The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 12, 1898, Image 3

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    rtn " 1
Arc Inr Cicseti Fitted
French Fashion makors say, economize if you will in the, mailer
of fabrics for your gowns, bul buy a good Corset, for therein exists
the seerot of an ideal figure.
Special Display.
of America's leading Corset W. V. Having added to our stock
2'l different styles of this celebrated Corset, we are in a position to
supply the wants of our customers.
Important to Iiadies.
We are exceedingly fortunate in securing for one
week the services of an export Corset Fitter,
...JVIiss P. Iepplet...
of New York, who will he at your service at this store,
fllonday, February 14th,
to explain the advantages of a Correctly Fitted
Corset.. During Miss Kepplcr's stay we will make a
special display of La Yida and W. 13. models in ex
quisite silks and satin materials.
UXe Cordially
every lady to
come and view
this exhibit at
this store.
HOT WATER in Ten Minutes I
The Daiie
i ir r
KBRIJARY 12, 18118
they were kept going. In the enow belt
runners were affixed to the echooner,
but they were discarded on this side of
the mountains, and the schooner was on
wheels again. Blandy denies that he is
He intends to set-
Weather Tonight and Sunday,
anil cooler.
New lot of nuvol oranges 10 cents pur
dozen at Maier & Itunton.
Use Clarke & Fulk'H 1-lurnl Lotion lor - j a fmvt0 tht) Klondike.
clinppeil IuumIh and rouyh Hkin. lm
The printing outllt for the university
of Oregon arrived in F.ugenu last Tues
day. Try our one pound squares "Queen
Brand" butter, at Dalh'H Commission &
Grocery Co.
Clarke & Fulk'H Rosufoam tooth wash
19 the bunt to keep the teeth and gutim
clean and healthy. "-!
When yon see u irood thing push it
atony. Therefore call for the Prize
Mdal and Itosc Queen cigars.
Waldori brand of canned corn, squash,
pumpkin, peas, beans and succotash, at
Commission and Grocery Co.'s.
Those who take iart tiro ruininded of
tho rehearsal for iho Old Folks' concert
tonight at the Congregational ehiirch.
A gypsum deposit has been disoovored
within u mile of Huntington. It is of
almost unlimited quantity and of line
Tue mutter of improvement of depot
grounds along Oregon lines is being eon
iidtred by the Souther.; Pacific company,
nays the Eugene Guard.
Yealurday Mr. William BttttB was on
the elreet for the first time for several
weeks, as he lias been confined to his
room tor tome llmu witn la grippe.
Ballard, Fred Houghton, George Dufur.
Substitutes, J. C. Ilostetler uud John
Hampshire. A return game will bo
played in Portland in the neur future,
but the date has not yet been set. ,
A dozen years ago the jmck train 0t route to AltiHku
an innnigriint's outfit, consisting of Mex- j ''ere.
ican burros, wub turned loose into Wal-1 The following members of the accotn
lowu valley. From their ancestors 1000 ' niodation couimittee for the Wool Grow
head were recently Bold at !f3.n0 a betid i ers' Association are requested to meet
to be shipped, the majority to Japan I at the club rooms on Monday evening,
February 14th, at 7 o'clock : G J Farley,
J. U. Burgratf & Co. will open the Frank Menefee, Max Vogt, sr, Ferd H
American market, on Second Btreet, ; Dietzel, Frank Chris.nan, 11 JI Guthrie.
Mondav with a full supply of fruit, veg- j Henry Maier, Joe Bonn, August Buch
etables" and fislt. TIiIb market I.tiB til- I h'r E 15 Uufur. A Keller. J T 1ett!rB. E
wavs been a popular stand, and the hew ! Schanno, W A Johnston, J S Fish, Ed
proprietor hope's to have all the old Pbirman, Tom Wood, D J Cooper, T A
,itro.,H of the nlace irive him a trial. 1 Ward, Simeon Bolton, A Bottingen, sr,
JiimeB LeDue of Dufur iB in the city
fin unvu u'liiln Hut winter is remarka-
lily mild in his section of the country,
uitll tin. frnut !u ti llttli. (fir, 1 1 nrrl tn t
" I , ... .1 11... .
f, ,.Ha ... ,i ,,,,,, ,,,...,,1 .iuck uauou, woo uiuzeu me irau iu
Steamer In 11 mi Itclwppi) Juneau
Skui;uay ami JJyea.
