The Dalles Dally Gfafc THK l),l,LKS, OKKIKIN ON BNJOYS Both tho method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for 6alc in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try i t Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FHMHCISCO, CAL lOUISVME. Kf. NSW YORK, N.Y. PCItS INAI. HKN'TlOJi Willis Ilemlrixof citv today. Dufur was in the Ueorue MeLeoil of Kiugaley is it. the city attrtiiliiu' court. Mr. I), M. French went to Penilleton 1 Hit uutii lu attend the cattlemen's con vention. I'r.'il II. Shoemaker, who lias been visum:: Irieiaia in ttiis city, left forPorf- Ittlill lull. IV. .lwlgu Mays went to Pendleton last night, wlierelie will attend the cattle tin n a c Jiivuiuon Dr. Cluike of Portland, secretary of tho b ate hoaid of dentistry, ia in the ny viMiing menus. Attorney Ci.ester V. Dolph of Portland -returned home on the morning local. He has heen in the city attending to court matters. Mr. and Mrs. Wolfard of Hood River, who have been visiting Mr. Bnd Mrs. Gilbert in this city, left on the boat this mornimz for their home. Mr. Wolfard is a leading merchant of that town b rank Sherwood was down town to day, the first time since he had his tus ele with cholera morbus. He says he drove miles afterjhe was taken8ick, and never came so Hear dying in his life, After this when he goes out in the conn try lie will take a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy with him. Missouri Valley (Iowa) Times. For sale by Blakeley &. Hough ton. : Persons who suffer from coughs and colds should heed the warn ings of danger and save themselves suf fering and fatal results by using One Uliuute Cougli Cure. It is an infallible TcineJy or coughs, colds, croup and all throat and lung troubles. Snipes-Kin-rsly Drug Co. Clarke & Falk's Rosefoam tooth wash is the beat to keep the teeth and gums clean and healthy., 0-lm You can't cure consumption but you can avoid it and cure any other form of throat or lung trouble by the use of One jllinute Cough Cure. It cures quickly. That's what you want. Snipes-Kiners-ly Drug Co. When you see a good thing push it along. Therefore eall, for the Prize Medal and Rose Queen cigars. J. M. Thirswend, of Grosbeck, Texas, tays that when he has a spell of indi gestion, and feels bad and sluggish, ho takes two of DeWitt's Little Early Kir era at night, and he is all right, the next morning. Many thousands of others do the eamo thing. Do you? Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. The cigars manufactured by f. F. Fonts are ail high grade goods, and are placed before the Binoking public en tirely on their merits. You can't afford to risk your life by allowing a cold to develop into piieamo-, nia or consumption, Instant relief and a certain cure are afforded by One Min ute Cough Cure. Siiipes-Kinerely Drug Co. ii HUNrmaTOjf TJU.NTJNGTON 4 WO80N. II 8 WII.SOX XI ATT0KNKY8 AT IjAW, , THK JMU.KU, OIIKGON OOico ovr Flnt Nat. Bank. MUSIC AND THE STAGE. Tho tone of the piano improves when the instrument is moved from the wall of t lie room. The. expense of henthur n London theater, the Vaudeville, by electricity, using .storage batteries connected with radiators, in said to have been than 70 cents an hour. Kir A. Harris' pantomime, "Cinder ella." last year is computed to have coat S12o.tH) before the curtain was rained on boxiitpr nifrht. .'3ir Augustus did not llineh from dressing a chorus girl re ceiving' 21 shillings a week in a dress by Worth lit. $300. The decree of the Italian gwerniiuMit indefinitely extending the time of the copyright f Rossini's "llarber of Se nile" has been declared by n parlia mentary