r Are Yonr Corsets Filled Correctly? French Fashion niakors say, economize if you will in the matter of fabrics for your gowns, but buy a good Corset, for therein exists t ho secret of an ideal figure. Special Display . of America's leading Corset W. B. Having added to our slock 21 dill'erent styles of this celebrated Corset, we are in a position to supply tho wants of our customers. 7 VfJB.Mci Important to Liadies. We are exceedingly fortunate in securing for one week the services of an expert Corset Fitter, ...VIiss P. eppep... of New York, who will be at your service at this store, fllonday, February 14th, to explain the advantages of a Correctly Fitted Corset.. During Miss Keppler's stay we will make a special display of La Yida and AY. B. models in ex quisite silks and satin materials. rxle Cordially every lady to conic and view this exhibit at this store. 3 ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. MOXDAI IT.I5UUAUY 14, 18118 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Weathur Tonight iwul TuuHduy, fuir and cooler. Now lot of navel oranges 10 euntH per dozen itt Muiur &. liuiiton. Use Clarku k Falk'a Floral Lotion for elm pju.'il IihihIh anil ronh skin, lm Try our out) pound H(iuiruH "Queen llrnml" btittur, ut Dallea ComnilBsion & Grocery Co. Clarke it Falk'a KoHufomn tooth wash 19 tilt) llOHt tO keep the tenth Mill irillllS clean anil healthy. iMm When you acu u good thlni: push it along. Tlmruforo etill for tho J'ri.u Medal anil Kuhu Queen cigars. Waldorf brand of canned corn, pquaHh. pumpkin, peas, beunn mid succotash, ut ConuuiiiHioii mid Grocury Co.'h. Tho Leader iH to ho tho niiiiio of a Ko publican Hound-numoy paper that will eoon In; started in Moro. A plant htm been purchased, and it Ik hu'uI tho busi ness inun of Moro uro buliind tho vun- Don't forgot tho meeting at tho Con gregational oliuroh tomorrow, Tuesday, night. Buh'uiohh of vital importance will bocoiiBidorcd, and all inoiiihurfl of the church mid congregation uro reques ml t'- bo present. Tliu blgb HcoroH at tliu ulub alloya for tin-' past wook woro iih (oIIowh: Mon day, Houghton 0"; Tuesday, lloHtottlor CO; Wednesday, lloatottlur Tliutfi day, liob'uiBon fill; Friday, Jobsou 54; Saturday, ItillH 50; Sunday, BradBliaw 73. Tho liigb scorea ut tlio Uinatilla Hoiibu nlluya lor tho past wook woro uh nsfollnwH: Monday, l'oworn fill ; Tues day, Option 55; Wednesday, Unuorll'J; Thursday, Geo. Itrown, 04; Friday, Goo. Grown 51 ; Saturday, Maot. 50; Sunday, 0 Dull 00. Circuit court was oponed Huh morning Judge Hrudshuw. Tlio torni wiVb be Kn by tho selection of n grand jury with tho follow! ltobort lilackj U. M. Mcl.oon, J). G. ""I. U. O. Campbell, Geo. 13ml, C. D. llu ami h. Lmnb. , Tho 13jih Kucordor has aturtod on its eighth year. It has experienced a fathur ovontliil careor during tl.o hovod years of Uh i-xIbIoiico, hut it has buccobh fully wuathurud tlio kuIob of ndvoraity, InuliKliu two Imrn-outH, and now com fliluntly oxpeutH to onjoy moro juospor- 0118 tilllOB. Tho UeKulator hnd n flno load of 'reila ami qn0 ft number of pnB soimorf this morniiiK. If this wonth er coutiiaioa thu pussuncor llttt for this tlmo will Incroaso dally, for a day could ot bo moro apont moro plonsnntly any wlmrothan on tho Columbia between "ere and Portland. Mr. K. II. Inadalo will loavo tomor row for a trip to Southern California. o will probably goto Loa Angelea llret, ami may visit hiu homo in Columbia, MisHouri, before returning. 1Mb recent illticHH hiivim; left him in a weakened condition, it in hoped the change will benefit him and that ho will return much improved in health. Tickote for the football game, to come oil on Washington's birthduy between ttio Willumottca and The Dulles team are being printed today und will be oll'ored for Halo by the committee tomor row. Whether we will have a game or not depends on how many tickets can be Hold to defray expenses, and we hope that everyone will bo liberal in their patronage, as the game will be well worth selling. Last night when the train was pulling into Ileppuer a passenger by the name of Jameu Hall uas standing on the plat form of one of the cars when the train rounded a bend rapidly and threw him oil'. lie struck against a blulf near the track and was instantly killed, He was an employee of the 0. II. & X. Co., but further particulars concernini,' the mini i could not be learned. His remains were taken to ArliT.rton, where an inquot (will bo held today. ! Iho Democratic central commit held an interestini; meeting Saturday Chairman F. A. Seufert is a uold-stand-ard Democrat, and when, in the course of the meeting, a resolution was intro duced indorsing free silver, he frankly Btated his opposition to such a iueiib.'i and