r Aim HOT WATER in Ten Minutes., We cordially invite you to an exhibition of Corsets, by Miss P. Keppler of New York, an expert Corset Fitter, who will remain in the city for this week only.. 4 'i. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY FKIJKUAKY 15, lHihS WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Weather Tonight uiid Wednesday, fiir. Now lot of navel oranges 10 conta pur ilozun ut Maior & Benton. Use Clarko it Falk'u Floral Lotion for chapped IiiiiuIh mid rough skin, lin Try our ono pound sqttareB "Queen lirand" Imtttir, ut Dallea Commission it Grocery Co. Marriage license waa issued laHt night to George Fox nnd Mies Lunom Hull', both of this county. Just received, direct from Now York, a new line of gouta' spring overcoats. A. M. Williuma & Co. Leave your orders lor lish, poultry, jaiiio, produce and groceries ut Dallea Cjiiunisaion and Grocery Co. tf Waldorf hrund of canned corn, si'iiaah, pumpkin, peas, henna and auceotaah, ut CoiniiuuHiou and Grocery Co. 'a. The Ciood Intent Society will meet at the residence of Mra. D. M. French, Wednesday ut U p. m. Memhera are urvtid to he present, aa thoro iB import ant business. Last Friday in Huntington, the little child of .Mr. and Mra. M. A. Adama fell into a tuh of boiling water and was ko badly tcalded that thu little one ia not expected to recover. A vagrant waa brought before thu re order thia morning and lined rf5. Aa ho did not have thu neoeaenry amount, ho waa put lo work on the recorder's woodpile to work out the amount of his fine. Don't forgot the mooting at thu Con-r Sreuationul oliureh tonight (Tuesday) nUjlit. Huaincf-a of vital importanco will ho eonaidered, and all moiuhorti of the church and congregation aru request ed to he presont. 'fids inornuig Mr. Snwyor'a littlo girl sot u can of concentrated lyo and put eomo on lier tonguo. Mr. Suwyor no. iced it at onco and took hur to Blakeloy A Houghton's, whoro Hho received treat ment. At preaont alio ia out of danger. Tim eoatuinor will ho lioro tonight to toko the niouHiirea of those who uro to take part in thu ahow'whioh will ho put on hy the hoya of thu Commercial Club. All who iuvo parts aru urgently requested to ho preaont ho their coatumea nay ho ordered at onco. On account of tlio wires being down between thia placo nnd Portland on thu oiKdiataiico tulophono Hue today, no bulletin hua boon received. No coininu nlMtion cnu bo hold oyer tho lino with lortlaml until it la ropalrod. It is "'ought that tho trouble ia bolow Trout dale. A liouao ou tho ranch of S. F. Bran (on, near Long Creek in Grant county, 8 destroyed by Ore last week. It was occupied by a Ohineie eheepherder, and in eomo unknown manner the building PEASE & MAYS. caught fire and tho flu men were beyond control when diacovered. All tlio con tentti of the building wore auved. The funeral of Mra. Mary Childers took place from tho Chriatiun church to day. Rev. Bolts, pastor of tlio churcli, preached an extended and appro priate aermon, after wliich tlio proces aion, wliich contained numerotia friends and tho relatives of tho deceased, wound itH way to her laat resting placo. Bishop Karl Crauatou will ho in tho city on Friday evening to aaBiat tlio ladiea of tho Good Intent aocioty of the Metliodiat church, in their jubilee aer vico. At tho close of thu juhiluo service ttiu ladiea will tender Bishop and Mra. Cranaton a farewell reception. All mem burn of the congregation and friends will he welcome. ThiB morning aixty head of aplendid heel cattle belonging to the Dr. KeBiier hand, which wuro purchased by Charles Butler aoine time ago, were bhipped to Portland on tho Uallea City, And from thoro they will he aent to Port Towns end, It ia the intention of Mr. Cutler to butcher them, and after freezing ahip them to Skaguay and other Aluakn points. George W. and S, M. lilndgett and J. K. Fuller were in the city yesterday. These gentlemen are interested in tho (Johoeo mines, and left for that place on tho Canyon City stage this morning. They have been constructing reservoira, putting in giants and making other preparations for operating the mine. Thoy hope to