commission as eotmary to law ami void. The final decision rests with the full house of parliament. Emma Eame.s. beside her public tri umphs, has won most generous praise from Mclbn and Calve, and .lullan Story's picture, called "I.e Laboratoire lie Saint Laare," exhibited this year in the Paris salon, has been purchased by the- Wench rovcrnincnt, which is an uueotr.i-.ion compliment lo an American artist In Prance, it seems, there is a strong sti;,irt-titloii that Thomas bring sonic sort of ill luck The Paris Opera Comique and the The atre ties Arts at Rouen were burned on the night of the of "Mignoii," in which, It mav be recnl-I'-eted, a tire scene actually occur. The flrand Opera, Paris, was burned on the night., of a performance of "Hamlet." Ambrose Thomas himself was well aware of the superstition, and used laughingly to declare that he was lucky in other wavs. IN EASTERN LANDS. The diamonds in one symbol of the shah's rank are said to weigh almost '-'0 pounds. A Hindoo wife may be divorced if she scolds her husband or goes to a dance while her husband is absent from home. "The cud of the Ottoman empire is rear," tlu foreign eon t-.spondents are lying, just as they d:d 40 years ago. The prison population of India, large m it is, is only as w tiiO.OCO inhabitants, or less than .half the proportion that prevails in (Ireat Britain. Seven lions are among the pots of the sultan of Morocco. At night he lets them range the courtyards of the pal uce, to act as guards to' the royal harem. The mosque of St. Sophia at Constan tinople was laid up in mortar perfumed with musk. It was built a thousand years ago, yet the musky smell is still noticeable. Mohammedan depositors in the post oliice savings banks arc enriching the ISritish government, as their religion forbids them to receive interest. They insist on taking out no more than they have put in. THE GREAT BUSTARD. It Ha Ileen Extinrt In KnRland for Moro Tban Fifty Year. The great bustard formerly haunt ed all the level counties of England, end was particularly common on Salis bury plain. From tin? reign of Henry VIII. repeated measures were passed in order to protect it; and it is express ly included under the head of game in the statute of the first year of the :eign of William IV., which codified and reformed the laws relatingtogame. The dose season for bustard shooting wn.s and is from the first of March totheflrst of September. Rut the native bustard is now extinct in, England. The last waK killed at Swnffhuni in Norfolk, in 183S. Any that have been shot since have been merely casual visitors, probably c oming from the plains of Saxony. The causes of the disappearance of the bus tard are, firstly, the sport they af forded, for they were hunted with greyhounds as well as shot; iccondly, the increase in thcamouut of cultivated land. This largest of European birds, weighing us much as 30 pounds, could no longer find any sufficient support on uie closely cropped plains of Eng land. EVERY KIND OF HUMOR FROM PIMPLES TO SCROFULA Speedily cured by Cimcuiu ItEHOLVEXTi greatest of humor cure.