Tbt Dalles Daily ChFCia'fc THK IA l.I.KS, OKKOON Botb tho method and results when Syrup of Figa is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and nets gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeablo substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it " Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRAMCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, M. NEW YORK, It.t. riilmi Humbled. New Yokk. Feb. 9. A special from Peking Buy : The imperial edictv issued at the in stance of the German minister being held to be unsatisfactory, a second edict was issued February 1st. In this the emperor expressed regret at the murder of tiie Germ in missionaries at Kaio Cliou. The unfortunate crime, he said, was committed by bandits in Shang Tung province. He had already pun ished the governor and the local offi cials. Permission has been granted to re build the churches and the houses of missionaries, and orders issued to all of ficials to protect the missions. According to the treaty with Germany -China lias ceded to that country the bay of Kaio Chou and a zone of territory 30 miles wide for the construction of a rail way 200 miles long from Kaio Chou to Shan Fu, tiie capital of the province of the same name, togetiier with mining privileges along the line of the zone. The Surprise of All. Mr- James Jones, of the drug firm of Janes & Son, Cowden, 111., speaking of Dr. King's New Discovery, says that last winter his wife was attacked with La Grippe, and her case grew eo serious tiiat physicians ot Cowden and Pan a could no nothing for her. It seemed to develop into Hasty Consumption. Hav ing Dr. King's New Discovery in store, and selling iota of it, he took a bottle borne, and to the surprise of all she be gan to get better from first doee, and half dozen dollar bottles cured her sound nnd well. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to do this good work. Try it. Free trial bottles at Blakeley & Hough ton's drug store. 4 Spray Your Tret. All persons having fruit trees which are infested with San Jose scale are hereby notifind to spray the eame witii a solution of lime, Eulphurandsalt with in sixty days after the date of this notice, Kmile Schan.no. Commissioner for the fourth district. Frank Sherwood was down town to day, the first time since he had his tus sle witli cholera morbus. He says he drove miles after lie wastaken.sick, and never came eo near dying in his life. After this when he goes out in tiie coun try he will take a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy witli him. Missouri Valley (Iowa) Times. For sale by Blakeley & Hough ton. Free I'llls- Send your address to II. . Bucklen & Co., Chicauo, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These Pills are easy in action and are particularly effective in the cure of.Con etipation and Sick Headache. For Ma laria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleter ious substance and to be purely vegeta ble. They do not weaken by their action, but by .giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the ays- tetn. Regular size 26c. per linx. Sold by Blakeley fc Houithton Druggists. (4) Tho beat specific for dandruff and to prevent baldness is Clarke & Falk's compound quinine hnlrtt nlc. 9 lin Clintnlirrtnlu'K Cough IteniPilj- Always Trnvp KH'nctiiMl. There are no better medicines on the miirket than Chamberlain's. Wo have used the Cough Remedy when all others failed, and in every instance it proved eilVctual. Almost daily wu hear the virtues of Chamberlain's remedies ex tolled by those who have used-them. This is not an empty pull', paid for at so much a lino, but is voluntarily given in (rood faith, in the hope that eufl'erinu humanity may try these remedies and, like the writer, be benefited. From the Glenville V'V. Vu.) Pathfinder. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Ch In Your Check. All county warrants registered prior to Nov. 13, 1S93, will be paid at my o trice. Interest ceases after Jan. loth, 1898. 0. 