Tbt Dalles Daily CteiiHilt. tm: DALLES, OKEGON KIVJOY Both the method and results when Svrnrj ot Furs is taken: it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts ' tcentlr vet prompt! v on the Kidneys, . liver and Bowels," cleanses the svs- tem effectuallv, dispels colds, head- : aches and fevers ami cures hahitnal o r t-: : i. constipation. Syrup of Fig is the , only remedv of its kind ever pro- i uuceu, pleasing to the tustc and ac- j ceptable to the stomach, prompt in . its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthvand acrreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it j V to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for Bale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who mav not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Bo not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIS SYRUP CO. SAK FMKtSGO. CAL LDUISY1U. AT. KW YORK, H.X. Old Folk Trovrain. Following is ye program for ye con cert at ye Playe House Tuesday, Febru ary, 22d : "Ye Old Folks nt Horac' All niea and wo men singers. N'aUonal Hymn, 'America' AU men and women sinpers. Y"e lnaydc, Belinda Standish Cram, trill come before ye people and sinp about "Annie Lawrie." Foar-parte song by four youths. Ye Tery worldly and sinful tnne, "Merrr, Merry Are We," by eight dames. Ye pathetic tune. "Last Boss of Summer," by Deborah Dorcas McCoy. Sentimental sons, "Annt Dinah's Quilting Fartr," by Pitkins PeUet Clark and all sinsers. Serious two-parte sobs, "0, Restles Sea' by Keiurah BonUUfal F(sdx and I'enetope Royal Ilnntinjton. Jonathan Hezekiah Landers will appear alone and sing "Flow Gently Sweet Alton." Song oi love, "Meet Me by Moonlight" Many women singers. Cosanna sophi t Highflyer Michell will sing "Grandma's Advice." ilale Qnartet To be selected. Dame Mebitabel Varney wiU sing a serious -one-parte song. Singing Master 1'hineas S-bastian Lundell will sing ' Tby Sentinel Am I " Ye reckless and worldly tune, "Yankee Doo dle," by John Gee Stuyvesant I'arrcK and all ye singers. A so'g about Cousin Jedediah Four singers. Ye inayde, Ulory Ann Blossom Cashing, will sing "Darby aad Joan." 'Auld Lang Sync" All ye singers. Frivolous Song, "Comiu' Through the Rye" Mathilda Kent Sampson. Four-parte song, "When You cud 1 Were "Young, Mag.ie" Four singers. Chorus, "Whiiepoor-wlH" All singers. All ye men and womei singers will slag "Home, Sweet Home." This is ye end. iiuciuen'i Arinca salre. T)ie Vest ealve in the world for cut, bnas6, sores, ulcere, salt rheum, feei eoree, tetter, chapped hande, chilblaine corns, and all ekin eruptions, and nosi itvely cui piles, or no pay required It is guawLteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price lib cents per bor. For sale Dy Blakuley and Honghton. druezistB. Y'ou can't cure consumption but yon can avoid it and cure any other form of tbriat or lung trouble by the use of One IMinute Cough Cure. It cure, quickly. That's what you want, Snipes-Kiners-ly Drug Co. The cigars manufactured by S. Foute are all high grade goods, and placed before the smoking public F are en- tirely on th'r merits. One Minute Cough Cure, cures, That Is what It was made for. Smoke the popular brands, Prize Med- al.Riee Queen and Guarantee,, x-or I, Rise Queen and Guaran eale bv all first-class dealers. The best specific for dandruff and to prevent baldness Is Clarke & Talk's compound quinine hair tonic. 