The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 16, 1898, Image 1

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    (Tl)c Dnllco
Warn Chromde.
NO 343
'jo bo Knill From ilie Head
of 1 1 vi! n Caiitil.
An KiirIInIi :miinny I'lirnWlii'" Uu Cnp
Itnl -Komi t Im KaiHily tn Op.
ttriitn miiiiiiTlnm In Miiy
Monthi:ai., Fob. 15. C. H. Wilkinson
r.mrescntliu: tho IlritiHli Yukon Coni-
pnny, h;ivh tint construction of a rnllroiul
(hrniiL'h Whito push, from the head of
Lvnn cmial to l.uko ilonuctt, will bo be-
i?un iiiinu'dlntoly by lila company. Thu
road, which will bo 45 milt'H in lunpth,
will Im completed within 1)0 days o' thu
beginning of the work.
Tint Itritiflh Yukon Company, of which
the Duke of Tci.k in proHldont, nlao IioIiIh
a charter from the Dominion govern
niunt for the construction of ii railroad
tliroiiKh White uuhh. Thu announce
meat, hoiiiu weeks .itro, ol tliu fovern-
tiient'B having iieitiuttiiH with Mi'HHra
Maim ii ud Mackenzie, determined the
llritirfli Yukon Company to. build thu
road over White pauc at once.
The width of the truck will lie three
feet six IiicIiuh. The (trade over thu pane
will be three per cent, and' at pointh
where the urudo is thu HteopeHt what in
known as the "A. 15. T." rail will be
laid. This) rail which Iuih been UHcd in
the Hurt, nimintuiiiB in Europe, linn
notches for the grip to a cog wheel, and
is a part of the locomotive.
Ftmm ltn l.ouii, Lottor ti C'iiiiuIi'Juh
Foriiiutly ltiuillntl.
Nkiv VoiiK. Fob. 15. A Hpecial from
Washington wuvh :
A cablegram received by thu Hecretury
of state from Minister Woodford, at
Madrid, unuouuceH that the SjiiwiIhIi
government ban disavowed the letter of
De Lome to Bonor CunolejiiH. TliiB die
claltnor, lib tlie adminiHtraliou ollicials
are pleased to cull it, in regarded au tutifi
factory, and thu president hna authorized
the atitiounceinent that the incident in
Nkw Yohk. Feb. 15. The Washington
correspondent of the Herald aay that
the unuotiiicement from Madrid that
tlio Spanish ministry had decided to re
ply in a fitting manner to Minister
Woodford's repiotioittntioii of the Do
Lome letter is highly satisfactory to the
administration otliuials. No one is more
pleased over the mutter than the presi
dent. He has never doubted thut Spain
would repudiate thu action of her min
uter. Ilia only concern has beon thut
the delay in closing the incident might
lead to some outbreak in congress which
would cause enibarrasamont to tho ad
ministration before the Spanish govern
ment had had any opportunity to make
a eatieinctory rcttpousu.
AMiamuil, tirlttvmt anil Sorry.
Nkw Youk, Feb. 15. In convocation
w'tli a .Madrid correspondent of the
"erald, a cabinet minister made the fol
towing statement:
"You may say openly, as coming from
&uor SagiiHtu and from eacli of us that
o entirely condemn, in the most utiao-
loto manner, Sonor du Loiiio'h letter.
We ure aHhamed.grleved and sory there-
Tho ministers feel moro ngrleved
tha President McKinloy can possibly
j. Wo are honest men, who have
"wn plucud in a wrong position by u
In reply to further fpioatlone, tho nun
"ter eaid ;
J'CiuiolcjuH1 journov was ulisolutely
1 i i ! J- - I
Mr. Druggist
Will you toll your cus
tomers: Garland's Hap
py Thought Salvo is sold
on u gurantee. to euro us
claimed for it. Wo will
give your 00c back if you
mo not sutlstlett.
Royal makes the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
royal imkino powder Co., new York.
private, and in no way
trust or use him."
possible did we
Consumption 1'oxltlvtily Cured.
