r 3 HOT WATER in Ten Minutes., km Mid We cordially invite you to an exhibition of Corsets, by Miss P. Keppler of New York, an expert Corset Fitter, who will remain in the city for this week only. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. The Dallesaily Chronicle. WKDNKSDATl KBKUAUY Hi, 1H!)S WAY )E GLEANINGS . Weather -Tonight und tomorrow.ruin or enow. New lot of navel oruiiKua 10 cunts per dozen nt Muier & Benton. Ueu Ulurko & Fulk'u Florul Lotion for chapped bunds ami rough skin. lm Luave your order lor dry fir wood tit Tim Dalles CoiiuniHBion & Grocery Co. Try our ono pound squares "Queen Brand" butter, nt Da Huh Commission & Grocery Co. JuBt received direct from Now York a new line of gouts' Hpring ovorcouta. A. M. Williams & Co. Leave your ardora lor fish, poultry, guiuu, produce ami groceries at Da Hub Commission and Grucury Co. tf Thu secretary of the interior has dis missed the uppoul of thu Statu or Oregon from the decision of thu land ollico, hold ing fur cancellation the indemnity uchool eeetion of lands In Thu Dalles laud llUtrii't iif OriH.im Radishes, onions, lottuujo und spinachi uumuuH, uniuiiH, luiiuuu uim npiiniuii ut-door-growth, whiuii wore ruined it hunt in Tho Dallia, uiu in the! kut today. TIiobuuio thiuirs tlutlj ol out right market today. ThoBuaro things thaU but lew cliinutes can liust of at this Hi-u-j eon of the year. Sheriff Drivur went to thu Cascade Locks this morning with a bunch war rant for thu arrest of Mrs. Lambortson, charged with practicing dentistry without a license. She will he brought up tonight and lmve her hearing before ttio grand jury. The grand jury brongtit in an indict mont against Jumes Morrell this morn lug, who is charged with larceny from the person of William Wiley. 1Mb case WB brought up for trial at 1L o'clock and he withdrew his plea of guilty und wub sentenced to two yeura In the peni tentiary. At the ponitontlnry in Wullu Wulla there are Ii50 men working in the jute Kill nine hours u day, muklng 7000 bags daily. In a few weeks they will be re quired to work ten hours a day, und the output will bo increased to H000 dallv. Numi ure now ono.quarter of u million Backs on hand. The tournament between thu Umatilla Hou6o team und that of tho Commercial Ulnb will begin touight tit tho ulub foonis. Both teams are in good trim and an interesting tournament is ex pected. The Oregon ltoud Club's team WIH bo up tomorrow to roll the D. C. d A. 0. team tomorrow night. When the howb spread over town this morning that the battleship Maine wub Wown to pieces in the lluvana harbor, everyone who passed A. M. Williams & 0o'b. window Htoppod uud took a lust llanco at the exact representation oi thu jttlinlflcont vessel. '.The, admiration for Mr. Jenson, the constructor of tho ves wli 1ms grown ten fold alnce the report. Bo much interest is taken in the Maine PEASE & MAYS. and Morro caBtlo that spectators scarce notice thu fine display of shirts, hut no one can well nfl'ord to overlook this if price and quality be considered. Just received, direct from New York, n new line of gents' spring overcoate. A. M. Williams & Co. Tho committee that was out yesterday afternoon selling tickets for the foot ball game, which will take place on Wash ington's birthday between The Dalles and WiltuinetteR,had very flattering suc cess and in about an hour sold upwards of iiftv tickets. This goua to indicate that an asBUraneo can ho given that suf ficient tickets will be sold to defray all expenses. C. A. limiting of Luke county has forty heud of cuttle atllicted with some disease resembling pinkeye umong horses, und he is at a loss to account for its spreading umong his stock. At first ho noticed that two or throe head were ulllicted, and then it gradually spread until about forty of his herd now have thu disease. Tho eyes of the animal Bwell and then it becomes blind. Tho Heppner Lodge No, 35S, 11. P. O. E., are making great preparations for the hall to he held in that town on Washington's birthday. The Birgfeld orchestra