-), assisted externally liy warm batlis with CUTlcuitA HoAl', and gentle application of G'uticuiia (ointment), the great ekin cure, when all eUo falls. Sold Ihrouiliout (he world. Pritf. Ctrricuii, Wc. ficiir. mo. i lt0LT, inc. and II. fuTTiH Dkuq amu Cuku.Cuki., bole Prop., lioUm, U, 8. A. jytS' OKIHKNIlOItlfFKU Si 1IUKDY, Physicians ant) Surgeons, Special attention given to surgery. Itooins 21 and 'J2, Tel. 323. Vogt Hloclc JlinilWI.MIIIMIIMt, I Puny. Children w V) w w w V w w w w vt) Who would prescribe only tonics and bitters for a weak, puny child ? Its muscles and JR nerves arc so thoroughly ex $ hausted that they cannot be activity. The fl child needs food j a .blood- making-, nerve-strengthening and muscle-building food. tii Scott's Emufsios? t IBIBBMBBmHRBIBaHBmSlXBU of Cod-Liver Oil is all of this, $ and you still have a tonic in g the hypophosphites of lime Q and soda to act with the food. W 0 V) w w St For thin and delicate children there is no remedy superior to it in the world. It means w growth, strength, plumpness $ and comfort to them. Be sure $ you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. 50c. and $ .00, all druggists. S SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. ITS SILENCE MADDENING. One Venture ir Alualiu Which Distresses tho WlilU- .Mini. Father Jiarnuni, who is in charge of the Catholic missions) in Alaska, re turned several months no for a visit to ii civilized community. Next to the cold he found the extreme silence to cause the greatest suffering to white men. There were the white plains stretching off to the horizon, and no bird nor beast is seen; where a footfall is hushed in the snow the. stillness be comes ctln-.ost intolerable at times. The natives are good naturcd and welcome instruction. While teaching them what he could, the father endeavored in turn to learn something of t.licir language, but in this experienced sonic difficulty. In one instance he. desired to learn their designation of an orphcin, and wlille talking to one of their old women, said: "Now, I want you to tell me some Uiing," and proceeded to question her. She did not understand, however, and lw trtrwl it. .in imntlior tnok. lit. s.'iitl. "I have lost wy mother, and my father is dead. Xww what ' but he was inter ruptcd by a loud wail from the old crone, who wept bitterly, bemoaning the loss of his parents, attempting to condole with him. The father did not learn from her what she called an or phan. Washington Star. JiecomliiB to a Widow. For widow's weeds nothing will be found the equal of creixin. It was made primarily for mourning', and nothing has leen found better. It has the crinkled appearance of crepe without being as crushable. A willow's gown of crCJioit was made princess shape, front and back. The pJeeves were drooping and full, and on the shoulders were double eapes of the chifTon, each cajx; edged with white taffeta ribbon. The waist has a yoke outlined with taffeta. The ribbon came to M)iuts in the front. At the lowest jHiint a little bolero jacket opened into a lapel and was finished with alwrder of the taffeta. To make the waist very slender a point of taffeta was brought down a little below the waist line. A widow's costume, being all of black and white, will stand a deal of fussinessthat would not be becoming to other materials. St. Louis Itcpublic. Ue Ire Doirjg fleat ar?d rtistie ..priptip.. por Reasonable prices.NJ Wo Print Anything in tho Printing Lino. Oiue as a trial. ?i?rQ9i$l:piib. $o. 1 OF THE NAVY. Meratar Herbert IIm Pnwam Which cannot Bo UalnMld. "There Is 0110 man In tho United States who has moro power than the president and all tho federal courts combined," Raid n naval ofllccr recent ly. "The secretary of tho navy is the man. ins power over otllcurs of the navy is autocratic. He can without tho aid of si court tine an ollicer all the way from four hundred to four thou sand a year, according to his runic, and simply tc it the whim of the secreta ry. Unlitvc oflleers of tho army, olll curs in the navy are not paid a uniform and fixed compensation. In the tirtny the salary of an olltce.r is fixed by law. and no one, not even tho president