The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 08, 1898, Image 3

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Art Yonr Corsets Find Cimttltf
Kronch Fashion makers say, economize if you will in the matter
of fabrics for your gowns, but buy a good Corset, for therein exists
tho secret of an ideal figure.
Speeial Display
of America's leading Corset "W. P. Having added to our slock
2'1 did'erent styles of this celebrated Corset, we are in a position to
supply the wants of our customers.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
WeatherTonight und Wednesday,
Try our one pound squares "Queen
llrand" l)iittr. at Dulles CominiBBion &
Grocery Co.
Smoke the popular brand!, Prize Med
al, Kobe Queen and Guarantee,. Tor
ealu by ull Urst-class dealers.
When you see a good thine push it
along. Therefore cull for the Prize
Medal and Kobe Queen cigars.
The cigars miinufuctured by S. 1".
Fouts are all high grade goods, nnd are
placed before the mnokiiig public en
tirely on their inerite.
Tho highest price yet paid a Yakima
Btockowner for Hheep was given James
Wright last week. lie sold two cars for
Tuuoma shipment, receiving ?5.1LM.. a
Mrp. Smith, landlady of the Farmers'
Hotel in this city, intends in the near
future to build an addition to hr hotel,
ns the bmldiui: at present is inadequate
to arcouimodato her many guests.
fW. M, Spencer of Chicago, who we
understand is representing an eastern
symueaio, is in tno city, iie realizes
that the town is in need of a better opera
house, und seems to think it would be a
Bood investment to build one that will
be llrst-cluHB in every respect.
An addition u ill boon bo built on the
Great Northern furniture store, since
the present quarters are uot huge
enough to hold their huge stock of fur
niture. Auother building tho sumo sizo
natho present one, will be constructed,
which will bu sufliciently largo for all
It has been decided by those in charge
that tho Old Folks' concert bo given on
the 21M, instead of the I8U1, as ndver
tlaed. Tho first rehearsal was held last
Saturday eveniug, under tho direction
of Mr. C. J. Crandall, and from, the suc
ceesof the chorus singing that evening,
a treat is in Btore for Dalles people.
f"we understand that tno lumber for a
I now furry, to bo built nt UiIh nlucu. bus
( arrived and tho work of constructing tho
iiTO will soon begin j Tho ono which
In use at present is getting old, and it
la a very wiao niovo on tho part of tho
proprietors of Tho Dallos-Kocklund Ferry
to put on a now boat of superior
About ton Yakima Indians went to
Vancouver some time ago to settle eome
fftttors concerning their Ashing grounds
vvnthU WuB,,,nKton Bide of the river.
While there the soldiers in the garrison
JgMded them ae curiosities, aud treated
"lem with much courtesy. Kach of the
rM tueu received a suit or two of boI
Uiere old clothes, and the capers they
cat around town this morning was a
con. At first they were taken for a
"taohmeut of Indian'pollce. However,
1 10011 halted out as to the cause of
Important to Ladies.
We are exceedingly fortunate in securing for one
week tho services of -an expert Corset Fitter,
...JVIiss P. Kepplet...
of New York, who will be at your service at this store,
fHonday, February 14th,
to explain the advantages of a Correctly Fitted
Corset.. During Miss Keppler's stay we will make a
special display of La Vida and W. 15. models in ex
quisite silks and satin materials.
their appearing in such costumes. All
but one are the happiest men in town,
and ttio unfortunate is George Joe
When ho tot on" the boat last night he I
was arrested by Shoriir Driver and Dep-1
uty Sheriff Young of Walla Walla. It
seems ho iB wanted for some charge at i
that place, and will be taken there as
soon bb tho necessary papers arrive.
Wo could not learn what the charge
against him is.
In Marion county politics is becoming
tho main topic of conversation, and un
usual interest is manifested. The late
meeting of Republican clubB in Port-
land was productive of much good in a ' surrounding our town mineral, agri
polut of harmony. It also gave the ; cuture, stock-raising, real estate aud
politicians a good chance to eum up the
situation at home and abroad. It was
a good meeting, and many who have
heretofore decried the efficiency of tiie
league are now its warmest friends.
Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Stranahan, died at their home in Hood
River Valley, Sunday evening, February
0, 18'JS, aged 11 years. The funeral ser
mon was preached by Rev. Ilines, in the
Valley Christian chinch Tuesday
morning, anil tho remains weiolaidto
rest in the K. of 1'. cemetery. While
playing about a year ago she fell and
hurt her hip and has not been able to
walk since without the aid of a ciutch.
A few days ago an abct'ss formed, and
blood poison followed.cuueing her death.