ceased to act as chairman. T. resolution was adopted, however, prac tically to a unanimous vote. The date lor the primaries was set for March 12th, and the county convention March lSHh. the same dates as the Populists have chosen. There is no doubt that the Democrats and Populists in this county will fuse. '' . - WOOL - GROWERS' ASSOCIATION. A I.urcn Nuinlinr of Gui'KtH JCxjicctcd--hKMikTs und Their SubjrvtH. Arrangements for the bowling tourna ment between thu club bowlers of this city and the Oregon Koad Club's team of Portland have been made, and the tournament will como oil' in the club rooms Thursday evening. On Wednes day evening the first games of a tourna ment between tlio Umatilla House team And the club team will bo played. Tho following uro the teaniH na near as we e iiild Hud out : Umatilla House John- in, Maotvi, IHrgfeld, lieeso, Benton and 'rank ; reserves, Puudt and Doll. Jlub Uradshaw. Tolmie, Filloon, Hal- lard, Huntington, Dufur; reserves, Hos teller and Phillips. Tim Moilurn Way Commends ltsolf to tho well-informed, to do pleasantly and olleotually what formal)' done in the crudest nutnnor and dieagroeably aa well. To cleaiiHo the system and break up colds, headaches, and fevers without unpleasant after ef fects, ubo the delightful liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of Figa. Made by Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. To Vuru H Cult! I" Out) Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab Iota. All druggists refuud tl.e money If they fall to cure. 25c. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That U what it ww made lur. Extensive preparations are being made for the Wool-Growers' Association, which will be held in thiB city on March lHt, 2d and 3d. Circular letters are be ing sent out to all interested in wool growing in Montana, Idaho, Washing ton and Oregon, and a larire number of uuests aro expected from each of thete states. In order to make it easier for every one to attend, reduced rates will be fur nished by the railroads, and all who will attend should kindly notify Geo. C. Blakeley, eecretary.of the association, i so that preparations can be made tor entertaining all. The following speakers have slgnilied their intention to be present: Gen. .las. H. Maker of Minnesota. Subject- "Breeding of Full Blocd Kama." Hon. John A. Craig, professor Animal Industry, Btato of Iowa. Subject "How I Feed Sheep." Hon. John L. Gibbs, Minnesota. Sub ject not chosen. Pagne, M. A., U. S. local fore- ollicial Pacific Northwest. Subject Climatic Influence on Grasses." Dr. Jus. Whitecombe, state veterinary Oregon. Subject "Diseases of Sheep. " V. P. Anderson, livestock Ktatisticinn or tlio union stoclc yards, Lliicauo. Subject "The Future for the Sheep." H. T. French, A. M., professor of agri ulture, Oregon Slate Agricultural Col lege. Subject "Our Grasses." Many others will bo present, among whom are Mr. Tom Powers, president Montana Wool-Growers; Mr. George Adams of Chicago, Mr. W. J. C. Ken yon, manager South Omaha stock yards, wool buyora and musters of transporta tion. Aiiotluu- rioiitXT (Solid. JOCI IHU ( Vast ollic a v. At 12 o'clock yesterday Mrs. Bridget Fewer, widow of John Fewer, died at St. Mary's Academy in this city 1 ... ."fit-! sure, rower was uorn in iviiKiniiuy, Ireland, in 1S17, and came to this coun try when she was about 20 years old. Shortly after her arrival in America she was married to John Fewer, and they moved to California, making their home in that stute lor a number of years, hater they moved to Oregon', and set tled on a farm near Boyd. About sixteen years ago Mr. Fewer died, leaving hia wife entirely alone, with no children and, aa far aa could be found out, no relatives iu this country. Sull'ei'ing with the palsy and in need of care, alio turned over what property alio had to tho sisters of St. Mary's Academy and took up her abode with them, where for the laat fifteen years she lias been tenderly cared for. For a number of years she has beeu 7ory feeble. However, last Mouday she was able to be up and around, but later became woreo and waa forced to remain iu bed continually. Shu waB a Blncere Christian in every Bouse of the word, and in her worst ill ness never uttered a word of complaint. The end came peacefully, and up to five minutes before her death ehe had per fect control of her senses. Tho funeral will take plate from the Catholic church at 9:30 Wedneaday morninp. All friends of the departed are invited to attend. THE COURT DOCKET. liiiw anil Kqtilty Cases Considered hy tliu County Court Today. LAW. G E Bartell vg George Thompeon. The Oregon Nursery Co ve Wm Tellett passed for settlement. Wolfe & Zwicker Iron Works vs I II TafTe, settled. Sinnott & FiBh