Tbt Dalles DtHy flM-ntec!; TBE DAM.ES, OKKOOIS ONB ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is takcu; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gentlr vet promptly on the Kidneys, laver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispelB colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agrecabloBubstances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL iOUISVlUS, KT. NEW YORK, H.t. I'CItS INAL MENTION" T. H. Greer of Antelope is in the city. S. G. Dorris is down from Wasco 'to day. Mrs. A. K. Tutor of Dufur is in tie city today. Duff MoCarty is a visitor in the city from Antelope. Mrs. Truman Bntler returned last evening from a short visit in Portland. Rue Newland wa9 among the passen ger s for Portland on the Regulator to- A T n.,f... ( r.. (. : :.. 1 his way to Portlaud to visit his family who reside in that city at present. . J Mrs. Cbas. Stubling was a passenger lor rorciana tins morning, fctie will return on the 5:20 train this evening. Frank Coleman of Gervais, Marion county, who has been visiiing friends in thib city, returned to his home on the Regulator this morning. DIED. Omar Nathanael, son of Eugene and Mary Pratt, died at Wamic, Wasco Co., Oregon, February 18, 1898, aged 4 years, S months, and 13 days, after a painful illness of twentv-four dav-i. Advertised I.HItum. Following is the list of letters 'remain ing in the postoffice at The Dalles un called for February 18, 1S9S. Persons calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised : Aberdeen, J T Allen, David .Alary, MonsureRoch Bland, MrChas .Bowies, Mr Sam Campbell, M V Cocks. Fred I DeanMrs Ifabella(2) Edgerly, Mr Jamee Frover, H D Gardiner, ftenorita Goes, JXT Jones, Mr Ed Kohler, Charles Jvelley, Mr .lames Larisch. F A Langhlin,MissLizzieLiHter, Miss Kate .McDonald, Millie MeCoy, Mr Jim SlcCowan, Jo'mie Mildred, Rev S M Miller, J H Moneban.Mr Sam Pearson, Mr Andy Pierce. Mr Roy Pa, Welch Mc Rice. Mr Walter Robertson, Mrs Joe Spicinger, Mrs M J Ibomae, Mrs J L Tay, Joseph L J. A. Ckossen. Thro ugh HiurlKt Cum to St. Iouls. A tourist sleeping car will leave Port land every Monday via Missouri Pacific and every Wednesday via the Burling ton route at 8 p. in.; and The Dalles at 11:45 p. m. via the 0. R. & N., through Salt Lake and Denver, without change to St. Louis, nnd under the supervision of experienced conductors. No change of cars to Kansas City or St. Louis. Keep this service In mind when going East and consult 0. R. & N. agents or address W. H. HuitLiiuitT, Gen. Pasngr Agt., Portland, Or. A CALL. The Wasco County Republican Cen tral Committee will meet at the court house in The Dalles, Saturday, Feb. 19, 1898, at 2 p. in., for the purpose of issu ing a call, appointing delegates, and making all necessary arrangements for holding the primaries and Republican county convention. A full attendance is desired. J. M. I'atteiisox, February 8, 1898. Chairman. Wahkiko : -Persons who suffer from coughs and colds should heed tho warn ings of danger and save themselves suf fering and fatal results by using One Minute Cough Cure. It is an infallible hAn remedy for coughs, colds, croup and all throat and lung troubles. Snlpes-Kln-eraly Drug Co. DeWitt's Little Early Risers, The famous tittle- pills. Tour Liit dinner. All nruatives now in my possession made by Mr. Houghton or I). C. Herrln prior to Jan. 1, 1S!)5. will bo destroyed. If-ouwish 1o duplicate prints, orders must be placed before March 1st. CiirFOKD, Photo. Artist, febl-lm Chapman Mock. You can't cure consumption but yon j can avoid it and cure any other form of I throat or lung trouble by the use of One i Minute Cough Curu. It cures quickly. That's what you want. Snipes-Kiiiers- ly Dmc Co. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That Is what It was made lor. Smoke the popular brands, Prize Med al, Rose Queen and Guarantee,. For sale bv nil lirst-class dealers. Try Scullllnir"". nest ' ' ....liig powiio. Everybody reads The Ciikolnice. Heraldry. In nil civilized iorerjrn nations t knowledge of heraldry is considered by many an important clement in higher refinement and culture; in earlier days, according to Thackeray, it 'formed part of the education of most noble ladies nnd gentlemen." In architec ture, literature nnd the line arts, her aldry is a powerful adjunct and the correct application of its rules is just as surely required as other detail of such work. Even trilling attention to the rudimentary lows of this great sci ence might have prevented many blun ders, unfortunately but too indelibly recorded through the indifference or ignorance of architects, authors and artists. This, alas, is especially the case in America, and the necessity for some law and order has become apparent. That we have had a recognized heraldry almost from the date of the country's settlement cannot be denied; and, though its precepts have long been dis obeyed, the time has arrived when peo ple begin to recognize this fact and jeek instruction upon the subject. Eu gene Zieber, in Lippincott's. Cleaning Tobacco Pipe. There arc so many smokers in the world that any new recipe for cleaning pipes is sure to find readers. Tho Mex- ican gypsy has a- simple way. Filling ., . r J. , .... r x , the pipe bowl with nguadiente, he stirs the liquid until it is thick with the , reeking nicotine, and then throws the devil's broth down his throat, with a smack of the lips that tells of supreme ' rusto. This is economical, but not so desirable to people who are not Med- can gypsies as the following, which was sent to a leading journal, "not as' a scientific discovery," but because it, might be "of use to those scientific men who are smokers:" "A shallow cork or, still better, a rubber stopper through which a hole is bored large enough to enable it to fit tightly on to the nozzle of a joda water siphon, is fitted into the bowl. The nozzle is in serted, the mouthpiece directed into a vessel, about a wineglass of soda forced through, and the pipe is clean." ROUND ABOUT ENGLAND. Two thousand Latter Day Saints mis- f-ionane.s are saiu to be in l-.nt'lanu just notv. lostjuitoes have appeared thiss-eaf-on n l'nfrland. It is supposed they made their v.ny across the Atlantic in a cnr,i of lumber. Only 11 per cent, of the larger and f.ve percent, of thesmall'T Knfflishpold (inns near an earlier ttate than 1H7I). The clean appearance of IiritLsh coins ii (ilwavB a deli''ht to a foreigner. Thus is true lib well of Canadian coins. The number of unmuzzled dop seized in the streets of London between Iel- -t:ary 1 and .lune in vert 20,1)-);, und uf thoe -J.DC2 were claimed at the police Motions. The numlwr of cases of. rabies 'roni the bcyinninfr of January to .Tune 's v.as 100. llediut-ham castle, the "Essex Ktront,-- hold of the earls of Oxford, and pro nounced to be the finest Nnrtnar. Keep in the world, is in the marhetand will hortly be put up nt auction in a London saiesrcom. Here Queen .Matilda is ,en ally believed to hate tiled, and Henry IL's visit to the property is well known ,;: history. FOREIGN PICKINGS. Urusscls wound up contains a clock which is by the wind, nnd never bv human hand's. Koil was brought up from the depth of feet, from a coal mine in litlgium, nnd from it fprouted v.etds o; a sjyfeitf unknown to tiie botanist. foreign Jews without distinction of callirg will 1m.