The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 10, 1898, Image 3

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Arc Your Corsets Fitttf Cimctlj?
French Fashion nmkors say, economize if yon will in the matter
of fabrics for your gowns, but buy a good Corset, for therein exists
the secret of an ideal figure.
-Special Display -
of America's leading Corset W. B. Having added to our stock
21 difl'erent stylos of this celebrated Corset, we are in a position to
supply the wants of our customers.
Important to Ltadies.
We are exceedingly fortunate in securing for one
week the services of an export Corset Fitter,
...JVIiss P. peppier...
of Now York, who will bo at your service at this- store,
fllonday, February 14th,
to explain the advantages of a Correctly Fitted
Corset.. During Miss Koppler's stay we will make a
special display of La Vida and W. 13. models in ex
quisite silks and satin materials.
UXe Cordially
Invite C5J
every lady to
come and view
this exhibit at
this store.
The Dalles Daily Chefo
Weuthur Friday, fair and cooler.
Uho Clarke & Frtlk'H Floral Lotion for
chapped bunds und rough skin, lm
Mun urn engaged today in repairing
the eewcra from Mr. J. W. French's resi
The steamer Cleveland sailed for AIuh
leu from Scuttle laHt night with 200 put
teiigurH. Try our nnu pound squares "Queen
llrund" butter, ut Dulles Commission &
Grocury Co.
Clarke & Fulk'H Rosofoum tooth wiihIi
is tliu host to keep tliu tooth and gums
clean and healthy. 0-1 m
When you see a good thing push it
along. Therefore call for the Prize
Medal and Rose Queen olgurH.
Waldorf brand of canned com, squash,
puiupkin, pens, beans und Huccotuah, at
Coiuin'mHion and Grocury Co.'s.
Tliu Imdy of Mrs. Ann Itutlor woh lust
night sunt to Kunaus 'for interment.
Truiuaii Itutlor uccompuiMud tin; remains
The regular monthly meeting of Alt.
llimd Hose Cumpany, No. 4, will bo
held at tliu hohi) house tomorrow even
in at 7 ::t0 o'clock.
A 10 -milJ tax wan voted at tho suhool
tiieuting in Fossil lust wuck. The tax in
to maintain tho ncIiooIh for anothur yeur
at tliu present high Htaudard.
Ladies, a chance of u lifetime. Fancy
neck-ribbons at 11) cents per yard sold
at A. Al. WillianiH it Co.'h store on Sat
urday from 2 toll p. in. Sue regular ad.
A very oneournging rehearsal of tho
how to he put on by the young intin of
the chib was had lust night. Parte were
assigned und the hIiow promises to ho u
fluttering success.
The numurniiB friendfl of Mr. George
lipwlaiid will be pleased to learn that
he la getting along nicely, nod in likely
to recover from the serious attack
is resting eimy ut present.
Jay Swank, who whb mistaken for a
deer mid shot by his father-in-law, II.
I'eery, near Lower Soda Springs, Novem
ber 21nt, died Tuesday morning nt 3
O'clock nt IiIh Ii
Among tho names of those montlonmN
In tho Orcgouian to whom state certifi
cates had been sent, wo notice those of
Mrs. Kuto Roche and Miss Cansio Chooso(
I the public schools of our city.
l'hii sale nt auction of tho porsonnl
Property in the hands of I. N. Power, of
North Yokiinn, receiver of Bon E.
Snipes, began last week. The attend-
mice was not largo, nor was the bidding
I . ....
rumor Is afloat that In the near
uiturea night boat will be put on 'tho
fiver between this place and Portland.
all probability the P. P. & A. N. Co.
"Hi put on tho boat, and it will be a
treat accommodation (or the patrons of
hub lino. Iieiore this can be done effect
uttlly, however, the river will have to
be lighted; but ua the company is very
zealous to accommodate its patrons in
every way, this will uot be likely to
he an impediment to tho putting on of
the boat. .
Of the 1128 patients In the aBylum on
the last day of January, according to the
superintendent's report, 777 were mules
and 351 females. Of the 24 received
during the month, 15 were males and 9
Work is progressing rapidly on Mays
& Crowe's new warehouse ; and since
the rustic is nearly all on, some idea can
be had of its uppearunco when com
pleted, It iB a large two-story structure,
unci by tilling up the vacant lot, addB to
the appearance of thut part of town.
Miss Ethel Clarke of Ilartlund is in
the city ut present undergoing treutment
for heart failure. Her condition is very
critical, und while her physicians huve
hopes of her recovery, at the same time
they suy alio may pass awuy ut any mo
ment. '
Work on the excavation for tho foun
dation of tho now addition to the
Wasco warehouse is almost finished, and
material for tho new structure, in tho
wav of brick, stono and sand, is being
haulcdjj It wilnie but a short time un
til the creditable structure will bo com
pleted. Joseph Frizvudl has decided to sell at
public auction the Gillium county sheep
belonging to tho John Mormmt estate.
