Tbt Dalles Daily Ghrc;jfc. TIIU DALLKS, OKKnuN OJfB ENJOYS Both tbo method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the Btomach, prompt in rheumatism as well as against soreness j.: J i c:i ::'. . . lis auuuu uuu irui v uuuuuuiui iu iio ettects, prepared only irom uie most Uealtnyanct agrecaoioBUDstances, its ' n,0nia early this week, and two nppliea many excellent qualities commend it tions freely applied to the throat and to nil and have made it the most itliudt ritltiiurl tun rf it of nnmt T trrtnlil popular remedy known. Syrqp of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug- rrists. Anr reliable drutrcrist who may not have it on hand will pro- cure it promptly for anr one who D . - - C7CJ-- wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRAKCISCO, CAL LOUISVILLE, fir. NEW YORK, NX 1'KKSUXAl. MKNTIUX Chafles McAllister, the Croy man, is in the city. sheep J. A. Dunbar, the Goldendale attor ney, was in the city yesterday. Attorney George Maddock of Golden dale is in the city on business. Dr. C. J. Candiana of Cascade Locks is in the city today, on business. Bishop Cranston will arrive ou the Spokane flyer Friday at 5 :25p. m. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Campbell and Mrs. E. Robinson went to Portland yes terday. Bert Phelps, who has spent several flflVS in this eitv rntiunurl trt Uammn. last night. V Dalles-Goldendale stage line, is in the city from his home at Goldendale todav. C. M. Beason. a cattle buyer from Og den, Utah, was' in the city last night, and left this morning for the Prineville -country to purchase stock. NEWS NOTES. The latest dispatches confirm the re ports concerning the destruction of the Clara Nevada. Yesterday Judge W. D. Cornish, of Omaha, special master, wiil sell the government lien on the Union Pacific railroad in Kansas. The upset price of the government lien is $6,303,000. A resolution presented to the Cana dian parliament yesterday gives the amount of gold taken out of'tiieTuknn from 1S90 to 1897, inclusive, as over $4, 000 000. Iu 189" the amount was $2, 500,000. The Walla Walla sailed from San 1'rancisco yesterday with a lare number of Klondike-bound passengers. The -wrecker Whitelaw will get away today. She goes to Dyea and Skaguay, and will carry about 150 passengers. Secretary Corea has informed the state department that he has received a cable gram from the diet of the Gseater lie 'public and from the preeident of Nica ragua, informing him that the invaders who tittered the state a few days ago have been utterly routed, and that, con sequently, peace reigns in the republic. The addressee on behalf of the Demo cratic, Populist, and Silver-Republican parties, which are the result of the con ferences which have been in progress lie t ween the leaders of these parties at the capital for the past few weeke were issued yesterday. They seek to unite the members of the three parties in fu ture elections upon the financial issue as the question of paramount importance, and appeal to each party to consolidate all along the line for this purpose. 