Mr. It. It. Greeve, merchant, of Chil
howie, Va., certifies thut he hud con
sumption, was given up to die, sought
all inedicul treatment that money could
procure, tried all eouph remedies he
could hear of, but got no relief ; spent
nights sitting up in a chair; was in
duced to try Dr. King's New Discovery,
and was eured by two botlloH. For past
three years has been attending to busi
ness and says Dr. King's New Discovery
is the grandest remedy over made, us it
bus done so much for him and also for
others in his community. Dr. King's
New Discovery is gnuranteed for Coughs,
Colds and consumption. It don't fuil.
Trlul bottles free at lllakoloy & Hough
ton's drug store. 5
Arbitration of Ktilkns.
Washington-, Fob. 15. Tho senate
committe on education and labor today
decided by unanimous vote lb renort
favorably the bill prepared by the train-
men ol ttto country, and recently intro-
duced in the senate by Kyle, providing
for the arbitration of railroad strikes by
a bourd of arbitration to be chosen by
the strikers and tho interstate commerce
To Consider thu I.oiul 1(111.
AsiiiNOTo.v, Fob, 15. The house hue
agreed to consider the Loud bill relating
to second-class mall matter March 12th
and Kith.
Cliii'inlii-rlalirK Couch ICommly AHiiijh
1'rovi'M KllViituiil.
There are no better medicines on the
market than Chamberlain's. Wo have
used the Cough Itemed1 when all others
failed, and in every instance it proved
effectual. Almost dailv wo hear the
virtues of Chamberlain's remedies ex
tolled by those who have used them
1'his is not an empty null', paid for at so
much a line, but is voluntarily given in
good faith, in tho hope that suffering
humanity may try these remedies and,
like the writer, bo benefited, From the
Glenvillo V'V. Vu.) Puthh'ndur. For sale
by ltlukeley & Houghton.
Kllleil In Uoiiuiilttiiu.
Washington, Fob. 15, 15y a vote of
10 to U the house committee on military
affairs refused to report favorably the
Odoll bill authorizing any denomination,
sect or roligioiiB body to erect buildings
lor religious worship on any military
reservation in the country.
Ilmv tu l.iiok tiiiiMl,
Good looks are really moro than skin
deep, depending entirely on a healthy
.ondition of all the vital organs. If the
liver be inactive, you have a bilious look ;
if vour kidneys bu elfcctod, you have a
pinched look. Secure good health and
you will surely have good looks. "ICloc-
trie Hitters" is a good Alternative and
Tonic. Acts directly on tho ftomach
liver and kidneys. 1'uritles tho blood,
cures pimplee, blotches and boils, and
gives a good complexion. Every buttle
guaranteed. .Sold at lilakeley & Hough
ton's drug store. 50 cents per bottle, 5
I'oHtiiiitHtur ut OnkNihilo.
Washington, Fob. 15. Tho president
has nomitcd F, A. Davis as postmaster
at Oaksdalo, Wash.
Every Package
of Schillings Best tea is a sample.
Your money back if you don't like it.
FIvb wbm Klllml.
Pittsiiuho, Feb 15. Tho eonth wall
of the Union Storage Company's build
i US, which was destroyed by tho big firo
lust Wednesday, foil shortly before noon
today. A number of boys were at play
about the ruins, and it is believed at
least five were caught by the falling wall
and are buried beneath tho debris.
Ihe news caused great exc.tement
us It was first reported that ten men had
been killed. This was untrue. Tho ex
tent of the accident is not yet fully
Samuel Lowih, -a colored man, and
unarieH uramer, a boy, were taken out
alive. They were not dangerously hurt
loung Cramer says a number of his
companions were caught under the wall.
A large forco is clearing the debris. The
parts of the wall still standing are in a
dangorous condition, and the searchers
are In danger of being buried.
At 1 :30 p. m. the search was aban
uoned and tho workmen ordered from
tho ruins, on account of the dangerous
walls mid tho uncertainty of finding any
alivo in tho wreckage. No more work
will, be done until the threatening walls
have beon torn down.
Jiuckjen'A aiiiicu naive.
The best salvo in the world for eur.s,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains
corns, and al! skin eruptions, and posi
tively cuies piles, or no p:iy required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Trice 25 cente
per bos. For sale by lilakeley and
Houghton, druccists.
htule Kncuiiipiueut, CS. A. It.