9-lm DeWitt's Little fiarly Risers, The famuli llitlr pills. Use Clarke & Falk'e Floral Lotion for chapped bands and rough ekin. ltn V 8 BUXTIHOTOX U b WILSOX Htali.Uion niww.i, aTTOKNE Yb' AT LAW. rUNTLNGTOK it WILSON, THE DALLEB, OREGON Office om first Nat, Sank. F RED. W. WILSOV.., Anuoati ai twin, THE KALLKti.OEEGON Ofliec ovet First NL 0aK. a sizzling spot. ( Torn la the Moat Torrid Town In the United Statoe. Temperature Eiceedlna; One Hundred Dr ' Bree for Day at it Time-Deserts That Make It Vuneeciwary to Guard Desperate Convict. Eastern people "ho prate nboutheat- j cd terms and flee to the mountains or i seashore upon the appmch of a brief pc.iou u ::rT" 10a HCn UK? ll.-lilijaiu.v-iaaujuua the au s snouja coitsiuui uic --- ..... 1 IJ - .. I .1 . 1. . . nmfrn rT 1 town where the temperature irom about the middle of June to early Oc tober ranges all the way from 00 to :2i degrees In the shade, and occa sionally goes to 123 decrees for a few hours, "eugpests a Yuma i.Vris.) corre spondent. "What would they think of for r full month of not i s than I'T, or two weeks at a time l.. ii the temperature lias varied from r . , 15 oi a wcei- u-hen the tie r. ,-ett-r has stood at over 112 in the shade? This is what the residents of this -,nalrt old town of Yuma experience regularly each dimmer So t ,s season luma ens haci two spot..- ci v e?th.,r ,vhcn the mercHrv climbed up o 117 -a Uip sna(le cverJ. mon;inir for a T Kucc'ssive dnvs. and descended to i,r. toim atnhrht. From June 10 to ,7;me 1-t TiiC iuum it-iiii.4fc. - r from 107 to 114. From June IS to ,'iice 21 inclusive, tne temperature on avli afternoon would po as hisrh as 11. n the shade. All conditions seem to unite to make Yuma the ho' summer spot it is. It is located in a kind cf basin on theedp. ;-,e hrr. muddy f J a "obe soil down to the crulf of Call- j hernia. Awav to the west, across the river ana totnesouinsircicu-w .kvw.. orado desert, several thousand rqr.r.re trules in area. It. is so raere'lass, p-host-!y and fierce a desert waste that few 'iare cross it by waron or on ioot in the Furatr.cr months, and in w!ntor or crly spring travelers are careful to t acvomj:an.'tHl by a companion or two and supplied with an abundance of drinhintr water and food. Every summer venturesome miner lose their lives in trying to cross, the . i . . ... . i. r- i beintr oertaten bv a sand-: desert llV storm or v.-c kened unto death by tie dreadful .heat. To the north there are vast plains and uplands of barren, sun bahen adobe soil, and u peculiar forma tion of lava and soft granite, the re mains of numerous extinct volcanoes. This area absorbs the sun's heat by day and distributes it by night. To the east are millions of acres tint are the next thing to absolute desert, where nothing grows except by irrigation, and then only scantily; where no one lives who can exist elsewhere. For over 100 miles about Yuma not a tree grows nmurrJlr. and none of the forest trees I that the jople of New England or the j middle states know can be .grown even j artificJallv. There is not a thintr in nature any- i where in the region to add a degree oi i coolness to the atmospfcere. mere are no balmy breezes irom anyv. uere, no sea or lake air to come once in awhile as a relief after hours of aKteady down pouring of solar heav not a mountain or brook, a cauyou or dell, a grove or beach throughout the whole country to which, one may resort for so much as a moment of coolness. One may gaze in any direction from the highest place in l'uma, and the only color in nature v be seen is a dull, reddish brown under a blazing sky. Even the tduggish river takes on the hue of the surrounding territory. When a wind comes up from off the desert, the air is almost ehriveling. and j even the natives of Yuma go into their adobe