The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 16, 1898, Image 4

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    The Dalles Daily Chrcia'I.
IttK 1AL,I,KS,
oros enjoys
Both tho method and results when
Syrup of Figs is tnkcn; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acta
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho
only remedy of "its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it Do not accept any
L. Doyle of Dufur is in tho city to-
C. V. Fairchild of
Grass Valley Is a
visitor in our city.
John Bethune and wife are in from
their farm near Dufur.
Mrs. Nettie Booth was a passenger for
Portland on the boat this morning.
C. A. Buckley, one. of Grass Valley's
principal stockmen, is in the city today.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Crowe werejjnfll
sengers for .Portland on this morning s
William Cantrell of Dufur was in the
city yesterday, returning home this
Jack Chambers of Canyon City, who
is the man that made the rich find near
that city some time ago, was in the city
present everything indicates that
'the Coloma, Portland's pet craft, is at
the bottom of the northern waters.
The final quietus was put .on Vander
burg yesterday, when the iiouse decided
without a dissenting voice that he has
no grounds for contest against Represen
tative Tongue.
Vice-President Eatrada Cobrera has
officially informed tiie people of Guate
mala of h'is accession to the presidency
of that country. He ha6 issued a decrte
of amnesty and ordered an election.
Representative Ellis iias introduced a
bill in the house granting to William S.
JJyers, of Pendleton, Or., a right-of-way
through the Umatilla reservation, Ore
gon, for irrigation, manufacturing and
milling purposes.
The senate devoted almost four hours
in executive session to the consideration
of the Hawaiian treaty yesterday. The
principal speech was made by Senator
Pettigrew, this being the third install
ment of hia remarks upon this subject.
A remarkable change was manilested
yesterday in the demeanor of the public
toward Entile Zola. In the crowds who
collected outside the palaiso de justice
there could not have been more than a
dozen or so who went with the express
intention of manifesting their feeling for
or against Zola. It now looks probable
that lie will be acquitted.
The Spanish cabinet met at 5 o'clock
yesterday afternoon, and discussed the
present state of the war in Cuba, and
tho DeLome matter at lenth. It was
decided to publish a decree accepting
tho resignation of Senor de Lome as
minister at Washington, and appointing
Senor Louis Polo Bernabe aa his suc
cessor. A CAM,.
The Wasco County Republican Cen
tral Committee will meet at the court
house in The Dalles, Saturday, Feb. 10,
1698, at 2 p. in., for the purpose of issu
ing a call, appointing delegates, and
making all necessary arrangements (or
holding the primaries and Republican
county convention. A full attendance
is desired, J. M, Pattkuson,
February 8, 1808. Chairman.
In a recent letter from Washington,
D. 0,, to an old friend, Major, G. A.
fituder, for twenty years United States
Consul at Singapore, eays : "While at
Dea Moines I became acqalnted with u
liniment known us Chamberlain's Pain
Balm, which I found excellent against
rheumatism as well ns against soreness
of the throat and chest (giving mo much
easier breathing. 1 had a touch of pneu
monia early this week, and two applica
tions freely applied to the throat and
chest relieved me of It at once. I would
not ho without it for anything." For
sale by Blakcley & Houghton.
Couit I'roerrilliiK.
The following cases were before the
circuit court today :
State of Oregon vs J Morrell, a plea
of not guilty entered by defendant.
Plea was afterward withdrawn and a
a plea of guilty entered. Time for ecu
tence waived and sentence set at two
years in the penitentiary.
There were no equity cases before the
court today, and the only law easo was
that of V L Whealdon vs It G Urooks et
al, in which an answer was tiled.
Final citizenship papers were Issued
today to Gust W Jclinstou, a native of
Frank Sherwood was down town to
day, the first time since lie had his tus
sle with cholera morbus. He says he
drove miles afterhe was takensick, and
never came so near dying in his life.
