The Dalles Daily ChKmiele. The only Republican Daily Netctpapet on Waico Conntv. ASTERS OFFICE 230 to 234 Temple Court, A. Y. Citv. E.JZATZ, Agent. Weekly Clubbing Knte. Chronicle nnd Oregonian ?2 25 Chronicle nnd Examiner 2 '-'5 Chronicle and Inter Ocean 1.85 Chronicle aud Trilmne 1 "5 Chronicle and X. Y. World 2 00 TUESDAY - FEBRUARY S, 1S0S WOOL-GilO WERS COXVEXTIOX. The convention of wcol-growcrs, which meets in The Dalles next mouth, promises to bo the means of drawing attention to the resources of Eastern Oregon as a stock country, as well as to this city as a wool em porium, livery indication points to the success of the meeting. The committee appointed by the Com mercial Club to have charge ot aU arrangements has received assurance from the governors of Washington, Idaho. Montana and Oregon that they will send accredited representa tives, nnd, if possible, attend in per son. Prominent speakers from dif fercnt portions of the Northwest have promised to address the con vention on matters of interest to wool-growers, while the assumed at tendance of stockmen will civc to the meeting the representative char acter desired. The holding of this convention, as well as others of similar nature, is iu Jine with the progressive policy now adopted by the O. R. & X. Co., which is seeking to develope tie ter ritory adjacent to that line. It is a gratifying sign of the progress ot the country when railway corporations are learning that the prosperit of the largest number means increased earnings for them, and the pursuance of this liberal policy will go far to smooth down the antagonism which Las so long existed between the rail roads and the people. It is peculiarly fortunate for all concerned that The Dalles has lieen chosen ;as the place for holding the convention ; fortunate for The Dalles because its citizens will be able to demonstrate to the visitors the re markable advantages possessed by this city as a wool-shipping center, and fortunate for the members at tending because they will come as welcome guests to a city which will receive them with open arms, and which has the means and spirit to entertain them properly. Much good ma3 be made ta result from this wool-growers' meeting, both to our visitors and ourselves, and as citizens we shall use our best en deavors to make this first meeting a notable pattern for those which fol low. To the wool growers of Oregon The Dalles bids an hospitable invi tation, and trusts that everyone who can will come and partake of the welcome prepared. Representative McCullough, the member of the South Carolina legis lature from Greenville, is reported to stand sponsor for an act which throws an amusing side-light upon the new sociological conditions in the Palmetto State. The bill in question, according to the Columbia Register, makes it unlawful for a citizen of South Carolina to wear what is known as a "hip-pocket" in the rear of the trousers, and ailixes a minimum penalty of $100 fine and imprisonment for six months for vio lation of its provisions. Tho object aimed at by this bill brings out one phase of the revolution in thought which distinguishes the new South Carolina of today from the old South Carolina whtsh crumbled to pieces with the triumph of the "Reformers" in 1890. The bill aims to reduce the number of homicides by making the mean more difficult. The politicians are coming to the front, and candidates arc being care fully groomed. ' Among the guber natorial poMibllities mentioned are Governor Lord, who earnestly dc- sires a re-nomination, it is said; Charles W. Fulton of Astoria, T. T. Gccr of Waldo Hills, and Phil Mot sohan, the present state treasurer. Willi these as active contestants, the battle will be a royal one and the issue uncertain; only it is safe to say that Governor Lord will be among the unsuccessful ones. As a candi date before the people his name would not cause the wildest enthusi asm; but. on the contrary, many knives would be sharpened for use. Any of the remaining candidates mentioned would make nn admirable nominee. Evidentlj" Spam does not wish mediation by the United States, as she has refused the offer now the third time. Is it not undigni fied to longer continue the farce: Either this government should de clare to the world that it has no in terest in the Cuban war, and that Spain may butcher as much as she pleases, or else, in the cause of hu inanit', step in and stop it. Our present shilly-shallying course is be coming ridiculous. Bnobien'B Aruio hhIto. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, ores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and al! skin eruptions, and posi tively cui pb piieB, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Blakeley and Houghton, druzcists. Your Last Chance. AH negatives now in nir possession made by Mr. Houghton or D. C. Herrin prior to Jan. 1, 1S05. will be destroyed. If ou wieh to duplicate prints, orders must be placed before March 1st. Giffokd, Photo. Artist, febl-lm Chapman Block. FREE. FREE. G) (9 We Will Give Subscribers To All and Persons subscribing and paying up in ad vance for the Weekly GhFoDiele A Cop' of tut! $ Eicyclopedia 7? Will Answer Any Qiiestion You may Ask It Encyclopedia Standard W; American Annual. PRICE CENTS Ready Jan. 1, 1898, On AH News Stands. Larger, Better, More Complete Than Ever. JTbe most widely sold Animal Reftr tnct Book and Political Manual Published. THE WORLD. Pulitzer Building, New York. Ik World Taking the JVIedieine., You get good results from taking your medicine if tho prescription is properly filled. You want al' the good you can possiblv get from tho remedy. You want the filling to he properly done. We give it the most careful attention. J (a RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 115 Second Street. THE DALLES, JHoliday Improuemepts, You want paper which nwkes your holiday enjoyment greater. You want paper which makes your home plpaeanterjitjall times. You need auch ehadee and designs as will give more beauty nnd more comfort in your home. We show you styles that exceed any ever seen here at prices never attempted for such quality. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. Regulator Line The Dalies, Portlani an! Astoria Navigation Co.' strs. Regulator & Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE EKTVEEN Tlie Dalles, Hood Itlver, Cntcoile Locke and I'urt Imiri dally, c'i' hiindu-. ( DOWN THE YAllEf Are you going OR TO (EASTERN OREGON? If no, save money nnd enjoy a beautiful trip on the Columbia. The weit-bound train arrives at The Dulles In ample time for imssenircrs to take the steamer, arriving in l'ortland In time for the oiitKi'lni; Houtliern aud Northern trains; Kaat. bound jiassentrem arrivliif; in The Ualles in time to take the Kaxt-bouud train. For further information apply to J, is. IIAHNKV, ARent, Oak Street Pock, l'ortland, Oregon, Or V C. AM.AWAY. Cien. Apt., The Dalles. Oregon Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL 1 mm I 1 1 m Watchmakerl Jeweler All work promptly attended to, and warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK Wholesale CUines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED. ANHEUSER HOP GOLD Anheuser-Busch Malt Nu trine, a non-alcoholic beverage, unequaled as a tonic. STUBL1NG & WILLIAMS. rl Aoi-nri Ifll Vi III V I wlVUlimi CJ FURNITURE f CARPETS PRISTZ f NITSCHKE Are Koinp close nut tht'ir business, and they are ollcririi: their lurno stock at COST TRICES. Now is the time to buy good l-'uniitnre cheap. j All persons knowine tliemseives indebted to said firm are requested to call and settle their account. Jfye postoffiee pfyarmay, CLARKE & FALK, Proprietors. Pure Drags and JWcdicines. Toilet Articles and Perfuineiy, pitjst IJp of Imported apd Domestic Qiar5. Telephone, 333. New Vogt Block. PIONEER BAKERY. I hare re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. M. Z. DONNELL, -r, t . PESClPTIOn DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., 1 81 1 WefklyFntfr hnpaN i SJi daaa)Bm " LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY t. radically Republican, advocating 5 .ct.'ft" do5tnnes of that Party with ability and earnestness,. 