The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 04, 1898, Image 3

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fleglige Shirts.
Our Men's Furnishing Goods Department, lias just received and placed
on sale a lino of llandsomo Neglige Shirts for the up-to-date dresser.
Tli oho are the celebrated Gold and Silver Shirts; soft bosoms, detached
cud's, and to bo worn with white collars. We are showing them in all
the popular fabrics; Scotch Madras, Cheviots, &s, at 1 .25,"$ 1 .50, $1.75.
See Our Show Window.
Shirt Waists,
We have just opened the Daintiest Line of Shirt Waists ever shown
on our counters, made up in Organdies, Zephyrs and Madras, with
the blouse front ell'ect, sit .prices ranging from $L00 to $?.QD.
Wash Goods.
In Wash Goods wo are offering tremendous bargains in Dimities, Or
gandies and all printed fabrics, at 8',c and 10c; worth 12-?; and 15c yd.
Clearance Sale
One '05 Ladies' Cleve
land Wheel
Two '97 Hade Wheels . $
One '00 Cleveland.. .
Gent's Wheel
One '95 Eagte Gent's
One '07 Boy's Eagle
One '97 Girl's Eagle
In order to make room for
our new slock, we are mak
ing the above
Low Prices.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
tVKCH 4. 18!)S
Wanted a girl to do general house
work. Inquire tit this olllcu.
While they Inat $2.fi0 will buy a silk
Tiiit worth tvvicis tho money ut A. M.
Williams & Co.'h.
Plain, mixed mid dill pickles, olives
aid pijis' feet in bulk, at The Dulles
Commission A Grocery Co.'b.
Charles Huekley, of Grass Valley, eokl
ttplcndid tuiuu of mules to ti Kansas
barer today. The mules brought if 1-0.
Have, you seen thorn? Those skirt
values at A. M. Williams & Co-V,' For
example, all-wool sorgo skirts, nuvy or
black, at L'.50.
Almost the entire Salvation Aniiv"ofi
The Dalles went to Portland on the boat
toJayto hear General ltuoth, who will
peak in th it city this evening.
N'owr la the time to not your bicycles
owlmtiled and put in shape. Wo are
prepared to do all kliulH oi bicycle re-
piiriiiK. Oivu us a cull. Maiur & lien
ton. A meeting of all the boyH who take
part in the performance which will bo
put on hy the young men of the club
fill be held tomorrow (Saturday) even
h at 0 o'clock.
l'a Plata Sheep Dip, proven by every
ten to bu the beat non-poisonous iluid
dipin the world; guurunteod to cure
cab, itch, tore throat, lice and hoof-rot.
Clarke, 1-ulk, agents, Thu Dalles.
The Christian church i8 receiving n
ww sprint; eout of yo'low paint. The
mot, J!uv. ltultz, and u number of
members of the conurbation uro taking
nana in wielding the brush.
Rev. Joseph Deforest and Professor
Gvin went over to Goldendule today to
'"end tho oratoncul medal contest
ctbe academy at that place, which oc"
Mn tonight. These two gentlemen will
rt 9 judges.
Mre. Phillips wishes to announce to
ladies that on tomorrow afternoon,
-torday, alio will have on display the
"Wing styleri of street and tailor hats.
V"eulr spring opening ot trinunud
"nu oonmits will come Inter.
Another rich find 1ms boon made at
'lyonCity. It iH'sftld that a nugget
wth $7oo WftB taken out t0(,ttyi ul)(1 ,ul.
aa largo, if not largor, partly un
orereil. Thla is undoubtedly the rich
"triko vr mndo in Grant county.
MTb Cl90 of tlio 8tate of Oregon vs.
Fli , ' wh,oh WftB triud ,n
'"oong court yesterday, was dismissed
J motion of the defondant'8 attorney,
Tmi 8 118 tho evidence against
" not sufllcleut to sustain the
" against him.
