The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 03, 1898, Image 3

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(Mai Sale
HOT WATER in Ten Minutes J
Do You
jy 10
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Wanted u girl to do genorul house
work. Iii(iiin! at this otlicu.
Plain, mixed und dill pickles, olives
ami pigs' feet in bulk, nt Tho DiiIIuh
Commission & Grocery Co.'h.
Unite u number of speakers ami dele
g.itoa who have boon attending thu tron
Tentlon in thia city, loft for their respec
live homes tiduy.
Now la Iho timi) to got your bicycles
overhauled and put in ahnpe. Wu are
prepared to do all kindn of bicycle re
pairing, (live uaacall. Maior & Ren
ton. Pa Plata Sheep Dip, proven by every
test to he the heat non-poisonous fluid
dip in thu world ; guaranteed to cure
tcub, Itch, core throat, lice and hoof-rot.
Clarke & Falk, agents, The Dalles.
Charles McCormnck, who Uvea about
two miles east of Woodburn, in propui
IBK to ahip about f00 halea of hopa to
Kngliuid. lie hopua to ohtuin a better
prito by shipping tliuin direct to large
Tins pleasant up-stream wind which ia
blowing today ia, drying the mud, and
Wcycle riders are getting their wheola
ready for use, while a few uro alroady
improving the opportunity oll'ored by
tho drier streets.
Today the now Shorninn county paper,
Hie Jloro header, reached uh. It is
edited by W. 1.. Hunting, nnd is a re
markably wido-awako Honubliciin naiier
Tin; Oiiuo.nioi.i: wishes the now publica
tion all fciiccesa.
Thia evening's session of tho conven
tion will ho thu most interesting for In
dies and young folks that tins yet been
belli. In conjunction with 11 aplondid
musical program a series of stereoptican
vlowe will 1,0 preeunted.
In the ease of the United Stiitus vs.
Seufert Bros. Co., recently tried in the
United States district court for tho third
Hmo, the defendant was yesterday given
ten days for further time' by Judge Bell
nger in which to inako a motion for a
new trial.
I'endlnton Tribune : A. L. Uoseor, of
The Dalles, is registered nt the Golden
ul. lie is an old business man ot Tho
DHt'8. Ho sold out Ida interest in a
coiiimlealon business tliero recently and
proposes to locate iu thu Garden City of
untllla county.
Veatorday Conatnblo Hill nrreatod
one Mat Teal, of Moslor, who Js charged
'H lmving nttemptud violence on the
6"on of W. 0. Phillips of tlint place.
1 is having his hearing before Justice
JMoon todoy, nnd will probably bo
"oond over to keep the peace.
A- M. Williama & Co. nre offerin(! our
Jllei ladies come very choice items
bit week. Their buyers hnvo returned
n Hiir eastern trip, and tho rosuUs
tbelr labors are boginning to be no
"ewblo. Their most receut attractions
,,e a apucial lot of silks waists, which
extend to all visitors to our city
this lime, our host wishes and a
invitation to visit us.
E shall esteem it a pleasure to show
them through our. establishment
to make ourselves of service in an)'
that mav offer. ......
are being quoted at ifL'.oO and if!!, prices
decidedly below their real value. An
early inspection invited.
Hon. 11. Alexander, ex-mayor of Pen
dleton, who ia spokon of by prominent f
politicians as a candidate for atute treas
urer, ia in thu city attending thu con
vention and visiting friends. Mrs. Al
exander was u resident of Thu Dalles
before bur marriage, and is well known
to many Dalles people.
, Referring to the discussion of range
grasses which occupied so much of the
time of the convention, it will interest
our readers to know that they can bu
supplied by Buell Lamberson, Portland's
seed man, who is attending the conven
tion, and who will be pleased to Bend
Ida iliuatrated catalogue to any address.