I Clias Stubling, J M Toomey. Members
j of the committee who do not belong to
1 tbo club will be admitted by ringing the
i door-bell.
allow the farmers to do any great
amount of plowing. Fall grain is look
ing well and is not injured much by the
frost. i
An election of ollicers for the CoIuiik
Tho thermometer Btood at 07 thin
morning, while this afternoon it stood
t 62 degrees, and a more beautiful day
-...1 1 1 !... It...
count not im expected considering iuo
time of year. A
Tho questions for tho county teachers'
examination, which lias just l.eeu belli,
re considered less dillleult than usual,
tho most tedious brunches being Gram
mar and Written Arithmetic.
ltev. A. Ilronsgeest went to Cascade
Locks this morning, and will hold ser
Vices In the Catholic church at that
place tomorrow. There will he no ser
vices in the Catho'.ic church iu this citv.
The Whitman county commissioners
hvoollurcd a rowanl of $500 for tho up
Helieneion and conviction of tho lynch
e of Clmdwiolc Marshall, uIIhh
"Blucky." who wan taken from the Col-
,& jail and bunged by n mob. ""l
Yesterday I). J. Coopor came iu from
tts 10-MUo much. He suyu furmura in
Wt section nro busily engaged in pro
Wring their son to receive the grain, ami
" tho lino weather continues they will
commence seeding in a fow weeks.
A bOWlllli' fillrtiniwilif lllttwOOn UIO
Kon Kond Olub and Tlio Dalles Com
ttrclal mid Athlutio OIu'j toams will bo
"W on the qlub alloys In this city on
Tnoriday evonliiK. Those playing l
'wballea team will bo: Judge Brud
,hWi A. J. Tolmlo, J. M. Filloon, Carey
hut Hose Co. was held Thursday night,
which resulted as follows: President,
I Ial French ; foreman, Grmt Mays ; first 3
assistant, W. A. Johnstotj'; second as
sistant, K. Jensen; secretary, C. 10.
Dawson; treasurer. J. F. Hampshire;
delegates, Henry Mater C. H. Dawscm
and Hal French.
John W. Troy, ex-auditor of Clallam
county, was arrested in Port Angeles
Wednesday on a charge of failure to turn
over to the treasurer recording fees
amounting to if87. The action is regard
ed as an abandonment of tho charge on
Which Troy was recently tried and tho
ury disagreed. Troy's hearing
ieen set for February loth.
the Klondike country, and after whom
the famous Dalton trail iB named, was
a famous character in the Harney coui
trv some fifteen or twenty years uo,
under the name of Jack Miller, and
married a sister of the present postmis
tress at Burns, savs .the .Mainour tm-
ette. which paper adds: "Jack is e.
lead game scrapper, and lias a private
raveyaid in mor than one western
own. Jjiue Jim liiuusoe, 'lie never
flunked nor ho never lied I reckon lie
never knowed bow;' and for that reason,
coupled with his daredevil bravery and
unerring six shootership, he has numer
ous admirers in Kastern Oregon."
CtirtifluatuK ltecelvott.
Below we give the result of tho teach
ers' quarterly examination held at tho
We glean the following from The Ore
gonian of yesterday :
"W. E. Sebree, of New York City.who
is operating in Alaeka, has purchased
the steamer Dailes City from The Dalles,
Portland it Astoria Navigation Con
pany, with the purpose in view of put
ting the steamer on the route north
from Juneau to Skaguay and Dyea. She
is now on the Regulator Line between
Portland and The Dalles, and will re
main on that run until about the middle
of March, when she will be delivered to
her new owner and Eent north. The
boat is of 290 tons net, and is a good
Bteamer for inside waters.