can deduct a cent from that pay with out a court-martial. In the navy there are three regular grades of pay. In tho of a rear admiral, which is the highest rank in the navy, the pay at sea is six thousand dollars. On nhoro duty this is reduced to live thou mmd dollars, while if the ollicer is on leave of absence or 'waiting orders' this is reduced to four thousand dollars, "Now suppose a rear admiral is or dered to the command of the licet in the North Atlantic. The secruturyof tin: navy proposes to visit tho fleet. Ilu is received on board 'tho llagship with all the honors due' his station, and the. ad miral docs his best in the way of enter tainmcnt. Suppose again, when the secretary sits down to dine at tlte ad mind's table he finds that a cheap brand of American wine is served in stead of his accustomed Chateau Yqucm. The secretary determines to resent this indignity. lie goes ashore and decides to relievo an admiral who knows nothing of tlte llrst principles of hospitality. He issues an order de taching the admiral and placing him on waiting orders. Then on the fol lowing day he determines to punish him still further. He calls in the chief of the bureau of navigation nnd directs that Admiral Jtowhuo be given an in definite furlough. That means that instead of drawing six thousand dol lurs a year as he was yesterday, the late admiral of the North Atlantic finds his income suddenly reduced to two thousand dollars, and all because he has offended the ruler of the navy in some slight matter. "Cannot the admiral appeal? Ccr tainly not. There is none to whom he can cry out. The president has no power to review the decisions of tho secretary of the navy in matters of this kind. This is an extreme casu. of course, Jiut it would not bo difliuttlt to point out where lieutenants have had their pay cut from Uvo thousand six hundred dollars to nine hundred dol- lars ' secretary who had a grudge. INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE. Melon mice are ruining crops in the neighborhood of NcwjHirt, Ky. Farmers in Douglas county, Kan., arc educating their horses to cat potatoes which they can feed at tl cents, while corn stands 'for 17 o;nt. An immense pumping engine, at. the mines of Kricdcnsvillc, J'a raises 17,501) gallons of water ut each revolution of the huge fly-wheel. Not all western chert ies in eastern markets come from California. Oregon shippers sent two car loads cast within a week from .Salem and Portland. Ihigland's otik is now iiiade in Ger many. The great 1-00 f beams of Win chester cathedral are bung renewed, and the wootl used is Stettin oak, cut in -It;'!, foot lengths, the other dimen sions being M by IS inches. The recent exposition of the ltoyal Pul.'lin Agricultural society demon strafed that, while our farm machinery equals that of the liritish mi strength, it its of much lighter build. Our con sul at Dublin suggests that on this ac count our machinery is at a disadvan tage, cus the Irish farmer prefers heavier looking'impleint'uts. SHE WAS ECONOMICAL. Ilut After Testing tho Ilcault Her Hus band Wan Unnpprm'liitlvc. With one of those good intentions with which the infernal regions are said to bo paved, an economic uptown housewife recently dyed her hubby's shabby hat. The operation was per formed, says the Philadelphia lleeord, with a toothbrush and a package of patent dye, unknown to tho owner of the headgear, who put his hat on be fore it was dry and sallied forth to his Chestnut street oliice. On drying the Derby turned a beautiful bronze, at tracting no little attention as its igno rant and blissful wearer passed through the