The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 25, 1898, Image 3

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Special ....
A beautiful 24-inch fabric
latest colorings, Organdie
Offered you this week
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Fill I) A V
FEBRUARY '-'5, 1898
Scientific hypnotism
At the Vogt opera house.
We have cigurB to burn ut Foutz'.
Hypnotism at the Vogt tonight.
Use Clarke & Talk's Floral Lotion for
Lapped hands and rough skin. lm
The weather forecast for tonight und
Saturday is occasional ruin und cooler.
Dressed chickens to order; choice cau
liflower und cabbage at W. A. Kirby's.
In future copies of the Morning Trib
une can he secured at the Snipes-Kin-erely
Drug Co.'s. iM-Ht
Clarke it Fulk's Ilosefoam tooth wush
is the bust to keep the teeth and gums
clean ond healthy. 0-lm
Did It ever strike you thut i'outz'
Prize Medal and Guarantee clgurs nre
the beat cigars on earth. tf.
The rock crusher wus taken up the hill
today and will be used to crushing rock
for repairing Kighth and Union streets.
Tlio best specific for dandruff and to
prevent baldness is Clarke & Fulk's
compound nuinino hair tunic. 9-1 in
Messrs. Hansen & Thompson are hav
ing a nuw building erected on the Mi
cliell lot iiunr the corner of Third and
Federal tits., where they will put in u
carpenter shop and planing mill.
Ladies, don't spend tomorrow in cook
ing, whun yon can buy cakee, pies,
dout'litiutfl, and all kind of pustry-from
Hie ladies who will have it lor sale in
the Vogt building, next door to the
postoliice. At the same time you will
1 helping a good cause.
One of the finest things in the way of
'tons is that of Gilford, the photog
rapher, which was put up In front of
liia place of business yesterday. It is a
handsome camera about four feet long
rul two feet square, both sides of which
Ware his monogram. It is something
new und will undoubtedly prove u good
K. C. JihIhoii, Industrinl ageut of the
K & N., arrived in the eity today
and will bo here until after the Wool
wowt.rH Association. It ie Mr. .Hid
wn'a opinion that the mooting will be a
rand success. Ho Htutes, in speaking
01 the Commercial Club, that The Dalles
fta the llnoHt in the state ; there being
none outside 0f Portland that can com
wre with It in any way.
Vesterday another prisoner was add
J the list already lu the comity jail.
new addition is John Casey of Can
j Lo(;kH, who is sentenced to forty
In Jail for the crime of attempting
o Ueatruutlon of private property. It
wniB he sought amusement by throw
if ,t0nu" t,iro"Kt the windows of
rttt that place, and after a hearing
notice Aklrich's wort received the
A team belonging to somo patient
flt 4e per
tiller of the soil wus left standing in the
Hast End this morning,and,owing to the
fact thut the steeds hud not done enough
spring plowing to make them feel in
need of u rest, or probably because the
strange surroundings made them feel
somewhat uneasy, they made a bold
break for iioine. When last seen they
were turning the curves on the brewery
hill at a record-breaking puce. We are
unable to state what was broken outside
of the record.
Joe Sherur of Sherur's Bridge was in
the city yesterduy. He has had a splen
did roud plow made for working the
section of road over which he has
charge. It is made entirely of iron, and
will be drawn by eight or ten horses. It
is exactly what is needed for repairing
the roads in this county. Now, while
the roads are soft, is the time to work
them and have them put in iirst-claeB
shape; but if the matter is neglected
the roads will dry in the rough condi
tion they ure in, making it not only
moro diflicult to repair them, but im
possible to put them in the excellent
hhupo they could bo put in under the
present conditions.
Professor Dillon's hypnotic entertuhi
ment at the Vogt last night was buch us
to merit a much larger audience than
was present. Ho had a splendid class
of twelve subjects, und in epitu of the
fact thut the attendance was so poor, he
gave a very good enteitainment. A
number of deep tests were made, and
the professor lecture wus highly inter
esting and instructive. Not only was
the entertainment laughable through
out, but more entertainment could not
be found unywhere for the small price
of admission. Prof. Dillon is a master
In this line, and no one seeks knowledge
concerning this subject, which at pres
ent is considered by people of promi
nence all over the world, can miss see
ing Prof. Dillon's performances.
