The Dalles Daily Chronicle. The only Republican Daily Neirtpapei on Watco County. COUNTY OFFICIAL. County Judgo Kobt.Mnys Bherin .T. J. Driver Clerk TroMurer Commissioners., M. Kclmiy ...C. U Phillip I A. S. Hlowers 1 11. h vimspr Awcsfcor W. II. hippie 8unreyor .. ' ;,','01! Hupmntenrient ofl'ubllc Schools. ..C. 1.. lillbcrt Coroner W. H. Hutts Advert Islni; llitle". llun Ir.nh nr Iisfc 111 Dnllv .... IBM. f 1 M Over two Inches uml under four Inches 1 00 75 SO Over four Inches nod umlcr twelve inches. Over twelve Inches DAILY AND WKKKLY. One Inch or ltss. per Inch Over onu Inch nnrt umlcr four Inches Over four Inches nuil under twelve Inches. Over nclvo Inches J 00 1 fill 1 00 Werklv Outlining Hales. Chioniclo ami $2 Chronicle ami hxnnnnur - -o Chronicle anil Inter Ocean 1 So Chronicle anil Tribunu 1 75 Chronicle and X. Y. World 2" 00 P1UDAY M.UJCH 4, 1S9S GOOD HE&ULTS ALUEADY, The first r.nmml convention of the wool-growers of the Northwest has passed into history as a gratifying success in every particular, lkight as were the anticipations, they were realized in the fullest measure. The de!eates who attended were men of means and influence in their respect ive communities, and gave to the meeting such a character as few rep resentative bodies attain. The dis cussions and addresses upon matters pertaining to the wool-growing in dustry were animated and interest ing, and the questions asked showed bow deep was the interest taken by the delegates. One direct result flowing from this meeting is the formation of the Ore gon Wool - Growers' Association, which was organized yesterday in the Commercial Club. The object of the organization is to bring to gether the men interested in wool raising irto one compact body, and through this to discuss the procedure necessar' to advance the interests of the wool men and to secure such re medial legislation as may from time to time be deemed advisable. It was generally recognized by the visitors to the convention that East ern Oregon is one of the best adapt ed section in the counliy for wool raising, and the outlook was never brighter than it is at present. The formation of a stale assoeia tion, with the local organizations can work in harmony, is a distinct ad vance in furthering the interests of the wool growers and those who are directly and indirectly interested in their prosperity. For the next year, at least,. The Dalles will be the head quarters tor the association, and it should be our every effort, as citi zens of this great wool-shipping cen ter, to further the interests of this association. There can be little doubt now but that the destruction of the Maine was due to circumstances other than unintentional. While no official in formation of this kind has been given out, yet the reticence of the naval aflicers to discuss the situation seems to lend some credence to sensational newspaper reports. The calm man ner with which the American people liavo viewed the situation is greatly to their cicdit. There is no undig nified subservience to Spain; no cowardly assertions for peace. Pres ident McKinley and congress have simply refrained from outspoken words or actions until the official examination is ended, and should tho result turn out as we expect it will, then the nation may await with confidence the most vigorous action in demanding reparation; and if war must needs come, the American peo plo will uudertake it. confident of the result and with consciences clear. W'jcn McKinley 's attitude is viewed correctly, especially atrocious seems .Senator Mason's burly break. Many kind words were expressed by the delegates to the wool conven tion regarding the treatment offered thorn by the people of this city, and these pleasant expressions arc lmartily appreciated. Without the Commer cial Club, however, the visitors could not have been entertained so successfully as they were. Already ' this institution has justified its ex istence in the eyes ot the people, and has proven a wide advertisement for The Dalles. DIED WITH HIS CHUM. A Xtilile Cniirotitlun of n 'Soldier's llntv to UN Prloinl. In liv rern'misvonecG of (ion. Sir Kwlyn Woo, I, liiin.