1 I m ill m I U3 Th fhlfoe flafltt ftfumripU ! Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cnre it the Ii WHO IOUJ WBWKK. only positive cnre known to the medical I fraternity. Catarrh bein; h constitu The only Republican Daily AVic;kipi on tional disease, requires a cc-nstitntional Wasco County. : treatment. Hall's Catarrh CureU taken internally, acting directly upon the WekiT clubbing Rmttt. Wood ami mncong surfaces of the disease Chronicle and Oregonian .?2 25 and print: the patient strcn;th by build- Chronicle and Examiner. 2 25 ins np the constitution and assisting Chronicle and Inter Ocean 1.S3 ' nature ia doing its work. The proprte- Cbronicle and Tribune 1 75 , ton have sd much faith in its curative Chronicle nnd X. T. World 2 00 ' P'"' that they offer One Hundred Do iars for any case that it fails to cure. codtt orncuts. 'Send for list of testimonials. Address, County Jnaze Kobt. Mays ' r. J. UHEXKY, x L.O., lolKla, U. "it" m. kIi. ' Sold by druis-ls, 75c. v.-c-, i -Hall's Family Till, are the best. Connnissioners- in s" iri 5 A!!C!M. 'w.ii Avhip'pie In a recent letter from Washington. Sorreror ... . .. .. ..J. B. .olt D. C, to an old friend. Major, G. A. 8apennu;nSca: o! Public Schcolj-.-C. I. uilbcrt - , , . t- - . Coroner w. H. Upn , Studer, for twtnty years L ntted Males , Consul at Sincapore, says : ''While at bos Moines I became acqainted with a "n-incA 1 5'u,uel:t knon as Chamberlain's Pain ( OnelLchor IwlaDiity .l cO raim, wmca i louna. esceneai ngainsi Over two inches acd under f on: Sncbe. ... 1 to! rheumatism as well as strains; soreness i .1 . i i - i oi mruui auu imesi tgiYing me mucu Taking the Medicine. .MMaAMMaAMMaAlttMiHSItHIHtlM 2 111 2 tup Sflli EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route j Weekly Inter Ocean LvJ.I !m Clorfc . -Treasurer AdvertUIng ICate. it w LSRGEST CffiCULiTIOR OP m POLITICAL PAPER IS THE WEST JJ It is radically Republican, advocating But It can always be relied, on 2 the cardinal doctrines of that party for fair and honest reports of all po- u-ith ability and carnestnessOt litical movement' 1 Train leave and arc due to arrive at l'ortUn.1 ! RIVE THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL THE NEWS AND BEST CURRENT LITERATURE It Is Morally Clean and as a Family Paper Is Without a Peer. The Literature of Jts columns is equal to that of the best maga zines. It is interesting to the cbii' dren as veil ss the parents Over four Sncae? and under fwtlve Inches Over twelve Inch? DXH.X AND WEEKLT. One inch or ls, per inch Over one Inch and under four inches Over four Inches and under twelve inches Otci welve Inches easier breathing. 1 had a touch of pneu- jo' monia early this week, and two applica-' l W i chest relieved me of it at once. ? X ' tiona freely applied to the throat and I would 'not be without it lor anything. rjr . st yf ! r . , S7 1 ' .ML THE INTER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and while h brings to the family THE r$EVS OF THE WORLD and gives its readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day, it is in full sympathy 2 vvith the ideas and aspirations of Western people ana discu'ses literature and politics from the Western standpoint.. sieif oi nn-PRifiF nvp nni i n per YFlB-Si.OO TEt DATLT ASD SCTOAT EDITIONS Of THE j I3TF.K OCEAH ARE BEST OK THTOt DH5. "MONDAY - - FEBRITAEY 21, 1S9S; sale by Blakelev & Honjrhtnn. i TIME TO STOP. Ask your Druggist tar & sensresa 10 QENT TRIAL SIZE. CATARRH The course of the administration i -in the Cuban matter is not especially gratifying to the country. There t has been too much of an apologetic I Ely's Cream Balm air towards Spain. The Cuban pol-1 n"0 icy at Washington has not been one j u'cScAtsori to inspire Spam vith respect for the United States. jEvery step taken RELIABLE PHARMACISTS 115 Secoud Street, I !H I " Li S o " o Trlcoof Dailv liy mall .. lrie of Suniluy'tij- mntt . IJaily and umlay by nmil $4.00 per year 63 OO per ypr $0.00 ir ycr irc, lem, Kiwe- ' j itirs, Alllnd, rac- ...nr ! m i rnrocnto. Ofilcnon I l). TO J . M. f rMllc,w Mplarc, f I New urltsiiR