The Dalles Daily Chronicle. The only Republican Daily Neu-tpapei on Watco County, County JudKc Sheriff. Clerk Treasurer,.. . llobt. Mnys T. J. Driver A M. Kelmy- C. h. Phillips I A. S. Blowers Commissioners.. 1. f. Klmcey Ass-cssor W. 11. Whipple Surveyor "on Bupenntendent of Public Schools. . .0. 1., (illbert Coroner W. H. Uutts Ailvertl'lnu Hales. Per tneh. oneli.cli or !cs. In Dally MM Over two Inches nml under (our Inches 1 00 Over four Inches nml under twelve Inches.. 73 Over twelve inches M DAILY AND-WEEKLY. One inch or less, tier Inch U SO Ovor mm Inch nml under four Inches. . ... 2 00 Over four Inches nnd under twelve inches . 1 GO Over welve inches 100 WmUlv Clublilnp l!itt'. Chronicle and Oregonian $2 25 Chronicle and Kxiuniner 2 25 Chronicle unil Inter Ocean 1.8o Chronicle aud Tribune...... 1 "o Chronicle nnd X. Y. World 2 00 THUH-5DAY MARCH 3. 1S9S EXTERMINATION AS A POLICY. To all appearance the Spanish pur pose in Cuba has settled clown to the extinction of the majority of the inhabitants of the island, without re gard to sex or ae. This measure, says the Globe-Democrat, was set in motion by Weyler, and its effects are visible in all the provinces. The mortality m Havana last week is officially reported at 143, in a popu lation of 200,000. In St. Louis for the same week the mortality was 18S in a population of over 000,0(30. Havana's death rate is seven times that of St. Louis, and Havana's con dition is not so bad as that of Cuba tit large. As soon as the reports of our consuls in Cuba, whicli have been called for by congress, are laid before the people, the world will re alize the extent and fatal character of misery among -the Cubans. The perishing of the population is largely the result of the Weyler concentra tion order, which will be found to have been practically a sentence of death pronounced against the wives, children and helpless relatives of the insurgents, and of the neutral class, if there was any, engaged in tilling the soil in the interior. The Idea of destroying a whole people by expelling them from their homes and depriving them of the means of support is not new, though Spain is the only nation in Europe that would attempt it in the present age. Cromwell tried it to some- ex tent in Ireland, but not until his armies were complete masters of the island. His edict banished the en tire native population to Connaught, the smallest and least fertile of the four provinces. Cromwell's plan was to turn over the other provinces to English and Scotch settlers. It failed, and was doomed to failure from its nature. Before many generations passed Connaught had leavened the lump anew. If Cromwell had put every person with Irish blood to the sword, the result might have been different; but that monstrous crime would not have been endured In England. The children of Cromwell's settlers in Ireland were Irish in feeling, and partly in blood by intermarriage, and their descendants are not now dis tinguishable from the oldest native type. Recent wars between civilizedna tions have been brief. They were fought to a speedy conclusion 'in the field without savagery. The sacred claims of the wounded and the sick were undisputed. "Women, children and the helpless were not disturbed unless for their protection. They were not allowed by an invading army to starve. Home wae the rec ognized place for them unless too near a battleground. All these iiiles of civilization are idiicarded by the Spanuh In Cuba. The " wounded are killed. Women and children arc huddled in concentration camps, and tbe mortality throughout the island is, probably ten time .the ynorraal 'rate. s When tbe United States asks bow long this reign of terror is to last, the only answer from Madrid thus far has been Ibat Spain will not un dertake to sot a dato in dealing with Iter own revolted golimy. It is true that this country tuiylil nvold n war hj agreeing with Spain that what goes on in Cuba is no affair of ours. Rut unless this is the position ,lo be taken, the Spanish policy of exterm ination, which is contrary to leason and history as well as humanity, will be subject to our effective protest. The effecting yesteylay of a tem porary organization of wool men for the state of Oregon is one of the good results flowing from the pres ent convention. An industry so im portant as that of wool raising needs some association which can be of mutual benefit to its members. Wc trust that as many as possible of the Oregon wool-growers will be present at the permanent organization today. The Moro Leader, a new paper published in Moro, Sherman county, reached this office todav. The new journal is a bright and intcicstfng one, but just why Moro needs two newspapers is a little had to under stand. HE WAS WILLING. Ume Had Tempered 11U Urler for Ills Lamented I'artner- There was an old man with a hig and bulky satchel at his feet and a weed on his hat leaning against the (Jriswold .street front of the post otliee the other day, says the Detroit Free Presswhen a wafT who hud been haiifjinfjatound for the right sort of a man' to appear ap proached him and said: "T see that the grim destroyer has in vaded your hearthstone?" "The which?" asked the old man." "The grim destroyer the angel of death. 