Mm Sale HOT WATER in Ten Minutes VJ E VAy at cordial 1! j and way ALL GOODS MARKED N PLAIN FIGURES. The DallesDeily Chronicle. T 17 K SI) AY . r M AliOll 1. 18i)8 a I.' ' WAYSWE GLEANINGS. Wu have uiarH to burn ut Font.'. Tliu weathor forecast for tonight jb fair anil cooler. Wednesday, froHt. Late reports iitato ttmt Spain will not receive any support from England in case of troubhf. In future coplt'B of the Morning Trib une can lii! secured tit thu Snipes-Kin-waly Drill; Co.'h. 24-:)t The drawing for tlio steel range ut Miner t Kenton's will tnko place this evening ut H p. in. Did It nviir strike yon tlmt Font.' Prize Medal and Guarantee cigars are the beat cigars on earth, tf. l'liiin, mixed and dill pickles, olives mill pigs' feet in bulk, ut The Dalies Uniiiii'.isaion & Grocery Co.'h. Tlio Pcnillclnu scouring und woolen mills last wiM.'k reeojvod nn order from u S.ui Francisco linn for fiOO Indiun robes. Visitors uri! coidinlly' invited to make A. M. Williams A; Conipnuy'H establish ment their headquarters while in t In h city. Tim HtreutH ure drying rapidly, and in a short titno will be In u first-clans con dition if tbo picsent linu weather eon- 11111111. ! Tins Canadian Pacific linen uro begin ning to pIiow the whito feather, and do eiru tlm American linuH to uo buek to tbu former rules. Just received Now lot of oranges, lemons, pineapples, haunuas and cnuli flower, at Thu ' Dalles Commission und Grocery Co.'h. 28-tf A report wii9 received yesterday stat ing Unit tho Krltish steamer Legislator wjs burned ut midoeeati on February 10th. Six of the crew wuru loHt. Now in flio time fo got your bicycles overhauled and put in shape. Woaie prepared to do nil kinds oi bicycle it pairing. Give uh a cull. Maior it Den ton, the big guns fii-nt down theA3olumbhi rlvfr u few duvB into uro ww on the eenw at Scarborough hetiiLuid will be unloaded us hooh aa thu witter la aiuooth OllOUgll. A deadly epidemic Is. raging In Skitg lliv. U is Baid to bo caused by over crowding and excessive lubbr. Nineteen 'loitliH hid ruportud and auvunil hundred "DUB Of disoUHO. Tliu ludluH of the Good Intunt will eerve cluui chowder und sandwiches, doughnuts und eoileu tonight und to '"orrow night, In thu old lluunell bnlld "Ki u Washington street. I'll Plata Shuop Dip, proven by ovory teat tu ho tbo boat non-polsonoiiB fluid iip in tbu world; guaranteed to euro cal'i Uuli, sore throat, lico and hoof-rot. clrku & Falk, agonts, Thu Dalles. Slieopinon, call at Clarke it Falk'e nd get prices on the La l'lftta Sheep 'P It ib iion-polsonone, mixes In Untly with cold water, and It Ib nn In- Greeting. oxlond to all visitors to ouv city this time, our bost wishos and a invitation to visit us. t E shall esteem it a pleasure to show thorn through our establishment to mako ourselves of service in any that may otter full j ll ts cure for Bcab, hoof rot, lice and tiokfl. 1 -tf The ateamor Mabel, the first of the Seven Devils TritriHportution Cotnpnny'H ateuuiera, wua launched at Huntington recently. The machinery for her Iibb been received, and abe will Boon be put to work on the Suuke river. The moan temperature for the month of February at tbia pluce wua 411.9, while the precipitation wub .98. For the months of November, December, Junu ury und February the precipitation was about ,09 below the normal. We are aorry to learn thnt u tek'Kiutu from J. A. Croaaen announces that he iH not improving. He also stated that he would leave for home tonight, think ing, probably, that uh the weather im provea he will feel ue well here. Attention Woodmun 1 All members ol Mt. Hood Camp No. 59 are eurueatly requested to bo presunt ut the regular ineetiiigof the camp at Fraternity Hull. Tuesday evening, March 1st, aa speciul buaineau will come up for coneiderution. Dy oilier of V. D. Hurpur, cleik. Mauiigur George, of the George's Uni versitj' Studi'iita and Operatic Colored MinHtrelH.tluit appear at thu Vogt next Monday, wub among the first to soften thu old-timo roughnuBB of a