The Dalles Daily &mMSk TIIK DAt.l.KS, OKKOIIN Both tho method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys, Liver and Iowols, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to tho taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most hcalthyanu agrecamo substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 3AN FHAHCISCO, CAL LOUISVILLE, AT. HEW YORK, H.X. PEIWOSAI, UKNTION C. G. Koberts is up from Hood River today. J. B. Curtwright of Hay Creek la in the city today. D. 0. O'Riley, of the Columbia South ern, ia in the city. F. A Young of Bakeoven ia in the city. Ho will remain until after the meeting of the Wool-Growera' Association. Dr. Siddall returned from Portland last evening feeling much improved in health, ami is in shape to resume work in his office. Johnnie O'Leary, an enterprising young Sherman county eheepman, is in the city to attend the meeting of the association anil visit hia parents. E. M. Williams and John Weigel, who have been in New York City purchasing poods for the firm of A. M. "'Williams v Co. of this city, returned home Sunday morning. .MAKK1KI). At the home of L L. McCartney, in ihompson's Audition, teb. 27. lo!)8, bv Elder G. H. Burnett, Mr. Lee Morgan ami miss Uila Kellv. Tho Discovery of the Day Aug. J. Bogul, the leading druggist of Shreveport, La., says: "Dr. King's New Discovery is the only thing that cures my cough, and it is the heat seller I have." J. F. Campbell, merchant of Saffords, Ariz., writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery is all that is claimed for it; it never fails, and is a sure cure for Consumption, Colds and Coughs. I cannot say enough for its merits." Dr. .King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is no experiment. It has been tried for a quarter of a century, and today stands at the head. It never disappoints. Free trial bottles at Blake- Jey & Houghton's drug store. b Your tiBSt Chance. All negatives now in my possession .made by Mr. Houghton or D. C. Herrin prior to Jan. 1, 1895. will be destroyed Jf ou wish to duplicate prints, orders must be placed before March 1st. Gu'fouu, Photo. Artist, febl-lm Chapman Block. You can't afford to risk your life by allowing a cold to develop into pneumo nia or consumption. Instant relief and a certain cure are afforded by One Min ute Cough Cure. Bnipes-Kinersly Drug Co. For Children's Skin elp, asd faaJr notbloK In tbo wliolo world ia to tlfrir:1"if. purl(jria,aad buU(ylojM CUTIfeURA aratt as4 awaJ MmjbaUi, and naratry. yof atraaatoB.taelal rart, trriutloiw of Mahea aad.bltaUkaa, tt.U woawrui. inp. mil tataom. avo v OF ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING. Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of Bchool district No. 12 of Wasco county, state of Oregon, that the annual school meeting for tho said district will bo held at tho brick school Iioiim", on Court street, to begin at this hour ol 2 o'clock on the afternoon of the llrst Monday, being the 7th dny of March, 1 SOS. Tills mooting is called for tho purpose of considering tho general re ports, financial and others, of the clerk and other school ofliours, and tho tran saction of business usual ut such meet ing. Dated Feb. 24, 1S98. O. D. Ijoan'k, Chairman Hoard Directors. Attest: G. P. Mokoan, Dist. Clerk. J. M. Thirswend, of Grosbeck, Texas, says that when he has a spell of indi gestion, and feels bad and sluggish, he takes two of DeWitt's Little Early Ris ers at night, and he is all right, tho next morning. Many thousands of others do tho same thing. Do you?1 Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. zjClean plaster