AByow,eoIng the KeguUtor leave hor
Wi morning would have been led
niuk that it was an excursion rather
aareunio. ... . ....
, tv, un account oi tiw
LiE rq,ber ' PMenger, Many who
11 in attendance at the con
vention, took udvautitgc of the Rplendid eyoning Mr. Olanp will adapt the sei
accommodations of the Regulator Line I vice to tho needs of young people, but
and the beautiful day, to view the teen- not without something good for those
cry of the Columbia. i who are older. All are cotdia'ly invited.
Tho Temple Quartette returned to ' Meeting to begin promptly at 7 :110. No
Portland this morning. This quartette j meeting Saturday evening. The usual
has proven itself to ho one of the best j services Sunday.
wu have ever heard in thia city, and i OREGON WOOL-GROWERS MEET.
they added much to the attractiveness of !
the programs rendered at the conven-! N'umerouH important Suiijnctn diocukbccI
Maya & Crowe today received the larg
eat consignment oi buggies that lias ever
been sent to The Dalles. It consisted of
a 50-fuot car loaded with nothing but
buggies of varjous kinds. Aa their new
warehouse ia not ready for use they are ,
crowded for storage room.
Tho Dalles has somewhat of a deserted
appearance today, us tiie majority of
those who were here to attend the con
vention have gone, and the contrast be
tween the crowded Btreets and lively
times that we had while tho convention
wae going on and tlio usual routine ia
verv marked.
After hearing tlio favorable commoritiJ
...i.i .i i :,i , .....
Mien rvurj uuu nun jmiu iu uui uum-
mercial Club during the convention, we
cannot but feel proud ot it. Persons
from various parts of thu United States
expressed their opinion, and all were
unanimous iu saying that there ia not a
town in the country, of the population
of The Dulles, that can buaat tho pos
session of such n Bplendid club as thlaj
W. .1. J. Cunningham, tho California
flux expert, who waa in Portland a few
days ago, is in Salem inspecting the ex
perimental llux plant. Mr. Cunning
ham ia earnest iu his praise of tho "grit"
of Oregon women, as lie calls it, in
prosecuting their venture in tho face of
lie many obstacles with which fiey
have contended. Ho also lias kindly
words for Oregon flax liber, which, he
says, is tho very best he ever saw in tlio
United States.
Tlio small buildiug which formerly!
stood between licssinger & Co.'b and the
Great Northern store, is being removed
to a vucant lot near the depot, and work
will immediately be begun on tho
construction of a new building, the samo
size as tho oue occupied at present by
tlio furniture com pajiyjTIioTwo build
ings will givo tlio Great Northern Fur
niture Co. an abundance of room for
their large stock of goods and add to the
appearance of that part of the city. The
. .. . ! 1...IH I... II Yl'nlfA
j I.HKt Nlclil'a SckhIciu Proved to lie a Wry
Knjoj'liblt. One.
now structure is being built by B.Wolfe.
At tho Congregational church last
evening Mr. Clapp's discoursed upon
tho parable of tho lis tree planted in a
garden, but whtcli bare no fruit. He
found In the parable Icbsoiib of encour
agement and hope in the purpose of the
master, and the possibilities of man un
der Divine culture; also lessons of warn
ing f6r those who, under the best con
ditions and Influences, still brought
forth no fruit did not do the thingeJ
and accomplish the results for which all
opportunity, culture and grace wore
given. The song service and the after
sorvice of prayer and testimony were
epeolally enjoyable and profitable. This
--OntB of Nixt Martini;.
About one hundred wool-growers of
ftOregon held a meeting this morning in
jthe rooms of the Commercial club, and
discussed various subjects of interest to
jwool-grovvera throughout the state.
' Among tho resolutions passed one of
thanks to tho members of the D. C. &
A. C. was tendered for the nee of the
club rooms and the kind treatment re
ceived ut the hands of its members dur
ing the meeting of Wool-Grower's As
sociation. The question of exterminating wolves,
coyotes and other animals eo trouble
eotne to sheep-raisers was discussed and
a committee appointed to attend to the
matter of bounties.
