The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 12, 1898, Image 4

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Tbt Dalles Daily Chrciiiu!,
TItK lA I.I.K8,
Both tho method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Iiowcls, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind over pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on band will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
Will G'irreteon went to Portland on
business today.
Victor Marden returned yesterday
from a few days visit to Portland.
J. D. Tnnney of Antelope is in the city
today greeting old friends and transact
ing business.
T- .. ..... . ""H
jvaue davenport oi Jiosier. wuo has
been visiting her sister, Mrs. Gunning,
in this city, returned to her home to-
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W, JolHwfonre-1
turned to their home at Dufur today.
They have been visiting friends in this
xity for several days.
Mrs. D. L. Cates and children of Ca?
cade Locks returned home today. They
have been visiting with Mrs. Cates'
parents. Mr. and Mrs. DeHuff.
John H. Cradlebaugh returned on the
early morning train from his mine at
Greenhorn, Baker county, or, as he
.terms it, "Klondike on the American
Yesterday A. E. Lake and
Waniic returned from Portland, uhero
they have been spending a few weeks.
They will leave today for their home at
Calvary Baptist church, Elder Wil
burn pastor At 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m,
regular services : Sunday school at 10 a.
m. ; young people's meeting at 0:30.
Lutheran services in the basement of
the new church tomorrow as follows:
3Iorning services at 11:00, Sunday
school at 12:10. Class meeting in the
everting at 7:30.
M. E. church, corner Filth and Wash
ington streets, J, H.Wood, pastor Ser
vices as follows : Class meeting at 10
a. m. ; morning service at 11 ; Sunday
school, 12:20; Junior League, 4; Ep
worth League at 0:30; evening service
at 7:30. All are invited.
Sunday services at the Congregational
church, corner Court and Fifth streets,
as usual: At 11 a. m. and :30 p. in.
worship, and a eeruion by the pastor,
W. C. Curtie. Sunday school immedi
ately after the morning service ; meet
ing of the Junior Christian Endeavor at
3:30 p. m; of the Young People's Soci
ety at 0:30. All persons not worshipping
elsewhere aro cordially invited.
Chamberlain's Cough Itemeity Always
Proves Klleciual.
There are no better medicines on the
market than Chamberlain's. We have
used the Cough ltemedy when all others
failed, and in every instanco it proved
effectual. Almost daily we hear the
virtues of Chamberlain's remedies ex
tolled by those who have ueed them.
This is not an empty pufl", paid for at so
much a Hue, but is voluntarily given in
good faith, in the hope that Buffering
humanity may try these remedies and,
like the writer, be benefited. From the
Clenvllle W. Va.) Pathfinder. For sale
by Biakeley & Houghton.
There is no need of little children be
ing tortured by scald, head, eczema and
skin eruptions. DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve gives instant relief and cures per
manently. Snipes-Kinerely Drug Co,
In a recent .letter from Washington,!
I). 0., to an old friend, Major, G, A.
Btuder, for twenty (years United States
Consul at Singapore, wivs : "While at"
Des Moines I became acqalnted with a
linimeut known as Chamberlain's Pain
Balm, which I found excellent against
rheumatism as well as against soreness
of the throat and chest (giving me much
easier breathlnp. 1 had n touch of pneu
monia early this week, and two applica
tions freely applied to the thmat and
chest relieved mo ot it at once. 1 would
not be without it for anything." For
sale by Ulakeley it Houghton.
Came to my place Janvary 23d, a dark
bay mare, about 15 hands high, white
I spot in face, one white hind foot; brand-
ed A on lelt shoulder ; shoe on left front He is n human number, in short. Tho
I foot. Owner can have same by paving ' moment you cross tho lfotonme every--i.
i i i. " t thine is different. The conductor is
B. urk. , . u .0,
feb4,lul TheDalies, Or.
Frank Sherwood was down town to-
day, the first time since ho had his tus,
sle with cholera morbus. He says ho
drove miles after.he wastakenjsick, and
never came so near dying in his life.
After this when he goes out in the coun
try he will take a bottle of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea ltemedy
with him. Missouri Valley (Iowa)
Timss. For sale by Biakeley & Hough
ton. Vour Lmtt Chance.
