The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 17, 1898, Image 3

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HOT WATER in Ten Minutes.,
We cordially invite you to an exhibition of
Corsets, by Miss P: Keppler of New York, an expert
Corset Fitter, who will remain in the city for this
week only.
The DallesJJaily Chronicle.
FKHRUARY 17, 181)8
Foothill 1.
D.dles vii. Wihunettos.
At the Fair Grounds on
Tuesday, February 22d.
Usu Clarke & Fulk's Floral Lotion for
chapped IiiuhIh unci rough akin. lui
Ijavo your orilur lor dry fir wood tit
The Dalles Cominihsiun it Grucury Co.
Thu weather forecast for tonight und
Friday in occassional snow und cooler.
Try our onu pound Hquurca "Quuun
Brand" hiittur, ut DuIIuh ComnilHHion &
Grocery C,o.
Leave vour orderH lor IIhIi, poultry,
(tame, produce und groeeriea ut Dalles
Commission uud Grorory Co. tf
It is reported that the 0. R. & X. Co
will immediately begin work on u Hue
to Luwistuu, Idaho, from Wullulu up
Snake river.
Thu Oregon Koad GIiiVh bowling team
will come up on tin; 5:110 train this even
ing, and the totirnumeut will begin ut
8 o'clock -sharp.
Slierill' Driver took J, Morrell to the
penitentiary ut Salem thin morning,
where he litis been sentenced to two
years or roLbiim William Wiley.
The Wouiiiii'h Chrintuin Temperance
Union will meet tomorrow ufteriioou at
3o,ulock, in the Congregational church.
All lueinbura are urgently requested to
be present.
HivlisheB, onions, lettuce und spinach
ol oiit-door-growth, which wero ruiHed
tight here in The Dalles, uru in the
market today. Those are things that
but few climates cim bouat of ut tliia seu
6on of the year.
The scow Wuaco, which wiih sold by
Captain Donovan to the contractors who
are furniHliing rock for the jetty, nt
Gruy'B harbor, wua taken below this
iiiorniuif. The luteratutu line ulao been
sold to the same parties und will go bo
lowoun. It Is now a certainty Hint the football
game between The Dalles and Wilam
ettej will conic- oil' on the aftornoon ol
Wellington's birthday. Thu fame
promises to bo well worth seeing und
none should neglect going.
KoIibiubuI for the Old Folka' concert
will coiuintiuuu promptly ut 8 o'clock
tills evening nt tho Congregational
church. PorsoiiB who take part are ur
gently requeBted to bo on blind ut the
liour Bpecllled, ub any doluy will lucon-
later""10 ,IUMiy w'10 1UV0 u,BuKomont8
Tho Methodist people hoped to hovo
Blibop CriuiBton with them In tholr
P'yor mooting toulght, hut a letter
from him lust night brought word that
be could not bo in tho city until Friday
afternoon. He will ho here to assist in
their juulluo eervlcea Friday evening.
Tlie meeting will be public and all mem
wra of the congregation and will
be most hourtlly wolcomed.
Tliia nllernoon the grand jury finished
tho work before them for this term of
court and were discharged. As no jury
trlala cume up for hearinp, tho petit
jury wub uleo discharged. This was the
ahorteat term of circuit court on record
in Wasco county. A number of crim
inal casee were on the docket, but in
each cuae the defendant plead guilty and
received sentence without a triui.
The humble, but com fortableTd well
ing of Indian Dave, an old fisherman
who lives on mi island ubout two miles
above this city, was burned Monday
afternoon, with till its contents, leaving
tho poor old fellow without mi? thing!
but tho ruga he weara. lie is in the
city today endeavoring to raise a little
money to rebuild hia muriBion, and ti
little assistance rendered in thin way
will be missed by none.