At a meeting of the executive commit
tee held at tho G. A. K. hall on Satur
day evening last, it was deemed advis
able that all the committees on the en
campment be called together. The
members of the different committees are
therefore hereby requested to meet at the
G. A. It. hall in Bchunno'e building, cor-
nor of Second and Court streets, on Hat.
urday evening,
February 19th, at
J. W. Lewis,
Chair. Ex. Com.
J. M. Thirawend, of Grosbeck, Texas,
says that when he has a spell, of indi
gestion, and feels bad and sluggish, he
takes two of DeWitt's Little Early His
era at night, and ho is all right, the next
morning. Many thousands of others do
the same tiling. Do you? Suipes
Kineraly Drug Co.
Vour LiUNt CluinvH.
All negatives now in my possession
made by Mr. Houghton or D. C. IJerrin
prior to Jan. 1, 1895. will be destroyed.
If ou wish to duplicate prints, orders
must be placed before March 1st.
Gii'i'oui), Photo. Artist,
febl-lm Chapman Block.
You can't uiford to risk your life bv
allowing h cold to develop into pneamo
nia or consumption, Instant relief and
a certain cure are afforded by One Min
ute Cough Cure. Snipes-Kinersly Drug
"A Clincher."
"Of course I don't know much about
polities," he said, thoughtfully, "but
1 should think, John, thut you'd some
times got. caught in spite .of all your
"In one way I do," he replied, "but
n lnnn who luvs been talking politics us
long us 1 have knows how to win a vic
tory evon after he's been tripped up."
"Hut if you find that you're getting
the worst of tho argument I don't
"Oh, I just run in something nbout
the immutable laws of supply and de
mand," he interrupted, in his superior
way, "and it will prove a clincher for
any kind of argument in regard to
either tho tariff or llnance." Chicago
'Pho first llilt.hroiiologieal society, ,
for the study of mankind considered ,
with refereneo to the animal history
of the race, was founded iu London
in 1803.
.The temperature of tho sun's sur
face is greater than wc have auy wliero
on tho earth. Tho temperature of tho
sun's surface has bevn measured uud
determined to be between. 12,000 uud
20,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
Purchase a Royal Worcester Corset, any grade,
from $1.00 to $3 95, and we will give a ticket entitl
ing you to a chance on a drawing, which will take
Place each evening after sales are closed. The one
holding the lucky number will be refunded the amt.
paid for the Corset, thereby obtaining it free.
The reputation of Royal Worcester Corsets has
been established for years, and they need no intro
duction to Corset purchasers of this vicinity.
Notice of Sheriff's Sale.
Notice Is hereby Riven tlmt under and bv vl--
tue of mi execution and order of bale issued out
of the Circuit Court of the State of Orecon for
Douglas County, ou the 17th duv of January,
lSUs, and to me directed upon a judgment ren
dered therein on thu Ith day of January, 1C9S,
which judcnifiit was duly enrolled and docket
ed In the Cleric's olllce of Mild Court on the 6th
day of January, lb'JS, in au action theretofore
imnaimr, wnerem nnrinolomeo I'aroul was
liliilntlll', and Joseph rolco was defendant. I did
on tho tilth day of January, lh'JS, duly lew ui on
and ill on Monday the "Jlst day ol Kebruiiry,
lh'JS, sell at tho hour of two o'clock In the after
noon of said day at the hereinafter de
scribed in Dalles City, Wasco Couty, Oregon, to
the highest bidder for cash in hand, all of the
follow inn descilbed property, to-wlt: Thateei
tain one and a h-lf story frame building situated
on the east half of Lot three (3) In block
fourteen (II) in l.uughlin's Addition to Dalles
City, Oregon, being the same building owned by
the said Joseph I'olco, and ny him and Ills les
sees heietofore and now occupied and used its a
soda and carhonating manufactory and confec
tionery store, together with the followini ap-
inraius, nxiures, macmnery.iuiu utensils mere
u. to wit: One II. and O. generator and one 11
and O. fountHini ouo II. and G. bottling table: 1
Hutchinson attachment; 1 Tuft s syrup pump; 1
