r Special . . . . SUMMER GliOTH. A beautiful 24-inch fabric latest colorings, Organdie Offered you this week At ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. ij.VTl'UDAY FEliUUAKY SO. 1S!)8 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. We imvu cigars to burn ut Foutz'. Use Clarke & F.ilk'H Florul Lotion for happed IiuikIb and rough skin, lm Dressed chickens to order ; choice cau liflower und cabbage ut W. A. Kirby'e. uu-nt In future: eopieB of the Morning Trib une can bo secured at the Snipes-Kin-eraly Druy Co.'b. 24-Itt Clarko it Falk's KoRufoum tootli wiibIi is the best to keep ttiu tenth mid euma clean und lieulthy. f i)-lm Did It ever strike you tlmt Foutz' Prize Medul und Guurantcu cigars ure the beat cigars on earth, tf. l!ev. Cephas Clapp of Forest Grove will preach ut tho Congregational church tomorrow morning und evening. The beat Rpecilic for ilnndrull' and to prevent ImldncnH iH Clurku & Falk's compound quinine hair tunic. (Mm It was noticed ut u recent gathering at tlio opera Iiouho in Eugene that almost all the liulieH removed their huts. Mays and Crowe's Warehouse is rapidly nearing completion and will be an ornament to our city when finished. The crew of twenty-two Japs who have been repairing thu O. It. & N. truck nour this place, went down thu roud this morning, Tnu Wasco public schools have tnude acaah contribution of sflL'.IW to aid in tlio relief of the starving women and children of Cuba. Yesterday morning the lO-day-old in 'atitof Mr. and Mrs. J. Fortin of this place died while in a spasm, und was Juried in the ulternoon. Tho following uru tliu average hcores waile by the I). C. and A. U. bowlers in tlio match game with the I'ortlund team : Tolmie lS; Houghton 44 j BrudshuwUS; liallard IM; HoHtotlor ;12; Filloou 30. The proprietors of tlio Monogram el Kr Btore In Wasco were unested Wednesday for selling liquor withotit'u icensu, They waived oxuminution. It not probable that uny uction will be taken. Work is being pushud to open Sixth 'treut west from Federal. This is u "esdeil improvement, und a consider Wonmount of rock will imvu to bo enoutto mako u good thirty-foot Jailer Fitzgerald, who 1b noted for tho Pemlid Hhapo in which lie keeps the 'wn around tho court house, is busily nBl at present digging up unit plant- SiE ,,nUl"tj U in ftm llltt8B Tlio Ilriiuk boye, who own a number ot iheep in ,county, have somo ounda eo trained tlmt when a dog kills "eep tlioy follow his trail right to the ner'H house. Thev And tins method '"yaucceesful. One victim charged with being drunk J" disorderly, was brought before the y recorder today mid fined 10. Of 4e per PEASE & MAYS. late our city lias been very orderly, as this is tiie first man to appear before the recorder for over a week. Toduv the foundution for the large two Btory uddition to the Wasco Warehouse uill in r.ntiir.l.t.. und Mnmlnv the bricklayers will begin work on the walls. U'nrlt mi itm num., will lm rushed as rnucbuB possible, bo ua to have the I buildiue readv for this season's wool clip. A business meeting of wives, daugh ters und sinters of Odd Fellows was held lust night in thu Odd Fellows' hall, and preparations made for the organization of u Kebeeea lodge in this city. The meeting wuh well attended, und lodge will be organized in the future. this 1 Finer ennui; weather than we are D atfW; red. J. present unloving could not bo desired Gram is springing up on lawns, and on the surrounding hills tho trees aro be- ginning to bud. Everything indicates that this year in Eastern Oregon ml be eHlerday.8 C)ymtsa are not at hnnd but known as the one in winch we have hadY u,ean U) g report(id Tlmt8 the no winter season whatever. ' kin)1 of a mme Umt !fJ caleJ t))B QreBt Owing to tho fact tliat tho Wool- ( Northorti, in Biglit of Canyon City and Growers' Association will be in session j umj a hour's walk from town, during the 1st, LM and od, the principal The Great Northern lies on (lie lower i t i i.. i . . . . business houses imvu ucuucu iu uii . collection dav until the 4th inst. This is n commendable move, as everyone will, to a great extent, bo kept busy by the working of the association. Yestorday two men