of parisorimments with starch. Brush oil" when dry. A few drops of benzoin placed on cot ton and put in or around n tooth that is aching will almost instantly stop the pain. Raisins can be easily seeded if put in hot water and allowed to stand 15 min utes before beginning' to seed. Clear, black coffee diluted with water untl containing a little ammonia will clean and restore black clothes. Mourning Color in llrnzll. At the funeral of an unmarried wom an in Brazil scarlet is the mourning hue. The eoftin, the hearse, the trap pings of the horses and the livery of t lie driver must lo scarlet. Warning : Persons who suffer from coughs and colds should heed the warn ings of danger and save themselves suf fering and fatal results by using One Minute Cough Cure. It is an infallible remedy for coughs, colds, croup and all throat and lung troubles. Snipes-Kin-ersly Drug Co. The Uerniau Canary Trade. It is not at all generally known that Germany carries on a very large trade in the rearing and exporting of cana ries, and that the largest establishment in the world for the breeding of these creatures is situated within the do mains of that empire, awny up among the narta mountains of Prussia. From this and the few surrounding but small er nurseries, no fewer than 130,000 birds are dispatched every year to the United States and Canada, while in the same time at least 3,000 go to Britain and about 2,000 go to Russia. You can't cure consumption but yon can avoid it and cure anv other form of threat or lung trouble by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. It cures quickly. That's what you want. Snipes-Kiners-ly Drug Co. SNAKE SUICIDE. A Battler with Three Fungs Shuffle Oft Ills Mortal Coll. A United States cavalryman, sta tioned at Fort Meade, S. 1)., writes to Forest and Stream as follows in regard to the self-destruction of n three-fanged rattlesnake: "As to the suicide of the creature, I am forced' to ask for an explanation. The snake at first sight, coiled up in the usual manner for a prime strike, made a vicious lunge at my legging, then drew back and closely scrutinized me from hat to shoe. Instantly a change of expression came over his features, and ferocity gave way to a look that might have been born of dis gust and resignation. I watched him closely, not knowing what might be hfs next move. He suddenly astonished me by plunging headlong into the Belle Fourche. Motionless lie snnk, and lay at full length at the bottom. I con tinued to watch him until the last ves tige of his rcptilious breath hud ripen to the plncid surface in a pcarJy bub ble, and then with the aid of a stick I raised him from the water, placed him in the sunshine and satisfied myself that life was extinct. I had neve? known or heard of a rattler taking to water, and here 1 was confronted by the plainest case of suicide by drovnii!!? in broad daylight. I have, since thci lost all faith in snakes. I have adopted and discarded every theory that might offer a xolution in lliiscase,aiid urn now driven to the lwlief that this snake de 111 crately suicided because It had com mitted the blunder of wasting n well meant three-fanged strike on a United States cavalryman. Hereafter I shall travel incognito in those parts." A Hlhcriun Starch. A remarkable ninrch of -1,700 miles ncross Siberia, occiipyingnlinosta year, linn just been completed by two Russian battalions of line infantry and two butteries of artillery, which lately reached their camp on the Amur. The (roops marched -1,000 versta by land and made their way for 3,000 verst.s by water, half the distance on rafts con structed by