The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 11, 1898, Image 4

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    Tin Dalles Dally Chrr.;;!.
Both tho method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acta
gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys,
Liver and Dowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
ached and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to tho taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy anil agreeablo substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for Bale in BO
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on bond will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
The Dalles Wheat market has stood
firm at 70 cents for club and 72 cents for
first-class blue stem. As most of the
producers look for higher prices, but lit
tie wheat is changing hands.
Portland Local exporters have not
been bidding very lively for wheat dur
ing the past few days, the "waiting at
titude of the English market not being
altogether satisfactory. As much of the
wheat remaining unsold is in the hands
of the growers who are financially fixed
so that they can hold it for an indefinite
Jength of time, and as 'their faith in the
.'better market in the future is great,
'buyers and sellers at present are apart.
Exporters have all of the wheat they
neetf to take care of near-by tonnage,and
they;also have tonnage for the wheat, so
they are likewise in an independent po
sition. The ruling quotation for Walla
"Wally for the past few days has been
73c, with 74c as an outside figure for
jurat of the exporters. Bluestem and
valley 7077c. The mills have been
paying a cent more most of the time.
Sax Fbaxcisco Wheat, strong, both
futures and spot advancing. Barley is
firm held ; spot no higher. Oats are
etill rather dull,, but dealers are firm in
their views.
The wheat quotations, shipping,
?1.41l.42J for No. 1, and $1.43& for
choice; milling, ?1.451.50.
Chicago The early market'for wheat
was rather colorless. May upeued at a
shade under yesterday's closing prices,
the first trades being at OOggOc, but
the market was steady, and held at
.these finnres. Then it steadily advanced
XoVGa&t. The early news, if any
thing, favored a decline. The early
Xiverpool cables showed and advance of
about d, hardly a full reponse to yes
terday's advance here. The Northwest
receipts were libaral. Yesterday's ex
port engagements were put at 54 boat
loads, and a continuation of the demand
was looked for by some at tho opening,
but, on the contrary, Now York reported
cables bringing in no buying orders, and
adding that Argentine offerings are ex
pected to increase shortly. This news,
however, had hardly any effect on the
Livkbi'Ool Wheat, firm ; cargoes off
coast, nothing doing; cargoes on pas
ta go, nominal, unchanged;. English
country markets, quiet; French,'. country
markets, quiet. "
The NurprUe of All,
Mr. Ja'iies Jones, of the drug firm of
Jones & Son, Cowden, III., (peaking of
)r, King's New Discovery, says that last
winter his wife was attacked with La
Grippe, and her case grew to serious
that physicians of Cowden and Pana
could do nottiuig for her. It seemed to
develop into, Hasty Consumption. Hav
ing Dr. King's New Discovery in store,
and selling lots .of it, he took a bottle
Iiome, and to the surprise of all she be
gan to get better from first dose, and
balf dozen dollar bottles cured her sound
and well. Dr. King's New Discovery
(or Consumption, Coughs nnd Colds la
guaranteed to tlo thin good work. Try It.
Frne trial bottles at Ulakeloy k Hough
ton's drug store. ' 4
fl. A. It. Kncniiipiiient.
There will be n meeting of the joint
executive committee on Saturday even
ini: next at the G. A. R. hall, Schiinno'a
building, corner Second and Court, at
o'clock. Kach and every member of
eaiil committee from G. A. K. Post, I)
C. vfc A. C. and W. It. C. la requested to
be present without further notico.
J. W. I.uwih, Chairman,
Kreo I'll Ih-
Send your address to II. K. Bncklun
Co., Chicago, and get a free sample
box of Dr. King's New Life Tills. A
trial will convince you of their merits.
These Pills are ensvjn action and are
particularly effective in the cure of.Con
stipation and Sick Headache. 'For Ma
laria and Liver troubles they have been
proved invaluable. They are guaranteed
to be perfectly free from every deleter
ions substance and to bo purely vegeta
ble. They do not weaken by their
action, but by giving tone to stomach
and bowels greatly invigorate the sye
tern. Regular size 25c. per box. Sold
by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. (4)
Spray Yuur Tree.
All persons having fruit tree9 which
ate infested with ban Jose scale are
hereby notified to spray the same with
a solution of lime, sulphur and salt with
in sixty days after the date of this notice
Em ilk Schan'xo.
Commissioner for the fourth district.