- rdruitted into Hu-isin until further nnt''.'C, nfier Inn ing their pii.ssiorts visi!d by liussiitn fonsuls. A liudtt-lVsth journal notes the fact that S'.'.OCO sea.son tickets were sOId far the millennium exposition in that city, while at the Inst Paris exposition only 10,01)0 were sold. The citizens of Weifibaden Intend to buy the neighboring hunting seat of Platte and present it to thet-ennfin- in peror, wlio recently expressed gi eat ad miration of the forests that clothe -he Tniinub mouutuiiis, and intimated a desire to spend some time there every year. Uelre Doing fleat aid Artistic ..priptii.. For Reasonable prices.- Wo Print Anything in the Printing Lino. (Jive us a trial. tyroi?. pub. $o. J")KS OEISENlMMirrKK lilTKDV, Physicians and Surgeons, Special attention Riven to surge:. Rooms 21 and 22, Tel. S2S. Vogt Illook I! S ItU.STlNGTON II S WIL50N HUNTINGTON" & WILSON", aTTOKNEVS AT LAW. TIIK WAM.Ks, Oi:K(iON OGiceovrr First Nut. U.ink. I 7UIKD. W. WII.SON, ATTOitNi'Y AT LAW, Till. IALLKs,OHJJUl).' OUic.' ovei First Nat. H-mlc. Ask your Druggist for a generous 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. CATARRH rutp proam Halm L'j UlCdlH Udllll contain no cocaine, mercury nor any other injurious dras. It Is quickly Absorbed, Gives Helic at once. tMN"i rSV-SV"' Allays" Inflainmation COLD N HEAD neala and Protect the Membrane. lleitorc tlii- 6nses of Taite and Smell. Full Size 60c. ; Trial , Eize !bc.; at UrnzsuU or br mall. ELY BaomEKS, 45 Warren Stwet, Hew Tort n Aimiiio ForPoople That Are t Sick or "Just Don'tUII I V Feel "Well." W I k L W ONLY ONE FOR A DO8E. Remom Pimples, cum Headache, Dyspepsia and Coitlier.m. 26 cn. a box at ilrtivzi-t-or hy mall ban-pie 're, addrei Or. Boianko Co. Jhlla. la. In a recent letter from Washington, D. C, to an old frientl, Major, G. A Stuiler, for twenty years United States Consul at Singapore, eayj : ''While at Den Moines I became acnainted witli a liniment known as Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which I found excellent againHt j rheumatism as well as against fiurenesH ' of the throat and chest (giving me much easier breathing. I had a touch of pneu monia early this week, and two applica tions freely applied to the throat antl chest relieved nie of it at once. I would not be without it for anything." For eale by Illakeley & Houghton. State Kncampinent, f. A. It. At a meeting of the executive commit tee held at the G. A. II. hall on Satur day evening last, it was deemed advis able that all the committees nn the en campment be called together. The members of the different committees are therefore hereby requested to meet at the j G. A. K. hall in Schanno'a building, eor-! tier of Second and Court streets, on Sat- unlay evening, February 10th, at 7 o'clock. J. W. Luwis, Chair. Ex. Coin. Yuticura .WHITE d Vik1. toAk lhmr In mil l. tut tul.1! Iof CetlciiMA Kur,dr Ihorouuhl. tnur ' TicvKAlolnlmfnl). rini tlTrarfitincilnliilil lvm Uu'u k C'uca. Cuir. Heia Yrvv-. iAmKio. I m JrT-At i-ai tVH INDIAN ENGLISH. Bow the Bad Man Bxpreea Hlm solf in Our Tongue. A llltlamso'a Obaervatluna on the IV colUr Speech of the Wetrn In iIIaur Sniuo Queer Con trnctlous. Lieut. Grotc Ilutcheson, nid-de-camp to Gen. Coppingor, is in receipt of a hlghlv interesting letter from one of his brother otlleers now in enmpat Fort- ( Hull agency, Idaho, the home of the In- ( dians who were mixed up in the recent .Jackson's Hole trouble. The ( letter is