I Thi Dalles Daily Ghrciiidfr. TIIK DA I. liKSi OUKOON Both tlio method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver aud Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind over pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agrocablo substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FHAMCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILlf, AT. NEW YORK, N.t. I'EKSONAl, 51 KNTIUS II. F. Woodcock of Wamic is in the city today. Frank Fulton is in the citv Iroui Sher man county. Weather forecast for tonight and Thursday fair. Rev. Joseph De Forest went to Hood River this morning. Charles W. Lord came down from Ar lington this morning. Mrs. Vernon Koontz went to Portland on the Regulator today. H. H. Griggs of Walla Walla arrived on this morning's train. II . F. Merrill arrived from North Da kota today to attend the association. Dr. M. -E. Knowles, a Montana sheep raiser, arrived in the city from Helena . today. -Mrs. E. M. Wilson went to Portland - on the Regulator this morning for a abort visit. J. W. Searls of Helena arrived this morning to attend the meeting of the association. Harry Smith of Grass Valley is among the sheep men who are attending the convention. -Grant Copeland of Walla Walla is among the guests who arrived from that city today. v R. Alexandj2(fPendleton, a p'oniinent merchant na wool-grower, is attending J jtJue convention, bctiooi buperuuenueni uiiDerc went 'to Hood River and Cascade Locks today to visit the schools at those places. Governor Lord and Hon. Phil Met echan, who have been attending the convention in this city, returned to -Salem today. Ire. M. H. Roberts returned yesteiv 'day morning from a visit no her old home in Maine, after an Absence of forty-one years. Mrs. Roberts left last t' . i cii . i , J i I oepiewuer. one viaueu iwu ui uer Bis ters in Portland, Maine, and her son, Thomas M. Roberts, wbb is attending the Massachusetts Institute of lech xology, in Boston. NEW8 NOTES. Today's bulletin states that there are no new developments in the Maine dis aster. If the report of the Chicago Chroni cle's Key West correspondent be correct, Secretary Long is seriously alarmed for the safety of Americans In Cuba, and in preparation to meet an emergency which tie considers is imminent, lias ordered the warehips stationed at Key West and Tortugas to prepare to leave fdr Havana at a moment's notice. Comptroller of tho Currency Dawes today accepted tho resignation of Bank Examfnei Charles Cieary.for Oregon and Washington district. He has transferred Uxaminer Eldrige from the California district, Cleary's Old district. Cleary'a resignation was called for some time ago and its acceptance has been held up, pending the appointment for the Cali fornia district. Spanish officials at Havana, In despair of ever crushing the Cuban rebellion, are urging the Madrid government to de mand of the United .Slates that the 3Iaine inquiry be concluded at once and sn ultimatum rendered, apparently .in tho belief that defeat at 'the hands of Abe United Statea army .and navy would be less humiliating limn acknowledge ment of their failure to pilt down the re boll ion. Margaret Denipsoy, wife of the Krent pugilist, .lack Denipsoy, ilieil nt the home of her parents on Griiiul avenue, Portland, last night. Mrs. DiJinpsey was a victim of consumption, having been ailing for soverut years List Juno! she went to California in hopes that the change would Improve her health, hut returned a couple of months ago, little improved, and since that time she has failed rapidly until her death last night. She leaves a little girl, a father audi mother, one brother and two two sisters ) to mourn her loss. ! Werttly Excursions In Tliroitsli Cnr.i to Mm KnAt. Another through tourists c.ir to the ! East has been arranged for to run out of . Portland, giving four each week. Hero' after the car leaving Monday will run through without change to Kansas City and Chicago, over the 0. It. fc X, Oregon Short Line, R. G. V D. & It. G., Mo. Pacific and C..