The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 12, 1898, Image 1

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    ' -A
mtyt PiiUes 1 ljt0ttick
voii. x
NO 840
Guatemala in the Throes of
a Civil War.
The AmiiiiH HlioiU!rully Kolntil-Tho
l.railnr .mil Fln Otlinrs wrurti
Ban 1'itANCiHCO, Fob. 11. A special
hom San Jose tie Guatemala of Febru
ary 10th, hhvb civil Htrlfo and , bloodshed
liato followed the killlnR of BarrioB. Be
fore the hotly of the murdered ruler had
found sepulture the fuutlotis wore flying
nt each other's throatB, and as a result
General Murrequltitt, the chief supporter
of I'roapero MoralcR, one of the aaplranta
to the presidency, is dead and hiu fol
loners are seeking safety in flight.
San Jobi:, Guatumala, Feb. 10. Last
night General Marrequina attemped to
teiie thr rt.'hiH of government in behalf
oLMoruh's. Ho mndo an attack on the
palace barrackB in force. The usHault
was vigorously roHiHted, and in the fight
General Marrequina land five of liiH fol
lotrera wore killed. Seeing that their
efforts could not prove BticccHsful, the
attacking forceB, consisting of 2,000 men,
beaded by General Majera and Colonel
Aravello, llud from the city.
Today General Toledo, who Iiiih been
appointed iiiiniRter by Manuel Estrudu
Cabrera, the president pro tempore of
the repuhliu,fltarted the artillery in pur
suit of the fleeing revolutionists. The
populace and soldiers are now demand
iog that General Mundlza be proclaimed
Tlio situation is becoming more and
more complicated and the crisis will be
Nkw Yokk, Feb. 11, Details of the
t!!as3i!iiition of President llurrios, of
Guatemala, Irom the Heralds correspon
dent in Guatemala City, state that
'resident llarrios was shot and killed nt
So'clouk Tuesday niglit. The shooting
took place near the palace, while the
president was walking with four guards.
The assassin met the party and stepped
off the sidewalk, apparently to lot the
president pass. Then he pulled uslde
the two men nearest the president, and,
thrusting a revolver agaiiiHt Barrios'
(ace, shot him in the head and then in
the stomach.
President Barrios' assassin wus about
23 years of age. For four years he was
an employe of Honor Don .Juan Apariclo,
a well-known financier, who was killed
by the government soldiera during the
revolutionary outbreak last September,
while he was held prisoner. The assas
tin's iinnie was Oscar Sollingor. He wiib
a British suhjeut. Sonor Apariclo was
wealthy and popular. Ilia deuth caused
jreat feeling agalnet President Barrios,
nil the assassin's act is the result. Ho
arrived in Guatemala three weeks ago,
aid had presumably been watching for
opportunity to kilt Sonor Barrios
"nee his arrival.
Sollingur was heavy and muscular.and
toured so suddenly that the gourde
wold do nothing. After the assassina
ln the foreign ministers eallod ut the
Naceaml expressed their feelings of
Manuel Kstrnda Cabreru, vice-presl-nti
has assumed the- duties of pros!
and will eontinue as chief exeeu
'iQf Guatemala until after the next
'j la dilllcult to toll what turn events
tke now. The man who was ussus-
Will you tell your ,cub
miners: Gortand'e Hap
py Thought Salve Is sold
u gurantee to cure as
claimed for it. Wo, will
give your 50c back if you
are not fctatiefled,
For Sale at DONNEte
Royal makes the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely pure
Biuated had an iron hand and indomitu
ble Bplrit, but not by the will of the
people wus he hastened to his death.
His ambition was to retain power. Had
he retired nt the end of his legal term
much bloodshed would have been avert
ed, and his refusal to do bo caused tho
revolution of last September. He could
liave retired with a fortuno of $20,000,-
000 and with the gratitude of the people
as it is acknowledged he advanced the
government in every respect.
There is a 'great scramble now among
all parly leaders now for tho presi
dency. General l'rospero Morales, with
his great popularity and prestige, Iiiih u
good chance, but it is doubtful under
present circumstances if ho could retain
the oflice unless at the head o'f an
Tho HurirlMU or All.