-olf a bravo Knrlish soldier, a touching ius'tanoo of courage and sol f-aierl lice is fpven. says an ox chanp'e. Out- .luno day- in tSS.i o de tachment of Knplirili inarines wa cross inp the AVoron.ov. mad under lire from (he Russian Uitterics. All of the men leached .shelter in the trenchen except a seaman, .lolm Hlewitt. As lie mis running: ii terrific roar w.vs heard. His mates knew the voice of a 'hufre can non, tho terror of the nrniv, and yelled: ."Lookout! Tt is Whistling flit!" Hut at the moment Mewitt wo struck by the. enormous mass of iron on the knees and thrown to the 'ground, lie called to his special chum: "Oh. Welch, save me!" The fuse wns hissing, but Stephen Weli'li ran out of the trenches mid, seizing the great shell, tried to roll it oiT of his comrade. It exploded with such terrific force that ittit an atom of the bodies of lliewitt. or Welch was found. Even in that-time, when each hour hnd its ex citement, this deed of heroism tirrel the wliole English army. One of tho oftlccrs searched out Welch's old moth er in her poor home and undertook her support wlide she lived, ami the story of his death helped his comrades to nobler conceptions of a soldier's duty. FOUR-LEGGED TRADERS. Jllei' Tlirtt Itoplnco with Other Artl olo All tho Thliitc They Stenl. There is a motive in Florida locally known as the trading mouse. It is com monly a woods mouse, but it (illicitly adapts itself to human habitation. A colony of such mice carried two bushels of shelled beans .10 feet during six nigh Us recently and replaced the lwans with seed pods of a weed. Jewelry, too, haa teen taken by those little traders, say the Xon York Sun. One woman on the east coast of Florida at an IndLaiv river winter resort found a nnmlwr of seed instead of a pair of enrrings that she had left on the bureau. A search in the pla-.-e where, the seeds had been' taken disclosed the earrings. A man who had a bo.v of poker chips in hisTonm in an open-topped box was surprised to find in their stead a string of prayer beads, a 'small crucifix, and a niimlerof shells. lie started an investi gation immediately. A priest who had roomed near by was eipially puzzles! by finding the colored poker chips in his room. It is generally believed that the trad ing mouse learns its curious ways by robbing squirrels or blue jays of nuts 1 lid bv for future use. DISTRIBUTING NATURAL GAS. Sent Long Distance" Through Pipe hj JIouiih of Air l'rosure. The transmission or conveyance of gas under pressure to long distances, which was an unsolved problem some SO years ago, is now a lied fact, repre sented by the present use of about "5,000,000 feet of pipe used jn the dis tribution of natural gas. On the discovery of this article, says the J'hila delphia Ilulletin, the- pressure at the well was sufficient to drive it through the pipes almost as far as desired, but this pressure declining tome additional methods were neeebsitated, the well known air compressor being resorted to to pump the gas; and, an allowing Its elliciency, there arc at Greenland, in Indiana, gas .ells which have long car ried supplies to Chicago. There arc two cight-itu'h pipe lines used, the gas being pumped a. distance of about 1C0 miles. There is at I!edk.y, Jnd., a pumping station of this character that supplies the townsof Springfield, Tlilin, Litnan, Dayton, I'iquo, and other places in the western part of Ohio. Near Pittsburgh there is a gus plant which pumps 20,000,000 cubic feet every 24 hours for use in mills, the pumping of this being without the least, difficulty; and the Philadelphia company pumps many millions of cubic feet a day. There are New England air compressors that are pumping every day, at various stations in the United States, the enor mous quantity of nearly 100,000,000 cubic feet. DoWitt's Littie tiarly Kiscrs, The (anioua llitlr pill. Ask your Druggist for a generous 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. CATARRH: Ely's Cream Balm contain no' cocalno, mercury nir toy other injurloui drug. It ll quickly Absorbed. Ulve Keller at once. Tt. ntutna anil fluuiiM)a ttVndn. COLD HEAD Hull and Protect, tho Moaibrane. (ettres tba SeiMM of Taata and Kmell. Full Slxa&oc. Trial SUelOc.: atDrocKltUorbVBiall. tiliX JtitorHitKB, i WwreuaHmttlffWYcrh Taking the JVledi cine .ss 1 1 mi KHL1A1JLH PHARMACISTS. 175 Second Street, THE DALLES, J-Ioliday ilmprouemets. You wantSpaper "which makes your holiday enjoyment jireater. You want paper whichjniflkea your home pleasanter;atlall times. You need such shades and designs as will nivo more beauty and more comfort in your home. We show you stylos that exceed any ever seen here at prices never attempted for such quality. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. NOTICE FOB PUI1LICATION. Land Office, Tiir Dalles, Oh., l-ebruitry, 'J, IS'.'S. t Notlco N hereby given that tho following numeil tcttler hut, llltnl notlco of his intention to eoinmuto mid make llnnl proof In support of his claim, ami that said proof will bo mado be fore Heaister ami Itecelver nt The Dalles, Ore pon, on '1'uenlay. .March lbOi, U: Olivftr llowem, of The Ialli, II. E. No. S807, for the SHU NKJ and NEK SEK S?c 21, Tp ' N. U VI E. V il. He names tho following witnosos to prove his continuous rettdence upon and cultivation uf snld land, vi: William Hulfner, Perry VanCamp, Harry l.i'arnud. II. II. Learned, all of The Dalles, Ore gon. JAS. K. MOOKE, ltoKlsier. Regulator