Tbt Dalles Daily GhPCinuSft. TITK 1IA1.1.KS, OKKIION KT BXJOYS Both tho method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind over pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SUN FRAH01SC0. CAL. LQUmiUE, r. HEW YORK, K.t. Weelily Excursions in Through Cars to the Bant. Another through tourists car to the East has been arranged for to run out of Portland, giving four each week. Here after the car leaving Monday will run through without change to Kansas City and Chicago, over the O. R. & X, Oregon Short Line, R. G. W., D. & R. G., Mo. Pacific and C. & A. That car has just previously been arranged for and the one previously arranged for has been changed to Thursday. It runs through to St. Louis, via the Mo. Pacific line. The car leaving Portland Tuesday goes through to Boston, and is promoted by the C, R. I. & P. Wednesday's car runs to St. Joseph, Kansas City and St. Louis over the Burlington. All these special through cars are receiving a gratifying patronage. Consult the 0. R. & X. agent before buying a ticket to the East. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Always J'royen KflTectdfll. "There are no better medicines on the market than Chamberlain's. We have used the Cough Remedy when all others failed, and in every instance it proved effectual. Almost daily we hear .the virtues of Chamberlain's remedies ex tolled by those who have used them. This is not an empty puff, paid for at so much a line, but is voluntarily given in good faith, in the hope that suffering huoianity may try these remedies and, like the writer, be benefited. From the Glenville JW. Va.J Pathfinder. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Sheep marking paint ; ready for use. Two colors, black and red. Why you ahould use our sheep paint. First, be cause the colors are ground thoroughly in pure linseed oil by fins machinery ; eecond, because it is made of high grade color, with the proper amount of dryers added to give it binding and lasting qualities, which prevent it from washing or rubbing off; third, it is much moie economical, because it is always ready for use. We guarantee our sheep mark ing paints to give satisfaction. Try it and be convinced. Clarke & Falk, agents, The Dalles, Or. Frank Sherwood was down town to day, the first time since he had his tus sle with cholera morbus. He says he drove miles after'.he was taken sick, and never came so near dying in his life. After this when he goes out in the coun try lie will take a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy with him. Mistouri Valley (Iowa) Tinisa. For sale by Blakeley & Hough ton. Tbe belt seeds crown are Ferry's. Tbe best seeds sown are Ferry's. l The bait seeds known are I terry's. It pays to plant FERRY'S Famous Seeds l Ask Us daaiar for tfcim. Send for J .PKHRV'S IIID ANNUAL ana mini iMVisnoassai MW-w aHH ana fa K NOT A Mr.' EKA l Jl NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING. Notice is hereby given to the legal votem of school district No. 12 of Wasco county, statu of Oregon, that the annual school meeting for the said district will bo held at the brick school linuse, n Court street, to begin at the hour of 2 o'clock on the afternoon of the first Monday, being the 7th day of March, 1 SOS. This meeting is called for the purpose of considering the general re ports, financial ami others, of the clerk and other school officers, and the tran saction of business usual at such meeting. Dated bet). 24, lS'JS. 0. D. bo.vNu, Chairman Hoard Directors. Attest: G. P. Mouoan, Dist. Clerk. You can't aflord to risk your life by allowing a cold to develop into pne.wno uia or consumption. Instant relief and a certain cure are afforded bv One Min ute Cough Cure. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice is hereby given that there will be an annual meeting of the stockhold ers of The Dalles. Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. at their office Saturday, April 2, 1S9S, at 2 p. ni., for the purpose of electing seven directors, and transact ing such other business as mav properly come before said meeting. By order of the president. The Dalles March 1, 1S9S. 0. L. Phillips, Secy. Just received New lot of oranges, lemons, pineapples, bananas and cauli flower, at The Dalles Commission and Grocery Co.'s. 28-tf Your 1,iat Chance. All negatives now in my possession made by Mr. Houghton or D.'C. Herrin prior to Jan. 1, 1S95. will be destroyed. If ou wish to duplicate prints, orders must be placed before March 1st. Giffoiid, Photo. Artist, fehl-lm Chapman Block. Did It ever strike you that Foutz' Prize Medal and Guarantee cigars are the best cigars on earth. tf. Sheepmen, Attention! Clarke & Falk have securod the agency for the La Plata Sheep Dip. Mixes instantlv witli cold water. We have cigars to burn at Foutz'. FRED. W. WILSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Till- DALLKri.OREGON Ofllce ovei First N'at. B-mk. J)KS" OEISKNDOItFFKtt & ltUKDY, Physicians and Surgeons, Special attention given to surgery. Rooms 21 and 22, Tel. 323. Vogt Block LLS nilLV ONE FOR A DOSE. Hemores Pimples, curat Headache. Dyspepsia and Costlent S3. 26 cts. a box st drutrgiius or tnr mall btmplea i're. address Of. Bosanko Co. Phil. Fa. VOGT Opera House ONE JOLLY NIGHT, a Monday, March 7. George's Operatic Minstrels Consolidated With Georaia University (Mimes. COJ.OItKD COMJCAI.ITIIJ-S, SONGS, DANCKrf, Sl'KCIAJn.SS, SOUTHERN I'ABTIMK KKGKO ECCENTRICITIES, DOWN ON THE LKVEE, A NIGHT IS DIXIE LAND PLANTATION MELODIES. WAY DOWN SOUTH llEKOItE THE WAR. A Bright, Clever. Up-to-date Com pany of genuine Colored Artists. Look out for the noonday parade. Admission 50c, - Children 25c. Reserved seats without extra charge, No higher. Now on sale at Snipes-Kin-ertly Drug Co. M AlltlsVllfl UR. GUMN'&'l! For People That Arefti Sick or "Just Don't W Feel Well." I Well Children that are not very robust need a warming, building: and fat-forming food something to be used for two or three months in the fall that they may not suffer from cold. SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypophos phites of Lime and Soda supplies exactly what they want. I hey will thrive, grow strong and be well all winter on this splendid food tonic Nearly all of them become very fond of it. For adults who are not very strong, a course of treatment with the Emulsion for a couple of months in the fall will put them through the winter in first-class con dition. Ask your doctor about this. Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. See that the man and nsn ire on the wrapper. All druggists ; 50c. and $1.00. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. ITS SILENCE MAUDENING. Ono Fcatoro of Aliiskrt Which IMitrossei tho While .linn. Father Jiirnuin, who is in charge of tho Catholic missions in Alaska, re turned several months ago for a visit to a civilized community. Next to the cold he found the extreme silence to cause tho greatest suffering to white men. There were the white plains stretching off to the horizon, and no bird nor beast is seen; where a footfall is hushed in the snow the stillness be comes almost intolerable at times. The natives nre good natured and welcome instruction. While teaching them what he could, the father endeavored in turn to learn something of their language, but in this experienced some diflieulty. In one instance he desired to learn their designation of an orphan, and wliile talking to cjne of their old women, said: "Now, I want you to tell me some thing," and proceeded to question her. She did not understand, however, anil he tried it on another tack, lit said: "I have lost r.iy mother, and my father is dead. Xmv what" but he was inter rupted by a loud wail from the old crone, who wept bitterly, bemoaning the loss of his parents, attempting to condole with him. The father did not learn from her what she called an or phan. Washington Star. SCRATCH AND SCREAM Sly baby broko out with a rash. He would scratch and scream. It would take two to hold him, and ono to put medicine on him. Wu had to hold him