Mr. James Jones, of the drug firm of
Jones & Son, Cowden, III., speaking of
Dr, King's New Discovery, eaya that last
winter his wife was attacked with'Lu
Grippe, and her cubo grew so serious
that physiclanB of Cowden and 1'ana
could do nothing for her. It seemed to
develop into Hasty Consumption. Hav
ing Dr, King's New Discovery in store,
and eelling lota of it, he took a bottle
home, and to the surprise of all ehe be
gan to get better from . first doso, and
half dozen dollar bottles cured her Bound
and well. Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is
guaranteed to do tltis good work. Try it.
Free trial bottles at Blakeley & Hough
ton's drug store. 4
No litiiiuiul h hk NoihIimI.
Wahiii.nuto.v, Fob 11. Tho following
statement wus given out for publication
by the state department ofliuiuls this
morning. j
"General Woodford had telegraphed j
that the Spanish minister's resignation
hud beon accupted before he presented
the telegram which was sent by the state
It h believed hero that tho incident is
practically closed.
All aorta of rumors were in circulation
last night, including one that a special
cabinet mooting was held at midnight.
It can be positively stated that no cabi
net meeting, formal or informal, was
held last night.
It is the present purpose of Sonor do
L'jinu to leave this country early next
week. He will probably sail by one of
the French liuora to Havana, and thence
will proceed direct to Madrid.
WlOO Howard a 100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least one
dreaded disease that science has been
ahlo to cure in all its stages, and that is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the
only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh bohirf a constitu
tional disease, requires a constitutional
. it in r, 4 in i.i i
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken ,
internally, acting directly upon the1
blood anil iiuicouh surfaces of the disease
and giving the patient strength by build
ing up the constitution and assisting
naturo In doing Uh work. The proprie
tors have so much faith in ita curative
poworH, that they oiler Ono Hundred
Dollars) for any cubo that it fails to cure.
Send for lint of tcstimoniale. Address,
F. J. Ciii:ni:v, & Co., Toledu, O.
Sold by druggists, 70c.
Httll'H Family Pills are tho best.
Vuuli III Vciur OluiokH.
All countv warrantR registered prior
to Nov. 18, 189B, will be paid at my
ollice. Interest ceases after Jan. 15th,
1808. O. L. I'liu.i.n'H,
Countv Treasurer.
One Minute .Cqugh Cure, cures.
' That IsVhat It'wM lor.
Cash and Certain Monopolies Offered by
1'orttical to ShlplmlluVr.
Of all strange proposals made lately
to the builders of ships the" strangest is
that, of Wiiirih (lntirm. tn Viiuta'
a modern navy, but dehires to pot it on
tho lowest possible terms, says the St.
Louis Globe-Democrat. Tho govern
ment Intends to ask shipbuilders how
many vessels of a stated type they will
supply annually for twenty years or
less for an annual payment of about
flvo .hundred and flfty-flvo thousand
dollars, plus certain advantages in tho
way of monopolies. American, Brit
ish, French and German builders of
the first class are to be asked to bid,
and the successful tenderer will be
that firm giving the most in the least
timo and for the shortest period of
at Lisbon and the government ship-1
buildint? nlnnt closed. Thr now Arm '
will get the machinery and also the
staff and operatives. Knthinir is r.iui
about foreign workmen, but, since the j
government hopes to educate the peo
ple in shipbuilding, it expects native
labor to be employed. Machinery, ma-
t1M,ll ,.wl ,,:i1 l.n ...1!.4...1 4 It--1
4V4444 (4411, ,UU Y444 UUIIMllCU WJ tllC
establishment free of duty.
The new plunt will have a monopoly
of repairing work, not only in Portugal,
but ulso in her colonies, Azores, Cape
do Verde and Angola, no other new
establishments being permitted, al
though existing small works will con
tinue. The new vessels which it is
hoped to get for the annual payment of
five hundred and fifty-five thousand!
dollars are all of rather unusual con
struction. The cruisers are to be of
wood and copper sheathed, of forty-two
three knots speed, with a protective
deck and a steaming radius of ten thou
sand miles at ten knots. The now
famous Japanese cruUer Yoshino is re
garded as a pattern of the desired type.
