The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 19, 1898, Image 4

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    Tbt Dalles Daily Chrc&tflfc
Tll: MAI.I.KS,
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cares habitnal
constipation. Syrnp of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
E. S. Otincer is in the city from Hood
Itiver today.
M. P. Isenbere of Hood liiver is visit
ing in the city.
Georpe Orofton of Centreville ia visit
ine in the city.
Colonel J. Patterson is in the citv
from Wasco today.
Jli's Rose Ricks went to Portl. nd on
the Spokane flyer today.
J. A. Djuthit, of the Times-Mountaineer,
left on the early morning train
for Portland.
J. D. Gibson, county commissioner of
Sherman county, is in from his home at
Wasco today.
Fred S. Shoemaker of Pendleton came
up from Portland Friday morning and is
visiting in the city.
Charles Bovnton of Kingsley arrived
on the boat from Woodburn last night
and ieft this morning for bis home ii
.rtiie interior.
J). P. Deer, a former emplove of tl e
racihc txpress Company, at this point,
and who at present resides at Eufns, is
jxi me cuy tonav.
Dr. Hugh Loean went to Portland on
the Spokane fiver today. He goes to
visit his son, Rny, who is attending
medical college in that city.
Victor Schmidt arrived in the city
early this morning from Antelope to at
tend the funeral of his eister, which will
tate place tomorrow atternoon.
Miss Ina Coorjer. of McMinnville. whol
has been visiting the family of D..J.
Cooper in thi city during the winter, re
turned to her home this morning. . J
Mrs. Thos. Kelly and little daughter,
5ernldtne, were passengers on the boat
this morning for Portland, where they
will spend a week with relatives.
MieB May Enright who is at presenW
secretary of the Uolumlua Southern at
Wasco, went through the citv t,n the
morning train on her way to Poitland.
Calvary Baptist church, Elder Wil
burn pastor At 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m,
regular services : Sunday school at 10 a.
m. ; young people's meeting at 0:30.
Lutheran services in the baeewent of
the new church tomorrow as follows :
Morning services at 11:00, Sunday
echoul at 12:10. Class meeting in the
evening at 7:30.
31. E. church, corner Fifth and Wash-
from Itcblag and burning eczemas and other
akin and scalp tortures. Kone but parents real
ize how these little ones suffer. To know that
a warm bath with Odticdiu Soap, and a single
applies tlon of C'UTiouaa (oinunenl), the great
akin cure, will in the majority of cases afford
-Instant relief, permit rest sad sleep, sad point
to a spAedy cure, and not to use I hem without a
jsoment's delay is to tall In oar duly.
T "llev teCunSUs TMiS7Bmsi,ismBs4 fcw.
ington streets, J. H Wood, pactor Ser
vices as follows: Class meeting at 10
a. ui.; morning service at 11 ; Sunday
bcIiooI, 12:20; .Junior League, 4; Ep
worth League t6:3Q; evening service ,
i at i :6V. aii are inviteu. j
I Sunday services at the Congregational '
church, corner Court and Fifth streets,
as usual: At 11 a. in. uiui 7 .ISO p. in. '
worship, and a sermon toy tho pastor, I
W. C. Curtis. Sunday school i mined i
ntelv after the niorn'ne service; meet-
inc of the Junior Christian Endeavor nt
3;30p;'l! ?!,the Y"nR VeiA! So.ei'
etv at 0 :.i0. AH persons not worsbipp nc
elsewhere are cord hilly invited.
HiiHlnexs Aiiiiouiiceuient.
I have this day embarked in the bnsl
i ness of a peneral insurance, real estate
and house broker; nnd also collections
' and negotiating of loans. 1 respectfully
solicit a fair share of the public patron
ape, my motto being "Strict attention to
business." My office is with Dufur ifc
Dufur, rooms 23 and 1M, new Vogt block,
The Dalles, Or., where 1 will be pleased
to have uiy friends and others call nnd
see nie about any matters ic my line.
15-lw V. H. Brrcs.
The best specific for dandruff and to
prevent baldness is Clarke & Falk s
compound quinine hnir tonic. 9-lni
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That it what it mnde for.