principal streets, llefore he- reached the. ofllce he was caught in a shower, and when he nfterward saw hinishlf in a mirror hit) counte nance was decorated like that of an Indian chieftain in war paint. The dye wasn't fast black indeed, it wasn't even black, and to the preju diced eye of the unhappy husband it seemed to have been composed of green, pink, blue, purple and yellow, Tho lecture ho delivered on "false econ omy" when he reached home would have done credit to Airs. Caudle. Wrong Construction. Wife You saw Airs. Urowner last evening?. Husband Yes; hut not to speak tp. "What a whopperl T)ioy tell me you were silting with her for inure than two hours." "Trues but it was she who did all the talking." Sparc Moments. RULER A NEW MARKET. FRUIT, VEGETABLES, POULTRY, FISH AND G-AME. Chickens Dressed to Order. Promt Delivery to any part of the city. A. N. VARNEY, 'Piionc l'J. Third and Washington Sts. Patronize the MUpifY. All kind nf work. White Slilrti 11 Mu-clnlty Kninllv work at rciluciil r.itcs. Wash collected nnil ilellvcrcil free. Tiliilioiio No. lit). H. D. Parkins, Agt, EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OK TIIK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Triilns Iciivc mid. lire iluc to itrrlvo nt I'ortlsiu! LKAVK. OVKItl.AN'l) KX-1 urehs. Snlcin. lto.e- ' lilliKi AhIiIiiimI 1, sue en, Hall 1 lojnvu, ( fi:00 r. M riinicilto, OKile Knuicikeo. .Moliiv Is AiikoIl'S.KI 1'hho, ftcw orletiti.s nun I Knst J a, M. KofcchurK nail wiiy s-tn- tloriM 1'. M Dally uxeupt HiiniiiiyH. f lit Woixlwiru for "1 I .Mt.Anxel, Hllvertou, Went Belli, llrmvnv villcsiptlliKlleMmiil Nut ron ) linlly except haii'Jiiy.s I7:S0 A. M. (Corviilllsi I stations. . anil iraj-j :50 l M IN1I:1J:N1JKNUK lUSHnNmill. Kxprcss train nuiiy (except sunuiiy). ;.V)p. iii. (I.v. ...Portland ,,.Ar.) H:S"a. 111 111. Ai ..McMIiinvUle .l.v.J (i;Ul a, m p. in. (Ar..Im1viciiilciicc..I.v.; IiiUii. in. Dally. (Dully, except tSuniMy. DINING OA Uh"7)N0() 1)K N KOUTE. I'UI.I,MAN HUKKKT SLKKI'KIIS AND riKCf)ND-UI.ASfi HI.EKl'INO C Attaclieit to all Through Trains. llb Direct connection nti'aii rranclro xvlth Occi dental unit Oriental mid t'aclllo mall tteJiinnhlp lines ior j ,r ft unu i;iu... tsuuuiK uate-i 011 at plication. miles ami iickcis to i.a'ierii jxiitiih ami r.u- roiie. AIcOJArAN, OIIINA, IIONUI.UI.IJ mid AUSTItAMA.cnu Iw nlitalneil from J. IJ. KIltKI.AND, Ticket AKeilt. ThroiiKh Ticket Oliice. lilt Tlilrd direct, where through tickets to all points in tho Ka.steni SUtes, Canada nnd Europe can lai obtained al lowest rates from J. II. KII.KLAND, Ticket AKeilt. All above trains arrive at and detmrt from Grand Central .Station, Fifth Hlid Irvine; utreclb YAMIIlIl. DIVISION. IWciiRcr Depot, loot of Jeitermn treet. Invo for OSWKlio, dally, except Sunday, at J:J0 a. m.: 12;,T0, 1:M, r,:V, S:(ti p. in. rand n. in. on Batnrdav onlv. and !i:li) a. m and .1::10 p. in. 011 Kiindays only). Artlve at Cortland dally at -0:11) and H;'M a 111.; and llI5,;--iliind7:Mp. 111,, (and 10:tW 11. 111, :P15 a:iu p. 111. 011 suiiuiiys only, lA.-ave for Hherldan. week days, ut l;IX) p. m Arrive at I'ortlaud, a. in. Iavc for AIIII.IK on Jlondav. Weiliiednv and Kri.lnv ill l! 10 11. TM. Arriv.i ut Port I,, i, I 'ri,.. dav, 'rimrnliiy and Saturdni it .'I.U'i p. 111. Kxcept Siinday. Ivxt eiit tiiitiirdiiy. It. KOKIII.Klt, ManaL'er. (i, II. .MAKK'lIAM, Asst. t. 1'. ,W Pass. Aut THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION. 18 I'uRea n Wvok. 15 Papers a Ver It etunds first iiinniic ''itwiU in size, frequency of publication freshness, varioti nni reliubility of cor. tents. It is practically a dallv