"The Regulator Line has nearly com
pleted arrangements for a new steamer
to take the place of the Dalles City
on The Dalles run. She will be a bigger
and better boat, and will be built espec
ially for speed. The machinery will be
built at the Willamette iron works, but
tho contract for the hull has not yet
been let. The new craft will be named
the Reliance. She will not be ready for
service when tho Dalles City shall leave,
aud arrangements for another boat to
till the gap will have to be made."
Do You
Catch On?
No more cold ovens.
Plontv of hot water, ji
and a great fuel savor.
Have one put in your
stove bv
AVe have strictly First-Glass
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To "be sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
T TP T4-M-r St
Phone 25. J 1. rcicioo vu,
However, should the average be only
$23 to the pan, four men can take out
$500 a day, which is pretty fair wages
even now.
Canyon CIlj KIoihIIIii I'i ihts Jtlclii r
TIiiiii tliu 11 rM JXiuuvury.
courthouse February 9th, 10th and 11th.
There were eleven applicants for county
Yesterday Mrs. C. L. Phillips left for ; (...rtifWtes. with the following results
Han Francisco to select millinory goods Stevens, Hood River, first grade,
or the spring and summer peasons. It j,rn,,tud on grades received Feb. 12,
hat) ever been Mrs. Phillips' earnest en- 18ui to tuko tjmt dating; second grade,
deavor to give satisfaction to her pa- ( j O'Brien, Dufur; Ada Bell, Boyd ;
troiis, and at present she is making ; xhird grade, F. A. Beaty, Winnie; Lelab
..il1. t. iknar il ' , iv r rtti It 4..!..
more strenuous cuurw m" , jvans, jjuiui , 1110s. m. a. uiiubuwu,
carry a stock that will please tho ladies
in Htylo and price.
A letter was recoived today from the
container who will furnish tho costumes
lor the theatrical performance which the
young t.ieu of the Commercial and Atlt
ietlc Club intend putting on Iu tho near
future. From the prices quoted it will
take at least .$200 for costumes alonu;
hut the boys are determined to put on a
aliow that will surpass anything that
1 1 . 1 ! 1. In illi 1
has ever before neon siageu m mm uij
and they have no hestaney about paying
that amount. The contumor win ow
hero Mondav night to take measures, so
that tho costumes will be hore iu good
I), d. Uluudy, wife and -1-year-old son,
who left Brainerd, Minn., August 27th,
tn .m to Puuet Bound in a "prairie
v n , 11..
schooner" drawn by dogB, arriveu in
facoma at noon Thursday, alter travel
ug all night. Bluntly lost nlnoty-three
avH' time en route, um
ogs avergd from forty to fifty miles
avel in the ten hmuB 01 eaeu u.-
Victor. Within tho last quarter Mrs.
Kate Roche and Miss Cassie Cheese
wore recommended for state certificates.
Another applicant is taking the exam
ination today, the result of which will
bo announced iu a few days.
'J'liti Modern Way
Commends Itself to the well-informed,
to do pleasantly and effectually what
formaly done in tho crudest manner aud
disat-reeablv tiB well. To cleanse the
system and break up colds, headaches,
uud fevers without uupleasant after ef
fects, use tho delightful liquid laxative
remedy, Syrup of Figs. Made by Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co.
To Vili'u U Cold iu Olio lluy.
Take Laxative Bromo Quluino Tab
lejs. All druggists refund tho money if
they fall to cure. 25c.
Tho best specific for dandruff and to
prevent baldness is Clarko & Falk's
compound quinine hair tunic. 0-lm
Everybody reads Tim Ohuonicmc.
(.'mi yon City News.