and I ri! i i -t iHweliUHt and wny tn-l fVia Wcwdlmrn ri,i( ' .Mt-Aneel, rjUvorUm, CiOITt Sundayi Wvti sclo. Brow ' villf,irlncafld n . i.;ron for) . on, i ind I' J tr.no a. il. (Corvalll (fiUtillllh and way I I P.M Daily except Sundays. :50 V M INDKl'EXDENCE PASSENGER. Express train Dally (except siuiidujj. I.v. ..l'ortlrttiil Ar.) S:2Sa. m I snp. m. 7 so p. ra . :a p. m l.V. ..I'fll sop. ni. M Mwiinnviui i.v v.h. n: Daily. fDaliy, t-xcoj'S MsiKlay. UlNINCi CAItS ON OCIDEN KOL'TE. I Wholesale. czxi. yissoraed. GItm lleuej -'. once. thetfua. hHw. mi n iiu m r a n holiday Improuemeits. t -j . a m m u mm l n t- --i- mr- v . -i has been preceded bV the fear Of gtV- , Heaa and Protect, the Jlera -nee. H:cre- ih9 ?'-Lf XW NL fl I . . r. " , . , I Semes of Tajte and graett. Fall Size Vk. : Tri IVW, ' a yX -A-VtQfi fT 1 I ing onense to ?in, anu ioiioweti oy tizeic.: atir3jii4orrjrrrui. i vav. y-5 I w I FREE. FREE.P If" e) s- V, -We Will Give- j g i "j makes jour ' apologetic assurance of friendly in tentions. The administration appeals to the American people in the name of hu manity to contribute food to the starving Cubans, then apologizes to Spain for doing it by the assurances that there is no intention to help Cuba. It was deemed best, in order to protect American lives and prop erty in Havana, that a United States man of war be stationed ir- Havana "harbor; but before the Maine reached' "that port, word was sent to fcpam j that the arrival of the warship meant absolutely notbins but a desire to resume former friendly naval rela tions. cy one of these excuses and apoligies may be all right from a diplomatic standpoint; perhaps they all are, but the effect and conse quences which followed them have been most unfortunate. In 'spite of the soothing words of this govern ment, the American legation in Ha vana has been the scene of rioting, where the utmost disrespect was shown the American nation and its representatives. In spite of the as surance of this government that the Maine was going on a pleasure jaunt, that vessel has been blown to pieces and hundreds of brave lives tie stroyed how we do not know; but there nre few who do not honestly ! believe that it was the work of Span- I lards. j Even the report that there is act-! ivity in the military and naval sta-1 tions in this country, is followed by a declaration that it has nothing to . do with Spain, and that we love that country as much as ever. All this may be gcod diplomacy, but it is like eating crow to swallow it. Spain has no love for the United States, and we should not deceive f ourselves by friendlv words. This' country is apt to get too good-natured through its easy-going ways. It learned a lesson m lftCl, when by our tempcrizing the southern states were allowed to prepare for a war that four years were needed to settle, when had the North taken reasona ble precautions for preparation, one year would probably have brought it to an end. VTc cannot afford to stand an--! thing more from Spain. Our presi dent has been maligned, our flag insulted, our battleship destroyed. For what more nre we waiting? JWflLtT LiIQUOftS, Klines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER rCLLMAN HI EKKT S1.EE1T.K5 AND ?EC0ND-Cl.A;? SLEEPING CAKa 1 Attached to all Through Trains. ' Direct connection at .-an mnclicp w 1th 0r. dental and Oriental and Paclilc mali teumlj.p Hue for JAPAN and CHINA, jfciliuB dates on ' at pllciitliin. :ntii Mid tieics to Eastern iotntf. and En. HU.NU1.ILU and J. 11. KIHK1.AND, Ticket Acent. Turnnch Ticket OClec, 131 Third Mrcet. where thrntich ticket to Ml jolnt In the Eastern States. Canada and Eurol-e can be obtained at loit rate 1mm J. It. KIUKEANIi, Ticket Acent. AH alx'Tp train arrive at and depart 'row (irund Cuutral station. Filth nnd Irvine street 1 rrnv. AIm JAPAN. CHINA. ACSTUAI.lA.Cfin be obtained Jrnra on draught and in Dottles TAMHII.I. DIVISION. PttnenRcr lciot, loot id JeBcrwHi xlrcct. Ijeave lor 0?WEOO. dRlly, except Sunday a. 7u a. m.; li .D. 1 M, 6.1A. 6:'i. s K ji. ra. (and 11:30 p. ra on Saturday only, and 9 ) a. ra a'id 5:30 