8100 Jtnwanl WIOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all it stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity, Catarrh being a constitu tional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, actjng tly upon the blood anil raucous and giving the pat of tbe diiepse angth by build- ing up the conallti 'and asaisting "IBP nature in doing its work. The proprie tors have bd much faith in its curntivu powers, that tiioy offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. GitKN-KY, A Co., Toleda, O. Sold hy druggist?, 75c. Hall's Fatnllv Pill- nn the beat. Through Tourist Cnri to Nt. I.otlli. i A tourist sleeping car will leave Port- ' ' land every Monday via Missouri Pacific and every Wednesday via the Burling ton route at S p. in.; and The Dalles nt 11 :4o p. in. via the 0. It. A X., through Silt Lake and Denver, without change to St. Louis, and under the supervision of experienced conductors. No change of cars to Kansas City or St. Louis. Keep this service in mind when going But and consult 0. It. A X. agents or address W. It. Hukliiukt, Gen. Pasngr Apt., , Portland, Or. , In a recent letter from Washington, I D. O., to an old friend, Major, G. A. I Studer, for twenty years"1 United States ( Consul at Singapore, says : 'While nt Des Moines I became acqainted with u ' liniment known as Chamberlain's Pain . Balm, which I found excellent against 0t the throat ana uliest (giving me much easier breathing. 1 had a touch of pneu- !ot be without it for am-thing." For! gaie by Blakelev & Houghton. ! j ' Frank Sherwood was down town to-, day, the first time since he had his tus- 1 ale with cholera morbus. He says he drove miles ufter'he was takenjsick, and never came so near dying in his lite, After this when ho goes out in the conn-1 1 . " . try he will take a bottle of Chamberlain's 1 Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea liemedy ! , with him. Missouri Valley (Iowa) j Times. For sale by Blakeley & Hough-1 ton. j Slimy Your Tree. All persons having fruit trees which , are infested with San JoSe scale are hereby notified to spray the same with a solution of lime, sulphur and salt with-, in sixty days after the tlateof this notice, j Ejiile Schan.vo. ! Commissioner for the fourth district, i WAnxiXGi-Persons.who suffer from ! coughs and colds should heed the warn ings of danger and save themselves suf fering and fatal results by using One Minute Cough Cure. It is an infallible remedy for coughs, colds, croup and all throat and lung troubles. Snipes-Kin- ersly Drug Co. I Your Last Chance. 1 All negatives now in my possession j made by Mr. Houghton or D. C. Herrin j prior to Jan. 1, 1S95. will be destroyed. If jou wish to duplicate prints, orders must be placed before March 1st. GirroitD, Photo. Artist, febl-lm Chapman Block. You can't cure consumption but yon j can avoid it and cure any other form of . thnat or lung trouble by the use of One j .uinute uougn uure. it cures quicKiy. That's what you want. Snipes-Kiners-ly Drug Co. Catli Iu Your Clircfcft. All couutv warrants registered prior to Nov. 2, 1893, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Feb. Kith, ISPS. C. L. PllILUI'8, Couutv Treasurer. There is no need of little cluldrui be ing tortured by scald head, eczema and skin eruptions. DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve gives instant relief and cures per manently. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. To Curu u CI1 iu One Day. Take Laxative llromo Quinine Tnb lete. All druggists refund the money if they fail to cure. 25o. When you see a gojd thing push it along. Therefore call for the Prize Medal and Itose Queen cigars. Everybody reads Tiik Chkqlkice. DeWitf.4 Little Early Risers, The lumous IlitU pills. Eczema BABY Grew Worae under Treatment of Beat Fbyalciana. Tried CUTICURA REMEDIES Great Change In Five Days and To-day la Knt I rely Cured. My baby had Eczema in its wont form. One ot the beat plmician in the city attended tier, hat the continued to get wonse all the time. He finally admitted tin wax at Ins wlu' end. I then got C'uticuka Ukmkiji eh, and In atwdaut noticed a grtut change In her con dltton. Hue continued to improve and today it entirely cured,' lion nice bead of hair, and 1m lively and hearty. I ient conaiderahle money fordrugs and doctor's tilllg, which waa use teas. J. 11. JACOD3, 2031 Wilkiaa Arc., Bait., lid. Sritnr Cm Tiiitkht.