The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 19, 1898, Image 3

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We cordially invite you to an exhibition of
Corsets, by Miss P. Keppler of New York, an expert
Corset Fitter, who will remain in the city for this
week only.
The Dalles
Dalles vb. Wilnmottes.
At the Fuir Grounds on
Tuesday, February U2d.
Dry llr wood nt Muiur St Benton's. Kit,
Leave your ordor for dry fir wood at
The Dalles ComtiUHBion it Grocery Co.
Sauer krnut at Muter St Beuton'B. f-Ut
The weather forecast for tonight is
fair; tomorrow, probably snow, and
Elder Itoltz will preach nt 3-MUe next
Tuesday evening, Feb, 'J2cl, at 7 :30. All
are invited.
Clarke St Fulk's ltosefoam tooth wash
is the beht to keep the teeth and l'Uiiib
clean and healthy. 9-lm
Leave your orderB for fieh, poultry,
game, irodiu:o and groceries at Dalles
Commission and Grocery Co. tf
Seeds that were planted lato luBt
epring have sprung up this month in
in Sherman comity gardens, says tin
Moro Observer.
Purchase your tickets for the foot ball
game between the The Dalles and Wil
lninettea. It protniscH to bo extremely
exciting and a close game.
The funeral of Mies Editli Schmidt
will take place from the family resi
dence, cm Third street, tomorrow after
noon at 2 o'clock. Friends of the family
invited to be present.
Mrs. Charles Phillips, who has been
to San Francisco purchasing millinery
Ifooda, returned home last night. She
1ms secured a complete line nnd Invites
her ninny patrons to give her a call.
Services at the Christian church.
Ilegiilnr service ut 11 a. in., evening
"arvtcu at 1) :;I0, By request, liov. Boltz
will repeat the subject, The Present, In
torniediate and Future State of Man.
Two men, suspected of the murder of
tlo man thrown from a train near Cen
'fl Point, Tuesday night, were arrested
at Koacburg by City Murshal Dillanl
early Thursday morning, after eomu
Yesterday The Dalles Conimlsaion
urocery Lo. purchased tlio establish
meat of Varnoy & Co., in this city, and
,lMlr it will be run under the Buper
Walon of Peter Stadlomun of the Com
mifealoti Co.
The big strike made by I. Guker near
wnyon City auems to grow richer as it
Is developed. During the paHt week lie
washed out several . hundred dollara
worth of gold, and there ia as much
moro in sight.
The stained glass windows for the new
""ioiio church huvo arrived and uro
'K put In place, Outside of the win
"own and part of the furniture, the
c''urh is about cnmiilntu nnrl will 1m
dedicated on March 17th.
Contractor Ol nn hoi Itifsirtiwift llm A a
JO' an ttmt in another month the As.
lorla railway will be iiultued. He says
ry VEHIIUAUY 10, 185)8
j-r n -
"there will bo no difficulty in getting
the truck dow n in time for the Repub
lican state convention, April 14."
In the SuBanville mining district
everytning is Btirrlng since the mow
has begun to melt. Proprietors of
plucer mines are getting everything in
readiness to take advantage of the early
water supply. Large returns are ex
pected. Tickets are on sale today at the Snipes-
Kinerely Drug Co.'e for the Old Folks'
concert Tuesday night. Admission 50
cents; no extra churge for reserved
seats. Children 25 cents, unless occu
pying reaerved seats, when full price
will be charged.
Extra chairs will be put in the opera
house for the school children's celebra
tion of Washington's birthday, which
will taku place Monday, and every
effort will be made to find Beats for and
entertain ull. A cordial invitation is
extended to the general public to attend.
The I. O. 0. F. boys had u very enjoy
able meeting last night. They received
one member by card, and two proposi
tions for initiation were handed in. A
icommittee waa appointed to piepare
an entertainment for next Friday night,
and they are pure of Kuccesswith Adolph
Phirmun as X. G
and J. It. Blakeney
aa V, G.
Yesterday the
still, and during
river came trfa stand
tho nighfit fell abodt
eighteen inches.
Last nutut the steamer
DalleB City landed
rther up than
usual, and this mo.
ling tier now
stuck fast in til
mud, bo that it was
with difficulty t
the boat was backed
oil' the sand into which it had settled. .
A movement is at present on foot
pair Union street irom tne rauroau iracK
to the cut. This is a commendable move
and should bo encouraged by the prop
erty owners. It will take but a trivial
sum from eacli property owner
this street to put in linn shape
would provo u good investment
and it
in the
Tonight tho last four games of
ll,0 I
sixteen game totirnuuient between tho
club team and that of tho Umatilla
House will take place at tho Umatilla
IJuusu alleys. In the four games already
played tho club boya have an advantage
of 121 pins. Tonight tho Umatilla roll-
ra will have the advantage of their own
illeya and will probably do better..