Try our one innum squares "Qaeen
Brand" butter, at Dalles CommisEior. &
Grocery Co.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
Cures Piles. Scalds, Burns.
SWhen you eee a good thine push it
along. Therefore call for the Prize
Me ial and Rose Queen cigars.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That Is what It wa. made for.
American Quail That Are Trou
bling Canadian Sportsmen.
The Birds Are So Swift of Wing That the
Hunters Are TJuablo to llag Them
borne Objections to the Yan
kee Invaders.
TVo years ago quail became very
scarce in this part of the province of
Ontario, says the Xew York Sun, and
some enthusiastic sportsmen imported
a couple of bevies from the southern
states and turned them loose. This
year they are reaping; their reward,
though it is not the kind they expected.
That live quail are plentiful everyone
agrees, but up to date very few dead
birds have gladdened the hearts of the
hunters. Whether the feathered col
onists have acquired new habits since
coming under the Uritish flag or have
simply brought with them the spirit of
independence peculiar to the republic
no one knows, but thev are certainly
well able to take care of themselves.
They are wild and wary and unlike the
native Canadian quail are easily
Hushed. When flushed they fly straight
for the thick woods, where it is difficult
to get st them. They think nothing of
flying half a mile to reach a thicket,
and often instead of alighting on the
ground they perch in the trees where i
no dogs can find them. The other daj-!
the sportsman who had most to do with
bringing in the foreigners tramped
about from sunrise till sunset, and, on
being asked the customary question,
What luck?" replied:
"I am a sinful man, but not a liar. I
didn't get a feather. I never saw such
birds. They invariably flushed before
the dogs got within fifty yardt. of them,
and made for tho woods, where it
seemed impossible to find them."
After dinner he lit a cigar and gave
his friends the benefit of his observa
tions. "I don't believe there are more than
a dozen flocks of these imported quail
in the county," he said, "but they
travel around so much they are seen
everywhere, and in that way give the
impression that the fields are full of
them. I asked every farmer I met if
there were any quail about. The an
swer always was: 'Plenty of them. I
saw a big flock yesterday or the day
ljefore.' Now, Iicel sure that many of
these farmers baw the hame flock.
When the little native quails were
plentiful they didu't travel about
much. A flock would make its home
in a cornfield where there was plenty
of food and could be found there or in
a neighboring field at any time. The
dogs could get within a couple of
yards of them before they would rise,
and I never knew them to fly further
than forty or fifty rods, liesides, they
i.ever flew except when dh-.tvrbed, and
when the dogs htrnck a trail they could
find the flock by following it. When
hunted the birds would fly back nnd
forth in a couple of fields, and it was
easy to kill a whole bevy in an after
noon. Of course tuat wus why the na
tive quail got .killed off.
"iJut these new fellows seem to do a
lot of their traveling on the wing. If
a feeding ground doesn't huit them,
they fly to unothcr. lfaM a dozen times
a day my dogs trailed a flock over a
farm only to find that tho birdb hud
flown. I believe each flock now has a
beat of a dozen or more farms over
which it travels, and us the birds are
seen at different times on ull tho farms,
each farmer Jhinlcs he bus a flock liv
ing with him just as in tho past, and
that is the cause of the opiuion that
Modern Treatment of
The latest work on the
by forty eminent American w
physicians, says: "Cod-liver $
oil has done more for the con- $
SUmpttVC than all other rcme-
P" together." It also
2 UTtT-t i U!
says. - i ut. uypupuuspiuiu
ft of lime and soda arc regarded J
by many English observers as
$ specifics for consumption." $
Scott's Emulsion $
i $
contains the best cod-liver oil
in a partially digested form,
combined with the Hypophos- $
te r-F T -in Ttc W
remedy, a standard for a
quarter of a century, is in
exact accord with the latest
views of the medical profession.
Be sure you get SCOTPS
All druggists ; 50c and $1.00.
ftrmr a nnWNP. rh.mi.t. v.w Vn.w
quail are plentiful."
The sportsman who brings home a
bag of half a dozen birds this year does
well, though it was by no means un
usual for a good shot live or six years
ago to make a bag of twenty or thirty.
