Bills for the month were considered and ordered paid, and the recorder or dered to draw warrants for the same. The bill of Fred Archer for damages caused bv a runaway, which he claims was caused by the lire engine scaring his team, wus referred to the water com mittee. D. W. Mann's bill for hauling dead mail was referred to the county court. A motion was made and carried that the street committee be instructed to re pair the holes in Second street. The matter of the extent of the O. H. & N. franchise on Firat street was re ferred to the judiciary committee. The recorder was instructed to draw up an ordinance in relation to the re pair of Union street. As this concluded the business for the evening, the council adjourned. The following bills were allowed and ordered paid: C F Lauer, marshal J75 00 Geo Brown, engineer 75 00 J S Wiley, nightwatchman t!0 C J Crundull, treasurer '20 00 K B Siuuott, recorder 50 00 M T Nolan, mdso 2 70 A Sandrock, labor, 00 Mays & Crowe, mdso , 0 88 Maier & Benton do 2 20 W A Johnston do 21 2D Jos T Peters do 23 48 Gunning & Hockmun, labor 15 CO Hoyle & Lauer 1 40 J W Blakeney, hauling 1 00 J II Cross, mdae CO William Henzie 1 50 Dalles Lumber Co 20 80 DJBurham 75 Oaks & Stringer 12 76 Dufur & Dufur, prof services 17 50 A M Kelsay, transcript 2 50 J I) Golt, witness fees 1 70 8 Klein, do do 1 70 J M Marden do do 1 70 K F Gibbons, witness fees 170 A S MacAllister, do do 1 70 nnm Sale BlCYCLiES. One '95 Ladies' Cleve land Wheel Two '97 Eagle Wheels at One '9G Cleveland.. . (0(1 Gent's Wheel MUU Ono '95 Eagle Gent's 09fl Wheel VUU One '97 Boy's Eagle . flO Wheel..... MO One '97 Girl's Eagle rtQB Wheel $UU In order to make room for our new stock, we are mak ing the above Low Prices. MAIER & BENTON Geo A Liebe, do do 1 70 J Donovan do do ,. 1 70 J T Peters, do do 1 70 T A Hudson, insurance '45 00 Dr. O. D. Doane, prof services 2 50 Water Works rent 32 00 C J Crandoll, suppheB 1 00 Dalles Electric Light Co', light. ... 12 80 California Restaurant 4 05 I.AE0K. CFleurer 315 10 Jas Like 11 40 Cbas Jones 30 00 L M Wilson 35 40 H Laur 14 60 A Johnston 31 80 A Kenechelev 12 80 J Burns 90 T Jackson 80 J Hecker 10 00 B Eben v 3 40 P Eben 0 50 AW Morten 1 70 L E Lee 4 40 A S Catbcart 36 00 .1 Hebner 29 CO J Lane 19 CO The Mothers' Meeting. The mothers' meeting yesterday at the Congregational church was well attend ed. After devotional exercises, Mrs. Warner read an exceedingly interesting and instructive paper on "Child Cul ture," (speaking of the influence of the daily home life as tho weaving of a coat for the growing mind and soul of the young immortal. A striking but clear figure as to how we are shaping human destiny. Miss Eliot's solo, entitled "The Gift," was most admirably adapted to the oc casion and very touchin'gly rendered. The Greek poses by u number of uiiB8es from Miss Jobanneesen's physic al culture class, were very gracefully ex ecuted. Mrs. Briggs presented petitions for signature addressed to our representa tive and congressmen praying their in fluence in enacting a law that will pro hibit the Bale of intoxicants in tLe gov ernment buildings at Washington, D. C. Exercises closed by singing "Blest Be tho Tie That Binds." The members of the W. C. T. U. de sire to thank all who assisted in helping them in the program. 