& m Tbe DiJks My flmmielt. , as Urge m tbey arc, and "to double tbe sire of the silver coin tbc Z 77. .. ., x. I country would diminish by one-half I me Wcco County cocstv officials. Count J Judge ..Kobi. May 1 Bberiff. T. J. Prtver Clerk . .. -A M-KflMT Tiwaurer .. C..I-. I'hilUr i IA. is. Blower , Commissi oners ip. j, Kinm-y I t w" H Whinnle i Bnrreror -J. B; ,Vclt and would do a prcat injury, h or Sutxmntendcat of Public School...C. , U Gilbert ... coroner w . H. Butts this and manv other reasons lie is in silver money of the world," and "wonld diminish by one-fourtU the entire volume of metallic money of the world." Such a shrinkage in monev, he adds, would ndd billions ' i of dollars to the debt of the world, i Taking the JVIedicine. Advertlilnc Ht. . Per tneh One Itch or less la Dally H JO Orer two Inches and under four Inches. 1 (0 Over Jour Inches and under twelve Inches TS Over twelve Inches W tiiir jlVd weekly. One Inch or less. ter Inch V2 X) Over nne inch and under four Inches. wT ffS A 7 : JS cbanccd to 20 to 1 or 21 to 1. favor of insisting upon the ration of j 1G to 1. It will be remembered! that Senator Wolcott, Silver Kepub-! lican, of the International Bimetal- j ltc Commission, recently said in the senate that the ratio, in case of an co j international agreement, might be TVreklr Clubblue l.ate. Chronicle and Oregonian Cbrouicleand Examiner Chronicle and Inter Ocean . . . Chronicle and Tribune Chronicle and X. Y. World .2 25 . 2 25 . l.So . 1 .o TUESDAY - - FEBRUARY 22, 1S9S THE DALLES, DZFVR ASD DES CHUTES RAILROAD. Your L.at Chancr. All negatives now in my possession .' made by Mr. Hone!) ton or D. C. Herrin prior to Jan. 1. 1S95. will be destroyed. ' If donnish to duplicate prints, orders o oo I tnnst be placed before March 1st. LiIffohd, Ptioto. Artist, febl-lm Chapman Block. fpff it iw :ni: ....the.... gfllg m Weekly Inter Ocean til I LSR6EST CffiCOLATIOK OF AHY POLITICAL PAPER IH THE WEStJ It is radically Republican, advocating oMBut it can always be relied on the cardinal doctrines of that FV' Iw lab" and honest reports of all po with ability and aaacsintssJ.''' litical movcmeiUWJ..S.'t-'t THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL THE NEWS AND BEST CURRENT LITERATURE Ask your Druggist foe ageceroas 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. CATARRH It Is Morallv Clean and as a Family Paper Is Without a Peer. The Literature of Its columns is equal to that of the best maga zines. It is interesting to the chlh dren as well as tbc parents. T HE INTER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and while it brings to the family THE NEWS Or THE WORLD and rives its readers the best and ablest discissions of all questions of the day, it is in full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint..,.., ys2 IT 2 SI.OD-PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR-$I.OO TEE DAILY AJtD STODAT EDITIONS OF THE H(TTK OCEAH ARE BEST OF THEIR CDTO. RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Second Street, THE DALLES. ' wholesale $4.00 per year (15 00 per yvar $t;,00 per year Price of Dallr by innU .... l'rlo,, nf Siimtlnv livtiuill Bully ami Sunday lr mall 131 EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OT TI1K Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and arc due to rrtvcj.M'ortliind Lr.iVE. KIVI OVEKUVNl) KXO I tiri'm. Salem. Unje- 1 1 id, Sup-I j ilen.San 1 1 Kraiirlxco, Mojnvc, i I iiiirR, Afhlimd niiiit'iim, upne I'ano and J! ' '0:00 r. M. i I UisAiictl I Kilkt .so a. m Hons ; f Via Woodburti lorl i .mi.aiivi, siiveriun, i eit Solo, Kmwiis-1 ' vllle.Siiringlleld and v Natron . . .. . J Dully I'JCfpt bundnys I t;:sn A. M. i'.M Dally exeept riuudnyj. I CorvalllH ititatiuiib and vy j I :soi'.M, I IXDi:rKXI)i:NCE r.VSSr.NGKi:. Kxi.res train 1 Daily (exeet Sutuluy). 'l.wp. in. il-v. I'dftlaml Ar.) S'Sa. m ' ; W) p, m. Al Me.MlnnW'le l.v.V IrU) ,ti! .Wk!a. (Ar lnileifiidenco..l.v to a.m. 1 'Daily. t Dmiy, cxee;t hunauj . ! DIKINli CAIW O.N OGDK.N ROUTE. 