houses and shut the- doors to j avoid- the,air that comes like that from j a furnace from a foundry. Tne glare of i.: i. :..c ,.T, eves of the m-ot.le. Green Toggles and ' smoked classes are commonly worn here bv eastern people. There an- manv cases of blindness among United States soldiers who have been stationed at forts in this region. The fierce sun shine causes infiaramatioii of the. cyfs. Every one does as much work as pos sible the evening or early morning 1 fore the sun has got in its . best ef forts, and there is little or no unneces sary movement about town at midday. l.aiiroad brakemen wear leather mit tens so that they may handle coupling pins and links. The chbia and glass ware in the homes and at the little ho tel are as warm on any day in EUicmer as if they had juyt come out of very warm v.ater. and window panes are uu lMinrably hot. When, one puts bis hands on a wall in a hou.se on a hot day it feels like the walls that surround a baker's j oven. All horses and cows here are i kept under roofs or rdieds at midday 1 I ,, Vifn iTinniiiri- Is m nfnnr. bifll- y Sun SHE WAS STARTLED. An Inqalsltlve Vontli Tumbled Over a Par tition Upon h Spinster Ited. "A"hen Mount Talior, X. J., was first taken TKeie&Kion of bv the Newark con ference of the MethodiHt Episcopal church," Bald a clergyman of that de- nomination recently, "we hud little money with which to clear up the I grounds and erect the first buildings ' necefeisary. After putting up a sort of open air jiavilion in which the preach ii)i services could be held, we began to icast around for some building where transient guests might be accommo dated. "The structure resulting from this necessity was a long frame building? Wasting in Children CAn OVcrcomc in almost all cases thc Qf Scott's Emulsion o! .jj Qft fa Hypopbos- r,r,5t of Lime and fcoda. While it IS a SClCntlllC tact that COO-UVCr i . . 1 Alf t , Oil IS tnc moST OlgCSllDie ouibw - i istcntc, in SCOTT'S EMULSION is not only palatable, but it is 31rai4i- AtcrcztcA and made readv for immediate absorouon by tnc system. It is also combined with the hYpophosphiteSfWhich suddIv a f ooo not only for the tissues of the body, but j for the Bones and nerves, 1 ..4 :tf U..M4 ..Ut rr!l4 . ana will build up the enna when its ordinary food does not supply proper t mirtsri mnt. ! Be sum you gtt SCOTT'S EmuUioc Set that tht I jaia aci fish art or. the wrapper. All dmgsUts ; ,c and Ji.iw, SCOTT & BOWSE, Chex.ua, New York. which was cinsieueU tnc "iaoi house.' In constructing the house on i ; , t.n..: ,,,-l-1 tin. partitions were not run all the way up to the raitcrs ana me roam -was coi ceiled. "I shall never fonret." contnti'-d the minister, "one of my first n-rhts in this rather crude hotel. After I had retired I was suddenly aroused with a start by the most unearthly shriek. " 'Murder: Thieves! Kobbcrs! Help ! Help! ' a woman was shou ting at the top of her lungs. "J hustled out into the narrow hall in my night robe and found others in the name attire both men and v., rucn running around in a custracica ivay. Wo all stopiwd before a door ft ora with- tn wnicn ice mjuj.u.i j -ik-u. " 'You beast: Help: i:eip: -Murder!' still came the cries. "There was a sound of sending from within and suddenly the door opened and a woman, excited, panting, with wild and d beveled IckiKs, ap;earcU t the door clutching a bov, who was more . , . H ." r ,. ,-1 frightened even than v. as the v. oman. "Clio r-!nnpf. spttlprf it. The bor was the son of a woman occupying the ad joining room. The little fellow, out of curiosity, had climbed to the top of the