'J' I hi Cluh Tuuiii Dufi'utH tlio l'ortliuiil
A telephone message received from
Portland this morning states that The
Dalles Commercial and Athletic Club
team defeated the Oregon Road Club
howlers in the contest last night, having
won two guinea out of the four played,
with an advance of nineteen pins over
tlm Portland rollers. Out of the eight
games already played, our teum 1ms
beaten the Portland playeis five games
und have Oil pins the best of It.
When the '1101110 team wont bolow it
was feared that ihey would full down,
owing to tho fact thut they were no,
used to the alleys, and their success in
last night's match line not only sur
prised, but delighted everyone.
Our boys received a challenge from
the Multnomah Club laBt night after
they had beaten the Road Club team ;
but refused, sluco thut club would not
agree to play u return game In our city.
The victorious teamwill return on the
5 :20 train this evening.
DeWitt'A Little Eurly Risers,
Tho turnout Utile pllU.
in all the
Delegate to Wool-Growers' Convention
lu The Vatic.
The following delegates to the conven
tion of the Pacific Northwest Association
to be held in The Dalles, March 1st,
2d'and 3d, were appointed by the gov
ernor Wednesday :
Prineviile J H Fuller, Zach Taylor,
1) F Stewart, B F Allen, J N SVilliain
son, J Sichel, TM Baldwin, George La
vine. Antelope C C O'Neil, T H McGrier
A M Kelsay.
Hay Creek F B Summerville, F F
Hameliii, F S CowleBS, A Dunheim. E T
Sisters E H Sparks.
Mitchell A J Shinn.
Waldron R R Keys.
Shernr's Bridge J H Sherar.
Grass Vuiley C A Buckley.
Wusco George Young.
Cross Keys Visselic Brothers, C
McFerson, A R Lyle.
Express Eugene Looney.
The Dalles Chas Hilton.
Portlund Henry Hahn, Dr James
Withyeombe, Arthur Breyman, Charles
Cartwright, Hon Benton Killin, B F Al
len, Hon 0 N Demy.
Oregon City Captain J TApperson.
Gresham Captain Charles Cleveland.
Milwaukee Richard Scott.
Barlow William Barlow.
Westfall George Chambers, M A
Burns Hou C P Rutherford, Georgo
Riley Ieacc Alli&on.
John Day JAf,aycock, A P L Smith.
Dayvillc Kenneth F McKay, E C
Monument Em mett Cochran.
Foesil Clarence Johnson, W W Steiw
er, A G Oglive, W Keys.
McEwan Whittier Brothers.
Baker City J II Parker, T B Moore,
George Chandler, D J Maure.
North Powder J II Barlier.
Elgin Charles Holgnith.
Keating E Cranston, Orin Love.
Pendleton Ed Marshall, Hugh Fields,
W J Furnish, It Alexander.
Pilot Kock Charles Cunningham,
Douglas Belts.
La Grande Peter Q'luckenbush, Ed
gar Shambaugh.
Ceuterville Alexander Chalnibers,
Forest Grove D K Stewart, ThoniaB
Todd, Ira Purden, Mrs Naylor.
Cornelius Thomas Cornelius.
Lexlngtoti William Pentland.
Heppnor 0 A Kay, W PDutton, Orin
Furnsworth, Ed Day, Jumes II McIIaley.
Moro E 0 McCoy.
Monklund James II Fraser.
Croy William Smith.
North Yamhill Frank Brown.
Dayton John T Gowdy.
Silverton L F Masher.
Wlutaker Jefl'erson Hunt.
Turner John MeKinney.
Amity N II McEldowney, A M Wad
del. Jefferson John Stiawer.
Salem R W Carey, J B. Eurloy, John
Fruit Growers,
spiroy Ho. i.
Winter Snray for San Joio Scale
and Curl L'-af of the Punch.
Mmc, unslnrkcil ."0 pound
Sulphur, powdered. '20 poundi
halt, Liverpool ISpounilf.