1T1.1..MAN Ill'KKET Sl.EEl'EKS AND pECOND-CtiS hl.EKl'ING CARs Attached to all Tlirougb Traltn. It qnicklr Absorbed. GtTes Rebels; once. tbe NW Passn. f ftl T Ifu UTAH Allays Icasnimau-on. Wfca llhnv Heal and Protects the Jleabrase. l(es:ore ths t Senses ot Tajte and imell. Full Size JOc ; Tru ElzeVK.: at Drarriita or nyraail. t LX BROl'HEH, 41 Warrca Street, New Tort FREE. FREE. We Will Give- "We do not know bow authentic is tin nimnr Tifililialinfl in rnstflrHfir's inpers that a railroad will be con- j Eljf'S Cream Balm Ej structel from The Dalles to Sherman ! SSaS mnn'r. onnnpntinrr with thp Hnlnm. I Wjartoa orac. bia Southern. That a company bps been organized with this avowed purpose is true, and we have every reason to believe that lhe road will be built if proper arrangements can be made and suitable inducements offered. It is needless forTHE Cur.oxiCxE to urge upon the people of The Dalits the importance of seeing that the proposed plan does not fail in 3ecation. Te have been loudly lamenting our past mistakes when we allowed industries with pa rolls to slip away, and now when there is a possibility of securing favorable railroad connections with the vast interior of Eastern Oregon, let us see to it that we do our full share. and more if necessary. This paper has long advocated just such n scheme as the one now proposed to build from here to Deschutes river by the most practi cable grades and, crossing into Sher man county, to connect with the Columbia Southern. That the route is practicable has been determined, and that The Dalles absolutely needs the trade of the country which the Columbia Southern proposes to tap is just as patent. Very likely this cttj may be called upon to furnish a subsi'ty to aid the new project, and if this be so, we should respond moat liberally. "Whatever amount we raise wouid more than return within one year m the manner of increased trade, and the investment would be a most sat isfactory one. This question is a most important one, and the Commercial Club and the city at large should use every evdeavor to see that the road is built to Sherman count' before an other harvest. Jloliday Improuemei)ts. MI Subscribers and Persons subscribing and pa-ing up in ad vance for the Weekly Gbpofiiele mines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER Direct connection at rwxx rraneloco with Orel. I dental and Oriental and l'ncillc mull ctriirnvhtp Hue? for JAPAN and CHINA. iuUUtif; dated oa at jdle.itlon. . Kate Mid tickets to Eastern points, and Eu .row. Al( JAPAN. CHINA, HONOU'U" and 1 ACSTIiAlJA, can be obtained from J. II. KIUKI.AND, Ticket Acent. ! ThrmiRh Ticket Oltlee, 1SI Third street, where I throuch tickets to all jxilnts In the Eastern 1 StMt, Ciiuadii and Kurou ran be obtained st lowest rates (rom I J. II. KIKKLAND, Ticket Asrent. I All above traliih arrive at and depart Irom ; Grand Central Station. Fifth and Irvine treet YAMHU.Ii DIVISION. Piitenper Dctwt, fcnit of Jettcrhou htreet. Uuvc for O.'WEOO. dally, exeejit Sunday, at ;:."0 a. in.; 12 .m, 1 .V, 5:15, f.:i), V 05 j,. m. (and II ::U . in. on caturday only, and it UO a. m and 3.30 ji. m. on MindHys only). Arrive at Portland dailv at '6:10 and S:!W a m.;andl l 4.15. C:2ti anil T..V) p. m (and 10:(tt a. m , 3 15 5:10 ji. m. on ?undnys only). Ixavr for Sherldim. week day, it t. 30 p. m Arrive at l'ortland, :; a. in. on draught and In Dottles Anheuser-BTiscii Malt Nti trine, a non-alcoholic beverage, Tmeqnaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. U-ave for AlKLIE on Monday, Wislnewlay and Frliav at : 10 a.m. Arrlv- at Tortland, Tuc duv, Thursday and aturda it 3 .05 ji. m. Except Sunday. "Except Saturday. R. KOEHLEI'., Mamiser. , H. MARKIIA.M, Ant. (i. K. iV l'a. Act You want paper which makes your holiday enjoyment creater. Yon want paper which makes yonr home plpasanteratjall times. Yon need such fcbudee and designs as will give more lieauty and more comfort in yonr home. We show you styles that exceed any ever seen here at prices nerer attempted for such quality. iD. W. VAUSE, Third St. 7UL Z. DONNELL, P$ESCHlPTIOfl DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams cfc Co., THE DALLES, OR fl( -A Copy of Mm j Regulator LineV DEALEUS IN TUB JJfflS, rUHJtUlU dM AMUlIfl.'nii UnAe of mi niuuo ui Navigation Co.' Funeral Supplies Almanac i Encyclooedia ' f frt?