tiartitiou and, losing his balance, had fallen over into the next room, landing" on the bed of a rather olderly spinster, "The ridiculousness of tire whole af-! fair seemed to dawn upon all at the same time, and everyone jomeu in a .... pood, heart v laugh. The ooy was pun- Uliwl nnrl tlip old maid left the next .. sr V TTi1 '" ,iie 01 me iuosi remarnaoie 1111 1-now to the chemist is made of a prep- , , , . ; - aration of prussian blue in combina - tion with nitric and h vdrochloric acid. The writing done with this ink has the singular property of fading w hen ex - posed to tne light sua recovering its, color when taken into the Miude or placed m r""' ' nwe. Cali tu Vuur Check. , 4 , . . All conntv warrants registered pno. , to Nov. 22, 1S93, will be paid at niyJ nfFiCH. Interest ceaes, after Feb. 16th. 189S. C. L. PlIILLIPfi, Conntv Treasurer. Waening: Persons who suffer from , cou''li8 and colds should heed the warn- " and tbeinBe vee uf euf- i tertnz and fatal results by using One I Minute Cou ;h Cure. It is an infallible remedy for coughs, colds, croup and all throat and lung ! ersly Drua Co. troubles. Snipes-Kin- There ie no need of little childrt n be- i ing torturud by scald head, eczema and j ' skin eruptione. DeWitt'u Witch Hazel Salve gives instant relief and cures per-1 manently. fcnlpes-Kinersly Drug Oo. j J. M. Thirswend, of Urosbeck, Texas, j says that when he has a spell of nidi-( gestion, and feels bad and sluggish, he j takes two of DeWitt'e Little Early P.is- - . rv,. , :a oil ritli tlit. m.rt : ana entered tn saia cout on tne sin day oi no ers at night, and he is all right the next vemb,.rls9;jnf(Ivorof A j0nes, plaintiff, I morning. Many tliousand of others do and against K. E. Fewel, defendant, fur the sum J " , . nr.. "f w( hiindrtd and seventy-six and 25- lb) .111. CM 1.1 J aUM, ..ll'. KinerElv Drus; Co. Try our one pound square '-Queen ( Brand" butter, at Dalles Cotntni-sion ; Grocery Co. You can't afford to rick your life i. Ol I allowing a cold to develop into pneuaio- ! . , ' ',. , , I nia or consumption. Instant relief and i . .- ir..j..j i. n... is ' a r'wrfain inrf nrf rifTVird.fl bv On. Mtn ivsi. rw R,.J..k'..1r Iirns. b ' C , DeWitt's Witch Cures Piles, Sea Hazel Salve Scalds, buras. iaamias FiW, addms tr. mmuSkU. ituia.". Citation. In the County Court of the State of OreRon for ,the County of Wasco: In the mutter of the estate of W. J. Mclns, de ceased, citation! j To James ileitis. Carrie McDonald, Ida Hubert, and to nil unknown heirs of W .. Mclns, de-j ceaed,CTeetlliK In the name of the Slate of Onron.you arc hereby riled and required to apier In the! County Court of the State of Oregon, for the j Conntv of a.eo at the courtroom thereof, t Dalles Yitv. in the Conntv of Vftcv., on Monday. thc-lhdnVof Maroh, 1', at 10 o'clock In the forvnoiin of that day, then and there U . Miow can'c, if anvcxlt, why an older should not be made atithorlrinc and directln:: J. C. Mcln. a admirl-trator of smid estate, to sell the real, jiroi-ertv beloticlnc to the otatc of W.J Melns, , cxwnM-..ind i lalm arainstttie elate, which ..tlH ,..n,u,fT t illtrlbfl 11 foil V. t' Wit - tl;-tai of le at,hwt quarter, the sotitlnvel quarter of the northwest quarter, the northwest quarter of the sonttiwot quarter the south half of the Mmtheast quarter, and the south half of the MWthwet quarter, all iucc tlnu 12, ti 1 south, ratitr K enl. W. M. t Witness the Hon. Itohert Majs, Jtideonl the Countv Coutt of the .-"tile ol iireiton, for the C'Minty of Wa'co, with the eal or Mild coutt atUxeil, this llth day of Jauuarv. A. I . lv! i Attest A. M. KK1.