r : i rT: - : : i - - - Tbt Dalles Dally Chpci-iuk Tnr. DALLES, Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. sad nuacaco. cal icuavuu.tr. mew rosx. K.r. I'EltSOVAf, MENTION Mrs. D. Licev went to Portland to- day. A. L. Mackintosh is ville todav. in from Prine- H. A. Moore, town todav. tiie Moro banker, is in C. B Piockley, the Grass Valley sheep man, is in the city today. Miss Butler went to her hom at White Salmon on the boat today F. r. spTlnn was amnn., tho Tonl .i. tnr's nnc. n.-irtiBnH t..i ,.,n,. ;uu- r : - ' e """" V P. T. Sharp went to Portland ket. Hon. A on the morning tram to attend to some onrt matters. E. H. Parsons, manager of the Virtue mine, In Baker county, is down from Baker City t iday. Yesterday morn'n? Win. Hoering "-wtnt to Portland oa business, returning on the midnight train last night. H. Brash, who, in conjunction with B. Wolfe, represented' Bessinger & Co. in the citv for some time, and who has traveled for that firm eitii.e last here, . "'"" lias returned and will in all probability i .rcuiaiD ior some time. BOV.S. In tlii? city, on Monday, February 21st, to the wife of J. Cameron, a daugh ter. Old Folk' l'rugram. Following is ye program for ye con cert at ye Playe House Tuesday, Febru ary, 221 : "Ye Old Fulks at Home" AU men and wo men s Inzer. National Hymn, "America" All men aal women sinsers. Ye mayde, Belinda atandiah Cram, will come before ye people and sing about "Annie Lawrie.' Tour-parte toug bv four youths. Ye very worldly and sinful tune, "Jlerrr, 3Ierry Are We," by eight dames. Ye pathetic tune, "Last Hose of Hummer," by Iieborah Dorcas McCoy. Sentimental tons, "Aunt Sinab'i Quilting Party," by Plttim. Pellet Clark and all singer. Svtious two-parte ioag, "0, ReatleM Sea," by Keurah Bountiful French and Penelope Boyal IlU'tinston. Jonathan HezekUh Lnnderi will npjy.-nr alone and ting "Flow Gently fiweet Alton." Kong of love, "Meet Me by Mwiuligbf Many women lingers. IUwanna iophi i Uigbflyer lllchell will sing "Grandraa'a Advice." JIatt Qcartet To be selected. liame MehltaUil Yarney will sing a terlous one-parte song. Siuglnz Master I'hlneax fiebastlan Lundell will sins Thy Sentinel Am I " Ye reckle and worldly tune, "Yankee Doo dle,' by John Gee Htuyvejant I'arrttt and all ye singers. A so' s about Cousin Jedtdfah Four singers, l'e mayde. Glory AunJilom Cutbing, will aing "Darby and Joan." "Auld Lang fiyni" All ye singer. Frivolon Hong, "Comin' Through tne Kye" ' jiainnua r.em campion. Four-parte song, "When You and 1 Were Young, Mag. Ie" Four singer. Chorus, "Whip-poor-will" AH singers. All ye men and women singers will sing "Jlome, Bweetllome." This in ye end. Yon can't cure consumption but you can avoid it and care any other form of throat or lutm trouble by the use of One Jlinate Cougb Care, it cures quickly. That' what yoa want. Bnlpes-Kiners-iy Drag Co. DeWitt' Little Early Risers, The fnius Iktl pltU. ENJOYS WAKE Mr. StcUleUaad Know Bow Rip Vaa Winkle Felt When H Wok Cp. The village of Grnysville has .level oped a stranpt case as viewed from a rnedieal standpoint that of a man who hod lain upon his bed for 24 vcars. during a great part of which t.t.i? he was blind and speechless, and some times unable to liear. but can now walk about with the aid of crutches, and his irht. voice ond hearing all restored. This man is Asa McClelland. He was a soldier in tie late war, being a member , cf company C.Eighteenth Pennsylvania cavalry, and will be remembered