Will GarretBou has a curriosity in his
... ,u B .,. u. , j i
lamb. Iho body is perfectly formed to
the shoulders, whore two distinct heads
and necks crop out. He has an in-,
scription on it "Oregon Against the )
World, for Production." It more ban
attracta the attention of the many sheep
men who are in the city attending the
convention. j
The trial trip Tuesday of UnitedStatca i
I? i ..i. -tj i...tii c 17-.,
. ... .1 It 1 n. 1 l.wl
iigiiiniiip iiu. Mf, mini hi. qui. j
mrbor by Wolfe & Zw icker, was an un-
ualified success. A trip whb made to
Calamaand back, and the machinery
orked to fho perfect satisfaction of
Commander George C. Reiter, inspector
JJof the tenth lighthouse district, and In-
Hnector Ureeir. who were on board. ine
ship carried one hundred pounds of
team with a SS-inch vacuum, anil
iivuraged olevun knots, which is butter
ban the reouiroments. As tho vessel
wung gracotully down the river she was
euluted by every passing ship. Tho con
tract prico ifl $7:1,000.
Henry Hudson ia in iron Dufur today.
T. II. Johnston in from ids homo at
Atty. J. M. Long of Portlnnd ia in the
city today.
F. W. Hundley of Pendleton is in the
city today.
Attorney Pierce Maya ia in tho city on
buaiuess today.
J. W. Aver of Baker City is in thia
city attonding tho convention.
Tho water rent for.tho month of March
will be collected by J. B. Crosson.
ThomiiB F.irghor, u prominent sheop
and grain raiser from tho Dufur vicinity,
is in tho city today.
W.J. Furnish, cashier of the Pendle
ton savings bank and a prominent sheep
man, is iu tho city.
Herbert C. Gregg, editor of tho Walla
Wwlln Union, who baa been attending
the convention in tins city, ieu wr uumu
last night.
11 it Riiitrnr nnd wife, parents of A.
0. Geiiter. who have been visiting their
son in the city, left lor bnluiu "ils morn-
ing, where they will remain a few daya
before returning to ther home in Kana
as. To Curo Culrt ,e
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
they (nil to cure. 25c,
I.UHt KvciiIiir mill TocIiij'i
SehHlmiK Very
Wednesday evening's ecBeion of the
'acilic Northwest Wool-Growers' Asso-
intion wua so largely attended that the
ating capacity 'of the Vogt was inade
quate to accommodate all. It is remark-
le how manv ladies and vounir peonle
Hittend the meeting, this being, in all
"""l l.U!!!.. J.. - 1 : 1
prouHL'iuiV , uue iu me upienuiu uiueiciii
programs rendered, as well aB the excel
lence of the speakers who deliver lec
tures on various eubjects.
After the orchestra played a selection
the quartet sang"I Long For Thee," r-nd
in answer to an encore gave a very
amusing medley, "Our National Song."
F. J. Barry, of the Union Stock Yards,
! Chicago, made an interesting speech on
"The Horse." Mr. Barry is thu largest
hor8e.deaIer in the UniIod State8 and
U(o authorU 0 tl)0 eabject 0I1
whid ,(e ke H(J mM farmerg
ujd Ht0(Jklllen. hl al to ruiflB the
Umt ,w iu)(
t,oii8 aa t() thu kmJfj t,mt c0,u11Bnd the pr(!eg jn thu U!irketHi
Mf Kjnro88 thlM1 sang a boIo, which
Wil(J H0 j,iua9iK to the audience that
lnv (Himumtea an encore, ana were
favored with "The Clang of tho Forge,"
which was even more appreciated than
the first selection.
State Veterinary ,11111108 Withycombe
addressed the assembly on the subject
"Tuberculosis in Animals, Especially in
Cattle." and advanced the theory that
consumption is rather more contagious
tn.u. ilt.reditarv : aleo that it maybe
contrnctcd in many cases from milk of
cowb afllcted with this disease. His ad
dross, though short, waa extremely in
teresting, und tho audience regretted
that he had not more time to speak.
The Tomp'le Quartet sang "Annie
Laurie," and again were called back,
singing a pretty Cncore song.
Music by thu orchestra closed the
evening's program.
MOItNINO si:ssio.
The morning bosbIoii was opened by
eiuging "Open the Lattice" by the
quartet club, after widen the committee
011 constitution and by-laws reported
and the articles of the same were read
and adopted section by section by the
Owing to the large amount of busi
ness to be transacted iu. the morning
sesdion, the election of orllceis was post
poned until the afternoon Bcssion. It
resulted as follows :
President, Dr. James ft'ithycombe,
Hillsboro, Or.