vs Sam Gill, settled. J C Ward vs S Nace, settled, attached property released. ' A L Sproul vs H S Wilson, receiver Dalles National Bank, paBsed. Johns Brothers vs E Darnielle, set tled. M E Payne vs C W Phelps, at issue. Albert A Hong vs Frank Watkins, de mur to complaint. D Arnett vs Geo Harth, contin ued. William Marrin & Co vs Knightly, default and judgment. M E Sikes vs William Turner, publi cation. Paul Cattery va Edward Wicks et al, settled, attached property released. O S Schowaler, administrator, vs W R Wintuie, publication. IJ S Wilson, receiver, vs Lizzie Nolan, passed. II S Wilaon, receiver, vs I II Tulle, passed. Davia Sewing Machine Co vs II W Staats, passed, default and judgment. W L Whealdon vs K GBiooksetal, demur to complaint, demur to be an swered Wednesday at !) a, m. II S Wilson, receiver, vs John McDonald. KlJL'lTV. Assignment, J F Hoot, no action aken. Aasignment, Frank Vogt, no action taken. Assignment, II A and J W Moore, no action taken. Jennie B Grail' vs II A Hackett, no action taken. Board ot Commissioners vs P TThorp, confirmation granted. D Bunnell va William Turner et al, passed. C Covinton vs A Winanset al, passed. J C Baldwin va Dalles City, passed. W L Whealdon vs h E Ferguson, pass-ed. B A Osgood vs Ida Dunn et al, piused. It L Matheson vs Mabel Mutheson, passed. Emma Golden vb DeWitt Golden pub lication. Inez F. Broadbent va F M Broadbent, publication. F A Gregory va B I) Gregory, no ac tion taken. H II Bailey va F II Button, passed. Johnston Broa va Richard Siginan, settled, attached property released. Arabella Slueber va R Slgman, settled, i' i HOT WATER in Ten Minutes. Do You Catch On? No more cold ovens. Plentv of hot water, and a great fuel saver. Have one put in your stove by MAYS & CROWE, INTERNATIONAL HEATER. SOLE AGENTS. We have strictly First-Class Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 25. J. T. Peters & Co. attached property released. Ammie B Otey vs William Otey, pub lication. E E Savage, administrator, vs Wm Langille et al, passed. M McCoy va T McCoy, settled. M DL French vs Mary French .default, to be heard before the court. J B Jones vs R E Fewell, passed. Northern Investment k Trust Co va Mary J Smith et al, confirmation grant ed. J A Gulliford'va 0 M Bourland et al, confirmation granted. B A Osgood vs Ira Dunn et al, passed. Almira McKellar vs Frank McKellar, no action. NEWS NOTES. Spain has not yet apologized for the De Lome letter. Two burglars who have been operating in Portland for eome time were captured last night. The steamer Oregon sailed for Alaska last night with a full cargo of passengers and l'reght. Another rich find it reported on Copper river. it is said tnat tlio place is studded with gold. It was rumored Sunday that Consul- General Lee has resigned, but no defi nite information was obtainable. Jacob Combs fell three hundred feet down a shaft at the Maryland mine yesterday and was instantly killed. A secret dispatch was received from Minister Woodford yesterday. Tho sup position is that it was a report of the ac tion of the Spanish government in the Da Lome matter. The Democrats and Populists in Port land are greatly aroused over tho ap pointment of Judges and clerks by the county court. They pronounoa it biased and outrageous. Mrs, Cliilders led, Yesterday afternoon at 1 :40 o'elock, Mrs. Mary Childers, wife of Frank Chil ders, died at her home iu this city, age 2i years, 5 months and 3 days. About two weeks ago Mra. Childera had a severe attack ot la grippe, which settled iu the region ot tho heart, caus ing her death. Her maiden name was Mary Millard. She was born in Leoni das, St. Joe county, Michigan, ami about twelve years ago came to Oregon with her parents and settled in Sheridan, Yamhill county. In lS'JI she waa mar ried to F. M. Childers, and since that time has made her home in Tlio Dalles. She leaves a husband,fatheruud mother, and a brother and sister to mourn her loss. Her funeral will take place from the Christian church tomorrow. The ser mon will be preached by Rev. Boltz, and all friends of the deceased are invited to be preBent. The best specific for dandruff and to prevent baldness is Clarke & Talk's compound quinine hair tonic. 9-1 in One Minute Cough Cure, cures. Thut I whut It was mudc for. Am! During January and Feb ruary we will give to every person buying One Dollar's worth of goods at our store a chance on a Sixtv-Dollar Steel Range, Which was manufactured by tho Michigan Stove Co. Drawing to conic off the 2Sth day of February, 1898. MAIER & BENTON The Latest-n5ss. Novelties in At I. C. Nickclscn Book & music Company. DeWitfs Little Early Risers, The lumuus little pllU, Ml rii 3 V.3f 1 irr J I ' " iimwjii mmmmT'T' rrvffTriTTl-T TV- . 'Iff