by many of his old comrades. In the early part of the "70s he wn ' taken ill and became bedfast. He lost the use of his body, ond finally sank into n half-consciocs tate, during which he- lost both eyesight and power to speak, and for a time could no: hear. Some time before his illness his mind ' became temporarily affected, and he j attempted to take his life by shooting. The ball struck him near tin base of , the brain, but failed to penetrate the , skull. But little injury was done, op- ' ' parently, by the wound, and he went j about for several months afterward. ! After he became ill his case baffled th" j aid of .physicians. I Much of the time he would lie upon ! his bed with his head and entire body j under covers. He would show no sjgn j of recognition, and his food was fre quently pushed under the covers within his reach, ond thus he ate enough to sustain life. This lasted during a peri od of C4 years. After the first few years old acquaintar?s c?a??d their visits, and he almost dropped out of their re membrance. He now relates the fol lowing strange story: A short time ngo he felt strength sud denly return t his body, and Lad an tmnulse to rise. He tried to do so and found that he could-cei up. About the , , i c .o;v.. same time he found his eyesi-rht re- stored. He had not uttered a sound for years, but the thoupbt occurred to hira to speak, and he found his voice rv 1 stored. His first attempt to walk was by rest inc his hands upon the back of a chair and pushing it alone, but he nor.' uses crutches. He had fc.rgo:t"n wiy nortls. and those vrere tsucht him just ; as a little child is instructed. In ill , me way he wns taujrht to read armii). , Everything was new to him. Ile'hovr i ever, remembered the names and fnc;-. of former acquaintances. An old a"- ; ouamtance vsbo nad not seen him for inanv venrs met -him at the stir a Grnysville. and was quickly r?can)i;:'"' oy .i:cv.ienanu. i ne latter reiers to tU'- Verjod of his life prior -to nis Illncs. r"36 oJ hls prior JtO iA" - one who has been away in another j here were but two or .three houses in urujftiuie K'usutu: s mere liici;. Like Hip Van Winkle, be seems tn have awakened from a long dream. Hi says that during bis illness h" wc -many times able to hear what was mid. but had not the power to whisper vej, a reply. He has an interest in a pietv of land, and draws a small rension, qnJ says he now is able to conduct his own business. Mr. JlcCIelland is 54 years old, and formerly worked at the paint ing trade. Pittsburgh Dispatch. BumanltT AJwarn Seeklnr Eaoallty. AGAIN AFTfcH TtAHS. I 1 1 CTltaVtlOIl. w Balaam fmm A at. H j ptrx 01 ine countrr'ior many yenrs at;, 7r"T I l5 just returned. He specks of plac--- LOIS 1 -, -1 , . . 41 , T 1 iiuuui me iiiiaire as vnt?n 1 w:i- iiure Perhaps it is because we know so-, Try oar one foutid squares "Qoeen ciety to be merely a make-believe in its Brand"' butler, at Dalles Commission &. equality that so many society people ( Grocery Co. regard a real equality as impossible, ' and are content to remain in the make- on can t atlurd to rik yonr life bv lelieve. But even the pretense of . allowing a cold to develop into pneamo equality is precious, and it has more . ! nia or consumption. Instant relief and honesty in it than the pretense of in- j a certain cure are afforded by One Min equality. There is nothing so essen-, ute Cough Cure. Suipes-Kinersly Druj: tially false as that; and the superior, j