The recoption committee for tho meet
ing of tint Sheep Growers' Association
was, by mistake, left out when he other
committees were published.' Jhe lol
loiviiiL' is a liet of the meiubers of the
same: J! S Huntington chairman. K Oj
McCov. Robert Mavs, J sScheuek, Wl
H JJigiiB, A S Bennett, W'P Kelchuin,'
11 S Wilson, J W Lewis,A M Kelsay, B ,
F J.aughlin, T J Driver, J B CrobBen, 1) j
M French, T A Hudson W LBradshaw,
n n,.i i.,r v u'iini. i? i niimnu
Geo A Liebe, John Michel!, Frank Sun.
fert M T Nolun.
Mr. Kems, who has the contract for
furnishing tho rock for the jetty ut
Gray's Harbor, came up from Portland
yoHtorilay, accompauieu uy capiain i
Hosford. .Since their arrival they have
purchased tho scow Wasco from Cap
V ., . .til 1.
tain Donovan. mis scow win
taken below in a short time and put into deuth wn8 U8 ,WJnIl,M u8 it wus miox
servico transporlinglrock froin.thoquarry I)CUte(jt
at Fisher's Landing to the jetty. Mr. , gh(J ,eiivua bU tvvo ohnureti , Mrs.
Kerns Is endeavoring to purchase sev-' Lvdoa lnm ol 0gers, Arkansas,
eral other teews in this place for the . ui-(, Mr JjoMa jj,,,, who formory
saiuo purpose, and if ho is successful, re8,dej j T))0 Dalles, but at present
they will be bent below. Mr. Kerns has jmj gkBgttyt
u stujiendous task, as ho has to furnish j Mr lmll3r camQ fr011 SkuBliny to
at least 500,000 tons of rock and proba- j j,ortau, tl few ,iuy8 ug0 on business,
bly as high as a million tons. j a)(, wa8 t0e)10ne(i l0 this morning.
of those who intend taklne
part in tho minstrel performance to be
put on by home talent in this city in
tho near future, wus hold last night. It
was decided that the show should be put
on as soon ns possible and the rehearsals
will commence ot once. Harry lnsdale
was elected general business mauager,
and Grant Mays, treoBiuer. It will be
put on under the management of Frauk
French, Arthur Clarke and John Hurt
nett. This show will be something new
in every regard, consisting of an extrav
aganza and athletic and vaudeville per
formances. Birgteld'a orchestra will
also take part and there is not a shadow
of a doubt but that it will be the best
show of the kind ever put on iu The
With the rapid approach of spring
comes greater activity to the business
life of Huntington. Not for a number
of years, sayB the Huntington Herald,
has there been such promise of prosper
ity. Men and capital are here, examin
ing, investigating, seeking investment
in the rich and varied resources in and
commercial possibilities yes, and rail
way possibilities, as well.
Pease & MayB have an exceptionally
pretty window, fitted out with some
thing that every lady will be interested
in. It consists entirely ot W. IJ. cor
frets. ranging in price from 50 cents to
15, eo that not o:ily ladies of all shapes
and sizes can be suited, but also ladies
in all stations, whether rich or poor. In
a short, time Mies I. Keppler of New
York will lake charge of this de
partment, and as she is a woman of vast
experience in this line, no lady who is
particular about being fitted in wearing
apparel of this nature, can afford to buy
before seeing her.
Deuth of Mr. Ann M. Ittitlcr.
At about 1 o'clock tins morning, Mrs.
Ann M. Rutler, mother of Leslie Butler
litwl nt tin ruuiiliinnit r f Mru M II.
Miller, near 0-Mile.
She was born in Indiana on February
12, 1820, and was consequently 77 years,
'.11 inonttis aim i uays oiu. coming to
thin cltV'abounlJtieen years ago, she
made her homo with her son, Leslie,
and his family, until he left for Skxgtiay,
since wliicii time bite lias nveu wun
(Mm. Miller, near this city. She had
j 'H'cn filing indisposed for several days,
i but last night said she felt better, ate a
j ,)eartv 8UIier alu retlrod nbout 0
0c0Jit At 12 vi0ck she awoke and
8d(, t0 Mr8 MU!er tlmt ei,e fU that
, , , . Bieeninc like an infant. In
u few moments she closed her eyes and
wont to sleep again ; but this sleep was
. f . . . k
. Ho will bo up on the 5:20 tram this
afternoon, and until his arrival nothing
definite can bo said concerning tho in
terment of the remains. But they will,
in all probability, be sent Kast for burial.
But little could bo found out concern
ing tho history of Mrs. Butler's early
life until Mr. Butler arrives.
OBIcu ovci i'lrfct Nat. Bulk.
UXe Cordially
Invite -s
every lady to
come and view
this exhibit at
this store.
A Fatal IMunge Over the Falls at Ore
gon City One Man Escapes
Special to The Ciiko.nicle.J
Ouego.v Citv, Or., Feb. S. About 7 :45
this morning, while a dense fog pre
vailed, George Freeman, aged 50; his
sons, George, jr., aged 20; Harry Free
man, aged 22: James Freeman, aged 10,
and L. I. Shannon, aged 36, who reside
in Canemah on the east side of the Wil
lamette river, started to their work in
the pulp mills on the west side of the
river in a 20-foot row boat, ns has been
their usual custom.