All negatives now in my possession
made by Mr. Houghton orl). C. Herrin
prior to Jan. 1, 1S95. will be destroyed.
Ifouwish to duplicate prints, orders
must be placed before March 1st.
GiFKOim, Photo. Artist,
febl lm Chapman Block.
Hutkleu'i Armc salve.
The b st salve in the world for cuts,
bruisee, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruption?, and posi
tively cui fa piles, or no pay required
It is guarai.tecd to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale dy Biakeley and
Houghton, druuzists.
The cigars manufactured by S. F.
Fonts are all high grade goods, and are
placed before the smoking public en
tirely on their merits.
Warning : Persons who suffer from
coughs and colds should heed the warn
ings of danger and save themselves euf
ienng and fatal results by using One
Minute Cough Cure. If is an infallible
remedy for coughs, colds, croup and all
"rhrnaf nnd llini' trrilhlp9. Rm'nps.k"in.
ersly Drug Co.
J. M. Thirswend, of Grosbeck, Texas,
says that when he has a spell ot indi
gestion, and feels bad and sluggish, he
takes two of DeWitt's Little Early Ris
ers at night, and he is all right, the next
morning. Many thousands of others do
the same thing. Do you? Snipes-
inersly Drug Co.
You can't cure consumption but you
an avoid it and cure any other form of
throat or lung trouble by the use of One
Minute Cough Cure. It cures quickly.
That's what you want. Snipes-Kiners-ly
Drug Co.
You can't afford to risk your life by
allowing a cold to develop into pneamo
nia or consumption. Instant relief and
a certain cure are afforded by One Min
ute Cough Cure. Snipes-Kinersly Drug
Try Schilling's Best tea and baking powder
Money Struck by Lightning.
Fragments of a two-dollar treasury
note were presented at the subtreasury
for redemption lately by a resident in
one of the counties of Maryland, says
the Baltimore Sun.
"This was struck by lightning," he
said, as he exhibited the two pieces of
the note. The note had apparently been
burned lengthwise through the middle,
leaving the top and bottom margins.
The burned portion that was missing
was from a half to one and a half inches
wide. The edges of the remaining parts
were charred. The man baid his homo in
the country was recently struck by light
ning, that the note wa3 in a cupboard at
the time, and that the lightning en
tered the cupboard, burning the note us
Jescrlbtid. The number and seal on the
parts of tho note wero legible and gen
uine, and consequently the note was re
deemed. There was rejoicing in the village at
the killing of u pig. Being dead, it was
cut up; a neighbor's cat stole secretly
into the larder, and annexed a piece of
of pork, which she brought in triumph
to her mistress. Next day the clergy
man of the parish visited the old wom
an, who recounted to him the remarka
ble sagacity of the beast., "It was quite
beautiful, sir," she said piously, "to see
the way the sweet creaf lire brought me
the piece of pork, it brought to my
mind what we read in the Bible about
JJIljah and the ravens." The Realm.
riiysicians and Surgeons,
Social attention given to surgery.
Hooma 21 ami ii, Tel. 328. Vogt liloclc
OlUco oyt Flwt Nat. Dunk.
A'Cirt ChH Noticeable to TrmYUri
from North of the'Potomac.
If you travel much in this country
you will bo struclmvithithe dlftcrcnco
in tho manners of a-railway conductor.
At the north and in the west ho is as,
uncommunicative an ofllclal as n police
man. Hc.novcr smiles or relaxes for n
moment When on duty, lie knows no
one in the discharge of his duty, which
he goes through with military -exactness.
On rare occasions, says the Wash
ington Post, ho will nod to a commuter,
but tho nod is not to be taken as any
evidence of relaxation of olllcial rou
tine. He is addressed as "Conductor,"
ami seems to have no name beside that.