interesting because it has , nothing to say of Jnckson'H Hole, which is n relief. Instead, it deals; largely with conditions tit Fort Hall j from the standpoint of a student of ethnology. "1 am taken," says the writer, whose ( name Lieut, Hutchesou docs not feel ut liberty to mention, "with the speech 01 the Indians in their communications with the whites. Having little to oc cupy time, I have bothered to look into the" origin of the kind of language which 1 hear used by Indians and traders in their talk with one another. It suggests the slang of the Uowery, being a purely artificial ntljunct to both the Indinn nnd the English language. It suggests, too, the baby talk of young mothers, who insist on placing verbs where nouns should be, and who prefer mixing up their first, second nnd third persons to taking them straight. For instance, there is the word 'mebbe.' At first I thought this to be n sort of corruption of may be, meaning jor hnns. or used in n doubting way. This is not true. The Indian and the white in conversation use 'mebbe' as an nf- firmative. 'Mebbe get wagon' is the, strongest way of declaring that you will get a wagon. 'You cat mebbe. brings delight to the Indian, for that is a promise of giving him food, n promise which mav by no means be cvad.'d. A white man, too, in conversing with an j Indian, when the Indian will converse, j nnd when he knows even this patois, in-1 f jects 'mebbe' into his talk at every j fourth word, or, if he geUa excited, he i i put.s it in at the third. I , "There is no prououn in the mixed ' vocabulary of the reservation. The' words 'white man' and 'Injun will fill in for all the persons and till the cases, I too. by the wnj Somebody will write an Indian-English grammar wmc day, and it will be comprised in less thnu a hundred' words. Simplicity takes the place of cxplicitness, I am bound to say, and sometimes you have to usaa carefully-trained ear to know whether it is a threat, n command or a promise, or n request that is being fiung at you. Mood is unknown in the grammar of the IJannock. "I discover that the English language of Fennimore Cooper and Oil Coomei are nonexistent. I have dug profoundly into the 'Ugh' and the three-word sen-' tences of the novelist, and I find they nre out of fashion. If you succeed in I frcttinp; an Indian to talk to vou at all he will not shut ofE with three words ending in an exclamation joint. Neither will he use the expression 'pale face.' No self-resj-ectin-f Indian says 'pale face' now. "Alnr,..tl... .1... 1. I I JZZ " c f 'S:-H-U.u-V , w. v.. u.lvllMUil. 1 IIIHlflIlt' I ii text book could be comniletl whinh would really result in areat pood for the government in unnfrinfrthe Indians to something like civilized habits. As it is, the instruction is based on the name conditions ns prevail in the Eng lish lniiL'tiatre and with Eiir-lish ing persons. This does not fit the Jinn. His language is simplicity it self, nnd there ure no twists of cose, tense or the like. As to tense, one illus tration will show. Take the word 'Co.' We have it 'go, went, gone, going, will go,' while the Indian puts in two coses, go and 'wa-s go.' If he wishes to make it a future tense he simply put in the specific time, as 'He go to-morrow, meb be,' which to my mind is quite express ive of the idea. I seriously believe at tention might lie called to this situa tion nmong scholastic men and perhaps we would be able to get along without nu-cniiy antl incomrx-tant niiTn-t. One hundred wnrtU .n.M i vbularv""- ctnT'L W K ' riari'Il ' Sheriff's Sale. Notice U hereby Riven that under ami by vir tue