The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 28, 1898, Image 3

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liy E
u" at
1 DaljeDaily Chronicle.
Wo luivo cigara to burn ut Foutz'.
Uso Clarke fc F,ilk'H Floral Lotion for
happed IiuiuIb and rough ekin. lm
Tlio weathur forecast for tonight and
night uiul tomorrow is fair mid cooler.
In future copies of tlio Morning Trib
une can bo Hecured ut tlio Snipee-Kin-ersly
Drug Co.'h. 24-Ht
Clnrku &. Fnlk'a Rosofontn tooth wiibIi
19 thu bent to keep tho teeth and cuniH
clean and healthy. U-liu
Marriage license whb issued Saturday
to Mr. Leo Morgan uud Mies Lulu Kolly,
both ol tliin county.
Did It over Htriko you that Font.'
Prize Medal and Guarantuu cignrs are
the best eigara on earth, tf.
An attempt waa mado Saturday to ae
aaesinuto King George of Greece and liis
daughlor, IVineoss Mariu.
Saturday night at an election of G Co.,
Third Battalion, 0. N. ., Lieut. J. F.
Booth waa ulectod captain.
Plain, mixed and dill pickles, olivet)
and piga' feet in bulk, at Tlio Dalles
Commission & Grocory Co.'h.
Thu beat apeeilU: for dandrtiil' and to
Prevont baldness ia Clarko & Falk'a
compound quinine hair tonic. 9-lm
Visitors arts cordially invited to inaku
A. M, Williams & Company 'a establish
ment thuir headquarters while in tlua
A large baud of sheep belonging to G.
W. Smith waa taken neroaa tho river to
day to summer rnnges on the Washing
ton side.
Just received Now lot of orangea,
lemons, pineapplea, baunnaa and eauli
lower, ut Tho Dalloa Conimiaslon and
Grocery Co.'e.
A government diver who baa juat ro
turned from Havana says that ho ia sat
Metl that tho explosion camo from a
torpedo or an underground initio.
Now la tho timo to got your bicycles
overhauled and put iii ahupo. Wo are
Prepared to do all kinde ol blcyclo re
pairing. Glvo ua a call. Maior & Ben
ton, Tho Democratic control committee for
Suerinan county mot at Wasco Saturday
nd Axed the duto for holding tho pri
maries for March 12th, and tho county
convention for March 10th.
Saturday night Frank Kogere of Cas
cMe Locks, wna sent up to eorvo ton
Jiays for contempt of court. Thla makoa
J0Ur lt- wora sent up laat wook for dlf
Went charges from that place.
Mr, Wallnce.of Sherman county, camo
2h i,rom BlnE8 tlllB morn,nK brll"B
'"O'liira n full grown lynx, whiclywaa
WB!it In a ateoltrap by a Sherman
wonty sheep man, it aeeraa the lynx
DUbeen making Inroads upon their
'"WP In that vicinity, and it 1b a relief
extend lo all visitors to our city
this titno, our best wishes and a
invitation to visit us.
s'ia ostocm a pleasure to show
them through our establishment
to niako ourselves of service in any
that mav of For
to them to have it out of tho way. Mr.
Wallace ih having a engo made for it and
will take it to Portland where it will bo
disposed of. Tho animal ia very vieiotiR,
and apparently nothing would please it
more than to get a grip on its captors.
Mrs. D. L. Do Wolfe this morning re
ceived $2,000 from the Ancient Order of
United Workmen. Her husband who
waa u membo- of that order, died about
four weoka ugo, nnd today the A, 0. U.
W. paid the amount in full.
G. A. Van Anda, formerly of"Tbla
place, who for some time has been In
the lumber business at Wasco, bus Hold
out hie plant at that place and returned
to this city. Iloheotne to think that The
Dalles ia still ahead of the booming town
of Waaco. -J
Notice Tho gentleman who made the
mistake of changing a Steiubaeh black
Fedora hat for a Lion brand containing
A. M. Williams & Co. 'a monogram, at
tho club rooms yesterday, will please
return the same to this oflke and ro
ceivo hia own.