Line Tie Dalles. Portal and. Astoria Navigation Co.' . strs. Regulator Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE BKTWKK.S The Dalles, Hood Ittver, L'nK'ado Ixcks and Port land dally, wTewit hunday. DOWN THE VALLEY on to EASTERN OREGON? Are you going If no, nave money and enjoy a beautiful trip on the Columbia, Tho wot-bouud train arrive at The Dalles In ample time for pamenirerH to take tho ktcamer, arriving in Portland in time for the outgoing Uoutheru and Northern train ; Eut bound panm-nicer arriving In TheDale in time to tako the Eant-bouud train. . For further information apply to J. N. HARNEY, Agent, Oak Htreet Dock, Portland, Oregon, . Or W U. ALLAWAY, Sen. Agt., The Dallea. Oregon One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That I what It wu mfdr for. Wholesale. tXtines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED ANHEUSER TJOD n.rT "n xjuwo. UnVjjj-' Anheuser-Busch Malt ISTutrine, a non-alcoholic bevoi age, unequaled als a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. aai3noBOQaoQoasBaiiHBeBnDos!is9ois9CBacr!iosi(a!'a S 0 1 S ....-the:.... 'SOBS IB Weekly Inter Ocean III! LARGEST CIRCULATIOHjOFJNYOLmL PAPER IN THE WESTg g It is rr.-Jicdlly Republican, advocating the cardinal doctrines oi that party with ability and earnestness,... THE WEEKLY INTER THE U EWS AND BEST It Is Morally Clean and as a The Literature of Us columns is equal to that of the best maga zines. It Is In teres ting to the chil dren as well as the parents. THE INTER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and while it brings to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and gives its readers the best and ablest discussion! of all questions of the day, it is in full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discusses literature and politics from" the Western standpoint. S"Sk?i"S SI.00-PB1CE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR-$I.OO THE DAILY AND SUNDAY EDITIONS OF THE INTER OCEAN ARE BEST OF THEIR KIND. , 1'rlco or Dally liy mull 1'rloo of , Sunday liymull g. Dally and .Sunday by mall Grandall&BuFget DEALERS IN All kinds of UNDERTAKERS iP EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplies! T. Z. DONNELL, PfESClPTIOH DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., THE DALLES, OR PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also . all kinds of Staple and Fanoy Grooeries. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Groo has mho Subscribe for The Chpoincle - BUSCH and TOT? TP T? on drniiRht and in OOttlOB wt.tBut it can always be relied on for fair and honest reports of all po m litical movcments'.cut'tirtii OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL CURRENT LITERATURE Family Paper Is Without a Peer. M ...$1.00 per yenr ,,,ir2 OO or year ...$0,011 per year Robes, Burial Shoes, Ete. the best Dress Goods ft T 1 mi 1 1 has the best Shoes has everything to be found in a first-olass Dry Goods Store. C. F. STEPHENS. O.R&H. TO THE ESST! GIVES TIIK 0IIO1CK OK TWO Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT NORTHCF1N RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. -VIA Spokano Minneapolis St. Paxil Salt Lake Denver Omaha Chicago Kansas City Low Ratesiito all Eastern Cities Ml! KAN NTHA.MKKH l'av, I'ortliinil l.viti'V l'lv, lav fii'.- SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Steamers monthly from Portland to Yokohama mid Moon Koiik via North itii l'adllc. Sti'aniHlil Co., in connection with O. II. k N. For full iIoIhIIh cult on O. K A Co. k Agent The Dalles, or HiliIrcsK DODHON. CAHI.II.I. .t Cll, flcn. Antn.. North I'millu HIoioiikIiIii Co. TIAIIC (lAltll. No. I, to Sioliiuie mill (Meat Northern nrrlves ntr:'J."ni. in.. Iiive ill ft:::0 y. nt. No. In IVtullo ton, linker City uml I'nlon I'lirllle.nrrlvesiitli.r) )i. in., iloj'iirtx nt :'.t) i. in. No K, (ioiii Hpokimu uml (Ireiit Northern, nr. rives nt IV .") ii. in., ilopnrt.i nt ll;,Vi n. in. No. 1, from llnktr Clly uml Union 1'iielllu, arrives at ;i;'J0 a. ni tlcpiiriH at :i::'n n. m, Nos. 'J.I mitl -1, iiiovIiik east of The Dalles, will enrry llHssollKer. No. 23 arrives at l p. in,, No. J ileparl.s at 1 :4' p. nt. l'ascnKcrs for lleppner take No IouvIiik ' here at 11: 1.1 p. in. W, II. lltJKl.UUKT, Hen. l'ass. Ab! l'ortlaiiil. Ok'koii Drugs Paints Oils Wall Paper Window Glass Snipes-Kincrsly Drug Co. 129 Second Street, THE DALLES-, OREGON DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. 131. (3-L IE 3ST J, S. BCIIKNK, 1'rvildeiit. II. il. IlKAf. , Ctuhler First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Buaineis transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on Mew York, San Franolsoo and port land. DIRBOTOMI D. p. Thompson. Jno. .8. Sohxnox Ed. M. Wilmaks, Gxo. A. Libbk. , H. M..Bkai,l,