Chamberlain's Cough Itemetly Always
Proves Kft'ectunl.
There are no better medicines on the
market than Chamberlain's. We have
used the Cough Remedy when all others
failed, and in every instance it proved
effectual. Almost dailv we hear the
virtues of Chamberlain's remedies ex
tolled by thoso who have used them
This is not an empty puff, paid for at so
much a line, but is voluntarily given in
good faith, in the hope that suffering
humanity may try these remedies and,
like the writer, be benefited. From the
Glenville ,'W. Va.) Pathfinder. For sale
by Blakeley & Houghton.
There is no need of little children be
ing tortured by sc ild head, eczema and
skin eruptions. DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve gives in-tant relief and cures per
manently. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.'
Frank Sherwood was down town to
day, the first time since he had his tus
sle with cholera morbus. He says he
drove miles after he wastakensick, and
never came so near dying in his life.
After this when he goes out in the coun
try he will takeabottleof Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
with him. Missouri Valley (Iowa)
Times. For sale by Blakeley & Hough
The best specific for dandruff and to
prevent baldness is Clarke & Falk's
c j ni pound quinine hair tonic. 94m
Warning : Persons who suffer from
coughs and colds should heed the warn
ings of danger and save themselves suf
fering and fatal results by using One
Minute Cough Cure. It is an infallible
remedy for coughs, colds, croup and all
throat and lung troubles. Suipes-Kin-
ersly Drug Co.
Smoke the popular brands, Prize Med
al, -Kose Queen and Guarantee,. For
sale by all first-class dealers.
J. M. Thirswend, of Grosbeck, Texas,
says that when he lias a spell of indi
gestion, and feels bad and sluggish, he
takes lvo of DeWitt's Little Early Ris
ers at night, and he is all right, the next
morning. Many thousands of others do
tho same tiling. Do you? Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co.
You can't cure consumption but you
can avoid it and cure any other form of
throat or lung trouble by the use of One
Minute Cough Cure. It cures quickly.
That's what you want. Snipes-Kiners-
ly Drug Co.
You can't afford to risk your life bv
allowing a cold to develop into pneumo
nia or consumption, Instant relief and
n certain cuie are afforded by One Min
ute Cough Cure. Snipes'Kinursly Drug
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That I what It was mads for.
Physicians and Surgeons,
8iclal utteutiou Klven to turgor)-.
Kooma 21 anil 23, Tel. 328. Vogt Block
Administrator's Notice.
Notico ia hereby Riven that tho umlertlKiioit
liHbbeen regularly appointed adinlnUtrator of
tho ettato of Henry A. baker, decease), by order
of tho county court of the State of Oregon for
Wbbco County, dated the 6th day of December,
8U7. All perioua having clalrai agaluit vald
enuto aro hereby rmjulrtxi to prenent tho name,
duly verlfiud. to thouiJmlnlitrator atTho dalles.
Oregon, within tlx month from "the date of
tbia uotlce. .
Uallta City, Oregon, Doc. 10, 1107.
0. W. DIKTZKb,
decll-Il AdiolnUtrator.
One of America's most fa
ir mous physicians sayss "Scrof
m ula is external consumption."
Scrofulous children are often $
2 bcautitul children, but tftey
2 lack nerve force, strong bones,
stout muscles and power to j
resist disease. For delicate i
cnuarcn mere is uu ty
equal to
Scott's Emulsion
of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo-
phosphites of Lime and Soda. g
It fills out the skin by putting w
$ good flesh beneath it. It makes w
m xi t j t r.: :,u
$ blood. It creates an appetite $
for food and gives the body j
power enough to digest it. Be
$ sure you get SCOTT'S Emul-
o sion.
50c. and $1.00 ; all druggists. a;
j SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. Jjj
Long Ilelffni.
According to tho "Gotha Almanac,"
which has just been issued for 1804. the
queen of England has reigned longer
than any other ruler in the world, hav
ing ascended the throne in 1837. Next
to her in point of time are Emperor
Francis Joseph of Austria and Fred
crick, the grand duke of Baden. The
monarchs who have reipned the short
est time are Prince Friedcrich of Wal
dcek and Duke Alfred of Saxe-Coburp-Gotha.
The oldest monarch, accord
ing to the "Almanac," is the pope,
who is more than eighty-three years of 1
ago. The grand duke .of Luxembourg
and the king of Denmark, respectively
seventy-six and soventy-fivc years of
age, stand next to mm m tnis regard.
