Tbt Dalles Daily Chrcoiul. TIIK 1IAI.I.KS, OUEIHlN ONG ENJOYS Both tho method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM FRAHCISCO, CAL LDumius. nr. kew tome, .r. SlOO Howard SIOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been nble to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrii bein a constitu tional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood anil mucous surfaces of the disease and giving the patient strength by build ing np the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprie tor have S3 much faith in its curative JTTWB, that they offer One Hundred Do iars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. Cheney, & Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by druggists, 75c. .Hall's Family Pills are the best. Business Announcement. I have this day embarked in the busi ness of a general insurance, real estate and house broker ; and also collections and negotiating of loans. I respectfully Eolicit a fair share of the public patron age, my motto being "Strict attention to busiuess." My office is with Bufur & Dufur, rooms 23 and !M, new Vogt block, The Dalles, Or., where I will be pleased to have my friends and others call and Bee me about any matters ic my line. Bespectfully, 15.1w W. H. Butts. Consumption l'onlUrely Cared. Mr. R. B. Greeve, merchant, of Chil howie, Va., certifies that he had con eumptton, was given up to die, sought all medical treatment that money could procure, tried all cough remedies he could hear of, but got no relief; spent nights sitting up in n chair; was in duced to try Dr. King's New Discovery, and was cared by two bottles. For past three years has been attending to busi ness and says Dr. King's New Discovery ib the grandest remedy ever made, as it has done so much for him and also for others in his community. Dr. .King's New Diecovery is guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and consumption. It don't fail. Trial bottles free at Bluke'.ey & Hough ton's drug store. 5 Your Last Chance. All negatives now in my possession made by Mr. Houghton or D. C. Herrin prior to Jan. 1, 1695. will be destroyed. If) on wish to duplicate prints, orders must be placed before March 1st. Giffobij, Photo. Artist, febl-lm Chapman Block. Waunjxg: Persona who suffer from coughs and colds should heed the warn ings of danger and save themselves suf fering and fatal results by using One Minute Cough Cure. It is an infallible remedy for coughs, colds, croup and all throat and lung troubles. Snipes-Kin-ersly Drug Co. Cash In Your Checks. All countv warrants registered prior to Nov. 22, 1893, will be paid at ,my office. Interest ceases after Feb. 10th, 1898. C, L. Phillips, Countv Treasurer. One Minute (Cough. Cure, cures. That l.M, iuuo by a;; old seituk. Tenderfoot Concluded to Leave the lVcit and ito Home "It is the proper thing, as n mat ter of course, to talk of things which hup penwl in the early days of a country us i having more fun and excitement in Uiem than the prosaic days of thews times," said an old settler in v. n- mis cent mood, which mood In ;.n chl set tler is an indication oi n happy state of mind. "Hut, in reality, some funny things did happen then. The story .1 have in mind occurred away haul; be fore there was much settlement in tills country and when it was the custom , for adventurous and enterprising men to establish, ranches where wanderers ' over the face of the earth vIio came that way might find something to cat. There vins one of these places down f.i a southern county, merely a. hut ililcd with provisions, and guarded lv two men and a couple of dozen guns. "One day they were surprised to scr ( u man drive, up with a wagon weil loaded with provisions, vrho informed , them that he was going to stnrta ranch in the valley just below them. They did not express themselves one way or jthe other, and he drove down a little , and camped for the night under a blufT j opposite them. Some time after he I came up and found the boys had all j their guns out cleaning them. There I was quite an array as they lay in a row I upon the ground. " 'Going hunting, boys?' "No, the boys were not going hunting. 