The men who imported thu quail are
satisfied with the result, even though
they haven't killed many yet, for they
say that nuch wary birds can take good
care of themselves and will in time
become very plentiful Hut some are
dubious of this and say that an old
iashioned hard winter will kill off the
htrangers. The last couple of winters
have been verj- mild. Besides they
have noticed that the birds r.rc rather
stupid and easily killed in cold weuthcr
in fact, there is very little u:,e hunt
ing them on fine day.s. But though
there are some doubters among the
sportsmen they all approve of the at
tempt to restock the county with
game. Col. Denison, of Toronto, how
ever, strongly disapproves of it. He ib
a descendant of the United Empire
Loyalists, and so "truly loyal" that he
thinks there should be a law passed to
keep rebellious American game out of
the country. He sees in litis attempt
to colonize the fields and wood with
Yankee quail an effort to foment an
nexation. PUBLIC
Two Merit
of the Competltlre Eiluca-
' tlonal System.
Ex-Secretary John W. Foster, who
was the confidential adviser of the em
peror of China in the peace negotiations
with .Japan, contributes n paper cn
"The Viceroy Li Hung Chang" to the
August Century. Mr. Poster says of
the viceroy:
"lie does not regard the competitive
educational system of admission to the
public service as a perfect method, and
more than once he has reeommended to
his emperor material niodiii(sitiou.s in
the existing system. But it must be
confessed that it has stood the test of
centuries with much benefit to China,
and its practical operation has demon
strated that it possesses two merit of
inestimable value to any ration; first,
it brings all the oflices of the rmptre
within the reach of the lowest subject;
and secondly, it diminishes the incen
tives to, and oj)jortunities of, corrup
tion and favoritism in securing en
trance into official life. But in China
the competitive examination ends with
the admission; beyond that step promo
tion must come through other methods.
,I.i Hung Chang secured the right of ad
mission to oflico through his assiduous'
application to study, nnd every suc
ceeding step in his upward career has
been attained by hLs own genius and
' The member foi i'.orth-South Blank
shire "Gentlemen, you twit nie with
having turned my coat. Years ago I
supported this measure. Then I hud
a reason, IJut now, gentlemen, I havo !
lost mv reason " And he wondered nt "t'ce hereby given that under and by vir
ioht.inj ri.ahon. inu lie wontiertti at tuc.()f mi c.m,,,,, (i or(ler ()fs,io insuwl out
the deafening bmile that pervaded the of the Circuit Court of tho Htute of Oregon for
meetinir Household Words the i ounty of Wasco, nnd to me directed und
niLciinj,. uutiht-iioui orat,. delivered, upon a Judgment and decree lendered
l suppose tnat it woum tnne a
great deal of ohservation nnd experi
ence to enable a man to pick the faitest
home entered for a race," nhe ren.arhed.
"Yes," replied the man of mournful ex-
rierii-nee "hut thnt iim't. hut vnn nn 1
pern nte, uut inui nm t, niiiu you arc ,
trying to do. Uhat you wapt ik to pick '
the horse that is cointr to w in." !
mi. iiwiat. uiui, ia j,uiiii, ,
li 6 wiuon I
Office ov-r First Nat. Hunk.
-pRKU. W.
i iir. i .vixi-.i,ur.L.uu.
Ofncc ovei First Nat. Ititiic.
iok or "JtirtDon
m weu." i
Cmmitt, 2tcii. a box at drui
Mlior by MU
In the County Court of the State ol Oregon (or
tho County of Wasco:
In tlit mutter ol the estate of W. J, Mollis, de
ceased, eltatlou:
To James Mettis, Cnnle McDonald, Ida Hubert
iinil to all lioMiown heirs of V. .". Mollis, de
ceased, greetltiK
In the name nf the State of Oregon, you nro
herebv oiled nnd rvipilred to npioar In the
Cmiiiiy Court ol the state of Oregon, for tho
Conntr of Wiuen at the cimrtroom thereof, nt
Iiallis'CItv. In the C'omitv of Wiwn. on Monday.