1 take it your wife lias gone hence." . "Yes, gone hence." "Allow me to extend my heartfelt sympathies." "Yes, you kin extend 'em." "You must be lonely." "Yes, purty lonely." "I have lost the partner of my own bosom and I know how it feels. You seem to be all alone in this great world." "Yes, that's the feelin'." "kite appears to be a desert to you?" "Yes, ii reg'lar desert, with sand a foot deep." "Hut in your loneliness in the seem ing emptiness of your life has it.not occurred to you that you could do some thing tb add' to the happiness of your fellow-man?" "Yes, it has." "And will you do it?" "I will. It's 'leven months now since my wife was taken away and if you'll point me out a woman about forty years old who wants to get married I'll pop the question so quick that it will make her heels lift up. You beteher life I want to do something for my fellerman and I'm Waitin' right here to get another sight of a woman whom I've follered fur three miles and winked at over a dozen times.'- Fingers and roes. There is one curious fuct respecting the auimal creation with whicli you will never become acquainted if you de pend on your text books for informa tion. . It is this: No living ropresenta; tive of the animal kingdom lias more than five .toes, digits or claws. to each foot, hand or limb. The horse is the type of one-toed creation, the camel of the two-toed, the rhinoceros of the three-toed and the hippopotamus of four-toed animal life. The elephant and hundreds of other animals belong ing to different orders belong to the great live-toed tribe. Carious Remedy. A centenarian in the Newry (Ireland) workhouse, being troubled with asth Tia, tried to relieve himself by opening lis chest with a cobbler's knife, aB lie aid "to let out the wind." It was bought to be nn attempt at suicide, nit the man had done theame thing jefore owl had obtained relief in 31-eathing, he said. Sheepmen, call at Clarke & Falk's and net prices on the La Plata Sheep Dip. It ib non-poisonous, mixes in stantly with cold water, and it In an in fallible cure for ecab, hoof rot, lice and ticks i tf Ask your Druggist for a generous 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm conUlui no cocaine, mercury nor any other injurious drug. It 1 quickly Absorbed. GIrItelitfttoticc. ft. mum mnA !..n..j BOTES.. COLD1 HEAD IlMll mi Protect the Membmne. Keitore the Bmmm of Taite and Bmell. Full SImwc; Trial Size tbe. I at DrageUU or by mail. jU.YMCmilif&,s WarroaWwtt, New York Taking the RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Secoul Street. ' THE DALLES, holiday Improuemepts. You wantf paper which makes your holiday enjoyment greater. You want paper whichl'makes your home pleaeanterjatall times. Yon need such Miudea anil designs aa will give more beauty and more comfort in your home We show you styles that exceed any ever seen here at prices never attempted for such quality. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office, Tiik mixes, Or.., J itbruiiry. 'J. 18'Ji,. i Notice li hereby Riven Hint this following iiiinied settler linh tiled notice of liis Intention to poin'Jinti! and mnko Hnnl proof In nipjiortof ins cimm. anu umi sam urooi win io ihiwq uv lore Keaister and llcceiver at The Dalle, Ore Kon, on Tuesday. March IS, lb'JS, viz: Oliver Itiiwera, of The Dallos, II. K. No. 6M17, for the SV.y, NKJ4 and NKJ4 SEJ.f Sfc .'