i il i. -si 24 The Dalles Daily Chronicle, The only Republican Daily Newtpapet on tratco uountu. EASTERN OFFICE 230 to 234 Temple Court, N. Y. City. E. KATX, Agent Weekly Clubbing Unte. Chroniclo anil Oregoniim Chronicle nnd Examiner Chronicle and Inter Ocenn Chronicle nnd Tribune Chronicle nnd N. Y. World . .$2 25 . . 2 25 .. 1.85 . 1 75 .. 2 00 THURSDAY - FEBRUARY" 10, 1S9S THE PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS President McKinley's address to the national conference of manufact itrcrs is a most notable one. It is highly significant that ho should have chosen for his topic not the import ance of protecting home industries, or the btiildinc up of manufacturing interests, or the restoration of our merchant marine, or any other husi ness interest in which such a bod' of men are practically concerned. Al he said about the tariff, the return of prosperity and the aid which the government can give to business was by way of introduction to the one great thought of the address which was the putting of our cur rency upon a safe basis. The president has been accused by Ins enemies of having 011I3" half hearted interest in currency reform. These accusations, we have stcadil believed, do him a great injustice If any proof were wanted of this, his address of last week furnishes it IJothing could be more frank, more courageous and more emphatic than his treatment of this great pending question. The tariff having been settled according to the St. Louis platform, he deemed it an obligation which the party in power must sa credly fulfill to remove the dangers threatening our monetary standard and the financial honor of our gov ernment. "Nothing," he declares nnd it seems as though he must have had in mind the pending Teller reso lution in the senate "should ever tempt us, nothing ever will tempt us to scale down the sacred debt of the notion through a legal technical ity." We must pay our national debt in the money that is best throughout the world. This is the answer, and the only proper answer, to give to such men as Senator Chandler, Senator Lind say and benator (jray, who so strangely joined with Senator Teller and others to betray the cause to which they were understood to be committed, Unit the government of the United States may not pay any of its obligations in any money, metal or paper, that is not as good as gold. The president says that it is the plain duty of those placed in au thority by the vote of more than seven millions of people to remove all doubt as to the stability and in tegrity of our currency and the in violability of our obligations of every kind. He admits the difficulties which confront currency reform. They are so formidable as to discourage many; but he calls upon its friends to do battle 111 no half-hearted way. It would be weak and foolish to at tempt nothing because of "the popular strength which present fallacies seem to have. It is better to make a no ble fight and fail than to surrender without striking a blow. He de clares that we must insist upon a settlement of this question now, and that it is not enough for citi.ens simply to say they are in favor of sound money; they must do some thing to prove their sincerity of pur pose. This is a rallying cry which ought to be beard far and near. 11 comes from the head our government, upon whose shoulders rests a great respon sibility. It is not bis fight alone, but the fight of all those who worked so bard in 189G to avert what they be lieved to be an impending national calamity. Their work was not com pleted when the result of tho elec tions was announced. It must still go on. If it can be pressed to a successful conclusion before the next presidential election wc shall have a most disturbing nnd demoralizing question eliminated from the next canvass. Secretary Gage is a stanch, con sistent, powerful advocate of found money, and his speech in Philadel phia last week was as notable as that of the president himself in New York. These voices arc strong voices that reach to the utmost limits of the nation, and the serious note in both addresses claims the attention of even' citizen who would save his country from financial peril. "Wc trust that in coming weeks, while the battle is being fought, in Washington, the inllucncc of nn aroused nation will be felt in the capital, and the senate, which, ac cording to Senator Aldrich, has be come noted for its "financial eccen tricities," may be induced not to rejest what the house shall pass. New York Independent. Huoklen'o Arnica naive. The best salve in the world for cure, bruiEea, sores, ulcera, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblnine, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cuiea piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For eale by Blakeley and Houghton, drueniste. Your .Lnst Chance. All negatives now in niy possession made by Mr. Houghton or' l3. C. Herrin prior to Jnn. 1, 1S95. will bo destroyed. If ou wish to duplicate prints, orders must be placed before March 1st. Gifkokd, Photo. Artist, felil-lm Chapman Block. The cigars manufactured by S. F. f4uts are all high grade goods, nnd are placed before the smoking public en tirely 011 their merits. FREE. FREE. -We Will Give Subscribers To All and Persons subscribing and paying up in ad vance for the Weekly GhpdDiele ymaiac . Encyclopedia II (S mil Answer Any Question You nlay Ask It Standard American & Annual. PRICE CENTS Ready Jan. , 1898, On All News Stands. Larger, Better, More