Vice-presidents A. S. Mac Allistor,
The Dalles, Or j John McMillan, Idaho;
--"tJJohn 0. Hussey, Montana; A. b. La
pGraw. Washington.
Secretary J. W. Bailey, Pendleton.
ReoordlnK Secretary - T. B.
in m 1 1? T ...1.1 -,.,...
Executive committee W. F. Furnieb,
Pendleton ; Natt Webb, Washington ; L.
L. Ormsby, Idaho; A. Spencer, Mont.
After tho election of officers the letters
One '05 Ladies' Clove
land Wheol
Two '97 Eagle Wheels
One '96 Cleveland....
Gent's Wheel . . .
One '95 Eagle Gent's
One '97 Boy's Eagle
One '97 Girl's Eagle
In order to make room for
our new stock, we are mak
ing the aliove
Low Prices.
in the question box were read and dis
The subject as to where the next an
nual meeting of the association would
be held, came before the convention and
it was decided to hold the same at Pen
dleton, on the first Tuesday in March.
A number ot different resolutions were
read nnd adopted, which will be pub
lished later.
An address by W. W. Baker, of Port
land, editor of the Farm, Flock and Fac
tory, was attentively listened to by all,
and with thia the afternoon session
The last session of the association will
bo held tonight, commencing at 8 p. m.,
and a delightful time is expected.. Among
other attractions an illustrated lecture
by Prof. Pernot, of Corvallie, will be
The Nicaragua canal commission states
that the route between tho Pacific ocean
and lake Nicaragua is very feasible, and
estimates the cost of construction at not
more than $100,000.
Reports received yesterday state that
in case of a war with the United States,
Spain will not find ullies in Europe.
The European countries are neutral to
the United States and will, in all proba
bility, .remain neutral in case of trouble.
A late dispatch received this morning
states that it ia known positively that
the board of inquiry has reported, but
it is unable so far to determine the cause
of the accident. The president isde
termined to find out the facts.
Tho steamer College City has been
put on the Alaska route.
Two Klondikers are reported frozen to
death near Skaguay with .$100,000 111
their possession.
The result of the recent battle of llol
guin, province of Santiago de Cuba, was
not a Spanish victory, as was announced
in the official report of the engagement
sent to Havana. Letters received at
New York from Cuban leaders show that
the Spaniards not only were not victori
ous, but that after five days of fighting
they were driven from the field In con
fusion and forced to retreat under cover
of darkness, und -that their losses in
killed and wounded were the heaviest
sullered in any single engagement which
has been fought in ninny months.
Notice is hereby given to the legal
voters of school district No. 12, of Wasco
countv, state of Oregon, that the annual
school election for the said district will
be held at the city recorder'a office, to
begin at the hour of 2 o'clock iu the
afternoon, on the 2d Monday, being the
14th day of March, 1898, and closing at
C o'clock p. m. This meeting is called
for the purpose of electing one director
to eerve for the term of three years, and
one clerk to serve for the term of one
year. Dated tills 3d dny of March, 1898.
0. D. Doank,
Chair, board of directors,
Gjco. P. MoiidAN, Clerk.
DeWitt'j Little Early Risers,
The famuli IIUU pills.
i f IV
We have strictly First-Class
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
phone 25. J- T. Peters & Co.
Carrying Out tln Strango Provisions of an
Anlniiil I.ovcr'8 Will.
At Hridgeport, Conn., a provision in
the will of Francis Ives was lately car
ried out, his line horses and well-bred
dogs having- been put to death,
says the New York World. Mr.
Ives was a distinguished member of
the Fairfield county bar and a rich old
bachelor. ' Rumor had it that when he
was a young' man he fell in love with
the beautiful Miss Julia Jones, daugh
ter of Rev. and Mrs. Henry Jones and
tfranddauprhter of Xoah Webster. Mr.
Ives proposed to Miss Jones and she re
jected him. Afterwards she married
Rev. Thomas IJeecher, brother of Hen
ry Ward Beecher. From the fhne of
her marriage Mr. Ives separated him
self from the society of women. He
owned a tine stable of thoroughbred
trotters. Two of them, Prince and
Gypsy, were his greatest favorites, and
as he speeded them he seemed to be
forgetful for the moment and happy.