1,. Phillips, County Treasurer. Wahning : Persons who suffer from coughs and colds should heed the warn ings of danger and save themselves suf fering and fatal results by using One Minute Cough Cure. It is an infallible remedy for coughs, colds, croup and all throat and lung troubles. Snipes-Kin-ersly Drug Co. Smoke the popular brands, Priz3 Med al, Rise Queen and Guarantee,. For i sale bv ull first-class dealers. I J. M. Thirswend, of Grosbeck, Texas, j s.iyo that when he has a spell of indi gestion, and feels bad and sluggish, he takes two of DeWitt's Little Early Ris ers at night, and he is all right the ntxt morning. Many thousands of others do tiie same tiling. Do you? Snipee Kinersly Drug Co. I There is no need of little eluldrtn be I ing tortured by scald head, eczema and skin eruptions. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve gives instant relief and cures per- iji.iui.-ij u v. oiiipes-iunergiy urug uo. You can't cure consumption but yon can avoid it and cure anv other form of thr at or lung trouble by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. It cures quickly. -That's what you want. Snipes-Kiners- ly Drug Co. You can't afford to risk your life by allowing a old to develop into pneumo nia or consumption. Instant relief and a certain cure are afforded by One Min ute Cough Cure. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That is what It was made (or. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. Tbat is what It was made (or. DR.GUNN'St For People That Are Pi 1 1 ft Sick or "Just Don't riLLd Feel Well." ONLY ONE FOR A DOSE. Removes Pimples, cures Headache, Dyspepsia and Costltencss. 25 cts. a box at druggists or by mall Camples i re, address Dr. Botanko Co. .Villi, l a. Sheriff's Sale. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an ex ecution issued out of the Circuit Court of t in state of Oregon for Watco County, In the Mitt therein pending, wherein IS. A. Otgiiod is plaint itl and Ida Dunn, Spencer W. Dunn, George II. Dunn, Harvey W. Dunn and Mary Dunn anil N. Wbealdon, as administrator of the estate of William II. Dunn, deceased, are defendants, commanding me to eell the real property here inafter described, I will, on Saturday, the 5th day of February, 1SU3. at the hour ol 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the courthoute door In Dalles City, Oregon, sell to ihe highest bidier for cash in hand, nil of lot G, and the east half of lot .1, in blocks of Ilumaton s Illutt' Addition to Dalles Olty, Oregon! together with all and lingular the tenements, hereditaments and ap purtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining, to satisfy the sum of 11111.73, and accruing Interest, and C0 attorney's fees, and I23.J0 costs and disbursements and the accruing costs. T.J. DUIVKK, J in8-ii Sherifl of Wasco County, Or. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that tho undersigned has been regularly appointed administrator of the estate of Henry A. linker, deceased, by order of the county court of the Slate of Oregon for Wasco County, dated the Oth day of December, Ib'J". All pcroii3 having clutm against said state nre hereby required to present the tame, duly verified, to tho administrator at The dalles, Oregon, within tlx mouths from the date of this notice. Dalles City, Oregon, Dec. 10, 1M7. C. W DIKTZKL, decll-ii Administrator. Notice of Final Settlement Notice is hereby given that tho undersigned, administrator of the estate of Frank Ireland, deceased, has Hied his final account as such ivl inliiltrator In tho county court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, and the Judge there of has appointed .Monday, the 7th day of March, lbiw, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in., at thu county courtroom in the courthouse in Dalles City, in said county and state, us the time and pUce for the healing of objections to said II mi I account and the settlement thereof. All heirs and credltoiH of the deceased, and ull other per sons Interested in said estate, are hereby uottlicd to file their objections to said limit account, If any they huve, on or before tbo date Used for the hearing and settlement thereof. Danes city, Oregon, Feb. 8, ma. UKOlUiK 1HKLAXD, Administrator. Jeb5-4wll J-KS UKISBNnOltFFKK & IIUKIIY, Physicians and Surgeons, Special attention given to surgery. Booms 21 and 22, Tel. 328, Vogt Block THE ARMY RATION. experiments to Produoo a .Con centrated Food. Kothlag Found to Tko tho PUe of the Old-Fashioned Ration of Bacon and Hardtuck In 8ulta able Hulk. The recent experiments of thi United SUitea