Complete Than Ever. Tbi most w'dtly sold Annual Ritr PU4 Booh ami Political Manual fiubtitbtd. THE WORLD, Pulitzer Building, New York. A Copy of Ik World EwyclopeSla CATARRH It Is quickly Absorbed. ESL-'S'wjp U1VC3 ueucr nionco. vvSVl' It opens nml cleanses rT the NViI l-assages. COLD 'to H E A D Allavs Inflammation. vWUU '1 HbHU Duals and 1'roteeta tho Membrane. Kestores tho Senses of Tn-to and Smell. Full SIxo 50c ; Trial BIio '0c. : at Dmcirlsta or by mall. KI.VB1U)THKKS,M Wamu Street, New York. Taking the JVI c d i e i n c . You get good results from taking your medicine if the prescription is properly tilled. Yon want 1' the good you can poasiblv get from the lemedy. You raut the filling to be properly done. We give it the most careful attention. RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Second Street, THE DALLES, j-loliday Improuemepts. ouwant naper which makes vonr holiday eniovment creator. You want paper which niakw; your home pleasanler'atjall times. You need such shades and designs as will k'ivu more beauty and more comfort in your home. We show you styles that exceed any ever seen here at prices never attempted for such quality. D. W. VATTSE, Third St. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GE.NEUAM1ANKI.NG BOfllNEB Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and varioue points in Oregon and Washington. Collections wale at all points on fav orable terms. ..GflflS. F-W" fiutehens and FoPmefs ..Exchange.. KeeiiN on draught tho celebrated C01.UJ1J1IA HKKIt, acknowl edged the beit beer In The Dalles, at the utiual price. Come In, try it and be convinced. Alto the Fluent brand ol Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Sanduiiehes o( all Kiuds always on band. Ask your Druggist for a generous 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cream Balm contains no cocaine, mercury nor any other Injurious drug. mm 1 81: WfFKI YlNTFR np.FAN ! 5Jl LARGEST ClftCULATION OF ANY It is radically Republican, advocating the cardinal doctrines of that party with ability and carncstncssi.'t.tf..,.. THE WEEKLY INTER THE NEWS AND BEST It Is Morally Clean and as a The Literature of Its columns Is equal to that oi the best maga zines. It Is In teres ting to tho chil dren as well ns the parents T 'HE INT ER OCEAN is and while it brings THE WORLD and discussions of all questions of the day, it is in full sympathy J with the ideas and aspirations of Wesferh people and discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint..... e !i nn-DBinc nuc nm THE DAILY AHD SUNDAY EDITIONS OF THE INTER OCEAN ARE BEST OF THEIR KIND. yi.B rrl:..iir.Siiiiilnv"livmiiii'.'.'.'.."."!".'.. !J im lr your TT " l..t ! .....1 U.....1.... I... .....II ifelt flit .. Wholesale. UUines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED. ANHEUSER HOP GOLD Anheuser-Btisch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic beverage, tmequaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. Grandall DEALERS IN fill kinds of UNDEE TAKERS tP EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplies PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. has '7 vp- TT T aS 'tyz 7UI. Z. DONNELL, PfESCftfPTIOri DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., Subscribe for The Chtfoinele POLITICAL PAPER IN THE WEST J ..MBut it can always be tclled on J for fair and honest reports of all pc- lltical movements. ,tf OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL CURRENT LITERATURE Family Paper Is Without a Peer. ) a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, to the family THE NEWS OF eives its readers the best and ablest i in dfr YPM-Cf.nn - BUSCH and BEER and In bottles & Barget flobes, Burial Shoes, Etc. the best Dress Goods tlie keSt Slloes 111 has- everything to be found in a first-class Dry Goods Store. C. F. STEPHENS. AND PERFUMERY. THE DALLES, Oil Regulator Line The Dalles, Portland anil Astoria Navigation Oo.' Sire. in ap I il FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE iii:twi:i:n Tliuldilli'H, HimmI Ulvr, Cit'cmlo l.(K!kH mill Tort land dully, "ih" Kuniliiy. DOWN THE VALIEY Aro you going on to EASTERN OREGON? If pi), unvi! iiioiioy nml enjoy n tieautlfiil trip on .1... ,..,. .... I'fm tviM.t.tiiiillllt Irnlii irrlir..u ... IHC (.luiiiui'i'ii " .-..... ....... iitiuiniu Tlio Dulles In iiiniiln tlnii1 for niHciiKurN In tiiko ti... .irrl.'liti. In liiirtlimil In Hum f.. II... nil' niiiinivii iiiii.ii rt.. ""... tiiu iiiitunlliL' Hiiutliern nnd Nuttliurii truliix; KmU ..u ..r. liM.lt, III Till. I1.IM..U I.. II..... IJ1II1III! Iimi-1IKVI""I.M v rinn,i IN null; to tiiku tin' Kiiit'liolliiil train. Kor further Information "IU'ly to J. N. 1IAKNEV, AKcnt, l lilt tjirint hock, roriiuiiii. wrvKoii, ()r W ('. A1.I.AWAY. (ii'll. ARt Tho Dulles, Ura'un Drugs Paints Oils Wall Paper Window Glass Sflipes-'imly Drag Co. 129 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. HI. Q-L IE ZKTHSr. J. H. BCIIKNK, l'retliK-nt. II. M. IlKAl. , Cinliler Best National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A Uenural Huuking Business trunsucied uepoatia rucoiveil, subject to Hiylil Draft or fllmnk. Collections mode nnd jirocoods promptly rumitted on dav of collection. 8lht and Telegraphic KxcUaugo sold on wew xorK, Ban rancleco anc Port land. niwwnTnwft D. P. Thompbon. Jno, 8. Buhkmok. Ed. M. Wilmamh, Gio. A. Likhk. U, M. UK A Mi. Harry Liebe, ' PRACTICAL. Watchmaker Jeweler & Dalles City All work tiromptly atUadarl to, ud wwrrantad. 174 VOGT BLOCK