-V. scalI Clerk. 11 taul.V-tt ! SUMMONS. IN THE CIUC C1T COritTof the State of Ore' pou for Wasco County. Crania Ooldcn, '.r.luUiV. Hewitt Onlaen.acfonriant. To ,K,, Goidcn, thl. aMV vc nanicil tbfendant: hc-ebv reouired to apienr and aiwer tfie dun plaini filed acaliut you in the alivi eiitltld court and cjue on or before the tirst day ot the next term of said court followine the expiration of the time prescribed in the order lor the pub- . , "..a : lo) L, and 'aAswerroVorherwIseVtod. in said caue, the rlalntltl" for want tlicreol win atpiy tn the Court for the relief prnved for in the com plaint died herein, to-wit that the b mdc of matrimony cxMing ltwe.-ii plainUti and de fendant tie dissolved that the plaintiff tie awarded the custody of the mii-or ohlld mcu tioned in aid eomilalnt. Zoln M.ud Golden: that the plalnUC'have and recover her crsts and . disbursements made and exjiemled in this suit, i and for such other and further relief as to the I rtiir. mpf WT pollltllMp. Thl-.ammons is served ujion you oviiuoinH- tion thereof by order of Ho'i. W. L. llrad,lm. Chamber, in Lnlles City. Wasco rounty.pmtou,. J . 1 . ....V.11n r.n hf rfnr nf .iliTemriei . !-!.. FRED W. WILSON", li Attorney lor liaintifl'. Administratrix' Sale of Reai Estate. Ntitlep i herebv irlven that under and by vir- tnenf at, order of the I ounty Court of the State i oforecon lor Wax-o County, inHde on the th , aav of Jauuarv. In the matter ot the etMte i of Pr. W. E. Klnehatt, df-ei-ed. 1 win sell at pubi ublic auction, at thecourlh use door in iihik-s In said county and state, on the ltn uay of I'ebruaiT. ls. at 1 o'clock p. nt.. to the hlcn i est bldder.'all the real estate boloncm? to said i estateaud de.crlt"d a- follows, to-wit Lots A. II. C. II, E. F.G, II, I.J. K and L iu i Plwk tVi. in the Fort Dapes Mint iry I'leservn tlon Addition to D.Ues City, in said county and The wet half of the southeast iiuartcr and the . . ..... . . . . i i. i , . hhl norU. rmie u east,tn Wasco County, Ortsron. .... ' Tenn of sale One-haU in cash at time of . ,n, and one.ni4, ln ,tx months, secured by mortiraceon the prerale.. Italics Citv. Oreeon. Jan. 2 EMILY jnnZMl II. Itl.VEIIAHT. Administratrix. NOTICE FOP. PUBLICATION. Land Omen, The DLLirK. Or., rebruary 15, 1. I Vnttp li hr.Tliv Hvpn fhwt rh fnllowtoir. named settlei has uld notice of his intention ... . . . - 1 ...rUi. 1 .1 t.11, n, h . aim uun - -7 , rm'de tefme itecisteri d , Kecdver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Monday . Apn. 11, itji, ik James Hall, of Th- Dalle., II. E. No. 4747, for theeEil NWt ', ? NE'j , tor theet N5i. r", t: . Sl.TplN'., K. 12 K. W. M. ;he lollowiui; witnesses to and "Ki NE'i stc. I Ue names th inn witnesses to iirove . alt continuous residence upon anu cuiuvation I of said land, viz. ' Alexander Vnuce, Albert Walters, William Wolf, Franx Obrist. all of The Dalles. Oregon ; 19 U Jx?- F' M0I;E' HegUter. ; - NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION Lasb Orncs.Titn Dalles, Or. . i lebruary, a. lv I ! Notice is hereby Riven that the fu.'lowing HULU.ni ,i:i.i lion U4u iii'.iv.: 11 ,iin iniLiiiiun so commute and make luial prrwf in support of his claim and that said nroof will be made bv I tuxv Keslster and Jteeelver at The Dalles, Ore gon.on Tuesday. March 22, !:., viz Ollrrr lluurr, or The Dalles, II E. No. 5-i7, for the .E'4 NE'4 and NEU ?E'4 to 21. Tp 2 N. U 12 E, W M. He names the lollowinc witnesses to prove Ills continuous residence Uon and cultivation uS..u.'