-! ! i Grandall & Burget UNDERTAKERS tf EMBALMERS The Dallos, Or. Ijobes, Burial Shoes, Ete. Tliere are mau- sins tkat tbe j Democrats, the Populists and the; Silver Republicans hope to make an j issue of the free silver question in ' the riext campaign. Recently in "Washington the Populists rind Silver Republicans had a conference and agreed upon the terms of fusion, with the expectation of carrying on a sharp campaign next fall, particu larly in the states west of the Miss issippi. It wus reported at the con ference that those states arc practic ally solid for free silver. In this connection the Hon. William J. Bryan, Democratic candidate of 1 89C, has declared that the chief issue of J898 and 1900 must be the question of the free coinage of silver at 10 to 1. - lie holds that this ratio, approved by the Chicago platform, is un es sential part of the issue, and that it cannot well bo surrendered. The effect, he argues, of changing the ratio from 10 to 1 to 32 to 1 would be to make the silver dollars twice Encyclopeam mu Answer Any Question You may Ask It Standard American Annual. sfrs. Regulator & Dalles City i 1 FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE BETWEEN Tbe Dalit, Hol I'.lvcr, Cascade Looke and Tori land dallr, i-unday. Are you going PRICE GENTS ( DOM THE VALLEY OR TO ( EASTERN OREGON ? If no, save money and enjoy e Hautiful trip on ' the Columbia. The v, u t -bound tmin ttrrivca at . The Dulles la srniile time fur uterieen to take tbe bteumur, arriving in l'orttuiid in time for the ' oulh'uln,- southern uiid .Northern trln Knm Loutid !teueerA urii vintr in The ViW In time to take (he iXit-bouiid tia'u i r'or further information unplr to j J. N. HAKNEV, Agent, j Oat fltretit Dock, l'ortland, Oreson, ; Or V C. ALL.VWAV, Gen. At't., ! The Dull. Oregon , PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Groc mho has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes everything to be found in a i Drugs Paints Oils Wall Paper Window Glass jSnipes-K'nersIy Drug Co. 129 Second Street, jTHE DALLES, OREGON DOORS, i WINDOWS, SHINGLES, 'FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. JEL (3- DL, DB IST 1ST. as Ready Jzn. , 1398, On AM News Stands. jt j j j j v m & si Notice of Executor's Sale. I Notice Is hereby Klvcn that the undernfirned, I extcutor of tbe estate of Mtixamllfun ilter, de ' ceaml, will, from nnd after tbe lit day of Me first-class Dry Goods Store. C. F. STEPHENS, ' J. 6. HCIIENK, I l'reldeiit. II. JI 1!EU' Lartjer, fcjetter, Aiore complete i March, ut. u t ynvute i, uwi the j.rem- O r i i., .1,., f,,ii..u.iii,. tMrilM5l real nror-nv U Than Ever. 'Tin most widtly sold Annual Riftr- UK Book and PoMical 'Manual ptiblishtd. THE WORLD, Pulitzer Building, New York. n-eriy lonvini to mid eatute and nituateO' III Hmi-o . ....... r f . f.,i ! i.i,.,.L '. mm m mm -a. i:wuiii. wivKuii v. i , . iai. . " i-i in ui a. mwrnhmwrnimmmmm mm mm ma eluht M In what iu known u Thoini toii'n Ad- VL DSCF1 DC IOP ditlon to l'all Cilr. Mid iiln la made in aeenrduuee with nn order I of the Count- Court rendered and entered the j M any OI January, lS'.w, ana aucn naiewui ue ubjet toconnrmatlou by iald court, tbe terinn of tald tale to becaiih or credit, or both. ANHKEtV XKLI.EK, Kxecutor of the estate of Maxnmtllnii Meyer, dtceuaed. jaliJirl The Chroinele First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A Cienernl tlunkinc BusineHH tranHucted DepoBitB received, aubjeut to Higlit Draft or Check. CollectloriH made and prot-eeds promptly remitted ou duv of collction. Slttbt and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, Ban Francisco an Port land. DIN KOTOWS D. V. Tmompbon. Jko. S. Schekck. En. M. William, Gko. A. Lub. II. M. Bl.ix. -.--rrr,.-.--.,. M ...