The Dalles Daily Chir.;!. TIIK 1AI.1.1S, OHKIION ONG BNJOYS Both tho method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and nets gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agrocablo substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrti) of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. California fig syrup co. SAN FRAKCISCO. CAL MMVIULE, Kt. HEW YORK, U.K. l'KUSONAL, MENTION M. J. Anderson of Dufur is in the city today. Jasper Gunning is up from While ca;mon touay. Taylor Hill, the Prineviile stockman, is visiting in ttie city. Thomas Harlan and wife of Mosier are visiting in the city today. County Commissioner James Howa:d is in the city from Prineviile. Cash Cooper of Prineviile is in the city to attend the Wool-Growers' Associa tion. A. L. Mackintosh of Prinaville, who his been to Portland delivering a con signment of cattle, returned last night. THE CHURCHES. Calvary Baptist church, Elder Wil burn pastor At 11 a. m. nud 7:30 p. m, regular services : Sunday school at 10 a. m. ; young people's meeting at 0:30. Lutheran services in the basement of the new church tomorrow as followe JJornuig services at 11:00, Sunday flehool at 12:10. Class meutinz in the evening at 7:30. ' There will also be a German service at 3 p. in. Itegular services at the Christian church tomorrow, morning and evening, W. V. Boltz pastor. Subject for morn ing sermon, "The Unity of the Spirit ;" evening, "The Identity of the Church ot Christ." All are cordially Invited. M. E. church, corner Filth and Wash ington streets, J. H.Wood, pastor Ser vices as follows : Class meeting at 10 a.m.; morning service at 11 ; Sunday school, 12:20; Junior League, 4; Ep- worth League atC:30; evening service t 7:30. All are invited. Sunday services at the Congregational church, corner Court and Fifth streets, as usual: At 11 a. m. aud 7 :30 p.m. worship, and a sermon by Rev. Clapp of Forest Grove. Sunday school immedi ately after the morning service ; meet ing of the Junior Christian Endeavor at 3:30 p. m; of the Young People's Soci ety at 0:30. All persons not worshipping elsewhere are cordially invited. You can't afford to risk your life by allowing a cold to develop into pneumo nia or consumption. Instant relief and a certain cure are afforded by One Min ute Cough Cure. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. COVERED WITH HUMOR When! waa thirteen years old I began to baro ore eyes aud ear, and from iny earn a humor pread. I doctored with llvo different skilful doetorr, but tliey did mo no uooU, My dlmuwo was Eczema. Jiy tills time It bad kouo all over my bead, lace, and body. Nobody thought I would lire, and would not bavo but for Ciiticciia HaiUDiaa. .1 used our boxes of C'uTictiU, Are cakes of CUTICOBA Boah, and tbreo bottloa of CUTICUIU lies oiArxNT, My hair all carno out atthatUme, but now it is so thick I can hardly comb it. I am siiteen years old, welgb lift pounds, and am perfectly Well. Miss IREAhT QHAtlDttL, Clayton, N. Y. SrsiDT Cull Tuathmt. Warm btthi with Co. TICUM VOAr, MBIH ajflSMlltlllt Ol COTIOUS4 (dlat- neat), aad mlkTaeaM sfBvtwsaa aUsoi.vssT,grateit ef bainer cares. ' ' old tareofhoai Ike wesU. ' Mm. Co oaf. afoiBseMTsaT. see. aid I. 1" I Ike west. ' rriet, cericv-u, Mc.i run is usva suited free. OF ANNUAL MEETING. SCHOOL Notlco is hereby given to the legal voter of school district No. 12 of Wasco coiintv. state of Ore-ion. thnt the annual fehool meeting for tho salt! distrirt will be held at the brick school ,outo, on Court street, to begin at the hour ol 2 o'clock on the afternoon of the first Monday, being the 7th day of March, 189S. This meeting is called for tho! NOTICE purpose of considering tho g.