ho able to take out a hand some sum during thu coming summer. In tho divorce caso of Annie H. Otey va William Otey, which waa tried before Judge lirudsluuv In tho circuit court to day, the plaintiff was granted a decree of divorce. Sinuott & Sinnott appeared In huhalf of the plaintilf, who wiib granted tho caro and custody ol tho children. By thu above decree another couple aru made happy and may, if thoy aeu lit, in the future enjoy single blessed hubs, W. T. Clark, of tho Moxea valley, in Yakima county, struck tho fourth flow in his well known ub No. 5 lust Monday, and water la now bubbling up at tho rate of l,1... cubic .feet por second. Tho well ia 101(1 foot deep, tho other IIowb having been atruck at 770, 885 and Mj foot levola. The temperature of tho water la seventy-eight degroes, and with thu thermometer at tho froozing point there la a perceptible amount of steam. Aa a result of thu laat quarterly ex amination of teachers, Edward S. Ilin man of Dufur was recommended by tho county hoard for a atato diploma. Clara Molzlor and Perry It. Joffcott of Port laud entered tho class in Multnomah county for touchers' cortllleatoa, the papers to bo graded and certificates granted In Wasco county. Mlas Mot her succeeded In obtaining a secoud grade, while Mr. Jeffcott obtained a third tirade certificate, The case of the State of Oregon vs. Claude-Rico, who was Indicted for forg ing a check on Pease & Mayc, came up for hearing yesterday afternoon. Kico plead guilty, and his crime waa com muted by tho court to obtaining money under falae pretetiBea. He was sen tenced to ono year in tho penitenMary. C. F. Johnston, who was charged with having stolen an overcoat from II. S. Turner, hud bis hearing before the grand jury and thoy returned not a true bill, when be was discharged. W. II. Perry, of Hood River, hag writ ten to tho Glacier tnat he has received a letter from Kentucky, giving the sta tistics of tho offspring of iia mother, who ia atill living at the age of 87, hale and hearty. The score stands thus: Seventeen children, eight girls and nine boys ; 110 grand children, and seventy aix great grand children, making the grand total of "OIL He aaj'B that if any mothers in Wasco county can beat this record, lot them speak right out in meet ing. The singers who uro to take part in the Old Folks Concert are busily engaged in prepaiing for thia. tlio musical event of tho season. Tho wardrobes of our an cestors uro being ransacked for costumes of uii hundred yeara ago ; the choruses are huing carefully trained under the leadership of Mr. C. J. Crunduli, and tho work of those who have special parts bespeaks for tho entire program the greatest success. A full program will j appear in these columns a day or two lieloro tlio conceit. There ia littlo likelihood of an ice famine in North Yakima during tlio summer. It is estimated that probably 2500 tons of ice wert put up during this season. The largest individual packers were F. B, Shardiow, 150 tons; Thomas Lund, -100 tone ; A. Johnson nnd J. II. Tiinni, -100 tons; Sinclair Ice Conipanv, 800 tons; and Bitter and Mechtel, GO tons. Last year the ice dealers wore compelled to ceaso serving private fam ilies in early September. As it was, ar tificial ice was imported from the Sound to tho extent of several carloads. This morning Harry Lonsdale left on the Dulles City for Portland, and tomor row will take tho Southern Pacific train for San Francisco, going at onco to Los Angeles. A delegation from Cascade Ledge, B. P. O. E., accompanied him to tlio boat, and at parting Judge Brad aliaw made a brief, bin appropriate, speech on the part of the members of tho lodge, in which ho expressed regret at losing, oven for a few mouths, audi n faithful and untiring member, who is 'always ready to make any sacritlcu for tho benefit of the order. After wishing him a speedy recovery and expreaaing thu hope of the members of Cascade lodge that ho would aoon return to Tho Dalles, ho presented him with a hand some mounted elk's tooth as a remem brance from the lodge. Last night Mr. Lonsdale was serenaded by the Koubon quartet; and so all of bla many friends in Tho Dalles are anxious, to express their friendly feeling and good will. Just received direct from New York a now line of gents' spring overcoats. A. M. Williams & Co. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That In what it was made far. During January and Feb ruary we will in ve to every person buying One Dollar's worth of goods at our store a chance on a Sixty-Dollar Steel Range, Which was manufactured by the Michigan Stove Co. Drawing to come off the 28th day of February, 1898. MAIER & BENTON ANTELOPE SHOOTING SCRAPE. William llulre Attempts to Kill Mart Clancey and It. A. Hansell, Laat Wednesday nicht about 10 o'clock Mart Clancey and R. A. Hansell went into the Eureka saloon in Antelope and eat down by the Etove. John Little, who waa in the saloon at the time, asked Hansell nnd Ciancey to take a drink. One called for port wine and the other for a soda, when Little spoke up and eaid they should take whiskey or nothing, and they refused to drink. This caused eome words between the men, and the two men left the ealoon. They looked through) the window from the outside, and Little acted as though he would throw a flask of whiskey, which he had in bis band, at them. At this time William Rolfe, the bar tender, who was drunk, without any known reason pulled his pistol and lired a shot through the window, which bare ly missed the two men standing in the window, and knocked the glass in their faces. Shortly afterwards tho men started home, when three ehots weie fired at them. Kolfe afterwards told Clancey that he thought that Hansell was standing at the window alone, and that he would not have fired if he had known that Clancey was there. Theso were all the particulars that could be learned. Rolfe has not yet been arrested, but there are rumors afloat that ho made threats against Hansell's life, and he may be taken into custody and punished for his rash act. Court I' i oeellii(:. The following law and equity cases were before the circuit court today : LAW. W II Wileon va John McDonald, dis missed on motion of referee. G E Baitell va Geo T Thompson, ap plication made for continuance. Appli cation granted and bearing set for second day of next term. KQl'lTY. Emma Golden vs DeWitt Golden, de fault. Inez F Broadbent vs F M Broadbent, default to be tried before the court. Aimio B Otey vs William Otey, default to be triod before the court. Decree granted. 15 U Savage, administrator, vs W A Lingill, continued. O F, Showater, administrator, vs W R Winans, default and decree. Tim Moil oi n Way Commends Itself to tho well-informed, to do pleasantly and olfectually what formaly donu in tho crudest manner and disagreeably as well. To cleanse the ayateii) and break up colda, headaches, and fevera without uupleasant after ef fects, use the delightful liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs. Made by Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. The best specific for dandruff and to provent balduoaa is Clarke & Falk's compound quinine hair tonic, IMm One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That l what It wu made for. INTER NATIONAL HEATER. VV''VtkV3'V'Vlk' REMEMBER. "We have strictly First-Class Fir, Oak and Maple Wood, To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 25. J. T. Peters & Co. NEWS NOTES. The Hawaiian annexation treaty will receive the greater share of the senate's attention during the week. Latest advices state that Zola's chances for acquittal are slim, but it is expected that his punishment will Le light. England is negotiating with China to open Yung Chun Fu, in the province of Hun Nan, as a treaty port, and is ne gotiating also on the subject of the navi gation of inland waters. The house will on Wednesday enter upon the consideration of the bankrupt cy bill, wliich the majority of the judi ciary committee reported aa a substitute for the Nelson bill, passed by tbe senate at an extra session last summer. The 13th annual meeting of the Na tional Woman's Suffrage Association be gan at Washington yesterday afternoon. The meeting also signalized the 50th an niversary of tho