went to Mr. Page and informed him that they wanted to rent a boat to lish for salmon trout at tho month ot Mill creek. Mr. Page did not know the men, but nevertheless gave them tho boat, with the under standing Unit they would return it in a short time. As yet they have not re turned, und Mr. Page has concluded that they will not. It is supposed Unit they have taken this means of transpor tation down tlio river. vrhe club howling team arrived p.ome lust evening, well pleased with the tieutmeut they received at ti e hands of thu Oregon Road Club. While they were there tho alleys of that club were at their disposal, a splendid ban quet win fervod after the game, and during the entire time that our boys were in Portland the members of the Itoait Club did every thing possible to make it pleasant for them. We can as- in re them that such kind treatment will 4ot soon bo forgotten. A little baby boy was left in tho vesti-1 ulo of tho Presbyterian church Sunday evening, says tho La Grande Chronicle, while Hov. H. M. Hayes was conducting services. His plaintive crying attracted attention uud Jio was discovered. Tho bright little follow, who was wrapped in blankets, is about eight to ten days old, and was dressed in clean und good clothing, and has evidently had careful attntion. Kev. and Mrs. Uuyes have tuken the forsaken one in charge, und will see that it secures a good home. To Cure a C'ulil In One Iuy. Take Laxative Bromo Quiuiuo Tab lots. All druggists refund tl.e money If they fall to cure. -On. f in all the patterns. yard THE GRANT COUNTY FIND. It Proven to lie a Klondike for the Dis coverer of It. Last Monday the Canyon City News man visited Mr. Guker's claim and tul the noyH retorting the gold of Sat qrday's washing. During that day Ed Chambers worked nearly all day long iPIing "i". pounding in a mortar, 'melting snow for water, and panning. After being amalgamated with quick silver And retorted, the cleanup of Sat urday representing little more than one boy 'a work, weighed $500, reckoning its value at $10 per ounce. On Monday, in the presence of a number of visitors, three pounds of the stuff was taken out, weighed, mortared and panned out, when itB value was given by the gold cales at over one hundred dollars. On uesday tliev boys did not do so well. !hey panned out only nine pans and ived out of that amount of dirt $o91.75. n iiici!t u'iih fnntui t lint. u-itiliprl4.ri fiO. ,mrt oi a mignty uig mountain, anu tliere may be others equally as rich and promising, if the eternal rock-ribbed monarch, Canyon mountain, was thor oughly prospected. This good luck will befall the mountain, during the coining slimmer, for the immense riches already disclosed in Mr. Guker's mine will stim ulate prospecting in this section, and diligent toil will doubtless be rewarded by p'enty of shining gold. THEORIES OF ACCIDENT. Ami L'oiiHlilerHtloiiH That Are I'lcetl A;iiliiKt the Accident 'llieory. While the Oregonian believes that the destruction of the Maine was due to ac cident, it presents these considerations, said to emanate from naval experts, why it probably was so : Only one battery of boilers was in use and that at such a low pressure that no explosion could have occured. A eingle "doukey" engine suliiced to make all necessary light. There could hardly have been any spontaneous explosion in the magazine. Each charge of ammunition was kept in a hermetically sealed canister and chom- icaf changes could not ell'ect it. Torpedoes stored in the forward deck could not explode, as thev were kept . , ...l .... n.i- .:i ' y puCKttu in a perieci sum coiiuiiiuu until prepared for use. A lire suflieieut to beat them to tho firing point would havu lirst charred the men sleeping over the the torpedo magiziiio. No lamps were used, lubricating oil is not explosive and mutches that can only bo Ignited on the box were used, hence there could have been no oil explosion or carlessness in the use of mutches. Spontaneous combustion In the coal box would have generated so much odor that attention would have been directed immediately und the bunkers Hooded. The magazine was locked up, heat Fruit Growers, L Attention. Spiray flo. 