-nunil re- i famous worm fT mounttiiu, at torn ' i i i .i i .i i i ' wall, these rocky openings are watched ports, financial and ot herd, of the clerk . .' , . r ., 4 1 '. , , . , hy longshoremen, who have reason to and other school otllcers, and the tran I suction of business usual at such meet ing. I Dated Feb. 21, 1S0S. O. 1). Ijoank, Chairman Hoard Directors. I Attest: G. l Montux, Dlat. Clerk. i Itucklmi'B Annua Balve. The best 6nlvein tile world for nuts, , bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevo: ' sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblain . corns, and nl! skin eruptions, and posi (lively cuis piles, or no pay required I', is guaranteed to give perfect sntisfac t in, or money refunded. Price '25 cents par box. ror eale by lslitkelov and Honshton. drueeists i HORSES AND MULES FOR SALE 1 l nave sixteen tieati ot li and 4-venr i mules (broke) tor sale. I also have horses, mares and ui'ldiniis for sale , weighing from 900 to 1400 pounds. Anv one wantine work stock or stock for Klondike, here is the place to get them cheap for cash. James Bitowx, 123-lni-l Victor, Or. Frank Sherwood was down town to day, the first time Bince lie had his tus slo with cholera morbus. He says he drove miles nfter'lie was taken'sick, am never came so near dying in his life After this when he goes out in the conn try lie will take a bottle of Chamberlain Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemed) with him. Missouri Valley (Iowa) Timas. For sale by Blakeley & Hough ton. DeWitt's Littie cany Risers, The limwK I' tl - AitxiNG : Persons who suffer from coughs and colds ehould heed tho warn ings of danger and save themselves suf lering and fatal results by using One Minute Cough Cure. It-is an infallible remedy for coughs, colds, croup and all throat and lung troubles. Snipes-Kin ersly Drug Co. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cures Plies, Scalds. Bums. You can't cure consumption but yon can avoid it and cure anv other form of throat or lung trouble by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. It cures quickly. That's what you want. Snipes-Kiners ly Drug Co. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That Is what It was made for. Tr7 Schilling's "Jest 'en aim ij.ikIiik duwi- A3k your Druggist for agencrom 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm contains no cocaine, mercury nor any other injurious drag. It is quickly Absorbed. Gives Kel!e at once. Tf nnana and rts-i t jaa the ifasal Passage. Pfll T X. U PA t Allays inflammation. " " aw Heals and Protects the Membrane. Kestores tho Senses of Taste and Smell. Full Size 60c J Trial fiizelOe.; atUruceistsor by mail. KLYBHOTUEHB.&H Warrea Street, New York. UemilUry. In all civilized foreign nations u knowledge of heraldry is considered by many an important element in higher refinement and culture; in enrlierdays, according to Thackeray, it "formed part of the education of. most noble ladies nnd gentlemen." In architec ture, literature nnd the fine arts, her aldry is a jxttverjul adjunct and the correct application of its rules is just as surely required as other detail of such ivoTk. Even trifling attention to the rudimentary lnws of this great sci ence might have prevented many blun ders, unfortunately but too indelibly recorded through the indifference or ignorance of architects, authors nud sir tints. This, alas, is especially the case in America, and the necessity for some law and order has become apparent. That we have had a recognized heraldry nlrnost from the date of the country'e