- "Chptaln." he knows everybody,
,ms somct,1linR plcaRnnl to nn(1 is
railway knight errant, ever ready to
succor a distressed mamen or nn out
lady in difficulty. Ho will stop tho
train between stations, If he catches
sight of nn old lady driving down tho
road, suspected of whjhhig to board
tho train, and will help her out of the
carriage, bundles and all, and say:
"This way, grandma, to the ladies'
car." llnd her a comfortable seat, and
inquire nbout the health of her entire
family. Then he jerks the bell for the
train to move on. Ho knows every
inmate of overy farm or plantation on
his run. He calls the respectable-looking
old-time darkies "uncle" nud
"mammy," and cracks a joke with them
about being a runaway couple. The
"generals," "judges," "colonels," and
"squires" receive particular attention,
-and nrc for him when there is any pro
motion in the company to a man. Often
he is an old soldier, and runs up against
an old comrade, and then dire, threats
arc made about putting him off the
train if he don't "hand out that ticket
right away." He will pop down along
side the prettiest girl on tho train and
commence talking nbout tho nest pic
nic or county fair; always friendly,
pleasant, and provincial, but never vul
gar, he is a terror to the occasional
tough or drummer who gets noisy or
loud, and is not afraid of anything that
wears clothes. If there is a washout
and a delay he knows where there is
good fishing and offers to pilot the
passengers to the perch. If there is an
accident ho has nerve, sense and fore
thought, and comes out uncommonly
strong as an emergency man. lie has
no cast-iron rules about tickets, pro
viding no xrauo is evident, out lie is as
smart as a whip in detecting the freu
rider. Take him all in all, he is a dandy
as a conductor, and makes more friends
for the road in one trip than tiie other
kind do in a year.
Thrifty Tradition of tho llrltldi Govern
ment Curiously linvtiilcd.
A paragraph in tho "LiTe of Gen. Sir
Hope Grant," who did great service for
Lngland as a military commnudcr in
India and in Ulsina, thrown a curious
side-light upon some of the thrifty tra
ditions of the British government.
After (Jen. Grant's return from China
to England, he received ct the hand of
the queen at Buckingham palace the
Grand Cress of the Bath, lie was proud
of -the decoration, but hi: biographer
adds that such honors are not without
expense to the receiver.
He finds among Sir Hope's papers a
bill vouched for by "Albert Woods,
Lancaster Herald," to the amount of
eighty four pounds, four shillings, for
"fees, charges and disbursements for
the matriculation of your urrus, etc.,
as 0. C. B."
O'ddcr still was a document from the
same "Albert Woods, Lancaster Her
ald," calling upon Sir Hope Grant to
send back the insignia of his former
lower order, K. C. B. Knight Com
mander of tho Bath for the use of her
majesty's government!
It is a good old rule, for governments
as for men: "Take care of the pennies,
and the pounds will take care of them
Ballast of burned black-wax soil la
being tried on the Texas Midland rail
road, the soil being burned in the same
way as clay for the same purpose.
A resolution imposing a fine of ten
dollars on trolley car conductors for
every failure to announce the name oU
a street or avenue has been introduced
in the city council of Minneapolis.
A dill is before tho New Jersey legis
lature providing that cities of that state
above a certain population may require
tho elevation of railway tracks in their
territory and tho abolition of grade
At Logansport, Ind., a man was
badly beaten by a number of railroad
employes because he was suspected of
being a detective, who had been going
around the saloons with a kodak photo
graphing railroad employes in tho act
of drinking.
Gkjjkral I'asse.voer Aoent J. J.
BvnMK, of the Southern California rail
way, says that the fruit crops of south
ern California aro the finest in years.
Five thousand ear loads of oranges will
be shipped east, of which one thousand
have already gono forward.
Clean plaster of purls oni'iments with
wet starch. Brush oil when dry,
A few drops of benzoin placed on cot
ton and put in or around a tooth that is
aching will almost Instantly stop the
Raisins can bo easily seeded if put in
hot water and allowed to stand 15 min
utes before beginning to seed.
Clear, black coffee diluted with water
and containing a little ammonia will'
clean and restore bjack clothes.
Oats aim Aatnwl Trainer m arwot Deal
of Trouble. ''
An English exhibitor of trained ani
mals, Mr. Leoni Clarko, is reported an
oying that, though hq has educated
all sorts of animals, irom Hons down
ward, ho haa found that the most diffi
cult of them all is the cat. Hu has to
treat these creatures with extnordlnary.
care. A dog is sensible, u monkey ac
commodating, and u rat either forgiven
or forgets but a cutl She Is a hopclcwi
bundle of sensibilities. Strike her once,
If only by accident, and she will never
perform again. Kindness is not only
nolitlc. it is absolutely necessary, In
the training of cat3.