Tho KinroBB quartette of Portland
camo up on last evening's train and are
at tho Umatilla House. This quartet is
acknowledged to be equal, if not super
ior, to any on the coast, and wilt take
part in the program of tho Wool-Growers'
Attention Woodmen! All members
ol Mt. Hood Camp No. 611 are earnestly
requested to bo proaeut at the regular
meeting of tho camp at Fraternity Hall,
Tuesday evening, March 1st, ns special
business will como up for consideration.
By order of W. D. Harper, clerk.
Tho hlgtt auorea at the Umatilla
Houbo alloy a for the week ending yes
terday wore as follows: Monday, C
Johnston 09; Tuesday, C Johjieton 59;
Wedueaday, C Johnston (12; Thursday ,
Maetz 07 ; Friday, J McCoy 54 ; Satur
day, Maetz 03; Sunday, N J Sinnott 57.
Today E. E. Lytlo, W. II. Moore, D
C. O'ltiley and Chief Engineer C. E.
Cooper left for a tour of inspection of the
proposed Dallea-Deschutea and Dufur
railroad line. After inspecting title
route these gentlemen will be able to
form a better opinion as to tho coat and
feasibility of such a line. J
Tho high dally scores at the club al
leys for last week (with tho exception of
Monday, when the score was not kept)
were hh followa: Tuesday, Houghton
117; Wednesday, Laugblin 03; Thurs
day, Grace Lauer 37 ; Friday, Mrs. T. J.
Soufort47; Saturday, C. Johnston 69;
Sunday, Houghton 04.
Dad Butte is making tho wool fly in
the insurance uud real eatato bualneas;
noting wrong about this aa tomorrow le
tho opening day ol tho wool-growera
convention. Butte la a friend to the
wool men and in fact to ovoryone and
will do your bueiness right. For further
information ece (small Bill) Butte,
A bulletin received today states that
four men were paid $10,000 for blowing
up tho Maine. The assertion ia made
by a New York journal, which etatee
further that they obtained tho torpedo
from someone connected with the Span
ish government. A Spanish military
paper aaya wo will have war in April
Today the case ol rease & Mays vs
E. J. Edwards is being tried in the jus
tice court. This is an action brought by
the plaintiffs to recover $36.19, which
tbey allege is due them for goods bought
by Edwards in their store. Huntington
& Wilson appear for the plaintiffs while
J. L. Story is tho attorney for the de
fendant. S. Sichel, the Prineville eheep-raieer,
ia in the city to attend the Wool-Growers'
Association. Mr, Sichel Bays that
shearing will begin about March loth.
At that time his company intends to
shear about 15,000 wethers, so that they
can be put on the range early in order
to have them fat and ready for market
.1... l
iii me ear iv auuiiuer. ""v
The members of the reception commit-X
tee of the meeting of the Wool-Growera'
Association are requested to meet at the
club parlors this (Mouday) evening at 7
o'clock sharp. The following named
persons compose the committee: B. S
Huntington chairman : E. O. McCoy,
Robert Maye, J. S. Scbenck, W. H.
Biggs, A. S. Bennett, W. P. Ketclium,
II. S. Wilson, J. W. Lewie, A. M. Kel
say, B. F. Laugblin, T. J. Driver, J. B.
Crossen, D. M. French, Z. F. Moody, T.
A, Hudson, W. L. Bradshaw, P. De
Huff, Fred W. Wilson, 11. F. Gibbons,
Geo. A. Liobe, John Michell, Frank
Seufert and M. T. Nolan. v
The residents of Sherman aud GilTTam
counties are joining hands in the build
ing of a road across the John Day at th
mouth of 30-Mile. -This read .will giv
the Fossil and Mnyville people and out
let to the Columbia Southern E. R. at
Wasco, and will also cause a great in
crease in trade in Sherman county
towns. The foregoiug waa taken from
tho Autolope Herald. Our people Bhould
wake up to the iact that there are oth
er places for the people of the interior
to trade than The Dalles, and if the
hroads leading to this city are not repaired
nn the near future this assertion will be
proven so that nodoubt will bo left in
the mind of anyone.
Yesterday Frank French wont to Port
land to select songs and music for the
performance which the club boys intend
putting on In this city in the near future.