the 7th day of Miiroh, !", tit 10 o'clock In the,
forenoon of that dny, then and there to thou
)K made authorizing and directing J. C. Mollis, ai
JK administrator of said estate, to sell tne real i
eiine, It any exist, wny an outer siiouni not no
lrn'Crty MmiRlin: to the etto ol V, J, Mulus
necni'U'u, ior wie iuriM?t m paying mu mnrk-i-,
cxpcnH"' and rliilm lu'ninst the estate, which
mild uriiiH'Ttv Is described an follows, tin wit. ,
Tho mirth hii.t of the northwiv-t (iimrter, the
southweM iiinrter of the iinrtlnest nunrter, the i
northwest quarter of the southwest quarter, the ,
south 1ml! of the southeast quarter, mid the I
south half of the snuthwe-t quarter, all III see-
tlon V2, tn 1 south, tihibh 12 ea-t, V. M.
Utness the Hon. Hubert Mays, Judged! the
Count v Court of the Mile of Dreeon. for the
County of w 'iseo, with the seal ol said eourt .
atlixed. this llth day of January. A. D.. 1MS.
Attest A. M. KKI.SXY,
1st Ah Clerk.
Jaul5 It
TS THE CIRCUIT COCKTof the Slate of Ore
J. con tor Wnsco Comity.
Kmuin Golden, i!alntlll'.
Hewitt Golden, nefotirtant.
To Hewitt Cioidcn, the above named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint tiled against you In the above eutltlMl
eourt and cause on or before the Ilrst day ot the
next teim of said rourt following the expiration
of the time prescribed In the order for the pub
lication of this summons, to-wlt: on or liefore
the 1 Ith day of February, ISfts and If you fall to
so nt'pear una nnswer, orotnerwise plead, in sum
cause, the plaintiff for want thereof will apply
to the Court for the relief played for in the com
plaint tiled herein, to-wlt that the li.mcls of
matrimony existing between plaintiff nnd de
fendant be dissolved; that the plaintiff bo
awarded the custody of the minor child men
tioned in said complaint, Zola Mmid Ciolden;
that the jilulntltVhave und recover her costs nnd
disbursements niude and expended in this suit,
und for such other and further relief us to the
Court may seem equitable.
This summons is served uinm you bv publica
tion thereof by order of Hon. v. I.. Ilrudshaw,
judge tif said court, which order bears dale of
September :3th, lstC. and was made and dated at
chambers In Lnlles City, Wasco County, Oregon,
on the Ssth day of jjeptemhet, lsl'V.
ii Attorney for l'lnlntilV.
Administratrix Sale of Real Estate.
Notice is hereby given that under and by vlr
tueof an order of Che County Court of theriinic
of Oregon lor Wnsro County, made onlheMh
day of Jmimirv, 1'.IS, in the matter ol the estate
r.f Hr. W. K. itinehart, deceased, I will sell ut
public auction, at the courtly use door in Dalles
City, In said county and state, on the 2sth day
of February, lvJi, ut 1 o'clock t. m., to the high
est bidder, nil the real estate belonging to suld
cstiiteund described n follows, to-wlt:
Lots A, 11, C. I), K. F. G, 11, I, J, K nnd h in
IWock ui. ill the rort Dalles Military Iteserva
tlon Addition to D.Ik's City, in said county and
The west half of the southeast quarter nnd the
east nan oi tne soutnwesi quarter ot section
in township 2 north, ranee 11 east, in Vtusco
County, Oregon.
Terms of sale One-half in cash ut time of
sal und one-hulf In stx months, tecured by
mortgagee!! the premises.
Dalles City, Oregon, Jan. 27. 1S9S.
jan'JD-ll ' Administratrix.
Land OrncE. Tut Dalles, Or.,j
February 15, ls'.'s. j
Notice Is hereby clvcn thut the following'
named cetlct has riled notice of hl intention
M make until proof in support of his claim, mid
thnt suld proof will bi made before Register and
I'.ecclver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Monday,
April 11, 1S'J3, viz.
tlulllxK flail, of Tim Ilullrs,
II. K. No. 4717, for the SE.'i XV, H'.j N i'M and
NK,t NEJi Sec. 31, To 1 N K. 12 K. W . M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
ni continuous resiueucu upon unu cultivation
of said lund, viz.