Grand Duke Karl Alexander, who
lives in Weimar, is fourth in point of
ago, and Queen Victoria, with her sov-1
cnty-four years, is the fifth oldest mon-
arch. The youngest crowned heads
are the little queen of tho Nether-1
lands, who is thirteen, and the king of ,
Spam, who is seven and a halt years
A Clatter on the Stair
A house in Cologne has two horses
heads carved in wood aflixetl to it; the
legend thereunto belonging being that
a noble lady died of the plague and
was hastily interred. The hexton no
ticed a costly ring on her finger, and
went to the vault at night to rob the
dead. But the lady was only in a
trance, and the touch of the would-be
thief aroused her. She arose from her
coffin and found her way home, where
her knocks aroused a servant, who
rushed to tell his master who it was.
"Impossible!" said the husband, who
does not seem to have been toocharmed
at tho idea; "I would as soon believe
my two gray horses should leave their i
stalls and mount the stairs." IJeholdt in order to make available for renting
a clatter and a trampling! and the ' the ten upper stories of this 2.1-story
horses were climbing steadily upward ( building. To reach quickly these hlgli
to the garret! Convinced at last, the er stories an excessive sneed is called
nusoanu descended, lound it was in
deed his wife, and brought her in; and
one hopes they were both grateful to
the good gray steeds. Gentleman's
Tins i)Ai.i.i-;s,(Jiii;iiON
OOlcc ovei First Nat. Hink.
For People ThaFAre fill I t
Sick or "Just Don'tl
Feel Well."
R mailt PlmplM, curat Headache, Oytyeaala and
CotUieniM. 25 cts. a box at ilruicffl'taor by mall
bauplta Fre, addreaa Or. Bounko Co. .Vhila. fa.
Sheriff's Sale,
Notice Is hereby Riven tint by vlrtuo of nn ex
erntlon Issued out of Iho Circuit 1,'oiirt of tiu" of Oregon for Whm-o County, in tlio Milt
theieln iiendlug, wherein II. A. Osgood Is plulnt
lll und Ida Dunn, Heii('er V. Dunn, lieorgu II,
Dunn, Harvey W. Dunn and Mary Dunn and N.
Wliealilou. hi Hdliilliutrator of tli estalo of
Wllllum If, Dunn, deceaxed, are defendant,
commanding mo to sell tho real property here
i milter, 1 will, on Saturday, tho 5th
day of February, IrtH. at the hour 01 a o'clock
in the afternoon, at tho courthouse, dour In
Dallea City, Oregon, kell to Ihu lugheit bid 'er
for cash in hand, nil of lot G, and the enst half of
lot.'), in block 32of lluinasoh N III11II Addition
to Dalles OKy, Oregon; icgether wtili all and
ilngiilur tho teneiuent, heMilllariient') and up.
purleiiuucca Ihereuti to belonging, or in any nine
HppertHlnltig, to satisfy tho sum of fllll 711, anil
accruing inleret, and tw attorucj'K fee, and
K'j.JO costs and disbursement!! and the morning
costs. T. J. IlltlVKk,
J iii8. Shcrlll of Wabco County, Or.
Notice of Pinal Settlement
Notice Is hereby given Hint tlie-underslgucil,
administrator of Ihu e.latoof Krank Ireland,
deceased, ha- filed IiIh II mil account aa audi ad
inini'trator in tho county court of tho Htato of
Oregon for Wasco Coti 111 y, and thu Judge tlieru
of ban appointed Monday, tho 7th day of March,
18' tho hour of 10 o'clock a. in., at thu
county courtroom in thu courthouse in Dallea
City, In said county and statu, at tho time and
pUcc for tho hearing f objectlona tonald final
account and thu s.-ttleineiit thereof. All helri
and credltoifof tlm deeea-ed, anil nil other per
sou Interested In aald estate, aro hereby iiotllled
to Hie their objicllons to nald final aerouut. If
any they have, on or before tbo date fixed for
the hearing and aettleineut thereof.
Dalles City, Oregon. Keb. x, mm.
JeWtw-ll 2Admlnltrator.
Cocoa Bolls. Before the fondant
ia rery stiff, take out about a cupful.
Knead Into It as much prated cocoanut
aa possible, form Into balls, brush with
white of tgg and roll In dry cocoanut.