. . .. William Kunncr, I'crry vancamp, Harry l-earned, COU. II II. Learned, all of The Dalles, Orc- JAe. F. MOOHE, Heslmer. J-KS-GEISKNIIOUKFEH Itl'EDV, Physicians aiid Surireoiis, Spccl-l attention given to surgery. Kooins 21 and 22, Tel 32s. Vogt I!IfA.k Sheriffs Sale. Notice fs herebv given that under and bv vir tue of an execution at.d order of sale issued out I of the Circuit Court of the Mate of Oregon lor i the l ounty of Wnw. and to tne directed and delivered, uj-on a judgment and decree rendered J r-nnnt y on thehtlidayof November, D-ST and rby It was further ordered and decreed by I u l.... ; thecourt that the fo.iowiug described property, . to-wit . r-wii luliiTilnfr at k ttfilnt lfi.rs ehalns w-t fif th J'ne betweii sectl . in township three Willamette Meii.i lima of the north i sections thirty-five and thirty-six, inree nortn oi rane ten cast ot the . Inus ol the north boundary Hoc of the James I llenson Donation Land Claim; thence 'lorth I XS" h..ni? t ScT et 'Vm -cha t ., thee fcmth f. k.. fhn.nh. MT.rl .hcrin. W , fh .Im I. lAttff ftl 1, .l'f rtffil tier rinfMtlilnt 11, r.r.riM. .nr.... or less, and 1elnK the same premises sold by the i "io a. , jone mi me sam i;. r.. rewel,in Wasco County, Oreeon, be sold to satisfy i,id Judpnerit, attorney fees, costs aud accruinc costs, 1 will, on Tuesday, the I nth day of rebmary, wj, at 2 o 'clock p. m. of . ....I . . . , . . ... . . . , miu uo , . mi me jiuii, uifi ui (lie utiunuuuse in Dalle City, Wav.-oL'o..Or.ell all tlieriKlit. title ana imeresi oi inetam r. above described prowrty ine nifiieii umaer lor casn feeds nnslne from said s sailsfacttou of said judicmen coat and accrulns emu, and the surjilus, if any there be, to be paid into court, and there to te main until the further order of this court. T. J, DKIVKU, dc22-l BnerftT of Wasco Countr, Or. i lissM 'thirty1 H nnn n 1 vpr N n rwrv I and the further sum of eleven 'IU) dollars cosu, I MM Ml 11,1111 llllmfl . !whic.. said Judemeut was enrolled and docketed 'A4UU! lvl ' vl ilUlUUI l i. i in me onice ot me ciers oi saia court iu said v , at public auction to '.. ' .... 9 chcrs and Farmers ..Exchange.. Ktfin on draught the celebrated I'O'.'l'MltlA HEEK, Hlltnow! iiiced the U.t li-r In The Pallcs nt the uul price. Come In. tr i" and he ri vlnred. AImi the l'l!ir!.t brnml of Wines, Liquors nudl'ltfr. Sanduiiches of all Kinds always on hand. Patronize the kAUJIDRY. All kind of work. White ahlrtn a Meelnlty. v.mttc work at reduced rtes Wash collected , and delivered free. Telephone .. 1 1 H. D. Parkins, Agt, Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL - , 17 I I I (API. AWft ftT U IvUlllll'Ilul Ulvl All work promptly attended to, and warranted. 174 VOGT LOCK FRENCH & BANKERS. CO, niAN'SACT A GENEKAL BASKING BUslNEi Letters of Credit iesned available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Teleeraplnt Transfers sold on New York. Chicago, St. Louie, San Francieco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle WaBh,, and variouE points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION. 18 I'agri a Week. 15C Tapers a Year It stands first among 'weekly" papers in size, frequency of publication freshness, variet and reliability of cor. tents. It is practically a daily at the Ion price o o weekly; and its vuet list' of subscriliere, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreigu coun- tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and among Its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the i latest fashion, lor women and a Ion .u,iuo ni utrvriuii In' ilia lrrwll.il titM,i, ; w. v.... v ; ........ American anu jdkueu uuiuure, Cunan Ooylr, Jerome K. Jerouia, Ktanlejr Weymau. Mary K. Wilkin Anthony Hope, Itret llarte, llrander Matthew, Ktc. We offer this unequaled oewepoperond j The Dalles Twice-a-Week Chronicle to- 1 gether one year for f'J.00, The regular i ' price of the two papers is 13.00. 1 TILLETT & GALLIGAN, WM. TILLETT. H. GALLIGAN. Sole I'roprletot or the CKLKIIK ATKIJ XAKIMA AI'I'LK. TILLETT i: GALLIGAN, IToj.l. First-claa Nursery Stock a Specialty ' 1 rf ' ' ' liosluess Aouuunceiuent. I I this day embarked in the busi. I ,.t 1 1 ...ai and house broker; and also collections M1M,,i0tn.. r.t ! i ftnd negotiating oi lonm. I respectfully . ,0llcit a fair Share of the pub e patron-1 , T , , f. , . I age, my motto being "Strict attention to business." My office is with Dufur & see me about any matters in my line. Respectfully, W. H. Btrra. . t. rewei Jiiand tothe IJnfnr. rooms 23 and '24. new Vniff t.lru-b. uh in ham, the pro- ihe Dalles, (Jr., where I will be pleated le to be so nlled to the'.- , j.. .. , t. attorney's fee I w u't 'neous anu ouiers can una to Tin: ERST! 01VKS THE CHOICE OF TWO Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. -VI A- Spokane Minneapolis St. Paul . Chicago Salt Lake Denver Omaha Kansas City Low Ratesilo all Eastern Cities i t OCEAN STEAMKKs Lrit. I'ortUnd KtrrT FItb Umra fur j SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. I Steamers monthly from Portland to 1 Yokohama and Hone Koiir via North 1 ern Pacific Steamship Co., in connection with O. U. & N. i For full details call on 0, K A Co. i Agent i The Dalles, or address DODSON", CAHLILL A CO.. Gen. Agts., North 1'aclflc Steamship ( o. I TIME CAIttl. No. -I, to ?iokam' and Great Northern arrives 1 at S 25 p. m., leaves at b SO p. m. No. to Pendle ton. Iiaker City and I'nlon raciflc,arrivesatl2 t$ p. m., departs at 12.50 p. m. , No 3. from --iiokftne and Great Northern, ar rives at 6 50 a. in., dcjarts at C 55 a. m. No. 1, Irom llski r City and I'ulo. 1'acltic, arrives at S.1SJ a, in., dejmrts at S.'M a. m. Nos. a and 21, movlnc east of The Dalles, will carry jiassensers. No. 23 arrives at 5 p. m dcutrts at 1:45 p. m. I'astenccrs for He7imer take No 2, leaving here at 11 43 ji. m. W. U. XIUKLBURT, Gen. I'ass. Act I'ortland, Orejoa III ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. H S Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car tT. fAVlA MINNEAPOLI IIULITTII KAKGO CJKANI) roit CltOOKSTON WINNH'KO II K LENA an IJUTTK TO ' Through TieketS j Iciiicauo , Washington 1 i-iula tucn-iii a ; yKW yoick hohtun ani all , i.0ith kaht and mouth i For information, time cnds, maj and tickett, cal ou or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon Oh A. D. CHAP.LTON. Asst. G- P. A., AM. Morrison Cor. Third. Portland Onsoo Dalles, Moro and Antelope STAGE LINE. ! ThroURh by daylight via Grass Valley, Kent j and Unas Hollows. DOIJGLAN ALLKN, C. M. WIIITKI.AW, The Dalles. Autrlope. fiUBes leave The Dalles iroin VinatlTia ll iuw at7a. m..also from AnteloiK!at7.ao a. in eery ! Monday, Weduvaday and Krlduy. Conn ""'1 onuf'tiotij itche i and maqe at Aiiteioie lor rnuevuie, niwu points beyond. Close c niiectlous made at The oa alles with railways, trains and boats. BIbrcs from AntelOie tcaeh TheDntks Tues days, Thursdaysud Saturdays at 1 :'J0 ) ItATCS or rAtK Dalles to Deschutes do Moro. do Grass Vallev do Kent 11 M 1 .'25 3 10 150 lM uo i w o W do Cross Hollows. j Anteloj to Cross Hollows do do do do Grass Valley Moro. beachuces Dulles. ., Tile ColumDia Pacfcinp Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MAN'OrACTUitKKtl OK Fine Lard and Sausages. CMtwsof BRAND HAMS & BACON DUIKD BEEF. ETC.