themselves. Their losses were 0 men dead, 127 left behind in hos pitals and 20 homes, The others ar rived in good condition and excellent spirits. NOTICE COMPLIED WITH THE ORDER. He Forwarded nn Eye to no Kmiulned for Color llllndnojn. It is reported tlint u short time ago nn order was isued on one of the fines of the Pennsylvania company for nil section men to come to the otllec on u certain dny and have their eyes exam ined. The following day, says the Pittsburgh Dispatch, u number of inun appeared and passed the examination, .lust before the man who had charge of the tests left the olliee a lnesi'sngerboy cnine hurrying in with a small package neatly tied up and addresed to the eye inspector. Hie latter opened it, and wassurprised to find a glasseye wrapped in tissue paper, and also an old-fashioned silver watch. The contents of the package proved a puzzle to the Inspect or until he unfolded n hastily folded scribbled note, which, on being deciph ered, was found to read as follows: "Oye inspector: Dear Sir The day before yesterdr.v at nunc 1 got word to cum down and have me ise looked after for eulur blindness as ye call it. 1 had 15 ties and ten rails to put down beyond the sand out us jerry Sullivan nud Doin inlek Coolly wete laid up since tliewnko that wuz holded over Dannv Dohertv my hands war too short to spare me. 'J'was lucky that the rite oye that was first in my head was put out with a blow of a pik and mo glass oyo that is a perfect flggcr of the oyo that was not put out is sent to you tugothor with my watch for tho hexamiuation. I euid spare the glass oye bettor than the oyo in the head and if she is oulur blind 11 got one that nint. Yures Truely, An tlionv Driscoll." QUEER NAMES IN KENTUCKY. Parents Were Hard 1'riMU'd When They Cikvn Their Ilithli't Dcslsimtlim. You will not have to leave your own state of Kentucky if you want to find names that are as odd as they are curious, says the Hazel (Iroen Herald. For instance, Letcher county has fami lies in which these names are found: Hogg, Horn, Ilnppy, Holiday, Profit, Democrat, Rockliouse, Rittenwelter, Wnlkin and Watergate. Some pecul iar post offices found in these counties are: Smooth Creek, .Millstone, Paper weight, Rockliouse, Ratterhard and .Solomon. They believe in long names ii) that way, and one poor child struggles under the cognomen of Rob ert S. Samuel T. Nelson 1!. Benjamin P. Hester. In Knott county there is one family which has ten members nicknamed thus: Stick, Burch, Ham. Uardup, Buck, Dol, Sal, Let, Pol, But mid Do-em. Leslie county lias a .Mad i)og, Cutshiu and Ilell-for-Snrtin post ollioes, and the last named is on Hell-for-Sartin creek, which is said to have boon named by early settlers who on-i-ountered many tribulations while ex ploring this locality and named the creek accordingly. Pike county comes next with Bass, Beatrice, Beefhido, Canada, Lookout, Paw-Paw nnd Praise post offices. Elliott has Backbone, Gimlet, Mink, Ordinary and Wycttpost ollices. THE FOREST PEST. A Hiiro Homo-Fly That Ides In Wnlt In Mossy Dells. Miss Eleanor Ornierod. in a letter to tho Veterinary Record, gives some in-J tcrosting details of Indian forest 1'ics, I which, after all, are not so very unhid the horrible pests of the same name which frequent tho woods of riontliern Liiglnnd, and most distinctly make life "not worth living" to the poor horses whom they select! us victims. Miss Or nierod snys that "some horse" are driven mad by the presence of a single fly, and in driving along not iinfrequentl,) start kicking most violently, frequently run ning away with the carriage," etc. This has reference to tho