The Dalles Daily Chronicle. The only Republican Daily Newipapet on nco County. XVevMf CmlilihiB Itntp. Chroniclo and Orepotiian T if'-' 25 Chronicle ami Exnminer 2 25 Chronicle and Inter Ocean 1.85 Chronicle mill Trilnine 1 75 Chroniclo and X. Y. World 2 00 MONDAY FHHKUAUY 14, 1S9S TRrUMl'Il OF PROTECTION. The culminating triumph of the system of protective taiiffs applied to Ameiiean industries is that it has taught the old world that low wages do not of necessity insure low cost of production. It is simple truth that the manufacturer of iron and steel goods in the United States pays from thirty to eighty, or even one hun dred, per cent more for his labor than Ins European rival, and that, though he has to haul his raw mate rial ten times as far from the mine to the furnace and shop, he produces a better article at a lower cost. In Us beginning protection increased the cost of sonic articles to the Amer ican consumer, but this was dining a short stage of commercial exist ence. Protection stimulated output, and stimulation of output involved fierce competition for possession of the home market, and that resulted in low prices. At last, says the Inter Ocean, the American output has exceeded all possible demands of the home mar ket, and foreign trade has become a necessity. To the astonishment of Europe it is proved that goods made by men who earn from &l.oO to 4 per day can be solJ as cheaply as those produced at a labor cost of from $1 to 3. America is teaching Europe a lesson in sociology. The low-paid laborer ot Europe often is a tool rather than a me cbinic. He woiks as he was taught to work by his father. lie improves upon nothing; he discovers nothing. He eats, he sleeps, he works ; he does not think. The better paid artisan ot America is better educated, more ambitious, and infinitely more inven tive. He is paid far more than the .European, and he lives upon a tar more liberal scale, but he produces far more and of better quality, al though he works fewer hours in each day. The European plan has worked to the degradation of the workman ; the American method has worked to his betterment. Thus we now are able to produce pig iron at from 62 to S3 per ton less cost than rules in Eng land, and this saving pays ocean freight and leaves a margin of profit on foreign sales. We arc selling steel rails to London, and covering the roads of Europe with American bicycles, and are putting American sewing machines into European shops and houses. We are furnish ing Japan, China, Australia and British Africa with steam warships, locomotives, electrical appliances and all materials of railway plants. It is, paradoxical as it may seem, to the high wages that our protective system fostered that our success in foreign trade is due. Competition for possession of the largest and most profitable home market of the world stimulated invention, and the intelligent ambition of our artisans made them specialists and inventors. Protection insured us.a home market, and commercial activity in that wide area has strengthened the arms of our commerce and manufactures till they have become able to reach out for and to grasp a large and increas ing share of the trade of the world. THE DE LOME INCIDENT. Either by the acceptance of dis graced Do Lome's resignation, or by bis recall, it matters not much which, lie was summarily ousted from the honorable and onerous position which be bos proven himself unfit to fill. It was a bad faux pas for so ex perienced a diplomat to make, even m a private letter. No true gentle man and diplomat could have so far forgotten his position and the re spect he owed to the chief magistrate of this great government. The United States will not lay Do Lome's fault at the door of the gov ernment at Madrid, and the incident need not necessarily cause any olli eial rupture between the two gov crnmcnts, though tl is likely to in crease inu nusuiu M-imim:iib auiuny , the people of both countries. The intelligent people of the United States I do not hate the Spaniards as indi viduals, but they despise the Spanish government, and reprobate its atro cities in Cuba, and sincerel desire the liberation of that island; hence would not deploic any incident that would bring on hostilities. Hut the De Lome incident, of itself, is no ad ditional occasion for war with Spain. Tribune. Kreii I'llln' Send your address to II. E. Uncklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These Pills are easy in action and are particularly effective in the cure of.Con stipation and Sick Headache. For Ma laria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. Thoy are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleter ious substance and to be purely vegeta ble. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the sys tem. Regular size 25c. per box. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. (4) Ciislt In Tour Checks. All countv warrants registered prior to Nov. 13, 1S93, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Jan. 15th, 189S. C. L. Phillips, Countv Treasurer. FREE. FREE. Q) We Will Give- IMC Subscribers and l'orsons subscribing and paying up in ad vance for the Weekly GhroDiele A Copy of k World IlMlE 0- Encyclopedia Will Answer Any Question You may Ask It Standard & American $ Annual. PRICE GENTS Ready Jan. 1, 1898, On AH News Stands. i5t fc)t i& Larger, Better, More Complete . Than Ever. $3jTle most widely sold Annual Rtftr tnct Book and Political Manual published. THE WORLD, Pulitzer Building, New York. Druggist CATARRH (or a generous 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cream Balm contains no cocnlno, mercury, nor any other Injurious lni. It 13 quickly Absorbed, (lives ltellcf atoncc. It opens anil clemw? TTii" the NVil l'asgiRC. COLD to H E A n Allays ImUmmatlon. WwUU ' It E.MU Hails anil Protects tho Membrane. Kettorex tho Senses of Tato anil Hmell. Full SlzoBOc: Tilal size inc. ! at lirnwitsis or ny nun. iitA'llKOTllKUS.aS Warrcu Strtet.KewTorL Taking the JVTe d i e i n e . ass You get good results from taking your medicine if the prescription is properly tilled. You want al' the good you can possiblv get from tins remedy. Yon want the filling to be properly done. We give it the most careful attention. RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Second Street, THE DALLES J-loliday Improuemepts. You want paper which makes your holiday enjoyment greater. You want paper which makes your home pleaeanter'atlall times. You need such shades and designs as will give more beauty and more comfort in your home. We show you styles that exceed any ever seen here at priceo never attempted for such quality. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TltANSACTA OKNEll.UaUNKlNO H0H1NE3 Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on Now York, Chicuuo, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections ma-Jo at all points on fav orable terms. ..GflAS. FfiBjK Buteheps and Faftnens ..Exchange.. Keeps on ilratiK'it tlio celebrated COUJM1IIA JIKKK, iiokimwl. edited tho bct beer In Tlio Dalles, nttiiuunml price. (Joint) In, try it and be convinced, AUo tbu Kliiffct brands of Wines, Liquor uudCiKarn. Sandrjuiehes of all Kinds always on band. ' ' l P? !jf 5(11: ....-the.... :QJ: I Wl Weekly Inter Ocean ISU S LARGEST CIRCULATIONJMM PAPER IN THE WEST J 5 It Is radically Republican, advocating IB uic t.iruiuai iiuvuincj ui iu.ii j.m with ability and earncstness m M n n a A THE THE N WEEKLY INTER EWSAND BEST It Is Alorally Clean ami as a Tho Literature of its columns in equal to that of tho host maga zines. It is interesting to tlio chil dren as well as tho parents : HTHE INT ER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, I and while it brings to the family THE NEWS OF 5 S THE WORLD and gives its readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions ol the day, It is in full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint..... SfteHeae Ci nnDuinp nun nni i ac dpr YFAR SOI m TITK DAILY AmFsUNDAYMITIOIIS OF THE I 111 ILK. ULtAn AKt l'rlnnr Dally ly inn 1 1 I'rlci- nl'Stiiuluy'liy until.... Itally mill Nmnliiy ly mull Wholesale. .1 B t n n WR T MQUOftS, Ulines and Cigafs. THE CELEBRATED. ANHEUSER TJVYD rifiT n lvJ (jrUJ-uJ Anhenser-Bnsch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic beverage, unecjualed as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. Grandall&Barget DEALERS IN All kinds of UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS Tho Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplies PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Calces. Also all kinds of Staple and Taney Groceries. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. has 7VL Z. DONNELL, PHESCtlPTIOfl DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams cfc Co., Subscribe for The Chpoincle .tniit It an nluAVs be relied on ! for lair and honest reports 01 an po i lltical movcmcnts.iM.'vW OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL CURRENT LITERATURE Family Paper Is Without a Peer. Util Uf lima l(l.llt por your tjt'J 1(0 imr yi'nr per yrnr - BUSCH and DTTTT'T? on draught JDlL lijlv, and In uottles Hobes, Burial Shoes, Etc. the best Dress Goods m as everything to be found in a first-class Dry Goods Store. C. F. STEPHENS. THE DALLES, OR Regulator Line The Dalles. Fortlani ani Astoria Navigation Co.' steRcpMor (6 Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENUER LINE The Dalles, lloml Ulvor, Ciivcmlu l.nokn iitul l'utt. Iitml iliilly,"V'.'"'iit Kumliiy. DOWN THE VALLEY Ato you going on to ( EASTERN OREGON? If no, snvo money mill enjoy a TtonntKii ttlpnn the ('(iliimliln. Tins wtst-lMHinil tnilii nrrlvi-sitt TIil- Diillos III iimiilu tin"1 for imwnmK tntnke tin- Mi'iuiicr, iirrlvliiK In I'urtlnml In tliiiu (or tlio otitKnInc Kntithurn anil Nortliurn trnliiK; V.,. bimiid iiM!iiKcrH tirrl vltiK ' Tlio I)iiIl'n In tlmu to take tlic Kii.Ht-tumtnl train, Kor Inrtlior Inforiiiatlon apply to J. N. IIAUNKY, AKi'iit, (Ink strcdt dock, rnriniiin. iircKnn, Or W (.'. AI.I.AWA Y, (iiMi.AKt., Thu Diilli-x, Oiiuoii Drugs Paints Oils Wall Paper Window Glass ipes-'iiwly Drug Co, 129 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. IEC. G- Ij 3U ZLsT IsT. J. H, HCIIRNK, I'reiililviit, II, Jl. IlKAf'.i First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREOON A tiuuurtil iliuikiiiK UuBineHB tritumtuieu Doj)oaitfl received, subject to Silt Draft or Check. CollectloiiH made uud proceeds promptly remitted on divv of collection, filnht and TeleKranhic Exchange aoM on Now York, San Francluco and port land. . DIRBOTOK8 D. P. TllOMI'HON. JNO. 8. 8CIIKNCK. El). M. Wu.i.iamh, (iuo. A. Luiiiu. H. M. Hkaix. Sn Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Watchmaker Jeweler All work ptomiilly attended to, aud warrmitod. 174 VOGT BLOCK