Alexander Vance, Albert Walten, William
Wolf, Frank Obrist, all of The Dalles, Oregon
1911 J As. F. MOOKE. Register,
I.AMIJ Oftice.Thk Dallks, Or.., j
febrnary, , Ihifi. )
Notice U hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to commute and make linnl proof In snpjHirt of
his claim, nnd thut said proof will be made be
fore ilevister and Receiver ut The Dalles, Ore
gon, on Tuesday, March 22, Iw., viz - -Oliver
ISownr, of The Uulles,
H. E. No. f07, for the HEU NE.L and NEW HEli
S-0 2l,Tp2N, K12E, Wit.
He names the fidlowiug witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
f said land, viz:
William KurTiier, Perry VanCamp, Harry
i-eurncd. II JI. U-arned, h1 of The Dalles, Ore
gon. JAS. F. MOOKE, I'.eglster.
Physicians aud Surireoiis,
Slvclal nttcutloti given to surgery.
Rooms 21 und 22, Tel. ZA. Vogt Illock
Sheriff's Sale.
aim entemun suia cour t on tne Mh day of No-
vimj.:i, iuti u luvui iii .v. ii. unites, piaitiuu,
and against R. E. Fewel, defendant, for tho sum
of two hundred and seventy-six and 2.1 100
i270.25) dollars, together with interest thereon,
annum, and thirty (:l dollars attorney fees;
m!u. ",u 'Hf'."u.r "'"" eleven in;uonars costs,
whI(!ll mM jllrtement was cnroll-d und docketeil
In the ollico of the clerk of said eourt In said
county on the 8th day of November, 1M7, und
whereby it wus further ordered and decreed by
t lif tit nt f liar llin t. . kl.. .lt.. .1 .
.... ,,., ,.,, .v .uiiuniui, uenou iiruiKirir,
., Hvgtntiing ut a point 18.29 chains west of the
line between sections thlrtv.llvn uml im.i,-.i
I in township three north of rungo ten east of tho
'Willamette .Meridian, being the western term
Inui of the north boundary line of tho James
.lluiuon Donation Land Claim; thence north
(i.fe."i chains, thence east KM chiilns, thenco
i south CM clinlns, und thence west h.M chuiim to
plaet-of b-glnnlng, containing six acres, more
or less, and being the same premises sold by tho
tail A. B. Jones to tho suld K. E. Fowol, In
i Wuico County, Oregon,
be told to satisfy mid Judcinont, attorney fees.
ctv uua accruing costs, I will., on Tuesday, the
flth day of February, ifi'jo, ut a o'clock p, rn. of
said day, at the frontdoor of tho courthouse In
Dalle City, Wasco Co., Or.,ell all therlght.Htlo
and Interest of the said K. K. Fewel In and to tho
aixivo described property, at public unction to
the highest bidder lor coah In hum, th pro
ceeds arislnir from said sale to be applied to the
iailsUotion of Mid Judgment, atlornoy'ii fee,
coats and accruing coau, and the aurplui, If any
there be, to be paid into court, and there to re
main until the lurtber order of this court.
dec22-I Sheriff of Wasco County, Or.
..GflAS. F-W..
and Fanmcrs
Keeps on draught tho celebrated
COl.l'.MlUA Ki:it, acfciiowl
cdKed the best lieor In The Dalles,
at the tiMial price. Come In, try
l and be rir vltirvd. Al-o the
Finest brands, of Wines, Liquors
and Ciirars.
of all Kinds always on hand,
Chickens Dressed to Order.
Promt Delivery to any part
of the city.
'I'iione 12. Third and Washington Sts.
Patronize the
All kind of work. White Phlrts n seelalty.
Family work ut reduced r. tes. Wash collected-
and delivered free, Tolrplmue io. 111).
H. D. Parkins, Agt, 1
Harry Liebe,
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
LetterH of Credit issued available in the
EuHtern States.
