The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 09, 1898, Image 3

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Art Yonr Corsets Filtel Correctly?
HQT WATER in Ten Minutes.,
r II till X mm n
- -
& I
r v v
Fronch Fashion makers say, economize if you will in tho matter
of fabrics for your gowns, but buy a good Corset, for therein exists
tho secret of an ideal figure.
of America's leading
2' diMerent styles of
supply the wants ol
The DallesDaily Chronicle.
V B DN 1 DA Y "-1-E liuuXiTToTlHoi
Weather Tonight and Thursday,
Use Clarke & Fulk's Floral Lotion for
chapped ImmlH und rough skin. lm
Dulles Tent, Knights of tho MueoubeeF.
will meet tills evening in their hull ut 8
Try our one pound squares "Queen
llruud" butttir, ut Dulles Commission &
Grocery Co.
Cliirku & FuIU'b Rosofuam tooth wubIi
19 tho buat to keep tho tenth nnd iruma
clean nnd healthy. iMm
Smoke thu popular brands, Prize Mod
al, Rose (lawn und Guarantee,. For
sule by nil iirat-cluaa dealers.
When you huh u good thing puhIi it
nloiiL-. Therefore null for thu Prize
Medal und Rose Queen cigura.
The bunt Hpeuilie for dundrull'und to
uruveut buldnoaa ia Clarke & Fulk'a
compound tiiin no hulr tunic. lMin
Kliuriff Driver held tho lucky number
for the diamond rin which wuh rallied
lan night by Tom Kelly. Thu winning
nu mbor wuh
The cigars nmnufiictured by S. F.
FouIh uru till high grade goods, und are
placed liuforo tlie amoklng public en
tirely on tlielr murita.
Yesterday u cnrloud of aplondid beef
cattle urrived from up tho road. They
wore for Wood Urothera of this city, und
will lm used to aupply meat for their
There ia no need of little children bo
inn tortured by aculd head, oc.unia und
Bkln eruptions. DoWitt'a Witeh Hazel
Salvo glvea iuatunt relief und curea per
manently. Snipea-Kineraly Drug Co.
The largest aheep anlo of thlB yenr was
made Monday ut lloppuor. James lfu
Ber eold to Murahall & Fnrniati of Pen
dleton !!000 yearling wothura at $! per
liead, to bo dulivored ubout March 10th.
Tho quarterly examination of tonchora
began thia afternoon in thu county
courtroom, undor tho auporviaiou of
Superintendent Gilbert, assisted by
Professor Oavin. Thoro tiro ton appli
cants for certillcatea,
A meeting of those who are to take
part in tho club minatrol performance
will bo held in tho hall over Brown's
Rrocory atoro tonight ut the uaual lime.
Everyone interested in tho eamo should
bo present, as parts will bo aligned.
A few days ugo Frank Hill broke all
the prevlona records on tho Moody alloy
by making u acoro of 78. This is high
'oiling, and Mr. Hill's score lucks but
'wo points of tying that of Mr. Bonn,
who holds tho record for The Dalles with
ecore of 80.
A now time-card will go into effect on
tl" 0. U. k N. next Sunday. At pres
"t it is not definitely settled s to the
ect changes, but the only one of im
portance will be wade in the Portland
"preis, which panes through The
1 -.BV I J
Special Display.
Corset V. P. Having aoVlcd
this celebrated Corset, we are in f
our customers.
Important to
. We ai'e exceedingly fortunate in securing for one
week the services of an expert Corset Fitter,
...Viss P. Appier...
of New York, who will be at your service at this store,
fllonday, February 14th,
to explain-the advantages of a Correctly Fitted
Corset.. During Miss Keppler's stay we will make a
special display of La Vida and W. B. models in ex
quisite silks and satin materials.
Dulles ut it :20 ut present. After Sunday
it will leuve The Dulles ut ubout 6:35.
The remains of Mrs. Ann Butler will
bo taken to Ottawu, Kuiisuh, tonight,
and will be interred with the remuina of
tier liUKhund and other relatives, in tho
eemetery near thut place. Her grand
aon, Truman Butier, will nccoui puny tbe
remuina East.
Mr. Leslie Butler arrived in this city
luat night to view the remuina of his
mother before they are aent East. He
will return to Portland tomorrow and
will Bail lor liifi home in Skuguuy In u
abort time. He says Skuguuy ia u live
ly, ua well ua u tough pluce.
Workmen are busily engaged today
putting in new hot water tunks nnd tuba
in the Parkins barber shop. A M.rb1- I
Ion tank is being put in to take the place ,
of tho old one which wua too au.ull, and
the new tubs will soon be in place bo as
toaiccouimodate the numerous patrons.
W.Mt.viNd : Persona who suller from j
coughs and colds should heed tho warn- J of the usual line the team became friglit
inga of dunger and Have themselves suf-, oneil and cramped the wagon in audi a
fering and fatal using One I manner aa to break the tongue. Mr.