Then there are to be ten torpedo boat
destroyers of the type of the speedy
Ilavock, which are to be able to make
twenty-eight knot's, and steam four
thousand miles at ten knots: ten first
class torpedo boats of seventy tons and
of, the greatest speed possible; several
colonial gunboats of two hundred arid
eighty-nine tons' and river gunboats of
forty tons. This seems a pretty good
navy for about eleven million two hun
dred thousund dollars, but perhaps
some of the companies will find that
the twenty-year use of a well-located
shipyard with modern tools is an in
ducement worth considering.
Ll IlniiR Chang'H Pipe.
The Brussels correspondent of the
London Daily Chronicle ways that an
amusing incident occurred at the royal
dinner given io Li Hung Chaug the
other evening. After passing into the
state drawing-room at the conclusion of
dinner, the Chinese envoy, apparently
in ignorance of the rule of court eti
quette which s-trietly forbids smoking
in the state, apartments, pulled out a
long pipe, which, duly filled and lighted
by his secretary, wan returned to the
owner, who began drawing it with
evident satisfaction to himself. King
Lcoiwkl, with kindly tact, hod ciga
rettes thereupon passed round, and in a
few minutes the whole company were
purling vigorously.
Til ii Skunk's JJito.
"Is tho skunk a dangerous animal?
I should say so," remarked 12. P. Glaze,
of St. Louis, tho other day. "I know
very many people will be surprised at
the assertion, but there is one species
of this unpopular tribe that is us much
to be dreaded as a rattlesnake, as I
learned one year while sojourning in
western Texas. One night in midbum
mer a party of us were camping out on
the prairie of Llano county, wlien we
were awakened by the screams of a
colored boy who hud been taken along '
r,tr fX,- li rnflt II,, 4.,,l, t li -i t
to cook foi the outfit. Jle sum
something hud bitten him, and exam-1
inution showed that his head was pret
ty badly torn. There was unmistaka
ble evidences of a skunk in the vicini
ty, and there was no doubt that it had
done the deed. Tho sequel is that a
few days later tho boy died a most hor
rible death of hydrophobia. I learned
t U.
that it was not a rare thing for tho bite-
of these miserabledittlo cats to produce
tho dread ailment, und several well au-.
.. 4 . . m a . . "
tlieuucaieu oases oi it. occurreu oexore
I left the state. Some people think hy
drophobia finds its origin ill these ani
mals." Washington Post.
, i I, -
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That Is what It was made tor.
in your pocket, if you buy
Schillings Best baking pow
der, and use only one heap
ing teaspoonful to a quart of
r .
4 JNote our iia. in tnis j
sT r -1 ivi nn n u tt m
Notice of Sheriff's Sale.
Notice ib hereby given thnt under nnd by vir
tue of Hti execution and order of siile isbuwl out
of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Douglas County, on the l"th dav of January,
lsiw, and to me directed upon u judgment ren
dered therein on the -1th day of Januurjylb'JS,
which judgment was duly enrolled and docket
ed in the Clerk 'b ollice of bnid C'outt on the flth
day of Januury, Ik'JS, in an action theretofore
M-ndine. wherein liartholomeo Parodl was
jilalutiir, and Joseph hohjo was defendant, I did
on the lath day of Junuary, 18DS, duly levy uiiou
and will on Monday the lilbt day ol February,
lb'.w, sell at the hour of two o'oloek in the after
noon of baid day ut the premibeK hereinafter de
briibed In Dalles City, Vvnbco Couty, Oregon, to
the highest bidder for cash in hand, all of the
following desciilx'd nrnuertv. to-ult: Thateei-
tula one and a li-lf btory frame building bituated
on the east half (-a) of hot tlm-u (S) in block
fourteen (11) in l.aughliu'b Addition to Dalles
City, Oregon, being tho baiue building owned by
the buid Joseph l'oleo, nud oy him and his les
sees heretofore nnd now occupied and Ubcd as a
soda and carbonating uianufuctory and confec
tionery store, together with the following up
tinnitus, fixtures, machinery and utensils there
in, towit: One 11. und G. generator and one 11.