of this place will furnish the music, and a rate of ifo.85 will bo made for tho round trip fo." a party of ten or more. It Is expected that a number of Dalles people will attend, and if they do ho, they cau ho sure of receiving a royal reception. The funeral of Mrs. Bridgot Fewer took place from the Catholic church this morning at 9:30. A requiin mass and funeral services were celebrated and a short intonating sermon preached by Bev. A. Bronsgeest. The funeral wan attended by the sisters of St. Mary's Academy, with whom Mrs. Fewer had made her homo for oyer fifteen years, und i number of friends of the deceased. Her remains were laid uwuy in theCuth- olic cemetery. "S. Lust night a special meeting of theV water commissioners was hold and a committee appointed to view the old mill property. Ti e committee consist ed of T. J. Koufurt, ,1. B. Crosson, .Sim eon Bolton und H. B. Dufur. Thu object in viewing tho property was for tho pur- l mac of appraising Its value, as the com mission intends to dispose of the same. A report will bo made out and published as soon as possible --' How often wo hoar the remark, "There nro no songs like the old songs," which iB undoubtedly truo. On next Tuesday night Dalles people will bo given an opportunity to hour them sung by tho very best of talent. Solos, duetts, quartets, and many features of un at tractive character will bo included in tho program. Tho costumes, too, will he very attractive, and ub tho concert is to be given for a most laudable purpose, they should bo greeted with a crowded house. A meeting of the membeis of tho Con gregational church was held last night to vote upon the question of Uev. Cur tis' resignation. About thirty members were present, und as it was the urgent request of Mr. Curtis that he might be allowed to resign, the majority of the people over whom he hae been pastor for so many years voted that his resig nation be accepted. So that In a short time our city will lose a man who by hiB acts and works, has gained the respect and esteem of. everyone who knew him. It has been some time since "a""single" incident caused as much excitement an id of comment on the part of the people The Dalles as did the report received this moruiug of the blowing up of the battleship Maine. At first it was taken for granted by everyone that the blow ing up of tbe Maine wub the work of the Spaniards and a declaration of war was looked forward to by all. ""The re port stating that the explosion was purely an accident caused the excite ment to abate somewhat, but aB only meager reports could be received, all have been anxious for full particulars. Last evening about 0 o'clock, when thej ...!...! 1.1 -l 1 winu was uiuwiii; inmost a Hurricane, tho flue in Mrs. E. M. Wilson's resi dence caught fire and the sparks and flames were blown against the shinnies, igniting them. George Brown, who was near by at the time, succeeded in getting on the roof and pouring a sufficiency of salt into the chiunuy to stop the flames, and as they hud not gained much head way on the roof, thev were eu&ilv extiiiv gulshetL.It was very foituuat.' that the fire was put out in such good time, for had it got any start in sucli a wind, it would have been u difficult matter to l have saved that part of the town On tho night of February 22d the peo ple of White Salmon intend giving a grand ball aud supper for the benefit of a new wharf which is being built at that place. Tickets are for sale in The Dalles, and if a certain number can be disposed of,. the Regulator line will take all who have tickets to White Salmon free of charge. In this way a free moon light excursion can be enjoyed, and all who tako pleasure in u delightful , dance und u supper served by the hospitable people of White Salmon, can have all or the limited sum of if 1. Those interni ng to go phould purchase tickets imiiie- .llately, as but a limited number of pas- ionger6 can he taken on the boat. Mr. Fred G. Wonder, of the Chicago uoHtumiug House, iook tue measures if those