Minute Cough Cure. Jt is an infallible ' Archer got the frightened team turned
remedy for coughs, colds, croup and all . towards the stable, but the broken
throat und lung troubles. Snipes-Kin-J tongue kept Btriking them and they bu
ersly Drug Co. came unmamigeablo and ran towards
Yeuterduv while the bovf were plav I U barn at a rapid rate. The wajron
inK during' recess at the public school, i stopped with such force when it came
J.CHtur, the boh of J. M. Muicbie, ! against the side of the stable that Mr.
wrenched his ankle, severely apraining J Archer wus thrown from his seat but
it. Tho injury la very painful, but ua , fortunately did 'not receive any eerions
no bones are broken, it. is hoped the i Injuries. The wagon was badly damaged
little follow will
abort time.
bo around again in a
On tho afternoon of February 21st the
students of different departments of tho
public schools will gather in a body at
the high school and march to the Vogt
opera house, whore they will celebrate
the anniversary of Washington's birth.
The entertainment will bo public, but
owinif to tho lurne number of school i
children who will bo preeont,
bo but little room for guests.
thoro Will '
A roport wua brought to nncouver
Mnnduv niirht bv Cliurlea Hunt of a so
riouB accident to' Dan Hud", a 14-year-old
son of Thomas Hull' of Cedar Creek.
Young Hull' was hunting near his homo
ubout 5 p. m. He attempted to Bhoot
Home birds, when his double-barreled
shotgun, loaded with buckshot, explod
ed. Several shot entered tho left side
of hia body below the heart, inflicting an
ugly wound,
Ilia hand aud wrist were'
Mr. Fouts, the enterprising cigar
maker of ttiis place, has been lorced,
on account of tho rush of orders
for his cigars, to put on an extra man
to supply the largo dumund for Mb
goods, which nro equal to unv cigars in
tho city of the same cost. Since Mr.
Fouts has boon in the city he has built
up a very good business, aud as he is an
honest ui.d enterprising young tuou, it
will certainly incrouse in future as it has
during tho short time lie has been in
business here.
Thomas Brown, who has thecontroct
for building the new salmon hatchery on
the Salmon river, was in Oregon City
to our stock
a position to
Monduy for supplies. He reported that
the dame have all been put in, und work
on the new butchery building ia uivder
wuy. Ttie old hatchery, with a capacity
of 750,000 eggs, will be used until the
new building ia completed. The spawn
ing season will not commence for about
two weeks. Only a few salmon are run
ning in the Salmon river now. The new
building will be 24x60 feet, with a ca
pacity of 8,000,000 eggs.
All KuKt-Kml Kuiiiiuay.
A lively runaway, und one in which
considerable damage might have been
done, occurred in ttie Past End thiB
morning. Mr. Archer, proprietor of the
livery Btable in that part of town, start
ed ahortlv after 7 o'clock to deliver a
teum ftnd ,,a(.k t0 B mrtv who waB goini;
tQ th(J country ,le wu'8 drivil)l, down
geeond etreet wuen tje team gRW U)e
od flro eI)Kinu Btandinp do8e bV( where
-t hail uged tQ pump Qut R c.6tm)i
and us it appeared to be something out
und Mr. Archer wus covered with a coat
ing of mud nnd expressing feeliugs of in
diguatlon at those who were careless
enough to huvu the engine stand in that
particular placo over night.
Ktlltlt'Viiut-t. John WeiMlug.
A quiet wedding occurred ut tho resi
dence of Mr. St. John, on Fourth stieet,
thiB morning, tho contracting parties
I I . . M OA. 1 i t U i 1 .. .1
utll, inr' r otwrucvttui ui lurumiu
and Mips Etnuia St. Johu of thia city.
IftuT f II Vrnnrl nMlntofpfl unrl tin nrut
exeept meinberfl of tho family
Mr. fsturdevant, who is now manager
of tho Pacific Gum Co. of Portlund, wus
formerly a resident of this city, und baa
numerous friends hero; while Miss St.
John, during a residence of but a full
years in Thu Dullee, has gained a host
of friends, whoso best wishes follow her.
Tin. iiniL'K'.ivnrMftil i-nnntn oft tin thn
q.jjo train this morning for Portland,
whore they will make their future
homo. Tim CmtoNioLK wishes them
the full measure of health, wealth, and
Tho Modem Wuy
Commends itself to the well-informed,
to do pleasantly and offectuully what
formuly done in the crudest manner and
disagreeably as well. To cleanse the
system and break up colds, headaches,
and fevers without uupleasant after ef
fects, use the delightful liquid laxative
remedy, Syrup of Figs. Made, by Call
fotnia Fig Syrup Co.
DeWitt'a Little Early Risers,
The taaioiit little pllU.
1" I I
IXXe Cordially
every lady to
come and view
this exhibit at
this store.
Children Id I'olltlcs.
Ewtok Chronicle :
It was a fine body of men who assem.
bled in Portland the first of the month
during the state meeting of Republican
clubs. To watch these men as they
passed from the businees thoroughfares
to the assembly hall one could not but
express ttie belief that Oregon was safe
so long as these, her representative bus
iness men, took upon themselves the re
sponsibility of political activity.