The Cascade reserve question was also
tpoken of mid a committee appointed to
'arrange matters concerning the same.
Action will also be taken by the associa
tion to see that all sheep in the state are
kept free from scab and other diseases.
The necessity of such an organization
as this has long been felt by the wool
growers of Oregon, and now that it ia at
last organized the woolmeu feel enthu
siastic and will do everything possible
to make it u successful organization.
Anyone in this state interested' in
wool-growing can join the association in
the payment of fifty cents, which ia the
annual dues.
A meeting will be held here on June
23, 1898, and it is hoped that all Oregon
wool-growers will attend, and by
their support make it easier for the as
sociation to accomplish the important
ends for which it was organized.
Japan is preparing to take a hand in
khe Maine matter, as several Japanese
subjects were killed in the Maine ex
plosion. The New York Journal yesterday ad
vanced a theory that tho Maine was
blown up by a submarine mine which
was laid by the Spaniards and touched
on" by a follower of Weyler.
Late reports state that the Canadians
have planted a Hag at the summit oi
White's Paas, on tlio shoro of Summit
Luke. ,Both the United States and
Canada claim this territory and bitter
feeling is being engendered regarding it.
A. GoUlsclunidt, a traveling man in
tho employ ot O. H. Meyer & Bros.,
manufacturers of hats and caps at No.
28 and SO, Sansomo etreot, San Fran
cisco, familiarly known as "Little
Goldle' and one of the best-known
commercial men on the Pacific coast,
ended bis troubles with a 38-caliber six
shooter at the Esmond hotel, in Port
land, yesterday morning.
Try ScullllUK'v Ucat leu uuu buKlUK powiJor.
The Pacific Northwest Wool-Grower's
Association had a very happy termina
tion at the closing session which was
held last evening, and was enjoyed
throughout by the large crowd which
filled the Vogt Opera to its utmost capa
city. The session was opened by a well-rendered
selection by the orchestra, which
was followed by the singing of "liosebud
Fair" by the Temple Quartet, and they
received the usual hearty encore.
As all of the questions of importance
had already been discussed, there were
a few of a more humorous nature left
over for last evening's meeting. Here
are some of them :
"Does scab ell'ect an hydraulic ram?"
This was answered by Fred Young.
"What ia home without a mother-in-law?"
This waB to be answered by Fred
W. Wilson, but a be fa'ilt"d to appear,
the mystery is still unsolved.
"Does the asphalt pavements of The
Dalles effect the health of its inhabi
tants?" This was anaweied by Mayor
"How to prevent a hen from setting?"
Thia was answered by Mr. Goodhue, of
Salem, aud it created considerable
"Does the circulation of the War Cry
in this city effect tlio-advertising in Tin:
Chkonici.e?" This important question
could not be answeied without deliber
ate consideration, and waa put oil' until
the next meeting.
The questf.on whether it was deemed
prudent to plant thisles in our lawns,
was very ably discussed by Mr. A. It.
Leckerby, of North Yalima.
The quartet made a decided hit when,
in response to an encore they sang a
parody on "Hot Time in Old Town,"
iu which they introduced a number of
local hits, and were called back again
and again.
The illustrated lecture by Prof. French,
of the agricultural college at Corvallis,
Oregon, was very interesting, and a
number of splendid views were shown.
Among other pictures was that of Presi
dent George Blakeley of the Comercial
club, which was greeted with applause,
as was the picture of those who wc-ro
present at the Wool-Grower's conven
tion. The session was closed by Prof. Per
not's illustrated talk on pests which
affect the fruit in Oregon.
Chairman FrenchNlieu thanked the
audience and dedared the meeting of
the Pacific Northwest Wool-Gi otters'
Association closed.