-Wtnn bath vith Cdti cvka Soil-, (tall tppllcaUoni of Cuticu im (oloUwntj, tb nul lUn curt, ua mild doMi of CoTlcvaA liuob T, g imImI ot buw tarn, Sold Ureufhont tbt world. Priet. Coricuai lOc.i otr.Uc.i Jtoi.riT,9Ue.ultl. tormUuvouio CUM. Coir- SoU fropa.. Bcttta. mr " Uuwia Can Enry SUa Uamor," iMlUd frM. t General Debility and LOSS of Flesh Scott's Emulsion has been the standard remedy for nearly a quarter of a century. Physicians readily admit that they obtain re sults from it that they cannot get from any other flesh-forming; food. There are many other prepara-' tions on the market that pretend to do what " J SCOTT'S i EMULSION 4 i . . r .f . c ,. oocs, out tncy tail to pcrtorm it. L he pure Norwegian Cod-hver Oil made into a delightful cream, skill- fully blended with the Hypophos- phitCS of Lime and Soda, which arc such valuable tonics, makes this preparation an j.,! j i r . ideal one and checks the wasting tendency, and the oatient almost immediate- ly commences to put on flesh and gain a strength which surprises them. H'i JfS Be sure you Ret SCOTT'S EmuUIon. See that the m,n 4nd Ilsh "e on the w"pp- 50c. ar.J $1.00, all druggists. SCOTT & 110WNE, Chemists. New York. The cigars manufactured by S. F. Fonts are all high grade goods, and are placed before the smoking public en tirely on their merits. Smoke the popular brands, Prize Med j nl, It se Queen and Guarantee For sale bv all tirst-class dealers. Ask your Druggist for a generous 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm; contains 110 cocalno, mercury rmr an other 1 injurious arug. It is quickly Absorbed. Gives Iteiicf at once. lK&:C0LD N HEAD Heals ami Protects tlie Meiulir.me. (cstorc thn I Senfes of Taste and Smell. Fall Size iOc : Trial rJT0 Clarke & Falk's Itosefoani tooth wash is the best to keep the teeth and cuius clean and healthv. 9-lm The best specific for dandruff and to prevent baldness is Clarke ifc Falk's compound quinine hair tonic. 9-lm ffl- AllUUIO t For People That Are f I I A Sick or "Just Don't I V Feel Well." ILLW ONLY ONE FOR A DO8E. Remotes Pimples, cure Headache. Dyspepsia and Costitentss. 25cts. a boi at druexI'Uor hr mall temple Fre, addrew Or. Bosanko Co. -Villi. Fa. TVKS- (iKISEMHIIirrKIl .V lit'KDV,, riiysiciaus and Surgeons, fiieciul nttentlon given to surscry. Hooms21atid22, Tel. KS. Vost lliock B S HU.NTINflTOK It S WILSON- HUNTINGTON &. WILSON, ATTOMNKYS AT I.AW, TIIK HAM.Kb, OUKGON Ollice over r'lrst Nut. Hunk. TjlItKD. V. WILSON. I1 ATTORN EV AT I.AW, THK DALI.Kf.OUHUON Ollice ovci Kint Nut. Iliuli. fleat apd rtistie ..priptip.. por Reasonable prices.- Wo Print Anything in tho Printing .Line. Qiue us a trial. in it V raifii r wru WANTED FURTHER INSTRUCTION Ilml Fad the Parrot, Ilut She Vfns Hun gry Arhiii. We nre all more or less familiar with that exasperating class of indlviduiiln who seem to feel that the tdtupic, com mon sense of the world is centered in themselves, and that, the resit of us ore In need of guidance nd direction in the simplest duties of life, says lltn pel's Mnga.lne. Mr. II was n. young man of this clns. lie wan always painfully pro Vuse in details regarding anything he wished done. lie had a pnrrot of which he was exceedingly f.uid, and when he v.