Thfi nbovo i a very efllciont remedy
for the San Joce Scale and Curl Leaf of
the Peach, and 1h an excellent fertilize
for the trees. It not only destroys the
scale and prevent? the spread of the curl
leaf, but teniovea all liejiens and keeps
the bin k soft.
In the case of curl leaf, the greatest
good will result from the early sprayine,
as it prevents to a large degree the dor
mant spores of this parasitic fungus
coming to life, and destroys any that
may have started.
To be most successful, this spray
should be applied just before the buds
swell in tin spring. It can be used at
this time stronger i linn Inlor.nnd should
be thrown upon the tiees when it is
Use for winter spraying, one pound to
tao gallons of water; for summer work
use one pound to two gallons of water.
Lime, Sulphur and Salt,
Bean Spray Pumps, &c.
Minto, J H Fletcher, John Q Wilson, Ed
Cross, A T Wain.William Claggett.
Corvallis Ueorge Armstrong.
Albany Thomas Frobman, Martin
Eugene Jasper Wilkins, Walker
Crestwell Thorn is Tait.
Grants Pass Henry B Miller.
McMinnville John Redmond.
Dallas David Guthrie.
Monmouth J B Stump.
Ridgeway H C Hooper.
Central Point William Pecinger.
Fort Klamath Ivan Applegate, Mr.
Fort Klamath C Cunningham.
Silver Lake T. M. Christman.
It is the governor's purpose to attend
the convention.
Secretary Alger has returned to Wash
ington from Fort Monroe, greatly im
proved in health, and yesterday called
on the president.
The last rites over the body of Frances
E. Willard were performed at Evanston,
111., yesterday. The interment was in
Rose Hill cemetery.
Latest advices state that the French
republic is in immediate danger of a
revolution. Freedom of speech and the
press Is a thing of tho past in that re
public. A bulletin received today states that
the president talks of war. No matter
who burst the bomb, ho save that
Spain must answer. Spain, on her
part, is preparing for war. The im
preesion first given that the Maine was
blown up by accident is faet giving
away to the belief that the explosion
was caused by a submarine mine.
The radical wing of the autonomist
party in Cuba, under the leadership of
Senor Govin, is rapidly becoming the
dominating force in the administration
of tho government of tho Island. As a
result tho conservatives and Weyler's
partisans are becoming more and more
dissatisfied with tho present regime.
This factional strife, because of the pos
sibility of its developing into an opui
rupture, constitutes one of tho most
serious menaces to Spanish domination
in Cuba.
The ill oil em Way
Commends itself to the well-informed,
to do pleasantly and effectually what
formuly done in the crudest inannni' and
disagreeably us well. To clcuneo the
system und break up colds, headaches,
and fevers without uupleasuut ufter ef
fects, use the delightful liquid laxative
remedy, Syrup of Figs. Made by Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co.
Attention, I.itdlVhl
All lady members of the familes of
Odd Fellows, who are eligible to join
the Rebeccas, are cordially requested tp
meet in the Odd Fellows' hall this
(Friday) evening at 8 :30, as a Rebecca
lodge will be organized on that occasion.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That It whut It was made fur.
Fir, Oak and'
Maple Wood. .
To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
Phone 25.
Notice is hereby given to the legal
voters of school district No. 12 of Wa3co
county, state of Oregon, that the annual
school meeting for the said district will
be held at the brick school house, on
Court street, to begin at the hour of 2
o'clock on the afternoon of the first
Monday, being the 7th day of March,
1898. This meeting is called for the
purpose of considering the general re
ports, financial and others, of the clerk
and other echool officers, and the tran
saction of business usual at such meet
ing. Dated Feb. 24, 1898.
O. D. Iioake,
Chairman Board Directors.
Attest: G. P. Mono as, Dist. Clerk.
VfecKly UxcurHloiis In Through Curs to
tho Euflt'.
Another through tourists car to the
East has been arranged for to run out of
Portland, giving four each week. Here
after the car leaving Monday will run
through without change to Kansas City
and Chicago, over the O. R. & N, Oregon
Short Line, R. G. W., D. & 11. G., Mo.
