The Dalles Daily Chronicle, The only Republican Daily Nempapet on Watco County. AdvertUInc ltnten. JYr inch. One or less In Dally II Over two Inches and under four Inches 1 00 Orcr four Inches and under twelve Inches. . 75 Over twelve Inches . .. .... SO DAILY AND WKEKI.Y. One Inch or less, per Inch t- M Over one Inch and under four Inches '.' W Over four inches mid under twelve Inches. . 1 M Over welve inches 1 00 Weekly Clulililnc Itiites. Chronicle nntl Oregoniun $2 Chronicle nnd Examiner 2 'Jo Chronicle nntl Inter Ocean 1.85 , Chronicle and Trilnuic 1 To I Chronicle and N. Y. World 2 00 TUESDAY MA.KCH 1, 1S9S WE WELCOME YOU. The citizens of The Dalles extend a cordial welcome to the delegates of the Wool-Growers' Convention. We trust your stay in our city shall al ways be the occasion of pleasant memories, and that from your de liberations here much good shall re sult. It is cntirey fitting that the city which handles more wool direct from the producers than any other in the United States, if not the world, should be the place where the first convention of the wool men of the Northwest should be held. The Dalles is platl to see its streets thronged by the class of men who by brains and force have made wool raising the important industry it is; and we trust that the delegates will carry away with them pleasant mem ories of their visit to this city. WHY THE fUNITED STATES IS UNPOPULAR ABROAD. Of the fact there is no doubt, says the Independent every visitor, more than a, mere hast' traveler ir ii,urope, will testify to the fact. It is not true, we think, of other Amer ican countries, at least to the south of us. But Americuns do not tiavel much on their hemisphere, and the Monroe Doctrine has made us to be regarded as a kindly elder brother who can be called on for help in the last emergency. But in Europe we probably have not one cordial friend among the na tions of Europe. Indeed, we are much in the position of Great Brit ain, whose isolation is more "splen did" than agreeable. The causes of this growing unpopularity would make an interesting study, and we note some of them. It is easy to see why we are unpop ular in Spain. Spain is unpopular with us. We naturally sympathize, all of us, with the Cubans struggling for their independence. But it is r. i matter of th.e intensest pride with the J Spaniards to hold their choicest pos-1 session. They know the Cubans de pend on our sympathy, that they j smuggle military stores from ourj coasts, and that our government has made it clear that we cannot allow the cruel wrong to the Cubans and j the injury to our own interests to go on inuennteiy, wo are intensely unpopular in Spam, and the resi dences of our minister and consuls have to be guarded against popular attack. Wo ore not popular in France, notwithstanding the hereditary friend ship. For years there has boon ft large American colony in Paris, but its members find it difficult to get any entree into French society. French ideals differ from ours as much ns they do from the English. Besides, the natural sympathy of Prance is with Us neighbor Spain, ,which ilias a large colony in Paris; and Spanish bonds are held in Spain, and would be . almost worthless if Cuba were to secure independence. TlfyjgrtfbeUeve what the Spin jrltelhWBm, that the United States is hungering to annex Cuba. Of the great powers there remain Russia, which has no public opinion, nnd Great Britain. President Wash burn thinks that the mother country remains our friend. We trust this is so, scrtninly we are her friend ; j but the Venezuela incident, and .lio charges that our' diplomatic cores pondent lacked curtesy, have cooled the feeling. The prompt payment of the indemnity now awarded to Great Britain might relieve this tension. So for good reasons or bad we must probably submit for some years to be no longer the most popular, but one of the most unpopular of na lions. We arc strong enough so that wc need not fear the enmity of for eign states; but it is our first inter national duty to sec our own set ions faults and to conduct our public affairs on the highest plane of honor and curtesy. Wc need not lay it wholly to the incapacity of the na tions lo understand our good quali ties when so shrewd an observer of European affairs as President Wash burn cf Constantinople tells us that "we were never so heartily iiated by the people of Europe as we are to day." Frank Sherwood waa down town to day, the first time since hu hail his tus-1 ele with cholera morbus. He says he drove miles afterjlie was taken sick, and never came so near dying in his life. Alter this when he goes out in the coun try he will take a bottle of Chamberlain' e Culic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy with him. Missouri Valley (IowrO Timas. For sale by Blakeley cc Hough ton. WelWill Give SIT Subscribers and Persons subscribing and pa3'ing up in ad vance for the' Weekly Ghfomele A Copy cf- ... t- Mmmu 0 Eicydopdia 'IS. mil Answer Any Question You may Ask It. Standard 3ft American Annual. PRICE CENTS Ready Jan. 1, 1898, On AH News Stands. Larger, Better, More Complete Than Ever. 'Tie most vidtly sold Annual Refer' Met Book and Political Manual published. THE WORLD, Pulitzer Building, New York. free. nmm I iMM r ' ie fforld CToyclopfiSIa Taking the JVI e d i g i n c . sss RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Second Street, THE DALLES, J-loliday Improuemepts. You wnntpapur which makes your holiday enjoyment greater. You want paper which makes your home pleaeanterjatjall timee. You need such shades and designs as will give more beauty and more comfort in your home. We show yon styles that exceed any ever seen here at prices never attempted for such quality. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. 'Regulator Line The Dalles, FortM and. Astoria Navigation Co.' . siis. Regulator I Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE BKTWKEN TIjo Dalles. Hood Klver, f.'iiK'aclu I.oekis mill l'ort luud dally, rv t hiinduy. DOWN THE VALLEY on to Are you gOiiig ( EASTERN OREGON? It to, nao money nnd enjoy n beautiful trip on the Colnmblii. Tlie ue-t-toutiil trniu arrives m The Dulles 111 iitnplu time for iiumcm-'erN to take tlm KteHiner, nrrlvIiiK In l'ortlund In time (or the oiitKolnt? Southern itnil Northern tmlu; Knot. Lou ii luieiiKeiK aniviiiK in i no Duller in time to take the ICubt-boumI train, for further Information apply to J. N. HAKNEY, Afjctit, Oak ritreet tmck. I'ortland. Oroffon, Or W O, AI.1.AWAV, (Jen. Ant., TIki Dallet. Oresoh N0T1CK FOR PUBLICATION. Land Okkick,Tjik, oil, ) f ebruury, U, WJK I Notice U hereby given that the fullowlUK uatiiiil fcettler has filed notlco of his Intention to commute and make final proof In support of hl claim, and that feuld proof will be made he fore ItexUtcr and ileoclver at The Uallesi, Ore Kon.on Tuetday, ijaich vi, 18'J)j, vl: Ollvnr Ifoworn, of Tlio llle II. K. No. W)7, for thu HK'A N l mid NKJi HK Ho namea the followlnK wllneeen to prove his continuous rekhlcnce upon and cultivation of mild land, viz: William Hult'iier, Feiry VanCamp. Harry learned, II II. Ix-urw!, all of The Dalies, Ore Ron, JAtj. t .MOOKi:, ittKUier. BW' ). n UK i III . . THE i Weekly T5 LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY It h radically Republican, advocating M the cardinal do.-.trlncs of that party v wllh ability and earnestness., mi M O m (W W THE WEEKLY INTER THE NEWS AND BEST It Is Morally Clean ami ns a M The Literature of Its columns Is equal to that of the best maga zines. It Is interesting t6 the cft drcn as well us the parents THE INTER OCEAN Is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and while it brings to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and gives its readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day, It is in full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint. :V2?VS SI.OO-PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR-$I.OO Z19Z THE DAILY AMD STJ1TDAY EDITIONS OF THE INTER OCEAN ARE BEST OF THEIR KIND. mi l'rlconf Dnllv liv until I'rion of Httnrinv by mull Dally anil Huiulny by ninll Wholesale. I I CJClines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED. ANHEUSER HOP GOLD Anheuser-Busch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic beverage, unequaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. 7VL Z. DONNELL, PfESCfIPTIOfi DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Groo mho Crandall&Barget DKALUHS IN All kinds of UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS , The Dalles, Or. Funepal Supplied Subscribe for The Chpoinele Inter Ocean I o POLITICAL PAPER IN THE WESTS .MBit. It can always be relied on J for fair and hottest reports of all po- m litical movemenUS'!Ju''. OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL CURRENT LITERATURE -ml Family Paper Is Without a fear. m in M m tM.OO por your 9 por yur $0.00 por year - BUSCH and BEER dWJ.os AND PERFUMERY. THE DALLES, OK TT has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes as everything to be found in a first-class Dry Goods Store. C. F. STEPHENS. Robes, Burial Shoes, Etc. I 0.R.&N. to Tin: EHST! (1IVKS THE 0HO1CK OK TWO Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. -V1A- Spokane Sjilt Lake Minneapolis Denver St. Paul Omaha Chicago Kansas City Low Rates -to all Eastern Cities OUKAN KTICA.1t KICH l.tuivii I'lirllnml KfvurV I'lvn Jvn for SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Stuiimi'ra iimntlilr from Portland to YoUoliitniit nnd Hontr Kong via North ern Piioifii! Ntt'iunuhip Co., in coniiectlon with 0. U. ifeN. Kor full detail call on O. It V Co. r A Kent The'Dalleh. or address HUDSON, OAlti.II.I. .t CO., (Icn. ActK., North I'lielllu HtemiiNhlp Co. TIMK ;HII. No. 4, to Spokane nud llreat Nnrfhem arrived atU'-Vip. tn., lenvi'K at fi:rji p. m. No. a, to Pendle ton, linker City and I'liiou l,auilli:,iirrlveautll:l.r, p. in., itei'iirts at 11:.VJ p. in. No :i, frmii tipokauu and Oreat Northern, nr riveM at ii-W) a. in,, departa nt fl :IW a. in. No, 1, from I Ink t r City and Union l'anlllu, arrives at ;l:'Ji) a, in., departH at a. in. Nos. a:l and at, moving en. it of Thu Dallea, will curry piuneiiiicrs. No. ill arrlven at r p. m., No. at ik'iartN at 1:I.F p. m. lWuiiKurh for Ileppuer taku No 2, leavliiR here nt 11:1.") . m. W, 11. HUnhllUIlT, (len. 1'iixH.ARt I'ortland, Oreicou Drugs Paints Oils Wall Paper Window Glass ipes-K!ncrsly Drug Co. 129 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. HI. 0- L IE 1ST" HT. J, H, KCIIKNK, 1'renldent. 11. M. llKAf, , CiiHliIcr First national Bank. THE DALLES .nREOON A tionetnl itunklng uainesa tninsacted DepoBlta rocelved. aubloot to Sight Draft r Check. Oollectlona motlo itnd proceeda promptly remitted on (lav of collection. Hirfit and Telegraphic Exchange aold on New Yorjt, Sun Franoiaco and port land. . DIRBOTOHfl D. P. Tiiomi'hon. Jno. 8. BoiiicnoXi En, M, Wii.mamh, Oko. A. Likuk, il. M. UuAi.h. Sn