The Dalles Daily Ctehufc. THE 11ALI.KS, ON0 BNJOYB Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yot promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of "its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeablo substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM FRAHCISCO, CAL L0UISV11LE, AT. MEW YORK, M.Y. ExerclAPK at Boyd. Boyo, Ok, February 21, 1S98. Editor Uiikoxicle: The following program was rendered in pood style on the afternoon of the 18th, by the public school and literary society of Boyd, Oregon : Song Ocean Blue Society Itecltatlou All Work and No 1'lay. . John Goens " There Was. an Old Hen . F Headley " A Soldier Guy Teel " Good Bye Pansy Wing " The Hull Frog .... Willie Richards " It Itained . Emily Baker " In the Nursery . . . Dorciu Bolton Song Nellie Gray .... Flora and Andy Baker Recitation How Does It Seem to You Hansen Headley .Recitation Graudpa Sarah Richards " The Wnlte Turkey . Esta Bolton " The Table ot Three's ... Nellie Foss Composition Oregon ... . Ethel Southern Recitation Reveriein Church . .Battle Adams " The Rumsellcr's Sign G. Headley " Little Star . . . Floyd Foss " Compensation . Bessie I'nderhlll Dialogue-Black on One Side . Elmer Smith and Ned I'ndethlll Recitation A Fight in the Forest .H Southern . " Snyder's Tomatoes. . Lloyd Bolton " Ralph's Opinion .. .. ElmerSmlth ''Ocmposllioh The Hen Ned Underbill gong Three Cheers for the Red, White and Blue , Society The ecuool ia progresaing..finely under the management of D. C. Allard, and haa a large, attendance. Some very good individual work ia being done. X In a recent letter from Waahington, D. C, to an old friend, Major, G. A. Studer, for twenty yeara TJuited Statee Consul at Singapore, eaye ; "While at lies Moines I became acqainted with u liniment known aa Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which I found excellent against rheumatism aa well as against soreness of the throat and cheat (giving me much easier breathing. 1 had a touch of pneu monia early this week, and two applica tions freely applied to the throat and cheat relieved roe of it at once. I would not be without it for anything." For sale by Blakeley fc Houghton. Through Tourist Cars tu St. Loul. A touri8t Bleeping car will leave Port land every Monday via Missouri Pacific and 'every Wedneeday via the Burling ton route at 8 p.m.; and The Dalles at 11:45 p. in. via the 0. li. & N., through Salt Lake and Denver, without change to St. Louis, and under the supervision of experienced conductors. No change of cars to Kansas City or St. Louis. Keep tliis service in mind wiien going East and consult 0. R. & N. agents or address W. H. Hublhuut, Gen. Paangr Agt., Portland, Or. Wanning: Persona who Buffer from coughs and colds should heed the warn ings of danger and save themselves suf fering and fatal results by using One Minute Cough Cure. It ia an infallible remedy for coughs, colds, croup and all throat and lung troublee. Snipes-Kin-ersly Drug Co. HOR8E8 AND MULES FOR BALE I have sixteen head of 3 and 4-year mules (broke) tor sale. I also have horses, mares and geldings for sale, wnlirliinu frnm DUYl In 14(V1 itnnnrla Anv. one wanting work stock or stock for Klondike, here ia the place to get them cheap for cash. , Jamkb Bhowk, (23rlm-i J , Victor, Or. A FABLE. The Rqulrrl. Owl and Mire, Alo th Ra flections of m ltluejjr. Tl wan in late tuir..iner find the owl sat u;mn n branch looking' vnry wise and doing nothing, while, thn Mjulrrel busied himself with tlu nuts l;.liifr about on the ground, gathering them expeditiously rid stowing them nway In hollows and holes. Winter rr.nv.' by and by and with its sharp coltl and deep snow, but still the owl sat upon the brnneh lookisg wise and doing nothing. The squirrel jeered