He abtalned many of the latest produc
tions of Bratton and other leading com
posers, from Prof. Weber, the leader of
the Marquam Grand orchestra. These
selections are making a great hit and
have never been put on in this city. He
also secured several productions of Udall
&, Kennett, which have never been ren
dered before the public, and which those
gentlemen have given permission to
have sung in The Dalles for the first
time. Mr. French has made a careful
selection and there is no reason why the
eongs aud music of this performance
stiouUl not be newer auu better man
any that have yet been used before a
Dalles audience.
Mr. J, B. Haverly of Dutur ie in the
city today, Mr. Haverlv eaye that he
was In Johnston Bros, store ut Dufur a
fow daya ago when a man came in want
Fruit Growers,
Spitay Jio. 1...
Winter Spray for San Joso Scale
and Curl Leaf of tho Peach.
l.tmc, iinslnckcil Pi pounds
Sulphur, powdered 'JO jxiiinrls
Hull, Liverpool , ." iiuiuiils
Tim above ii a very efficient remedy
for the San Joeo Scale and Curl Leaf of
tho Peach, anil in an excellent fertilizer
for tho trees. It not only destroys the
scale and prevents the spread of the curl
eaf, but removes all Hellene and keeps
the bnrk soft.
In the case of curl leaf, the greatest
good will result from the early pprayinc,
as it prevents to a large degree tho dor
mant spores of this parasitic fungus
coming to life, and destroys any that
may have started.
To be most successful, this spray
should be applied jnet before the buds
swell in the pprintr. It can be uted at
this time stronger than later, a 'nd should
be thrown upon lite trees when it is
Uso for winter spraying, ono pound to
two gallons of water; for summer work
use one pound to two gallons of water..
Lime, Sulphur and Salt,
Bean Spray Pumps, &c.
ing to buy a lantern. Mr. Johnston
sold him one, and about this time an
other came in and bought an rtcle of
the same description. To Mr. Haver-
ly's treat surprise another and etill an
other came in wanting a lantern, until
fourteen had been eold, when he spoke
up and inquired as to the cause of such
a rush for those articles. "Why," said
Mr. Johnston, "thoee men are going to
attend the Wool-Growers' Association at
The Dalles, and it is so dark in that
town that it is not safe for etrangere to
venture out after Bupper without a
light si nee the council cut down the
city's expenses by ceasing to use arc
lights on the etreete.
Yesterday Kev. Cephas Clapp occu-
Died the milmt of the Conirrecational
church both morning and evening, and
was listened to intently by large con
gregations. Mr. Clapp is one of those
speakers who combine spice with logic,
land throughout the entire discourse
holds the attention of his audience,
while he impresses them with hia ear
nestness. His sermone yesterday were
especially good; the morning subject
being Jacob at Peniel, illustrating what
the Lord will do for those who earnestly
seek Him and submit to Hie will. In
the evening the diecouree was based upon
the vision of Ezekiel in the valley of dry
bones, showing the reward of those who
trust in Divine promises. Kev. Clapp
will remain in the city during the week,
and meetings will be held each evening,
to which everyone is invited and urgtd
to be present.
Next Week's l'rliicliul Attractiou.
The George's Operatic Colored Min
strels will be the attraction at the Vogt
opera house Monday evening, March
7th. Thiscompany is among the largest
organizations traveling, every feature of
their lengthy attractive program is dif
ferent from the traditional acts of the
average minstrel company, and is re
freshingly up-to-date in every respect.
The first part includes the best things in
pretty ballade, witty repartee, and a
fund of other features not generally
found in a minstrel first part. A sup
plemental iutroducea clever juggling
acta, knock-about sketches, genteel skite,
monologue merriment and a host of
good novelties.
This company is composed solely of
colored men and women noted for their
artistic merite, and ie perhaps the best
company of its kind on the roi'd.
Foul cigars are on sal e at the follow
ing places: Snipes-Kiuersly, Clark k
Falk and M. Z. Donnell, druggists; Com
mission Co., Geo. Kuch, Fred Fisher
and Chae, Phillips, grocerB ; Columbia
Candy Factory and A. Keller, confection
era; Chas. Frank, Ad. Keller, Dan
Baker, Aug. Buchler, Ben Wilson and
The Midway, saloons.
To Cure u Cola lu Oue Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
they fail to cure. 25c,
DeWitt's Little Early Risers,
The Umuua ilitU pllW.