jrovernmeut to tout the value of n conocntruted nrmy ration have quite naturally proved a failure, liiey wore ( instituted by the secretary of war with , a view to redneiuK the bulk nnd weight , of fo.od without impairing it.s nutritho. functions. ThU appeared to bo necessi tated by the fact that the American nrmy is more in need of possible Im provements in thin line, in view of the heavy, tedious and lon, transportation of sumilicH across the plains nnd through districts tlmt are incapable of i affording the proper amount and ipinl-1 ity of food in times of emergencies. i The (iermun nrmy, for oxtuuple, when moving in s-mnll bodies always pur chases supplies on the march as want ed. The same is true of the French. Kussian, Austrian and other European nrniles, but at tiie same time the soi dierc. usually have in their knapsacks what is called an "emergency" ration, generally sausage or preserved meat of some kind The soldiers of the Jap anese nrmy in thu late war with China carried an emergency ration of rie in ii little tin case strapped to the top of their knapsacks. The. reports mndc by the different military dcpartnienta to which tUoj questions wore referred arc interesting , as bearing upon the value of food prod-' ucts generally and on the physiologi- j cal questions involved in the digestive and nutritive processes more partieu- larly. . Theoretically speaking, it would appear thnt the problem had been solved regarding the amount of food necessary to sustain life and ilie varieties of sustenance that, gave in minimum compass thcgrcntcHtamouut of nourishment. j All the observers agree, however, that the old -fashioned ration of bacon and hard-tack in suitable bulk is the most practical that has ever been sug gested. The quantity of food neccs snrv to keen a soldier in good condi tion is fixed at 22 ounces. The latier amount is increased for obvious rea sons to 2(5 ounces. When the theories were put. to a prac tical test the result was as might have been anticipated. Various concen trated food tablets were employed in Colorado, but more than half the men who were victims to the experiment became candidates for hospital treat ment. The following extract from the report speaks very significantly on some very essential and striking facts: "A company of the Seventh infantry, at Fort Logan, near Denver, was de tailed nnd furnished with condensed rations, consisting of coffee, soup, bread and bacun. The coffee and soup were in small tablets, which, when placed in boiling wnter, were ready for consumption in two minutes. The bread was in small, flat cakes, the weight and hardness of a brick, but when moistened swelled out like n sponge. The bacon was coipprussed and only needed to be warmed in a frying-pan. The soldiers started out with tn days' rations, but the campaign was brought to an abrupt end after four days of 15-mile marches. The food no only did notgatisfy the hunger or give strength, but seemed to irritate the stomach. After the first meal, two of the enlisted men had to be placed under the surgeon's care. At the end of the second day 30 of the 70 men in the company were ill, and on the fourth ilny the whole command went into camp, and couriers were sent to town for hard-tack and ordinary coffee and bacon. Some of the soldiers were seri ously ill with a stomach complaint, and were confined to the hospital for suv crnl days." All this goes to show tlat not only very much in to be learned regarding laboratory feeding, hut that wc are also far from the proper appreciation of nature's complex requirements in food taking. Thus far the liumnn lnboia tory, witli its multiple, interdependent, and complementary methods, ha a monopoly of itn own in fixing tho proper standards for digestion, assim ilation and subsequent growth. There is a natural law pervading the whole that must not bo violated by too radical attempts at modification or improve ment. The stomach must earn its living in its own way, us by such purely physio logical effort in bringing each and nil of it mechanical, vital nnd chemical function:) into play, it can best main tain it.s health, activity and iLscfulucv.s. No prepared or concentrated food can relieve it of any or nil of its activity in that gradual conversion of n legiti mate quantity and quality of food