mid G. fountain; one 11. and G. bottling tubus; 1
Hutchinson attachment; 1 Tuft's syrup pump; 1
force pump; live copper fountains; one marble
L.odn fountain "plunder": one syphon illler; one
combination iron safe; thiee bteucels; two ex
tract jars; two glass pitchers; oue porcelain;
one giaduale: 105 syphons: mo doz, b o.. soda
bottles with Hutchison stoppers; 7. soda boxes;
'JO.! soda boxes; 11 (5 doz) boxes ; four pair nipples;
fou i tables; oue bed lounge; three lumps ;one side
boaid; seven chairs: oue candy thermometer;
oue set knives and forks (lingers); seven ice
cm emu bpoons; one candy hook; Hi dozen lee
cream dishes; one set dibhes(21 pieces); one cab
tor; other dishes Pabout 150 boxes for quart bot
tles; distilling apparatus; bottle wash ug ap
paratus; four show cses; one lemon squeezer,
("Hapld"): SO candy jars: one glass washer; onu
"llartholeuiew" peanut loaster; three pair se als;
three stoves; oue truck; two mm ble stabs; lee
water tank; oneeopperextraet filler stand; one
tank for steaming sirup; 4 syrup jtirs with fau
cets: ice crushers; 6 stone jars; "J stone Jars; '2 two phones; one ax and one
hutehet: one hand saw: one brace and bit: fau-
I eets, hose, etc.; one steam engine and boiler, l'a
norse pawer; one icecream; one juenet'
kettle; three one gallon demijohns; four glass
hoUlerfc ! two tobacco knives; seven whiskey
bllrri.1(,. ouc 10BiOn keg; six fountain clamps;
'S dozen soda bottles; or so much of suld above
described property us shall be necessary to sat
isiyaua pay me sum several sums aue to piain
1 1 11 und mentioned in said execution, writ and
order of sale, to-wit: Four hundred twenty
seven dollars uad thirteen cents, and interest
theieon at the rate of ten per cent per unuum,
lIiikii Idiiiinrt JH 1CII. tt fitrtlw.,. ..,, ...
one hundred und twenty-lhreedoUais, costs and I
disbursements of action, 'ogether with accruing '
costs and exiienses of sale. aid sale will be
made subject to any interest in said moneitv
iZ L w.!!.U,n r .VlXZ
have us lessees theieof.
. J,lltll1.H,!1I,!ll,11i's at'' Vl'AiC0 (-'oul,,'i Oregon,
J llll lift T5 lV'i f Jvi
JiuiW it
Sheiill'of Wasco County, Oregon.
I..4,m Office, Thk Dai.lf..-, On , j
February, 'J, lb'JS, (
Notlco ls hereby given that the following
named settler has riled notice of his Intention
to commute and make Hunt proof in sutort of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore Kettlster and itecelver at The Dalles, Ore
tioil, on Tuesday. March lS'JS, viz:
Oliver llowers, of The Mallei,
II. K. No. 5M)7, for the SEU NKJ and NKJi SE)i
Beeai,TiaN. HIJK.WM.
Ho names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said laud, viz:
William Kutl'ner, Perry VanCanip, Harry
Learned, H 11. Learned, all of The Dalles, Ore
gon. JAS, V. MOOKK, Register.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
Cares Pile, ikad, Burnt.
For more than fifty-six years it has never failed in
its weekly visits to the homes of farmers and
villagers throughout the United States.
IT HAS faithfully labored for their prosperity and happi
ness, for the improvement of their business and home
interests, for education, for tho elevation of American
manhood and true womanhood.
IT HAS told at tho fireside, interesting and instructive
stories of the doings of the world, tho nation and states.
IT HAS advised the farmer as to tho most approved meth
ods of cultivating and harvesting his crops, and tho
proper time to convert them into tho largest possible
amount of mono'.
IT HAS led in all matters pertaining to tho welfare of
farmers and villagers, and for over half a century has
held their confidence and osteem.
and wo furnish it with tho Semi-Weekly Chronicle, ono
year for $1.75, cash in advance.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, ofndM?tLkFnEdE8D
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton Flour.
This Flour
use ; every
We sell our goods lower than any house in tho trade, and if you don't think bo
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
is manufactured expreesly for family
sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Vs , ,