The Dalles footbull team will play u
iraoticu game tomorrow forenoon at tho
fair grounds. Spectators who wish to class 20.00. To Chicago, first class fJl. -see
tho hoys go through tho maneuvers 1 50, fecoud class $20.50. To St. Louis,
will bo admitted free of charge. TIih j (list class $32.50, second class !r27.50. To
boya report tho team in very good con-1 New York and Boston, $40.00, sec
dition, and ovoryouo who feels an in-, ond class $30.00 For further particular
teruHt in our homo team wait witli im
patience tjio remilt of Tiiunday's aino
MIhh l'ruiicls K. Wlllard, president of
Aho Women's Christian Temperance
IJnloii, died shortly lifter midnight, Fri
llav nioriiinir, ut the Ilotel Jaiiplrei
h'ew York CitySnowas tho lounuer
Lnd for many years president of the W.
O. T. U. Miss Willurd was a remarka
ble diameter, being educated in science,
literature and art, and has been at dif
ferent times during her life elected to
numeroua responsible positions. She
has traveled a great deal and was a
woman of vast experience and knowl
edge. A telegram to the Oregonian yesterday
from Chehalis save: "No. 203, the
South Bend passenger and freight train,
this afternoon ran into a freight train in
the yard here. No one was hurt, but
the passengers were severely shaken up.
Both engines will need repairing before
they can be used again. A couple of
box cars were smashed. It cannot be
determined who is to blame for the ac
cident. A lively runaway occurred yesterday
afternoon. George Kellar's horse, which
was hitched to a meat cart, started
down Second street from the Eaet End
at a lively rate and attempted to take a
short cut over the cement walk at the
corner of French's bank. In crossing
his feet slipped and ho fell, causing a
general mix-up. The horse was un
latched as soon as possible and the
wreck cleared. The cart was badly
broken, but otherwise no injury was
done, trie driver being off the wagon
when the horse started.
Hie .Jubilee Mretlnc I.ant Night.
A large audience greeted Bishop and
Mrs. Cranston at the "jubilee services"
ast evening at the Methodist churcli.
The ground of the rejoicing was the
success of the past year. The report of
the special treasurer, Mr. Smith French,
showed that 2.05L10 had been raised
lUHi applied on the indebtedness of the
church during the past thirteen monthe.
Furthermore the running expenses are
tore-Apaiil in lull up to February 1st.
Wo feel it proper to state that owing
to the fact that the bishop did not arrive
until tho last evening train, giving only
a few moments for consultation, and the
extreme weariness of tho bishop, we
were much disappointed in not having
a Thanksgiving address. This interfered
with the jubilee part of our service.
However, we feel that our meeting was
u biesBed success, and the
work for the
next year opens grandly.
J, II. Wood.
Vuur Chime tn (Jo Kimt.
j The following low passenger rates will
, be given for immediate use via the U, It.
i& N. from Tho Dalles to St. Paul.Minno-
apolis, Kansas City, St. Joe, Omaha and
Council Bluffs. Fust class $25 00, second
call on Jus. Ireland, agent, ino wanes,
Oregon. tf.
'Jim Aliiiliirn Way
Commends itself to tho well-informed,
o do pleasantly and ellectually what
fortnaly done in the crudest manner and
disagreeably as well. To cleanso the
system and breuk up colds, headaches,
and fevers without utipleasant after ef
fectB, use the delightful liquid laxative
remedy, Syrup of Figs. Mude by Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co.
During January and Feb
ruary wo will, give to every
person buying One Dollar's
worth of goods at our store a
chan'co on a Sixty-Dollar
Which was manufactured
by the Michigan Stove Go.
Drawing to come off the 28th
day of February, 1898.
School Children 'Will Celebrate
itiEton'h ISlrtliday, Monday
y Fefc
t Hil
In tho afternoon the Last liitl prim
ary pupils will assemble at the Academy'
Park grounds and all other Xnipils at
their respective school building. The
pupils will form in double file on Union
street, and at 2 p. m. begirl the march
for the Vogt Opera H ousels follows:
First division Highschool, eight
grade, seventh grade,
Second division Miss L. Rintoul's
department, Miss Cheese's department,
Miss Ball's department, Miss Snell's
Thiid Division Miss Flinn'sand Mrs.
Baldwin's department, Mrs. Roche's de
partment, MisB N. Cooper's department.
Fourth division Miss Kowe's depart
ment, Miss Phirman's department, Miss
E. Cooper's department.
Following is the program to be ren
dered at the opera house:
Chorus "Welcome Festal Morn."
KIhr Salute.
Song '-The King of the Free''. .Double Quurtet.
KhMiy The Character and Home Life of
Wellington Mabel Collin's.
Mureh of the Ked, White and lllue
Eighteen glrlK from Hunt Hill Primary.
Itceltiition "I Would Tell of Washington. . .
Five Hoys.
Soug "Our Fhig Colorh" Prlmury Pupils.
EbMiy "Wnshliiglou us a Soldier. . Violet Kent,
Song "Soldier's Chorus" ..... .I.yrle Quartet.
Itecltntlou "Washington's Dlrthdiiy". .
Hugo Hoylo
Jtecitutlon "Something Hotter" Leomi Sexton,
c; ... ( "We'll Ptinidbv the Flag". Chorus by bos
buK j ..would Vim l.Iko to Know?" . .llygirlh
Itecitatlon "One Little Hatchet" .