& A. That car has just previously been arranged for and the one ureyiouely arranged for has been changed to Thursday. It runs through to St. Louis, via the Mo. Pacific lino. The car leaving Portland Tuesday goes through to Boston, and is promoted by the C, K. I. & I'. Wednesday's car runs to St! Joseph, Kansas City' and St. Louis over the Burlington. All these special through cars arc receiving a gratifying patronage. Consult the 0. K. & X. agent before buying a ticket to the East. Clinnilierliiln'8 Couch lU'ineily Always l'riivei Effectual. There nre no better medicines on tho market than Chamberlain's. We have ; used the Cough Remedy when all others ' failed, and in every instance it proved eftectual. Almost dailv we hear the ! virtues of Chamberlain's remedies ex-' tolled bv those who have ueed them. 1 " . . . , , . ( This is not an empty pnfl, paid for at so ; much a line, but is voluntarily given in i good faith, in the hope that suffering 1 humanity may try these remedies and, like the writer, be benefited. From the Glcnvillo 'W. Va.) Pathfinder. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Frank Sherwood was down town to day, the first time since he had his tus sle with cholera morbus. He says ho drove miles afterjhe was taken.sick, and never came so near dying in his life. After this when he goes out in the coun try he will take a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy with him. Missouri Valley (Iowa) Times. For sale by Blakeley & Hough ton. You can't cure consumption but you can avoid it and cure any other form of throat or lung trouble by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. It cures quickly. That's what you want. Snipes-Kiners- ly Drug Co. DeWitt's Little Early Risers, The fjmuus llitlr pills. VOGT Opera House ONE JOLLY NIGHT. Monday, March 7. George's Operatic Minstrels Consolidated With Georgia University Grataies. COLOItKD COMICALITIES, BO.NGi:. DANCKS, BI'KCIALTIK.S, SOUTHKKN 1'AHTIMK NKOKO KCCKNTKIC1TIE8, DOWN ON THE LKVKE, A NIGHT IN DIXIE LAND PLANTATION MELODIES. WAY DOWN SOUTH JSKFOKK THE WAK. Bright, Clever, Up-to-date Com pany of genuine Colored Artists. Look out for the noonday parade. Admission 50c, - Children 25c. Reserved seats without extra cbartre. No higher. Now on sale at Snines-Kin- ersly Drug Co. THE COURT WAS THIRSTY. to It Overruled the Supreme Caart and nought Itself m. Urluk. Just as Hliakcsixtiro has been ac cepted for years ami years as tho de ckling umpire In most mutters literary, ko tho Nebraska people had grown to look upon the supreme court of their statu as the fountain head of wisdom. whoso opinioini could not bo gainsaid. It is n wnv people have of regarding supreme courts in most states, us a mat-' ! lr of fact William Alstadt. n little German. whose readiest identification among his people was by the name of "Bis marck," was not one who cared over much for tradition, and one sunuuet day, after having been harangued by two lawyers until he was almost burst ing with thirst, he made n decision which brought him fame. It does not make any espoi l.il tlHTeroncc what was the question tu issue. It was something about a dog. There was a sensible side to it and a technical side. The "tech nical" lawyer presented bushels' and tons of authorities, and finally wound up with a triumphant