minstrel perforinunee by introducing ladiep, whoau cleverly sung eelectiona from the operaa and pretty bulluds of thu higher grade that fairly sparkle and bring into utniiHing contrast tbu rug-time melodies und knock-ubout fun of "Mubbu'h Old i'luutution." Eight breuk-henui tourista J ,wero nr- ruated by the nightwutcluniuwund mar abal last uvuning und brouglit before thu city recorder thiB morning. ' Four of Ilium claimed to be American Buunien who wero beating theirway to tbo At lantic coast to enlist aboard the Ameri can mini of-wurs, and' thus to give our country u lift in theeo troublod tiniee. In spite of their puirjotiu Intentions, the recorder sentenced them to five dnye on the rock pjlo. Tbo Wuphittia KejmbUcan Club was organized u Bhort time ago, und at pres ent has u uiomberHhlp of forty-two legal voters, and ua tbia Hat Ih steadily grow ing, it will, in ull probability, uicreiiae to u much larger number. The oflicera uro: President, 0., L. Fiiquef, aecre tnrv, Frank Wileon; editor, F. II. Isen 1 burg. Thu nauio of thu paper la the Wimiiiiilu Gold Duir. but aa yet then. I aiiine baa not been added to Tin: Cinto.v i H-i.i! i.kcIiiiiil'u list. Meetinira uro held I ovory two weeks. The Halo it Kerua Contract Co. ure j gutting things Miady lor beginning work on the urny'H imrnor juuy ubboou u h the weathur Ik auttlud. A forcu of men are getting out thu piles for the wharf. A man who wub sent down to superintend the ccnatruction of idle drivers, and when they uro completed the building of thoTvhurf will bo begun. There will bo ofllces und meBBlioiiBea to be built, u well to be sunk und tanks to bo erected for Btorlng water for the use of the men and for fire purposes. All. these preparations will occupy some PEASE & MAYS. time, and when everything is prepared, work on the tramway Bcrosa the point to the head of the jetty will be begjirjj Every train and boat arriving in this city yesterday and today brought a large number of delegates and sheepmen from every part of Washington, Oregon, Ida bo alul Montana. A large number are continually pouring in from the sur rounding country. Four hundred would buu rough estimate, but would little more than cover Jitymrmfeecpf .visitors. in the oiy-Many more are expected tonight and on tomorrow morning's trains, bo that this number will be con siderably increaeed. Sheep marking paint ; ready for use. Two colors, black and red. Why you should UBe our sheep paint. First, be cause the colors are ground thoroughly in pure linseed oil by finn machinery; secoud, because it is made of high grade color, with the proper amount of dryers added to give it binding und lasting j qualities, which prevent it from washing or running oil ; tturu, it is mucli moio economical, because it is always ready for use. We guarantee our theep mark ing paints to give satisfaction. Try it and be convinced. Clarke it Falk, agents, Thu Dalles, Or. There was quite a lull attendance ut the Congregational church last evening. The service opened with songs and prayers, in which all joined. Mr. Clapp then gave a very impressive sermon from tbo woids "We then aa ambassa dors of God, in Christ's stead beseech you. Mr. Clapp has very little of the sensational in his method of presenting gospel truth, or in his way of conduct ing the meetings; but evidently seeks to commend thu truth to every man's conscience and to insure their approval of hla methods us fitting und helpful. The last fifteen minutes of the meeting were occupied ua a sort of experience or testimony service, which was felt to be good for all. The meeting this evening will begin at 7:30. Scarcely u person passing A. M. Will- - .1 "i . i . ... t . ! i . . . ..; . i. .. viauiB oc vjo. b aiuru inna iu view mo Vhuep-growera' window. In fact a crowd I Lf 1.. .1 11.. !!.,. vround viewing tho Biune. It la very appropriate for the occasion and artistic iii tint iivtriutto In ftnu iilur4 tA'n eti tliu process of shearing and packing the ,vool for market; another shows