Shortly after leaving tho shore it was
noticed that tho boat was not headed
right and tho men changed seats, allow
ing the boat to drift. No danger was
apprehended until tho boat was on tho
brink of the falls. All managed to hold1
on to the boat while it dropped over the
first falls, a distance of about six leet,"
but only two held on over tho second
drop of thirty feet. The boat was caught
in an-eddyand drifted towards the shoio
near tho Crovwi and Willamette mills on
the west side of the river.
Gib Potter, on his way to work, heard
cries for help and on reaching tho bank
assisted Harry Freeman ashoie. Georgu
Freeman, jr., held on to tho boat until
near the shore, when his brother at
tempted to right the craft, throwing
Georgu off into tho water. Several men
put nut in boats, but tho missing men
could not be found.
Tho river is about 2,000 feet wide
where tho men rowed across, At tho
ordinary head of water the current ifl
about eight miles; the river having
risen rapidly the last few days, tho cur
rent now Is running about twenty-five
miles. Owing to tho increased current
mid no landmarks being in sight, thu
men lost their bearings.
Thirteen months ago George Freoman,
sr., K, W. Midlam, and II. Freemnn, thu
man who escaped, were caught In a
dense fog while crossing the river, bare
ly escaping by hard rowing, coming nut
against the breakwater near the edgo of
the falls, where they held on until as
sistance was rendered. .,
George Freeman, sr., was an Artisan,
and leaves a wife and three children.
L. I. Shannon was a member of the A.
O. U, W. He leaves a wife and four
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
Tht U what It wu Bade lor.
We have strictly First-Class
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood,
To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
Phone 25.
C. F.
All kinds of
The Dalles, Or.
Funeral Supplies
lCcv. W. C. CurtU It08lgii8.
At an adjourned session of tho reiju-
ar annual meeting of Hie Congregation-
til church held last night, Rev. Curtis,
the pastor, tendered his resignation, to
take effect Wednesday, tho 9th inst, or
as soon thereafter as ttio interest of tho
church will permiL) No notice of this
action-ontluTpart of thu pastor having
been given to thu members of tho church
and congregath n, it was decided by
thoeo present to defer action until next
Tuesday evening, when, it is earnestly
hoped, there will bu a full attendance of
all members of the church and also all
regular contributors to tho support of
tho church, who feel an interest in Its
Mr. Curtis lias served as pnstjr cf this
church nearly ten years tho longest
term of any evangelical pastor in the
territory formerly known as tho"Orogon
country," including Oregon, Washing
ton and Idaho. During his residence in
Thu Dalles, Mr. Curtis has niadu many
warm friends, both in and out of the
church, who will seriously regret his de
parture. ItowlliiK Content.
A special bowling contest took placo
last night at thu club rooms between
the club team and a team picked from
other members of tho club. Tho games
wero aa follows:
Club Teiim Picked Team.
229 First Game 189
190 SeeondGamo 189
225 Third Game 2-12
222 Fourth Gainu 19.1
Tho total number of pins mudo by tho
club teuin was 800, while the picked
team scored 8i;t, which gave tho former
the victory by 5U pins.
To Curo u Cola lu Ono Day.
Take Laxative liromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druuglsta refund the money if
they fail to cure, 25c,
Everybody reads Thk Ciiuoniclk.
DeWitt'a Little Early Risers,
The faniuiu little pllli,
in Ten Minutes.
Do You
Catch On?
No more cold ovens.
Plenty of hot water, $
and a great fuel saver.
Have one put in your
stove by
J. T. Peters & Co.
has the best Dress Goods
has the best Shoes
has everything to "be found in a
first-class Dry Goods Store.
Burial Shoes,
, The kindness of our friends has done
much to help us bear the burden placed
upon us by tho deatli of our little daugh
ter, and wo wish to express our grati
tude to them. May such a sorrow never
comu to them.
Mu. and Mus. fl. W. Wklls.
Spray Your Trui-.
All persons having fruit trees which
are infested with San Jose scale are
hereby notified to spray tho Bame with
n solution of lime, sulphur and salt with
in sixty day? after the date of this notice.
Commissioner for thu fourth district.
Tint iH oil Bin Way
Commolids Itself to the well-informed,
to do pleasantly and cll'ectually what
formaly done in the crudest manner and
Idibagreeablv an well. To cleanse tho
system and break up colds, headaches,
and fevei a without unpleasant after ef
fects, uso thu delightful liquid laxative
remedy, Syrup of Figs. Made by Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That la what It wus nuiilo fur.
The Latest naHssa
Novelties in
I. C. Nickelscn
Book St music Company.