first convention of women devoted to woman's rights in this country. The Hong Kong Telegraph says that continual trouble is being reported fiom vessels maimed by Japanese crews, the Japanese resenting any instructions or surveillance from European officers, and showing an especial aversion for Euro pean passengers. A big colonization project is being considered at present by thu Japanese, It being to send a colony ot the Mika do's subjects to Mexico to engage in raising coffee. An immense laud grant is said to have been obtained from tho Mexican government. Th roll til Tuurlbt Curs to St. Limit. A tourist sleeping car will leave Port land every Monday via Missouri Pacific and every Wednesday via the Burling ton route at 8 p. in. ; and The Dalles at 1 1 -.45 p.. in. via the O. H. A N., through Salt Lake aud Denver, without change to St. Louis, and under the supervision of experienced conductors. No change of cara to Kansas City or St. Louis. Keep this service in mind when going East aud consult O. H. & N. agents or address W. H. Hukuiuut, Gen. Pasngr Agt., Portland, Or. State Eiiuuniiiiunt, O. A. it. At a meeting of tho executive commit-1 tee held at the G. A. It. hall ou Satur day evening last, it was deemed advis able that all the committees ou the en campment be called together. The members of the different committees are therefore hereby requested to meet at the G. 'A. It. hall in Schanno'a building, cor ner of Second and Court streets, on Sat urday evening, February 10th, at 7 o'clock, J. W. Lkwis, Chair. Ex. Com. 1 To Uu.ru ii Cold lu dun I)U-. Take Laxative Bromo Quluino Tab lets. All druggists refund tho money if they fail to cure. 25c, DeWitfs Little Early Risers, The famous little pills. Do You Catch On? No more cold ovons. Plenty of hut water, and a great fuel saver. Have one put in your stove by w rt n nnnntr SOLE AGENTS. Notice to Contractors. Bid? will be received day, February 21, 189S, C. J. Crandall, for the the Wasco Warehouse bids will be received at till noon Mon at the office of mason work on addition. Also the same place and time for the same building. carpenter work on the The blaugrhtcr of Elephants. t In Berlin a number of African travel ers, colonial politicians and scientific men have formed a "committee for tho purpose of taming- and preserving- the African elephant." It is computed, ac cording to statistical data of tho ex ports of ivory, that no fewer than from fifty to sixty thousand elephants in Africa are killed every year. The com mittee say, that being so, tho time is not far distant when the last elephant in Africa will, says the London Daily News, have disappeared. With such prospect in view, the committee have decided to put a stop to this mis chievous slaughter. By taming and maintaining tho last representatives of a fast-dying-out animal world the com mittee hope to preserve unimpaired the enormous power the elephant is known to possess, so that he may be of still further use to mankind. The German Colonial company have already devoted a large sum of money to this purpose, and now the colonial department of the foreign office havn augmented this sum by granting a liberal allowance. l'ly In ii .Soprano's Tliro.it. While mass was being celebrated at tho cathedral of the Immaculate Con ception in Portland, Me., on a recent C 1 . auuuny a young iady lrom lioston, a flue vocalist, was numming the leading soprano part. When the solo "h'alvo Kegina" was reached the laity sang the solo, and had just reached the con cluding measure, her pure, crystal-like notes fulling most agreeably on tho ear, when the members of tho choir noticed that she turned pale and placed her handkerchief to her lips, giving a spasmodic cough. A Hy hud Hown down her windpipe and shut on" her wind. Fortunately at that moment the full chorus had to sing, thus pre venting any break, and whon tier turn came again tho laity was nblo to re spond. The poor Hy was afterward found on the bosom of her dress. Hi had paid for his temerity witli his life Chicago Chronicle. Ho The Latest,a5BSss Novelties in ..lalptir.. At 1. C. Nickelscn Book & fTlusie Company,