Indian specimen, but we read that the English winged demon has a "large curved claw with a saw-like edge beneath it, with grooves down tho lower pnrtof the side of the claw, so that each groove runs to the notch lietween eneh tooth, theclavvs, when. laid side by side, forming a most powerful grasping Instrument." I'enl i;;ing, however faintly, what sulTerir.g such creatures can inflict 011 their prey, surely no one will hesitate to get down at once to searcli for, and if found pull oli, the forest lly when a horse bocoir.i.s suddenly irritable and fractious while being driven through country lance or woods. MONEY THAT IS TO BURN. Confederate illlla Used Lnrjrely In Milking Klertrlc-l.lKht Cur bond. "Did you ever know what has become of the grenter jmrt of tho confederate paper money with which this country was flooded some yenrs buck?" asked a local business man who had just re turned from n trip to the Atlanta ex position. "No? Well, neither did I until J struck Atlanta a few weeks ago. in that town I found an old mnn who makes a business of quietly gathering in (ill the; confederate bank notes ho can find. You know the stulf was issued by the ton during the war, and there is any quantity of it still floating around.' When the old man gets a big bundle of the. paper ho sends it to Edison, tho inventor, who pays a good price for it. Edison uses it to muko carbon for in ciindescent lamps. The, puper upon which the confederate notes wore en graved was made of tho pulp of sen grass. This brunch of tho paper mak ing industry has since become a dead art, snys the Philadelphia Record. Sea gruss paper, When chemically treated by Edison, lias been found to make the bent sort of carbon for Incan descent lights, and ho there Is nhvayn 1 demand for the confederate bills." Weekly Bseuralnna In Through Onra to the Hunt. Another through tourists car to tho East hits been arranged for to run out of Portland, giving four ouch week. Iloro after tho mr leaviiu Monday will run through without change (o KiwimiH City and Chicago, over the O. R. & N, Oregon Short Lino. R. G. W.. D. & It. G Mo. Pacific and O. it A. Tlint. car bus just previously been arranged for and the one nroviously arranged for has been changed to Thurfday. It runs through to St. Louis, via the Mo. Pacific lino. Tho car leaving Portland Tuesday goes through to Huston, and is promoted by tho C, R. I. it P. Wednesday's car runs to St. Joseph, Kansas City and St. Louis over the Uuilington. All these special through cars are receiving n gratifying patronage. Consult the O. R. it N. agent before Inlying a ticket to tho East. Uhiiiiilierlulii'ft Condi Itrnii-ily Always I'riivnH l.'llVotiliil. There are no butter medicines on the market than Chamberlain's. Wu have need tho Cough Remedy when all othors failed, and in every instnnco it proved efiectual. Almost dailv wu hear the virtues of Chamberlain's remedies ex tolled by those who have used them Tills is not nn empty pull', paid for at so much a lino, hut ia voluntarily given in good faith, in the hope that aiid'cring humanity may try these remedies and, like the writer, be benefited. From the Glenvillo ;V. Va.) Pathfinder. For sale by Blakeley it Huughton. CiipIi In Your Cheek. All countv warrants registered prior to Nov. 22, lSOIl, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Fob. Kith, t8t8. C. l.. Piiii.Mis, Countv Treasurer. There is no need of little children Do ing tortured by scald head,' eczema and uL-ln urmitmtiu DiAVill' Wit oh Ilil'i-l Salve gives instant relief and cures per- mniieutiy. onipes-rvinersiy uriig v..o. Ask your Druggist CATARRH for a generous 