of nu execution ami order of ac li-m.il out of tho Circuit Court of the Hlato nl Onitoii for I the l outity of Wnco. and to me directed arid delivered, upon a Jiidf-ineiit and ileorco rendered and entered in aid court on thuhthihiy of No vember, IMT, ill fnvor of A. 11. Joue, ibitiitill, I anil HKnIii.it it. K. b'ewel, defendant, for the sum 1 of two hundred and seventy-nix and r. 10) i70.'i"i) dolliirx. toaetlier with latercfit thereon, ' Binee m 1. ln'jii. at the rutu of ten i:r cunt ;' uutiuin.iiiid thirty (I-'f)) ilollam nttoriiey fee, r aim the further anm of eleven (lll;(ollaracoitrt, . whloti villi) Judgment was enrollril and doeketei! in tho otlleo of thevlerlr of j.ild court in nald county on the stu day ot MivemU'r, l.VJT. and tv 'whereby it was further ordered anil decreed by thuCourt that the following deicrikd iiroterty, 1 to-wlt- Ilralniilne at a Mint 18.:"j nlniIiiKuct i,f it, lino U'ttveen K-ctloiu tiilm -live and thlrty-slx, in townnlilp three north of ratiKO ten (nt of the ' i lliaineilo Jicriuian, leliiK the wentern term-1 i u oi mo uoriu ixi uiiiuirv uu oi tij .i.m. . I llentori lloimlioii Uuid Claim; theneo north in.Wi chalim, theneo ta.it KM nhiiln, theneo ouiri ctmins, ami theneo west b.fti elulnx to plu'fof Irvinniii'r, eoiiMlnliiK mi nortn. moro nr leoK, and IjelnK the name -iremUen tolil by tho laid A. tt:- Joiich to tho said K, 1,'. luwel, in Watco County, Oregon, Iki old to Mitlif r sld JudKmeiit, nttnrtmy fees, ctnp and accruing coitu, 1 will, on 'I uetilay, thu th day of rebruary, Wj, at 'i o'clock- p. m, of aid day. at the front door of tho courthoimo In llMllet City. Waco Co.. Or.,ell all thoruiht.iitlo unil Intercut of thonald It, K. Few el u mid to tho Hbovo decrlbet protiCity, ut imbllo unction to the hlKhe.it bidder (or cash lu liuu i, Iho pro ceed iuiiIiik from uuid mtlo to lQ applied to the alliluollou of aalil Juditment, attorney'h fee. cotiU and accruing co.iw, una Uiomirplim, If any there Ijc, to bo paid Into court, iiml there U re rualn until tho iurther order of tlila court. T. J. DltlVKIt, dw.a-l aberlfTof Wiuco Countv, Or. ..CflAS. Butchers and Far-mcrs ..Exchange.. Kii'iit nu ilrnuclit tliu ci'telinitcd Ctil.l'MltiA IIKIlIt, uckiinwl nlKiHl the best liwr In The Iinlli--, lit tin' itniiil price, t'diiio hi, try It mid bo rn vIiiitiI. Al'ii the Tin-t bmiiiU o( Wliici, Miilor-i mid C'Ikius. Sanduiiches ot nil Kinds nlwii)' nu liniid. A NEW MARKET. "FRUIT, VEGETABLES, POULTRY, FISH AND GAME. ChieketiP Dre-setl to Order, l'rotnt Delivery to any part of the city. A. N. VARNEY, 'I'noiie 12. Third and Washington Sts. Patronize the Troy k -""1JJil!i!iiS. All klnJ of work. White Slilrti, n sreclulty. I-'unillv work at rmluctil ntos. Vnh Hilleotul null tlvllvutul free, Trlnpliunn Nu. 1111. H. D. Parkins, Agt, Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL WatchmakersJeweler All work promptly attended to, ami wnrratittxl. 174 VOGT LOCK FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TIIaNSACT A GKNEUAI. MASKING IIUKINK3 i Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on Now York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Fruucisco, Portland Ort? gon, Seattle Waih,, and various poitits in Oregon nnd Washington. Collections made ut all points on fav- In-!orable terms THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-A-tfEEK EDITION. 1H I'uk a Week. 150 I'lipum a Yoar It ctundH first among "weeklv" imnere hizo, irequoncy in putiiicat on "T.f'.