at him. thinking that the owl ii.U3t be hungry and Htarv!ng. becnus? the bird had not been a provident one. Each day the squirrel -grew fatter, but the owl did not eliaugo, vhich the squirrel thought to be due to the feathers stuck out by the ov.l in his fake pride. V.'h.m it was at last between fall and spring t!me,'!he blue jay one tVyrnw the wise owl lesve its parch cv. lb? branch and seize the fat. provident squirrel by the neel: and cat him, after which the owl returned to the branch, and sat upon it. looking wiser than ever, and the blue jny wondered if it was better to be provident like the squirrel, wise like tho owl, or lucky' like the mice that there after ate of the squirrel's store. A HUMAN ARROW. New Trapcie Teat performed by a Girl of ovnntecn. A pretty little acrobat bus introduced n new sensation to this country, says the Postcu Advertiser. She climbs to n lofty J creh. lies flat on her face upon a sr.:coth plank, with her feet rest ing against n velvet-covered block of wood attached to the string of n huge cross bow. Then she stifTcns her body, extends her hands in front of her and cries "ready ." A catch is pulled, the string of the lw sings as it cuts the air, and little Alar is hurled, as rigid ns n steel bar, head first through a pa per target at which she had been care fully aimed, nnd sails through the air in a graceful curve to the other side of the big tent, where, just ns she be gins to descend, she is caught by an other woman, who swings head down ward, hanging from a trapeze, which oscillates in such a manner that, just at the right moment, it brings the dangling woman within reach of the flying girl, and just as the spectators nre wondering whether the little one h going to land and how badly she will be hurt, they see her safely dropped into a comfortable and inviting pair of arms. Foulz' cigars are on sale at the follow mg -places: Snipes-Kinerely, Clark & Falk and M. Z. Donnell, druggists; Com mission Co., Geo. Bach, Fred Fisher and Chae, Phillips, grocers; Columbia Candy Factory and A. Keller, confection ere; Chas. Frank, Ad. Keller, Dan Buker, Aue. Buchler, Ben Wilson and The Midway, saloona. nui w our ens a base. R marts Pimples, curat HaadaciM, Orspeada antf Cottlrer.f t. 25 cts. a box at driiKtrlxu or by mall Sample f'r, addrew Or. Bounko Co. Phlla. fa. J. .M. Thirawend, of Grosbeck, Texas, says that whin he haa a spell of indi gestion, and feels bad and sluggish, he takee two of DeWitt'e Little Early Bis ers at night, and he is all right, the next morning. Many thousands of others do the same thini:. Do you? Snipea Kineraly Drug Co. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That is what It was made for. A Wlae Precaution. The president of a large accident company tells this remarkable Btory nnd locates the occurrence in Brooklyn: "Some time ago a large policy holder in my company was run over by a trol loy car and his right leg painfully crushed. He remained conscious after the shock for three minutes, during which time he pulled out his.wntch and cnlled the attention of the crowd to the fact that it was just 15 minute to 12 o'clock. His policy expired at noon, and his foresight was rewarded by the immediate payment of his week ly indemnity without controversy or litigation." Bnclclen'ii Ariuca Salve. Die best salve in the world for cute, bruises, sores, ujcers, salt rheum, feei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblainE come, and al! akin eruption1), and poai. lively cuih piles, or no pay required It is guarai teed to give(perfect satisfac tion, or money reiunueu. Price '25 cents per box. For sale oy Blakeley and HoiiKhtou, druueists. The beat aeeda erown are PFerrv'a. The beat aeeda town are Kerry'. kThe beat aeeda known are I Terry 'a. It paya to plaut FERRY' Famous Sends AaKtnaaaaiarioruMtn, Hasarjar rKHNV ana aew the Uteet and " ri.M.rimre. awva, eaajaw 1 Pr.GUNN' People That ire f I I gk Sick or " Just Dontl I V Feel Well." ILbV film Blood Where the blood loses Its 2 Intense red grows thin and m watery, as in anemia there is r a constant feeling of exhaus tion, a lack ot energy vitality and the spirits depressed. Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo- phosphites of Lime and Soda is peculiarly adapted to correct w this condition. The cod-liver oiL emulsified to an exquisite j fineness, enters the blood direct and feeds its every corpuscle, u; restoring the natural color and j jrivinz vitality to the whole W. systetru The hypophosphitcs a No one would confess that, he had reach the brain and nerve 8j "ecu intoxicated lish. and the silence in- centres and add their strength- f Mcatoil n predisposition to incredulity, ening and beneficial effect. $j " wri,or ,n thcSn "cit. x iir i i t. & I suppose vou nre going to tell us it tne roses navs ten your g ftbout n drunken catfish staggering Cheeks, ti you are growing: Wj (lovvn through the orchard and cntch- thin and exhausted from over- w 1 h,- a bird'."' suggested one. work, or if age is beginning "Do you think I am a liar?" demand to telly use SCOTT'S Emul: ed the farmer, indignantly; but he was sjon, j 'e" 'n ignorance as to the belief of his B sure you get SCOTT'S Emuliion. tf' I heaters. "My winery is right on the I j m s. ak-u i i oi nun fc, unemiiu, oew i oik. BICYCLES OF GREAT COST, j Now York Firm tu Meet a Demand for 81,000 Illcyclca. The most prominent New York jew elry firm has somothing new for wheel men in a silver bicycle, which was put on exhibition at their store a few days ago. The wheel is the first of the kind ever made. In order to insure strength nnd durability it was necessary to have the supporting rods nnd spokes of steel. All the rest of the frame is of sterling silver. The handle bar is of plain sil ver, with burnished ivory bundles. The other silver parts are finely engraved by hand, with repousse etching ol the Louis XVI. style. The sprocket wheel ' is of plnin silver. The saddle itself is studded with silver nnils. The cost of the machine, as it stands, is $500. A silver lantern to go with it will add from $100 to S20O to tho price.. The completed wheel weighs about 0 pounds. A meinlier of the company said, in explaining the construction of nights sitting up in a chair; was in the new bike: "This wheel was built ! duced to try Dr. King's New Discovery, to supply a demand which we know to and was cured by two liottlca. For past exist among some of our patrons for j three years has been attending to busi a better and more expensive wheel than nes8 IUKj gayB . King's New Discovery can be had on the market qt present. , ranilest Temttliv evor nliuiu. llg u Such a wheel we .have tried to mnkt: .. f i,. fti,im,t,!. acu until i caw kiiu tuniiiuiiwiiii. resorts."" ' A woman's wheel is being finish"d in the" firm's shops. This wheel will be much more richly ornamented, and its price will be S1.C00. A lantern, which is being made to go with it, will be set with precious stones and will cost several hundred dollars. MATHEMATICS AND ASTRONOMY Two Science That Arr Cliwcly isolated and Necesnary to Each Other. Probnbly in none of the sciences, np plied or pure, is a knowledge of higher mathematics so essential as astron omy. Certainly none involves so much mathematical labor. The method of the least squares is one in.nlmost con stant use by those engaged in ustro nomicul calculation, and the amount of labor often entailed by this process is enough to make the head of an ordi nary citizen swim even to think of. One of the most extensive least stjnnre solutions