5 THE WEEKLY INTER THE NEWS AND BEST It Is Alorally Clean and as a The Literature of its columns Is equal to that of the best inuxu zincs. It Is Interesting to the chil dren as well as the parents. 5 THE !4NT OCEAN a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, THBWtl nbtto? t0 the family THE NEWS OF AiilPf, ,,0RLP and ?,vs its the bt and ablest with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discusses literature and politics from the Western standi jKS w si.iiii-mii:i niE nni I v.w i , HULLHH nil IEH-1I.UU Z ?mtppaH AhRSwSLitjom8 or the Price nf Dully ,y maii l-rloe of Kundy liy umll . 1 j ' ' ' unuy uy iitHlI - BUSCH and BEER and In uottlos ri-i Qoln! Jill, Vf I 11 U KalAflpW -OF- AND PERFUMERY. THE DA LLES, OR an v Whi 111 m " w POLITICAL PAPER IH THE WEST ( jtjtBut it can always be relied on1 .for fair and honest reports of all po-l litical niovemenUtjt Jijn i OCEAN SUPPLIES u CURRENT LITERATURE Family Paper Is Without a Peer. in w i ma VST TU1K UJID, i..,,t4,00 per year i 1 SI! $a.00 per year J Tf EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or TIIK Southern Pacific Comp'y. TfHliiM tonvr iitirt nrr liio '"."rly0."1 1'nrtlnml l.KAVK. A IHVK .' OVKKUNI) KX-1 iirt'Mk, Siloin, Ivone-1 . i. m 1 riiliiulltii, OKtti'll.Hiltl o:00 I KmtinlKi'ii, Mnjnve, mi rir, amiiiiiih, mi" Sew urleiuiH mill I I'uat I If .....1.t .mil will- ktii 8..0 A. JI. tM r Via Wiimllmrii fori I'. M Dully except SumliiyK. Dully I'XIH'pt tjUII'lllJS I Mt.AllKl'l, SllvlTtcitl, .' I'Nt Held, ItrowiiH-1 vIllf.Hi.rlMKllelil nnd iNiitrtiu J I.:u0 A. AL, M,tiK ) :M 1'. M, IXDia'KXIW'.NTK I'ABSIINOr.ll. Kxiircsd trulii Dully (uxit'pt Humlu). l;ftM. . (l.v. ...l'ortliiiiil ...Ar.) 8:2n.m 7 iai p, 111, iAt. 3InMIIlllviH .I.V. f,.'il)ii,in s ;aip. in. (Ar .liiik'pfiiilctii.'i,..l.v.J -l .On, m. j Mtnlly. iDitiiy, I'xccpt siitmny. DINING OA IIS ON OtiDKN KOUTK. IT I.I.MAN FFvi:V Sl.KKI'KKS 1 AND HKCOND-C'LASS fel.KKt'lNd CAIIB MM - K" Tr"",H Wri'i't niiiiH'Ctlim at !-nli PrniiRlsco with Orel. iloulnl mill Orlciitnl mill I'iii'IIIc mnll Nti-miixlilp Hill's tur.lAl'AN mill UII1NA. KillllliE ilnti's on i ill plli'iitlim. I Unto mill tickets to l.niturn ixilnts nml Ku. 'inpo. AIm.JAI'AN, CHINA, HONOM'M' mid I A i'STKA l.IA, cmi lie olitnlncd Iriiiu . J. II. KIItKl.AND, Ticket Agent. 'I'lirniiKli Ticket Oltice, 131 Third street, where . thrniiKli tickets to nil points In the Kimtern ' Htntes, Cnimilii mid Kurope emi lie olituliied lit , liiHest rates from J. II. KIItKl.AND, Ticket ARent. 1 All iihove trains arrive at and depart Irom Grand Central .Station, 1'lltli mid Irvine streets , YAMH1I.1. DIVISION. j ras-eiiRer DcHit, foot of Jullerson street. I U'ave for ()SVi:ci(i, dally, except Hiinday, at I 7:10 a. in.: l'J:Ml,, r.:lti, h:()T p.m. (and ll::itl p. in. on hatnrday only, mid li-Ki a. m and :!:!Ui p. in. on Sundays olily). Arrive nt i'ortlnnd (lallv at fiill) and htlMI n in.; nnil 1 ;T5. M.l.'i, G.'JII ami 7 ,Vi p. in., (and 10:0ft a. in , 3 I ft. 10 p. in. on riiiinliiys only). U-iive lor Sherlilnn, week days, t 1:30 p. m Arrive at l'ortland, r.M a. m. U'ave for AIHI.1K on Monday, Wiilnesdnv mid Krltiiv nt U: 10 mm. Arrlv at rortlnnd, Tui. dav, f hnrsday mid Saturday it 3:0ft p. m. 1 'Except Hunilav. "Except Hntnrday. It. KOKIIl.EIt, Malink'er. (i, II MAUKIIAM, AssL (i, K. V Pass. A;t Drugs Paints Oils Wall Paper Window Glass w , n :Sd pes-w y Drug k i88BeJdBtri i THE DALLES, OREGON i DOORS, I WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Giass and Picture Moulding. J. S. HCIIKNK, i'ri'Nlduiit. Ciishlur First National Batik. THE DALLES - - - OREGON , A General Banking Bueineae tnuiBuciua OollectlonB made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange Bold oa New York, Ban Francisco and port- :ano. D. P. Thomphom. Jmo. B. 8chknox fcD. M. WlLLIAKB, QkO. A, LtU M. 01. DBAI.L,