'Then what are you cleaning up your J guns for?' The boys thought, they ' rnirht want to use them that was .ill. "The newcomer went back to iiis ' wagon, and the bays, setting up a tin j can on the edge of the bluff, began I shooting at it as a mark. And they ' made their bullets go nearer the strang i er's wagon than they did the can. ! "This proceeding evidently gave the would-be ranchman the idea that me company was not wanted, and in th; morning he came up to parley. " 'I don't want to have any trouble with you boys,' he said. 'Just show me how far your land goes, and I will drlv o!" it before I build.' He was informed that their land extruded cnac-tly fci as their rifles could shoot. This was r.r uncomfortable answer, ar.d the man CW not understand exactly the best way ti proceed, but, being a plucky fellow, h" told them that he would drive to r. cer tain hill about a mile away and there unload. 'Very well,' the others -tiicl. He could do so. They would vo!t unt:I he reached the bill and then begin to shoot, and if nothing hit him he ra:gbl consider that he was off their land. "This was not encouraging, but he started out, and when he reached that hill they. began to shoot. And the bul lets hit so close around that he did not take time to unload. He merely un hitched one horse, and, without taking the harness, off, started back waving a handkerchief. The boys considered thiv as a truce to stop firing until they ha:! heard what he had to say. and let him come up. Thn he informed them that he had been mistaken in his desire to settle in that, part of the country. In fact, he did not want to settle there, and would turn around and go home, if they would let him They let him." Chica go Times-Herald. THE CHURCH. Titere is a flourishing Young Wom en's Christian association in Calcutta, India. The German Presbyterians have 150 ministers in the United States and 15 churches, with a membership of 12,050. Tnx First or North Congregational church, Bridgeport, Conn., will cele brate its two hundredth anniversary June 10-20. Arraxgejiexts are already being made for the next Baptist congress which will be held in Providence, B. I., November 12-14. Ancnnr.ACOS Dekisok, of Taunton, England, who recently entered on his ninetieth year, has been sixty -two years a priest and forty-three an archdeacon. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That Is what It wa made lor. You can't afford to risk your life by allowing a cold to develop into pneumo nia or consumption. Instant relief and a certain cure are afforded by One Min ute Cough Cure. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. You can't cure consumption but you can avoid it and cure any other form of thnat or lung trouble by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. It cures quickly. That's what you want. Snipes-Kinere-)y Drug Co. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cures Piles, Scalds, burns. Blood Humors TWERY ' humor, whether Itching, burning, XJ bleeding, coltf, crut.-d, pimply, orblotehy, whetliorsliupli;, rofulou, or huredlury, from infancy to 8jc, are now spevdlly cured by ticura Resolvent A SKIN and blood purifier of Incomparable purity aod curaUve power. Purely vegeta ble, safe, Innocent, and palatable. It appeals to all, and especially mothers, nurses, and children. old Ihroafhaut la vetld. Mm. Cvticu, ttc.i Sor. XSc.rKasai.esaT, ut.,aai ti. tuntt JJasa Jin Cam. Coir.. Sol Props., BMea. MT." Ilo io cure wtwrt sad Win lltmn'ttm- AMERICANS IN LONDON. Thousands of Tourists Throoffiog the English Capital What an American Sees In His Trips About the Great city It Is Kay to Distinguish the People from This Side. The world will surely turn upside down if the English begin to change their ways. It looks us if this were go ing to happen. They are showing an intelligent acquaintance with our ge ography and our public men, for one unheard-of thing. The prince of Wales has hnd electric lights put in his town house: the suffocating, sulphurous un-J derground railway is experimenting, with electric motors, and the newspa pers are printing pictures. Vestibuled' trains with saloon ears are appcarhuron the railways and the theaters are begin ning to give away programmes to the audiences. But the most surprising, rock-shivering revolution makes the j latest, news of the week the city nier-' ehr.nts have formally agreed to let their j clerk wear straw hats. Itflins been as j hot as Chicago during a national con-. ,i .. . . ! 