-ns about to go ubivad for a I few nuiPthi., leaving his bird lu-li ii-! j him, he 1 ort d and cNnsporatrd Irs fan 11 v ai'd friends with senseless detail.'-re-' t'lirdimr the eare of the parrot. ai:d hi'. I last words, screeeh'd from the deck of tht. s trainer that bore him awav were: ji,j 1 "What!" shouted the brother on the pier. "Lookout for m.v parrot! "esune faint- ' om' uw wn"-r- 1 As if rot "' l,l,,l!"1 sooner reached Liverpool than he sent tlu, f(,i,mvill cnl)k,r!uu to his ,irot,RM. wno hll(1 nssumed charm, of the narrot: I "He sure and feed my parrot." On receipt of this the infuriated brother cabled bnck at his brother's ex jHUise: "I have fed her, but she Is hungry again. What shall t do next?" SHE PITIED HIM. And Thought thn Country Would Jlo the Unutur (luod. One of the leading physicians of Washington is sinail of stattireaiul very boyish in appearance, wiys the Stav. A lady entered his ollice the other day, one o the hustling sort of women win never quit talking. "Boy," she said, addressing the physi cian, "is the doctor in? lint I can see he is not." "lie is in," began the physician, but the visitor interrupted him. "Oil. he's in, is lie'.' Then he's cn gig"d. I'M wait. Does he allow you to sit at his d sk that wnv?" "Madam"" "Oh, of course, you would say he does, but l'I' errant you'll catch it, if he seen von th- re, You look sort of pale. 1 houhl Ih'iiU the doctor would give yon joniethii.g make you stronger. Vnur ma ought to send you into the 'ountry. That v. ould make you grow. How soon do you think tin doctor will be disengaged'.'" "Ma'V.nie. I tried to tell you before I do not think von can see the doetot to-t'r.y." "Will. I'll come next time I'm in lown. Hut you ought to quit staying in this oflice and gr into the country. Not that it is any of my business, but I do hate to ce boys look sopnlenr.d puny." She disappeared, and the doctor is won dering what she will say when she call' next time biie copi- into tjic eity. riKOons Outwit u Ilnwk. An observing southern sporusninn told recently nlout a Hock of pigeoni that measured brains with a hawk and came out on ton in the content. II. S. I'dwards owned a flock of pigeons, which one day were cut ofT from their I cote by a lare hawk. The pigeons 1 knew that if the hawk once got nlxive them one at leaat of their nitnilnir would !0 to make the hawk a meal, and io up they ilew.in circles, perhaps going high er than the hawk. The latter kept un der the pigeons and leisurely followed their laborious movement,. Then cnnie a curious und unexpected sight to Mr. Iidwards. Every pigeon doted its wings, and they apicared to be the size )f sparrows, and down they came past the hawk at a terrilic rate. That astonished the hawk. It actually dodged the dropping' birds and nihhcd half a dozen wing strokes before it got iu full chase of them. When it got down to the barnyard not a pigeon, was in sight some were in the cote, some were in the porch, two were in the well hou.se. and one in the kitchen. The hawk had been outwitted completely. It is a question how the pigeons managed to check their fall, as they did not slacken up until they were alout 10 or iiO feet above the ground, when they scattered in all directions to escape the hnwk. Sports Afield. s SherifiTiye. Notice f hereby Klven thatj. di-r und hy vir tue of 101 vxi-cattnu itnd order of mle litued out of the Circuit Court of the Htute of Oregon for the ( ounty of Whco. und to rnu directed unci delivered, 1111011 n Jinlmnent und ilecrco ruiidcrtil und entered in sulci court on tho Mh day of No vember, ls'J7, in favor of A. II, Jones, pliilutlll', und uKulust It. K. Kutvel, defendant, for tin,- nine of two hundred mid suventy.iilx und il-lOO ilJTO.S.'i) dollnrH, together with hitereit thereon, ulnCo lu 1. 