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cream Balm ronlaius 110 cocaine, mercury nor any Other Injurious drug. It is quickly Absorbed. Gives Kcilef atonce. It niicns nnd demises 5". ' . . . the .N'usul IMsmges. PflL D H E A fl Alhiys Heals and Protect tho Membrane. Kcslorcn tho Senses of Taste and Smell. Full Size 60c. ; Trial mzc uc. ; bi jirug-Eisis or oy man. iJCy.BROTUEUS,M Warren Sheet, Nr York. Tho best aeeds erown are Ferry's. Tho best' aeeds sown are Vfrrv's. iThe beat seeds known nro I Terry's. It pays to plant FERRY'S Famous Seeds Aak tho dealer for them. Rend for , FERRVB SEED ANNUAL ( and Retail that's good anUj new the latest ana I the best. f D. M. FERRY & CO., Detroit, Mich. IJiKEI). W. WlhSOM. V ATTOHNKY AT LAW, TIIK. l)l.l,l,()lti:(!!)N' Oiliccovci First Sat. IHnk. II S HUNTINfiTON II H WILSON HUNTINGTON & WIUSON, A.TTOKNKYK AT LAW, Till: IUI.I.ES, OKKdON Offlco nvrr First Nat. Ilaak. j-yiw ;kisknimkfkkk & hukiiv, Physicians and Surgeons, SIal attention Riven lo sursery. Ilooms 21 mid 22, Tel. SIS. Vot lllock Ue fire Doirjg feat aid ..priptii?.. For Ffeasogable prices.- Wo Print Anything in the Printing Lino. Qive u$ a trial. 5l?ror;i; pub. $o. ..GflAS. PRAM.. Butchers and FafmePS ..Exchange.. Kceiw nn drilllHlit tlio eeli'liriitiMl COI.U.MIIIA HKIIlt, iii'kiion'l vtlluM tin; bent Iwvr in Tlie DhIIc, nt till-iimiiiI iirln-. Comi' III, try II mid lie rm vlnml, AImi tho rini'Ht btiinds nf Willi's, I.I pinrs Clu'iirs. Sanduiiches nf .tit ID mitt tilii'iivi mi lnmil. 1. Patronize the All ktndnf work. White Shirts 11 specialty. Fiimllv ivnrk jit reduced r.ites. Wnsh ciilleetctl mid dellvcitxl free, t 'i'u)udnti Nu. i 111. H. D. Parkins, Agt, Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Watchmaker Jeweler All work promptly intended to, and warranted. 174 VOGT LOCK FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. l'KANSAUT A (1KNK11AI. I) ASKING 1IUEINKH Letters of Cn.'iiit issued available in tin; Eastern States. Hiuht Exchange and TelecraiiliiL Transfers Hold on New York, Chirimo, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland On Kon, Seattlo Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at till points on fav orable terms. THS NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION. 18 I'iikdm n Wak. 15(1 I'upoi-H u Yuur It etunds first nmom? ''weekly" imiierf ill size, frequency of publication freshness, variet) and reliability of cor. tents. It is practically a daily at the low price o a weekly; and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every statu and territory 01 the union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and among Its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market rejiortfl, all the latest fashions for women and a Ion series of stories by tho greatest living American aim ungiisn authors, Gonnu Doyle, .laromn K. ilernm, Htnly Wnyinaii, Mary K. Wilklna Anthony llnue, II ret llurte, HrHiiilur Blaltliewa, Ktc. We offer this uneoualed newsnanernnd Tho Dalles Twico-a-Week Chronicle to gather one year for $2.00. Tho regular price 01 tne two pupers is ?3,uu. TILLETT & GALLIGAN, WM. TILLETT. H. GALLIGAN. Nolo l'roirlotot of the CKI.KItllATKI) XAklMA AI'l'I.K. Hood River Nursery, TIM.KTT Si C1AI.1.K1AN, I'roi. First-class Nursery Stock a Specialty Tne CoiumDia Packing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKAOTUrtKUb OK Fine Lard and Sausages, Curtrs of w' BRAND HAMS & BACON i)R!ED BEEF, ETC, EAST and SOUTH via The . Shasta Route Olf TIIK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trl 11 h lonye nnd tiro dun to nrrlvn nt I'nrtlaiul LKAVK. lUVK ()Vi:ill.ANI) KX-1 jircns, H11I0111, Itnxu- 1 (illtKi AnIiIiiimI, Kill'-1 ritmonto, Oiiitcii.Hiin I FriimilM'ii, Miiiuvu, f lis Aiiri'U'n,I';I I'msii, Nuw urlouiiN unit I Hllrtt J o-.roi r. m. !S0 A. M. ItoM'liiint mid wny ntu- tlllllH ,.. fVIn Wimdliiirn for 1 I .MI.AiircI, Hllvortoii, West Hcln, llrnwns- vIllu.riprliiKllt'lilmiil Niitioli J P. II Dully OXt'l'lt Hll mliiyN. Dully CXI'llpt himdiiys t7l.7) A. M (CorviilllK (KtlltlOIIH inn! wnyj 160 P.M. iNi)i:pi:Ni)i:N(!i: passknokii. kxk tmiu Hull V (vxrupt Hiiinliiy). I;W1 p. 111. (Ia'. ..Porlliind ...Ar. H:2in,m T::a p. in. Ai .MoMliinvllli' .l.v.5 Oiftin, m 8::iop, 111. Ar .Iiiili'ii!iiduiiri'..I.v.) -isMin. m, Iinlly. iDiitiy, except tfuiinny. DININCi (JAUS ON (Mll)KN ItOUTK. PtM.I.MAN lttJI'I'KT HI.KKPKlta AND HIXOND-dl.ASH HI.KKPINO UAUH A'tHUliitl to nil TliroiiKh Trains. Dlntit I'oiincctlon ntl'iiti HrimclM'o with Orel, iluntiil mid Orlunt.'il nnd Pncltln ninll Mtciniii, IIiu'n for JAPAN mid CHINA. HnlllliK iIiiU'n on ill pllriitlon. Ihiti'H mid tli'liotd to i:nstorii iioltits mid Ku roi.u. AImi JAPAN, CHINA. IIONOMn.U mid AlIKTUAl.IA.cmi he iililnliuil from J. II. 1CIKICI.ANI), Ticket Auent. TliroiiKli Ticket Otlli'c, l:H Third Htrcot, wheru thioiiL'h tU'kctK to nil pointN in tliu KiiKtcm Htnti'h, Cmiiiiliunid Kiiropc can lie olitniiicd at lowest tnti'H (rom .1. II. KIHKI.AND, Ticket Aiteiit. All above trains arrive nt nnd depart I rom (Iriiuil Central Htutlon. l'lltli nnd lrvniK htrecth YAMHII.I. DIVIHION. PiiFM'iiKur, foot of JcilerMiu street. U'uve for OHWICdO, dully, except Hunilay, nt 7::il a. in.; r.':M), 1;M, 5::., f,:W, 8:(V. p. m. (and 11: p. 111. on Hatiirdiiy only, anil !!:(' ) a. m mid XVM p. m. on Ulllidnys only). Arrive at Portland tlullv nt Mill) mid ;) 11 in.; mid l:ri, IMS, lUiii) mid 7:W i. in., (mid 1U:05 n. in, ;m:, 6:11) p. 111. on Hiimliiys only). Invt' for Hlicrldmi, week days, t CDUp. m Arrive nt Portland, 'J:"a 11. ill. U'iivc for ATItl.IIC on Monday, Vcdnedav and Krlilny ut'JMUu. 111. Arrlv nt l'urtlanil, lue. (lav, ThiirMtay mid Hatiiritni it :l:0u p. m. Kxr.ept Handily. Kxccpt (Saturday. It. KOKIILEII, ilniinuer. i, II. MAKKHAM, At-st. (i. I'. & Puss. Aut N ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. n u H s Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car MX. 1'Alll. M I NN KA I'll I.I IIUI.IITII rAicoo (llwVNl) Flllt OltOOICHTIIN WINHII'Kfl HKI.KNA hii ItllTTK TO Through Tickets ciliUAOb Tu WAHIIINMTON I'I1II.AIIKI.I'IUA NK W YOUK ItllHTON ANI ALL l'OINTH KAHT und HUIITB For Information, llmerinlw. rnnrhiilicl tlckoU. cul on or write in W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon OK A. D. CHARLTON. AtiHt. G. P. A., iX. MnrrUoa Cor. Third. Porlliind Orwrn Dalles, Mora and Antelope STAGE LINE. Through bv clavllelit via Crass Vulluv. Kent mid Crius Hollows. IMMIULAH AI.I.KN, Tim IIuIIhn. O. M. WIIITKLAW. Aiitiiloixi. HtmrCS leikVC 'I'lio Dalleu I ruin llniiitlllil Hoiue nt 7 11. in., iilm) from Antaloiio at 7:it a, 111. every Mondiiy, Wiilnewliiy anil Friday. Coiiiut'tloii'i mwlc at Antelope for Prlnovllle, MlteliuU mid iHiltits buyond. Clone c( niiciutous Hindu at Tno Dulles with railways, trains mid hunts. HIukcs from Anteloim rcacli Tliu Dalles Tues days, ThiirHlitys mid Hatiirdnys ut 1 ;ai p. m. HATEH Or KAHK. Dalles to DctclititeH , . .... do Moro If" do (I runs Vnlley ...'' do Kent a J do Cross llnllnivK 1 W Antelope to Cross Hollows . 1 ' hflit .... do UrmiH Y'lHuy aou do Moro. . . ., do Dcucliiiees. . , . do Dalks ,..... ., B 00 P. fliok or MJvmt toah W9UW9U." On Minute Cough Cur, curc. That It wkat It wu mMm for. 'jfcaaava I. HUM VII IX