tho Ithu work of dipping the sheep; another 'that of transporting tho wool by wagon to The Dallea markets, while in another n packer ia wending his way towurda the fcump with two pack-horses loaded with supplies for tho sheepmen. Everything ia represented on a miniature scale, just ua one would find it on a well-regulated sheep ranch ; while the rugged mount ains and rushing streams which form the background for tho realletlu pano rama, make one think that he ia among the foothills on tho workings of ono of Oregon's'greatest and most profit able industries. At 5:30 Sunday morning, William Pierce, alias "Hobo Jack," . while play ing billiards in the Mint saloon, iu Baker City, with another drunken man, BICYCLES. One '95 Ladies' Cleve land Wheel Two '97 Eagle Wheels at One '90 Cleveland . . Gent's Wheel . Ono '95 Eatrle Gent's Wheel Ono '97 Boy's' Eagle Wheel.. One '97 Girl's Eagle QD Wheel PUU Tn order to make room for our new slock, we are mak ing the above Low Prices. MAIER & BENTON got in a quarrel with the latter and Btruck him with a cue on the head. The attacked man tried to dodge and Pierce hiew the cue at him, missing aim and lining Frank Caldwell, a peaceful min er, who was sleeping in a chair, with the butt end of the cue just above the left temple, fracturing the skull. The in jured man was taken to a hospital and a t piece of bis skull two inches long was removed. Caldwell came down from the California mine, where he was em ployed. He was taking a vacation. He is about forty years old, and a splendid specimen of physical manhood. "Hobo Jack," who was formerly a brakeman on the O. Ii. it N., is now in jail await ing the outcome of his drunken spree. The hospital reports Caldwell has a chance of recovery. Farmers' IriHtltute. The following is the program for the fanners' institute, to be held at Hood Kiver, March 4th and 5th : FIUST DAY -M'TKItXOOK KKSSIO.V. Music- t Opening Address Hon. E. L. Smith. liesponse Prof. II. T. French. Music. Crimson Clover for Orchards. Discussions. Music. EVENING SESSION. Music. The Weather Bureau and its relation to Agriculture B. S. I'ague. Portland. Discussion. Music. Illustrated Lecture on Breeds of Live stock Prof. K. F, Pemot. SliCONl) DAY MOKNINQ S15SMO.V. Jlueic. Grass and Forage Plants Prof. H. T. French. Discuesioii. Music. AlTi:i(NOO.V SESSION. Music. Chicken liaising Geo. Goodhue, hv. lem, Or. Discussion. Music. EVENING (SESSION. Music. General Discussion, Marketing Fruits. Music. Illustrated Lecture, Fruit Pests A. B. Cordley. j UISGUESIOII, uiosing reniurKH. t Music. Adjournment. I 'l'liti Him line Tournament. J Tho third match of tho sixteen game tournament between the Umatilla House and the club teapi last evening, re sulted as follows : UJIATII.I.A HOl'Si:. D. C. A A. C. 240. .'. First Game 220 204 Second Game 2iJ2 200 ...Third Game 207 192 Fourth Game 220 This gives the club rollers eight games out of twelve, and should the Umatilla House boys win the next four games the tie would haye to be decided by the number of plus. It is not likely to re sult in a tie as it is very unlikely that they will win this number of straight games. INTERNATIONAL HEATER. We Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 25. J. T. Peters & Co. THE WORK BEGUN. The Sheep-Growers' Associations ISeclns IV hut Promises to Ite a Success ful Meeting. A large number of delegates, repre sentative wool-growers and citizens of The Dalles were, at the Vogt opera house at 2 o'clock this afternoon to witness the opening of the Wool-Growers' Associa tion. After President George C. Blakeley, of The Dalles Commercial and Athletic Club, called the meeting to order, Rev. Joseph DeForeet offered the invocation A beautiful selection was then rendered by the Kinross Quartet Club of Port land, which called iorth a hearty encore. FreU W. Wilson gave an eloqueirr"a7P"p dress of welcome in behalf of the Com mercial Club, and was followed by Mayor Nolan, who, in a stirring address in behalf of the city, welcomed