Although thirty cats are sufficient for
his entertainment, ho has sixty or more
with him, for cats are very skittish
creatures, nnd when they talte the
whim Into their heads it is useless to
take them on tho stage. When Mr.
Clarke enters the stable the mowing is
prodigious and he is Instantly buried in
a moving mantle of cats. It took him
four years to train some of his animals
beforo ho could put them upon tho
stage. A parachute cat, which climbs
up a ropo to tho roof of tho theater,
and flics down by parachute, Ls tho
second which has done the trick. Tho
first beenme too fat, and fell iuto bad
ways. It Ls now Jim Corbott, and
boxes Mitchell nightly. A curious
feature of the show ia tho way In which
the cats walk over n rope of rats and
mice and canaries, stepping gingerly
between tho little fluttering bodies.
This mighty forbearance Ls brought
about by training up tho cats from
kittens in the same cage as the rats and
birds. There arc only six of the cats
that Mr. ClaTke darci trust among tho
rats. The rate and mice come from
How IlrldRot Intorprctrd tho Dream Thnt
Went by Contr.irlt'H.
An old Irishwoman who has received
may benefit; at the hands of a. benevo
lent minister and hLs wife, is so shift
less that occasionally the large-hearted
couple loke- all patience with her;
but she has .such a sense of humor, and
such a beguiling tongue that she
never falls to amuse them and finally
to win them back.
At one time when money was given
her to buy warm underclothing with,
slu- wasted it upon a large photograph
album. The minister spoke lo her
with considerable severity, as did also
his wife, and for some time Bridget
received no calls from either of them.
Que afternoon, however, the minister
relented ami stopped at Bridget's door
on his way to see a sick woman.
"Share, and It's incsilf that dreai icd
about you last uoight, Misther Vil
liams," said Bridget, with a beah.'iig
smile. "Oidrituned that you and Misaus
Williams came here to see me, and
says you: 'How are you off for tay nnd
eoffee, Bridget?' and Oi says: 'It's
nivcr a drop of aythcr Oi've got in the
house, Miathcr Williams! And tJnn
you presinted me wid a ound of tay,
and .Missus Williams wid a pound of
eafu'e on the shpot! Yis, sorr, that was
mo dream."
"Well, Bridget," said the minister,
striving not to smile, "you knowdreaniH
are said to go by contrnrieri.
"'.Share, and that s fwhat. Oi said to
meidlf," exclaimed Bridget, triumph
antly. "Said Oi, 'MLsther Williams is
the wan that'll be givii:t: me the coffee
and Missus Williams the toy!' Thim
was my very thoughts, sorr."
Kaih Declaration.
"I never heard a young girl say, as
young girls are often fond of saying,"
observed an old lady on the summer
boarding-house piazza, "what sort of
a man she will marry and what sort
only, that I do not think of certain
speeches to which I myself have
listened from pretty lips before this.
A school friend of mine so hold Now
Jersey in detestation that she tore its
map from her geography. She used to
say that nothing would induce her to
marry a man who was a widower, or
wowi a wig, or lived in New Jersey.
And the man of her choice was guilty
of all three of these enormities. I
used to talk over my future with two
cousins. I would not marry a business
man, I said. Kate would not think of
a clergyman, or Carry of a farmer.
And we married respectively, a busi
ness man, a clergyman and a farmer.