oomctlinm an hour before we could tret him quiet- d daw n. All aatd that they never saw auch 11 face or body on any hnby on him. I had to tie hi hand light In n cloth, nlKht and day, for five months, My aluter had used CUT,!. CUHA.aml 1 biwiin to ue It. Afltr only one application, he lay down itnd tlrpta ha had not for a month, poorllttlo fellow, lie ban not a scar on him now, and l an fair and his flesh in as soft as any baby. While ho had this disease I had to cut the sleeves out of hi clothes, and put gauze underwear on him to keep him cool. I hod to keep pieces of toft cloth around his neck, It ws no wet with moisture from the Korea, and I hod to change tho cloths sometimes ten or twelve times a day. Mrb. A. HAYNE8, Lisbon, N. D. ttriinr Ocas Tehtmsst roa Basr Illinois. Warm bath, with Cuticusa Soar, and gentle applica tion, of Concern (ointment), tbe treat atln curt. Sold throughout the world. Potter Diuo AS Cam. Coar.. bole Propa, lioeton, U. 8. A. Ue fre Doigg Jleat ar?d .rtistie ..priptip.. por lea$ogable prices.- Wo Print Anything in tho Printing Lino. Qiue us a trial. 5tyror;i;lt3 pub. o. FREE. FREE. g) (9 -WeJWill Glvo to ah Subscribers and Persons subscribing and paying up in ad vance for the Weekly GhroDiele A Copy of mn Answer Any Question You may Ask It. Standard American & Annual. PRICE GENTS Ready Jan, 1, On All News Stands. Larger, Better, More Complete Than Ever. fggpTbt most widely sold Annual Rtfif tnce Book and Political Mamul published. THE WORLD, Pulitzer Building, New "York. TILLETT & GALLIGAN, WM. TILLETT. H. GALLIGAN. Sole rroprletotH of tho CKI.KHKATKI) XAKIMA AI'IT.K. Hood River Nursery, TII.LKTT& GAI.l.lOAN, l'ropa. Firat-clasa Nursery Stock a Specialty Tne coiumtiia Packing Co.. PACKERS OF PORKandBEEF M AN U FACT UltKKH OK Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON RIED BKKF. KTO. He World Umanac Encyclopedia Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. , Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, Tmiujmo Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle ton FlOUI Tl,'s Flour 18 manufactured expressly for family w use : every Hack ia guaranteed to give satisfaction. We sell our sooda lower than anv house in the trade, and if von Annh hi.,1, call. and get our prices and bo convinced. Highest Prioes Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. ft ..chas. FMM.. Batchers and pQvmePs ..Exchange.. Kooim on (IraitKht tlio oolebriitoil Cill.UMIMA IIKKIt, itrktniwl rtlRtil tho l't licor ill Tim Dnllcx, lit the tiMlul l'Hci'. Ciiiuii In, Ir.v II and lie milvinci'il. AI'O tint I'linst linuula of Wines, I.I tinrs mill Clear.-. Sandrjuiehes Patronize the All kind of wotk. Wlilto Shirts n Hpecliilty. Kitmilr work nt reiltioiil rules, Wash eolleeu.il anil ilellveieil free, Teloplione No. 111). H. D. Parkins, Agt, Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL WatchmakerT Jeweler All work promptly attended to, anil warranted. 174 VOGT LOCK FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKANSAUT A (iKN'Klt.W. li.VSICINO 11US1NK8 Letters of Credit isaued available in the Eustern States. Ki(ht xcliuti(ro and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washinuton. Collections mivJo at all points on fav orable terms. THE NEW YORK WORLD THRIGE-fl-WEEK EDITION. 1H Van vi u Weok. 100 I'liperH n Year It stands first anionR '"weekly" papers in size, irequency 01 puitucation freshness, variety and reliability of cor. tents. It is practically a daily at the low price o a weekly; and ifr vast list of subscribers, extending to e;ery state and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and among Its special features are n fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashion for women and a Ion series of stories by tho greatest living American and English authors, Oonan Doyle, Jerome K. .lemma, Htauley Weymaiij Mary K. WllkluN Anthony Iloue, Itret llurlu, llraniler Blattlitms, Ktc. Wo offer this unequaled newspaperantl The Dalles Twice-a- Weok Chronicle to gether ono year for $2.00. The regular priue of tho two papers is $3.00. B H HUNTINGTON II U WltSON HUNTINGTON it WILSON, ATTOHNKYB AT I-AW, TIIK DAI.I.1CB, OUKCiON Ofllcoovir Klrat Nat. Hunk. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF TUB Southern Pacific Comp'y, TrnltiN Icnvonml nro iluo to nrrlvo nt t'ortlnmi 1.KAVR. a mvK OVKKI.ANI) UX-1 tiron"), .iili'in, Hobo- oiiru. h ii until, rni" o.oo r. m I ramciito, Ottili'ii.Hiin 1 ICritimlui.ii. MlllilVii. Lim AtiRcios,i:i riino. Ntnv uriciiuH nun i w.,. I A. M. Itovi-lmrir mill wilV i-la- tllltlN I'. M Dully OXl'Upt KuiulityN. I Via Woivlliiirn lorl Mt.AiiKL'l, Hllvcrtim, Wont Hi'lo, lirowttH- y vlllf,HirliiKlluliliiiul Natron J null)' O.X('0t Himdnyj n::') A. M. (CorviiltlN nuil jntiitloiiK ... way I :.W I'.M. i.vdim'kndmnci: rAssKNcint. i:xiire.s tmin Diiliy (u.ogiiMiiiiuiiyj. I;rflii. nt. (I.v. ..1'ortliitnl . .Ar.i 8:2.'iii.tu TiWMi. in. Jai ..MctMluuvllU'. . I.v.S fi;Min,m Hiiaiji. in, Ar,.Iii(l(.'i'omlciu'i,..I.v.) lira a. in ' 'Dully. (Dully, oxccjit rluiul.iy. IlllNINO CAUS ON OCIDEN ItOUTE. l'UI.l,MAN IIUKKCT HI.KKl'KKB AND HKCOND-CI.A8H HI.KKl'lNC UAItS Attnuliwl to all TIiioiikIi Trnlim. Dlroct connection at vnn Knniclwo with Orel. ik'iital anil Orlontal anil 1'nclllu mull Hk-iuiislilp lliifs for JAl'AN niul CHINA. Kalllnir ilatcs on a vllcatlon. Itatiw mill tickets to ICniturn voltiln imil Ku. ruin!. AI.miJAI'AN, CHINA, HONOI.UI.U ami Al'STHAI.IA, can bo olitjilmil from J. II. KIUKI.AN1), Ticket AKClit. TlirniiRli Ticket Olllce, i:il Third Htreet, where throiiBh lloketH to all point In the Kiiitern Htiitt's, Cannila anil Kuropo can liu ohtalnul at lowcdt rntCH Ironi J. II. KIltKI.ANI), Ticket ARcnt. All hIjovo traliiH arrive at anil depart Irnm (Jriiml Central Station. Fifth and IrvniK streeti, VA.MHlT.lTlHVIHION. 1'iikkCUKvr DeKit, foot of Jellerison street. U-avu for OSWKdO, dally, oarcjit Kiimlay, nt T.M a. in.; lli:W. l:ft, rulft, n:M, .viv, p.m. fund l:'M p. in. on Katnrilay only, anil u:(X)a. m and ii. m.nn Hiindays only). Arrive at rortland dully at fi:10 and H:i a in.; anil ltai, I sl., ill'JOiitid 7:65 p. ui., (and 10:0.'i a. m , ll'li flilt) p. ill. on Sunday only). Ix'ave for Shcrlilan, week days, nt l:S0 p. m Arrive at Cortland, V.'M a. in, I-eave for AIHI.IK on Monday, Wednesday and Krl'lay at U:10 a. in. Artlve at rortland, Tuei, dav, Thurbday and Katurda) it :!:0,) p. in. K.xcept Hunday. "K.xcepl BaturUay. H. KOKIU.Klt, Manager. (I, If. MAKK1IAM, Anst. (i. K. ii 1'uns. Art III ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. s Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car HT. TAlll. ailNNKArOI.I 1IIJ1.CTI1 I'AKOO UICANII HOK UUOOICHTUN WINMI'Kn 11KI.KNA an I11ITTK TO Through Tickets CIIIUA41U WAHHINUTON l'tlll.AUKI.I-UIA NKW YOKK UOHTON AMD AM. l'OINTH KAHT ami HOUTH For Information, time cards. matiNaml tickets, cut on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. ARent, The Dalles, Oregon on A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., . Morrison Cor. Third. I'ortlanil Oroiron Dalles, Moro and Antelope STAGE LINK Through Iiv ilavlluht via Orass Valley, Kent and Cross Hollows. DOIJOI.AN AI.I.KN, Tlio Dulles. U. SI. H IHTKI.AW. Antolopo. Btaircs leave Tho Dalles irom Umatilla Hoiise at 7 a. in,, also from Autcloiiu at7:UUa. m. yeo' oniiay, weqiicsilay cnil l rlilay. uonueuiioiia llllille at Antelouu for rliinullln. Slllchcll ami tiolnts boyond. (ilosu CLiiiiectlous iiiadoatTUo Dalles with railways, trains and boats, Blaxoi from Anteliino reach Tho IMlles Tnes days, TlmrsUays and Hatnrdays nt 1:3U p. in. ., ItATBH OP I'AltK. Dulles to Deschutes 1 JO do Moro 1 W do (Irass Valley , ... .. ...'J' Uo Kent ill" do Cross Hollows ' ' Antelope to Cross Hollows ,, ,, ,,. ... 1 fj.1 il( Kent "J Uo (IratK Valley a do Moro ,. do Dcschiiees , Io Dalles , , All county 'warrants registered prior to Nov. 22, 1803, will bp ,pid at niy ofllce. Interest censes (ter Feb. 10th, 1808. O. L. PiilWli-B, Countv Treasurer. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That U what It waa ada for.