1 ... . . .... M'l.UUil, iU MJUiebUUI XJUU IU UK uuuv j for the clerks, but who would havej dreamed that tho traditional dress of i tens of thousands of clerks whp have! gone about sweltering in their hats wasj thus suddenly to be changed? It prob-1 ably has taken ever since the French; revolution for them to get their high' Uats and no one supposed they would, lose them inside of another century. This change makes it bothersome for me to pick out the Americans in the, streets. Por weeks I have been riding about on the tops of 'buses (the chariots of the masfes) and picking out Amer icans by their derby hats and straw tiles, Fancy my surprise, then, when I see on the Strand my cigar counter' eierk in a straw hat, and Bob 1'itzsim-snc-ns, the ehnmpion of the world, in a silk tile. By the way, 1 stepped down from my chariot when I saw the pugi list and said: "Hello! are you over here to fight?" "Xo," said he, and his an swer was such as Alexander might have made when he hod rounded up the world. "There's nobody here to fight. 1 can stop them ull in four rounds." I There are about 50,000 of us here, and part of this huge burg has become al-' most homelike in consequence. West-j minster Abbey is as American a resortas the Fifth Avenue hotel, and you could; not go amiss in St. Paul's or the 1 ower if you went up to the first man or wom an in the crowd and said: "Hurrah for Old Glory!" Some of the American men who come here are a terror to their countrymen. They seem to have laid enough money to get here with, and.tonec here, they borrow to get back. They catch us who are rooted here and cannot get away. One American resident, a well-known novelist, got a card from a liard-up the other day, and asked him in. The vis itor began to tell him how much he ad mired the novelist's work, how he had read every line he had ever written and there the novelist stopix-d him. "See here," said he, "you have run short of money nnd are 3,000 miles from home, and want a slight fuvor of u and so forth, and so forth. 1 understand; you needn't say a word. Xow. don't you think you are wasting your time with me? I am only a novelist, nnd I have a family. I could not possibly loan you more than five shillings, but if you would go to Astor and spend the same time and honey on him, telling him how fond you are of his books, he could give you a hun dred dollars." The visitor rose to his feet. "You are a brick," said he. "Thank you very much. I'll go and see Astor nt once." There is another way of telling Amer icans without looking at their hate. It is by their quick, alert, nervous move ments, their bright, wide-awake faces and their conscious independence and pride. You thought I was going to say by their speech, but that is not so. The sharp, nasal njiecch that the English ascribe to us is only the heritage of a few of us, and we got it from the Eng lish. Down in Cornwall and up in Yorkshire they have the ame aharp "a" that we use. Ilere in London the cockneys all soy "caow," nnd "raound," and "naow." just as our Philadelphians and some Yankees do. No; there is no tense in that old gibe about our speech. We got it from these folks, and we left it here Besides. X. Y. Journal. The interior of a gold-bearing rock, was inspected in an Oregon town, by means of the Bonntgen rnys, asd veins of auriferous- metal were he plain ly i.sibl as if they v.ere on the r.uriac. It is recommended that every l!f" brrnt carried by vhips rhuttlil l.e p;o vided v.ith a l.ottlc of citr! acid v. 1 eh pri'c'..' totes chloride at auLun., urd, it ir n'!, converts sea water intou prist:. -ble drink. f.j.niuVKcJeutiflcattaiiiK.tnis ney not be grta, yet she lias nt lrnst u cr r . ! ogist. Seiior SalilhiK' "E! JX1 jtcv.r:.t-.' Espanol" ban