It is a matter ol special felicitation
that the sturdy manhood of the state has
bestirred itself to participate in political
affairs at this time, as there are interests
concerned In the June election that
reach into the homes of all the people of
the state.
Try as we may to convince ourselves
that only those individuals are con
cerned in politics who are specified in
the constitution of Oregon na legal vot
ers, we are obliged to confess that this
year all the children of Oregon will be
at Astoria at the Republican state
nominating convention, and school
ma'ams by the hundred figuratively
speakiug to be eure, hut nevertheless
"The teachers have been parahzed,"
declared a young woman recently dis
cussing the condition of the state educa
tional department. fatrons aud in
structors cry out against the present
condition of affaire with a Macedonian
crv that should be heeded. The public
schools of tho county are the bulwark of
nation, and it should be the first duty of
the citizens of the commonwealth to see
that the best, the tried, the proven reliable
material is called forth to guide in the
shaping and placing of the construction
In 6electiug a candidate for the office
of state superintendent of the public in
struction there is no necessity for seek
ing out the one distinguished for splen
dor of attitude aud dazzling speech.
There is a time for all things, the good
book says, nnd this is a most inviting
time for the recognition of the three
homely graces, Common Sense, Prac
tical Knowledge,and Industry. Tho largo
attendance of practical business men
upon the-state league convention gives
hope thut these three homely graces will
find favor among the delegates to the
state nominating convention, thereby
aiming the educational people of the
state aud tho friends of public school
education that a wise selection will bo
made for the department of education.
There are munv ways in which thu
people of the stuto may become acquaint
ed with tho men engaged in educational
work. Occasionally there is u man who
is a part of the very geography of the
state through bis work as a state insti
tute instructor. Such a man is J. II.
Ackerman, principal of the Harrison
street school in Portland. County su
perintendents seek his aid at these in
stitutes, because of his varied experience
which covers primary, grammar and
high school, and as county superintend
ent of Multnomah county for years, all
Wo have strictly First-Class
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
Phone 25. J. T. Peters & Co.
phases ot school work.
So thoroughly equipped a school man
would be most valuable to the public if
rnent, and it is the earnest hope of the
school people of the state that he may
be the choice of the Republican state
convention. A Teacher.
Tux Levy.
The following is the tax levy for the
different school districts of Wasco county
for 1898:
No. 3 Hood River 8 millB
No. 29 Dufur 2K mills
No. 21 Boyd 5 mills
No. 42 Wamic 5 mills
No. 50 Antelope 8 mills
No. 12 The Dalles 7K mills
No. 54 2 mills
No. 01 5 mills
No. 7 6 mills
No. G 10 mills
No. 4 5 mills
No. 33 '. 5 mills
No. 5G 0 mills
No. 2 7 mills
No. 14 2 mills
No. 13 8 mills
No. 11 3 mills
No. 5S ' 10 mills
No. 1(5 2 mills
No. 34 1 mill
No. o 5 mills
No. 8 5 mills
The Wasco County Republican Cen
tral Committee will meet ut the court
house in The Dalles, Saturday, Feb. 19,
1S98, at 2 p. m., for tho purpose of issu
ing a call, appointing delegates, aud
making all necessary arrangements for
holding the primaries and Republican
county convention. A full attendance
is desired. J. M. P.vrn:itsoN,
February 8, 1898. Chairman.
You can't afford to risk your life M-
allowing a cold to develop into pneumo
nia or consumption. Instant relief and
a certain cure are afforded by One Min
ute Cougli Cure. Snipes-Kinersiy Drug
Teitclier' Kxuiuliiatloii.
Notice is hereby given that for tho
purpose of making an examination of all
persons who may offer themselves as
candidates for teachers of the schools of
this county, the county school superin
tendent thereof will hold a public exam
ination at the courthouse in The Dulles,
beginning Wednesday, February 9, 1898,
ut 1 p. in,
Dated this 31st day ot Jan., Ib'JS.
C. L. Gimiekt, School Supt.,
Wasco County, Oregon.
J. M. Thirswend, of Grosbeck, Texas,
suys that when he has a spell of indi
gestion, and feels bad ami sluggish, he
takes two of DeWitt's Little Early Ris
ers at night, and he is all right, tho next
morning. Many thousands of others do
the same thing. Do you? Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co.
To Cure a Cola In Oue Iluy.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
they fail to cure. 25c,
Everybody reads The Chkoniolk,
One Minute Cough Cure, cures
That U what It was made for.
No more cold ovens.
Plenty of hot water,
and a great fuel saver.
Have one put in your
.stove by
During January and Feb
ruary we will give to every
person buying One Dollar's
worth of goods at our-store a
chance on a Sixty-Dollar
"Which was manufactured
by the Michigan Stovo Co.
Drawing to come oil' the 28th
day of February, 189S.
The Latest-asHs&-
Novelties in
I. C. Nickelsen .
fiook St Olusie Company.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
Cure Pile, Scalds, Hum.
P limn