0t-lllll. Prof. V, G. Dout will open up an op tician parlor on Second street, two doors west ot Keller's bakery. Tho professor lias been employed by Harry Liette, the jeweler, for several months and leaves him with the best of recommendations. His work speaks for itself, and iie lias many home testimonials, which he will be glad to show to anyone desiring to see them. Ilia pationts are his friends and his friends are his patients, for ho is an expert '.a littiug the eye perfectly in all cases. Anyone wishing their eyes examined aud properly fitted will do well to give him a trial. Ho states that he will be rsady to open up by Tuesday, the 8th, and will, for u beginner, make a special reduction for ten days only. He will also do all kinds of complicated watcli work, jewelry repairlug and diamond setting. Ho comes here with the best of rec ommendations as an eye specialist, and t HOT WATER in INTERNATIONAL HEATER. We Kir, Oak and Maple Wood. To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 25. J. T. Peters & Co. can, undoubtedly, do as he agrees. We are pleased that he has decided to re main in our city, and recommend him to the patronage of our readers. tf A Hot Time In the Old Town. There's been a hot time in the old town while the wool-growers have been with us; but, gentle people, the hot time is not over yet, for there's going to be a hot time in real estate und insur ance in the old town in the future. When you hear old Dad Butts go by, don't forget he's got business in his eye, a sample of which might be briefly men tioned in this way: A corner lot; good house; well improved; city water; streets all graded; within ten minutes' walk from the postoffice for $300. And this isn't all he has. See iiim and be convinced. tf liest of All. To cleanse the system in a gentle and truly beneficial manner, when the springtime comes, use the true and per fect remedy, Syrup of Figs. Buy the genuine. Manufactured by the Califor nia Fig Syrup Co., only, and for ebIo by all druggists, at 50 cents per bottle. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice is hereby given that there will bean annual meeting of the stockhold ers of The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. at their office Saturday, April 2.189S, at 2 p. in., for the purpose of electing eeven directors, ana transact ing such other business aSj uiav properly come before said meeting. By order of the president. The Dalles March 1, 1S98.J C. L. Philmi's, Secy. NOTIC'K. Members of Camp No. 32, G. A. R., and uii comrades are requested to meet at Fraternity Hall this evening at J o'clock. " Mahy Leahnei). President W. 11. C. An Interesting Story is attractive at all times. No one can afford to let the evenings at home be spent without good reading mutter in these days when good books cost so little. Our stock otters some very attractive, up-to-date and standard literature which will Interest all. I. C. Nickelsen Book & cnusie Company, Ten Minutes t Do You Catch On? No more cold ovens. Plenty of hot water, $ and a great fuel saver. Have one put in your stove by MAYS & CROWE, SOLE AGENTS. have strictly First-Class VOGT Opera House ONE JOLLY NIGHT, Monday, March 7. George's Operatic Minstrels Consolidated With Geoiiia University (Moates. COLORED COMICALITIES, BONGtS. DANCES, SI'ECIALTIKP, EOUTHKKN PASTIME .NEGRO ECCE.NTUICITIES, DOWN ON THE LEVEE, A NIGHT IN DIXIE LAND PLANTATION MELODIES, WAY DOWN SOUTH I1EFOUE THE WAH. A Bright, Clover, Up-to-dato Com pany of genuine Colored Artists. Look out for the noonday parade; Admission 50c, Children 25c. Reserved seats without extra charge. No higher. Now on sale at Snipes-Kin-ersly Drug Co. ONLY ONE FOR A DOSE. Remove Pimples, cures Headache, Dyspepsia and CottheniSS. 25 cts. u bor t ilrunRiHaor l.y mail Baiunl i'r-'t). uU Jrcu Or. Botanko Co. Vhila. I'a. SEEDS A blciullil Hbsortiiifiit nf Vcgo table, Giinluii iiml Gmss Sciils In Hulk. Hccil Wheat, Sen! Outb, JCjl Si't'd Hurley, Hwd Kcnl Jtyo. Oil Meat Cake unit Fertilizers, Dee SmiplK'b, Eurly Koto l'otu w toes. Eleven kinds of llnt cln.-s MZ Seed Corn. l'oultry uml Eggs bought und bold ut E E D J. H. CROSS' D Clieup Cutli Grocery mid Feed Store, ticcond und L'nioii Sth, CCDS Dr.GUNN'S For People That Are fi f Siok or "Just Don'tllll I V Feel Well." ilk la W