q0 when he takes thought, is as distinctly, nwnre of the fact as the inferior. Hu- inanity is always seekipg equality.. The patrician wishes to be with hit. , equals because his inferiors make bim ! uneasy; the plebeian wishes to be with ; bis equals because his superiors make I him unhappy. This fact accounts for inequality itself, for classes. Inferi ority and superiority were intohirable to men, aud so they formed themselves . into classes, that inside of these classes they might have the peace, the comfort, ( of equality; and each kept himself to nih own class for that reason. W. D. ' Howells, in Century. GEMS OF THOUGHT. TnE street is full of humiliations to the proud. Emerson. AY11A.T we learn with pleasure we never forget. A. Mercier. 1 Patience is the road to advancement in all lines of life. Japanese. , PnosiEr.iTY is a blessing to the good, a curse to the evil. Anon. , Try Schilling's Iieit rea and baking Down- Smoke the popular brands, Prizsilfd' al, Rse Queen and Gnirantee,. For igle by all firgt-c!aB dealers. The best Pfiecific for dandruff and to prevent baldness is Clarke & Falk'a compound quimne hair tonic. 9-1 in One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That Is what It wsls aade lor. The eiyars inanufactureij by S. F i Fonts are all high grade "'oils, nnd are ' placed before the smoking public en tirely 011 their if rile. There is no need of little children be ing tortured by scald head, eczema and skin eruptions. DeWltt's Witch Haze! Salve (fives Instant relief and enrea per luuoently. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co, Ue pre Doirjg feat ar;d rtistie ..priptip.. For treasonable prices. We Print Anj'thing in the J'rinlinc Line. Qiue us a trial. $l?roiicJ pub. Qo. Frank Sherwood was down town to day, the first time since he had hia tus sle with cholera morbus. He says he S drove utiles af ter'he was takersick, and I never came so. near dyinc in his life. . After thja when'he coe out ii i the cwiti- 4iu- nneii ne .ut.. iiui m ttie cuii.i" ..,, ti. i.fu.,f ru o.5,i .i j,,7 ..v. .,, .n w vp.ft c try Culic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Ketneuy with him. Missouri Valley (Iowa1, j Tim ton. For sale by Blakeley & Hon;h Notice to Ciintrncuri. Bids will he received till nobn Jlon- . day, February 21, lSSi, at the office of , U. J. lriUlUall, lor tile tliasltl worfe f'n i tiie Wasco Warehmtse addition. Also bids will lie received hi t h,. crm. nlm- and time for the unijiciiicr vivct. uu iiu- same buildinf ttAEM.NG: Persons who suffer from ScouchS and colds should heed the waru. ings of dancer and save themselves suf fering and fatal resnlts by using One Minute Cough Care. It is an infallible j remedy for coughs, colds, croup and all throat and lung troubles. Snipes-Kin-ersly Drug Co. Cah lu Vuur Cllrck. AH countv warrants registered prior to Nov. 2, 1393, will be paid at my j oiiice. interest cea.es after I-eb. ICth, j ISPS. C. L. Pmtui'S, Countv Treasurer. J. M. ThirswPiid, of Grosick, Tesas, save that when he has a spell of indi grstion, and feels bad and sluggish, he takes two of DeWitt's Little Earlv Kis- ers at night, and he i all right the next ' morning. 3Iany tiiousAtids of others do j the same thinfr. KinerElv Drns Co. Do von' mtpes Womeit autj TVokex Oklt arc mcnt com petent to fally appreciate the purity, sweet ness, and delicacy of Ctmccai Eoap, and to discover new um for it dally. Tockactt, part.)