declaration thnt the supreme court, had decided on a similar case before and had decided tils way. When he sat down, Bismarck, with n sigh of relief, said: "I decide for do oiler feller. Come on, noys, let's dake n drink." "Uut," cried the defeated lawyer, In astonishment, "I tell you, your honor, that, the supremo court has decided ex actly opposite." '"My fricnt," said Bismarck, "inshen cral I haf sonic sympathies mit dot snbreme court. But on a hot day, mit , a fool of a lawyer dalkiu' four hours, I I am mofed to gonsult dor good sense ', and shudgment of Bill Alstadt, .7. V. i Bill Alstadt is not onlv rotivineotl, but i he. is dirstv. and he decides tint if der subrcmc court of Xebrasky vnnts to make a tarn fool oft' itself in n question like dis it can do so, but dot aint biiul- imJ 011 dis shiistioe shop. -Der subreme court. is hereby ofcrruled. Der plain-! ! ,fT Rltf! V01" do"' "m! ,u,r court will now uroceed to spend dor fees in dis case , ft shu(iciaI thirst j j,cstS) mit prcnt .roniiuiity. Come on, i povs." I Thus it was that, the supreme court wis overruled, and as a plain state-, ment of fact Justice Hill Alstadt's de cision lias always been followed in sim ilar cases brought in Nebraska tri bunals. In the same way the half truo Shakespearean sucking dove theory is susceptible of revision or reversal. Chicago Record. NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING. Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of school district No. 12 of Wasco county, state of Oregon, that the annual school meeting for the said district will be held at the brick school house, nn Court street, to begin at the hour of o'clock on the afternoon of the first Monday, being the 7th day of March, 1S93. This meeting is called for the purpose of considering the general re ports, financial and others, of the clerk and other school officers, and the tran saction of business usual at such meet ing. ' Dated Feb. 24, 1898. O. I). Doa.vk, Chairman Board Directors. Attest: G. P. Morgan, Dist. Clerk. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice is hereby given that there will be an annual meeting of tho stockhold ers of The Dalles. Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. at their office Saturday, April 2, 1893, at 2 p. m., for the purpose of electing seven directors, and transact ing such other business as mav properly come before said meeting. By order of the president. The Dalles March 1, 1898.1 C. L. Phillips, Secy. FACE RAW BLEEDING My UtUo boy was afflicted wilh Kczema In acute form for a year, diirlnu which wo tried without succeaH every known remedy. The dis. order appeared on tlio right clieik ami wu of a bindery and bloody form. Ills pillow, moriiltiK", would boar the bloody Imprint of tlio nldo of liU face, whllo It wm liripuni-lblo to prurcnt him from ncratchltii: hi fucu owlni; to tlio itchlni;. Advlned to try C'UTICUilA, l bouaht a box. Tho 11 rut application wat inado at nlKht, and It In n fact, that tlio nppvaranco of tho affi-clcd partx rbowed notlceullt hnprorrmtnt tlmnextmorn inn, and, continuing tho treatment, an rt reoiilt, my child baa ud fair aud mnuoth ekln an can bu found anywhere. W. B. NKICDIIAJI, PatanUaln, 0. Bricnr Cui Tmumu. Wrm Utlu, with CoTlcva Sor, grntl applicatluio of U'Ti. umK.lnt. mot. tha vrvat akjn curr, and tmld doa of C't'TlcVKA Kksolvemt, freatat ol humor curt-a. Sold throughout thaVnrl'l. 1'ttt.e, Curious, .Vlc.i SOU', 2.X!. IUMLVKT. "c. and II. 1'orTsa IlUDO xnii Ouch, Coup., 8lo Viopi , Jliutun. aV"Uow to Cure JJrcrv akin Jjuewr." mailed tn. I burlnsMCda "eeoaaanr ! rxtrmTKaiailae." becauao the coat of cultivation wulcdon lofertorawda .1 