The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 18, 1898, Image 3

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HOT WATER in Ten Minutes..
We cordially invite you to an exhibition of
Corsets, by Miss P. Keppler of New York, an expert
Corset Fitter, who will remain in the city for this
week only.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
FKBKUAKY 18, 1898
Dulled1 vs. Wilumettes.
At the Fuir Grounds on
Tuesday, Fobruury 22d.
Sutler kraut ot Maier & Benton's. f-3t
Dry fir wood at Maier & Benton's. f-3t
The weather forecast for tonight and
Saturday is rain and cooler.
Use Clarke & Falk's Floral Lotion for
chapped hands and rough skin. lm
Leave your order for dry fir wood at
The Dalles Commission tt Grocery Co.
The local wheat market stands firm at
70c fur club and 72c for first-class blue
stem. Try our one pound squares "Queen
Brand" butter, at Dalles Commission &
Grocery Co.
Marring license was issued today to
Herman Houghind and Miss H. L. Don
ner, both of Waeco county.
J.uave your orders lor list), poultry
Rame, produce and groceries at Dulles
Commission and Grocery Co. tf
A private telegram received at Seattle
from .Nanaiino, 15. C. says that the
steamer Queen has arrived there from
Skuguay, bringing conliruiatory news of
the loss of the steamer Clara Nevada.
The I'opuliBt und Democratic: confer
ence committees' session at Pendleton
Wednesday agreed upon a basis of union
in the county campaign, and will submit
recommendations to the county conven
tions. The funeral of Edith Schmidt, who
died yesterday afternoon, will take place
from the residence of her parents, oni
Third street, Sunday afternoon at 2
o'clock. All friends of the family are in
vited to attend.
The fccow Interstate was taken to Fish
er's Landing today in tow of the Regu
lator, and will bo used to transport rock
to the government jetty at Gray's Har
bor. This scow was purchased from J.
T. I'eters of this place.
It has been ascertained that the man
who died at Medford Tuesday from in
ternal injuries received near Central
1'oint a few days previous, was Peter
Nelson of South Bend, Wash. It is
certain now that he was murdered.
Our football team is practicing every
every evening ond ure hi splendid trim
to put up a hard game. At any rate
tliey will be able to make it very inter
esting for the Wlllumettee, and a cordial
invitation Is extended to all to be pres
ent ami cheer our boys ou to victory.
Died, this morning at the home
ofWm. II. Taylor in Dry Hollow, neur
'his placo, Archie, the infant son or Mr.
d Mrs, Win. Long, aged about 10
months. The remains will be taken to
Brownsville and interred In the family
uurylng ground of Mrs. Long's relatives,
near that place.
Tim jurors were dismissed yesterday
Iternoon as all court business in which
they wero required had been transacted,
and this morning the rrimalnhic busi
ness was finished and one of the shortest
terruB of circuit court on record in Wasco
county, came to u close.
The divorce case of Inez F. Broadbent
vs. F. M. Broadbent was tried in open
court yesterday ufternoon and the de
cree granted, and by that decree two
more hearts were made glad,, or ar least
that is what one would be forced to sur
mise from the pleased look which the
plaintiff bore as she left on the Regula
tor fnr hfr linmi tliis Tnnrnintr.
The river continues to riBe, aiftT'Tbiihl
morning stands just eighteen inches
above yesterday morning's mark. At
7 o'clock it stood at sixteen feet above
low water. It is the supposition that
strong chinook winds are blowing in tbe
Blue Mountains and toward the head
waters, which causes the umiEuallvJ
early riee.j n tins continues there will be
no danger whatever of high water dur
ing the summer montliB.
The tickets for the Old Folks' concert,
o take place February 22d, will be
tlaced on sale, beginning this eveuiug,
at the Suipes-Kinersly drugstore. The
price of admission will be 50 cents for
adults, with no extra charge for reserved
seats. Admission tor children, 25 cents ;
but when they occupy reserved scats
they will bo charged the full rate. The
concert promises to bo a splendid event,
and all who attend cuu be assured
lino entertainment.
A special bulletin to Tiik Ciikoxicle,
which was received this morning, states
that a thorough investigation into the
Maine disaster is proceeding as fast as
possible. Many rumors are afloat, how
ever, that are not at all to be relied
upon, und conclusions?
drawn too rapidly. As soon as possible
the wreck will be raised and the dead
buried. Many men of prominence seem
to be of the opinion that nothing short
of treachery could huve caused the acci
dent. """ "
Owing to the fact that the public
sleeping places in this city will beinade
quato to accommodate all the guests
'who will ho in attendance at the Wool-
growers Association which will be held
In this city March 1st, 2d and 3d, any
ono who lias sleeping accommodations
for ono or more, will confer u favor upon
the OOlumitteO by rminrHnij p S'lmrnti,
Bolton, chairman At least one hun
dred guests will be forced to seek sleep
ing quarters outside of the hotels, and
wo hope the people of The Dalles will
not be slow about offering the necessury
accommodations. The men who will
attend this mooting will be gentlemen in
every respect, and none need have any
hesitation about entertaining them in
their homes. i
The Mutleru Way
Commends Itself to the well-informed,
to do pleasantly and effectually what
formuly done In the crudest manner und
disagreeably as well. To cleanse tbe
system and break up colds, headaches,
and fevers without uupleasant after ef
fects, use the delightful liquid laxative
remedy, Syrup of Figs. Made by Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co.
