3 r Am Yonr Corsets Fitted (Vouch Fashion makers say, economic if you will in the matter of fabrics for your gowns, hut buy a good Corset, for therein exists the secret of an ideal figure. of America's leading Corset V. B. Having added to our stock 2i different styles of this celebrated Corset, we are in a position to supply the wants of our customers. ALL GOODS MARKED I N PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Daily Ghronieie. FRIDAY - - FKHRUARY ll7 1898 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Weather Toniehi mid Saturday, rain anil colour. New lot of navel oranges ,10 contH per dcjwn lit Maior A Kenton. Use Clarko A Falk's Flonil Lotion for chapped hands and rough akin. lin ! Try our ono pound Huuri!H "Queon llraild" butter, ut Dalles CommlHaion & Grocery Co. Clarko & Fulk's Uomifonm tooth wimli is the ml to kuup tho teuth nml kuiiih clean anil healthy. 9-1 in Judge liullortiy, who was stricken with paralysis in Pendleton Suiuluy, in re ported to bo improving When you Bui) u good tliinir push it along. Thorofuru cull for thu Prize Medal and Kose (incon clgurH. Waldorf brand of canned corn, hqunsh, pumpkin, peas, beiins und succotash, at CoiuinieHion and Grocery Co.'h. Outs victim, charged with luivirg been drunk and disorderly, wuh brought be lorn tint recorder tod ly und lined $5. Tho Siiokaim flyur, going west, wuh delayed t.iia morning, but the cause could not, bu learned. It wuh probably on account of having to wuit for the Great Northern nt Spokane. .Mr, Quinn of Shorur's Rridge wuh iu thu city yesterday. Ho recently bought about 1000 head of yearling Hheep from Jackson, of that place, for U.OO pur head. Ih those aheup Mr. Quinn got u very good bargain. , Louie Coinlni, tho toiubatet.o munu-' facluror of this place, loft for I'rinuvillo today to do some work in that vicinity Since ho litiu been here his work Iuih proven lihn to bo it thorough mechanic, nnil he hua more work than he can at tend to. A letter was recoived from J. A. Cros ten today, stilting that ho wna still in Loa Angeles, und that lie had not fully made up hit) mind w to .whether or not he would go to Pluunlx, Arizona. Ho is feeling somewhat improved and hopes to return homo early in tho spring. William Mornu died at his riuiuh sis mlloa west of Spokane Monday. Mr. Moran was ono of the earliest aettlurs in the Spokane valley, having located at Medical lake in 1870. Deceased wiib a widower and loft no children. Moran prairie was named in honor of tho de ceased, ArruiigotnontB aro about comploted for the Old Folks' concert, to ho given on the 22d in the Vpitt opera house. I'rlvato rehearsals of the solos, duots, quartets, etc., are going on dally, while the second chorus practice will bo held tomorrow ovonlng at the Congregational church. Tim search for the bodies of the four wn who were drowned at Oregon City Tuesday morning by being carried over the falls In a rowboat, wad continued all y .Wednesday, She oarlocus oi me nAn t . m " ' . . were lounu near wnere narry Special Display. Important to We arc exceedingly fortunate in securing for one week the services of an expert Corset Fitter, ...JVIiss P. peppier... of New York, who will be at your service at this store, fllonday, Febiaaiy 14th, to explain the advantages of a Correctly Fitted Corset.. During Miss Koppler's stay we will make a special display of La Yida and "W. JB. models in ex quisite silks and satin materials. man sturted to swim ashore. No trace of the bodies hua yet been found. I hit nine of the ten teachora who en tered tho quarterly examination are be fore tho board today. One having been taken ill was forced to draw out. One applicant for n state diploma was added to the list this morning. The examina tion" will be iiulshed this evening, but it will take some time before the results cun bo announced. Sturgeon-fiehorH seem tohe haviugu much butter luck at presiit than they did iu tho early purtyf the winter. Quito a number are shipped daily to the Portland marktru). The Bturgeon caught this winter jfre remarkubly large, but fuw going unuer a hundred poundp, and some tipping the scales at three or four hundred pounds. W: A. Cooper, the proprietor of the Goldendule flouring mill was iu the city yesterday. He says that farmers have sold so much of their gruin last fall on account oi high prices und the debts many of them had to cancel, that ho feara lie will not have enough grain to keep li I in busy during the summer and may bo forced to close down his mill. Yesterday afternoon, while tho work men wore repairing tho track close to tunnul No. !, near Mo6ier, a blast was sot oil' which caused a Blide to come down, taking out tho track for a consid erable iliBtance. A force of between thirty and forty men was put to work, and booh got the track in shape. The 5:20 train was delayed until after 8 o'clock. The Polk county Populist convention was held at Dallas Wednesday, und nominated a ticket. Tho report of the committee on credentials was not satis factory to all tho delegates, and, alter