Companies A. and' G. of the Four
teenth United States Infantry, left Port-
hind Tuesday evening for Seattle, to
,hoard the ateatner Queen for Skaguay,
iVlnska. Tho detachment consisted of
08 men and four ollicera. It came over
from Fort Vancouver on the steamer
Undine, landing ut the foot of Tnylor.go
ing down Third to Glisan and out Sixth
to Union depot. Passing through -to
the tiainahed tho boya stacked their
anna and waited an hour nnd forty-five
minutes for their truin to leave, at 5
o'clock. Then they hud three tourist
sleepers to themselves,
Elmer Green, who was charged with
having robbed William Wiley, brought
In a plea of guilty yesterday nfternoon,
nnd threw himself on the mercy of the
court, und was sentenced to two years
in the penitentiary. Henry Zweidler
pleud guilty ot shooting u cow belonging
to ono of his neighbors, uud was lined
.ffiO. A true bill was brought in agaliiBt
WillhunJLumon, but ho did not appear,
and hia bonds wero forfeited. A true
bill wua ulao brought in in tho case of
Mrs. Lamberson, yesterday afternoon,
uud her trial set for 9 a. in. today. A
plea of guilty was entered and slio wua
lined $50, the charge against her being of practicing dentistry without
Nearly every business Iioubo in Ger
vais, Marion county, Or., was burglar
ized Tuesday night. Entrance was ef
fected in moat cases by unlocking or
prying open tho front doors, though in u
few cases rear doora were opened. It
was the moat thorough work overboard
of in tho state. Although over a half
dozen placoa wero broken into, not over
twenty dollars In cash waa secured and
fioiue goods of little vuluo taken. In
each case they broke tho tills open, and
although tho nightwutohuiun was on
duty, ho did not notice anything un
usual was going on. Thorn was no clno
lelt by which tho burglars might be
trucod, nnd, judging fioin indications,
they wore experts.
The river Ib rising very rapidly at
nluco nnd causing considerable incon
venience to pooplo who hnvo cordwood
piled along the beach. Yesterday the
rise was very poroeptlble.aB it stood at
exactly ten foot above low' water. This
morning It had swelled to 14.5 feet, and
was rising rapidly. During three hours
this morning it came up se
Some of the cordwood along the beach is
already floating, and if the water con
tinues to come up, the owners of wood
will be unable to remove it to higher
ground before it is washed away. The
fiahwheel scows, which were beached
above town are floating, and the appear
ance of things . 13 considerably changed
on the water front. Owing to the high
wuter the D. P. & A. K. Co.'s wharf-
boat wub moved to the.upper Bide of the
(incline this morning.
Old I'olkM' J'rugraiu.
Following is ye program for ye con
cert at ye Playe House Tuesday, Febru
ary, 22d :
"Ye Old I-'olkw nt Home" All men und wo
men MiiKerx.
Nutlonnl Hymn, "Amotion"- -All men mid
women tliiKcrK.
Ye miiycle, llellndu Stnndlsh Cram, will come
before ye people nnd ntf ubout "Annie I.uwrle."
Kour-parte botiK by four youths.
Ye very worldly nnd sinful tune, "Merry,
-Merry Are We," by eight dnmes.
Ye pathetic tune, "Last Hose of Summer," by
Deborah Doieus MeCo.
Kentlmentiil sonu, "Aunt DInnh's (JulltlnR
1'urty," by 1'ltklna Pellet Clnrk uud nil singers.
Serious two-pnrtc fconir, "O, ltestless Sen," by
Keluruh llouutlful I'Veneh und Penelope Hoyal
.lounthuu HczeUlnli I.mukrs will nppcur nlone
uud slut; "Flow CJently Sweet Alton."
Souk of love, "Meet Me by Moonlight" Many
omen sinners.
Kosnuuu Sophli Hluhflyer MIchell will sing
"Oruuduiu's Advice."
Mule Qnurtot--To be selected.
Dame Mehltnbel Varney will sine a serious
one-parte song.
Slnutnt' Muster Plilncns Sebastian l.undcll will
sing "Thy Sentinel Am I "
Ye reckless and worldly tune, "Yankee Doo
dle," by John Geo Stuyvesunt l'arrott und nil
ye singers'.
A sort; about Cousin Jededtuh Four singers,
Yo mnyde, (Jlory Ann lilossoiu Cushlng, will
slug "Darby und Joan."
"Auld Lang Syne" All ye singers.
Frivolous Song, "Comlu' Through the Kye"
Mathilda Kent Sampson.
Four-purte bong, "When You nnd 1 Were
Young, MugIe"Kour singers.
Chorus, "Wbln-poor-tt'lU" All singers.