The Jury Flnlslien ltd Labor and Aikg
to lie IMhcliareed.
In tbe circuit court ot the state of
Oregon, for Waeco county, for the
February term, 1898.
In the matter of the final report of
the grand jury, we, the grand jurors,
submit the following, ae and for our
final report r
We have returned into court six true
bills and four not true bills of indict
ment in the lour days we have been in
We have also examined the clerk's,
sheriff's, assessor's and treasurer's of
fices, and we find the said offices ,with
the booke, records and papers therein
jwell and correctly kept, so far as we are
fable to judge in the limited opportunity
allowed us for such examination.
We have also examined the county
jail, and while we believe tbe same is in
as good condition as it can be kept un
der the present conditions, it is not
properly ventilated and not capable cf
proper ventilation. We recommend
that a modern jail be built by the coun
ty, teperate from the court houee.
We have not visited the county farm,
but huve had a full and complete state
ment of the county poor at said farm,
from Hon. Kobt. Mays, county judge,
and ure satisfied that the county poor
ure well and properly cared for.
Wherefore, having finished our labors,
we respectfully ask the court to accept
this, our final report, and that we may
be discharged.
Dated at Dalles city, this 17th day of
February, 161)0.
Foreman, Koukkt Black,
G. M. McLuoi),
D. G. Hill,
G. C. Cami'hell,
Gko. End,
C. D. Dovlk,
L, Lamii.
"Good Iuteut" .lulillee.
There will be a jubilee service, closing
With u farewell reception given to Bishop
Cranston and wife, this evening in the
Methodist church, beginning at 7:30
3'clock. Rev. Robert Warner, presiding
slder of The Dalles district, will be pres
ent to participate in the txercises.
Thia service is in commemoration of
the successes of the past year; un ex
pression oi grautuuu to uou lor ins
abundant grace j together with an ap
preciation of the bishop and his devout
companion in their wise counsel and
P'tiylul interest in our welfare. The
bishop is to be gone two years, visitiug
our work m China and Japan.
A coidial invitation is extended to all
to enjoy this service with us.
The following program will be the
order of services :
Singing by choir and congregation.
"O Could I Speak the Matchless Worth."
Prayer by Kev. J. II. Wood.
Anthem by choir.
Yearly report of the work of Good In
tent Society by secretary, Mrs. Rey
nolds, Financial report of collections applied
on church ilebt by speciul treasurer,
Daring January and Feb
ruary we wilt give to every
person buying One Dollar's
worth of goods at our store a
chance on a Sixty-Dollar
Which was manufactured
by the Michigan Stove Co.
Drawing to come off the 28th
day of February, 1898.
Mr. S. French.
Address of welcome and introduction
of Bishop Cranston by Mrs. S. French
Address by Bishop Cranston.
Introduction of Mrs. Cranston by Kev.
Rebert Warner.
Singing, "God Be With You Till We
Meet Again."
Followed by personal introductions,
general hand-shakings and good-byes.
G. I.
ltellglous Disturbances.
Editok Cheonicle :
There is a certain element of rowdyism
prevalent in this city, who, lacking in
self-respect, consequently have no re
gard whatever for the feelings or desires
of those who are respectable. They are
a positive disgrace to law-abiding citi
zens, and especially to those attending
religious services. They lazily skulk
about the premises of a church building
as if it were" a -popular loafing resort.
They insult decent people by their vul
garity and their "gall." They are prone
to do all eorts of mischievous deeds
within the sacred edifice, in spite of the
admonitions of the ushers in attendance,
thereby vindicating their "emart-aleek"
Now all these things ought to be, and
must be stopped, or the city authorities
will necessarily take a hand in the mut
ter; and let the parents of these smar
tieB take warning, that if their boy (or
girl) has been taken to task in the man
ner above indicated, they need not
blame the church officials or the police,
but must blame themselves, for permit
ting their children to become so un
scrupulous as to maliciously disturb the
peace and quiet of respectable church
goers and citizens. Ousisitviin.
Circuit Court I'ruceeillngii.
The following cases were disposed of
in the circuit court yesterday afternoon
und this morning :
Emma Golden vs DeWitt Golden, re
ferred to B. S. Huntington and county
clerk of Douglas county, Wash., to take
and report testimony.
Inez F. Broadbent vs. V. M. Broad
bent, tried in open court and decree
B. A. Osgood vs Iru Dunn, confirma
tion granted.