a noisy time for un hour, about one-fourth lof them, who wore fusionists, watueii out. The bolters afterwards held a sep arate meeting and elected delegates to the state convention. It was uuriounced in Tacoma Tuesday that tho final arrangements for a big Alaskan sporting syndicate, composed of Pacific coast sporting men, have been idiised. und that oneratioiiB aro to bo commenced at once. The syndicate will operate hotels, saloons and gambling games at Wningol, St. Micaol, Dawson and perhaps other Alaskan points; als at Seattle and Tacoma. Immigration has set in toward Slier nuiu county. Monday evening wnen the Columbia Southern train pulled in it brought in llfteuu stalwart farmers from Missouri. These men expect to II ml liomoB in this county, and loft south Tuesday morning for tho purposo of looklug up locutlone.JTv(dently tho pi,,,,l,i Southern is netting in some good work advertising our country Wbbco NewB. It lias been remarked by many' of our townspeople that since New Years there has been but few entertainments oi any kind. This is very true, but In the near future we will be favored with a nuuiuer of theatrical treats. On tho 22d the ma Folks" concert will take place; on .i.oq,i, u minstrel at the Vogti while Liadies. PEASE later the young men of the club will put on their show for which they are making such active preparations. A few days ago the little 8-year-old eon oi Matliias Henkes of Mount Angel was pluying with un anger. lie had climbed onto a chair with the auger in his hand. As he wan Rtanding on the chair he diopped it, and in his eagerness to regain possession of it became over balanced and, falling off the chair, Btruck will) his eye upon the point of the auger, the ball being completely bursted. The little feliow suffered ter rible agony until medical aid was sum- monerl to rlirR liitn. I The meeting of the Populist county Ijcentrol committee was held last night kind largely attended. Among other things it was decided that ttie primaries will be held on March 12th, and the convention on the nineteenth of the same mouth. The basis of representation wus placed ut one delegate at large from each precinct, one delegate for each ten voters, and one for a majority-fraction over ten. Kesolutions were passed adopting the principles enunciated in tho St. Louis platform, and favoring a union with the Silver Republican ami other reform parties. At present the excltemiMit.whTcTTpr? vailed for a time over the alleged dis covery of rich coal mines near tho city, lias subsided, and none outside of those who are interested in the supposed find know any more about it tliBii they did before tljfliuin.icrp.uj reports were circu lated.Clt is not known what the old company will do as they have pullud up their machinery and abandoned work A new com pan v has been organized to prospect the premised of Messrs. Snipes and Kelsay, but it will take. some time to get down to where the coal is sup-JJ posed to ue. Uwlng to tne loriuation oi earth in thai vicinity, it is very difficult to drill through it, und it is an uncer tainty as to how long they will be in satisfying themselves as to whether or not cool is to be found. February 10th companies A and G, of the detachment of the, Fourteenth in fantry to bo sent to Alaska, will leave Tacoma on ttie steamer Queen, under Lieutenant-Colonel Russell, to be fol lowed by companies 15 und H, which, under command of Colonel Anderson, will sail from Seattle on tho Cottage City February 24th. The detachment iwtis divided iu order to secure the pres ence of a force in Alaska at the earliest possible date, no steamer being availa ble which could carrv the whole four i . .... : I companies. Tne orucers attacuea to freirimeiital headquarters will accom pany Colonel Anderson on the Cottage City. It has been decidod not to take the band. All the companies will be fullv equipped, and will be provided with thirty days' rations. A year's supplies will follow ae soon as they can be secured, To Cure a Void lu Oue Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if they fall to cure. 25c, 5- r r UXe Cordially every lady to come and view this exhibit at this store. 3 & MAYS. -3 NEWS NOTES. Spain has accepted the resignation of Minister De Lome. The pack train of the government re lief expedition has received instructions from Washington to start for Alaska at, once. ' ( The Eteamer Olivette has arrived at Havana with Miss Clara Barton, presi dent of the Red Cross Society of the United States, on board. The De Lome letter incident is regard ed at Madrid as a jingoist intrigue, in tended to disturb the relations between the United States and Spain. The Republican majority was in ct eased by one Wednesday, when the houee unseated Plowman of Alabama, a Democrat, giving the seat to Aldrich, a Republican. This was the first con tested election case decided by the pres ent house against the present sitting member. Of Interest to Dulleslteg Who Travel. The new time-card on the O. R. & N., which goes into effect Sunday, Feb 13th, will