ever made, says the Pitts burgh Dispatch, has recently been pub lished by I'rof. Schur, of Goettingeu. The helionietric trinngulntiops of the Ue pre .Doing p& Jleat apd flrtistie ..priptip.. for Reasonable prices. Wo Print Any tiling in the Printing Line. Qiue us a trial. Qtyrorji pub. So. stars in the cluster Traescpc (the Pec hlvc) gave rise to a series of 74 noriunl equations, involving 74 unknown quan tities. The solution of this set of quantities was effected by Prof. Schur in 'ten weeks by means of the usual Oaussinn method of elimination. Trof. Schur comes to the conclusion that no other method by successive, approxi mations Is to be compared to the Omission method, even though ittuight seem to promise n saving of lnbor in advance. I'rof. Schur mentions as tho longest, least square solution he hns been able to find in astronomical liter ature n geodetic adjustment made by llaeyer. in which a set of normal equa tions with OB unknowns was success fully solved by the famous computer, Base, in three months. GAVE THE FISH A JAG. This Ik Our Way of Heine Kntortalulng In Cull torn la. "Hid vrai e.vnr see drunken fish'."' in- nuired a Sonoma county wine irrower. bnnk of a little qreek. This time of the year the water stands in pools nnd every pool is full of trout, suckers and pike. All of the waste from the winery is thrown into the creek, and that is rnougb to discolor the water, but the other day a big vnt of sour claret burst nnd nearly nil of it ran down into the hole of water just below the winery. In half an hour the pool was crowded with fish Homing belly up. I thought they were dead, uud pulled n big pike out, but lie wiggled and Hopped around just like an old drunk trying to get up without anything to hold on to. One by one they disappeared as they so bered up, nnd when the water cleared two days afterward there wasn't a dead I fish in the pool. They had just been 1 jagged." Consumption l'oftltlvolY Curi'il. Mr. R. B. Greeve, merchant, of Cliil howie, Va., certifies that he had con sumption, was Given up to die, sought all medical treatment that money conld procure, tried all cough remedies he could hear of, but got no relief; spent has done so much (or him and also for othera in his community. Dr. Kind's New Discovery is guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and consumpticn. It don't fail. Trial buttles free at Blakeley & Hough- ton's drug store. You can't cure consumption but you can avoid it and cure any other form of thr iat or lung trouble by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. It cures quickly. That's what you want. Snipes-Kiiiera-ly Drug Co. COVERED WITH SCALES Eczema mailo 1m nppcaranco on my tieail In Its worat form, ami It continued spreading until my faeo was covered with HcaleH and lio came a horrid Hilit. I had.-itluoheailof hair, seven yearn crowth. anil liad to sacrifice It. I was In Ueanafr. Tho physicians had failed even to relievo me, when one recommended CimoenA Soap. .My father procured a set of CtrricuitA Ur.MKDllx, and in three weeks tho scales lett my foco and tho akin lost Iti florid hue. In tlx wtk I ko tntlrity atrtd. Jly face was smooth and my complexion clearer and finer than it had ever le;n hefore. Miss MAIIIOX A. SMITH, Hiinlmrj-, Pa. Bpekiit Cube Tbeatjient ,Warm bath with CerictJitA Soap, gentle application of CuTiot'iiA (ointment), and mild uWo ot Cirri. cuitA, Kreatut of humor cures. Sold tfirouxbout the world. Frfe. Ci'ticuma, flfc.i Soar. 45.i Hiwitut, nl II. rorrtm bmo A5I Ciiku. Cokr.. Sole Pr'p . lioatna. T" llowto Curatbt Won! KenDH." milW fm. Administratrix' Sale of Heal Estate. Notice Is hereby Riven that under and hy vir tuuof an order of the County Court of thcHiale ofGretton for Wanco County, made ontheMth day of