-, and beautify the skin, to allay itch ing and irritation, to beal cbi&ngt, excoria tions, and ulcerative weakness, nothing so pure, so sweet, so spetdliy effective a warm baths with Ccticura Boat, followed, wbn nectwry, by mild appllcatiou of Ccticcca (otnunent), the great skin cure. tfM IhroozlMat th worti. Pri. Crrtccsu, ff. soir. .irxiiTivT, a)e tait II. hm:i Dacu T" Uuwto tntM I.oxarUQt llur," nuSol tnu I B f HCMINCTO.V If S WILSort ill' fNTINOTON A- WILSON, ATTOtlNEVK AT LAW, THK DALLES, OI1EGON Office over First Nat. Dank. TTlIiKD, W. WILfeOW. I M ATTOUNKV AT LAW, i Till-. HALLEi.OP.Eao;. ; OMicuovei First S.U ilnik. I c or - Jut Dontlfl OWXV ONE roMi ClsMiissisa. 2tcn.t box atdruafiauor br so Umiiii fm, addrw tr. 9mS Ca. nils. J a rs. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County- of W acn: ' In the rentier of the estate of W. J. Mcin, dc cvawi. citation: j ;ToJrnw Mein. Carrie McPonaId Ida Hubert i and to all unknown heirs of W ,. Mollis, de-1 ' ceased, greeting j ' In the name of the Slate of Oregon, yon arc' ! hereby cited and tco,ulreil to appear In the 1 County Court of the state of Oregon, for the County of a.eo at the courtroom thereof, at ' Dulles Cltv, In the county of Waco,ou Monday. ' the "Hi day of March, lMes at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of that day. then mid thrre to show 1 cue. If any cxlt. why an otder should not be made authorizing and dim-ting J. l Mollis as administrator of ld estate, to sell the real , ' propertv belonging to the estate nt W. J Mollis , ueceiewl. for the purple t p?''ig the eharves extne and claim a. iiln?; the cintu, which Mild ptopcrtv I dcc-lbcd a follows. t4-wit. The tiurth'ba.f of the northwst tiunrter, the southwest quarter of the nortlmet quarter, the northwest quarter of the j-outhweH quarter the jonth hxlf of the fouthenst quarter, aud the outh half of the oittbwe-t quarter, all in sec j tlnn li, tp 1 outti. raae 12 eit. W. M. i Witness the Hon. Kubort .Mays Judge of the ' 'County Court of the titc of Oregon, for the ' Cuuty of Mtieo. with the mint said court i i altixrd. this llth day of Jannarv. A. !.. , Attest A. M. KKUSAY. I IsfAL) Clerk, j janli-lt STJMMONS. .V THK CinrCIT COCKTof the state of Orc- gou lor Wasco County. Emma Golden, plstnUfi'. I . vs , liewitt (Jolden. dcf"tv!ant. To IVulu (ioiden, the atxive nametl defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are ' hereby requited to appear and aner the com plain: tiled against ynu in the above entitled court nnd cjuscoj or before, the Brt day ot the noit term of said court followlugthe expiration ! of the time prescribed In the order for the pub- UcaUon of this summous, tivwlt on or before ( thellth day of February, lt: and If you fall to so ar jwar and answer, or otherwise plead. In said cause, the plalntltT for waut thereof will apply i to the Court lor the relief piaved lor in the com- plaint tiled herein, to-wlt that the b.md of matrimony exlstins betwesn plaintliV and de- I fendant be dissolved; that the plaintiff be, awardeil the custofly of Ui mltor child men- j tlomil In ald onmiOrtliit. Zola Jiud Ooldrn: ' that the plaintitf have aud reeover her costs and disbursements made and expended in thlt cult, j and for such other and further relief as to the four: may seem equUable. ' Hn.ne.wf by "rir "J. l?'rt' .L ""'"'l jude of said court, which order tieurs dute , im,t..mh..rth. ivjt. and was made and dated at icis summons ii servea upon you ny iuioiut- tember i , r . . .7 ooer la Lane visy. nosrai.ouuiy. uitsou, ticJSthdayofceptembei. 