After tiiis when he goes out in the coun
try he will take a bottle of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
with him. Missouri Valley (Iowa)
Times. For sale by Blakeley & Hough
Ion. liuslneSM Announcement.
I have this day embarked in the busi
ness of a general insurance, real estate
and house broker; and also collections
and negotiating of loans. I respectfully
solicit a fair share of the public patron
age, my motto being "Strict attention to
business." My office Is with Dufur &
Dufur, rooms 23 and "4, new Vogt block,
The Dalles, Or., where I will be pleased
to have my friends and others call and
see me about any matters ic my line.
15-lw W. H. Butts.
Wanning : Persons who suffer from
Roughs and colds should heed the warnings-of
danger and save themselves suf
fering and fatal results by using One
Minute Cough Cure. It is an infallible
remedy for coughs, colds, croup and all
throat and lung troubles. Snipes-Kin-ersly
Drug Co.
Spray Vuur True.
All persons having fruit trees which
are infested with San Jose scale are
Lhereby notified to spray the same with
a solution of lime, sulphur and salt with
in sixty days after tho date of this notice.
Emilk Sciianno.
Commissioner for the fourth district.
dull In lour Checks.
All countv warrants registered prior
to Nov. '22, 1893, will be paid at my
otlice. Interest ceases after Feb. llith,
1898. C. L. Phillips,
Countv Treasurer.
Clarke & Falk's Rosefoam tooth wash
is the best to keep the teeth and cume
clean and healthy. 'J-lm
The best specific for dandruff and to
prevent baldness is Clarke & Falk's
compound quinine hair tonic. 9-ltu
The cigars manufactured by S. F.
Fonts are all high grade goods, and are
placed before the smoking public en
tirely on their merits.
There is no need of little children bo
ing tortured by scald head, eczema and
skin eruptions. DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve gives instant relief and cures per
manently. Snlpes-Kinersly Drug Co.
When you see a good thing push it
along. Therefore call for the Prize
Medal and Rose Queen cigars.
Everybody reads The Chkolnicu .
Try Schilling's Best tea anrt baking powrter
Smoke tho popular brands, Prize Med
al, Rose Queen and Guarantee,. For
sale by all first-class dealers.
RtmoiM Pimples, eurM Headacht, Dyspepsia and
CostlieitlSS. 26 eta. a box atdrugglnUor by will
Bauplt ttn, addreaa Or, Botanko Co. SfhM. V a.
Ofllco ovei First Nat. U'Uifc.
Physicians and Surgeons,
Special attention glvn to nursery.
Itooma 21 auu 22, Tel. 323. Vogt 11 lock
DeWitt's Little Eurly Risers,
Tbe famous little pllU.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
Cures Piles, Scalds, Hursts.
For PooploThaFAroflJI gk
Hiok or "Just Don't VII I V
Feel Well." IILLW
We fire Doing
feat apd
For Reasonable
Wo Print Anything in
the Printing Lino.
(jive us a. trial.
$hroi)i;l pub. $o.
Tho Itlgldlty or Discipline 11a lloon Un
taxed. If we look over the period covered by
these memoirs (lives of Presidents llnr
nard and McCosh)wc can see what
changes have come to pass, says the
Atlantic. Ilrieily stated they are these.
Tt is most remarkable that pecuniary
resources have increased enormously
and this has made possible belter
building's, larger libraries, more teach
ers. Private gifts, land grants and leg
islative appropriations have nil con
tributed to this result. With more lib
eral expenditures, there has been
greater freedom in every detail. The
rigidity of discipline has been relaxed,
manners are not so stiff, there is far kss
of petty regulation, the teaching is not
so severe, the methods of living are
much more civilizing. "The curric
ulum" has gone.