p. in. on Sunday onlyj. A-rive at Portland oallv at t: 10 and s:S0 a m. aud i, 1 IS, K:S) and 7 W p. in., (and 10:05 n. in , J Ij 5:11) p. in. on sunday only). Leave for ?hexidnn. week day, at 4.30 p. m Arrive at Portland, i,30 a. m livc for AtULIE on Monday, Wedncydar and Erlnav at Wa. m. Arrive at Portland, Tue dav, Tbunday aud Saturda) it 3.05 1. in. Except Sunday. "Except Saturday. R. KOEHLEU 11 mincer. (., H. MARKIIAM, An St. ti. F. k Pa. Act Anheuser-Btiscli Malt Nn trine, a non-alcoholic i "beverage, xmequaled as a tonic. j M- Subscribers STUBLING & WILLIAMS.: and Persons subscribing and pavinc tjd in ad- pa vine vance for the VL Z. DONNELL, PiESCHlPTIOfl DRUGGIST Yon waEt paper which holidav eniovment ereater. Yon . , j want paper which makes yocr home plasanter'atjall times. You need sncb t t shades and designs as will Rive more , j tt;aaty and more comfort in your home. (We show, yon styles thnt escted any I ever seen here at prices never attempted j TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. j ior such quality. Weekly UDFODIGIS jD W- VAIJSE' Third St-jOpp. A. M. Williams & Co., THE DALLES, OR -A Copy of- forid Reg-ulator Line Illli VrTi Tl :ft Baits, Fortlaol anil Astoria i Navigation Co.' R ll(S)(S) Ebcyclopeaia i DEALERS IX WW kinds of Funeral Supplies Crandall&Buftjet UNDERTAKERS P EMBALMERS The LVIles, Or. Robes, Burial Shoes, Etc. Will Answer Any Qitesiion You may Ask It Standard American Annual. siis. Reffulator & Dalles City : FREIGHT AND PAS3ENUE.R LINE ! BETKEE.V , Tne Da!l, HcA River, Caieade UCK& and Fo:t-: land dally. e-nt -nnflny. PRICE CENTS ( DOWN TIE YALLEI Aie you going ' on to ( EASTERN OREGON?; II jo. sat e moner and enoy & N.nuliful trit on ' I the Culumtda. The Wfrit-Lound train arrives at 1 Tne Ualles in amjufc time (ur in iit-era to Uke , tin.- tkamer, arriving in I'mtland tn time (or the , outguini; routhttm and Northern tMtnn, Ka-if-, I biand jMiaiiugut oriiviiii? in Tr.u Vuilv la time to uie tljeiUH-bouiid train. for (nrther Information applr to ' J. X KAKSKV, Agent. Oai itr!t Ixrc'i. 1'irtland. Orevon. ' Or W t. ALLAWAV. jn. Ast.. The iJuiJua. Oreson ' PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this -well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer Drugs Paints Oils Wall Paper ; Window Glass i ISoipes-Kinersly Drug Go. 129 Second Street, , THE DALLES, OREGON j DOORS, WINDOWS, i SHINGLES. caho has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes FIRE BRICK, j FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. Kolicc of- Executors Sale. 100 Howard IIOO. The readers of tbie paper will be pleated to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Ready Jan. 1, 1393, On All News Stands. t r it M r ctdiwi, win, ifuin ana alter me mr nay Larger, Better, More Complete March. us.iiut private upon the pr , r : lH"i,l)e oll..wln(f described reatl prouvrtv, man nver. as everything to be found in. a ' first-class Dry Goods Store. 'H. (3- Ij 23 ZLsTlsr. 'Tit vtoit vidtly sold Annual Rtftr- inct Book and Political Manual publislid. THE WORLD, Pulitzer Building, New York Notlte l herebr given that Ihe uu(ierigi:fl, eKCUtor (A the catite of Maiimlllau Jleycr, ilc jri, will, irmn and after U 1st day of rern- ionzitiK to Mid falAte.utid ilual1 n Wa.co con n It. Oretrun towlt- l)t two i la lihjct . eiciit (a) in wfcnl i, tnown at Thomj-ion Ad dition Jo ImU i Cltr ' i ifedilaleiTnadeln artorrjanee with an onlr ; , of Itit-tKmiiiy Court n.udetetl nnd eiiurtd the ; (layo: juriu.iry.jyje.uiiu ,ucu 4ie win v: uhjt to confirmation by ld court, the itnru ofaid mI.; to Uivtih or credit, or both. A.NlJliKW KKI.l.KIt, Kxtcctor of the ttitioof liaxuinlllun Jleycr, dtctaicd. JanX-1 C. F. STEPHENS. 1'rw.ldent. H. M. 1IKA'' . Cashi'.-r Subscribe for The Chroinele First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A Ueneral Banking Business transuded Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. KlKht and Tletrrspbic Exchange sold on New York, San Franciaco and Port land. w dihb!otok8. D. P. TltOMfHON. Jmo. B. SCUfXCX, Eu, M. Wiixuva, Geo. A. Lmus. H.M. Bkall.