17. on the isi r i;ti . iLsu.". Attorney ior i'lniutltr. II Administratrix Sale of Real Estate. Notice is hereby slvcn that ntider nnd by vir tue of an order of :he I ounty Court of the State nf Ore3m for Waneo i'ountr, made ontheth. .onr nf Jiir niirr. I ii!-., in the matter ot the estate i ' rf"f" w. K. ititieban. de-eit-J, 1 win kII h: I ' P.?.Ui? auction, at the courth, ie dn-ir In iaiiiT I ot ."-enrnary. IL". at i o cloct p. m., to tee tuzn . Li.,,)... . . t T .. , n. ...... u.Tn...H n ....1.1 1 etiiteaud dweritwd as follow, uvwlt- f ... r l- ,1 , f r I.. I Muck C in the Fort DkIIo Jlilitirr Ilese.-va ; Mo? Aodltlon to IiJlc CJty, in said county and The west half of the loutbca? ouarter and the 'outbea? ouarte cat: half of me southwest quarter of section -I in township C uorirA range H cast, In S aco County, Orezun. Ter.ns of sale One-half in cah at time of al- and one-half in six mouths, secured by mortgage on the premlx.-s. iralles City, Oregon. Jan. 27. EMILY II. KINKHAKT. Jan?ii Administratrix. 2C0TICE FOR PUBLICATION. La.nu Orncr. The tnu.r.1. Or..) February l.j, l-fc. 1 Notice h hereby given that the follnwlng uameii tettlei ha tiled notice nf his intention pi make final proof in suptmrt of his claim, and that foid priHjf will b-f made before Kesister and Het-iver at The Dalle:, Oregon, on Monday, t jfi?" April 11, iVJn, viz: lanif-K Hall, of The Uallm, H. E. No. 1717, for the SEi, .NT '3 NEU and NE'4 NEM Sr. 31, Tj. 1 N., K. U! K. NV. M. Ho name-' the lollowing wltneio to prove hN continuous residence uin find cultivation of said land, viz. . -Alexander Vane;, Albert Walters, William Wolf. Frank Obrlst, all of The Dalles. Oregon ! JAS. F, M0CJUE, Begister. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Land OrncE, The Dalle'. Ob , hebruar, 9, lvs t Notice U hereby given that the following nam-d settler has tllttl notlcu of hi? inteutiun to eommute and make final prif In .inpjMirt of hi claim, and that said iinwtf will Li made be fore Kefiiter uiid Itetvlver at The Duller, Ore gon, on TueMlay, Marob l!rt, viz- Oliver lti,Wfrp, uf Th- llulle. H. F.. No. i-07, lor the p'E4 N E'4 and NEj; HEU S-'JI, Tp'-' N. P. 12 K. W ii. He names, the following witnoses tnjirove his contluuniw reafdence uj-on and cultivulion ui saia lana, viz. wtlttam r.ntiner, Ferry VanCarap, Harry Leamfl. II II. I.nrnwl, all of The Dalles, Ore gon. JA F. MOOKE, HewUtcr. ,)"s' iKiSENUoi:Fri:n a- iicedv, j Physiciiins mid Surgeons. i Bjitclal atteiitlon siven lo surgery. Ilooms 21 nnd 2., Tel. as. VtctUIwk Sheriffs Sale. .-lonceis nereiy Kiven tnat urnlcrnud by vlr-f tue of an exe:utlon at.d order of wile Wnued out of the Circuit Court of the htute of Uteeon for 1 the l ounty of Wasco, and to mc (llrtfri.il mul ; delivered, upon a Judgment nd decree renderwi . vember. 1VJ7, in favor of A. II. Joue, plalutiir, and against It. K. Fewel, defendant, for the sum of two hundred mid suveuty-slx and liVICO . winner on irieftiitiuirn Sf,r..rritr n. whereby It was further ordered anil decreed br ! jheLourt that the following deicrlUit ptuirty, liO.r.) dollam. together with Interest thereon, I II 1 Til T 1 t since :a I, I'.; nt llu rate of ten i:r cent n 1 I J a A I it t a n UnnnmT lannuin.and, thirty (mn dollars attorney fti. Hill III K I 1' DP V 1 1 K'sjFir I aiictbelurthersiim of eleven 111, dollars cfrtts,; Mil I 1 1 1 1 111 iNtf I V which said Judgment