Sight Exchance and Teleirranhit
Transfers sold on New York, Chicauo,
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and variouE points
in Oregon and aahintton.
Collections made at ull nointe on fav-
orable terms.
IK rage a Week. 1D6 1'apert a Year
It stands first nmong ''weeklv" naners
in size, frequency of publication
freshness, varietj und reliability of cor.
tents. It is iiractleallv a dallv ut the lo
price o a weekly: and its vast lit nf
snhscriherB, extending to every state and
territory oi tne union and foreign coun
tries, will vounh for the accuracy and
fuirness of its news columns.
It is splendidly illustrated, nnd nmnni'
Us special features are a fine humor
page, exhaustive market reports, ull the
latest fashion for women und a Inn
series of stories by the greatest livinv
American and English authors,
Conan Jloyle, Jerome K. Jerome,
Htaiilvjr Weymau; Mary E. Wilkin
Anthony Hope, Mret Harte,
Brainier Malthewa, Ktc.
We offer this uneonaled nssansnprnnil
Tho Dalles Twice-a-Week Chronicle to.
Bother one year for 2.00. The regular
price of the two papers ie $3.00.
Hole I'roprletot nf the C'ELEHKATKI)
Hood River Nursery,
Firnt-cltm Nurwy Stock a Specialty
TO tiii:
TWO Transcontinental ROUTES
Salt Lake
St. Paul
Low Rateslto aii Eastern Cities
OCEAN NTKAMKKN l.rav I'tirtlaud
Every Five Day tar
Steamers monthly from Portland to
Yokohiwnn and Hong Kong via North
ern Pacific Steamship Co., in connection
with O. K. & N.
For full details cull ou O. I'. A Cn. A Rent
The Dulles, or address
HOIteO.V, CAI'.l.lI.L, ft CO., Gen. Acts.,
.North I'aclllc Steamship Co,
No. 4, to ?iikulie und Great Northern arrives
ut5:'J.'ip. m leaves at fi::t0 p. m. No. 2, to Pendle
ton, linker City and t'uioii i'acltlc,arrivesatl2:t5
, p. in., departs at 12 MO p. in,
I No :!, from pokuuo und Great Northern, ar-
rives at 6 .V) a. m., departs ut li.Xi n. m. No. 1,
, Irom ilakir City and Cnloi I'aclllc, arrives at
I 3:2:1 a. in., departs ut :i -.") u. m.
N'is. '1 and 21, moving east of The Dalles, will
I carry passengers. No. 23 arrives nt f p. in.,
' departs ut 1 - li p. m.
I'asseiiKcrs for Hcp'pner tnke No 2, leaving
. here at 11 13 p. m.
W, 11. UUKUiritT, Gen. i'ass. Agt
Portland. Oreeon
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Car
(iltAMI rou
Through Tirskets
For Information, time cards, map and ticket,
cal on or write to
W. C.
The Dallta, Oregon
I). CHARLTON. AsBt. G. P. A.,
iSS. Morrison Cor. Third. Portland Oreon
Dalles, Mora and Antelope
Through by daylight via Grass Valley, Kent
and Cross Hollows.
C. At. WIIITELAW, Antelope.
Stages leave The tlalles Irom Umatilla House
at 7 a. in,, also from Autelorai at 7::w a. m. every
.iiuiiuiiy, iieuiiesuay nun r riuuy. C
inudc ut Antolojro for I'rlpevllle, M
i ,,..-. .. . . .1.. - ,
1'rlni.i'ill,. Mllnliiill und
Hilnts beyond. Close oi nnectlons made at The
imuea wun railways, trains and boat.
Stages from Antelope reach The Dalle Thus
days, Thursdays and HaturdayH ut 1:3) p, m.
Dalles to Deschutes ,.1 00
do Moro.. l W
do (Iras Valley 'J '.'S
Ho Kent a is)
do Cross Hollows I 60
Antelope to Cross Hollow . . . 1 M)
do Kent a U)
do Grass Valley .8 00
do Moro a W)
do Henchuces, . Jitl
do Dalles 6 uu
Tire GoiumBia packiogco..
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curersof BRAND