There are about 1600 sheep, 800 or 900
ewes und the rest yearlings. Mormun
is the man w1k died !n Tho Dalles about
a month ago from tho excessive use of
alcoholic drinks.
The work of removing and straighten
ing tho track along Front street at tho
eastern approach to tho bridge ii com
pleted, and u liner piece of work could
not be found anywhere. Tho truck on
tho trestle running to the roundhouse
has been moved also, bo thut everything
Ih ready to begin work on the 0. R. & N.
A special dispatch to the Portland
Tribune vesterday from Washington
says : "Secretary Bliss hue affirmed tho
land office decision on tho application
of tho state of Oregon for a .10-aero tract
of land in Tho Dalles district, previously
rejected on tho grounds that the state
luid alreadv received indemnity tor
school lauds lost In its place.''
A suit by K. B. AIcFarlund, of Port-
and, against Davldge Co., of ban
Fruncisco.ownors of the stoamer Bristol,
for 21.000 duuuigoB, was begun Tuesday
in tho district court. It is claimed that
tho BrUtol abandoned tho Eugene on
the high soiiB in violation of a contract
to tow the hitter to St. Michaels. As
Mr. McFarland was formerly a Dalles
man, many of our towiiBpeoplo win iooi
iutoreatou in tins case
Arransemeiits for tho football gnmo to
enlavod in tLls'clty on Jebruary vm,
kA'aaiilnutnn'a blrthdav. between the
Willamette and the Dalles teams, are
tbelnaraade. In a few days tickets will
(be on sale, and if a sufficient number of
tickets can be sold to guarantee expenses
ftthe game will come off; otherwise It will
lie given up. We hope our townspeople
will ho liberal in their patronage bo
that the game will come off according
o arrangementB.
All The Dalles implement dealers are
getting in large consignments of farm
implements for the spring trade, and as
there Ib plenty of competition in (his
city, the prices for the same will bo as
low as could be desired.
Parties coming from Sherman county
nud points Boutli of here say that the
roads are much better than they are in
the vicinity of The Dalles, which goes to
prove that we have hud much more rain
hero than in places further in the inter
ior. About a week ago the frost thawed
out of the ground in Sherman county,
und plowing l as commenced. An enor
mous wheat crop will be put in, both in
Sherman and Wasco counties, this
ClimiK lu tliu O. K. & N. Time.
Next Sunday, February 13th, a change
in the time card of tho O. R. it N. train
will go into effect by which the train
from Portland for Huntington will leave
at 8 o'clock p. m.. iiistead of 9 o'clock,
as now, and the train from Spokane will
nrrive nt 10 :15 n. m., instead of 12:00,
us now. The train leaving Portland an
hour earlier for Huntington will arrive
there but halt nn hour curlier than now,
thus allowing half an more time to run
the 400 miles. Tho train arriving from
Spokane two hours and thirty-live min
utes earlier than now will leave Spo
kune but two hours and fifteen minutes
earlier, thus shortening by twenty min
utes that run of 440 miles, and arriving
in The Dalles ut 0:33. There will be no
change in the time of tho west-bound
train from Huntington, nud the east
bound for Spoknne remains unchanged.
The changes aro made to accomodate
tho Great Northern's new schedule at
Spokane, and to permit the Oregon
Short Line to accomodate itself to the
new time of its Eastern connections.
The exact timo curd for The Dalles
will be published in a fow days.
The Ofllcer Will Therefore
Kmpty-f landed.
Tim Model ii U'liy
Commends Itself to the well-informed,
to do pleasantly and effectually what
formaly done in UiO crudest manner and
disagreeably us well. To demise the
system and break up colds, headaches,
and fevers without uu pleasant after ef
foots, use the delightful liquid laxative
remedy, Syrup of Figs. Made by Cull
fornta Fig Syrup Co.
(1, A. It. KiicuiUiiielit.
There will bo a meeting of the joint
executive committee ou Saturday even
lug next ut the G. A, It. hall, Schanuo's
building, comer Second and Court, at 7
o'clock. Each and every member of
said committeo from G. A. It. Post, D.
O. & A. O. and W. It. C. is requested to
be present without further notice.
J. W. I.Kwis, Chairman.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers,
The famou little plllt,
HOT WATER in Ten Minutes..
Do You
Catch On?
No more cold ovens.
Plontv of hot water,
and a great fuel saver.
Have one put in your
stove by
We have strictly J'lrst-Clas's
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To "be sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
Phone 25.
Six u y d
J. T. Peters & Co.
The telegraphic announcement of the
discharge at Vancouver, B. C, of A. Ii.
Ockeruian, late secretary of the Portland
lodge of Elks, wanted therein connection
with some shortage in his accounts with
the lodge, was received in that city by a
majority of the members of the lodge
with feelings hot unmingled with satis
fuction. Mr. Ocker man, the dispatch
said, secured his release on a habeas
corpus proceeding, and Constable Con
nor, the officious prosecutor in the
premises, will tfierefore be compelled to
return empty-handed.