Prairie Farmer.
Polish for Floors. Boll together
ona cup of strong beer, a piece of been
wax about tho size of n nut, and 11 spoon
ful of sugar. First clean the lloor
by wiping it over with warm beer, and
then apply the polish with 11 brush.
Leave until dry, and tlinn polish with n
soft duster.
Beef and CnrroU Chop one pound
of beef (not too fine). Cook slowly with
three sliced carrots in water, enough
to cover until well done. Season wth
salt, pepper, tnblespoonful of butter,!
one-half tcaspmmful of onion juice. j
Crenm 0110 teaspoouful of flour in one-
half cup of milk, and add just before
sorving. Chicago Record.
Plain Custard. The beaten yolks
of five eggs and live teaspoonfulH of
sugar. Pour over this one quart of
hot milk, add flavoring nnd tho whites
of two eggs. Bake in cups net In a
pah of boiling water. Cover with mer
ingue Imd eat cold. Do not leave too
long in the oven. Boll instead, if pre
ferred. Farm, Field nnd FircBlde.
Cocoanut Creams. These arc made
by dropping some grated cocoanut
and 11 few drops of vnnllla in some of
the fondant; work like dough, roll
out, cut in cubes and allow to harden.
Melt a piece of fondant without choc
olate, and dip the cubes in this. The dip
ping must be done expeditiously, as
the creams will melt if left too long
in the hot mixture. Keep the mixture
for dipping warm ovev hot wnter.
(Jrange .'fudd Farmer.
Apple Thitter. Boll three gallons
of cider down to ono-fourth of the
quantity. Pare nnd core as ninny ap
ples aa the cider will cover. Divide the
eider nnd put equal parts in two kut
tles on the lire. Place the apples in
one kettle, nnd as they boil down pour
over them the cider from the other ket
tle, boil 12 hours until smooth, add
ground cloves, allspice, cinnamon,
brown sugar. Then boil again, stir
ring constantly. licu sufficiently
done it will stick to the spoon when
i held up.-
IJoston Uudgot.
The Klovittor ISeenmca Troublesome with
thtt Increiim? of llclKlit.
Pending the result- of a movement to
jestrict the height of our tall buildings.
there is one feature of the problem that
has recently been called forcibly to t'"
attention of the public by the nccitknl
to the elevators in the American Tract
society building, the details of which
were described in the Engineering Rec
ord of November 21, nnd that is the
jeril attending the occupancy of such
structures where high-speed elevators
mid high-pressure plants nrc intro
duced. It is quite practicable to regu
late this matter in anticipation of action
cn the larger question of the restriction
of the height of buildings.
The risks attending the operation of
elevators designed to run at. speeds of
from 500 to 700 feet per minute are
much greater than is generally .sup
lwsed, yet they arc fully appreciated by
experts. The demnnd for excessive
speeds like thnt required of the builders
01 tne elevators of the Tract, society
building was assumed to fie necessary
for, and with a view to economize the
cost, of operation nnd minimize space
in the basement, high-pressure plants
... ..v.,,,ju, ,u, result, mni. tlio
record for safety of clevntor travel so
creditable to our elevator builders in
the past is likely to be impaired. To
obviate this it should be made illegal
to operate passenger elevators at 11
speed greater than tt)0 feet a minute.
This will permit the safety tlevice to
operate when the speed reached COO to
000 feet per minute. Engineering Rec
ord. 'IP,, (l.koirmn.l 1i . .
Nnturo FurnUhea No Allnerul KulUblu for
tho l'nrpose.
There are no products of human skill
on which a greater degreo of care is ex
pended than tho standards of weight
and measure in uso among the civilized
nations of tho globe. Two things in
particular have to bo considered accu
racy and durability. Nature docs not
furnish any single metal, or mineral,
which exactly answers the require
ments for u standard of measure or
weight that shall be, as nearly as possi
ble, unalterable.
Tho best substance yet produced for
this purpose is an alloy of ninety per
cent, of platinum with ten per cent, of
iridium. This is called iridln-platinum,
and it if. the Mibsttmeu of which tho
new metric standard?! prepared by tho
internutionn) committee of weights aud
measures nrc composed,
It is hard, it is less affected by heat
than any pure metal, it is practically
non-oxldizable, or not subject to rust,
nnd it enrf bo finely engraved. In fact
tho lines on tho standard meters are
hardly vLslblo to tho naked eye, yet
they are smooth, even, sharp and accu
rate. If our civilization should ever be lost,
and relics of it should bo discovered in
somo brighter ago in tho reinoto future,
thero is nothing which would hear
higher testimony to its character than
these fitaudard mcasurea of irldlo-plut-inum
for the production and preserva
tion of which the Belcnce of our day has
done its very best.