Either absolute election or a very
large amount of choice is now permit
ted. With the abandonment of one
lived course this required amount of
Greek and Latin lias been greatly dimin
ished and it is demonstrated that class
ical studies have gained more than ttu..y
have lost by this change. History,
Enflish, French and German receive an
amount of attention that was not given
to these subjects 30 years ago. On the
other hand, (here is less atteption to
public speaking. Of great importance
is the wide introduction of laboratory
methods in the study of science, espe
cially in physics, chemistry, physiol
ogy, botany and geology. Athletics
hae made marvelous advances. Fi
nally, the admission of women to the
advantages of higher education, either
by eonducution, or by "annexes," or by
separate foundations, is one of the
greatest gains of the period under re
At the Drinnnionil castle disaster
,if,nplv nil tilt. luulti'Q fritltlfl llMll ltf(
belts on and only three persons were
Tin nuii'nrnf I'lillt. "lill.. r'l,i1lviS llfl
i alary. The late mayor, who recently
letired from odiee, was so highly es
teemed fiat 'the common council voted
an appropriation to him. They awarded
him one dollar.
A lielgian pedcutrian walked from
Antwero to lirussels. SS miles, in two
days, walking ten hours a day. The en
tire distance he walked backward. His
shoes bail slight heels under the toes?.
Tier, in f.tciwlefl fnl:rm mtrlntu se
cured dollars for the wnr in Portland,
Me., ny me Old dooge oi selling wnai.
Hmv Kiiitl wensniii''i'ledil!:ivnnii cifrara.
"".j .- --f-ri
I'ureiinsers since have been expressing
inc. opinion inai, sinoacu m num. me
cigars would be )' more emcacy than
insolvent ammunition.
A warm shampoo with CimcunA Koap,
followed by gentle applications of Outi
cuiia (ointment), the great skin euro, will
clear the fccalp of crusts, scales, and
dandruff, allay itching, soothe Irritation,
Btiinulato tho hair follicles, ami produce
ft clean, healthy scalp and luxuriant hair,
when all olso fails.
fell hrouhout lh world. PfiM. Cjticbi. Mc.i
Boir, Mc.i HuoirixT. . nd SI. roil" Do
auu Cum. Cosr.,liolrfOp.,Moloa.
mr " ho t 1'ioduo l.uiurunl lliir," milled IfM.
Ofllco over First Nt. Uank. "
rni n tluie thlnu a word or two no mora;
Uut It pierced with st tiny sting, and left a true
heart norm ,
It hushed uwhllo tho music that hearts nlono
ran hoar,
And dimmed tho Inward sunshlno that olso had
been so clear.
Onlv n llttlo thine a word-n smllo no slight,
Ouo could not tell tho reason why It made tho
lnv ko brl'Mit:
Why it brought tho llcht of Heaven so close to
tho troubled heart,
Anil cleared thu dusky shadows like morning
mists apart.
Only a llttlo thlnR tho breadth of a hnlr-so
That cither eye nor 'car could troco Its sllont
Yot it turned siver.t chords to discord, ond
JaiiRlcd tho noble score,
And not till It lias been banUhcd can tho mu
tic breutho onco more.
Only a little thine n withering breath that
O'er tho exquisite bloom of tho llowcr, and
dulled Its tender hue
Yot ne'er u;tiiIu shall It smile at tho Idss of tho
For the soulof lt.s beauty hath vanished, and Its
fMKllo life Is dono.
Only a llttlo thlne-yct from small beginnings
Tho wondrous ways of llfo, from whenco a
world mlRht urow
And In tiniest Kcrmsmay lurk thopolson-bcar-
lnR breath
That may lay tho hopo of a nation low In the
grasp of death.
Only a llttlo thine yet smallest things may
To mlk'htlost future Issues, that now wo cannot
And, handllnc the llttlo things with a soft and
reverent touch.
We shall prove thut tho faithful in llttlo is tho
faithful, too, In much!
Agnes Machnr. In Chicago Interior.
tVnslilnptnn'H Dry Land.