be a great convenience for the peo ple of this city having business in Port land. The Spokane liver will then leave The Dalles at 0.55 a. m. and arrive iu 1'ortland at 10:15 a. m. Returning will leave Portland at 2 p. m., arriving at more tune is required in Portland, pas sengers can leave Portland at 8 p. m., arriving at The Dalles at 11 :45 p. m. The card is ae follows: No 2, east-bound, Union Pacific over landarrives at 11 :45 p m ; departs at 1 :50 p in. No 1, west-bound, Union Pacific over land anives 3:10 a ui ; departs 3:20. No 4, east-bound, Spokane flyer ar rives 5 :25 p m ; departs 5 :30 p m. No 3, west-bound, Spokane flyer ar rives 0:50 a m ; departs 0:55 a in. No 24, east-bound, local freight de parts 1 :45 p m. No 23, west-bound, local freight ar rives 5 p. m. These are the only trains that will carry .passengers. J .uu:s Ikki.am), Agent. Mluer Killed. Thomas Louks, a miner in the Morn ing mine at Wallace, was killed in a pe culiar way Thursday morning, says tho Spokesman Review. He was standing by the ore chute when a rock came down striking him in the stomach and knock ing him against the wall with such violence ae to break bis neck. He was brought to tho hospital here, but died two hour's later. He leaves a wife and two children HTltAYKUl Came to my place Janvary 23d, a dark bay mare, about 15 hands high, white epot in face, one winte Hind loot; brand ed A on left shoulder ; shoe on left front foot. Owner can have same by paying all charges. J. T, Reynolds, feb41m The Dalles, Or. The Dalles at 5:25 p. in., thus enabling Dalles people ti eat breakfast and sup per at home, and yet have practically a whole business day at Portland, or if HOT WATER in 4ft HP INTERNATIONAL HEATER. REMEMBER. We have strictly First-Class Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 25. I'KRSONAL MENTION- E. S. Hinmanof Duiur is in the city today. J. P. Car-oil of Mosier is a visitor in this city' today. --Harrison Dufur is registered at the Umatilla House. t" "William Ellibon of Hood River is in the city on business. F. H. Davidson is up from his home at Hood River today. Fred W. Wilson went to Hood River on legal business yesterday morning, re turning last night. Attorney E. E. Coovert, of the Port land firm of Coovert & Stapleton, is in the city on court business. Y, S. Campbell and wife of Albany, who have been visiting Mrs. Campbell's father, Mr. James Cox, of Kingsley, left lor rpj-tland today. Advertised Letter. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the poBtoilice at The Dalles un called for February 11, 1898. Persons calling for tho earno will give date on which they were advertised : Andrews, Mrs M Andrews, Mrs J Hallard, Carev Barto, Horace Jielate, Mrs Lizzie Uiggs, A S Hi ns. J C UaiiiB, C F Christuer, Joe Davie, Miss Jesse Franks, Hattio Fa 1 ton, Mies Ada Fisher, Mrs D K Fox, A O Ford,, Mrs Amos Forrest, Mrs M A Foord, J E Hays, J L Ilibney.MissJennio Hyre, Q D Johnson, Herman Kaiitou & Gundover Kelly, F C Koehler, Joe Morris, Mrs J McWhorten, H W McConn, Johnnie Newton, Mrs R J Nonviden, Mrs Ida Peterson, Mies Anna l'earcy, Mrs Jennie Rice, Walter lunar, Mr Hodman, Henry Rotsrts, Lafo Ruark, Mrs J P Saiiford,MiebLutio Stewart, P Shepperd, Owen Shearer, J lu Smith, MisB A nine Thomas, Mrs Delia Thompson, C W Thorney, Alix Terry, J B Todd, John Wellington, Miss D Wick, G H Whitney, F W Williams, Mrs rJ J? J. A. CltOSSEN. A CALIi. Tho Wasco County Republican Con tral Committee will meet at tho court house in The Dalles, Saturday, Feb. 19, 1898, at 2 p. m,, for the purposo of issu ing a call, appointing delegates, and making till necessary arrangements for holding the primaries and Republican county convention. A full attendance is desired. J. M. Pattehson, February 8, 1898. Chairman. The Murium Way Commends itself to tho well-iiifornied, to do pleasantly and effectually what formaly done in the crudest manner and disagreeably as well. To cleanse the system and break up colds, headaches, and fevers without unpleasant after ef fecte, use tho delightful liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs. Made by Gall fornia Fig Syrup Co. Catli Iu Your Clieuki. Allcountv warrants registered prior to Nov. 13, 1893, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Jan. 15th, lays. u L,, rilll.I.Il'S, Conntv Treasurer. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. Thai W wuul it w3 luudc for. Ten Minutes., Do You Catch On? No more cold ovens. Plontv of hot water, and a great fuel savor. 'HaA'eone put in your stove by MAYS & CROWE, SOLE AGENTS. J. T. Peters & Co. During January and Feb ruary we will give to every person buying One Dollar's worth of goods at our store a chance on a Sixty-Dollar Steel Range, Which was manufactured by tho Michigan Stovo Co. Drawing to come off the 28th day of February, 189S. MAIER & BENTON The Latest nass Novelties in ..lalptipe. At I. C. Nickelsen Book &. Olusie Company. DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve Cures Piles, Scalds, Uurns, inn m r" it: I'M I f kth.