Nell McXmmiru.
Flag Song Pilmury Puidlh.
Concert Kxcielse uud Costume Drill
Twenty-seven Hoys anil Girls.
Address Washington us-a Statesman
Charles Campbell.
Grecian Poses Especially prepared by Miss
Johannesscn.) Twelve Gills.
lteeltiition "Our Flag" Willie Lynch.
Itecitatlon "The Days of Washington". ..
James Huntington.
Solo "Washington'' Hattle Cram
Declamation "Tribute to Washington" ...
, Walter IlcavU.
Chorus meriea.
Itrnollltloii on the Di'iilll (if .liuoll I'l ll.
HniiUH, Jas. W. Nhsmith Post,
Whkhuas, Our comrade, Jacob Kril.,
lias finished the weary inaicli through
life; laid aside hia knapsack and wen
pons of warfare, and unsweied to tho
bugle call from the shore beyond, where
those who huvo fought a good fight ie
ceivo their reward, be it
Henohed, That as wo continue tho
march toward our last camping ground,
wo shall miss from our side ono who was
over foremost in tho ranks, facing shot
and shell bravely for the right; and that
as we meet in council we shall look in
vain for tho cheering, kindly suiilo of
our lost comrade.
Resolved, That though unlike our
brave Generul (Jri'nt, by whose side ho
inarched in other days, he had not at
tained to such renown ; yet as he per
formed faithfully Lhe duties of a hum
idor, station, his name shall be immor
tal, for "to live in the hearts of those we
leave behind, is not to die."
Resulted, That while we shall meet
and we shall mies him, we do not forget
W in
We have strictly First-Class
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To "be sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
Phone 25. J. T. Peters & Co.
those who are compelled hour by hour
to Eee the vacant chair of one who was
not a comrade alone, but a loving hus
band and the kindest of fathers. To
these we would extend all the sympathy
which mortals can express, and com
mend them to the great General of the
Resolved, That these resolutions be
spread upon the minutes of our Post,
and a copy be sent to the daily papers
of the city ; also to the family of our de
parted comrade.
Late dispatches from Paris state that
Zola'a chances for acquittal are very
A special received this morning states
that the cause of the accident of the
Maine has not yet been discovered.
Another big cut was made in railroad
rates yesterday, and at present the rates
to New York are the cheapest ever
It ia announced from Washington that
the first contract for a public building
at Portland will be placed on tho market
in one week.
It is reported that the order ot tho Do
minion government that all miners go
ing into the Yukon country without pro
visions to lust a year be turned back,ha3
been withdrawn.
Spain lias ofiicially disclaimed in a po
sitive manner the reflections contained
in the Do Lome letter, an as otiicially
announced by tho state department yes
terday tho incident is satisfactorily
At first tho Spanish refused to allow
Captain Slgsbeo to examine tho Maine
without the assistance of Spanish divers,
but they have finally yielded, and Cap-
Sigsbee is at liberty to act as lie pleases
about tho matter.
After a spirited debate occupying more
than two hours, the senate yesterday, by
a vote of thirty-four to twouty-nino,
agreed to tho resolution of 'lurpio de
claring tho senate's opposition the sale
of the Kansas Pacific.
The debate on tho bankruptcy bill
iiraggeu aiong iistiessiy, in mo uouse yes
i t i ii .i
terday, intereetin it being overshadowed
as Tuesday, by the Maine disaster. Tho
speeches on the floor attracted almost
no attention, and wore delivered in most
instances to a handful of members.
No! Ice lo I'linti'iti'tiirH.
Hids will be received till noon Mon
dav. February 21, 1898, at the office of
O. J. Crandall. for the mason work on
tho Wasco Warehouse addition. Also
bills will bo received at tho same place
and time for tho carpenter work on tho
same building.
Tit tliiio u Uolil III Ono lluy.
Take Laxative Uromo Quinine Tub
lets. All druggists refund the money If
they tall to ctirf. -'&,
You can't cure consumption but you
can avoid it and euro uny other form of
throat or lung trouble by the use of One
Minute Cough Cure. It cures quickly,
Thut's whut you want. Snipes-Klnors-ly
Drug Co,
Ten Minute
Do You
Catch On?
No more cold ovens.
Plentv of hot wnter,
and a great fuel waver.
Have one put in your
stove by
ffeat ar;d
For leasogable
We Print Anything in
the Printing Line.
Qiue us a trial.
Qr)ror;i;l pub. So.
'.Then I'll u Friar lie." Tho song.
"What! Yon become a nun, my dear;
then I'll a friar be," has been one of tho
niost popular songs foi malo voices over
written. The tendency to do asotheia
do is strong In many ways in Mfc. Your
neighbor has a piano, Why not you?
Always a HOOD Investment, piano is
u I1KITKU investment just now Hum
over before,
Book St Olusic Company.
The cigars inanufiictureil by K. F.
Fouls are all high grade goods, and are
placed before tho smoking public en
tlrely on their inerltH.
Everybody leads Tub Ciiuoi.nick.
Ue fire Doing 1$5