The state of Washington is properd
in ir systematicallv in the work of re-
I claiming it nrid lands, the operations
' being under tho direction of an arid
hind commissioner. A recent rejxirt
by this oflieer says that by the process
nf irrigation over 1,000,000 acres in tli"
state may lw made fertile. The work
in band la the reclamation of Mime
S50.000 acres, which have been with
drawn from the public domain ntn cost.
I mostly for personal services, of about
$7,000. Abundant water for this large
tract can le had from the Natchez
river, reinforced by n series of reser
i voir, the water to be supplied by a
' cannl 150 miles in length. Detroit Pree
i Press.
.llitlKro Soups.
are not u success unless they contain
somo element to take the pluce of stock.
Milk is the best substitute for this.
A broth made of beans or peas or any
of the "pulses" is almost n nourishing
as a broth of meat. Most vegetable
soups, however, must be made with
a foundation of stock to have cmy ex
cuse for existence. Cream snupa are
frequently made of rich milk, with wa
ter, instead of milk and stock. Such
roups, if agreeable in flavor, are Kitifi
factory nt this season because they are
light and do not load down the digestive
jxiwers like the heavier broth and thick
ened soup of winter. The excellent
fashion of to-day is to relegate such
heavy soups to the luncheon table ever.
in winter, and use nothing heavier than
n consomme for a dinner. Cincinnati
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice is ' crebv given that under and by vir
tue) ol an execution unci finl-jr of Mile, ImiioI
out nf the Circuit l.'olirt of tin.' State ol Oruifon,
for Wasco County, on the lltli day of December,
lh'JT, upon n decree miri liiilgiuuiit remlcrvtl
therein on the llrst cly of becumbcr, ls;r7, Inn
suit then mid tlieretot'ore peiullng, wherein
Northern Counties Investment 'I rust, Limited, n
Corponitioil, was pliiii'tlir, and Mary J. binllli
Juruits .M. bmitli, Jr., Kluui A. Smith mid ;lem
hinltli. were ilefendants, I did on the 1 1 tit day of
IVtvmber, Ml", iluly levy ui)ti. and will, on
WVlnenlay. the lath iliiy of January, lW, at the
hour.of onoo'cli'ck in the afternoon of said day
at the front door of the county court houo hi
Dalles City, Wiuco County, (Jrtgon, sell at pub
llo aiteti(n, to the liUliest bidder, for cuih hi
hand, tie follow! ig described real estate, to
wit, I-ots U and (i In block 'J. U'liighlln's AiMI.
lion to Tho Dalles City, mill Lot 1 in lllock 'i, lu
Truvltt's Addition to Tho Dalles City, all in
Wucco County, Orevou, togetlier with all mid
singular the tenements, hereditaments, and up
Iierteiiiiiiees thereunto belonging or hi any wise
apertaiiiitig, or so much tlieri'of as shall bo
necessary to satisfy mid pay the said several
sums due to plalntlll'mentloaed in sal-i writ, to
wltr fJ,9,lj.OO, and Interest thereon from the
first day of liwember, IW7, at the rate of eight
tier cent. ler annum; the further turn of KM.OO
as a re.isoiinble attorney's fee, and the costs mid
dhbursemeiits of said suit, taxed ami allowed
at fjy.OO, together with Kceruliitf costs mid ex-IH'iisc-
of sueh sale,
Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, this l'jlli day of
December, IS'J".
Sheriff of Wiuco Comity, OrcKon,
SherifTs Sale.