All ye inet'rr(ind worno-i lingers will slug
"Home, Sweet ,lmo."'
This ia yo'e'nd.
ltUNllltJlW AllllUUUltflllttUt.
I have Litis day embarked in tho busi
ness of u general insurance, real estate
and house broker; and also collections
and negotiating of loans. 1 respectfully
solicit a fair share of the public patron
age, my motto being "Strict attention to
business." My office ia with Dufur &
Dufur, rooms 23 and 24, new Vogt block,
The Dalles, Or., where I will bo pleased
to have my friunds and others cull and
see mo ubout uny matters in my line.
15 4 w W. H. Butts.
- The Mud urn Wuy
Commends Itself to the well-informed,
to do pleasantly and oft'eotuully what
formaly done in the crudest manner and
isagreeably as well. To cleanse the
lyetem and break up colds, headaches,
nd fevers without uu pleasant after el-
'ects, use the delightful liquid laxative
emedy, Syrup of Figs. Made by Call-
rnla Fig Syrup Co.
During January and Feb
ruary wo will give to every
person buying One Dollar's
worth of goods at our store a
chance on a Sixty-Dollar
Which was manufactured
by ' the Michigan Stove Co.
Drawing to come off the 28th
day of February, 1898.
I'reliniluary Kxainlnntlnn nf "Dakota
Slim" Jteeun ut Colfax.
Robert McDonald, known as Dakota
Slim, was taken before Justice Kirkland
in Colfax Tuesday morning for prelimi
nary examination for the murder of Or
ville Hayden, near Farmington, October
22, 1897. McDonald is the man who es
caped lynching at tne hands of a mob
last month. A number of witnesses were
The principal witness was Dan Couch,
who positively identified McDonald as
the man who held him up and robbed
him and afterward held up young Hay
den, when the latter was shot, Couch's
story is that he was in the Klondike
saloon, just eaBt of Farmington, until 9
o'clock on the night of October 22J. He
left the saloon to go to Farmington. As
he stepped out of the building, he saw
two men in the road, ten feet away, fac
ing hitn. The taller man, whom he
identified as the prisoner, pointed :i pis
tol at his head and said :
"Throw up your bands, or I'll kill
He threw up his hands, when the tall
man led him down the road towaid
Farmington. After being robbed, Couch
was made to lie down by the fence. Half
an hour afterward the two men held up
and robbed Carl Hayden, who was
placed with Couch by the ience. Short
ly after 11 o'clock that night, Orville
and Dan Huydui and Frank Rector came
out of the saloon and walked toward the
parties in the road. They were halted
and told to throw up their hands. Im
mediately after this command was given
the smaller man, supposed to bo
"Blacky," who was lynched January
10th, fired two shots. Orville Hayden
and Rector both fled to the saloon. Dan
Hayden was seaiched and his money
taken, when he, Carl Hayden and Couch
were told to run, and did so. On reach
ing the saloon, Couch says he saw Or
ville Hayden lying on the Uoor with a
bullet wound in hia body above the
heurt. He died 10 minutes later.
Couch stated that the first time he
saw McDonald after the murder, was In
the jail here. He recognized him ut
N. T. Coffin, a detective, told the sto
ry, of u confession made to h!m by
"Blacky," in which the latter stated
that he und McDonald wero the high
waymen, and that he filed the shot that
killed Orville Havdoii.
The preliminary examination was re
sumed yesterday ufternoon.
Court rroiu't'illngs.
Tho proceedings of the circuit court
today wero as follows :
State of Oregon vs. Elmer Green A
true bill arraigned; time waived to
plead. A plea of guilty entered ; time
for sentence waived. Sentenced to two
years in the penitentiary.
State of Oregou vs. Henry Zweldler
Plea of guilty entered ; time or sen
tence waived. Fined 50.
State of Oregon vs. William Lemons
A true bill; defendant makes default.
n iB
We have strictly First-Class
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To "be sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
phone 25. ' J. T. Peters & Co.
Order forfeiting bail.
State of Oregon vs. Mrs. G. E. Lam
berson True bill arraigned ; to plead at
9a. m. Plea of guilty entered; time
for sentence waived. Sentenced to pay
$50; -execution stayed.