wa enroll-tl and dwketed "UU 111 I Vl IlUlUUJ It In the olhce of the clerk of said court In said! V ' Heglniiing ut a iolnt J.i.: chains west of the 1 line between sections thlrttive and thirty-six, ' 1,n,,wn,.b.ll' il"t1t'.;l0rtb',' ,an?e ,e" Uait "' '- Uuslnesa Annouoceiuent. Willamette Meridian, being the wetern term inus of the north btiundary Hue of the James I Ifunaon Donation Lund claim, tlient-c north' Ti .,11 , , , , , r,j;.'i chains, thence east r.M chains, thunce ' 1 have " day embarked in the busi south fiM chains, and thence west t.Ki chjius to nujH 0( a toniral liimiranro rnil i.uini,. pla'of u ginning, confining six acres, more , Jfenerai insurance, real estate or less, and ling the same piemlsos sold by the-, and house broker : and also collections Wawo County, Oregon, licisold to satlslv Slid ludirment. attornxv f,-. crtsaiidaecrufngcts.l wlir.Yin iiieidar the sthdayof rcbniary, ii-, at 2 oi.U:k p. m. of siu aay. at trie iroiuiiMir 01 the courthouse In Dalles City, Wasco Co.. Or, jell all therlght.lllle uml luteteat of thesaid F.i K. Feel limud tothe above described proitty, at public auction to the highest bidder lor cash lu ban;, the. pro-1 feeds ansng from said sale to beHppIlefl tothe satisfaction' (if 'tald Judgment, attorney's fee. cM aim aeviuiiig ciui, aim ine surplus. II our 1 tb,f, t. m r. i.m i,,,. .1,,. main until the lurther older of this court. ..... ... ...... ..u ... ...' , 1 1 .. I V. , I c 1 I . T. J, DKIVKK, decJS-1 HberifTof Wasco Countv, Or. ..GHflS. fWt- Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keep' on draught the celebrated COHMHiA IILF-lt. acknowl edged the 1M heex lu The Dalles at the u-uat price. Come In, try l and lc vltieeti. Al-o the Ktii'ft brand of Wines Liquors and Clears. Sandmiches of nil Kindt, always on hand. Patronize the Troy All kind of work. White Shirts a specialty. Family work at reduced rte. Wash collected and delivered free. Telrphour o. 111). H. D. Parkins, Agt, Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL 1 U" 1 L 1 i I 1 II nfrihnin TAH: l'iTTTniAri , YK' lJ 1 1 1 1 1 f I i L' ill's I Ii It Uliir ri ll'lllllfl nv.i iir. LI i.ii.i i II 111 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 II 1 1 rlWIIlfli,! i II UIVU1UUUU1 , UU II U1VI All work promptly a t ten J I'd to, and warranted. 174 VOGT lock FRENCH & BANKERS. CO., TRANSACT A GENEUALB.VS'KING BL'sINEa Letters of Credit issued available in EaBtern States. the Sight Exchange and Telegraphic' Transfers sold on New York, Chicuuo, I St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore-! gon, Seattle V ash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all pointe on fav orable terms. TH E NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION. 18 l'uires a Week. 150 Taper a Year It etands first amonp "weekly" patiers 1 If 1 bitm frwnnunfir f m 1 .1 iim frethnens, varieti and reliability of cor. tents. It is practically a daily u't the low 1 price o a weekly ; and its vat list of j subscribers, extendini; to every state and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of hp news coluintib It is Hnlendidlv illustrated, and unionr Its special features are a fine humor DUL'H. extiauetivp inarknt rptinrta. nil lh' latent laafnoni for women and a Ion . I series of stories by the irreatest Hvinir American and English authors, Conan Ooylr, ilcrmns K. Jeroina, Htsmlry Wruian. Mary K. U'llkltis Antliuny llopo, ltrtH HurtK, , lirauiler Malthf w, Etc. We offer this unefjnaled newHpnperan'd The Dalles Twice-a-Week Chronicle to irether one year for 2.00. The rtuular j pric of the two papers is 13.00, TILLETT i GALLIGAN, WM TILLETT I ........ w ! H. GALLIGAN. . j Kule I'roprir tots of the ,KI,LlinATLI 1 aamjia ai il.t ' TILLKTT & O AI.l.KiA N, I'rops. ' Firat-clne 8 Nursery Stock a Specialty anu ne(i'jtitttini: of loans. I reHjieul fully ,.ll..l. .. it-.. .1 .1 . ... " Blmrc l"e ,uunt: l'"W- ave, my motto ImjIiik "Strict attention to , . , ,, m , .... UaiMeSS." My office is With Dufur & flnfur roouia 23 and "i nsiViH.1,i, ",uur rotiuis m aim .1, new ogt block, The Dalles, Or., where I will be pirated . 1 J7. it 1 1 i i'-""u t0 "ve VW l"ends and ol hers fa Hlid mn slnt anv tuaKum In .. 11 "ee me auoui any matUirs IE mv line. " Kespectfully, W-l W W. II. lit'TTH. kftUPRY TO THE ERST! GIVES THK CI101CK OF TWO Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE, Vl.i- Spokane Salt Lake Denver Omaha Minneapolis , St. Paxil ' Chicago Kansas City Low Rates -to all Eastern Cities OCEAN STKA.MKKS LTr Portland Kert Five liar for SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. ' Steamers monthly from Portland to Yokohama, and Hope Kong via North ern Pacific Meatnshi) Co., in connection with 0. K. A 2s For full details call on O. K i Co. i Agent l The Ualleo. or address IiODSO.S'. CAr.l.ILl. A CO., Gen Agt. North I'nclllc steamship t o. ; TIMRCAltn. 1 No. 4, to BjHitanc and Great Northern arrives atS 'JAp. in., leaves at 5.30 p. in. No. 'i, to I'endle- ' ton, liaker City and I'nion I'nclllc.urrlvesatlJ li p. m., departs at 1'J ,W p. m. No 2, finru ?iHikant3 and Great Northern, ar- ".'V "r-.1?.: f?!"1 f.": 1 from llakir City nud I ulo. I'acltlt', 3 .3 u. ln..detmrtat. .30a. m. m. No. 1. arrives at mm iuik n car'j iu.eui:er. No. 23 arrive, at n. ...,-n, , . , -v -ta Dalles, win 5 ti. la dctmrts at 1 6 p. m. VawiciiRer for IIcppntT take No I, leaving here at 11 15 l. m tt. II. tiCIiUIUUT, Gen. l'aw. Act i'ortlaud, Oregon lit ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. P. S Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining: Cars Sleeping Car HT. TAtri. MtN.VEAI'OLI UULUTII KAICGO XO OltANlJ VOK ClttlOKSTON WINNITKO IIELK.VA an 1MJTTK ' ThPOtiah Titskets CHICAGO WASHINGTON rlllLADKLI'lIlA NKW YIHtK ItOMTON AN1J ALL I'OINTS KA HT and MOUTH ' 'or Information, time cards, mafand tickets W. C. A I, LA WAY. AKent, The Dallea, OreKon Oh A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., AW. Morrison Cor. Third. Portland ore (on ; Dalles, Moro and Antelope STAGE LINE. J Through by daylight via Gram Valley, Kent 1 aud Crowt Hollows. IlOCGLAb ALLEN, Tli- Dalles. V. M. HI11TKLAW, Altelipe. I fitagvs leave The Dalle Irom I'matlllii IIouw; at T h. in., ulao from AtituIot at "I'M a. in. every lf.n,l,.,' ll'.l,w..1.. .....I t.l.t.... j mwlL nt Antelojie for l;rlnorllle, .Mltuhell and ; point neyona. Close c ni.ecilous made at 1 tie j Diillea with railways, trains and boats. I fitage from Alileloj' teach Tliu Ditllea Tiles- ' nurnuays anil eaturuaya ut 1 :su p. in. kjtTKH rip V1I4V Dalles to Dcschub.-s do Moro. do Grass Valley. . . . (1 ifi 1 M i L ! i 'J) 1 ,n 1 ut i Ml 3 Ui I W fi Ui do Cross Hollows. . . . 1 Antelo to Cnmw! Hollows do Kent ! do (irast Valley do Mom. do Deachuee . , ' do Dalles . , me columDia Pacting Co., PACKERS OF PORK and BEEF MAKUKAOTUKKKB ok Fine Lard and Sausages. Curwsol BRAND HAMS & BACON i)K1ED BEEF. ETC. aJl r Ziyi .a