Foutz' cigars are on sale at the follow
ing places: SnipeB-Kinersly, Clark &
Falk and M. Z. Donuell, druggists; Com
mission Co., Geo. Ruch, Fred Fisher
and ChftB, Phillips, grocers; Columbia
Candy Factory and A. Keller, confection
ers; Chas. Frank, Ad, Keller, Dan
Baker, Aug. Buchler, Ben Wilson and
The Midway, saloons.
HOT WATER in Ten Minutes.
Do You
Catch On?
No more cold ovens.
Plontv of hot water,
and a groat fuel saver.
JJave one put in your
stove by
m n r a. a r n a mm
We have strictly First-Class
Fir, Oak and
. Maple Wood.
To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
Phone 25. J. T. Peters & Co.
The Modern Way
Commends itself to the well-informed,
to do pleasantly and effectually what
formaly done in the crudest manner and
disagreeably as well. To cleanee the
system and break up colds, headaches,
and fevers without uupleasant after ef
fecte, use the delightful liquid laxative
remedy, Syrup of Figs. Made by Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co.
A Hot Time In the Old Town.
Opera House
There's been a hot time in the old
(own while the wool-growers have been
with us; but, gentle people, the hot
time is not over yet, for there's going 16
be a hot time in real estate and insur
ance in the old town hi the future.
When you hear old Dad Butts go by,
don't forget he's got business in his eye,
a sample of which might be briefly men
tioned in this way: A corner lot; good
house; well improved;, city water;
streets all graded ; within ten minutes'
walk from the posloflice for $300. And
this isn't all he has. See him and be
convinced. tf
Wakxino. : Persons who suffer from
coughs and colds should heed tho warn
ings of danger and save themselves suf
fering and fatal results by using Ono
Minute Cough Cure. It is an Infallible
remedy for coughs, colds, croup and all
throat and lung troubles. Snipes-Kin-ersly
J3rug Co.
Sheepmen, call at Clarke & Falk's
and get prices on the Im Plata Sheep
Dip. It is non-poisonous, mixes in
stantly with cold water, and it is an in
fallible cure for scab, hoof rot, lice and
ticks. 1-tf
Just received New lot of oranges,
lemons, pineapples, bananas and cauli
flower, at The Dalles Commission and
Grocery Cos. 2S-tf
We have cigars to burn at Foutz'.
See A. M. Williams & Co.'b ad.
Monday, March 7.
Consolidated With
Georgia University (Mimes.
1'laNTATION M i:i.OI)lK3.
A Bright, Clever, Up-to-ciato Com
pany of genuine Colored Artists.
Look out for the noonday parade.
! Admission 50c, - Children 25c.
Iieeerved seats without extra charge.
No hk'her. Now on sale at Snipes-Kin-i
ersly Drug Co.
For People ThatAro fl A
Siok or "Just Don't 1 1 I V
Feel Well." I I LkU
Removes Pimples, cures Headache, Dyspepsia and
Cottlventss. 2Scls. a lxx at clruupMstu- ly mall
biuple i'ff aJilren Or. Bosanko Co. liiU. l'a.
An Interesting Story is attractive at
all times. No one can afford to let the
evenings at home be spent without good
reading matter iu these days when good
books cost so little. Our stock oilers
some very attractive, up-to-date and
standard literature which will interest
I. C. Nickelsen
Book & musie Company,
A splendiil utbortmcnt nt Vege
table, (iiiruun unit uiumi beccU lu
Hulk. Seed Wheat, Seed Outs,
Seed Ilmley, Seed Heed Hye,
Oil Meal Cuke und Kcrtillieru,
lieu .Supplies, Kurly Itoio 1'otu
toe. Uleveu kliuU of Ilrnt eluM
Seed Corn. I'oultry und KgBs
bought und told ut
Cheap CtikU Grocery uiuj Feed
Store, Second und futon Stt.
DeWitfs Witch Hazel Salve
Cures Piles, Scalds, liuras,