16WJ, ut lli( nito of ten percent mt uiiniim, unit thirty (l.vn clollitrx attorney Kui, una the iurtlier xnin of eleven (J 11) dollars eostn, wlileh mid judgment wi enroll. c unci docketed lathe ollice of the clerk of niM court In Mild county on thuHlh day of NovemU'r, l!7, ulid whereby it whs further ordered ami decreed by ttiuCourt that the following dutcilUci property, to-wlt: Ik-Klniilnir nt n jiolnt lS.:w chuln weit of tbe, line between tectloni thirty-five und thirty-six, in township three north of ruiiKO ten cint of tbe Wlllumettu Meifcllun, bchiK the wtutcrn term-, Inim of tbo north boundary line of tbe Jhiioh neiuon iionnuon uiuci Claim; theuco north I5.K5 clialns, thence euit HM cbulini, thence touth C.s."chuliM, and thence wcifth.Mchiln.s to place of li-KlnnliiK, contaluiiiK lx uunn, moro or lesH, and beiiiK the mime preiuUeH eold by the calci A. It. Jone-t to the buld li, i:, i'ewcl, In Wukco County, Oreuoti, bo fold to tuttlufy iicl JuclL'incnt, uttoriiey fees, eb.ita and uccruuiKcoiU, 1 will, on 'luetduy, thn Sth day of rebruury, Ik'jh, ut 'l o'clock p, m. of kuld day, at the front door of tbe coartboiuo In Dalle City, VHcoCo.,Or,.ell all llierlKlit.iltlo und iiiterent ot thunuJd It. K. Keuel In und to the above described property, ut publlo auction to the hlKliMt bidder for cmli In hum, the ino cceds urltliiK from nalcl nalo to bo applied to the Htlafaetion of aald JudKment, utioruey'H fee, coaU and acorulliK cou, and tbo nurplini, any there be, to bo paid Into coutt, Hint there to re main until the lurther order of till court. T. J. IilllVKIt, ilecK-l Bherlirof Wuoco Couutv, Or. ..GHAS. FRflliK- Bufcchens and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keep-) 011 tlruuiilit the celehrutrd COl.t'.MHIA lli:i:i, mcknowl f 1iRi.1l lice hot boor In The lialloi, ut tlie ulliil price. Cmni' Iu, tp I' mid be 001 vlui'iM. Abo tlie I'ltuft brandt of Wilier, l.lciuor.f anil Clk'ars. Sandrjuiches of ult Kinds nhvny ou limiil. A NEW MARKET, FRUIT, VEGETABLES, POULTRY, FISH AND GAME. Chickens I)rt.std to Order. Promt Delivery to any part of the city. A. N. VARNEY, 'I'hono 1. Third and Washington Sta. j Patronize the Troy MUflDHY. All kind of wirk White Shirt n specialty. I'limlly work ut reiluciil r-to.. Wush rollooted und dellvuiul free. Telephone Jo. till. H. D. Parkins, Agt, Harry Liebe, PKACTICAL Watchmaker? Jeweler All work promptly attended to, and warrutited. 174 VOGT LOCK FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ntANHACT A GENEl'.AI. IIASKINC, IIUEINES Lotterfi of Credit isHtied available in the EuHtern Stated, Silit ExchaiiKo and TulecraphiL TranHfer-j Hold on Now York, Chicauo, St. I.ouiH, San Francigco, Portland Ore iron, Seattle WuhIi,, and varioiiE points 111 Ureyon and aHhin'ton. 1 Collections made at all iiointe on fav-' orabh: ternia. THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION. 1H I'uReH u Week. 15(1 I'lipicr Veitr It ftands firatiiinotiK weakly" papuri: 111 aize, frequency of publication freshness, variet and reliability of cor. tentK. It iH practically a daily at tho low price o a weekly; and its vitHt list of otiliHcribers, extending to ovury Btato and territory of the Union and forainn conn