January, 'r, in the matter ol (he entate of Dr. W. K. Uinehart, de'eaKil. I will nell at puhlic auction, at thccoiirth' lUudiKir in Daltea ;ily, in tald county and utate, on tlie'.ith day of Kehruary, 1M5, at 1 o'clock p. in., to the lilijh eit hldder.iill tlie miU-eitatu belonging to said eatateaud deserlUd as follow. toivlt Ij)ts A, li, 0, D, i:, K, G, II, I, J, i; and 1, In Illock 61. Ill the fort Dalles Militiry Iteoervn tion Addilion to Dnllui City, In naid county and Mate. The west half ol the quarter and the eait half of tnenouthwcn Uarlerof tclloii".l in towuiihlp '.' north, range II cast, In Uanco County, OreKon. Terms of wile One-Inilf In caili at time of 6ali and one-half in nix mouthK, tec u red by mortgage. mi the premUes. 1allet. City, Oregon, Jan. 'Si, Wjn. KMU.V H. itlNEIIAHT, an'J0-ll Administratrix. NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. Imnu Orncr., Tiik Dallkk, Oh , ) February, a, lh!, I Notice in hereby Riven that tho following named kcttler has filed notice of hla Intention to commute and make Itnal proof in aupiirt of J hin claim, and that mild uri( will Ixi made bc-l lore iieKiaiur aim ueceivvr ai i lie iaueh, ijic gon.oti Tuewiay. March '.'.', ISM, viz: Ollvnr liuwcri, of The Dalle, II. E. No. am, tor the NE and Wi fiEU Hc'JI,Tp2N. K1JK. WM. 4 lie iiainen. tbo following wltncikta to prove hl continuous residence upon uud cultivation of Mid land, viz: wiuiiiin uumicr, retry vancamp, Harry Learned , 11 'II. Learned, all of The Dalltn, Ore gon, JAB. i MOOttK, ItegUier. ..GHflS. F-W" Batchers and FaPfDcns ..Exchange.. Keeps mi draught tlio celebrated COU'MUIA lli:Kli, acknowl edged the host beer In The Dalles, lit tlieiiHiiiil prlre. Conic 111, try I' uiul he rot.vlnccd. Aim the l'intst brands n( Wines, l.liiinrs and Cigars. Sandrjuiehcs ol all Kinds nhvnys on hand. Patronize the Tfoy MUflDRY. All kind of work. White Hlitrts a Hicpnlty. Fnmllv work nt reduced mtei. Wnsdi rolloetisl mid itcllvcinl tree, Tlniliona No. llil. H. D. Parkins, Agt, Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Watchmaker? Jeweler All work promptly attended to, and warranted. 174 VOGT LOCK FRENCH & CO.,! BANKERS. I rilANSACT A GKNEKAI.HANKING 11UE1NE8 Letters of Credit iesued avniluble in the Eugtern States. Siejht Exchange nnd TolpRrupliiL TrnnBfers Hold on New York, Chicuo, St. Louis, Sun FrnuciHco, Portland Ore eon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections mnde ut nil pointe on fav orable terms. THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITIOfi. 18 VnK a Wtnk. lftO rajmra a Year It etunds first among 'weekly" pupore in size, frequency of puliliffition freshness, vurieti and rullubility of cor. tenia. It is practically n daily at the low price o a weekly : uud its vuHt list of subscribers, extending to every Btate and territory of the Union nnd foreign coun tries, will vouch for thu accuracy and fairness of itH news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and among Its special features are a flue humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashion for women and a Ion series of stories by the greatest living American and English authors, Cnnan Doyle, ,!rume K. ilnrnni, Htanluy Weyuiaii, Mary K. Wllklna Anthony lln. 11 ret llrt( liritiider Matthew, 'Kte. We offer this unequaled newBpaperand The Dalles Twice-a- Week Chronicle to gp.ther one year for .'.00. The regular price of the two papers is $3.00. TILLETT & GALLIGAN, WM. TILLETT. H. GALLIGAN. Sole I'roirintot or the CKI.EIIH ATK!) X A KIM A AI'I'LE. Hood River Nursery, T1I.I.ETT & UA1.MOAN, 1'ropn. First-closB Nursery Stock a Bpecialty Tie coiumtiia Packioo Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKACTDtttUB UK Fine Lard and Sausages. Corns of BRAND & BACON j)piED BEEF. ETC. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or Tim Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains Iwivc mid nre duo to nrrlvn nt Portland a iuvk OVKKI.ANH KXO iires. MnliMll. Illise. ' 0:00 New (irlemm nnd i l l.nm J ',.....!..... ..., ....I.. .(... H.M A. .M.tmm P. M Dally exvupt Kundayi. 1 rvin WOlXlDllrll turi I I Mt.AliBol, flilvorloti, I .'ve.'.a ' Went Sll. I vlUcSprlliKlluhl ntitl ( iNittron J Hllll'Juyi , nmS wnyj N.nn a. .v. Htllti,mt if P. M. INl)KPKNI)i:NCi: PAHSKNGKU. Uxpreiia train Unity (except Hiniduy). I;50p. in, tl.v. .Portland .Ar.) H:!l" 7::lp. in. Al Me.Mltiltvllle I.v. J A;)u, m 8::tu i. hi. (Ar .Iiidi'pi'iuleiice..l.v.) -tinOn. m, Dally. tUaiiy, uxpppt Hiituluy. DIKING CAKH ON OGDKN ItOIITK. l'UI.I.MAN UL'KKKT HI.KKl'KKS AKI) BEC0ND-C1.AS.4 Bl.KKPING CAUh Attauhiil to all TlirmiRh Trains. Direct connection at ."an hrnnclKco with 0cp. denial and Oriental and Paultlc mall Hteaiubhlii lluen for JAPAN and CHINA. Sailing (Intra on a) plication. Ilatea and tickets to Knatorti potntK and Ku roiio. Alo JAPAN, CHINA, ilu.NOM'M.' and ArHTltAI.lA. can bu nlitaliied from J. II. KIKICI.AND, Ticket ARent. Through Ticket Olllcc, l:H Third atrcot. where tliroiiKh tlukuth to all iilnta in thu Kiihtern HtateN, Catiaila and Europe can ho ohtalucd at lowest ratei. troni J. II. KII1K1.AKD, Ticket Aftent. All nhovti tralnn nrrlvo at ami depart Irnm Grand Central Htatlou, l'ltth and 1 tviiik streets YAMIUId. DIVISION, j PaifCiiKcr Uejoit, loot ot Jcttcmoii Ntrcct. I lavo lor OPWEGO, dally, except .Sunday, al 7:-ll a. m.; li!:l. J.Ki, f.:l. C,ri "H:K, p. m. i (and p, m. on ."aturday only, and !:() a. m i and :t:"0 ji. m. on Sundays1 only). Arrive at I Portland ilallv at ilMO mill h:xo a m.j and 1:B, I ! lfi, B:'J) and 7:iV. p. m (and 10:0." a. in , ,T5 i p. in. on .Sundays only). I Ijpiivu for Hhcrldiin. week tlnyit, t 1:.T0 p. ra ' Arrive at Portland, U:OT a. m. j Ia'bvc for AIKI.IE on .Monday, WecUtcfdav and Kriiiay at 0:10 a. m. Arrlvi' at Portland, Tue ' dav, Tlmrnday and Hatutdai it :i:U5 p. m. Exceid Btutdiiy. Exfept Hattirday. P.. KOEIII.Elt, Manacer, G, II. MAItKIIAM, Aunt. G. K. Ji Pans. Act N ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. u s Pullman Elegent Touirist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car UT. 1'AIII. MINNKA POI.I IIULIITH KAltOO (iltVM) FOU CHOOKSTON WINNIl'KO HKI.KNA an itUTTE TO Through Tickets TO OIUC'ACO WAHU1NUTON 1'UII.APKt.l'lllA FKW VOKK IKIHTON AND ALL l'OINTH KAHT and HOIITH Knr Information, time cards, map and tlckeu, cal on or write to W. C. AI.LAWAY. Aent, , The Dallen, OregoD OK A. I). CHARLTON. AflHt. G. P. A., IV, Morriaou Cor. Tlilnl. Cortland Orrtiiu Dalles, Moro and Antelope STAGE Llirai. Through by daylight via (inwa Valley, Kent and Cross Hollows. IXMJOI.AH AI.I.KN, The Dalle. C. M. WlllTKLAW, Antelope. Hinges leave Th6 Dnllea lrotn Umatilla llnum at 7 a. m,. uImi from AliteloiHi at H'M u. m. every M lay, Wednesday mid Friday. Cotuieetioni; made, at Antelope for l'rlnuville, Mitchell and polnta iMiymid. Cloo ci.iuieatioua made at The Dallea with railways trnltiH and hoata. Blagea from Anlelopu reach TheDalleii Tues days, ThurxlayK and Haturdaya ut l.'M . in. . .. KATKH Of KABK. . Dalleh to Dc-Mihutea do .Moro, . 1 do tiraha Valley do Kent....... ... a 10 do Cross IIollowH ' J Antelope to Cross HiiIIiiwh . . 1 do Kent -l" do (iriuh Valley - do Moro W do Dcchueei. ilo Dal lea.. S10 JJKH-OKIHKNDOltKFKH tl ItUKHV, Physicians and Surgeons, ' Kpeclal attention glvon to urgery. Koomii 21 and 22, Tel. 828. Vogt Illock. Itiukd; w, wiiiios. ' ATTOKNEY AT LAW, . , . TIIK lAI.UKH,qllKU0.N 001ooovoiKlntNat.'liiuik IllirK, .IHllliuiii, rrnu I nimulitii, Oudi'ii.Siiii I I'rilliulKi'O, Mnjiivp, ( UmAiiL'pk'N.KlriiHO. i i n