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood
To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
Phone 25. J. T. Peters & Co.
nool-Grorera Association.
The following is the program for the
three day's eeesion, to be held in this
city March let, 2d and 3d.
Meeting convenes ut 2 p. m.
Meeting called to order by Geo. C. Btakeley,
president of the Commercial Club.
Invocation by Rev. Joseph De Forrest.
Address of welcome ou behalf of the Commer
Bial Club, Fred. W. Wilson.
Address of welcome ou behalf of the cliy,
MHyor M. T. Nolan. ,
Address of welcome on behalf of the State,
Gov. Wm. Lord, of Salem.
Response on behalf of visitors, Hon. T. C. Pow
ers, president Montana Wool Growers' Ass'n.
Election of temporary president and secretary.
Appointment of committees.
Session convenes at 7:30 o'clock.
'Climatic Influences Affccttuc the Ranges,"
by I!. S. l'ague, U. SyWcathcr bureuu, Portland.
(Discussion.) ,
"Grasses of the l'acillc Northwest," by A. I..
Uckerby, Yakima, Wash. (Discussion.)
Sessicn convenes at D:30 u. m.
Music. ' "
"Sanitary Regulations." by Dr. M. E. Knowles,
state veterinary, Mui'tana. (Discussion.)
'Forestry Alt'ecting tho Rainfall on Our
Ranges," by Hon. John Minto, Saiem. (Uiscus
sio'n.) . x
"The Coming Sheep," by H. T. French, pro
fessor agricultural experimental station, Cor
vallis. (Discussion.)
Session convenes at 2 o'clock.
"The Sheep of Montana," by Mr. Hodges, sec
retary Montana Wool Growers' Ass'n. (Discus
sion.) Music.
"Can We Improve the Grasses on Our Ranges,"
by II. W. J. Spellman, professor of agrlcultuie,
Pullman experimental station.
"Outlook of tho Sheep Industry," by Ex-Gov.
ernor I, II. Fletcher, Salem, (Discussion.)
Convenes at 7 :30 o'clock.
Address by F. J. Harry, Chicago, (Discussion
of same.
Address by Dr. Jas. Wlthycombe, state veterin
ary, Hillsboro, Or, (Discussion of same.)
Address by Geo. F, Goodhue, Salem. (Discus
sion of same.)
Session convenes at D:!iu a. m,
Report of committee on constitution ami by
laws, Adoption of same.
Election of permanent olllcers.
locating of place of aunual meeting for 1859,
Address of Hon, T. C, Powers, president Mon
tana Wool Growers' Ass'n. (Discussion.)
Program for afternoon and evening
announced before adjournment of morn
ing session. This program subject to
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That Is what It was made for.
Ten Minutes.
Do You
Catch On?
No more cold ovons.
Plenty of hot wu for,
and u great fuel saver.
Have one put in your
stove by
have strictly First-Class
The Modem Way
Commends itself to the well-informed,
to do pleasantly and effectually what
formaly done in the crudest manner anil
disagreeably as well. To clennso the
syetem and break up colds, headaches,
and fevers without unpleasant after ef
fects, use the delightful liquid laxative
remedy, Syrup of Figs. Made by Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co.
Georgia Colored
Operatic (Dinstrels,
Monday March 7th
'.Then I'll a Friar Be." The song.
"What! You become a nun, my dear;
then I'll a friar be," has been one of the
moat popular eongs foi male voices ever
written. The tendency to do ns othera
do is strong In many ways in Mfo. Your
neighbor has a piano. Why not you?
Always a GOOD iuvestment, a piano la
aHElTKR investment just now than
ever before,
I. C. fiickclscn
Book 8t Olusie Company,
A splendid assortment of Vegc-
E table. Garden and Grass Seeds in YV
Hulk. Seed Wheat, Seed Oats, JL.JI
Seed llarley, Seed Seed Rye.
Oil Meal Cuke and Fertilizers,
EIlco Suuplies, Early Roso rota- mm
toes. Eleven kinds of ilrst ulass WiZ
Seed Corn. I'oultry aud Eggs
bought aud sold at
n i. H. CROSS' u
Cheap Cash Grocery and, Feed ,
Store, Second uud Union Sts,