Pacific and C. & A. That car has just
previously been arranged for and the
one previously arranged for has been
changed to Thursday. It runs through to
St. Louis, via the Mo. Pacific lino. The
car leaving Portland Tuesday goes
through to Boston, and is promoted by
thp C, R. I. & P. Wednesday's car runs
to St. Joseph, Kansas City and St. Louis
over tho Burlington. All these special
through cars are receiving a gratifying
patronage. Consult the 0. R. & N.
agent before buying a ticket to tho East.
Advertised 1. utters.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the posloflice at The Dalles un
called for Februury '.'5, 1898. Persons
calling for tho same will give date en
which they were advertised :
Barton, Mr Al Blukelev, Mr W J
Bridgefarmer, Mrs Bridgefurmer, F(2)
Wm (2) Cams, Emma
Carolan, Patrick Cuuniton, Mrs C
Corson, Miss Laura Devell, Airs Stella
Drvinan, Mr Chus FiBher, Fred
Fyffo, Mr Oil Filys, MrJW
Graham, Lunula Graves, Renonoo
Hayes, Robert Ilailberg, A (2)
Havs, Mrs Mary J Hardy, W G
Ilully, Mrs Hundson, Mr Carl
Ilartiu, Robert Herrin, Mrs L M
Hileman, C M Hix, Mrs May
Iluntsenger, Wm Halluwny, Dave
Jones, W T (2) Jones, Mr F A
Johnson, Andrew Jones, Gluts
Johnson, Grace Johnson, Mrd Esther
Kern, J Kelly, Mies Lillian
Kops, Harm Leland, W II
Luvedriks, Mr Martindalo, G F
Miller, Mrs W A Morgan, Miss Nellie
Mohr, Miss Tillio Newton, Mrs Ray
Paulloy, Cupt Pharsou, llannu
Palmer, W A Swatnont, Mr F R
Rieger, Mutiaa Sehrader, Kmil
Sawson, Claud Smith, Dr J N
Wagner, Dolph Wells, Mr II W
Wiekham, Wiedan, Frank
White, Mr K K Wriuht, Miss Annie
Weaver. Mr Wallace
. J. A. CltOBHKN.
Through lourUt Curs to Ht. r.ouls.
A tourist sleeping car till leave Port-
laud every Monday via Missouri Pacific
Ten Minutes.
Do You
Catch On?
No moro cold ovens.
Plontv of hot water,
and a great fuel saver.
Have one put in your
stove by
have strictly First-Class
J. T. Peters & Co.
and every Wednesday via the Burling
ton route at 8 p. in.; and The Dalles at
11 :45 p. m. via the 0. R. & N., through
Salt Lake and Denver, without change
to St. Louis, and under the supervision
of experienced conductors. No change
of cars to Kansas Gity-or St. Louis.
Keep this service in mind when going
East and consult 0. R. & N. agents or
address W. H. Hublbukt,
Gen. Pasngr Agt.,
Portland, Or,
To Cure a Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
they fail to cure. 25c.
Maier & Benton's steel range drawing
will come off on the evening of March
1st at 8 p. m., instead of February -8th
as advertised. On account ot the early
closing the change has been made.
Those who haven't a chance on tho steel
range hud better avail themselves of the
opportunity und buy one dollar's worth
of goods, whicti entitles them to a chance
on the steel r'nnge. Maiuu & Buxton.
Ask your
for a generous
Ely's Cream Balm
contains iki cocnlno,
murctiry nor nny oilier
Injurious lru.
It la quickly AheorbcO,
OIvcs Itcilef atonco.
It opens nnd denotes
this Ivusfil I'nssiigeri,
Allnvs Inllamiimtioii.
Ilcula and l'rolects tho Membrane, ltotore tho
Senses of Tan to nnd Smell. Full SIzo 50c. J Trial
Size 10c. ; at Druwl.-Hs or t mall.
EI. i BHOTUK1W, Warren street, New York.
'.Then I'll a Friar Be." The song.
"What! Yon benomo a nun, my dear;
then I'll a friar lm," has been one of the
most popular songs fat male voicus evoi'
written. Thu tendency t do us others
do is strong In many ways in Hfe. Your
neighbor lias a piano. Why not you ?
Always a GOOD Investment, u piano is
a 15 10 IT 1C 11 Investment just now than
ever before. .
I. C. Nickclscn
Book & music Company.
IfV 1