that constitutes a natural and perfect di gestion. In such an aspect a moderately full stomach is something more than a feci ing. Its work must las .distributive rather than restrictive. It must be and then came to tlic professors and in healthfiilly distended witli food liuli.y structors in the college. In tiie mean enough to occupy spare places; otli'-r- time Prof. Krngo's notice came into his wise, its roost important function is mind nnd the usKemhicd students were hampered, while for lack of mechnni cal stimulus the intestines become stagnated into almost helpless inactiv ity. Hence it is 'esay to see how the ex periments failed and the victims paid the penalty of outraged physiological Jaws. So far. at least, there is notMiifl- cicnt rennon, liocntiso n ninn becomcH a soldier thru his stomach nhould be puckered around n desiccated soup tab let or that It should wrestle nlone in some divrk corner of nn nceotnmodnt lnff fold with some Bojrpy nnd glnzrd albuminoid. Medical ltccord. SWELL PEOPLE' SERVANTS. Thar Are Far Mont Patronlslna Tkan Far Mont Patronising Their MalUr. "I wonder if I'm more of a snob thnn most people," remarked little Mrs. Can dour, confidentially, to the Now York Tribune man, "for 1 must plead guilty to being dreadfully afraid of smart servant! The only act of individuals before whom 1 actually quail are tho Indies' ladies and the gentlemen's gen tlemen. Witli their musters or mis tresses 1 can hold my own fairly well; their wealth and grandeur do not over awe me a bit. Hut the servants dis tinctly depress nnd in n way humilato me, for I feel so vexed with myself thnt I have so little self-respect as to mind them. Nevertheless, I do, nnd I fancy s good many other people do, too, If they huve the frankness to acknowl edge it. The other evening, for in stance, we were dining at the Mldascs' and I began to feel uncomfortable as soon as we left tho cab. " 'Wait until we are insido of the house,' I said to the driver, feeling guiltily conscious that I wanted tho footman to bco that we did not arrive in the "bus.' " 'Why?' inquired my husband, inno cently (men arc ao stupid, they never suffer from these aristocrats of tho t kitchen). "'Oil ' T nnotvAi-Ail frtiimt-. 'nAi-hnrw " I - j . J 1 it's the wrong night, or . Why can't he stay?' I exclaimed, petulantly. " 'Why, certainly, Tesaie, if you want him to; I don't mind,' said poor Jack, bewildered. "Inside the door was another foot man and Mrs. M.'s own maid, who looked critically at my home-made gown and shook out my skirtR with proud humility. You know the Midus house nnd how the room in which tlioy j receive their dinner guests is beyond , the big drawing-room; so, although I j was longing to nsk Jack if my hair was . all right and receive the comforting I assurance, which he always gives, dear . fellow, that I looked 'awfully fit,' I felt 1 rather than saw that the butler was waiting patiently and reproachfully to usher us through the anteroom nnd an nounce us. 'Come, '1 said to myself as my glove wouldn't goon and I felt that tho was more than I could endure, 'do re member, you snobbish little'thing, that you nre as good as Mrs. Midas' butler, anyway,' and, rallying my self-reapct, I deliberately finished buttoning my (love nnd swept haughtily through the rooms. " 'By Jove, Tessic,' aaid Jack after ward, 'you looked like a regular little queen of Sheba. What made you aoj ;rand?' " 'It was the instinct of self-preservation,1 I answered. 'I simply ha'd to! assert myself to keep from feeling ut terly overwhelmed.'" MISSING LINKS. Tn name- of Connecticut is derived from the Cnniba Indian word, "kunato guk," meaning "loug river." A if educational qualification will hereafter be required of men seeking i pnlUtmorlt in tlio IlnHnil Sit-it..u nrmu i ennstmLiit in tiie uniteu ht.itcs army. Bnill.l.v has n mysterious new malady which Professor Virchow attriliutes to the use of milk from diseased cows. An odd palindromic sentence one which reads the name backward as for wardis "Draw pupil's lip upward." In the year 1077 the lund upon which Philadelphia was subsequently built yas owned by a man named Petor Kambo. CoTTON-snED meal is fast gaining favor with Missouri cattle feeders as a cheap fat producer. It is a Missouri production. Btdanoe bed-warmers arc used by Chilian women. In cold weather, when in bed, they keep their feet warm by placing them on a dog. MADE THE ANNOUNCEMENT. 