Jr trtJXjTR Y
Chickens Dressed to Order.
Promt Delivery to any part
of tho city.
Phone 12. Third and Washington .Sis.
Patronize the
Alt kind of work. White Shirts a spor-liilty.
Family work at reduced r.ites. Wash rnlirrtiil
ami ilellvctiM tree. Tulilinti N. 111).
H. D. Parkins, Agt,
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains lenvemut are iluo to arrive at l'ortlnnil
ovi:ki,anj kx-i
hrps. Siilnm. Itrno- '
)lirg, Ashland, Sue-
G;00 l
., '1 rainento, Ogden.Hau I
,i Vranclsco, Mojiivc, (
1j Aiigeies.i-.i raso, 1
New Orleaii.s mid
Kut J
IKovebiirg and way sta
llions 1'. .M
ox rent
f Via Wooribtmi fori 1
, 1 .Mi..iigci, Hiivcnou,
i West iroli), Drowns- y
1 vllle,rtprlngllelil aud
1 i, Natron J
I7:S0 A. M.,
am! way J
:5) V. M
INDKl'KNDKNOK l'ASHKNCKIt. Kxiiress train
Dally (except Hunilay). m. (I.v. ...Portland ...Ar.) xia'ui. 111
7:: p. in. At..McMliinvllle..l.v. fi;H a, m
fc.;i. in. (Ar..Iiuleeudeiice..l.v.) -1 :j0 ji. 111.
'Dully. (Dully, except buiulay.
Attached to all Through Trains.
Direct connection at Kau Hranclsro with Occi
dental and Oriental and l'acllic mall steamship
lines for JAPAN and CHINA. Hulling datea 011
ni plication.
Hate nnd tickets to Eastern points and En
roiiv. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU and
AUKTKALIA, can boobtuliic-d from
J. II. KIltKl.AND, Ticket Agent.
Through Ticket Ofllcc, i:n Third atreet, where
through tickets to all points in thu Kaitern
Htates, Canada uud KuroM can bo obtained at
lowest rateK Irom
J. II. KIltKLAND, Ticket Agent.
All abovo trains arrive at and depart Irom
Grand Central Btatlou, Fifth and Irving atreets
Passenger Deot, foot of Jedcrsou street.
Ix;avo for 08VK(iO, daily,' except Hunilay, at
7: JO a. m.; 1V.SI). 1:&", 6: lb, 0:25, DiO.'i . jn.
(and 11:.") p. 111. on Saturday only, uud 'J:UO a. in
and :i::i p. in. on Sundays! only), Arrive at
Portland dally at ii:40 uud H'M a m.; anil 1:.".',.
l:15, (i:-zo mill 7:V t. m (aud (l:u a. 111, :fir
5:10 p. in. on Sundaya only,
Ix-Hvu for Sheridan, week days, t l:S0 p. m
Arrive tit Portland, u:: a. in.
Unvc for AIHI.IK 011 Jlonday, Witlnmluy ami
Kri'iiy at 'JitOa. in. Arrlvo at Portland, Tues
day, Thursday ami ijiitiiriliii it :);( p. in.
Except Hiimliiy. Except Saturday.
Asst. (i. 1-', & Puss. Agt
18 raged a Week. 1511 l'uiiora n Vonr,
t It stands first among ''weekly" papers
111 size, frequency of publication'
freehuese, vuriett and reliability of cor.
tents. It is practically a daily at the low
price o a weekly : and ita vast list of
subscribers, extending to every state and
territory of the Union and foreign coun
tries, will vouch for thu accuracy and
fairness of its news columns.
It is splendidly Illustrated, nnd nmonc
Its special features are a fine humor
page, exhaustive market roports, all the
latest fashion for women and a Ion
series of stories by thu greatest living
oinciikiiii uiiu -uiiKiimi uiiiuors,
Co nan Doyle, Jurome K. .leroiiie,
NtaiUy Wuyinaii; Alury K. Wllklna
Anthony llnpo, It rot llnrlo,
llruiulor Slnttlxiwa, Kto.