M E Pugue vs C W I'iiolps, settled and
H. S. Wilson, executor, va Lizzie No
lan, default and judgment.
W. L. Whealdon va R. G. Brooks et al,
amended complaint filed to answer
To Cure a Cold in Dun Day.
Tuko Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
they fail to cure. 25c,
, x
Clarke & Falk's Rosefoam tooth wash
is the best to keep the teeth and gums
clean and healthy. U-lni
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
Cure Piles, Scald, Uuro.
We have strictly First-Class ,
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
Phone 25.
The Oregon Knnd Club Team Defeated
Lnat Night.
The Oregon Road Club's team arrived
on tbe 5 :20 train last night ; but owing
to circumstances, one of their players
could not come, so that there were but
five contestants. The players in their
team were Richard H. Pickering, Tbos.
Melburn, Captain H. B. Graham, F. W.
Bailie and J. Oliver.
Four games were played, and from
the way the first one resulted, our play
ers began to think that victory was be
yond their grasp. In this our men
Ecored but 138, while the Road Club
team made 159. In the second our boys
made 249 pint!, while the opposition
team made but 184. In the third game
the Road Club was beaten by 24 pins,
while in the last game our boys won by
o. it. club. V. c. A. c.
159 First Game 138
184 Second Game 249
212 Third Game 23(5
176 Fourth Game 181
730 Totals 804
As can be seen by the above totals,
our boys won the victory by 74 pins.
The averuge for tin; four games for the
Dalles players was 40 1-5, while the
Portland boys average was 36!;$. Three
of our players scored a higher aven ge
thun Portland's highest man, they be
ing Tolmio Bradshaw 43, and
Houghton 41. Baillu had the highest
average of the Portland players, which
was mi-
A return game will be played on the
Road Club alleys next Thursday, the
21th, and as the Road Club team will
have the advantage of rolling on their
own alleys, they will undoubtedly give
our boys a tight game.
A filibustering expedition destined for
Cuba bus been intercepted by the au
thorities at Kingston, Jamaica, and a
quantity of arms and ammunition
The first corn convention ever held in
the United States began yesterday ut
the Great Northern hotel at Chicago.
About 150 delegates are present, and
more aie expected,
A discussion upon const defenses was
the interesting feature of ihu senate yuH
terday. Many senators took the ground
that the appropriations should be for
the furl amount of the estimates by the
war department, instead of some mill
ions less.
Information has been received at Sail
Francisco by Collector Jackson that a
Cunudiun Hailing vessel wuh seen Tues
day oil' Drake's buy, und that she wus
violating the sealing regulations by be
ing in American waters. The cutter
RubIi was sent In pursuit of the ulleged
The Campagnie Generalo Trans-Atlantic
line steamer Flachat, bound from
Marseilles for Colon, was totally wrecked
on Auuga point, -Canary Island, at 1
o'clock Wednesday morning. Her cap
tain, second officer, eleven of her crew
Do You
Catch On?
No more cold ovens.
Plenty of hot water, $
and a great fuel saver.
Have one put in your
stove by
J. T. Peters & Co.
and one passenger were saved. Thirty
eight of the crew and forty-nine passen
gers were lost.
Uualiiefts Announcement.
I have this day embarked in the busi
ness of a general insurance, real estate
and house broker; and also collections
and negotiating of loans. I respectfully
solicit a fuir share of the public patron
age, my motto being "Strict attention to
business." My office is with Dufur &
Dufur, rooms 23 and 24, new Vogt block,
The Dalles, Or., where I will be pleased
to have my friends and others call and
seo me about any matters in my line.
Respectfully, i
15-lw W. H. Butts.
Cash In Your Checks.
All countv warrants registered prior
to Nov. 22, 1893, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after Feb. 10th,
1898. O. L. Phillips,,
Countv Treasurer.
The cigars manufactured by S. F.
Fouls are all high grade goods, and ure
placed before the smoking public en
tirely on their merits.
Notlcu to Contractor.
Bids will be received till noon Mon
day, February 21, 189S, at the otlice of
C. .1. Crandall, for the mason worJc on
the Wtisco Warehouse addition. Also
bids will be received at the sumo pluco
and time for the carpenter work on tho
same building.
When you see a good thing push it
along. Therefore call for tho Prize
Medal and Rose Queen cigars.
Tho best specific for dandruff and to
prevent baldness is Clarke & Falk's
compound quinine hair tonic. 9-ltn
'.Then I'll a Friar Bo." The eong.
"What! You become a nun, my dear;
then I'll a friar lie," lias been one of tho
most popular songs foi main volcoa ovur
written. Tho tendency to do as others
do is strong in many ways in Mfo. Your
neighbor has n piano. Why not you?
Always a GOOD investment, a piano is
a BKTTKR investment just now than
ever before.
I. C. Nickclsen
Book & music Company.