Constable Conor did not cause the ar
rest of Ockerman entirely with the con
sent of Portland lodge of Elks, and now
that it developee that he has been
on u wila-goose ctiase tne question
arises as tq where the expenses incurred
on his trip will Come from.
While some were anxious to have
Ockerman brought hack to the end that
he might be made to suffer for the
wrong he has done to the lodge, many
were opposed to it on the ground that
little would be accomplished thereby.
It would not bring back the money he is
said to have embezzled, nor perhaps
would a term of imprisonment in the
event he is convicted udd greatly to hi
The fact that by his wrongdoing he
has ostracised himself from the society J"f,eslie Butler was among the passen
E. E. Lytle went to Portland today.
Clyde T. Bonney came up from Hood
River last evening.
A. W. Cooper came in from his home
at Goldendale yesterday.
Jos. T. Peters returned from a busi
ness trip to Portland last night.
Pauline Drews left for Portland this
morning, to visit friends in thaj. city.
Attorney N. B. Brooks of Goldendale
is in the city today on matters of nusi
ntss. Mi'ss Besse Lang returned last night,
after a week's visit with friendB in Port
land. Miss Temple of Dufur is in the city
attending the teachers' quarterly exam
ination. Mr. Allaway, of the D. P. & A. N. Co.,
who has been in Portland on business,
returned home last night.
Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Plummer of Mis
soula are in the city visiting Mrs. Plum
mer's parents, Mr." and Mrs. Rowland,
of this city.
Mrs. Wm. Mansfield returned last
night from Eugene, where she has been
visiting relatives aud friends for about
three weeks.
William Floyd of o-Milo and Ins
daughter, Mrs. Stacy Shown, of Seattle
arrived from Seattle lust night. Mrs.
Shown will visit her parents here for a
short time.
J. P. O'Brien. Messrs. Campbell,
Watt and Rowland, otlicials of the O. R.
N. Co., are in the city today transact
ing business for that company and look
ing over the road
During January and Feb-
1 1 i
ruary we win give to every
person buying' One Dollar s
worth of goods at our store a
chance on a Sixty-Dollar
to Portland on the morning
1 ti - i i i. i .. I
punishment tbaa a reiurn io una p uce
time before returning to bkaguay.
of every Elk in the land is by many gers going
deemed more of a
term in jail. However, the greatest
sufferers through his conviction, if that
were possible, which is doubted, owing
to the fact thut none of the records con
taining the eecretB of the order could be
introduced in evidence, would be his
family, who thereby would be deprived
of all source of support. What further
steps, If any, will be taken to return
Ockorman to Portland is not known,
as members of tho lodge are very un
communicative and refuse to discuss the
A special received yesterday from Gua
temala stated that President Barrios had
been seized and ussassinuted. Quiet
prevails at preeent.
The Spanish government has been in
formed that if the minister, l)e Lome, is
not recalled ut once, he will bo told to go
ou account of his criticism ot the presi
dent. Leutgert, the Chicago suueage-maker
who has been on trial for the murder of
his wife, has been found guilty a second
time, und sentenced to life imprison
ment. A six-hour battle between 2000 college
students und forty Chicago policemen
took place Tuesday afternoon. It was
brought on by the police attempting to
etop the college students from having a
snowball fight. Several police and stu
dents were severely injured.
Try Schilling' lictt tea aud baking powder
Teacher' Exitiiiiiiatlon.
Notice is hereby given that for the
purpose of making an examination of ull
persons who may oiler themselves as
candidates for teachers of the schools of
this county, the county school superin
tendent thereof will hold a public exam
ination ut the courthouee in The Dalles,
beginning Wednesday, February 9, 1898,
at 1 p. in.
Dated this 31st day of Jan., 1898.
C. L. Gu.iiKiiT, School Supt.,
Wasco County, Oregon.
A VA1.L.
The Wasco County Republican Cen
tral Committee will meet at the court
house in The Dalles, Saturduy, Feb, 19,
1898, at 2 p. ni., for the purpose of issu
ing a cull, appointing delegates, and
making all necessary arrangements for
holding tho primaries and Republican
county convention. A full attendance
is desired. J. M. Pattehson,
Februury 8, 189S. Chairman.
Came to my place Janvary 2Ud, a dark
bay mare, about 15 hands high, white
spot in face, ono white hind foot ; brand
ed A on left shoulder; shocon left front
foot. Owner can have same by paying
all charges. ' J. T. Reynolds,
feb4-lm Tho Dalles, Or.
To Cure a Void iu Out Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
they fail to cure. 25c,
Which was manufactured
by the Michigan Stove Co.
Drawing to como oil tho 2bth
day of February, 189S.
The Late&t Bsav
Novelties in
I. C. Nickelsen
Book St musie Company.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
Cure File, Scalds, liurn.