We offer this uneoualcd newsnauerani!
Tho Dalles Twico-a-Weok Chronlclo to
gethor one year for $'.'.00. The regular
pi ico ot the two papers is fS.OO.
Notioe of Pinal Aooount.
Notice is hercbv 'ulven that tho unHirliwi
admfuUtratrix of iho eitato of Y. (irv. ,1,..'
ceasul, bus Hied her llnal uccount In tho County
Court of thoBtateof Oregon, for Wusoo County,
and tho Indira tliurt-of liiu; iitimliit.ul hf,.,..i..r.
tho l7thiliiyof Juiuiiirv, I8K8, ut Iho hour o( i
o clock, p. m. an the timo for hearing objucllona
to said flnal account Hint tho settlement thereof
All heirs, creditors, and other iwranini Intoivstiil
In said eatate are hereby notllled, touppesr on
or before the day set lor aald hearing and set
tlement and file Ihelr-'Oblectloiu, ( any tliev
have, to aald final account, or to any particular
Item thereof, apecf ylng taelr obJecUona thereU).
iMiieauity, uregon, Dec. iu,isu7.
M. U. UHAY, AdmlnlstralrU.
TO Till'.
TWO Transcontinental ROUTES
St. Paul
Salt Lake
Kansas City
Low Rales'to all Eastern Cities
Kvnrv nu Ilava fr
Steamers monthly from Portland to
Vokohaiua and Hong Kong via North
ern Piicllic Steamship Co., in connection
with O. R. & N.
Kor fllll iliilnlls cull on O. 1'. A Cn. a Agent
The Dalles, or addreiw
HUDSON, .V CO., (Icil. Agts,,
North l'acllic Hteainslilp Co,
No. I, to Hpokiiuc and (Heat Northern urrlves
atri.-.Vi p. m leave at fi::u) p. m. No. 2, to Puudle
ton, linker City and Union t'uclllc.arrlveaat IJM.'i
a 111., departs ut Vl'.M a. 111.
No ;i. from Hpokaiio aud (Heat Northern, ur
rlvex at 'J"J(i a. 111., departs at '.irJi 11. 111, No. 1,
from Jlulii r City and lliiliiu l'acllic, arrives at
;;1D a. in,, departs- ut ::'M a. 111.
Nos. it and 'JI, moving east of Thu Dalles, will
carry passengers. No. 21 arrives at .' p. 111,,
departs ill l:lj p. m.
Passengers (or lleppner tako Nn '.', leaving
here at P. :.V) i. 111.
W, II. J1UUL1IUKT, (leu. Pass. Agt
l'ortlnud, Oregon
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Car
HT. I'Atll.
Thfough Tickets
Korliiformalloii, time cards, niuimand tickets,
oil 011 or wrlto to
W. (J. ALLAWaY. AKont,
The Dallea, Oregon
A. I). CHARLTON. Asst. G, P. A.,
-M. Morrlmui (.'or. Third. Portland Oregon
Dalles, loro and Antelope
Tlirough by daylight vlu Orima Valley, Kent
ami Cross llollowb.
1IOIJOI.AH AI.I.KN, Thu Dulles.
V. M. AVIUTKLAW. Alitolopo.
BUgea leave Tim Dalles Irom Umatilla House
at 7 11. in,, nlwu from Antelota) ut 7::!0 it, 111. uvery
Monday, Hislnewlay aud Krlday. Coiiliectlous
inado ut Antelope for Pritiovlllo, Jlllcholl mid
i)l:it beyond. Clow cc.niiectlous inudoiitTho
DAIles with railways, truliiH uud boats.
HlllgOS from Alllplmtn M.,,nl, Tl... Il,,ll,.u Tiiks,
duyb, TliurMlays nnd Baturihtya ut 1:3U p. 111.
,1 . ,. . HATKS Of FAIIK.
Dallei, to Deschutes (i 1 00
do Jloro... iw
do (irass Valley. . , si W
do Kent ...... .nil
. do Cross Hollows. ... I M
Antelope lo tJross Hollows IHI
lo Kent a nd
do (iruss Valley : (
do iloro, , , , .., 3 W
do Deschuecs I (M
do Dalles . ,., 6 00
Tne coiumtiia PactciDpCo.,
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of -4r BRAND