-''"'"''' of - low I price o a weekly'; and its vast lint of "V v m iih;iiliij u uniiv HI UIU IOV v.. . .j , ...... v.. vv. u.vi DIHIU I1IIU , territory of tint Union mid foreign conn-1 tries, will vouch for the accuracy antl fairness of its news columns. I It is splendidly illustrated, and among uh Mtieciai icatures are a line humor page, exliaiiHtive market reports, all the lateHt fashioiiis for women and a Ion series of stories by tho greatest living American and English authors, Cfiiiiui lloylo, .Inroinn K. .Inrome, Htaiilny H'nymsii. Jlnry K. WllklliH Antliony llni llrttt llnrti), llrauilor .Mnltliuwii, tie. WeofTerthis unequaled newspaper itnd Tho Dulles Twice-a-Week Chronicle to-! guther one vear for '' 00. Tlic r-i.iilnri price of the two papers is 3.00. ! . ' ' . . . ,( TILLETT & WM. TILLETT. H. GALLIQAN. Kulft I'roprlntiiU of tli CKI.KIilt ATKI) XAKIMA A1I I.K. flood River Nursery, TILLKTT UALMOAN, I'riipa. First-clasa Nureny Stock a Specialty O.R.sN. TO THE EHST! GIVES THE CHOICE Of TWO Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. -VIA- Spokane i Minneapolis St. Parj.1 Chicago Salt Lake Denver Omaha Kansas City Low Rates'to all Eastern Cities OCKAN J.fnvc I'lirtl-tnd Iy for Every Five SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. SteiunerH monthly from Portland to Yokohama and Hung Kong via North ern Pacific Steamship Co., in connection with O. H. A- X. Fur lull tlL'talls call on 0. K i Co. Agont The lalle-i, or HUdrvsH DOIIrfON, CAIM.11,1. .V CO., Clen. ActH., North ImcII1o Htt'iiuiHlilii Co. TI .MK OA III). No. -I, to SjMikiitii' mill (irt'at Northern arrive ntf.i"p. in.. Ii'itvi'i" nt ft trill p. in. No. it. to I'ciullc ton, llakt-r City unci I'liion t'ueltlt.-.iirrl vc.-. ut 1J: 15 a in., ilcpartf at l".ft a, in. No ", from Siokimt' anil Oreat Northern, nr rlve.t ut ii ."ill a. in., ilepiirts nt 1:V it. m. No. 1, from llakir City nail I'nlo. l'nelllu, arrives at :! ; jij a. m., ilepiirti at :t:ra a. m. No. 'J:l ami '.'i. tnnvliiR eint of The Dalles, will I earrj pa-ivnuern. No. Zl arrives at u p. m., I ilepart.H at 1:15 p, m. 1 l'li-MeiiKLTs for Heppner taku No 2, knvinR here at 11 l' n. m. W, II. llUHLIiyilT, eit. l'asii. Act l'ortlnml, Ori-Kon If ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. p. u H s Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car 8T. I'AUt. MINNKAl'OI.I ih:li'tii KAICGO (1IIAMI I'OH CUOOKSTON WINNU'EO IIKI.K.VA an ItlTTTK TO Through Tickets CHICAGO 10 WAN II I NtlTO.N 1'IIU.A IlKl.PHIA m;iv roicK HOSTON AN1 AH. I'OI.NTS EAST mill MOUTH For Information, time ciiriln, maps and ticket, cnl on or write to W. C. ALLA WAY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon on A. D. CilAP.LTON. Asst. G. P. A., iVi. Morrinoa Cor. Thlnl. 1'ortlanil Oreion Dalles, Mopo and Antelope STAG-E LINE. ThroiiKli by daylight ami Crim Hollows, via Grass Valley, Kent OOCOI.AH AI.I.KN, Tint Dnllim. C. M. WIIITKI.AW, AiitliiHi. 1 -itaKe.- leave The Dallew lrom I'matllla House at at a. in., aUo from Autulotc ut 7:0 u, in. every .Moudiiy, Weilnesdav mill Frlilnv. (.'onueiitioiiH im.ile ut Antelope for I'rluuvllle, Jlltnhiill ami Kiliitd If 7011(1. Close ci nneutlonii liiailo at The 'unco with runways, trains und lionts. Hluites from Auteloio reach Tho Dalles days, Thurfdays ami Hatunlays ut l:ao p. I cm Taw- in. , KAtKS OF KAIlK. Dalles, to I)echlites do Moro. . , do (irass Valley do Kent . . . do Crois Hollows Antelope to Cross Hollows do Kent do (irass Vulloy. . , do Moro . . do henfllillce. . . ... .(1 ' 1 ) i : :i w I U) l it 10 . :i o) ,if0 1 1 r uo no Dalles galligan'tjo coiuiniiia Pacuiwco., PACKERS OF PQD l" flnH BEEiF -J..Z7- A(iurAuiuur.ng ur Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON x)K!ED BEEF, ETC.