Notice fs hereby kIvcii that tinder mid bv vir
tue of jm execution and onler of sale Issiieil out
of the Circuit Court of the Ktato of Oregon for
tho County of Vnco, mid to mo directed anil
delivered, upon u Judgment ami decteo rendereil
and entered in said court on tho Mil day of No
vemlwr, ls'J7, In favor of A. II, Jones, pliilnllll',
and against it. V.. l'ewel, defendant, for the sum
of two hundred slid suventy-slx mid iVioo
it'.'TO.'i'o dollars, together with Interest thereon,
thieu w I, lb'.kj, at tin rate of ten tier cent per
jiii iiu in , and thirty dollars attorney fees;
ana the further sum of eleven (fll)ilollarseofts,
whioli said JuilRineat was enroll. il mid ilooketcd
hi the ollleo of theclerk of mUl court hi tald
county on tho Mil day of November, lb'J7i and
whereby It was further ordered mid decreed by
IhuCourt that the folloivhiK de.-erlbcd proiierty,
Ik-lnnliiK at a irfilnt 18.30 cliulnswest of the
lino between sections thlrtj-llve and Ihlrty-slx,
hi township tliree north of raui;c ten east of the
Wlllamctto Meildlan. behiK the western term
inus oftlio north boundary Hue of tlie James
Uensou Dousllon Land Claim; tlieuco north
(.K chains, thcuoo east chahib, tlieuco
sou Hi chains, and thence west 8X1 clulus to
pliieoof li-Kin 11 1 in,', eotitilnliiK six neros, more
or less, ami LeliiK tho same premises sold by tho
said A. II. Jones to the said li, K. l euel, In
Wasco County, OreKou,
lo sold to satbly sii judgment, uttornuy fees,
costs and accruing coils, I will, 011 'I ucsday, tho
8th day ofrebruary, IH'Jjj, at !i o'clock p. in. of
said day. at tho (rout door of tho courthouse hi
Dulles City, WatcoCo,,Or.,K'll all the rllit. title
ami Interest of the said it, 10. Feu el hninil to 1)10
abovu described proiierty, at public auction lo
tho highest bidder for cash in hiiui,the pro
ceeds uritlng from said sale to be applied to the
satisfaction of said Judgment, attorney's fee,
costs and Hccrull'K costs, and tho surplus, If any
there be, to be paid Into eoutt, and there to ro
main until the turther order of this court,
dccZM Sbcriirof Wusco Countv, Or,
..GHflS. FMW..
and Fafmer's
Ki-eps on drnimht the celebrated
COl'tlMIIIA 1IHKU, iieknmvi
vm the best beer lu Tim Dalles,
at the usual price. Come In, try
It mid be convinced. AImi the
Klnist biiimh of Wines, Liquors
anil Clears.
..r ..11 ii. 1.. ..1.... I t
ui 1111 iviiiKS iiMiiiyn tin iiiuiiit
Chickens Dressed to Order.
Promt Delivery to any part
of the city.
Phono 12. Third and Washington StH.
Patronize the
Alt kind of work. White Shirts a specialty,
l'limllv work at reduced rates. Wash collected
and delivered free. TtilrphoiiK nn. 1111,
H. D. Parkins, Agt,
Harry Liebe,
Watchmaker 4 Jeweler
All work promptly attended to, ,
and warranted.
Letters of Credit itiatied nvailahle in the
Eastern States.
Hiirht EM:hano and Toleirrnnhit
Transfers sold on New York, Chicauo,
at. Louis, San 1'ranciHCo, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various jiointa
111 Uregon ami Washington.
Collections made at all noints on fav-
orahle terms.
18 1'nRtiH k Wniili, lr.O l'lipurs n Yeur
It etands first amoni weuklv" nnnere
111 size, freipiency of puhlicatinu
iresiiness, variet? and relialiiltty of cor.
tents. It is practically a dally at tho low
price o a weekly ; and its vast list of
subscrihers, extundinic to every state and
territory or thn Union and foreign coun
tries, will vouch for the accuracy and
fairness of its iiiiu r columns.
It is snlondidly illustrated, and nnioiie
lla special features aro a finu humor
pajre, exhaustivo market reports, all the
latest fashion for women and a Ion
series of stories liy the greatest livine
A ! I I.'.. ..!!..! I r
juiieiieiiu iiuii xviiuunii uiiiuurs.