1.. Winter Spray for San .lose Scale and Cntl Leaf of tin! Peach. INGREDIENTS. Mine, unslnckol ,K1 pounds Sulphur, powdered 2i) pounds Hilt, l.lvcrtfol 1.1 pounds The above is a very ellioient remedy for the San .lose Scale and Curl Leaf of the Peach, and is an exrcllcnt fertilizer for the trees. It not only destroys the scale and prevents the spread of the curl eaf, but removes all lichens and keeps the bark soft. In the case of curl leaf, the greatest good will result from the early pprnying, ns it prevents to a large degree the dor mant spores of this parasitic fungus coming to life, and destroys any that may have started. DlKKtTlONS. To be most successful, this spray should be applied just before the buds swell in tin- spring. It can be used at this time strongt-r tiiMti lalor, and should be thrown upon the tiers hen it is warm. Use for winter epraying, one pound to two gallons of water; for summer work use one pound to two gallons of water. WE CARRY IN STOCK Lime, Sulphur' and Salt, Bean Spray Pumps, &c. MAO & BENTON could not penetrate the solid steel plateB, with ilemetically sealed doors, without first burning the men aboard and no one was handling cartridges at the time. Even if a cartridge bad been dropped, the primer cap is sunk below the level of the cartridge face and could not have exploded. All the rapid fire ammunition was se curely Etored in boxes and could not get adrift, especially in a dead calm, while the vessel was riding at anchor. No electric wires run into the maga zine. JNo explosion trom crosseu wires could have occurred.- Had the maga zine exploded, the deck would have been blown into the air, hundreds of shells would have gone skyward, and in burst ing destroyed part of Havana and the vessel would have sunk at once. The eepaiation of the nitroglycerine in the gun cotton was impossible under the conditions prevailing, and this compo3i- tiou is so carefully made and thoroughly tested that tliere is no record of its spon taneous explosion during its long use in the navy. These are the theories urged against accident. And yet. maugre all theories, accidents occur, and nobody knows how. NEWS NOTES. The senate yesterday resumed debate on the case of H. W. Corbett, claiming a senatorship from Oregon. Teller favored the resolution presented by thu'majority of the committee against seating Mr. Corbett. The officers of the Newport News ship yard announce that the double launch ing of the battlethips Kentucky and Kearsarge will take place March 24th, and will bo the first double launching of first-class battleships in the world. The picking, drying and steaming warehouses of tlio National Tobacco Company, situated at Twenty-fourth and Maine streets, Louisville, Ky., was totally destroyed by fire yesterday morn ing. The loss will amount to $1,000,000, fully covered by insurance. , A dispatch from Havana says: "In the uncertainty of tho relations with the United States, tho importance of tho recent action of the autonomist party is overlooked. Its central committee has formally approved tho plan, which is a confession of the failure of the present scheme of autonomy and an ofler to tjiu insurgents to ccneede eveiything except I tho withdrawal of tho Spanish flag. I The cabinet yesterday difcussed the Maine's disaster : but no dtcision has et been reached. Almost general ex pression prevails in congress that Spain will be forced to give complete satisfac tion for the lots of the Maine if it is found that she was destioyed by tiny other cause than accident. Extensive preparations for war uie being made, und big battleships are coaling for a two months elt'go. The cruiser Montgomery has been sent to Havana. A I'lennuut lllrlluluy Tarty. -1 A large number of the friends of Mies Maude Gilbert gathered ut the resi dence of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert this HOT WATER in INTERNATIONAL HEATER. REMEMBER. We Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To "be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 25. J. T. Peters & Co. 7 afternoon to celebrate her I8th birth day. About twenty of thojprettiest and most interesting young ladies that could be found