It ia all like a smart young American
'help' in my grandmother's kitchen,
who was wont to declaim to us chil
dren on the scorn in which alio held nil
men, always winding up her denuncia
tions of the sex by: 'No, I wouhlu't
marry any man that walks on two
legs.' And she didn't. , She married a
bno-legged man!" N. Y. Times.
ouj oi am podDtj 8q pun H.i(iH xjs
uii o.ijfl a am popjuu, isuq noi iui)
ooqi mivi i -am .Cjjuui oj osjuioad
Hq jo uo)U(oA ti jaiflouu rjj pojajinic
loil auop oq.w 'iios(am aoinojj pa;j
oi oiu pauruu, ?suq noqi juq; 'pAWj 'qo
'ooqi Jtiiut i -am o poofl os uooq suq
notri ruin oain jpitnn I 'p.wii'i 'iiq,,
3tJUoawp joq jo .fo?( oq pafliniqa
jv9h ain puu apjq q mM. parcoddu
uojoi!i jaino-ifi uoqi "jHtii- 'as4nd
Xni uj A'auouiind qinj oji 'am poinop
oq ,uu paquu uooq OAtjq j ,uu 'Alijiiiiq
zn.Vt i uoiAV oni po; trail ojr oui o)
injd.oq vfxioq uooq huii pMii'j o( 'fluow
jountf Bioooja joou qo Alio om,
,uu punoa puujH ?ou m. ,uu 'pAvul isnf
ti s on -poo (iijiajom aa 8 AHm
iyvaiB ci 'Anp p oofl oj qn o qui
p0Ao, mm. oil p pt)'i ap purujii j
liaiiooj oouaijod
fruit, vegetables;,
t-ULTRY, '
Chickens I)rosed to Order.
Promt Delivery to any part
of the city.
'Phono l'J. Third and Washington Sts.
Patronize the
AU kind of work. Whltu Slilrtv ii xporliilty.
Fitmllv work nt roiluciil ri,los. Wnrh colleotnl
and delivered free, Telephone fru. 111).
. H. D. Parkins, Agt,
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
TrnlDM lonvu and nre diigjn nrrlvi at I'nrtlmid
rm, Salem, llmv-'
rtr. Aelilaml, Sac
fl:00 I'.M,
ramento, OKHeii.siiM I
Francisco, Mojavc,
Ijns AllKulos.KI l'ao. i
New Urluans and I
Kast 1
3:30 A. M.
KofccburK and way ta
lions I'. M
fVla Woodbnrn fori
I I Mt.AiiKil, allverton,
i West sjelo, llrowns- V
! vUk',riirliiKlleM and
j I Natron j
17;S0 A. M.
(stations. .
am! way
:W) 1'. 11
INDlil'KNDKNCK l'ASSKNOHK. Kxpress train
Dally (except Sunday).
HWlp.m. rl.v l'nrtlaiul ...Am .s:i')ii.m
7::p. m. Ui..McMlnnvllle..I.v. 0;rti ti, in
b:'M p. in.
V.M a. in,
Dally. (Dally, except Sunday.
Attached to all Through Trains.
Direct connection atian hranclsco with Occi
dental anil Oriental and Tactile mall steamship
lines for JAPAN anil CHINA. Hailing dates on
Hales and tickets to Eastern points and Ku
roiie. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU and
AUSTUAl.IA.can bo obtained from
J. 11. KIHKLAND, Ticket Agent.
Through Ticket Oillcc, Third strwt, where
through tickets to all points In the Kasteni
States, Canada and Kurope can" be obtained at
lowest rates from
J. II. KIHKLAND, Ticket Agent.
All above trains arrive at and depart Irom
Grand Central Htatlon. Filth and Irving itrects
Pascuger Dciiot, foot of Jeilersou ilreet.
Leave for OSWEGO, dally, except Sunday, at
7:a) a. m.; 12:3), 1:M, !:lb, C:a, "u:in p. m.
(and p. jn. on Saturday only, and '.);() a. in
and ;i;.'!0 p. m, on Hiindays only). Arrive at
Portland aally at '6:10 and HU a m,; and l:Xi,
1113, 6:J ami 7:B5 p. m., (and H):ir, u. m, ,iis
5:lu p. in. on Suiidaya only).
U-nve for Bhcridan, weoic days, it 1:30 p. m
Arrive, at Portland, ICiM a. in,
I-oave for AIHLIE on Momlay, WeilncMlav and
Kri'tay atUMOa. m. Arriv at Portland, files,
ilav, Thursday and Saturdas it 3:03 p. m.
Except Sunday. Except Saturday.
Asst. G. 1". it Pass. Agt
1H I'uges a Week.