at the lou price o a weekly: and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Un on and foreign conn. triee, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its iiuavb columns. it IS splendid V illustrated, mid uiiinriK lis special features are n fin i limiiiir page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashioiii for women ami n Inn series of stories by the greatest living American auu rmfjiiBii autliurs, tlonnii Doylo, Jeromo K. .Inronis, Htnulny WtiyuiHii, Jllnry K. U'llkliiH Anthony lloi, Itrot lliirto, llrHiidttr Alultliinvii, Kte. WooiTerthis uneqtialed nowspapernnd The Dalles Twlce-a-Week Chronicle to. gether one year for if'J.Of). The ifcgular price of tho two papers is $3.00. limKI), W. WILSON, I1 ATTOitNHV AT LAW, Till'; ll.Vl.l.KH.dltKiinv: Olllco ovi Flrtt Nat. ll'ilik. Pr.QUNN for People TTSftTArel iWlr a iok ov 't Juat Don'tlJII I IP CvttlMMM. BcU. W0t uuTSrir will 0.R.&N. TO THK T (1IVKH Till! (JII0I0U OK TWO Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. -VIA- t n 1 Salt Lake Denver Omaha Kansas City Minneapolis St. Paul Chicago Low Rates'to all Eastern Cities (M)KAN HTKAMKItH I.khvh I'ortUnd Krerv Ftvu IlHVs for SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Steamors monthly from I'ortlaud to Yokohama and Jlong Kong via North ern Pacific .Steamship Co., in connection with O. It. & N. For full details call on O. It & Co. 11 Agent The Dalles, or aililrem DODSON, CAUUIX A CO., (Icn. Agts., North I'aclflu Hteainshlp Co, TIIIK CAKII. No. I, to Spokane mid (lieat Northern arrives iit.'i.i'i p, tn leaves al h::v) p. m. No. '.', to Pendle ton, linker city and Union Paclllc,iirrlvc.sat ljli a 111., departs at Vi'.'U a. in. No :i, from Hpokanu and Great Northern, nr. rive, ut ii Ml u. 111., departs ut fil.Vi a. 111, No, 1, from Uakir City and Union l'aelllc, arrives at a. 111., depart Ht ilUKl 11. 111. N:is, and -I, niovlug east of Tim Dalles, will carry misseimers. No. 'il arrives at f n. ia.. details ut l:l' p. 111. Passengers for Ilepptier take No 2, lejivlas hem at 11 - )' p. 111. W, 11. iltlltl.lUHtT, Gen. 1W. Agt Portland. Oregon N ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. n s Pullman Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car Elegent Toii3:ist HT. 1'Alll. MINNKAl'OI.I IIL'MITII 1-AllOO JO OK AND KOK CUOOKSTDN WINNIl'KO IIKI.KNA an 1UITTK Through Tiekcfcs TO (IIIIOAOO WAHIIINflTON I'llll.AIIKI.IMUA 'KV VOICK IIOHTON AN1 AM. POINTS KAMT mill HOUTll I'or illforinatlon. tlmorards. inaiihiind llckeU. cat on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalies, Oregon Oil I). CHARLTON. Asst. G. I'. A., 'iVi. Morrison Cor. Third. Portland Oregon STAGE LINE. Tlirolluh liv ilavlleht via riiss Vallev. Kent mid Cross IIoIIowb. IMMIOI.AH AM.K.N, V. HI. WIIITKI.AW. The Onlles. AlltlllOHI. hlanes leave Tim Dulles Iroiii tlmatllla llnun! at 7 a. in,, also from Atiteloiic nt 7:y) n. m. every Monday. WVdiiesday unit Krliliiy. Coiineelloiis iiimIi! at Antelope Jor Prlnovlllc, Jlltchell ami iHilnts beyond. Close connections iiiaduatTlic Dalles with rallwiiyH, trains mid boats. Slages from Anlelopo reach TI10 Dnlli Tiien dnyt, Tluirfdays ami tiaturdiiyH at !;: p. in. , , , UATKS or KAHK, Dalles to Deschutes . tii Moro, , ,,, do Crass Valley ., do Kent do Cross Hollows Antelope to t.'ross Hollows, . . ,n 00 . 1 M , :uh IM j mi , 3 iw ,1 w . ,,511) do Kent do do do do (irass Valley. M010, ... . , , Dt'schiices, Dalles EKST loro aod Autelope ine GoiumDia Packing Co PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF HAKUPACTUKUIUIOlr Fine Lard and Sausages. Ctirersof BR.MP HAMS & BACON DRIED BEEF, ETC.