State of Oregon vs. David Barclay
Not a true bill. Defendant discharged.
State of Oregon vs. Richard Carlisle
Xot a true bill. Defendant discharged.
Final citizenship papers were today
issued to Charles G. Hanson, a native of
Kdlth Schmidt l'aaseg Away This
This atteruoon the grim hand of
deatli grasped another victim from our
midst in the person of Miss Edith
Schmidt, who died peacefully at about
2 ?80 o'clock.
Miss Schmidt has beun ailing for about
five yeare, her sickness having begun
with bronchial trouble, which afterwards
developed into that dread disease, con
sumption. Three years ago she went to
Thornix, Arizona, artd the change of cli
mate greatly relieved her. After re
maining about a year in that place, she
returned home much improved, and her
many friends thought for a time that
she would regain her health. The dis
ease was not cured, however, and soon
she began to fail. Although everything
available was done for her, her physi
cians saw that it was only a mutter of a
short time until tiie end would come.
For tho last two weeks she has been
too weak to arise from her bed, and
about 6 o'clock this morning those who
wero attending her saw that she could
last but a few hours. From that time
until she died ehe was unconscious and
did not seem to suller any pain what
ever. Edith Schmidt was born in The Dalles
December 20, 1875, and was consequent
ly but 22 years, 1 month and 28 days
old. She has spent nearly all her lifo
in ttils city, and was of such a kind and
loving disposition that ehe wns a favor
ite of all who knew her, especially
among tho young people with whom she
She leaves a father, mother, ono sis
ter, Alma Schmidt, and three brothers,
Victor, Charles and Adolph. Victor is
now nt Antelope, but a messenger lias
been sent for him, und he will bu here
as soon as possible.
As yet no definite arrangements have
been made for the funeral ; nut it will
probably take place Sunday.
Later IteiiorlH tJoiu iiinlni; Hid Maine.
A special bulletin received this morn
ing concerning tho destruction of tho
battleship Maine, states that the nunii
her of dead at present ia behoved to bo
254. Orders have been given by tho
United States governniHiit for an imme
diate investigation so that tho cause of
the explosion cau be ascertained without
a shadow of doubt.
The rumor that the atrocity of the
Spaniards is the cause to which the de
struction of the Maine is due, is not
without support, and it is hoped that
Do You
Catch On?
No more cold ovens.
Plentv of hot water.
an1 a great fuel saver.
Have one put in your
stove by
the investigation which will be made as
soon as possible, will bring the facts of
the whole unfortunate affair to light.
The bulletin goes to state further that
Captain Sigshee, of the ill-fated battle
ship, has said emphatically that the de
struction of his vessel was not due to
any accident.
The HowIIiir Tournament.
The first four games of the bowling
tournament between the Umatilla House
bowlers and the club members, came off
at the club rooms last night, nnd result
ed in a victory of four straight names for
the club tenm. In the first they won by
eight piny, in the second by sixty-six, in
,he third by twenty-five and the fourth
y twenty-two pins. T(ie following are
he totals f.r each game :
09 First Game 201
238 Second Game 192
23S Third Game 208
232 Fourth Game 210
932 Total 811
At ptesent the club team holds an ad
vantage of 121 pins. It should be re
membered, however, that tho Umatilla
House team was bowling on alleys to
which they were not accustomed, and
simo of their best rollers had exception
ally hard luck, taking out numerous
centers and rolling lar below their usual
It is expected tho guinea which will bo
played on thu Umatilla House alleys in
the near future will bo much closer and
more interesting those of last night.
Notlco to Cniitrut't.irM.
Bids will bu received till noon Mon
day, February 21 , 189S, ut tho ollico of
C. J. Cruudull, for the mnsnn work on
the Wasco Warehouse addition. Also
bids will bo received at tho mime place
and time fur the carpenter work on tho
same building.
'.Then I'll a Friar Be." Tho snug.
"What I You become a nun, my dear ;
then I'll a friar he," has been one of tho
most popular songs foi inalo voices over
written. Thu tendency to do aa olheid
do is strom; in many ways in Hfo, Your
neighbor has ii piano. Why not you?
Always a GOOD investment, a piano ia
a HKTTIClt investment just now than
I. C. Nickelsen
Book & music Company.