Coiinn Doyle, .loroinit IC. .Itiroiue,
Hlniiloy WoyniHii, alary K. Wllkliis
Aiitlimiy IIoimi, llrel llitrte,
llrntiilnr .tlultlinwa, Ktc.
Wo od'er this nnenualed newsimiiornnil
The Dalles Twico-a Week Ohroniclo to.
Kethor one year for ifli.00. Tho regular
price of the two papers is if 3, 00.
Holo I'roiiriotota of tli OKI.KIIHATKD
hi River Nursery,
TILIilfTT Ai OAHatlAN, l'ruti.
First-class Nuriery Stock a Specialty
TWO Transcontinental ROUTES
St. Payjil
Salt Lake
Kansas City
Low Rates -to all Eastern Cities
IIUICAN HTKAMKKH L,mv I'ortlitiiil
KerV I'lv.i IImVh fur
Steamers monthly from Portland to
Yokohama anil Iloiijr Koiik via North
ern I'ncllic Steamship Co., in connection
with O. U. N.
l-'nr (nil itctallH call on O. II Jit Co. h ARent
Tlie l)nlle, oraddrexH
DODHOiS', CAUI.M.I. .t CO,, (Icn. A8t
jS'orlli I'aclllc Htealiiidiip Co.
No. I, to Hpokano and (heat Northern arrive
atri;'J."ip. in., leaven at fit 30 p. in. No. 'J, to Pendle
ton, linker City and Union t'iiclllc,iirrlvc.sat 12:13
a in,, depart), at l'-:f0 a. in.
No il, Iroin Kpokami and (Ireat Nortlicrn, ar
rives at li-fiO a. in., ilepartM at ii:5."i a. in. No. l,
iioni llakir City and Hiiloi, 1'aclllo, urriven at
a. in,, departH at ILTJI n. m,
Nos. 21 and UI, niovhiK cant of Tliu l)alle,wlll
carry p;iioiners. No. 2n arrives at p. in.,
dep.irt.i at 1:1'' p. in.
l'ahseinicrh for Heppner take No -, lenvhiB
licre at 11. 1.'in. in.
W. II. 111'UI.llUltr, (ion. l'aM. ARt
l'ortlund, OreKon
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Car
(1ICAN1) K(Mt
1IKI.KNA uii
Through Tickets
rmi.A ii:i.rniA
Kor InlorniHtlon, ihno canla, niapKimd tlcieta,
cal on or write to
W. C. AIXAWAY. Ao;ent,
The Dalles, OreKon
A. I). OH Alii. TON. Asst. G. V. A.,
r5, Morrlioli Cor. Third. Portland Oregon
Dalles, Mora and Antelope,
Throiiu,li hy daylli;lit via (i rasa Vulluy, Kent
and CroMi IIoIIown.
IMIIIOI.AH AI.I.KN, 'lliti ItMllvN.
U. M. WIUTKI.AW. AlitoluiM).
Htaxei leave Tho Dalle Iroin Uinatllla Hoiim
at 7 a. in,, aho from Auleloiio at T.'A) a. m. every
Jlonday, Weilnei'day and Krldav. Coiiiii-clloiisi
muile at Antelope for I'rhiovlllo, Mitcliell and
points beyond. (Iloko ci unectloiiN iniidoatTlio
Dalles with nillwayH, trains and boatx.
HhiKes from Auleliipu reach Tho Dalles Tues
days, Thnmlays anil .Saturdays at 1:30 p. in.
IIATI'H or I'AllU.
Dalles to Deccliutes
do iioro ,
do (irass Valley
do Kent
do Cross IIoIIown. . ,.. .
A)llcloie to Cross Hollows .. . .
do Kent
do (Irass Valley
. ...?l
, ... 1 w
. i! 'i
. . 3 1
. 1
i i)
. :i to
i m
oil illOIII,
do Ilenlinii,k I (10
do Dalles tW
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Gurorsofhr BRAND