alwayt largely ioeed toe orlfloal cott of tbe belt and dearxt weda to to bad. Tke hlt h mlnmr the ebt)st. i'ay trifle more for FERRY'S SEEDS ad alvaui get your jmowIi worth. , Mum ceoia per paper ajTerjwufiv. tuwmjm Ui oval, aaavu aaaav iw FREE. FREE, G) -Wo'WIll Give jI Subscribers I and Persons subscribing ; and paying up in nd 1 van co lor tho Weekly Ghpociele A Copy of Encyclopedia Will Answer Any Question You may Ask It. sfc Standard & American & Annual. PRICE GENTS Ready Jan, 1, 1898, On All News Stands. Larger, Better, More Complete Than Ever. 'Tbe most widely sold slimml Reftf nice Book and Political Manual published. THE WORLD, Pulitzer Building, New York. jlKKI). V. WILSON, TTOa.VKV AT L.WV, TIIK DAl.LK.-J.UKI'.tiU.N (Jllico ovei First Nat. ll'tnk. B S 1IU.NTIN0T0.V It S WILSON HUNTINGTON & WILSON, ATTOKNBY8 AT LAW, TIIK DALLES, OK KG ON Oflicoovr First Nat. Hank. JQHS-(IKIHKNIM)KFFKK Sc ItUKDY, Physicians and Surgeons, Special attention Klven to turner)'. Booms 21 aud Tel. 32S. Vogt lllock. fleat apd rtistie ..priptipj.. For Ieasopable prices Wo Print Anything in tho Printing Lino. if. i Qiue us a trial. roQit; pub. 5o. The World Almanac Ue fre Doip? m ..GHfls. mu- Sutchets and'FaFmefts Keeps on dnitiKlit the releliralrd Cdl.UillllA IIKKIt, nnknmvl tilled the bet licor lit Tlio Dalles, nt the tiMiul ptlri'. Cimw in, try It mid lie rui.vliireil, AIhi tlio riiii Kl bniniU of Wlne, I.I imirx Mini Clours Sanduiichcs ol nil Kinds iilwuys on limid. Patronize the ItflUpW. All kind of work. White Shlrti it specialty. Fmitlly work nt reilneeil rti'. Wash eolleeteil nmltlellvetf.il free, T1iIioiib Nil llll. H. D. Parkins, Apt. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Watchmakers Jeweler All work promptly attended tu, and witriiintcd, 174 VOGT LOCK FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GUNKKAL HANKING I1UBINU8 Letters of Credit issued aviiilublo in the Eastern States. Kk'ht Exchnnire nnd TeleirrnphiL Transfers sold on New York, ChicitKO, St. Louis, Bun Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Bnattlo Wash,, and varioue points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION. 18 1'ukoi u Weoli. 150 I'ajierH it Vuiir It etiiiids first aiuone ''weoklv" papers in size, frequency of publication freshness, vurietv anil reliability of cor. tents. It is practically a daily tit the low price o a weekly: and its vast list of subscribers, extuudint; to every statu and territory of tho Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy aud fairness of Its news columns. It is splendidly Illustrated, and anions Its special features are a flue humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashion for women and a Ion serieo of stories by the greatest livintr 4. ! I 13 .t mncriuuii uiiu i-.iijjiiuii uiuuurH, Oouau Doyle, Inriiine K. Inrnina, HUnlny Weyniaiij Mnry K. Wllklu Anthony llno, It rot llurtu, llrmulnr Mnttlmwi, Ktc. We offer this unenualed nowa miner and Thu Dalles Twice-a-Week Chroniclq to Kether one year for sf.OO. Tho reuular prico of the two papers is ?3.00. TILLETT & GALLIGAN, WM. TILLETT. H. GALLIGAN. Hole 1'roprlotiitH of tliu UKI.KIIUATKIt XAhlMA AI'I'I.K. Hood River Nursery, TILI.KTT & GAM.IOAN, I'ropa. First'CliiBH Nursery Stock a Specialty me Columbia PacRing Co.. PACKERS OF PORK and BEEF MANUFAUTUriKKB Uf Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of jjjr BRAND HAMS & BACON DRIED ilEEF, ETC. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF TIIK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Train leave, ninl iiru ilno to itrrlyo nt I'orllnttd I.KAVK. I .1 IltVl! OVMItl.ANl) KX-1 nremw. Hnlelil. ItiiHi. ' litllK, AhIiIiiIiiIi Hill! rnmulilii, OKiU'ti.Hmi Kriinidneo, Miyitvc, '0.00 V M, urn AliKieiiit t'lisn. I New OrleaiiH anil Kmt . . I s::io A. M. KienttiK unit way Ma llortH r Via Wddilhiirn fori I Mt.AiiKel, Hltvurlnii, Went Welti, HrowiiH. vllle, riirliiKlleld anil tNiitroii ....... J (Corviillts anil way) KtlltillllH ( . i : ' I'. M Pally nxeopt Hllllduyrt. Dully except Humlny.-i I7IM) A. M. !f-0 P.M. INDKI'KNDMMI'K l'AHHKNISUK. Hxprcus train Dully (oxeeptHnniliiy). UMy. tu. (I.v. .I'nrtlmnl ...Ar.) Ki'i'iii.m 7:;M'.i". S' .MeMlnnvlllf. I.v.J faj n. tu ,h::;o ji, tn, (Ar..liidipenduneu..l,v.) I:n0u. in. 'Dully. (Diniy, oxeept Hntiilrty. DINING OA KB ON (H1DKN UOUTK. PULLMAN HUKViCT HI.KIII'KUH AND HICUOND-CLAHB HLKKI'INd (JAIlb AttiiKheil to nil ThtmiKli TruliiN, Direct connection at Hun 1 niticlnco with Occi dental mid orleiitnl mid 1'iiclllu ni ill I H(emiinlilp lines for. lAl'AN itnd (J1IINA. SallliiK dates an it pllcntliin. KuteK nnd tickets to l'nstern polttth ami Kn. roi.e. AImi JAPAN', (JIIINA, HONOLULU mid AUKTUAL1A, can lie obtained from J. 11. KIKKLAN1), Tlitket Agent. ThrotiKh Ticket Olllce, 1111 Third Htrcet, where throtiKli tleketN lo all pnlnta tn thu Knitern HtateN, Ciinadii anil Ktiropu can liu olitalned at loue.it rateH Ironi J, II, KIltKLAND, Ticket AKent. All iiliovi) traliiM iirrlvo nt nnd deiart Ironi (Iraml Central HIatlon. Fifth and lrvniK treetb YAMHILL 1UVIHION. I'aesciiKer Dejmt, foot of JerterMin Ktrect, U'ltve for OHWKOO, dally, except Himdny, nt T.M ii. in.; L!;.H), l;.Vi, ft If), Ori'i, ".Sim p.m. (anil U:'M p. in. on Kattiritay only, and a, m mid !l;S0 p. m, nil HnndiiyK only). Arrive at I'ortlmnl nallv at iltti) and :.-Ul u in.; and liai, 1:1.'), 0:ai and 7:Kip. in., (and lUUV'i a. in, :i-i5 r: 10 p. m. on Hiindnyx in'ily). Leave fur Hhcrldmi, week (layn, at 1:30 p. m Arrive at I'nrtland, a. in. U'livu for AIItl.IK on Monday, Wednenlay and Friday at It: in a. m. Arrlvi' at I'ortland, Titea dnv, TluirMlay and Haturdai it :i:tt) p, in, Kxcept Htindny. "Kxcept Hatnrday, It. KOKIILKIt, Maniuier. (1, II. MAKIvHAM, Aunt, (i, F. & I'ass. Ailt ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. H s Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car HT. 1'Atll. At INNKAl'OIiI UUI.HTII KAKOO llltANll I'lllt UltOOKSTON WINNII'KO IIKI.KNA un IttlXTE TO Through Tiekcfcs UII1UAOO WAHII1NOTON rillLAIKI.I'lll A NKW VOICK IIOHTON ANI AM. 1MIINTH KABT anil HOIITH For Information, time cardo, mnpHaml ticket, cut on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. AkoiU, Tho Dalles, OreK'in on A. I). OHAKLTON. Asst. G. P. A., iV), MorrUon Cor. Third. I'ortland Oregon Dalles, Moro and Antelope STAGE LINE. Tlirnlif.h I.v fluwll..!.. .,lu l..u r.ill,t. Ivi'llt and t!ru HoIIowh. IIOIJOI.AH AI.I.KN. Tim Diilltm. V, M. AVU1TKI.AW. AlitflloiM). BtiiKCH leave Tlio Dnllcn Irom Uniiitlllii llnimo at 7 a. in,, alko from Autuloiio at a. in. every Monday, Wednesday nnd Friday, (.'onni-ctliin" initdu atAiitclopu for I'rlnuvlllu, Mitchell and points huyoinl. (J lone cuincctlons niiiilo at Tlio Dalles with railways, trulns and bouts. HIiiros from Anleloiio rencli Tito D.illes Tties. (lays, Thiirnliiys and Haturdaya iu 1:30 p. in. , ,, 1UTKH or FAIIK. Dalleh to Denclillteu, ., . tlo Moro do Grans Valley io Kent ,, iln Cross Hollows AnteoK) to cross Hollows to Kent do (Irnik Valley 1 ( ...... I 6" IM 1 f.) i 00 3U0 un ainro , , do Desolmees m do Dulles.. 6 0" Until lu Your Check. All couiitv warrants registereii pfior to Nov. 22, 1893,. will bo jiald t my otfice. Interest ceases after Feb. lfltli, 1898. O. L. I'liiLMi'S', Conntv Treasurer. . One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That I what It wa made tor.