1'reslUent JMcConhV Novel Jlotliod of Com plyliiK with Iteiinnt. President McCosh, of Princeton, is tiie subject of tills story, says the Now York Call, which is vouched for by old Princeton men: "The venerable doctor was aecustonwd to lead thu morning f.serclses in thu chapel every day, und during th exercises in tho chniwl gave out the notices to the .students. The closing exercise was a fervent prayer by tho doctor. One morning, aftur i,0 had read the notices as usual, a student came, up with unotlier notice that Pi of. Kargc's French claw would be at nine o'clock that day, instead of 0:.'j0, n usual. Dr. McCosh snld.it was too late, but the student insisted thnt Prof. "Kurge would be much disappointed if tho notice was not read. The exercises went on, nnd tho doctor forgo toll about the notice. He started toinuko the final prayer. He prayed for tho president of tins United States, tho members of the cabinet, thu senators and renre.senta- tivtw, tins governor of New Jersov. the mayor and other officials of Princeton astonished to hear the venerable presi dent eay: 'And, O Lord, blewi Prof. Kargc, whose Frcuoh claea will be held this moruiug at nine o'clock, instead of at 0:30, asuaunl.' " F JtKI), W. WILSON. A TTUitNKY AT LAW, , rill-ll.l.i:-VHU(ll)N OrUce ovi First Nat, li uik. A NEW MARKET. FRUIT, VEGETABLES, POULTRY, PISH AND Q-AME. Chickens Dremed to Order; Promt Delivery to any part of the city. A. N. VARNEY, Phono 12. Third and WhpIiIiikIoii SIh. Patronize the Troy ItAUflDftY. All klndnf work. Whlto Shirts n specialty. Family work at reduced rates. Wash collected nml delivered free, Ttilnilnin rsii. 111). H. D. Parkins, Agt, EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -OF THK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Train leave nml nre ituu to arrive nt l'urtliiiiit ovi:iii,ani i:.'-i urcsi. Siiloiu. ItiiKO- hurir. AsIiIiimiI. Sun-1 ,, J ramuutii, OKiliMi.Saii I 0:00 Lou AiiK'ie!, i.i i m-i), I N'uw jjurltfiitih mill I Kast ) VS. 30 , iltotulmrK ami way tn .1, 'Lin,,.!. I'. M Dally O.XI'i.-pt Kimilays. 1 ( Via Womlliiirn for"! i .Mt.Alixol, Sliverlim, i West Hula, llruwiis. Dully WU1!tt huiiiliiy3 vuuviriiiKiiciii aim 1 Natron 17:30 A I it, ((.'orvallls (stations . am! way :E0 1". M INDKPKNDKNCi: PASHKNC,i:u. Express train naliy (except Sunday). I,.ri0p.in. (I.v Portland ...Ar.) fi:iiia.m (I.v Portland ...Ar.) At McMlnnville . I.v. J (Ar .Independence.. I.v.) :M. in. M McMlnnville .l.v. ri;) a, m M !A o ,n r Vr 1 ii1,.fml(tir. I .V I Ifilil til 'Dally. (Daily, except htimlay. DININC JAHSON OODKN UOUTK. PULLMAN 1UIFKKT HI.KKPKHH AND riIiCOND-CLAS9 HLKKPINd CAltb Attached to all ThroiiKh Trains. Direct roiinectlon at han hranclM-o with Occl dental ami Oriental ami l'ucllk; mail Btoamalil lines for JAPAN ami CHINA. SilllliK dates on ai plication. Kates ami tickets to Knstcrn points and Kn-roiH.-. AImi JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU and AlIHTUALIA.can ho obtained from J. 11. KIltKLAND, Ticket AKOllt. Throuirli Ticket Olllce, i:il Third street, where through tickets to all points In the Utistorii Suites, Canada, and KuroK.' call be obtained al Ian est rutts from J. 1). KIHKLAND, Ticket Anent. All above trains arrive at ami depart Irom Grand Central (station, fifth nnd Irvine streets yamhillpTvihion. PiiM-euxer llcjt, footol Jedermu street. U'ave for OSWK(it). dallv. uxcent Hiimlav. at 7:JU u. in.; l'.':J, 1:55, 5:1&, fl:'ii, ",s.:U' p. m. (ami tl::w p. in. on Saturday only, '!;!," !' Bl. Oil rilimlliys only corthind ually at 'C:Waml;3)a nnd 'jam a. in ). Arrive at m.: and 1 :35. M:1510:l'Onnd7:.Vip. in., (and 10:03 a. in, .ri.'i 0:10 p. in. on Sunday only), I-ave for fiherldiin, week days, at l:0 p. m Arrive at Portlaml, y;:J a. in. U-avc for Ali'.I.Ii: on Monday, Wednonlav and 'noiiy aiu:iua. in. Arrlv at I'ortlaml, Tuet. dav, ThtirMlay ami Saturdnj it ::0.i p. in, Kxcept fiiiiiday. Kxeept Batiinlay. it. KOKIILKlt, Maliuuer. (i, II. MAKK1IAM, Asst. (i. I". Al Pass. Aut THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION. IK I'urom H Vuk. lntl I'upiirs h Year t It etandfj first among '"weokiy" papern ii Hint), irequency oi puiiiicatlon IreehnesH, vnrieti and rulinliility