Gold, buckets of gold ! And not only
buckets of gold, but bushels of gold are
in sight at the new Great Northern claim
on the mountain back ot town, The
display amounting to seven or eight
hundred dollars which Mr. Guker bad
on exhibit last Sunday, could be dupli
cated by the washing of a few pans of
the decomposed quartz which lie rinds
in a deeper pocket, or extension of the
same pocket in his Great Northern
Mr. Guker has three men employed,
aud ior the past few days they have
been busy making secure the walls of
the shaft whore the gold Is found, in or
der to guard against accidents.
All the ledges and spurs on Gukor's
claim will prospect well, and ho has
done sufliclent development work to es
tablish their permanency. On the
mother lode ho will run a crosscut sixty
five feet below the surface at the upper
end, and has fully demonstrated by
tunnels and shafts that the lodes are
there. He aud all other miners are of
the opinion that when tho ledges unite,
as they must inevitably at no great
depth, there will bo tho richest quartz
claim that tho world has ever pro
duced. At the present time all the gold )ias
been washed out with jwater produced
by melting snow in the vessels. By this
slow process Guker says they can take
out ore aud avei age twenty pans a day.
The best pan in the last few days con
tained 1(84.75. Unless it grows better,
as it has been in tiie habit of doing, it
will probably not average this much.
The steamer Oregon arrived in Port
land last night. '
Spain has appointed a new minister
to Washington.
Reports received from Dyea and Skag
uay state that soldiers are badly needed
at those places. Toughs have charge of
the towns.
A big fire occurred at San Francisco
yesterday. The Phelan block was badly
damaged and several hundred thousand
dollars worth of property destroyed.
Semiofficial advices received by the
French foreign office from Peking say
Japan has notified China tlmt she in
tends keeping Wei-Hal-Wei perma
nently. The Oregon delegation in congress ex
pects to get favorable action from the
war department for the Yaquina bay
improvement, which means the expend
iture of about one million dollars at that
Senor Sagasta, the premier, and other
members of the Spanish cabinet, state
publicly that the De Lome incident will
not effect the relations between Spain
and the United States, and that a new
envov competent to conduct the com
mercial negotions will be selected.
During the entire session of the senate
Thursday the Indian appropriation bill
was under consideration. Tho. reading
of the bill was completed and all the
committee amendments were adopted,
aud subsequently several smendments
of a minor character were attached to
the bill.
During January
and Feb-
1 1
ruary we will give to every
person buying One Dollar s
worth 01 goodsat our store a
chance on a Sixty-Dollar
A OA 1.1..
The Wasco County Republican Cen
tral Committee will meet at the court
house in The Dalles, Saturday, Feb. 19,
1898, at 2 p. 111., for tho purpose of issu
ing a call, appointing delegates, and
making all necessary arrangements for
holding the primaries and Republican
conntv convention. A full attendance
is desired. J. M. P.vrmt&oN,
February S, 1S9S. Chairman.
(J. A. It. Kiii'iiinpinmit.
There will bea meeting of tho joint
executive committee on Saturday even
ing next at the G. A. R. hall, Schanno's
building, corner Second and Court, at 7
o'clock, liach and every member of
said committeo from G. A. R. Post, D.
C. A A. C. and W. R. C. is requeeted to
be preient without further notice.
J. W. I.kwis, Chairman.
.Snriiy Your True.
All persons having fruit trees which
areiufestod with can Jose scale are
hereby notified to spray the same with
a solution of lime, sulphur and salt with
in sixty days after the dute of this notice.
Emii.k Sciianno.
Commissioner for the fourth district.
Smoke the popular brands, Prize Med
al, Rose Queen and Guarantee,, For
sale by all first-class dealers.
Which was manufactured
by the Michigan Stove Co.
Drawing to come oil' tho 28th
day of February, 1898.
The Latest,-sHSHS&.
Novelties in
I. C. Nickclsen
fiook & Ilusie Company.
DeWUt's Little Early Risers,
The laniuu little pills.