settlement cttnno't be denied; and, though its precepts have long been dis obeyed, the time has arrived when peo ple begin to recognize this fact nnd seek instruction upon the subject. Eu gene Zieber, in Llppincott's. Tho unusual number of court func tions of one sort and another in Eng land and the exceptional number of "drawing-rooms" at Iluclcinghnm palace this year ha;o been tho result, it is said, of additional activity in Lon don society. The new order of things at Buckingham palace thnt permits but two hundred presentations at a drawing-room has been the ono drawback to tho serenity of London's best society, fiuch an innovation naturally has caused a gootl deal of disappointment to many matrons and maidens whoso names arriveu at the lord cmuni-cr lain'H after the list of presentations permitted had been filled up. Tho numbers ol American ladies in par ticular presented tills season has been smaller than for some years. HOMES OF RIVER PIRATES. CkTN In the Mountain Sltlr Am Watched with Awe by Lonjcuhoremen. Along the west shore of the Hudson river, between West Point and Esopus, according to the New York World, , there are several sidehlll openings Unit supposed to lead into big wcco ,,,,": 41, ..,, .iimvnr hitiv r0V) mt MVi3 been frightened Into o re- treat by nil sorts of Imaginings. At Marlborough, Highland and In tho believe that valuable property is con tained therein. A Cornwall fisherman says ho be lieves that one of these caves, near the foot of Storm King, is tho rendezvous of a gang of New York thieves, who re ceive nnd dispose of their ill-gotten stock on a strict inereautlle basis. He remembers that nbout tho 1st of April he and his father saw a small boat, in which were four men, putashore at this point. It was an inky black night, and it was not safe for small craft in tho wind-tossed water of Cornwall bay. The fisherman watched the lauding nnd saw the company, who were dis tinguished by tho lanterns they enrried, work their way up the mountain side. About twenty minutes after the lauding the lights were lost sight of at u point nbout one hundred feet from the water's edge. Tho supposition is that these men entered one of those mercantile caves to make ready for the year's business. No one has ventured near tho place, although several hunters say that there is an opening at the spot designated by the Cornwall man. It is believed that this cave is the main resort of river pirates and robbers, who plunder iu the Hudson river valley, and if so there is considerable danger attending a visitation to the locality. This site is particularly lonely and deserted. It can be located by passen gers on the day boats ns they tiro pass ing. It is about three hundred feet west of tho place where an attempt has been made to quarry stone for crushing, and to reach it one must run the risk of being bitten by the most poisonous snakes. : . i OUTF5AC1NG A THOROUGHBRED. Tho Mnn Astride a l'lmumntlc-Tirc-il Wlierl Triumphs Over a Ilnrxo. The thoroughbred racu hcrsc is be lieved to be the swiftest animal on the globe. So when tho king of racers, tial vator, covered a mile on n straight track at Monmouth park on August .'S, 1)390, in '.Z:M which is still the record he probably went the distance in less than it was ever traversed before or since by a living creature of any kind moving unaided over the surface of the earth. Had anyone at that time predict ed that within five years a man on a bi cycle would propel hirn-elf over the same distance on a similar or any other track in faster time than that of the thoroughbred, he would, says Harper's Weekly, have been oonsi.lercd .some thing' more than merely visionary. At that time the bicyclist was competing with the trotting horse, but that he would ever equal tlie runner was not dreamed of oven by ultra enthusiasts. And vet this undrcatued-of feat has now been accoinplulud. Since the ad vent of the pneumatic-lire wheel witli ball bearings, records have boon fail ing before the bicycle more rapidly than before the trotter notwithstand ing the phenomenal advances of the latter until of late several wheelmen have been going miles below two min utes, leaving the trotter quite out of the race. Uut no bicyclist lias come within striking distance of tho speed of even an ordinary thoroughbred, un til of a sudden a professional racing cyclist, John S. Johnson, the "western wonder," took fourteen seconds off the bicycle record at a single clip, and eclipsed not only some but all thorough breds by riding a mile in 1:35 2-5. Tlie feat was accomplished over a straight course at Ihiffalo, N. Y., October 21. The pacemakers were four men mounted on a quadruplet machine. Thus for the first time in the world's history d man has propelled himself a mile purely by muscular exertion faster than the muscles of any other living creature ever oarr ried it over tlie earth's surface. As a triumph of human development, aided by the in ventions of human ingenuity, over mere animal development, thisachiovc ment is therefore unique and worthy of record quite apart from its interest to the sportsman Some say the Scotch people have no appreciation for humor. This is hard ly true at least there aro exceptions. Many years ago Lord Harry Urougham and Hev. Dr. Thomas Chalmers, two warm friends, mot on the street in Ed inburgh and stopped for a chat. One of them dropped his cano and both stooped simultaneously to pick it up, with the result that their heads came together with a resounding whack. "Eh, but that made my head rine." said Dr. Chalmers. "That's a sign it's empty," respond ed Lord Jtrougjiain. "Did'na yours ring?" asked the doc-' tor. "No," said the great advocate. "Weal," responded Chalmers, "that's a sign it'a crackit" Chicago Chron icle. Uuoor Church Spire. One of the mmt eccentric church spires is that of the pariah church (All Saints) of Chesterfield, -with it curious spire, 228 fet high, and 04 feotoff tho .perpendicular, Whichever ay wic on- server looks at this curious npiro it appear- to bulge out in that direction. "I I Weak Lungs $ If you have coughed' and $ coughed until the lining mcm $ brane of your throat and lungs fli is inflamed, I Scott's Emulsion ; $ of Cod-liver Oil will sooth, $ strengthen and probably cure. The cod-liver oil feeds and $ strengthens the weakened tis- !) and heals them. The hviso- tft phosphites of lime and soda impart tone and vigor. Don't neglect these coughs. One bottle of the Emulsion may do more for you now than ten can do later on. Be sure you $ get SCOTT'S Emulsion. l All druggists; $oc. ind Si.oo. 5J Cfr-r-r V. ItrtWNI N.ui Vnrt lYully KxuiimliiMN In Through ('ur ! tint Knit. Another through totuists car to the East has been arranged for to run out of Portland, giving four eacli week. Here alter the car Iuavnu; Monday will run through without change to Kansas City nnd Chicago, over the O. U & N, Oiegon Short Line, K. G. W., D. K. Mo Pacific and C. & A. Thnt car hue jiHt previously been arranged for and the ono nreyiouelv arranged for lias been changed to Thursday. It runs through to St. Louis, via the Mo. Pacific line. The car leaving Portland Tuesday goes through to Boston, and is promoted by the C, P.. I. & P. Wednesday's car runs to St. Joseph, Kiinias City and St. Louis I over tlie Burlington. All these Bpucial limiiii-ii eiirs; are rri;uivii'K u Krui-iyiiiK patronHge. Consult the O. II. & N. agent before ) living a ticket to tlie East. There is no need of little cluhlrtn be ing tortured l?y pcald head, eczema and skin eruptions. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve gives instant relief aud cures per inaiiently. Snipes-Kiiiersly Drug Co. bnTtnK acds "economy la rMtnmueii becauaa the cost of cultivation wutedon lnfertoratcda always larxtly eicwls tne original colt of tlie belt and drareit aectls to De Dau. Tin neai in niwriT" iuo ari cheapeac Fay a trtUe more for MA FERRY'S I SEEDS V and alwayi get your money's worth. lire cents per paper everywhere. Always tne ueti. Been Annual iree. D.H.FERRY A CO, . Dtrolt, Mich. ITUtKI). W. W1I,S(). 1- ATTOltSKV AT LAW, Till-: DVI.I.K.-J.'JItKlUJ.N Ollicc nvoi First Nat, ll-nik. B S HUNTINGTON II 8 WII.bO.S- HUNTINGTON & WILSON, ATTOKNKYK AT LAW, TIIK 1JALLKH, OKKGON Office ovpt First Nat. Hank. J),t8' OEISKNUUKKIfKH & ItUKDY, Physicians and Surgeons, Special attention Riven to surgery. Rooms 21 and 'JU, Tel. lUS. Vogt Mock Ue fire Doir; toy fleat aQd rtistie ..priptir;.. For Ieasopable prices. Wo Print Anything in the Printing Lino. Qiue us a trial. Slproi. pub. 5o. and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keeps nn (trauulit tho celoliraldl COUI.MIIIA IlKMIt, Mcl-mmi-ulm-il tlie best boor In The Hallos, at the ti'iial pilce. Come III, try It and be rn-ivlneeil, Alit the l lnrit liraniis of Wlnef , I.I imr ami I'IkiU's. Sanduiicbes of all Ktnil.l always nu liaml. Patronize the All kind of work. While Shirt a specially. Kamllv work at reduced rates. Wash cnllei'tt-d mid dellvcied free, Tulilioiii) tNii. 1 1 It. H. D. Parkins, Agt, Harry Liebe, I'KACTIOAL Watchmaker4Jewelcr All work promptly attended to, and warranted. 174 VOGT LOCK FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. rUANHAOT A OKNKKALUANKINO IlUKINKB Letters of Credit IsHtictl available in the Eastern Stuteu. Sittbt Exchunite and Tuleernnliic Triinfer8 sold on Now York, Obicimo, St. Louis, ban franciHco, J'ortland Ore gon, belittle V ash,, nnu varioue pointn in Oregon and Wualiincton. Collections mnde at all noititE on fav orable terms. TH: NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-tfEEK EDITION. IK l'ufcvit it lVfik, lntl l'iiinrH u Yonr It etanils first among "weeklv" imnere in hizj, frequency of publication fresbness, vuriet and reliability of. cor. tents. It iH iirautically a daily at tlie low price o a weekly; ami Uh vast list of subscribers, extendinir to every state and territory of tlie Union ami foreign coun tries, will vouch for the neenrauy and fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and among Us special features are a fine humor pane, exhaustive market reports, nil the latest fusliioiii for women nnd a Ion series of stories by the greatest living A ..! ,,t . American unu rjiigusn uiunors, Cnnan Doyle, .Torome K. 1ironi, Htanlny H'eyinan, Mary K. Wllklim Anthony lliiit, II ret llartu, llrander Maltliewn, Etc. Wn nfTor thin nnpnnnlnd nnivanntauranil The Dalles Twlco-a-Week Chronicle to gether one year for $'.'.00. The regular price oi tne two papers is f.s.uu. TILLETT & GALLIGAN. WM. TILLETT. H. GALLIGAN. Hole 1'roprlBtot of thn OKI, Kit It ATK It XAkIHA AI'PI.K. Hood River Nursery, TII.I.KTT A- (1AI.I.K1AN, l-ropii. First-clHSB Nursery Stock a Specialty Tie Coliitiia Packing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKACTUHKUH UK Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of Ar BRAND HAJffS & BACON i)RIED BEEF, ETC. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or TIIK Southern Pacific Comp'y. TraliiN leave anil are din to arrive nt Portland I.KAVK. A HtVK OVKUI.ANb i:x-i tint.. Milium. UnM I liiiri, Ashland, Han rameiito, O'tdoii.Hati 1 Fratiolwo, Molave, Lou Alii'h'a,l'l f'n.tti. C;00 P, M. New ill li;tiiin nun i , l-.UHl ) Muntiiirp nnd wav fita. Kurd J I itsSO A. M. Dally ! exeeiit llnllN , fVIa Woodbiirn fori I Mt. AliRel, Hllvurton, t West Hi'lo, llrnwiiH- vIlle.Hprliii-lluid and Natron ) 1'. M bally uxuupt HillidayH. Huti'liiys 7:no A. M. (CnrvalllH ) Ml 11 1 1 11 1 IK am! way iW P. M. INbKPUNliKNOU PASSKNCiKIt, llxprcs.i train Pally (cxeopt Hiimlay). li.'idp. in. tl.v. ..Pottland ...Ar.) 8:"2.i n. m 7i.HI p. in. ?Al MtiMlnuvlllo I.V. fiJiVI n, tu H;:;np. in. (Ar. liiilopoiideni-e..Lv.) -t:) u. ni. Dally. f Dmiy, except auiidny. DINfNfi CAUHON OflllKN llOUTE. PULLMAN IIUl'KKT Hl.KKPKUH AND BKCOND-tJLAHS HLIIKPINO OAlib Attaelitd to all Tlitouch Triillin. Dlreet rnnneo.tlon at Can Krancluro with Occi dental and Oriental ami I'aullle mall ntrainnhlp lines for JAPAN and CHINA. Kalllni; datCN on a) plk'allnn. HatcK and tlekots to Uaislern points and Kn. rope. AlnoJAI'AN, CHINA, HONOLULU and Al'STKALIA. ran buohtalm-il Ironi J. II. KIltKLANI), Ticket ARent. TliroiiRh Ticket Olllce, 1111 Third iitrcet, where thiotiuh tli'ketN to all polnt.i in tho Kusterii Htiiti-h, (.'anada and Kurope can he obtained at riiteft Irom J. II. KIltKLANI), Ticket Aftont. All above tralim arrive at nnd depart Irom (Irand Central Htatloli. l-'lftli ami lrvuiK Htreuti, YAMHILL DIVfHION. PnisciiKer Depot, loot of Jellernin atrecL IVave for OHWKOO, dally, except Hiimlay, at 7: JO a. in.; l'Jia), 1:M, fi:lft, n:!ii, "am p.m. fund 11 ::W p. m, on fatnrday only, and !MII0 a, in ami p. in, on HiindnyH only). Arrive at Portland dally at "il: to iiiui H-Iiii a in.; and M;!.'), tiiiti and 7:.Vi p. in., (and lusttt a. in, :i 1,'. fi;IU p. m. on HiindayH only). I.enve for Rhurldaii, week days, CSO p. m Arrive at Portland, 'J a. in. U-avu for AIULIK on Monday, Wednefday anil Krloav at U:t0 a. tn, Arrive at Portland, Ttle diiv, Thnrnliiy and .Satnrdns tt U-.tXi p. in, "Kxccpt Hiimlay. "l-'xeupt Haturday. It. KOKHLKH, Mamutur. (i, If. MAKKHAM, (1. F. ii PanH. Ak't ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. s Pullman Elegont Tourist Sleeping Cars Joining Cars Sleeping Car MX. I'Alll. AIINN'KAI'OI.I UUI.1ITII KAUOO llltAMI KOK OltOOKSTON tVINMI'Kn HKI.KNA nn 1IIITTK TO Through Tiokcts OIIIVAOO T WAHHINtlTON II11I.AIKI.IUA NKW VOKK HOHTON AMI Al.I, 1'OINTH KAHT null NOUTH Kor lulormatlmi. ilrnu canla. maim nnd tlckuUt, cal on or writo to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, Tlie Dallen, Ort-Kon on A. I). OHAKLTON, Asst. G. P. A., fi5. MorrlHou (.'or. Tlilnl. Portland Oremm Dalles, Mora and Autelope STAGE LINE. Tliroimh lv davlluht via OraiH Valluv. Kent and OriiHH Hollows. I'OIHll.AH AI.I.KN, Tim IIuIIkn. . U. M. WIllTKI.AW, AlitHlopn. Htaia- leavo 'I'lio I)alltK 1 rom lliuatllla Hoilu at 7 a, in,, iiIhu Irom Antoloi) at 7:'ii a. in. uvery Holiday, Wnlooday and I rldav. CuiiiicfltloiiH inadu at Alltviuiiu lor I'rliiuvllla. Mllc-lioll and lmhiu bayoiid. Uliwu ucma-otloiiN inadoat'I'liu Dalk-fl Willi railways, trains and boats. 'HIiibus from Aiilidoiut rmipli 1'lu. llnlloa TiK'N- days, Tliurwlays mid HatnrduyH at 1:3U p. in. .. ItATKH or FAHK. Dulled to ItocliliU-H 1 00 di) Morn , 1W do (IrasM Valley - do Kent do Cross IlnllnwH. ISO AlitelnK3 to (Jross Hollows IW no Kent, :w do draw, Vnlloy 3 1 ilo Morn do De.oliuevs , do Dalles f lok orJuat DoQ'tlfll I V One Mjpute Cough Cur, cured. Tfcat Is what It wm m1 for. t