He owned a kennel of pedigreed point
ers and setters and he vas an enthusi
astic hunter. Mr. Ives died last winter,
leaving a large estate. His will made
his life-long' friend, George Hayes, his
executor, and, outside of a few small
bequests, left his whole estate to his
sister, Mrs. Whiting, of New Haven.
Hut the eighteenth clause of his will
betrayed Mr. Ives' intense affection for
his horses and dogs an niTeclion
which, neeesi-arily diverted from its
iirst object, had centered itself on
them. In this clause Mr. Ives directed
his executor, Mr. Hayes, to chloroform
to death all the animals that he .might
own at the time of his death in the
month of June first following that
event. In explanation of this act of
.seeming cruelty Mr. Ives wrote in his
"L fear lest my dogs and horses will
fall into the hands of some one who
will not treat them kindly."
Mr. Ives was well known to be a hu
mane and kind-hearted man. His exec
utor considered his order binding' upon
fllulllnir u lllrycle.
An American tourist is said to have
leceutly sent his bicycle from London
to Paris by mail at a cost of a few pence
and received it in perfect order. Thnt
looks like a yarn, but it is straight. The
English parcels post now carries mail
packages not over SiO pounds in weight,
and not of 11 higher value than $100,
from any point iu England to any place
in ' ranee at whut appears to be a ri
diculously low tariff. The bicycle
weighed just 0 pounds. The wheels
nnd handle bars were removed from the
frame, and carefully wrapped in heavy
paper, so as to make a compact bundle,
before the- postage was paid, and when
the wrappings were removed at the
tourist's iiotel in Paris the machine
was in perfect condition.
Tliu l'riHllfe'ul'B llvlurn.
Judge Lumar, at 11 political meeting
in his own state, alluding to tho civil
wur, suggested as a purallel case tho
parable of the prodigal son and the joy
ful reception at his home when tiie
naughty boy returned. He wus succeed
ed by a negro, a republican, who, ufter
some general remarks, paid his respects
to limar's parallel. "Forglben!" said
he, "dey forglben, dem brigudlers?
Why, dey'se come wulkln' into de house,
tin' bung de do', an' go up to de oV man
an' say: 'Whar dat veul? "
Catch On? j
No more cold ovens.
Plontv of hot water, p
and a great fuel aver.
Have one put in vour $
stove by f
ltciulr the Komls.
The following clipping from the Moro
Lender should cause the merchants of
this place to consider the matter of good
roads :
"Already have people south of Sher
man county found that we have a rail
road, and are making uee of it. Team
sters are shipping freight from The
Dallea to Waeco, thus saving the most
dillicnlt part of the road, saving time
and teams. During the coming summer
many freighters will come this way if
they learn of tiie advantages of thia
It should be cur aim to havo the roads
to The Dalles put in condition so that it
will be to the advantage of teamsters to
come to this place, and" l'10 matter re
ceive the support of our citizens, it can
easily be done.
Tlitt Modem Way
- Coinincnda itself to tho well-informed,
to do pleasantly and effectually what
fortnaly done iu the crudest manner and
disagreeably as well. To cleanse tho
system and break up colds, headaches,
and fevers without uuplensnnt after ef
fects, use the delightful liquid laxative
remedy, Syrup of Fige. Made by Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co.
See A. M. Williams & Co.'s ad.
An interesting fitory is attractive at
nil times. No one can aflbrd to let the
evenings at home be spent without good
reading matter in these days when good
books cost so little. Our stock offers
gome very attractive, up-to-date and
standard literature which will interest
I. C. Nickelscn
Book St cnasie Company.
S K K li S
A feiilcncllil iibbortincnt ot Vege
table. Uiinlcn unit tiniss Cecils lit
Hulk, Seed Wheat, Seed Outs,
Seed Hurley, Heed Seed Hyo.
Oil Mcul Cuke und Fertilizers,
lieu Su)11l', Kurly Humj 1'otn
toes. Kltven kinds of first class
Seed Com. Poultry mid Kgyo
bougUt uml bold ut
Cheap dull (Iroccry mid Feed
Store, Seeoiid uud Union Sts.