!, Tp 2 N. H 12 K. W M . He inline tho following witnesses to provis (lis continuous renaence upon ana cultivation of suld land. le: William ICtiM'ner, Perry VnnCamp, Hurry l carnal, li. Jl. i-earnm, an oi i lie mines, ur' gon. JAS. 1'. MUOKK, Keifl&icr. Regulator LineA The Dalles. Portland anJ Astoria Navigation Co.' , sirs-ReguIator fe Dalles City FREIGHT AND PA8SENUER LINE BF.TWKEN The Dalles, Hood Kiver, CnkCHdo Ixcltn and Port land dally, cMit Kiinday. DOWN THE VALLEY Are you going OR TO EASTERN OREGON? li so, save money and enjoy a beautiful trip on the Columbia. The wet-bouud train arrive at Tbe Dalles in ample time for passemrera to take the steamer, arriving in Portland in time for the outgoing Boutbern and Northern tmius; Kast bound passengers arriving In The Dalles in time to take tbe Kast-bouud train. For further information apply to , J, N. HARNEY, Agent, Oak Street Dock. Portland, Oregon, Or W C. AIXAWAY. Gen. Agt., Tbe Dalles, Oregon One Minute Cough Cure, cures. P! !' Tttat is what It wt sicdr for. Wholesale. CUines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED. ANHEUSER HOP GOLD AnheiTser-ETASoli Malt Nu trine, a non-alcoholic bevorage, unequaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. ,,i3ii;o8t!9Kif3jeat3nPsea3nrjfltjR2orif!Hi)aacHrior!nci S&MS . . . . Fr VI "S. t m i n K) fl n, fc GMmmast so Snisiann I 1 JkM aa U H N m Is m itfUf iltlf I w MM Dw-a in r r n i iiv El largest circulation of any " It is radically Republican, advocating H tbe cardinal doctrines of that party vith ability and carnestnessttc'!. THE WEEKLY INTER THE NEWS AND BEST It Is Morally Clean and as a mil The Literature of its columns is equal to that of the beat maga zines. It Is in teres ting to the chil dren as well as the parents. THE INTER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and while it brings to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and gives its readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day, it is in full sympathy with the idjas and aspirations of Western people and discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint.. EDEvhie i.nn-PRiRP nup nnn ar pfr yfar &i.oo Ion THE DAILY AITOSOIfDAYITIOHS OF THE INTER 0CEAI1 ARE BEST OF THEIR Kim. Prlcofri)alIy liy malt..., l'rlco of Siindav'liv mull . . b 1 1 e Dally and .Sunday liy mull.... Grandall DEALERS IX fill kinds of UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS Tho Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplies; 7V. Z. DONNELL, PESCniPTIOK DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES Opp. A. M. Williams cc 'Co., PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Groc has uxho Subscribe for The Chroincle - BUSCH and BEER SSddirSl,oBoht.oB - TCL. . . . . - ak M 1 fi-H B II "L. II SI EIIH n political paper in the west iBut it can always be relied on J for fair and honest reports of all po- b lillcal movcmcntsirtv" OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL CURRENT LITERATURE Family Paper Is Without a Peer. 0) I m H ... $4.00 per ynr ml per year ,.lf4;.iM) per yenr & Barget AND PERFUMERY. THE DALLES, OR the best Dress Goods m m k mm mr wmm r mmw m. n ii e wu mi mi s n mm w w mr b u ma mm W & K Robes, Burial Shoes, Etc. has the best Shoes has everything to be found in a first-class Dry Goods Store. C. F. STEPHENS. 0.R.&N. TO TIIK BHST! (UVEs tiik cnoiou or TWO Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. -VIA- Spokane Salt Lake Minneapolis Denver St. Panl Omaha Chicago Kansas City Low RatesSto all Eastern Cities OCHAN HTHA.UHKM l,uvi I'ortlaml KvurV Tlvii lliiVa fv SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Stciiiiiors monthly from Ponluiitl to Vokolmmti nnd f lonff Koiir vm JJortli urn Pacllic fitt'iinmliip Co., in uonnuution with O. K. & N. A Cn.'H ArciiI Tliu DulU-H. orniltlrt-hs DOIWON, t CO., (icn. ARtH.. North I'nclllo Stciiiimlup C'u. TIAIK VAItll. No. I, to Spokniio nnd (Iroat Nnrtlicrn nrrlvcs ntfi:'i"ip. in. i lt-iivt'8 nt fitJIO p. in. No. to I'cndltf. ton, linker City nml I'iiIoii l'acllli;,iirrlveHiitll:1.5 p. in., depnrts at lltfiU p. in. - No :i, (torn Kpnknuu nml (licnt Northern, nr rlvc nt (i fiU ii. in., itcpnrtH at (i:Ki a. in. No. 1, limn llnktr City nnd Union 1'nrlflc, arrives nt ;i;'JU a. in., ilcparth at u. in, Ntw. ai nnd 'Jt, moving i-nst of Thu DmIIc.h, will enrrv pn'iM.'tiKt'rx. No. ii'l arrives nt ! p. m., No.l'ldepnrtM at 1:4.1 p. in. I'mmciiKcrN for Ik'ppner taku No 'J, IuivIiir hermit II: IS 1. m. W, II. llUUI.llUltT, (Ion. I'ns. At Portland. Oregon Drugs Paints Oils Wall Paper Window Glass ipes-'taly Drug Co. 129 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. IHL G-L IE 2sT IsT. J. H. tiCJMNK, II. it. IIKAf., Canliler rrwiiuent. First National Bank. THE DALLE8 - - - OREGON A General Hanking Business transacted uepoaiis receivwi, sumect to uigni Draft nr niitw-k. Collections made and, proceeds promptly remitted on duv of collection. Biaht and Telegraphic Excliange sold on new xorx, Han Franelico anc in land. D. P. Thompnon. Jho. B. BOHUNOIC. Ed. M. Wi&mamb, Qio, A. Likur. It. Jl. liEAl.t.