of coi. tento. It is practically a daily at the low price o a weekly; and its vast list of HiiliscriherH, extending to uvery statu and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for thu accuracy and fuirnesH of its news columns. It is Hiilendidly illustrated, and iuiioiik Its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fasiiioinc for women ami a Ion series of stories by tho greatest living American mid Kiiulisli authors, t.'onnn lloyl.i, ,Iitrniii K, .Inroioe, HtaulMy Woymwii, Mnry K. Wlllilns Anthony Hope, Hint llnrto, llrniMlitr Slituhnws, Ktc. WuofTerthia unequiiled newspapernnd Thu Dalles Twico-n-Week Chronicle to gother one year for f-'.OO. The rt-gulnr prlcn of thu two papers is $3,00. Notice of Pinal Acoount. Notion Is hereby kI veil, tlmt thu umk-rslKiiwl, administratrix of tho estate of V. (iray, de ceased, has Med her llniil uoeoiint In the County t.oiirt of thuHtatoof OroKon, for Wateo County, mill tho iinlKo thureof lias appointed ilomlav tno 17th day nf Januiirv. leiw.at tho hour off n clock n. in. as tho lluiu for lu'8rliir objeoilons to i sHiil final tuwount arid thu svtllornent llierwii. All heirs, oiedlUirs mid other person Intciestod In said csUte arc hereby iiotilleu lo apiw-r on or before tho iluy set lor said hearlnir Anil set tlemeiitainl f) o Jlielr ob eotloiis, If any they wvo, to sslii llua account, oi to any parilciilur Item thereof, sicllyliiK their obiwitloiutherehi. Dalles City, Oregon, Pw. 111,1857. Ucla ll M. II. OHAY, AdinliiUtratrlx. 0.R.&N. TO THK EMSTI (IIVKH THK CH01CK OK TWO Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT j NORTHERN I RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. VI.V- Salt Lake Denver T- " Omaha Kansas City Minneapolis St. Paul Chicago Low Rates -to all Eastern Cities DUKAtN HI'IIAJIKIW l,mv I'nrtUiiil Kvnrv l'lv IbV for SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Steamers monthly from Portland to Yokohama and Ilon Koiik via North ern I'iicilii! Sli'uuiHhip Co., in connection with O. H. fc N. For lull itiitallN call on O. K A Co. n ARCUt The iMlli'k, or Hililrent IKIDHON, CAIil.II.L A: CO., (let). Ak'ts., North I'ai'lHii HtcimiKliip Co. TIMK C,UI. No. I, to HiiokaiH) anil (Iri'iit Northern arrlvoH 1 at ') in., Iinivl' at fi::l p. in. No. V, to PimiiIIi.. ton, linker City ami Union I'ticiHc, arrive ut l;i:, a in., ilcarl.s at r:.'V a. m. No :!, from Hiokiuii' ami (heat Northern, nr rlu'sat'J 'JO a. m departs at :'i a. in. No. I, innn Haiti r ( uy ami uuin- memo, arrive at :i:'J0 a. m., ilepartK at .!::! a. in. Nds. 1M ami -I, tnovliiK east of The Dalles, will carry pavenirers. No. 1M arrives at fi p. in,, depart at 1 !' p. in. I'a'M'iik'i'ri. or lleppiier take No 'J, leaving here at 1 .)). in. W, II. lU.'Itl.llt'UT, Hon. Pan. ARt rortlamt, Oreon N ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. N s Pullman Elegont Touirist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car hT. I'AIM. .MINNKAl'OI.I IllII.IITH l-'A mm OIIANI) I'lllt OlttMIKSTON WINMl'KO ii:i,i:na mi ItllTTK TO Thnough Tickets -1 to CII1CAOO WAHII1NIITON l'IIII.AIK.I.-IA NKW YOltK HUSTON AND A 1,1. IMUNTH KA HT twill SOUTH For Information, time turds, mapsahd tlokets, cal on or write to W. C. AhLAWAY. Agent, The Dalles, (IreKon on A. I. CIIAHLTON. Asst. G. P. A., iY), Morrison Cor. Tlilnl. I'ortlaml Oregon Dalles, Mopo and Aotelope STAGE LINE. TliroiiKh by dayllKlit via (Irass Vnlloy, Kent ami cross Hollows. IHMIOI.AH A I, I, UN, Tho Ihtlhm. J. M. WIIITKI.AAV, Alitolopo. Btaxes leave 'Iho DalloK irom Umatilla lloiim at 7 a. in,, also from Antelimo at 7;'M a. in. over)' Monday, Wednesday ami I'riday. Coniusitlons niudc at Antelope for I'rliiuvlllo, Mllflholl and points bu)oml. Closo oi.niieiitioiis mado at Thu Dalles with railways, trains and boats. KlaKes from Anlelimo rennli The Dalles Tues days, 'IhtirMlayM ami HaturdayH nt I!!W p. in. , HAT KS or FAHK. Dalles to l)echntes , ,,,$1 tl do Mor l SO do (Irass Valley, 2 1) do Kent :iui do Cross Hollows. . I U) Antelope to Cross Hollows . . 1 Ml do Kent , ... .... ., 'i l"l do (irass Valley .. II no do Moro. ,. am do Deaelniees nil do Dalles uo Tie Columbia Packing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKACTUKKKH Olf Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND HAMS Qc BACON jJBIED BEEF, ETC.