who are to take part in the production which will be put on by the Dalles Commereial and Athletic Club. Mr. Wonder has been in this lino of business for ten years, and thoroughly understands it in every detail. To say that he has furnished costumes for al most every amateur performance that has been on the boards in Portland und other coast towns of importance is rec ommendation enough. He will have full charge of the stage und will bring all the scene! y from Portland which will be required, and will bo assisted by an ex perienced etage-carpenter. Yesterday morning Rev. J. II. Wood received a telegram announcing the death of Rev. G. W. Barnhart, pastor of the Methodist church at Arlington. During January and Feb ruary wo will give to every person buying One Dollar's worth of goods at our store a chance on a Sixty-Dollar Steel Range, Which was manufactured by the Michigan Stove Co. Drawing to come off the 28th day of February, 1898. MAIER & BENTON About six weeks ago Mr. Barnhart be gan suffering with a severe pain over the eyes, which devoloped into a serious brain trouble, causing his death. He was about 35 years old, and although among the youngest of the ministers in the Columbia river conference, he was one of the most energetic and will be sadly missed in the. work. He leaves a wife and two children. Rev. Wood left :unt last night for Arlington, to be pres at the funeral, which takes place to day. Presiding Elder Warren will also ,be present. Ye Men uud Women Singers. . Following are ye names of ye men and women wtio will sing.at ye Ulue J?oikes rConcert at ye Towne Playe House, at ye hour of ye curfew, Tuesday, Feb. 22, 1698 : Belinda Standish Cram, Mathilda Kent Sampson, Jerusha Gaylor Samp son, Barbara Faith Fredden, Sophia Rescue Thompson, Glory Ann Blossom Cushing, Jane Elizabeth Rowland, Bet sy Ann French, Sutanna Rachel Patter son, Patience Eugenia Roberts, Arabello Angelina Slusher, Jemima Adelhurt Butler, Keturah Bountiful French (born tHichurdBoir, Rachel Lovemuch Jayne, Rosanna Sophia Highflyer Michell, Pen- Jelope Royal Huntington (born Wilson), Philipina linden (born Atwater), Alvira Ledbetter Gifford, Belinda Blossom Stephens (boin Jackson), Cynthia Con don (born French), Jennie Penelope Morgan born Wallace, Soraphina An- finnfltte l ss Thorn Atwuterl. Abigail born Garrison, Patience Be becca Groat (born Craudall), Lucretia Mehitable Varney born Webber, Erne rine Ketmah Young born Marshal, Jerushia Slimkiiis Cooper born Bailey, Naomi gernphina Bailey hor Cooper, Dorcas Deborah McCoyborn McDonald, Martha Hannah Geiger born Spalding. Ye men singers: Loami Goodenoueh Frank, Nathan Makepiece Barrett, Brndy Bouncebout Clarke, Jacob Fred erick Snipes, Hezekiah Brakebone Doane, Jeremiah Makesick Kshelman, Pefer Pullhard Frazier, Joshua Tonsure Parkins, lehmael Hamilton Young, NicadenniB Given French, Isaac Gus tarus Marden, Homer Hezekiah Hart nett, Timothv Leonidas Si-xton, Icha bod Crane Jenkins, Pittone Johas Wei gle, Thromnorten Campbell, Peregrin Preserved Weigle, Ashley Justinian Jayne, Bartholomew Daguerre GiH'oid, William Blackstone Boberts, Christo pher Vendor Bailey, Phineas Sebastian Luiniull, Wjupeaco Zebediah Gottfried, Benoui Dionysius Geiger, Ulysses In crease Phillips, Aristophoneso Plato Gudo, Felix Caesar Wilson. Gideon Pooro Urandall will lead ye singing. Susanna Harmony Pattercon, born Gray, will play yo spinet. You can't cure consumption but you cau avoid it and euro any other form of throat or lung trouble by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. It cures quickly, That's what you want. Snlpes-Kiners- ly Drug Co. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That I what it was made tor. l 1 1 :: 0 0 0 INTERNATIONAL HEATER. REMEMBER. Wo , Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. phone 2b. J- T. Peters & Co. BLOWN TO ATOMS The Battleship Maine Destroyed in Havana Hartor. THREE HUNDRED LIVES LOST. Special to The Chko.nicle. Havana, Feb. 10. The U. S. battle ship Maine was blown to atoms in the harbor here at about 10 o'clock last night,. and it is now believed that at least 300 sailors lost their lives. All the officers are known to bo saved except Jenkins and lerritt, wljo aVe missing. So far as can.be learned, the explosion took place in the raagazme UBed for stor ing gun cotton for torpedoes. The ex plosion shook the city from ono end to the other, and all lectric lights were put out. Fire engines rushed about in every direction, and no one seemed to know from winch direction the explo sion came. Captain Sigsbeo was on deck at the time of the explosion, which occurred in tho bow of the vessel. There were 354 oflicer8 and men on board, and as near as can be learned less than ono hundred were saved, and many of them badly in jured. The wounded and dead wore taken to hospitals and on board the Spanish man-of-war Alphonse HI, which was In tho harbor. Captain General Blanco of Cuba cabled the authorities at Madrid saying the disaster to the Maine was due to acci dent. , Washington, Feb. If. Two members of the cabinet, whosnent some time with tho president today, state that everything so far received indicates the loss of the Maine was due to accident, Capiain Sigsbee in a dispatch to Sec retary Long states ho ( is not prepared to express un opinion on this point. There was iiitense excitement around tho navy department early this morn ing, and those who had friends 011 board tho Maine were eager for the latest bul letin. The department dispatched wrecking vessels to the set 110 at once, and no expense will bo spared in caring for tho wounded. C'Huyuu Ollj'ii lUcli Strike. Mr. Chambers of Canyon City, Grant county, who made the rich strike near that city, arrived here last, night ou bis way from Portlaud. He hidu selection Do You Catch On? No more cold ovens. Plenty of hot. water, and' a great fuel saver. Have one put in your stove by MAYS & CROWE, SOLE AGENTS. ' have strictly First-Class of specimens from his mine which wero certainly fine enough to make even a successful Klondiker's eyes shine. Tho ore is a rotten quartz and talc, and is filled with wiregold. The average value of tho ore is .f52,O0O a ton, and Mr. Chambers says the ledge has been stripped for a distance of about fourteen feet, and opened to a depth of ten feet, the width of the ledge being about four teen inches. It ia more than probable the discovery is only a pocket, for Nature has never yet put such rock in place in large quan tities. Whether a pocket or not, Mr. Chambers has enough in sight for half a dozen men. The ore was displaved at the Umatilla House last night, attract ing quite a large crowd. The Modem Way Commends Itself to the well-informed, to do pleasantly and effectually what foruinly done in the crudest manner and disagreeably as well. To cleanse tho system and break up colds, headaches, and fevers without unpleasant after ef fects, use the delightful liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs. Made by Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. Throucli liturlHt Curx to St. Louis. A tourist sleeping car will leave Port land every Monday via Missouri Pacific and every Wednesday via thu Burling ton route at 8 p. m,; and Tho Dalles at 11 :45 p. m. via tho 0. It. & N., through Salt Lake and Denver, without chango to St. Louis, and under the supervision of experienced conductors. No chango of cars to Kansas City or St. Louis. Keep this service in mind when going East and consult 0. li. & N. agents or address W. H. lluni.iiuirr, Gen. Paungr Agt., J0Jllaml Or- Nutlet) to Contract jr. Bids will be received till noon Mon day, February '21, 18i)S, at tho ollico of C. J. Crandull, for tho mason work on tho Wasco Warehouse addition. Also bids will ho received at tho. same phicu and time for thu carpenter work ou tho samo building. To tiurti n Cold 111 Ono Day. Tako Laxative Broino Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if they fail to euro. '2oc, The Latest-ESEffl Novelties in At I. C. Nickelsen Book St fltlusie Company.