trieo, will vouch for tho accuracy and fairness of itn iiciwh columna. It iH snlendidly illustrated, and among Its Hpecial featuren are a line httinor paye, exhatiBtivo market rtiportfi, all the lutein fiiHhioiv. for women and a Ion Huries of HtorieH hy the ureateHt living American and English authors, Ciiimii Doyle, .Ftiroino K. .Itcrome, Htimly Wxyuimii, Miry K. WllkliiM Alitliiuiy lloiie, Unit llurte, Kriinder jtlulthiiWM, Ktc. , Wo ofTer thia uneqiialed nowBpnporund Tho DhIIhh Twicca Week Chroniclo to. Kuther 0110 year for t-',00. The regular prieo of tho two papura ifl t3.00. TILLETT S GALLIGAN. WM. TILLETT. H. GALLIGAN. Koto I'rnprliHoU of tile CKI.KHKATKI) XAKIMA Al'VI.K. TIIXKTT t! OAL1.HJAN, rai. FirBt.cls Nursery Stock a Specialty Hood River Nursery, 0.R&N. TO TIIK ERST! , GIVKB THE CIIOI0K OK TWO Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. -VIA- Spokane Minneapolis St. Paul Chicago Salt Lake Denver Omaha Kansas City Low Rates -to all Eastern Cities OOKAN KTKA.H KKH l.rntvn I'ortUiid Evtirv l-'lvo 1hvh for SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Stcaniura nionthly from Portland to Yokohama and Hong Konc via North ern L'aclflc .SteauiHhip Co., iu connection with O. K. it N. Korfull1lel11llhC11llonO.il A Co. h ARent The Dullm, or iiditremt DOIlrfON, CAItl.II.I. CO,, (len. ARtH., North I'icclllc: Htcuuoihip Co. TI AIK (.'A Kit. No. I, to Hpokune nod (ircut Nortlioru nrrlves ntcV'J.'ip. 111., louveM nt fir.10 p. in. No. 'J, to l'onillc. ton, linker City und I'nloii l'aclllc,iirrlveHut 12:1,1 a 111., depurtN ut 1":W 11. 111. No it, from .Spokane und (Jront Northerii, ur rIveMit 6 W a. m,, departs ut ti:iV 11. m. No, 1, from linker City unci t'nio., l'ucille, urrlvea at 11. 111,, depurtH nt 11. m. Noi. Z unci '-'l, moving eunt of Tlie DuIIon, will rurry puaeiiKeri. No. 1 arrives ut ft p. m.( depart ut 1: 15 p. 111. l'uM-eni;i!r! for Hoppner tuke No 'J, lettvlng here ut 11 i,"i i. m. w, 11. HL'ItUirilT, Ocn. I'uKH.ARt I'ortlund. Orck'ou ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. U s Pullman Elegent Tomrist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car HT. l'Alll. MINNEAl'OI.I DCI.tlTM KAItOO XO OllA.NI I'OU CltlKIKSTON WINNH'KU IIKI.K.VA 1111 ISIJTTK Through Tickets CIIICAtiO WAHIIINtlTON ritlI.AIKL,rilIA NKW YDIIK IIOSTON A Nil AM, 1'OINTH KAHT unci HOIITI1 For Informutlon, time canjn, maiwancl ticket, cnl ou or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. ARent, The ll.illeM, OreKon on A. I). CIIAULTON. ABflt. G. P. A., iVi. Morrlnoa Cor. Third. I'ortlund Ore-fon Dalles, Moro and Aotelope- STAGE LINE. Tliroimh hy cliiyllh'lit viu Oriiss Valley, Kent unit cro.iit Hollows. IMMUil.AH Al.l.KN, Tin. itllN. C. M. WIUTi:i,A W, Alltnl.ipii. Ktaes leuvo The Dallcx Irom Umatilla Hoiim! ut 7 11, m, ulno from AutelojHi ut ":) a. m. every llonilay, Wiilnecday und trlcluv. (.'oiinectloiii 1111. ilc ut Alitnloiie for I'rlnevllle, Mllchell uml liointH beyond. Clone or iiueotloiih made ut Tlie bullca wltli rnllwuyH, truliin and houtH. Hluxin from Anlelopu reiifili The Di-IIch Tues-claj-h, Thuudjyn und tiatanluyN nt I :;;o . in. HATKfl fltf r.l tIK. Dulit-h to Dciicliutes do .Moro. do (IriiiiH Valley do Kent do CriMii Hollows Antelope to Cross Hollows . . iio Kent do (iruss Vuliey lo .Moro, do I'cschuces 1I0 Dalles .. 1 H) 2 '.'' :i u) . I ffl 1 .'A J ("1 . a ui .1 so 1 ui . ft ou TfieCoiuniDiaPacKiDgCo.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFAOTUitKKB UK Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON DRIED BEEF, ETC. 1