force nump: live cooper fountains: one marble
soda fountain "plunder": one syphon tiller; on
combination iron safe; three steucels; two ex
tract Jars; two glass pitchers: one porcelain:
ouo graduate: lOo syphons; W0 doz. b .. soda
bottles with Hutchison stoppers; "i soda boxes;
'JO'.' soda boxes; 1 1 Sdoz) boxes; four pair nipples;
font table; ouebcdlouuge; three himps;ono side
boaid; seven chairs: ono candy thermometer;
one set knives and forks (Kogersi; seven ice
oieum spoons; one candy hook; 1U dozen ice
ream dishes: ono set dlshesfJI piece.-): one cas
tor; other dishes; about 150 boxes for quart bot
tles: distilling apparatus: bottle wash ng ap
paratus; four show cuses; one lemon squeezer,
("l!apld"i; 30 candy jars: one glass washer; one
"Hartholemew" peanut roaster; three pair Mills;
three stoves; one truck; two uuiible slabs; ieo
water tank; onecopperextract llller stand; one
tank "for steaming syrup; -1 syrup jurs with fau
cets: ice crushers; b stone jars; 'J stone jars, "2
lis drometers tools: two phones; ono ax and one
hatchet: one hand saw: one brace and bit: fau
cets, hose, etc.; one steam engine and boiler, l'v
horsepower; ono icecream; one jacket
kettle; three one gallon demijohns; four glass
holders; two tobacco knives; seven whiskey
barrels: one 10 gallon kig; six fountain clumps:
J3 soda bottles; or so much of said above
descrlbid property as shall be necessary to sat
isfy and pay the said several sums duo to plain-
titt'aud mentioned in said execution, writ and
order of sale, to-wlt: Tour hundred twenty
seven dollars nad thirteen cents, and interest
theteon at thorate of ten per cent per annum,
since January 4th, lh'JS, and the further sum of
one hundred and twenty -lhreedoUars, costs and
disbursements of action, 'ogcther with accruing
costs and expenses of sale. Said sale will be
made subject to any interest in said property
SiSS t ""a ,,0"r5' W"y
Dated at Dalles city, Wiu-co County, Oiegou,
-uur , uw. .mivnt.
JnnM II Sheiill' of Waseo County, Oregon.
J.AM) Office, Thk Dalles, On., J
K'bruary, 'J, lS'.'S. i '
Notice N hereby given that tho following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to commute and iiuiko limit proof In support of
his claim, mid that said proof will bo made bo
fore Kculster mid Itecelver at The Dalles, Oie
gou, ou Tuesday, March '."., IS'JS, vl.;
Oliver Howers, of The. Oalles,
H. K. No. 6H07, for the HKJi NEi mid NKJ SEJi
Becai.Tp'-'N. Ul'JK, VI.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon unit cultivation
of said laud, vl:
William HuH'ncr, Perry VanCamp, Harry
Learned, II II. U-arned, all of The Dulles, Ore
gon. JAB. V, MOOKIC, Register.
One Minute Cough Cure,, cures.
Thit Is what It wu made far.
Free Each Day.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, "miIlfkd
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOTl FlOllf n's 'our 18 manufactured expreealy for family
v-- X Xkj Lii. . U6e. eve,y pact i8 Huarunteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our jioods lower than any houee in tho trade, and if you don't think bo
call and get our nrices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
For more than fifty-six years it has never failed in
its weekly visits to the homes oi farmers and
villagers throughout the United States.
IT HAS faithfully labored for their prosperity and happi
ness, for tho improvement of their business and homo
interests, for cdueation, for the elevation of American
manhood and true womanhood.
IT HAS told at the fireside, interesting and instructive
stories of the doings of the world, tho nation and states.
IT HAS advised the farmer as to the most approved meth
ods of cultivating and harvesting his crops, and the
proper time to convert them into tho largest possible
amount of money.
IT HAS led in all matters pertaining to ( the woliaro of
farmers and villagers, and for over half a century has
held their confidence and esteem.
and wo furnish it with tho Semi-Weekly Chronicle ono
year for $1.75, cash in advance.
!l .1