nil and informed them, among other things, that the barb-wire fences had been cu down In conclusion Mr. Nolan ofl'ered the keys of the city to the visitors, in viting them to rim at large. Governor William P. Lord welcomed the delegates from tho other states to our city and s t a t e & n dTncTihTn tally com mented on thepreat advantages this city possesses as a wool center and other wise. Hon. T. C. Powers, president of the Montana Wool Growers' Association, was appointed to tespond to the ad dresses of welcome, but was delayed and will not be heie until tomorrow morn ing. On account of his absence, further business could not be transacted, and the afternoon . sesslbn closed with a selection b y th e K jn r o sClnb . Dalles I'ultllu huliuol. Following is the leport for the quar ter (5 weeks) ending triday 1-eb. 2o, 'Da. TKAC'lIKItS. ! Vast lltll Primary. SIb Nan Cooper 1 mid '211 Mis. Uoclio 3, 1 unit Mi; Aeatlemij Vark. Ml.'S I'hlnnnn 1 Is:.11,'.l,l1'?";1,ll 2 mid 3D 53! 51 5 Jsl' Si! i! 53f 60, 5 i", it a .'lion 4 mill j Mts l UtntO'il Ii 1 Miss T. Ittiitoul ii A and 7 it Hilton Hrttt Mhs Itowo 1 Mi.s K, t'oiiiier.- '1 H -Miss, Sllell 4 11 11 57' 5,1 5ll 5'.i 60, IS -ii iJ 5. 50 55, 50 Jljts clii'oe. .. . -1 a mid 01)1 iniwn Mica Annex. M It Hull fi 11 Court Street. ... CO 55 MUs Mlnliell 7 A mid S 11 Mli-s Hill,.. ( llluli i-eliool l, 9, 101 h 11 .Mr. iJtiHlers 1 mid 11A ia ill .! i yj i!W7l2 7K Totnls. No. days of tchool, 24. Per rent of attendance on number be longing, 00. Tho highest previous record was 111 Jan., 1898, and wu? us follows: in at tendance, 770; average number belong ing, 714 ; average attendance, 078. The record for February of last year was: Attendance, 711; average No. lie longing, (HO; average daily attendance, 007. John Gavin, Principal. Try Scblllliitr'b lieu reu auu baking powder Do You Catch On? No more cold ovens. Plentv of hot water, and a great fuel saver. Have one put in your stove by MAYS & CROWE, SOLE AGENTS. have strictly First-Class NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING. Notice is hereby given to tho legal voters of school district No. 12 of Wasco county, state of Oregon, that the annual school meeting for the said district will be held at the brick school house, on Court street, to begin at the hour of 2 o'clock on the afternoon of the first lay, being the 7th day of March, S9S. This meeting is called far the nrpoee of considering the general re- lorts, financial and others, of the clerk nd other school officers, and the tran saction of business usual at such meet ing. Dated Feb. 24, 1898. U. D. JJOANE, r t : ti ,i . i iiiiairiuun Bonru uirecion?. I AUeet: G. P. Morgan, Dist. Clerk. l Tho Modem Way Commends Itself to the well-informed, to do pleasantly and effectually what formaly done in the crudest manner and disagreeably as well. To cleanee tho system and break up colds, headaches, anil feveis without nupleasant after ef- t . .t... .1.1! l.(f..l I ti IK'CIS, II M! Illl) (lUllllllUI 11ILIUI1 1U3.1UIYU "remedy, Syru i) of Figs. . Made by Cali fornia Fig Syrup CO; MiiM'Iimeu, Allen Hon! Clarko & Falk have seeurod tho aueiioy for tho L11 Plata Sheep Dip. Mixes" iuMantlv with cold water. An Interesting Stqry is attractive nt all times. No ono can allord to lot tho evenings at homo bo spent without good reading matter iu these days when good books cost so little. Onr stock odors eonin very attractive, up-to-date and standard literature which will interest all. Book &. fllusie Company, S IS A bj.leiuliti iitbortnieut '( Vest table, Uiiidun mid (iin .-it. Is 111 Hulls, Si'i'd Wlinit, ctd Uiits, Hi'ol lliuley, Heed Sk'i'd Itye. Oil Mciil Cuke mid rertlllJ-crs, llt'o Hmnilti'S, Hmly Hose 1'otu toca. Uluvcii kinds of llrst class Si'td t'orn. Poultry mid Kgys bought mid bold at J. H. CROSS' Clicnp Ciifli Grocery mid Feed Store, Second mid I'uioii Sts. E D S MCI EDS 'ffffrjA ka. i.m l: . 1! !: P tiiUil fa 1 1 1 Hi a at it;-! fi I'll if Hfc 'i ' 1 i 1 Si: i '4u 9 3". if n in! . i,j