were, present and the time, which was spent in different games and amusements, passed only too fast. A delightful lunch was served, after which all offered Miss Gilbert warm con gratulations and best wishes for many more pleasant oirtnuays. Those present were : Misses Georgial Sampson, Edna lalenn, wace Ulenn, Aimee Eckler, HattieCram, Lena Thompson, Josie Jenkins, Elizabeth Bonn. Lena Liebe, Grace Hobson, Effie and Vesta Bolton, Martha Whealdon, Martha Schooling, Nettie Fredden, Ella Kice, Ann MannSybil Cushing, Edie Fisher, Florence Hilton, Clara Nickel- sen. Wool-Growers ARHociatlun. The following is the program three dav's setsion, to be held for the in this city March 1st, 2d and 3d. TUESDAY, MAHCII FIRST, Meeting convenes ut 2 p. in.' Music. Meeting called to older by (ieo. C. Ilhikclcy, prtbldent of the Conuneiclal Club. Invocation by Kev. Joseph lie l'orrest. Address of welcomo on behalf of the Commer cial Club, Krod. V. Wilson. Ai'ldiCbs of welcome on behalf of tlio city, Mayor M. T. Nolan. Address of welcome on behalf of the Stite, Gov. Wm. I.oid, 0 Salem. Music. Ki'Sponso on behalf of visitors, Hon. T. C. Pow ers, president Montana Wool Growers' Ass'n. Kleetion of temporary president and secretary. Ai'o!utmcut of committees. Music. Adjournment. KVllNING (-KSMON, Session convenes at 7::i0 o'clock. Music. 'Climatic Inlluences AllVctlng tho Il.lUKi".," bv II. !:. l'agiw, U. B. weat!:er bureau, l'ortlaml. (Discussion.) Music. "Grasses of the I'acillo Northwest," by I.?eUerby, Yakima, Wash. (Discussion,) A. I. Music. WKCNKSPAY, MAKOII SKCOND. Session convenes at 9:30 a. in, usic, "Sanitary Ucgulations," by Dr. M. E. Knowles, state veterinary, Montana. (Discussion.) Music. "Forestry Affecting tho ltalufall on Our Hnnges," by Hon. John Mlnto, feulein, (Diteus biou.) Music. "The Coming Shtei," by li. T. I'reueh, pro fessor agricultural experimental station, Cor- vallis. (Discussion,) Music. Adjournment. .mmiNnnN snssio.N, Session convenes at 'i o'clock, "Tlio Sheep of Montana," by Mr, Hodges, sec retary Montana Wool Growers' Ass'n, (Discus sion,) Music, "Can We liupiovo the Glasses on Our liauges," by H, W, J, Spellman, professor of agrieultiiie, Pullman experimental station. Music. "Outlook of tlio Sheep Industry," by Ex-Gov, eruor J, II. Fletcher, Salem, (Discussion,) Music, Adjournment, EVEN! NO SESSION. Convenes at 7::W o'clock, Music, Address by I'. J, Harry, Chicago. (Discussion of same. Music, Address by Dr. Jas. Withycombc, statu veteiln ary, HilUboro, Or, (l)lseussion of sume,) Music, Ten Minutes., I $ P 5 A Do You Catch On? Nosmore cold ovens.' Plenty of hot water, and a great fuel saver. Have one put in your stove by MAYS & CROWE, SOLE AGENTS. have strictly First-Class Aldress by Geo. F. Goodhue, Salem. (Discus Ion of same.) Music. Adjournment. THURSDAY, MARCH THIRD. Session convenes at 9:30 a. m. Music. Report of committee on constitution and by laws. Adoption of same. Music. Klectlon of permanent olllcers. Music. Locating of place of annual meeting for 18'0. Music. Address of Hon. T. C. l'owers, president Mon tana Wool Growers' Ass'n. (Discussion.) Adjournment. Program for afternoon and evening announced hefore adjournment of morn ing session. This program subject to change. The Modern Way Commends Itself to the well-informed, to do pleasantly and effectually what formaly done in the crudest manner and disagreeably .as well. To cleanse the system and break up colds, headaches, and fevers without uupleasnnt after ef fects, use tho delightful liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs, Made by Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. '.Then I'll n Friar Bo." Thu song. "What! You become a nun, my dear; then I'll a filar be," has been one of the most popular songs foi male voices ever written. Tho tendency to do as others lo is stronc in many ways iu Mfe. Your neighbor lias n piano. Why not yon' Always n GOOD investment, n piano is uBlSrrER investment just now than ever before. PIANOS SOLD ON EASY TERMS AT I. C. Nickelscn Book St musie Company, SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS Look out for J. 11. Crnaa' ml. in this space Monday. J. H. CROSS.