a vocabulary of the Calo Jergal or gyjsy thieves' Hlr.ng, ai:ri one of the Gcnn.mia spoken by ordinary thieves. Drs. JirixHaud and Marie, two French authorities .in nervous discuses, cite Prince Bismarck nn one of the few In stnneci of a 'very bright mind found In a vcry'tull body. They ay that Hie hcalthlent jhtsoiif are rfther un'Ier than above, the .middle height, nnd that the children who come out bent at school 'examinational in France are those whose bodies have grown xlowiy. AdminislratrLx' Sale of Real Estate, Notice Is hereby Riven Hint under nnd by vir tue of nn order nl the County Court of the fllntc of Oreuou lor Wasco County, made on the 8th Uny of jHiiunry, 1SJS. In the matter ol the estate of Dr. W. K. ttlnohart, deceased, 1 will sell nt public iiui'tloii. nt the courthi use door In Pnllec Cltv, In mid county and state, on theSSth day of Kttifuiuv. lWi. nt 1 o'clock p. in., to the IiIkIi ifl bidder, nil the real otate bclouctUK to wild cstatcHltd decribed as follows, to-wlt lito A, II, (' 1, H. F, , 11, I.J. K nnd I. In lUoek tV. In the Kort Dalles Mllltirv I!eorvn tlou Addition to l.llu City, In stil leouuty and state. , , The west lialtol the southeast quarter and the east half of tne southwest quarter ot section "I in township north, range It east, In Wnseo County, Oreuou. Terms of sale One-half In cash nt time or al- and onc-lml( In six months, secured by uiortRHiieon the premises. Dulles city, Orcvon. -inn. 0T. 1'.H. KMii.Y ii. i:ini:iiai:t. JanU.'U Administratrix. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I.ani Orrtcr., Tub 1ui.m:s, Or., February 15, Is'jft. I .Notice is hereby clveli thnt the following mimed settle! haa lild notice iif his intention t' make tliml proof In Miptaitt of his claim, and thnt said pr.Hii will l- made before Iteglster and Deceiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Monday, April 11, lsih, viz .limit's Hull, nfTlip Duties, It. K. No, 471T, for the hK)-4 NU'i ., jU? XK4 nnd Sy .NK!4 Sec. .11, Tli t N., Ii. 1J V.. W. M. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ami cultivation of said laud, viz.' Alexander Vance, Albert Walters, William Wolf, Frank Obtlst. all of The Dalles, Oregon. P.i-il JAfi. F. MOOlli:, Iteglster. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Land Office, Tick Dallks, Or. , February. U, 1S9S. i Notice Is herebv given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to continue and maketinal proof in support of his claim, and that said nroof will lie made be fore ltetttster and Itei-eivcr at The Dalles, Ore gon, on Tuesday. .March til, ls'.is, viz Otlvnr IVcMvers. of The Dulles, II. E. No. .sfl7, for the SF4 NF.4 and NKU S?e 21, Tp 2 N. K 12 F:, W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon nnd cultivation of said land, viz William itufluer, I'cm VanC'amp, Harry teamed, H II. learned, all of The Dalles, Ore gon. JAi. F MuOKF:, Iteglster. Dr.GUNN'S 3& For People That Are 1 I g Sick or " Just Dontfrii x Tool won." ILkV ONLY ONE FOR A DOSE. Rtfflott Pimples, eurw HMdaeh. Ortpeptta antf Cettlramts. 25 cu. a box l druvgi'ts or by maU bampiw F're, uddrea Dr. BoMnko Co. Phihi. 1. TWO HUNDRED GRANDCHtLUREr Connecticut .linn Who Hat Nenrly u Keel meat of DeacunduulH. Levi r.radshtnv, who lives in the Sparks district, in Killingly, Conn., ha? such a large family that he cunnot count his grandchildren, says the New York World. Urndshaw emigrated from Canada and has lived in Killingly 1.1 years. lie is now :n his 70th year. lie has been married three times and is the father of 41 ehidren, 40 of whom arc now living. l!y his Unit wife he had six ehidren, including u pair of twins. Ilis second wife bore him "1 children, half of whom were twins. Ilis present wife presented him with 11 children. Uradsliaw was not 14 years old when he married the first time. The eldest son is now 44 and has wvernl ehildrer and grandchildren. Twenty-nine of the old man's sons and daughters nre married and all have children. The grandfather does not know just how large his family of grandchildren and Treat grandchildren has became. lie "an enumerate up to IS-'), but is in the :lark as to the remainder. He estimates that they may run up to L'OO or f-o. The Killingly patriarch married his laat wife in Danielsou 1.1 years ago. Only one out of her 11 children hap died. The death occurred at birth three weeks nrro. The ri-st are henlth.v and robust, like the father. Mr. I'.nai sliaw is iM'lievcd to Ihj the banner fath'T of New England and the banner grand father of the United States. Wonderful rothir Work. Among the strange tribes of men al)out whom little is known are the Chamacocos, living on the upper Para guay river. An Italian artist, Signot lloggiani, who visited these people not long ngo, has givon a vivid description of their appearance and cnctoms. Like all wild trilies in warm countries, they wear very little clothing, but they excel in the art of making personal adorn ments from the fentherF of birds. Tlnr country abounds with birds of the mos! beautiful plumage, including parrots, toueans nnd trcigons, whose feathers are dazzling in color, rheas, with gray plumes, musk ducks of a glossy black' color, egrets with feathers of pure white, nnd spoonbills of n delicate pink hue. The Chamacocos combine ull th:. wealth of colored nnd graceful plumr.g. in an artistic manner, nnd some of these aavnges, tall and of perfect shape, wall, their forest glndcs in habiliments more brilliant, if less ample, than a Paris modiste could produce. Golden Days, Ascending Mont Illanc. It is an expensive as well a?, a very tiresome undertaking to ascend Mont ISlunc. It costs at lea st flftv ilnllorK n person, for by the law of the commune ! of Chainouni, each stranger is obliged ' to have two guides und a porter. So far j ns the dunger is concerned it is n v re- j ducud to a minimum, but almost every 1 year the mountain cluims u victim. Had I weather ih the chief thing feared by 1 the guides, and so swiftly does it come I that a cloudless eky may in fifteen min utes turn to a blinding snowstorm' which ucats you to tho ground. Thus it was that homu years ago a party of eleven persons perished. Five wore found frozen HtifT in the hnowj the other bIx lie buried In the Glacier det. BoUsona. Forty years is the time al lowed for the glacier to yield them up In the valley below. ..GflAS. PPM.. and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keeps on draught the celebrated COI.fMIHA l'.lll'.lt, acknowl edged tl- liost beer In The Dalles, at the usual price. Oome In, try D and be em vlneed. Alo the Finest brands of Wines, Liquors iiiul cigars. Sandwiches ii f .11 t.liulc iiKiMit'ti mi iinml. u s Patronize the All kind of work. White Shirts a specialty. Famllv work at reduceil r..te. Wash colleoted and delivered free, T-Iiii1iiiiib So. 1 111. H. D. Parkins, Agt, Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Watchmaker! Jeweler All work promptly attended to, and warrauted. 174 VOGT LOCK FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ritANSACT A GENEltAL HANKING BUSINES Letters of Credit iaBued available in the EaBtern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphtt TranHfers Bold on New York. Chicago, St. Louis, San Francieco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Colleetiona made at all pointe on fav orable terms. THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION. IK 1'uruh n Week. lfiC J'upers a Year, It stands first among "weekly" papers in size, frequency of jjublieation freehness, variet und reliability of cor. tents. It is practically a daily at the lo price o a weekly ; and its vast list of subscribers, extendini? to every state aud territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly Illustrated, and among Its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashions for women aud a Ion series of stories by the greatest liviup American and English authors, Conau Doyle, Jernnin K. tleroma, Htanlry Wcyiuau, Mary E. Wllfclu Anthony Hope, Hret ilarte, lirander Matthew, Ktc. We offer this uneqnaled newspaperand The Dalles Twice-a- Week Chronicle to. either one year for 2.00. The regular price of the two papers is 13.00. TILLETT I GALLIGAN, WM. TILLETT. H. GALLIGAN. Hole I'rojirletots or th CELKliK ATKI XAKIMA AI'1'I.E. Hood River Nursery, TILLETT S! (JALUOAN, I'ropi. First-class Nursery Stock a Specialty TTie coiumDia Packing Go., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKACTUHtKH Of Fine Lard and Sausages. Cunrsof BRAND HAMS & BACON x)B!ED BEEF. ETC. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OP THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. I Trains leave nnd arc duo to nrrlvo at 1'nrtUnd OVi:itt.AND KX-1 press, Salem, lloe- blirg, AMiianu, pau- 6.P0 ., M i ranieuio, vn"lr'"1' 1 '' l Fralielxeo, Mojave, 1 Ijih AiiLf'left.Kl i'ao. NOW urieaus aim I i . .-(i . i KOenurB anil way Ma A. .M.,,,,,, t f W.iiullilirtl lnr 1'. ii Dallv I Mt.Anpel, Hllverton, I Dally except MmdajM vIllu.riprtnKlleldand t .Sundayn I Natron J i exeept 17i30 A. M.J jsJtltonB JCnrvalllH nnd way :50 I'.M I.VDIM'KNDr.N'Ci: l'ASHENOKIl. KxpreuM train Dally (except Sunday). I:,ri() p. m. 7::m p. in. iS.'tO p. III. Ia .J'ortland .Ar.) s:2a. m Ai MeMlnnvllle l.v.J fi.Wn.ni Ar .liuleiicndence..l.v.5 l:fJa. m. Dally. iDaily, except Humiay. DINING OAKS ON OODKN ItOUTE. I't!I.t.MAN 1IUKKKT Sl.KEI'EltS AND rilXOND-CLASS SI.EKI'INR CAUS AtUehel to all Through Train. Direct nuinectlnn at Mm Kraticlxcn with Orel. denUil nnd Orientul and rncllie mall hteamiihlp lines for JAI'AN and CHINA, frilling date on a plication. itatc Mm iicKeo io r.iiMurn lMl!ll mm r.u iK). AloJAl'AN, CHINA, IIONOl.l'l.U and pl'lr a I 1 A i'ii , i lui nlitnhiifl from i ro HJ, .1 111 .1 A I i. 1 in-'ni .vj..v.i ,vj mil 'STHAI.1A, can be obtained from J. Ii. KIUK1.AN1), Ticket Afieiit. A I Throuph Ticket Olhce, Kit Third utrcot. whoro throiieh ticket to all point" In the Eastern States, Canada and Europe can be obtained ut lowest rates from . . J. II. KIHKI.AND, Ticket AKeilt, All above tralin- arrive at and depart Irom Grand Central Station, Httli and Irvine streets Y.VMHlT.1. DIVISION. I'asscucer Deot, find of Jetlursoii Ktrect Leave for OsWEOO, dally, except Sunday, nt ;:."o a. m.: iJ::to. l.rs'i, r:Ui, rein, "S'.of, ,,, m, ' (and II .:) p. m. ou Haturilny only, and U:txi n. m wind 3:80 p. m. on Sundnvii only). Arrive nt i i'ortlaud dallv at C:I0 unu h:-t0 a in.; audi Xi, j l .l.'i, (r.W ami 7:.V p. in., (and 10:05 a. m , 3 15 I 5:10 p. m. ou duudnyH only). U'iivu for Sheridan, week days, t 4:30 p. m Arrive at I'ortlaud, 0::W a. m. U-avc for AIIIME ou Monday, Wednesday and Frbtav at 0:10 n. in. Arriv at Portland, Tues dav, Thursday and Saturday it 3:05 p. m. Except Biinday. "Except Saturday. It. KUEHl.EU, M a n are r. (1, II. MAKKHAM, Asst. G. V. ii l'uss. Act N ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. s Pullman Elegent Touirist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car NT. I'Atll. MINNEAl'OI.1 IllTLUTH KAilGO JO UK A NO KOK t'ltOOKSTON WINMI'KO IIKL.ENA all 11UTTE Through Tickets CI1IUAOO TO IVAHUlNtlTON I'llILAItELiFllIA NEW YOltK IIOHTON AND ALL. l'OINTH KANT and HODTU For liilormHtlon, time cards, mHai)d ticket, caI ou or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The VMuh, Oregon ou A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., 2M, Morrinoii Cor. Third. I'ortUnd Orccou Dalles, Moro aod Aatelope STAGELINE. Through by dnyllniit via Gru Viitloy, Kent mid Cro.iH HoIIowk. DUUOI.AH ALLEN, The DallxH. Q. M. WI1ITE1.AW, Antelope. KUKi'it leave Tho Dalle irom Umatlllu Houw at 7 it. in., nl ho Ifom AlitelotHi at 7:.'!U ii. in. every Monduy, Wi-dne.idny and Friday, Coiiiiectloni; liw.de at Alituloiie (or I'rluovllle, MlUdiell mid IHiltitu Ijeyond. (Hohc cr iinectlous made at '1 he lalleii with rallayn, traliiH and hoatH, fila((e (rom AiilclO) reach The Dalle Tui--dayii, TliiUKlayx mid riaturdayH ut 1 :U0 i. in. IUTF.H Or fAKR. Dallck to Dehohuten do Moro do (irans Valley, do Kent do OroiiH Hollow Antelope to Cron.s Itullowv do Kent do (iraB Valley do Moro .fl W) 1 W i a i , 4 10 1 M ii 00 , ;. u) 3 ro do UcMihuceii. i w do Dallen 5 w KH' UKlHKNUOltriTEU HVEUV, Physicians aud Surgeons, Hpoolnl attention given to nurKery. Koom 21 and ffl, Tel. a. Vogt lllock. 17KEI), W. WllflOS. ATTOKNBV AT LAW, TilK llAIXKri.OHEaO.V Ottlcc ovei Flrtt Nt. llNnk. 1