150 1'n pit rs it Yuur
It etundfl first wiionK 'weeklv" jmporB
in size, frequency of publication
freshness, variety uml reliability of coi.
tonta. It id iiroctica'ly it daily at the low
price o a weekly ; ami its vast list of
eubecrlbere, exfoinliiiK to every state and
territory of the Union and foreign conn
tries, will vouch for the accuracy arid
fairnesH of its news columns.
ll. .Zl ( 7 ""'""H
Us special features are a fine humor
ii ,u u., i,..,,i:.u.. ii .. ....... ...i i
pajjo, exhaustive market reports, all the '
latest fashions for women and a Ion
series of stories by the Kreatest living
American and English authors,
Conan Doyle, .loroinii K. .loroma,
HtanlMy IVnyiiiHii, Mary K. U'llklns
Anthony llopu, Hint llurtu,
llruiulnr Alulthuwa, Kte.
Wo oiTorthia unequaled nowspaperand
The Dalles Twico-a- Week Chronicle lo.
Kethor one year for L'.0(). The reuular
Til It nAl.l.KW-OIll.VlllV
Ollleo ovci first A'nt. Jltnk,
only QUI rom ii nnii" I
W Wmt 4iitM tr, itoift c, Phif. ,
TWO Transcontinental ROUTES
St. Paiil
Salt Lake
Kansas City
Low RatesTto all Eastern Cities
OOKAN STUAMKIIH l,n rortlniiil
KvorV lflyi) Dhvx for
Steatnera monthly from Portland to
Yokohama and Hong Kong via North
ern I'liclllu .Steamship Co., in connection
with O. it. it N.
For lull detail call on O. K A Cn.'i Agent
Tliu P.illen, or addreim
DODSOK, CAKl.Il.I. ,t CO., Gen. AstM.,
Nor tli 1'aelllu Hteainslili Co.
No. 1, to Sn)kaiiu and Oleat Northern arrives
at5.-J."i. id., knives at o::0 1). 111. No. to I'cmkII...
i ton, llakcr City and t'nlim l'r.cith.virilvcsatlJ:lj
i a. in., departs at l'.':M n. in.
No ;), from Kpokane and Oreat Northern, ar
rlvo.siit U-'.M a. m., departs ut '.l.i a. in, No. I,
(mm Ilakir City and Uliloi ruellle, arrives at
a. m., deparlH at :i;.ni a. in.
Nos. IM aiid 'Jl, moving east of The Daltei,will
carry paseiiKern. No. '23 arrives at r p. in,,
departs at 1:1') p. in.
1'asfceiiRerh for llcppuer aku No leaving
herunt u;M i. in.
W, II. HUKI.IIUHT, (Jen. Pass. At
l'ortlaucl, Oreo
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Car
Through Tiekets
Kor Information, tlmo cards, maps and ticket,
cal on or write to
W. 0. ALLAWAY. Anent,
The Dalle, Oiegon
A. I). CiiAKLTON. Asst. G. P. A.,
IV,, Morrison Cor. Third. Portland Oropm
Dalles, Mora and Antelope
Through by daylight via Grass Valley, Kent
and Cross Hollows.
IMMIOI.AH AI.I.KN, Tim Dulles.
C. M. WIHTKi.AW, Anlolopi'.
Stages leavu The Dalles Irom Umatlllu lloino
a. m. every
Jionnav. viiiinesilav mill h'rh hv. (
iiiiule at Antelope 'for Prlnovl hj, Jlltol ell and
i.i:its bovond. m, iA,.'. ,, ,;i, t ihe
''"" with railways, trains and boats.
Slages from Alilelopo reach ThoD'.llcs
nays, tnnrniays ami Haturdnya at 1:30 p. 111.
., . , 1UTK3 OF PA11K.
Dalles to Deschutes
do Moro, ,
do Gruss Valley
do Kent
do Cross Hollows ,
Anleloe to (Jrosi Hollows
do Kent
do Grass Valley... .
lo Mom, .
do Dechiiees
do Dalles ...!.,
.! CO
1 W
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1 m
1 M
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Tiie Goiumfiia PackingCo..
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of' BRAND
w . jm.m.-. ,Z -.r
)RiK.n rv.kv vm.